#filler chap
superbellsubways · 3 months
hi it’s me again i finished chapter 5 earlier . flavio was fun he even got a little character development moment ….,, most importantly though i like that his signature instrument is a stupid little kazoo and it gets added to the music when he joins your party
YEA the kazoo stuff is soooo funny 😭 i appreciate the devs for including that it rlly adds to his goofiness.. favorite forever 😁
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Say, what do you think all them saddles and boots was about?
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Into the Unknown, Part 55
Damian pressed up against the glass, staring up at the fossils with wide eyes.
“Wonder what he’ll be when he grows up,” Marinette joked quietly, adjusting the tiny box of cupcakes she had prepared for their unofficial party at the science museum. “Maybe a weatherman.”
Tim snickered, his chin coming to rest on her shoulder. He was wearing a dorky little party hat, and Marinette rolled her eyes when he purposefully twisted his head to poke her with the point.
“He’s going to be the cutest little biologist the world has ever known,” Tim said proudly.
Marinette hummed her agreement.
You know, Hanukkah isn’t actually a huge deal in Jewish culture. There has been a rise in people talking about it in recent years, as to combat Christmas being thought of as a completely secular holiday, but it’s not really meant to be a Big Thing.
Why did Tim care about it so much, then?
Tim wasn’t a particularly pious man. He did some things, and forwent others.
But Hanukkah… was the only thing his parents cared enough to come home for every year. They would get criticism for leaving Tim alone during ‘such an important time of year’, everyone was asking about what their plans were and they couldn’t risk people wondering why Tim never seemed to be involved.
Hanukkah — for him, at least — meant family. Which was why he was so grateful that Marinette was willing to celebrate the holiday despite not being ethnically or religiously Jewish in any way.
And it was also why he was currently pissed off at Jack and Janet Drake.
Not his parents, they were long dead, but instead an alternate version of them. Which, apparently, couldn’t be assed to visit this year.
Part of him wanted to use Kaalki to teleport to wherever they were and punch them both in the face.
He wanted to punch them for what they’d done to this alternate version of him. This version that was curled up on his couch, wrapped up in his boyfriend’s arms, sobbing and wondering what he’d done wrong.
He wanted to punch them for what their counterparts had done to him. He’d never really gotten the chance to tear them a new one in his reality. He’d not realized the extent of their harm when they were alive, and there was nothing but a grave to scream at by the time he’d fully processed it.
It would have been easy.
He still might do it later.
But there was something far more pressing. Tim stared at the alternate version of him.
That could have been him.
It was him, technically.
A version of him that, despite the mental nickname for him saying that he was a worse version of Tim, had done everything right. It was just that doing your best, sometimes, just isn’t enough for some people. And sometimes the best thing you can do is take that first step, confront those terrible feelings you want nothing more than to push down and smother in hopes that one day, maybe, they will love you (if only you can meet their impossible standards)… and decide to simply move on.
Not run away.
Move on.
“You’re never going to be able to get their love,” Tim said, quietly. “No matter what you do. It’s not your fault. Sometimes people just aren’t meant to be parents, and the kids have to suffer for it.”
Worse!Tim… no, Other!Tim… looked up at him with wide eyes.
“You’ve done everything you can, okay? It’s unfortunate that you ended up giving your love to people that will never really be able to return it.”
Other!Tim started crying harder. Whether that was a good sign or a bad one, Tim wasn’t sure, but he did know that this was what he had needed to hear all those years ago, and if this version of him was anything like him at all, then this information might be good for him.
“But… the thing about family is that blood, ultimately, means nothing. You can choose someone else, if that’s what you want.” He sighed. “It hurts a lot at first, trust me… it still hurts a little now, from time to time… but you can’t really heal until you take that first step.”
He shoved his hands into his pockets, trying for a smile.
“It just so happens that I know a family that might just be a perfect fit for you, if you’d like to try.”
Other!Tim was quiet for a moment, other than the sobs that were steadily petering off.
And then he nodded, a steely look in his eyes.
Tim got the feeling that Other!Tim may be doing this with spite in mind, with emotions as raw as they were… but just because someone didn’t have the best intentions in mind didn’t mean that they couldn’t accidentally stumble onto something good for them. Tim’s motivation back when he had become Robin wasn’t entirely pure, either, after all, even if he hadn’t admitted it to himself until much later — he’d wanted a family, people that would be there for him and would have his back through thick and thin — but he’d gotten better, both at understanding his role and responsibilities as Robin and at learning to truly care for the family he had suddenly found himself a part of.
He wanted to give this version of Tim the same chance.
