solarkell · 1 year
Starter for @fiirecracker ;; Thistle
Intel can come from anywhere, everywhere. Anytime.
Whispers and rumors have passed through The Spider's web recently. Rumors of something that should have been long-since-dead. Something that burns red-hot and drives off anything that sets foot beneath the canopies he calls home. Bearing a familiar faded blue and the sigil of a House extinct.
But rumors are many things, including often untrue. Whispers, without any presentable evidence.
And yet... there's evidence, here. Scratched bark where tall horns have scuffed trees, parted undergrowth where something massive has made its way across, a scrap of faded blue threads caught on a branch, creating a trail that winds into the dense trees and away from the jungle's edge.
At the end of it stands the Kell of Kells, looking up through a gap in the canopy and idly puffing orange ether-vapor from a cracked rebreather. A Ghost in a shell with spider-like legs sits in the ruff of fur worn around his neck, comfortable as can be nested there.
"I know you're there," the Kell of Kells announces in his native tongue after a beat of silence, and lowers his gaze, though he doesn't yet turn it Thistle's way. No, he stands still, and basks in the dappled sunlight that surrounds him like a thin shroud. "You carry the scent of Eliksni, but you are not one of us. Why have you come here?"
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exilegend · 1 year
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@fiirecracker​ asked
"Difficult thing, to be scrutinized so long."
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not many have ever been empathetic about his exile. he knows, better than anyone, it was born of his own actions. it was inevitable. if he hadn’t left many events would not have gone the way they should have. while he is used to making pragmatic decisions as such, it does not ease the distrust any more. he has a long way to go in repairing his image. marred both by himself and savathun.
he can’t blame anyone for it.
not really.
there’s no point in shifting blame for something he needs to leave behind.
so julia's compassion nearly blinds him.
osiris is quiet for a moment. neomuna’s lights reflect against his helmet as he stares down at the city from the towering heights of the strider’s gate.  “ yes, ” he says, a hint of reluctance in his voice,  “ but i have grown accustomed to it. if people are insistent upon misinterpreting my actions as malicious that is on their own ignorance, it is not my duty to clarify all of my actions. i have never operated under the premise i need other people’s acceptance. i am already aware of how... difficult i can be. ”
once, he had sagira to ease his rough edges, made him palatable for more sensitive people to interact with. now that she’s gone... now that she’s gone, he has never felt more on the fringes of society than now.
still, he does what he must for a city that does not want him.
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forgedwrecker · 1 year
Don’t mind her. Leah is used to working with Big Boys with Big Problems, such as being nearly twenty feet off the ground. She’s used to climbing up the leg of a table, onto the flat, and standing before these metal giants with her chest puffed out.
“We need to install a fuckin’ chairlift or something,” says the girl. Her words come out in a wheezing huff. “Tired of climbing twenty feet to tell you a joke, and forgetting the joke ‘cause I can’t breathe.”
[you know who it is <3]
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Ultra Magnus looks between the floor and Leah, calculating the distance in measurements more to scale with her small frame. The distance is greater than she assumed, though he doubts that would lessen her aggravation regarding the climb.
“ If you would like, I am more than willing to provide my aid in the future, though I understand if I have not yet earned that level of trust. ” He displays his functional servo before letting it fall back into a clenched fist at his side.
He cycles his optics once, then adds, “ I have been told that jokes ‘fly over’ me, though I am still unclear how that is possible, considering the method that sound travels. ”
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warcost · 1 year
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@fiirecracker (julia) asked:
i don't think the world is full of criminals and full of murderers. it's full of nice people. // for atticus!
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atticus gives the titan a curious look. ah. must be one of those. he gives her a very serious look as he draws upon solar light, healing warmth emanates from his hands as they hover over wounded and bloodied skin.
" please try not to talk too much. you have suffered a great deal of blood loss. though i am grateful you consider me nice people. " radiant light sinks in, boosting the already-present restorative powers the light provides the titan.
titans. always so willing to sacrifice themselves before anyone else.
" you are lucky i was here when i was here, otherwise your ghost would've needed to pull you back. "
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thvndersnow · 1 year
show me that sweet sweet height difference between the twins - 5'3"
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;; tiny trans titan twins tiny trans titan twins
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doodlemxsings · 1 year
“this is part of growing up: a little rebellion, a little adventure, that’s good. healthy even.” // Leah @ Predaking
Having a complicated relationship with, well, everything was difficult to say the least. Doubt sometimes trickled in despite his best efforts. The predacon listened to the human as she spoke, letting out a rumble of thought.
