#film buff tom
teaganrae15 · 6 months
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I’m film lovers
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size. :)
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doctordumblesstark · 6 months
Things I loved about season 3 of Alex Rider
Yassen as Alex's mentor and guardian
Julia Rothman as the vengeful leader of Scorpia, she plays Alex and Yassen very well, pulling the strings behind their backs.
Mrs Jones. Just wow. Her scenes were so powerful, just all around impressive
Nile and Yassen's relationship
The water bottle fight. World class.
Alex being sassy and a little brat
Alex complying when Yassen declared the training over after refusing when previously told to stop.
Albert Bridge! The way they immersed Blunt and Alex in showing what really happened was a wonderful piece of film work.
The planning of the operations Alex carries out with Yassen, just gave me so many Devilverse vibes
The department actually having Alex's back and them working together. Especially the rescue mission from the home secretary.
Alan Blunt getting character development and not just being a cartoonish bad guy as he is in the books. I actually prefer this more rounded version of Blunt
The action scenes were better choreographed, more visually impactful and really well done. The overall mix of action, dialogue, stealth, drama and humour just was well done
Malagosto. Not surprising that with how they have chosen to depict the department (in constant darkness!) Malagosto would be underground, but it really worked well with the aesthetics they have chosen and makes sense in the universe. Also the rivalry between Alex and the others... I'd be worried too if the newbie gets a single room when I have to share with the others ;)
Scorpia's threat level. They are a really well balanced opponent to the department, making them hard to take down and in charge and control for most of the season with the department having to work incredibly hard to take them down
A great balance between technology/gadgets and old school spying. Really felt realistic and good use of Kyra, Smithers and Scorpia tech without it becoming a trope like Batman's utility belt
The overall more rounded off storytelling approach and more realistic character representation
Things I thought were unrealistic or unbelievable
Jay not knowing his brother is into film, when he clearly knows Tom and Alex are not going to the beach. Tom's character is shown again and again as a film buff and we all know his desire for pursuing a film career
Also felt weird of dropping that in and then never resolving that storyline. What was Jay's purpose other than some comic relief and one piece of wisdom and for Tom to show he chooses Alex over himself?
Jack saying "if Alex can do spy shit so can we". What an utterly stupid line. That's not how it works, Alex is trained and has skills you guys don't have. There are many good reasons Alex is good at this and not many for the rest of you to think you'd be too.
Kyra saying to Tom not to say anything to the police and then answering the police officer after Jack has already essentially freed them
The whole conversation between Jones and Jack in the garage was confusing. It felt like they switched roles halfway through.
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jesncin · 1 year
Sons of Mars refs and nods pt1
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I put a lot of references into Sons of Mars and I thought it'd be fun to have a post detailing all the nods and research from the comics there are!
The title is a spin on the Martian Manhunter solo (written by John Ostrander and drawn by Tom Mandrake) collection title.
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We pulled the idea of J'onn and Ma'al going on a pilgrimage as a form of revisiting their origin story from the first issue of the "Son of Mars" collection, Pilgrimage. This line is lifted more or less from the comic (we even wanted J'onn to be talking to Clark like he does in the source material).
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Double Stuff the cat is from Action Comics #1037 Martian Manhunter: A Face In The Crowd (written by Shawn Aldridge and art by Adrianna Melo)
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This line about memories being passed down as a form of history is from In my Life (pt 1) (written by Ostrander, drawn by Eduardo Barreto). We pulled most of J'onn and Ma'al's relationship from this comic, since it goes into a lot of detail about their origin.
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The general look of Mars (from the martians to the environments) largely pull from Martian Manhunter 2019: Identity (written by Steve Orlando with art by Riley Rossmo). I really like that they clearly took their time to develop a unique visual language for Mars, especially the organic look of the buildings and the fun shapes of the spaceships. Rossmo does not get enough credit for creating such a fresh take on not only the environments but the martians as well! All the martians look unique and have different outfits, which we wanted to do as well!