(A similar chance that didn’t involve all the almost dying, at least.)
And… well, he could feel something coming. He could tell Marinette could feel it, too. A change in the air, a whisper that something will happen soon…
He wasn’t sure what would happen, but he did have one thing he was sure of:
He didn’t want to have any unfinished business.
For now, though, he smiled and poked the other version of him’s nose. Right where Kaalki’s glasses sat on his own face.
“Are you feeling better now? Because I want to go back to calling you Worse!Tim in my head and it feels weird to do that when you’re crying.”
“You call me what in your head?”
Listen, when you’re a kid, you think odd things. Like parties thrown in your name are actually about you, rather than excuses for your parents to bring over their friends with kids and have them distract each other for a few hours.
Why was this relevant?
Because that was exactly what Paige, Ava, and Marinette were doing with their kids (Floyd, Jasmine, and Damian respectively).
And also this:
“I’m older than you!” Floyd huffed. “So, I’m in charge!”
“No, I’m older than you,” Damian said.
Floyd turned to his mother, who paused in painting Jasmine’s nails. “Tell him I’m older!”
“You’re not, though,” Paige said, gently, patting him on the head.
Floyd blinked. “But… I’m taller, so I’m older.”
“No,” Ava said, her lips twitching. “That’s not how that works.”
“Though, seriously, Paige, what are you feeding that kid?” Marinette joked lightly, fanning Damian’s glittery green nail polish to get it to dry faster, since Floyd was insisting on them two playing with their action figures together. Damian wasn’t actually against it, he just wanted to wait for his nails to dry, which was where the original argument had come from.
“No clue,” Paige sighed. “The doctor said he might end up over seven feet.”
“… I just realized all our kids are probably going to be taller than me,” Marinette said, her eyes widening in horror. “I don't think my old, frail heart will be able to take that.”
Ava made a face at that. “Don’t say that. Jasmine, honey, you’re not going to be taller than me, will you? You’re going to stay my baby forever, right?”
“I’m going to be taller than everyone, momma,” Jasmine said.
Ava groaned.
Steph crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, so you invite your long lost twin brother to your weird psuedo-family Hanukkah gathering but not me?”
“Uh…” Tim was torn between pointing out that inviting a supposed family member to a family gathering made sense (he was trying to keep the lying to a minimum), admitting that he had mostly only done it because Worse!Tim was sad (not his story to tell), or just staying quiet and hoping for the best (likely to end in Steph being more annoyed with him). “Yeah?”
She huffed, wiping a fake tear from her eye. “Really makes a fake sister feel neglected, you know.”
“Well, if you want to go…”
“Of course I want to go, Tim!” She swatted at his arm. “I’m a college student do you really think I’m going to pass up a chance at free food?!”
“Marinette,” Steph said, pointing at two of the different pictures she had printed out. “There’s a difference between these types of cells. Don’t you see? This one has more of a round shape.”
Marinette who had finals coming up and was very much tired of staring at these things looked at Steph with dead eyes.
“Don’t play with me, Stephanie, they’re both round.”
“But this one is more round, see?”
Marinette did not.
“Man, I’m so going to fail.”
@unoriginalmess @hammalammadamdam @astrynyx @laurcad123 @927roses-and-stuff @toodaloo-kangaroo @queenz-z @imarivers8 @jeminiikrystal @adrestar @twsssmlmaa @literaryhiraeth @trippingovermyfeet @ev-cupcake @its-maemain
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mari-lair · 1 year
I will focus on other fics for a bit again, but here is a crumb of the next your clock is ticking chapter
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rintoorou · 2 months
aloha, hawaii update ? 😣🤲 (no rush!!)
omg hi babess i was busy the whole weekend so i only got to write the next chapter today 😭 but it’ll be up by tmr dww
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 705.5: The guy Hayatani-san wants to meet
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Pag 1
2: In Sohoku High School, there is a shop
3: Auntie, two anpan!
Ahh, come on, get in line
One cream bread and one goma bread!
That'd be 300yen
Ehi, that's the line
That one, please!
Dammit, it's sold out!
I've been protecting for- it's already... 20..... no, let's say it's 5 years!!
4: Hayatani Yuko, 44 years old.... but 24 in my soul!! Honestly, if there was a championshipfor “speed of accounting and accuracy of returning change”, I'm confident I could become a prefectural representative
Your change is 660yen
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Pag 2
1: That movement is precise
This fingers sense four 10yen coins
This weight is that of two 100 yen coins
2: The change is exact
3: like a thousand-armed Kannon!!
