#figaro (gambit’s cat)
timbit-robin-art · 2 months
I saw you compared Gambit to a cat once. Have you seen the pages of him and his kitties? He has a orange, white and black one I think their names are Figaro, Oliver, and Lucifer
Yesss, I have seen him with his kitties. I have been bouncing around with comics, so I’ve read the issue where Mystique gives him the kitties + their appearances in All New X-Factor. But most importantly, I’ve read all of Marvel Meow. Objectively one of the most important comic book series ever. You must read Marvel Meow or else you aren’t a real comic book fan.
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I learned that they’re named after Disney cats. I only recognize Lucifer, since he’s from one of my favorite Disney movies ever, Cinderella. When trying to find Gamboi cat appearances, I noticed some people find it weird that the pelt colors of the kitties don’t match their Disney counterparts. Someone suggested an in-universe solution of Gambit being some sort of colorblind. While I don’t think there needs to be an explanation for Gamboi’s cats to be named what they are, I find that idea very cute.
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gimpyhair · 4 months
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Figaro, Oliver and Lucifer in Infinity Paws 2024
+ low quality Gambit with cats
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Lucifer, Oliver, and Fígaro play nice 😸
Marvel Meow #16
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artcosmique · 10 days
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Here is a really important something
Gambit cat’s dad.
I love every iteration where we can see these littles precious things. And tbh I love even more the "Gambit is cat dad, Rogue is cat mom" comics. Since it’s so difficult for her to imagine having children….or well…having literally everything ‘in’ her body, (can’t imagine the pure fear if she loose control of her powers while being pregnant and I think, because of that we will likely never see Rogue being a mom) Im so happy when it’s just these two and their cats. I wish they adopt more of them bc Remy had these cuties before Rogue, and it’s seems fair to me that they go to a petshop in order to adopt another. One that Rogue can name :3
Thanks it was headcanon time + fanart Hehehe
Close ups :
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burninblood · 4 months
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some unhinged comic content for you
All-New X-Factor (2014) #5
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rosedubh · 2 months
I’m going to be so mad if gambits cats aren’t in Gail Simone’s Uncanny run
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robinhuntr · 2 months
Gambit before marrying Rogue: An enigma, pure edge and mystery. All he does is chain smoke, thieve, and break hearts. Only three people have ever been able to get through his icy cold exterior
Gambit now: a house husband with three cats who hosts a weekly poker game with his buddies and tags along on his friends adventures (only if he can be back in time to see his wife and cats). Have I mentioned that he has cats because he will take every opportunity to tell you about his babies. Their names are Oliver, Lucifer and Figaro :) they’re named after Disney characters and-
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due to rogue's mutation they could not touch each other for a REALLY long time without the possibility of gambit being put into a coma. despite not being able to touch, they fell in love anyway. they had decades of will they/wont they, off-and-on relationship drama that made us want to rip our hair out. some really high highs and some REALLY low lows over the course of their relationship but they have always made their way back to each other. they got married in 2018 after stealing their friends' wedding, and they have three cats named oliver, lucifer and figaro.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 1 month
more void gambit thoughts
Remy rustles his fingers together, giving some soft chirps to a cat that he sees at the end of the alley. A kitten really. He had spotted it when routing through the trash to find something of use, an activity he had not shaken from his time in the void. Now he has a chunk of meat in one hand and is beckoning the kitten with the other. Three names rotate through him Oliver, Lucifer, and Figaro. Belonging to cats he had loved and never had at all. He would like to have a cat, and this scruffing little fellow would fit in perfectly with the rest of the roost.
He croons as it sniffs his crooked fingers and rubs against him. He scratches her ears, singing sofly to the little thing. Her fur is all matted, but he can tell it is a beuatigful inky black. It just needs to be cleaned. And fed. The little damsel begins messily chewing on the bit of the meat, getting fragments everywhere, like powder from a beignet. That's a good name. Beignet.
“Whatcha think Beignet? Wanna come home with ol’ Remy? Blades a real grump but you'd like him.”
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timbit-robin-art · 2 months
just dropping in to say i hope ur having a good day & hope ur taking care of urself esp with how much ur giving us!! ty for blessing us with all ur goobers & beautiful art :]
Hello, thank you very much for the check-in. I also hope your day has been good, and that you’re taking care of yourself. Personally, I’ve been very busy preparing for my upcoming trip, but I’ve been getting my doodles down here and there. It makes me so happy to know that people like my goobers. It helps me try and get over my mental hurdles of finally doing a comic. Here’s a little teaser of what I want to do;
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I have been a big fan of comics as a medium the moment I learned how to read. Specifically, comic strips like Calvin and Hobbes (I think my goobers really reflect that Watterson inspires me every time I pick up a pencil… I couldn’t hide it if I tried). I would always draw comics as a kid, and in retrospect, the transition into superhero comics was practically a given. So, let’s hope I finally get something out there. No promises, though. It’s a 50/50.