That was true. Without him stepping out of line, he wouldn't have become the person he is now. Whether or not that was a good thing was up to debate to some, but it didn’t matter what other people thought in the long run. He was himself even if people didn't like it, and that was how it was and how it forever would be.
"And I know rebellion very well," was his reply. "Something tells me that you do as well."
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midnightthvnder · 1 year
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more? // for miilak <3
;; honestly that is a toughie because miilak just enjoys sex so much in all its forms. he loves to watch his partners giving other people oral sex but i suppose if he had to choose for himself he loves giving penetrative sex more. he likes to push his partners to their absolute limits and at his size it is soooo easy for him to do that.
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nothingswarden · 1 year
crumple // leah is going to catch her grandpa
Variks has tried- oh, how he's tried, to look after himself lately. He knows well enough what others would think if he didn't at least try. But he's older, now, and no matter how much he bundles up in thick furs and numerous blankets, there are days that the cold just gets to him and makes every old joint ache. There are days where he must sit, because even leaning on the staff provides no reprieve.
That's not to speak of the times said joints have given when he goes to sit, or lean down to pick up a dropped object, or when the cold air bites too hard and the coughing fits are too much for him to breathe for a bit too long.
Luckily, until now, nobody had been around to witness such things. Variks preferred it this way. His situation was miserable enough without random Guardians fussing over his wellbeing. It was easier, to be perceived as someone resilient.
Yet, as Variks tries to straighten up from this last fit, he feels his knees start to shake. He feels the way his chest heaves as he breathes clearly again, and he feels the way he starts to sink to the floor, and he thinks please not this, as he faces the idea of spending a few hours on the cold floor.
And then there are hands grasping at him, steadying him, and Variks squeezes his eyes shut in something between relief and mortification. He doesn't look at who it is, he just takes a second to appreciate that he at least hasn't fallen.
"...Variks thanks you." Variks at last mutters, wheezing.
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legacyfirst · 1 year
❛ i’ve come to a point in my life where i need a stronger word than fuck. ❜ // I don’t know how this is going to work but take a Rohan
"If there is a word somehow stronger than fuck out there, do tell. I've come to find needing to use a new word recently myself."
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thedriftcr · 1 year
“Really starting to understand old people these days. I love letters. Love packages. Terrified of my email inbox.” // julia
❝ bein' old ain't that bad all of a sudden, huh? email's got no soul, no feeling. letters? packages? oh, you can feel all kinds of emotions from letters and packages. like a letter from an old friend who owes you money telling you they're at your favorite dive bar to come get them. or like when you suddenly get a letter from an obsessed fan who left you a cabal arm at your doorstep with a declaration of undying love. or when your grandma nags you for not visiting her more frequently! hah, i gotta go see granny soon. ❞.
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
Closed starter for @fiirecracker
There were times where Forget-Me-Not was focused on her experiments and Khalom was off to Traveler knows where. That didn’t mean Artemis took time off. She went off on her own, usually on patrols that didn’t need a full fireteam to complete. It was good for her, too. She loved Notts and Khalom dearly, but even the team-playing Titan needed time alone. And, when she was on her own, no one could get mad at her for stopping at every cool bug she saw, such as this female Platerodrilus, or trilobite beetle.
She technically still had more patrolling to do, making sure the Hive weren’t encroaching in this area again, but she was nearly done, and this little gal was fascinating! Apollo, equally enthralled, bobbed beside her. As tempted as she was to take the Platerodrilus home, Artemis knew she belonged out here. She did take several pictures on her datapad though. Her kids with the bug catching camp were going to love this!
She was so engrossed by the little beetle that she almost didn’t notice the movement on her HUD, something very fast. She did hear it, however, crashing through the trees. A chase?
Artemis was up and moving before Apollo finished de-compiling the datapad and herself. She was not a fast Titan, typically, but when she needed to she hauled ass. She tromped through the forest in the direction her HUD indicated, and soon she could hear the telltale signs of a Hive Shredder firing. If someone got hurt because she had been distracted...
She burst out of the brush with her Burning Maul in clanging to life between her hands, and sent one Acolyte flying with a solid WHACK! Not on her watch!