Yes, your change is 600yen
On butter bread, one loaf of bread, and two sandwich, it's 320yen
yes, then your change is 40yen!!
The thousand-armed Kannon Yuko -her driving force are the words of admiration of students: “woah, I can't even see her hands' movements”, “I got the change in my hands before I knew it”!!
5: Pfui, tand so today the competition for taking the bread during lunch break ended safely
Sold out
6: Today someone said “I see two right hands”!!
Let's write it on a note
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Pag 3
1: Uhm.... ah.... the bread....
It's already sold out!!
Ahhhhh, as expected...
3: Since she was preparing for the housewives association, I don't have my mum's lunch box....
But then during lunch break I had to hand the club documents to Pierre-sensei.... ahh, I have no luck....
5: Are you a first year?
6: This school store sells out very quickly
I'm a third year
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Pag 4
1: I've never seen you before, though.... perhaps you were ill and just recently started attending school?
For three years.... I've never been late and I have not been absent from school
2: Hvae you ever come here to buy bread!?
Many times.... I have
3: Uhm... do you know Naruko-kun?
Ohh, of course I know him! The right boy with red hair who's from Osaka!!
I've talked to himoften!! I like him
4: We often... came here.... to buy bread together
5: Huh!?
6: Auntie!! Gimme two of those melon sandiwiches!!
Ehm.... for me....
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Pag 5
1: It's been raining lately
That' true
2: We won the Inter High...!!
That's amazing!!
3: Ah.
4: ….. he did came here, I remember him a little
5: Ah!! It's like when I watch tv, and I rememberthe guy who stands out and forget the plain guy!!
6: Why don't you join a sport club and train your body?
That way, won't you stand out more?
7: ….. ah
I'm already....
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Pag 6
1: Right!! Why don't you join the same club as Naruko-kun!?
Ah... well... I'm already....
2: Do you know that the bike club is amazing? They won the Inter High twice!!
Ah... well... I'm already....
3: Naruko-kun said “Onoda-kun is amazing”
Do you know him? He said that “Onoda-lead us to victory twice”
But that Onoda-kun hasn't come to this store yet
4: Onoda-kun is amazing!! Onoda-lead us to victory twice!!
Noo, that's not true it was thank to everyone's....
5: I wonder what kind of person he is
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Pag 7
1: He already came here
He came here many times
…. well.....
In the bike club
And he's the captain, too
…... uhm.....
He wants to speak up, but there are too many things, and he can't catch up
I'm already.....
3: When you're hungry, you don't even have the voice to speak
Can't be helped!!
4: Here's500yeI'll share with you what I saved for me!!
6: Ah, uh....
Don't tell the other students
Waaa, is that really okay?
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Pag 8
1: Thank you so much!!
4: Ohhh, what a beautiful smile
Ah, I didn't catch his name
Hayatani Yuko (44), these days wants to meet “Onoda-kun”
6: Ah, now that I think about it, around two years ago there was that other cool guy who wore glasses....
7: His name.... ah, right!! Kinjou-kun!
Hayatani-san likes people with glasses
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ddelline · 4 months
halcyon (and on and on) 3/4
work: halcyon (and on and on) fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | my hero academia rating: M relationship(s): bakugō katsuki/midoriya izuku character(s): ensemble cast (tagged on ao3) tags: post-canon | characters are pro heroes | getting together | slow burn | mha manga spoilers | aged-up character(s) | canon-typical violence
summary work:
Life began as a massive explosion, a blinding light. In contrast, Katsuki’s demise begins with a flour streaked counter, wilting green onions, and a bloodied kitchen towel. or: Katsuki falls in love, wages a war, and learns how to unearth a forest from behind trees without resorting to large-scale arson.
summary chapter:
Two things happen: Katsuki relaxes his jaw—relaxes, period, actually—plus he feels his shoulders and the span of his chest drain of tension. Izuku’s palm is rough and wide, warm through Katsuki’s flak jacket. He’s not gripping, just cupping—long fingers loose but present, grounding but not restricting. Izuku’s hand. Izuku’s fingers. Oh no. Nope—absolutely the fuck not.
ch 03 | on attrition | here
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hesthermay · 5 months
things that have happened since i posted chapter 2 of the great fight:
work drama rama!!!
got subpoenaed to testify against my dad :)
had one trial prep, have a second one scheduled
working my ass off to cover my bills and feed myself
got new shoes! converse are falling apart </3
got mad at my dad bc he insinuated i’m not taking care of our old man family dog (who lives it up at my house) good enough even tho he’s IN JAIL??
added a 3rd roommate (temporarily)
completed chapter 3 entirely!!!