Our only rule for the environment was that we didn't want any pyramids. Because ancient astronaut theory is racist garbo and I don't want it in my Martian worldbuilding!
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This page with Sha'sheen and M'yrnn is a direct homage to their page from In my Life. Idk how it happened but the parents look very t4t in our version lol
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Another homage to In my Life. I wanted to imitate the color scheme and the martian outfits here too.
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More In my Life homages! This time it's the manhunter training montage.
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Telescope romance scene is from MM 2019: Identity! The color scheme and the vibes were already great, I didn't change much haha. M'yri'ah's characterization, J'onn geeking out about other planets, and J'onn's parents' disapproval of M'yri'ah as a partner are all from Identity. I really liked how that story fleshed her out as a character.
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I also based M'yri'ah's design off of her Identity true and public forms. I went for less pixar-mom hourglass shape and more buff and built since she's a fighter in our version. We wanted her to be as much a renaissance man as J'onn is often depicted as.
M'yri'ah refers to Earth as Thu'ulc'andra and Mars is referred to as Ma'aleca'andra in our comic. This is a continuation of Ostrander referencing CS Lewis' Space Trilogy for how martians named other planets. However! In Ostrander's version he named earth Per'elandra, which is what Venus is referred to in the Space trilogy. This was later changed via community poll by Orlando for Identity.
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Kind of a homage to In my Life (pt3): Earthfall, but really I found an opportunity to continue the tradition of showcasing martian boinking that always happens in J'onn's origin story for some reason.
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Not a Martian Manhunter reference, but more a new spin on White Martians. Inspired off of the Draag from the French film, Fantastic Planet. I love colossal set pieces~
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More In my Life parallels :>
That's all I can fit into one post for now! Pt 2 coming soon :)
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3
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cinnominbubble · 8 months
The interesting thing about this case is that it seems the film itself is perhaps not the inciting factor. It’s consumption. The worker at the theatre, who has been perfectly lovely to this point, becomes agitated and insists that Tom take the popcorn. The film only begins once Tom has entirely finished his bucket of popcorn. We never learn what Voyeur is about, simply left with the husk of the person Tom once was, left to spread into his blog and infect the interwebs with yet another vague review to pique the interests of some other horror buff.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
Yeah, Tom likes to work out but he doesn't like to have to follow the strict regimen needed to be bulky. He also talked about during FFH press when he said his body looked better in HOCO even though he was bulkier in FFH because it's easier to look shredded when you are not bulky. I still remember some fans complaining that he didn't look shredded when he went to Hawaii in January 2019, saying that Tom needed to get back in the gym. Many young male actors develop body dysmorphia issues due to the need to look so muscular. Zac Efron has talked about this and how happy he was when he didn't have to eat just grilled skinless chicken breast and steamed broccoli and could eat a slice of pizza or a bowl of pasta
Yeah, Tom likes to work out but he doesn't like to have to follow the strict regimen needed to be bulky. He also talked about during FFH press when he said his body looked better in HOCO even though he was bulkier in FFH because it's easier to look shredded when you are not bulky.
Yep, I remember Tom saying that! He didn't have time to shred his body for FFH, so he didn't feel like he looked his best in that film.
I personally thought his body looked fine?? But I guess we're all harder on ourselves.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
I still remember some fans complaining that he didn't look shredded when he went to Hawaii in January 2019, saying that Tom needed to get back in the gym. Many young male actors develop body dysmorphia issues due to the need to look so muscular. Zac Efron has talked about this and how happy he was when he didn't have to eat just grilled skinless chicken breast and steamed broccoli and could eat a slice of pizza or a bowl of pasta
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Yea, I HATE when fans do stuff like that, because it's so not helpful OR kind. 😔
I don't think fans realize just how much hard WORK and dedication it takes for these actors to totally transform their bodies to look a certain way for a particular role. And usually, they're not given that much time to do it either, so they're usually only given a few months to totally change their bodies, and that can be rough! I remember Taylor Lautner saying also that he ended up having some body image issues after he had played the role of Jacob in the "Twilight" series (who's all super buff and muscular) and then him not being able to maintain that insane type of body 24/7, and fans being really hard on him for it. 😔 He ended up going through a bit of depression.