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lxghtbound · 1 year
he doesn’t care much for the city.
it isn’t anything in particular that sets him on edge. the people here are always kind enough, and the alcohol flows as freely as the glimmer. but if it were up to him, he’d remain in scotland, hidden away in his castle with his cats while he waits by the door for theo to return. but this time, that wasn’t an option. this time, theo had insisted he’d come, and nearly physically dragged him onto that jumpship.
so while his partner is busy with vanguard doing who-knows-what, he’s taken to burying himself in this (hunter? gay? gay hunter?) bar. a drink in one hand, a quilting book in the other— proper time for himself in this very busy city.
that is, until someone decides to approach.
koreyatsu closes the book with one hand, spine snapping shut, and turns those dark eyes onto his newfound companion. lips press into a thin, fine line.
"trying to figure out why so many hunters are insistent on keeping company with each other," says the nightstalker.  he taps his finger against the bar, motions for another drink. "aren't we the solitary class?"
Scout realises exactly what he’s in for as soon as he gets a look at this guy’s expression, it only draws him in further.
“Tch. If you believe the Titans ‘n’ Warlocks, sure.” Going off of how big his pack was, Scout’s willing to wager that the majority of Hunters enjoy a little company -- or, at least, don’t mind seeking it out to get jobs done quicker for more rewards.
Although, he feels the cold emptiness of the Void from Koreyatsu contrasting against his own cocktail of Solar and Arc. Nightstalkers sure as hell are more prone to taking the solo route in life, probably why a whole lotta people thought they didn’t even exist for a long while.
“Can’t say I’ve seen you ‘round before. You willin’ to offer up your name?”
Scout doesn’t expect him to do so. That’s okay. He normally doesn’t either, especially when he’s in places like this chatting to a guy he probably won’t see again after tonight. But it’s worth a shot!
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exilegend · 1 year
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@fiirecracker asked
❝ you have a tender heart. an admirable quality, surely. ❞ // from rohan <3
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osiris isn't so sure he'd describe himself as tender. pragmatic, certainly. heavy hearted, of course. but tender? rohan isn't the first to do so, saint has as well. still it catches him off guard. perhaps they both see something he cannot. or: they see what he does not allow others to see. he so easily sequesters his thoughts and feelings away.
" i'm uncertain i would ever call myself tender hearted, " he admits as he sets his tea aside. (he made enough for the both of them, of course.)
" you have yet to fail in surprising me with the words you offer, aarush. "
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
spending the night together // accepting!
[ outdoors ] sender and receiver construct a temporary shelter to get through the night outdoors, huddling together for warmth // let's get some andal shenanigans. choose ur packmate. fight.
“So,” the Gunslinger takes a step back, hands on his hips, “whaddya think?” The pair have decided to make camp in a ruined town, abandoned and left to the fate of time for Light knows how long at this point. As far as Cayde knows, it’s quite the distance for them to reach where they need to be, but they’re stuck on foot -- no sparrows because it’s too much noise, no ships because they’re waaaayyy too much noise, and they need to be able to track their MIA Hunter.
It’s not ideal, but sometimes you gotta make do with shifting a little rubble and plywood against old houseframes as shelter. Better than sittin’ out in the open.
Plus! And this is the real jackpot -- Andal’s here, and really? That’s all Cayde needs to be content.
If it’d been just him, he probably would’ve powered on into the night, Exo body ‘n’ all, but he can tell Andal’s starting to feel the hours of walking. “Ain’t a five star hotel room, as much as I’d love that, but at least if it rains we’ll still get a nice night of sleep.”
Once they’re both squeezed into their makeshift shelter, Cayde shuffles eeeever so slightly closer to Andal-- to keep him warm, obviously! Solar wielder ‘n’ all.
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warcost · 1 year
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@fiirecracker / for julia
it is a feeling he often has whenever he's out and about the city, like he has walked the streets a million times. or when he stares long and hard at vanguard feeds. and this is no exception. only... it feels more raw, somehow. closer to his heart.
(did he know those people? was he perhaps a guardian before? who'd lost his ghost in the red war? he feels like he'd remember something that. but then he feels like he'd remember everything before.)
riad did not mean to drop his basket of groceries, and he certainly didn't mean to gasp out loud. " i know you... "
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thvndersnow · 1 year
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❛  stay? i just ... don't want to be alone right now.  ❜ // bran @ iiksiiks
iiksiiks settles down next to bran in the nest that had been provided for her, half-turning to fix some of the blankets and rags along the edges. it has been a few weeks since the lightbearer was brought aboard, and both the captain and his crew are beginning to warm up to her. bran is not the sort of person that causes trouble – much more likely to fawn than ever attempt to bow up to anyone else. this has been both boon and bain. but regardless of any shortcomings it might have, iiksiiks was… fond. and he was always ready to show her gentleness.
“i am here, bran,” he murmurs, offering out a hand. “i won’t leave.”
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