STARTED ON chapter 4 already!!
chap 3 sneak peak:
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reallyhardy · 2 years
out of my head, i'm begging for skin to skin,
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Abi's shift at the café is just coming to a close when Nick appears, following a blue haired customer as they open the door, sidestepping his way through before it shuts. He's told her that while he can walk through walls, he really doesn't prefer to.
She'd told him her schedule for the day, so she's not too surprised to see him. She is pleased though - it's been a few days since the wake, and in the days following he'd been withdrawn, not appearing much except in the mornings before she left her apartment and briefly in the evenings to say goodnight and wish her sweet dreams. She's kind of been missing him.
latest chapter in my furblyg ghost AU is up on ao3! this one's pretty much pure fluff.
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jwowwsboobs · 1 year
guess what. guess what
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joshbruh10x · 2 years
The last zombie au chaps are slowly coming together, readers!!!
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loupsgarou · 1 month
not me posting filler chaps in my ATLA fic to avoid writing the ending nooooo 🤫 🤫 🤫
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steel--fairy · 1 year
did NOT write more hoenn fic but i DID write a chapter and a half of johto fic lol
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shalinitalks · 2 years
How Vaseline Lip Care Can Keep Your Lips Soft and Smooth: A Comprehensive Review
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!! chapter 4 of my ride the cyclone au fic is out NOW !!
featuring tears, valentine's day, platonic u h..... i have no idea . penny & mischa are such a duo here tho. moneydolls? PASSIONDOLLS?? zero ideas.... but they are so sibling coded i can't even !!!!!!!
little crumbs of both mischalia + nischa. MISCHA HAS TWO HANDS and he has devoted all his energy to being so boyfriend-coded.
feel free to check it out <3
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asapeveryday · 5 months
The Last Time Pt3
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Reader
Warnings: Brief Smut (Fingering), miscommunication
Summary: Paige’s teammates realize you might’ve been more then just casual.
You search for a way to see Paige again, reminiscing on a past night in the process.
A/n: I added some smut to make this filler a bit bearable. Next chap is the last!! It’s gonna be good!!
The UConn women’s basketball team was currently sprawled out on the gym floor, faces sweaty, water bottles in hand and shirts lifted in hopes of making contact with the cold floor. It had been a rough practice for everyone, but especially Paige. It had been almost a month since she had ended things with you and she felt out of balance, her mind would say one thing and her body would do the other. She was never uncoordinated, but her distraction had caused the team to do one too many laps across the gym as punishment.
“Paige, do you need pussy to function?” KK says out of the blue, causing the group to give each other looks.
“My guy, what??” Paige shoots up from her position on the floor and squirts water from her Gatorade bottle onto the freshmen.
KK laughs. “Hey, that’s actually refreshing! Plus I was just wondering, I mean you ghost one girl and suddenly you forget how to play ball.”
Now Nika shoots up. “Paige?? You ghosted that girl?”
“Who, the one who never texted first?” Aaliyah chimes in.
“I didn’t ghost her guys.” Paige sighs
“Did you tell her in person? Or did you text and never get a response back.” Azzi rolls her eyes.
“I actually um, went to her dorm.” Paige reluctantly says, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Oh my word, you met up to fuck and then ended it there? That’s wild.” KK tuts, sharing a look with Aaliyah.
Nika shakes her head in disappointment. “If it weren’t for the texting thing I would’ve expected you guys to get together already.”
“Why would they, weren’t they just having like, casual sex? Aaliyah asked.
Paige was now extremely uncomfortable with the girls knowing all her business, even though it was her fault for telling them all. She just wanted to stop hearing the word ‘sex’ coming out of everyone’s mouth.
“Aye, chill. You guys wanna head out orr..” She tries to change the subject.
“It didn’t seem THAT casual.” Nika shrugged, surprised at how nobody seemed aware about what she was about to say.
“I mean, did you guys not see Paige driving the girl around half the time after practice?
The group is silent.
“Or how Paige has been sleeping over at the same person’s dorm, like we don’t all have her location? Since when does she spend the night at the same girl’s dorm? Doesn’t seem casual.”
Paige can feel herself sweating. She hadn’t gone through great lengths to hide you from her teammates, in fact it seemed that she focused more energy on hiding her feelings from herself. It felt weird to no longer look forward to seeing you, to hearing your voice and anticipating your curiosity. Paige found you so enticing, constantly wanting to know more about her, to know her deeper than she knew herself. She understood why you were so smart, you had a thirst to know a topic like the back of your hand, and it felt good that at least once every week that topic was herself.