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FF to Min. 18:30..... Taylor starts talking about how men struggle with body image issues as well, and how being in the Twilight franchise led to him struggling with that and mental health issues...along with the insane expectations fans had of him and his body. 😔
I don't think fans realize how much what they say online can really hurt some actors feelings and make them feel insecure. 😭
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stanleyl · 8 months
It'd just rumors but at least something
Tbh I'm hardly believe that Fred Astaire would before spiderman 4. My guess spiderman 4 shooting starts in winter 2025 and Paul King said project on early stages, he co-write script so it's will take time,if we not get any casting news and start of pre production in next few months I not see how this will work just by timing. Looking on last Tom pics he pretty buff and should lose some for tap dancing and gait it after FA shooting for spiderman, it's seems too much in 11 months. As for me most reasonable way is sadly stay without work this year too but still take tap dance lessons still during year and keep muscular lean shape for spiderman and after mid 2025 put all forces to Fred Astaire project. He will have free gap before Secret wars.
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Thanks for taking your time to send this to me, I really appreciate that. But I don't believe Tom will spend the rest of this year without working on any other new project, and I don't mean FA or Uncharted sequel. He said he was ready to get back to work, so I'm sure his break is already over lol.
I stopped paying attention to any Marvel movie after NWH, so I'm clueless about any Secret Wars film (I know it's a team-up movie but that's all I know). As for SM4, I hope they make a movie focused on his character & on his own universe, I don't want another "No Way Home" situation.
And his Peter Parker was born in 2001, he was 16 in FFH because of the snap. They explained this at the beginning of the movie, lol.
The actress playing Madame Web in the movie is a huge miscast, let's start with that (And Venom is one of the most famous SM villains and has Tom Hardy starring in it too, so it's no surprise both movies did so well). I don't like the idea that Peter was meant to be Spider-Man before he was even born. I know FOR A FACT Tom has no cameo in this movie (thank goodness), and I hope he isn't thinking this is a good idea. Like, Tom himself said, he did something special with his trilogy, so if they're going to make something else just for the sake of making another movie then don't do it. They (absolutely) can ruin Tom's legacy as Spider-Man 😬.
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pantsaretherealheroes · 9 months
For the film asks, I'm gonna go high and low here: tell me your thoughts on A Single Man, and She's The Man!
I knew you'd come up with great ones (and love the theme here 😆)
She's The Man - I was obsessed with this movie since seeing it in cinemas in 2005 and even as an adult I feel like it mostly holds up (and honestly was such an early indicator of Channing Tatum's comedic skills which I think people forgot in favour of him being a hot buff guy until like 2012) and I think Amanda Bynes is so good in it (I kind of always have a soft spot for her because of this and hope things get easier for her)
Of course its still obviously a teen movie made in 2005 so any thoughts of gender and sexuality regarding viola-sebastian-duke are non-existent, no one thinks viola could be trans, no one thinks viola-sebastian is gay even though she is very overtly into duke. But largely i think it holds up fairly well (and vinnie Jones! David cross! My brother and I regularly quote him in this movie)
(Sorry to have so many thoughts and its just movie 1!)
A single man: another movie i was obsessed with in mid high school, right in the middle of my Matthew Goode obsession! I loved this movie so much that I found a second hand copy of the book to read, and really enjoyed that.
The costumes! The lighting! Julianne Moore! The sets! Real talk i moved house in my last year of high school to a house that was this 60s-modernist place on the river and it reminded me SO MUCH of the house in this movie. I loved this movie but Tom Ford really betrayed me with Nocturnal Animals afterwards!!!
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joker-daughter · 3 months
Missing pro shoots = stage shows that have unquestioningly been filmed for screen but not release. There are apparently several shows like this, enough for a full video from a popular theater Youtuber to discuss it.
A Jonas Bro = a Jonas bro did some stage show that was filmed but never released. I don't follow them closely but I assume that it was the one that just announced a Broadway show. Theater fans were upset about because of bad clips from past stops he's made on Broadway.
Tom's situation = the past couple of things getting some or lots of poor reviews and his status as certain segments of the internets punching bag. I just know I've seen fans grimace at the little bits of footage we've seen from R&J. Look at the reactions to Eddie Redmayne's performance from the Tonys. Maybe it's better left on stage. I scrolled past Jeremy O'Harris I think defending Tom a few weeks back. I try to ignore him. Do Tom and the company want theater fans on Tom's ass like film obsessives, and with video proof from this odd take on the play?
okay, thanks for explaining, that’s interesting.
regarding the last point, Idk if past reviews are really enough to make them abstain from filming it lol also
I just know I've seen fans grimace at the little bits of footage we've seen from R&J
what and where? bc I haven’t seen anything 😅 (let me guess? twitter? lol)
I can’t stand Jeremy but it was nice to seeing him sticking up for Tom, I guess…
you seem to have a very negative view on this play over all, which is weird since the audience’s reception has been more so positive than negative, which matches the reviews too, and if theater buffs don’t like it…well, it’s not our first rodeo 💀
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Top 10 Favorite Movies
I was tagged by one of my favorite film buffs, @somebirdortheother. And since I don't do much re-watching of films, I'm going to list mostly the ones that have really had a big and/or formative impact.
Blade Runner (1982 - USA). Ok, this is my favorite. I have been in love with the aesthetic, the music, the enduring themes since I first saw it as a kid.
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928 - France). A silent film, you say? How douchey! But really, they can be damned good and is the best one I've seen. The acting blew me away. AND! it was watchable by someone who has close-to-crippling pyrophobia, so...
The Ring (2001 - USA). Yes, the English remake because it's the first one I saw. And also the first and last film that truly scared me. Saw it on the big screen, and when she crawled out of the TV, I almost ripped the arms off my seat.
Alien (1979 - USA). As a teen, I liked the sequel better because of the action, quippy dialogue, fast pace. But the original is the best - the claustrophobia, the creeping dread... *cough* Sigourney Weaver in her underwear *cough*
Audition (1999 - Japan). My introduction to the bizarro world of Japanese horror. I saw it at the George Eastman House Theatre in Rochester, NY. Then I had to take a bus back to campus in the dark. Yikes, to say the least.
Event Horizon (1997 - USA). As demonstrated by Alien, space is fucking scary. Know what's even more scary? The human psyche. DO YOU SEEEEE?!?!
Legend (1985 - USA). Yes, Tom Cruise is now a reprehensible Scientology nutjob, but let me counter with Tim Curry in prosthetics for all the monsterfuckers, amazing costumes, soundtrack by Tangerine Dream! Bonus cameo by the hotel pillars from Blade Runner because...Ridley Scott Cinematic Universe?
The Lost Boys (1987 - USA). Just iconic. Quotable, hilarious, poignant, iconic.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975 - UK). Formative for tiny gay me.
Martyrs (2008 - France). I had never seen horror quite like this before...and likely never will. This is a HARD watch, but transcendently fucking good.
Not tagging anyone, but feel free!
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
i crashed my friends speech class & we ( it was her assignment ) proceeded to give a detailed report on why tom cruise ( & the cast of top gun ) were objectively hotter in this film franchise then mission impossible.
i think i saw one mission impossible film YEARS ago
I'm not a tom cruise fan (i don't know anyone who is lol) so I don't really watch his films (and I'm such a film... buff (i guess) that they'd piss me off) and the only reason i ever watched top gun is because my dad and i were going to the cinema to see TGM and he couldn't believe I'd never seen the first one lol
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romilly-jay · 1 month
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Knight and Day's "[Lack of] Noble Artistic Intentions" and Knives Out - not the movie kind - for Tom Cruise (Discuss)
***spoilers*** [but also, this film is from 2010, so...??]
This evening (at time of writing) we watched Knight and Day.