Still, she was not expecting Nika to catch on.
“They was bound to know at some point, P.” Azzi chuckles, clapping Paige’s back.
KK gives an incredulous look. “WHAT! Azzi you knew?”
“Of course I knew. I mean Paige never really tried to hide it, but it was a little obvious.” Azzi says, high-fiving Nika.
The group is quiet for a bit, all looking at Paige who’s rubbing her forehead and avoiding eye contact.
“So Paige actually likes this girl and now they’re for sure not talking.” Ines states.
“Basically.” Paige sighs.
“You’ll get her back, or you’ll get another.” Aaliyah shrugs, finally getting up. “In the meantime, try not to bring us down on the court with your pussy problems.” She smirks.
“Shut up!” Paige tries to let out a laugh, getting up as well. The girls all head to the change rooms, chatting with each other. Azzi keeps an eye on Paige, who’s lost in her own thoughts.
“Did you use the basketball excuse on her?” She asks.
“Oh you know, the ‘I need to focus on ball right now.’ Type thing. Is that what you told her?”
“Not the first time I’ve used that one.” Paige grumbles. “But yeah, I did. You should’ve seen the look on her face Azz, she wasn’t even mad, shawty looked disappointed or sum.”
Azzi puts an arm around Paige.”Yeah, well with all that time you spend with her she prolly knows you better than that.”
She smiles. “Hopefully this’ll be the last time you have to use that excuse again.”
You’re rummaging through your room, peeking into all of your storage spaces, inside shoe boxes, looking for anything Paige might’ve left at your house during your five month hookup period.
Your friend is on FaceTime with you as you search. “I definitely wouldn’t text her now, but if you see her in person she can’t avoid it. Maybe she left something in your room that you can return to her?”
So here you are ripping your tiny room apart for any trace of Paige Bueckers. Hands and knees on the floor, feeling through your carpet, you bend your head down further to look under your bed, and there it is.
“Lemme put you on something real quick.” Paige said, taking out a pair of wired headphones from her pocket and placing a bud into your ear. You two had been laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling and talking about music. When her hand brushed against your face to put the earbud in, you almost melted.
The two of you laid together, side by side as Paige’s best R&B playlist played. Jhene Aiko, Drake, Jaquees, Bryson Tiller. Smooth voices floating in your brain, beautiful lyrics with dirty meanings and soul touching instrumentals in the background. Glancing at her phone to see a song, you noticed the title of the playlist was your name. You couldn’t help but climb on top of her and hungrily kiss her lips the moment you felt Paige’s bright blue eyes staring at you, waiting for your reaction to the playlist she made specifically for the time you two shared together.
“Didn’t think my music would make you this horny.” She chuckled in between kisses.
“There’s no way you just made me a playlist without the intentions of getting in my pants.” You smirked, lifting Paige’s shirt over her head and throwing it to the floor, leaving her in just a Nike sports bra and sweatshorts. You could’ve made out with her for hours, skin to skin. The feeling of Paige’s heart beating against your body drove you insane. You loved the way you could feel her breath speed up as you snuck your hand in her pants, and then into her boxers.
“I don’t have to make a playlist to get into your pa-oh.” Paige let out an almost pornographic moan when your fingers entered her, then immediately slapped her hand over her mouth.
Still slowly pumping into her with one hand, you use the other to remove her’s from her face. “I want to hear you for once.” You utter, suddenly embarrassed. Paige seemed to initiate almost everything sexual, and she was rarely beneath you like this. She wasn’t always very vocal, but hearing she was capable of a noise like that and watching as her face flushes at your touch excited you more then the playlist did.
You vividly remember hovering on top of her, earbuds still connected to her phone. You remember taunting her, your breath catching as her moans gradually got louder. The music probably covered the noise of her slick, because you know she was so wet for you, her eyes staring into yours with a rare, almost pouty expression, then clenching shut as she came all over your fingers. You slowly pulled your hand out of her shorts, then licked your fingers clean. Paige watched intently before switching positions with you in a flash.
It was a good night.
Staring at the earbuds tangled up underneath your bed, you could practically feel her hands on you again, like you did that night.
“I found something.” You call out to your phone, gently taking the wired earbuds and untangling them.
“She has a game in a couple days. Maybe you can give it to her then.” Your friend suggests. You feel your stomach pang at the thought of her eyes on yours. You didn’t follow her on social media, and you hadn’t seen her in person since she last came over. If you don’t do this now, you won’t end up seeing her again.
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