Yes, all the way to the end. This was because I wasn't watching on my own and so my tendency to hit pause or bail was over-ridden by S's tendency to Finish Things. Which makes it sound like we didn't enjoy it. That's not true or fair. I enjoyed it. S enjoyed it rather less.
His conclusion was that it went on for roughly 30 mins too long and since I mostly agree with him, I'd have been okay bailing early.
IMO there are at minimum two action-y sequences more than are really useful. Feels to me like we'd all have been much better off if it could have been Big Fight On A Train *or* Car Chase With Bulls - but not ??both?? Yeah, I get it - we can't have the Gal Gadot set up scene on the train because if we do, probably he could still have delivered CD home in time for her sister's wedding but not the cool little sliver about TC's character being Really Good At Holding His Breath.
Oh, and if we'd stopped early, we'd have missed the Redemption Sequence where TC is the helpless one and CD knocks him out and then rescues him. It's shot for shot deliberately close to the sequence in the middle where he drugs her and spirits her away to his island.
This is important because Drugging Women "For Their Own Good" is WRONG - the film dances a deliberate but tricky line around the question of whether TC is the Bad Guy or a Pure-cut American Hero.
That said, I do VERY much enjoy seeing CD and TC playing off each other - I agree with the observation (from the time, below) that the film is "graced by terrific chemistry from the two romantic leads".
Most of that article is dissecting the dislike of the movie expressed by many contemporary pundits, which the writer links to the TC PR problem still lingering from his sofa-bouncing exploits from 2005.
A good example of the kind of not-love this movie received is still found on the internet, as per this collaged article from August 2023:
Shocking movie-buffs everywhere, the article concludes that this flick was made not for any noble artistic purpose but to cash in on the star power of its leads.
Well, that certainly almost never happens (??). Honestly, if it's amusing, fine by me. Worked for me - if not really for anyone under the age of 30 - with The Fall Guy, for example (earlier blog refers).
What do I like about this movie?
The sparkiness between the leads. YES, definitely. The evidence that he takes good care of people - suggested in how he saves CD in the plane scene near the beginning and resolves the situation with her fireman ex-boyf near the end of the ?second act? - confirmed by how he is revealed to have looked after CD in getting her home and his parents over many years and his persistence in rescuing PD.
The airport scene near the beginning. The reveal about them 'driving' across America (in a car on a delivery lorry). The end.
But far and above all of these moments, it's the plane scene.
Said this to S just after we'd seen it and I'd laughed like a loon from start to finish, but I reeellli do think I'm the perfect, ideal target audience for this sequence. The intersection of the two entirely different movies that the two leads are in / believe they are in... <3
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philhoffman · 2 years
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This week’s Monday Philm is one of the most fun movies ever, Mission: Impossible III (2006). Action movies aren’t my favorite, JJ Abrams isn’t the most beloved director ever, the shaking/blurry camera and lens flares make it hard to see what is happening at all times—and yet, so fucking fun.
The hardest cold open in history. It’s gotta be, right? Part of what makes this movie so great is that Phil is clearly having the time of his life. It’s objectively hilarious that he went from winning the Oscar for Capote to immediately being in this big Hollywood action star blockbuster. And he didn’t do anything else like it again. It’s so fun seeing him play Tom Cruise playing himself and doing (most of) his own stunts—especially the helicopter, knowing it made him violently ill after every take 😭
Something I think about a lot in relation to PSH’s characters is that he gives them such life, his films often feel like they’re dropping in on a very real person for a short time. Like they’ve existed before the timeline of the movie and they will continue living their life after it ends (well, except for a few unlucky guys)—we’re just getting a glimpse of that life. Not sure any character embodies that better than Owen Davian. He’s just so bored. All of this Rabbit’s Foot business and spy stuff is very exciting and urgent and intense for Ethan Hunt and the IMF (not the International Monetary Fund) and everyone else. But Davian, who is kidnapped by a clone of himself in a Vatican bathroom then held out the cargo bay doors of a jet tens of thousands of feet above the ground, can’t be bothered. He blinks awake at his captors, he teases them, he gets all the information he needs from a single name. He shakes his hand out after throwing a punch because it hurts, he stumbles a bit over his own feet while threatening Julia, he drags Hunt lazily across the floor. Davian’s got other things on his mind, more important matters. These are Tom Cruise’s movies, of course, so Davian could never win, but until then this is absolutely just another Tuesday in his mind.
I’d love to see all the different ways they shot the airplane scene. We know from one of the trailers that there’s another take in which he plays it softer than the final cut—still threatening, but invested, almost giddy. It would be awesome to see any other alternate approaches.
I also love the little moments—the brute force with which he grabs a drink from the waiter’s tray, the trademark way he gently, just barely touches Maggie Q’s face when her character Zhen Lei spills the wine on his shirt (the same gesture he makes to Charlie in Scent of a Woman!), his imitation of Tom Cruise right after the mask swap when talking to Luther. 
The first time I watched MI3 was last summer with my family, and it was such an unexpectedly great treat that we all enjoyed it. I remember thinking, this is exactly the kind of movie people are talking about when they say Philip Seymour Hoffman takes a good movie and makes it phenomenal. There will always be action movies, Hollywood will always churn them out, no matter who’s in them. MI3 is a fine movie. But then he shows up and BAM, it’s a standout, it’s something people remember. This is the movie that makes it a joy to see PSH on screen, for the casual movie buff and for his diehard fans. He made things better for anyone.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
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"Is there still a desire to continue Uncharted after an impressive box office run, especially for the time in which it was released?
Oh yeah! We had a really good time with that movie. The fans really liked the movie, and people who didn’t know anything about the game really liked the movie. So we are definitely looking to make another one of those."
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Yes.... PLEASE give us an "Uncharted" sequel!! 😁🙏🏾
Buff Tom = Yes Please!
Wet T-shirt Tom = Yes Please! 🥵😁
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benjamoomin64 · 1 year
Saw a post about how society loves to deny the limitations of human beings and now I’m thinking about that time Spider-Man No Way Home used CGI to enhance the biceps of fucking Tom Holland
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Thank god we weren’t subjected to the unenhanced physique of this guy
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For those wondering this comes from Digital Domain’s VFX reel for Spider-Man No Way Home
Part of why this shot exists is because the design for Peter’s final suit (with the gold affectations) wasn’t complete by the time of shooting, so many scenes were filmed in an older version of his suit and digitally painted-over later.
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One funny side effect of this is that for every shot in the movie when he’s wearing the new suit, even scenes where he’s just sitting and talking, Tom Holland’s body has been completely digitally replaced. This also makes it easy for them to remove seams or folds from the suit (because god forbid the audience think a spandex suit be made of fabric)
The best-faith interpretation of this is that the software used to digitally model Tom Holland’s body has inadequate anatomy simulation (ie it doesn’t know how the muscles of an arm flex when it’s posed in the way it is) and given the amount of VFX shots the movie needed, fixing the anatomy would not have been seen as a priority.
Worst faith is that Disney decided Tom Holland wasn’t buff enough to play a teenager :/
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My Favorite Four Films
Nicole Daniels
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre," by Tobe Hooper, 1974:  
This film was not only made with great intention, but it was filled with subliminal messages about the political climate of the time. The imaginative way that Tobe Hooper scared us without having to show too much gore was incredible. The emotions that it evoked in me were visceral and cerebral. Throughout the film you are waiting for what is going to pop out next, but the characters were well developed and carried with them interesting and someone complex stories, which made the horror of watching them get “picked off” by this cannibalistic family even more horrifying. Chloe Ziegler of the THE 112C class shows this great promotional poster. She talks about the intention of luring in the horror lover, which I agree with and in 1974, this would have been incredibly intriguing for horror buffs, potentially off putting.
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"A Bout De Souffle/Breathless," by Jean- Luc Godard, 1960:  
This French Film about a French criminal Michel, (played by Jean-Paul Belmondo) and his love interest and American counterpart Patricia, (played by actor Jean Seaberg,) was exciting and what I would consider to be an unconventional film today. What I loved about the film was the feminine vs. Masculine dynamic and that these two characters developed. It was a gangster film, gone love story gone rogue. Although Michel was a tough guy throughout the film, the character Patricia deeply held control over him and always had an ace up her sleeve. In 1960 to show the woman as the strong character “takes the man,” In the end of the film by her deceit was innovative and pushed the feminist boundaries of the time. Michael Bump of our THE 112C class adds a Roger Ebert review. In Ebert’s review he points to the film and “its dismissal of authority, and the way its narcissistic young heroes are obsessed with themselves and oblivious to the larger society.” This rings through in the film, even when speaking of Patricia not allowing Michel to have authority over her feminine motives and autonomy.  
“Forest Gump,” Robert Zemeckis, 1994.  
I had to choose Forest Gump as one of my favorite films this quarter because it is one of my favorite films of all time. The acting is uncanny throughout, making the Forest's unrealistic historical association seem believable. Natalyn Wakeling of our THE 112C class quotes Roger Ebert in saying that “[Tom Hanks] performance is a breathtaking balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths." (Ebert) This was well stated; his performance was extraordinary and potentially one of the best performances of all time.  Rewatching the film was incredible, I loved picking up on some of the messages that I had missed every other time that I have viewed it. I love the building of the characters and the historical events that Zemeckis seamlessly intertwines with Forest Gump’s life, (played by Tom Hanks). A part of the film that hit me differently this time watching it was the relationship between Forest and his Son Forest Jr., (played by Haley Joel Osment). This interaction was more special because I have not watched the film since having my daughter. I loved that throughout the film, Jenny, (played by Robin Wright,) is the main love interest of Forest, yet always unobtainable to him. Through his son, not only will Forest keep a piece of Jenny with him always, but it made all the struggles and cringe worthy moments of Jenny leaving Forest seem to make sense. When Jenny passes, Forest is left with Forest Jr, the true love of his life. To say, it all means something, everything that we do leads us to something, even if it takes heart ache to get there.  
“Bram Stokers Dracula,” Francis Ford Coppola, 1994 
Rewatching this film was also an awesome experience. It had been a long while since I had seen it and like Forest Gump, I found so many easter eggs and messages that I had not noticed before. Coppola had a wonderful way of capturing the essence of the first Dracula film, “Nosferatu.” Although the first film was silent, the way the shadows and imagery played so much into Coppola’s version carried the same eerie essence. The acting was incredible, especially Gary Oldman's, (who played the count and Dracula.) I did not realize that it was Gary Oldman until watching it this time, he was unrecognizable in his count outfit and even as dracul he carried such a character weight that it was stunning, he became these two characters. What interested me was the idea of reincarnation and soul mate type love. I had missed this is the gore watching it previously. Although gory and brutal at times, the sacrificial scene with the succubus vampires and the infant being extremely difficult to eye. The film is still one of love, a bloodier version of Romeo and Juliette, showing that love can be more powerful than anything else and that life may have broken down Dracula though time, making him a monster, he still had the potential to love. Ronnie Bitzer (of our THE 112C film class,)  quotes a New York Times review in which the author describes Coppola as “creating his own wild dream of a movie.” I agree with this review, Bram Stoker’s Dracula certainly felt like a bewildering dream at times, a nightmare at others, but imaginative and inventive all the same.  
https://www.nytimes.com/1992/11/13/movies/review-film-coppola-s-dizzying-vision-of-dracula.html Links to an external site.
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