I hope this idea interests you guys. I’m not sure how posting this comic will work, but I’ll figure it out. I don’t want to make this post too long, so I’ll finish it off by again hoping you’re doing well. Thank you for all your support. Have a good day. Or else.
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sleepyboy-stuff · 2 days
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cg!gambit board!! yes i know both the logan moodboards AND this one all have cats in them but. i couldnt resist theyre both just so cat coded (fun fact, remy owns three cats all of which are named after disney characters, lucifer, oliver, and figaro :3)
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diaboliquet · 2 months
MY MOST IMPORTANT HEADCANON in canon, gambit's orange cat is named lucifer, while gambit's gray cat is named oliver. that's blasphemous. why would gambit not name his ORANGE cat after oliver, THE ORANGE CAT, from oliver & company ? not to mention lucifer, named for the cat from cinderella, is actually a gray (ish) cat. this is a horrifying mistake that must be rectified. therefore, it's my headcanon that gambit's orange cat is oliver, gambit's gray cat is lucifer, and gambit's white cat is (still) figaro.
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its-gambit · 3 months
You have three cats of your own, yeah?
Yea I do. And they are cute as ever. :)
Oliver, Lucifer and Figaro are their names :).
And Gambit loves them!
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rogueslove · 17 days
What are your thoughts on Oli and Becka? Honestly I would love if they are made canon 🥺 But I think first they need to keep evolving Rogue and Gambit's relationship since they just recently canonicaly married, specially Rogue's relationship with her powers aswell, but at the end I wholeheartedly believe they would make wonderfull parents. Meanwhile, there's the bliss of them having three furry babies aka Oliver, Lucifer and Figaro, I can't help but melt at the fact that they are skkitish with strangers/guests but they INSTANTLY loved Rogue right away 🥺💖
I don't have the strongest feelings either way about Oli and Bekka. When we first meet them in X-Men: The End, they are just kids who are about as feisty as you'd expect the children of Rogue and Gambit to be. But otherwise, they kind of felt like blank slates.
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They get more personality as things progress, but I admit that I did not read all of the GeNext issues, so I can't say more on that. I have seen some great uses of the two in fan fiction, but I've seen some not great uses, too. For me, there it is a bit hard to get past the fact that in the world where Oli and Bekka exist, Rogue dies when they are fairly young. It makes the whole thing bittersweet.
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I think you're right about Rogue and Gambit not being at the point yet where they would want kids, but they may get there. I do love the three cats for stand-in children for now, as they are adorable and it shows the more nurturing side of Rogue and Gambit.
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naviculariis · 2 months
"I be the thief, chere......and there you go off stealin' my heart."
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STATS NAME Remy Etienne LeBeau NICKNAME/ALIAS Le Diable Blanc, Ragin' Cajun, Gambit AGE 23 DATE OF BIRTH June 16th GENDER & PRONOUNS Male; He/Him/Yours ORIENTATION Pansexual RACE/ETHNICITY Human/Devil Fruit User/Acadian [ white ] NATIONALITY South Blue; Crescent Moon Island PHYSICAL HEIGHT 6’2” [ 187.96 ] WEIGHT   179 lbs [ 81.19 kg ] HAIR Red-Brown; tapered sides with a longer top. EYES Black sclera; red irises. [ brown prior to his DF ]. SCARS Multiple Misc. PIERCINGS Both ears twice. TATTOOS N/A FACE CLAIM ---
BACKGROUND PARENTS - Jean-Luc LeBeau SIBLINGS N/A EXES: Anna Marie OTHERS - PETS 3 cats [ Oliver, Figaro, Lucifer ] OCCUPATION Pirate, Thief, occasional agent for the Revolutionary Army HOMETOWN Norleens, Crescent Moon Island, South Blue CURRENT RESIDENCE N/A LANGUAGES: English, Cajun French, Spanish
PERSONAL POSITIVE TRAITS - Charming, Good with kids, Talkative NEUTRAL TRAITS - Flirtatious, Thief, Restless NEGATIVE TRAITS - Morally Gray, Rogue-ish, Self-Isolating ASTROLOGY Sun in Gemini, Moon in Leo, Rising Cancer
TEMPERAMENT: Remy LeBeau has been a charmer since the day he could speak. Always having had a way with words, it was like he was born to be a thief. Though he may come off as a self-centered flirt, his true personality is often misunderstood. Remy is open to talk about absolutely anything - except for his own past, giving him a more mysterious persona. 
Confidence and impulsivity mingle within him - whether it be in the heat of a fight or in a flirtatious encounter. He isn't the sort to back down from a fight, relying on his impulses rather than sound judgment. More often than not, it's his harsh, sarcastic, and witty comments that place him in hot water. Remy is well versed in making folks comfortable- through jokes or soft assurances. He'll sooner check in on his friends before checking in on himself. He rarely shows signs of fear, portraying a confident- almost cocky- attitude.
Despite this, he does allow himself to be vulnerable when it matters most- mostly with those he trusts, of course. Even though he is a thief, Remy lives by a code of honor which is held in the utmost regard. What this code is? Well, cher, that's for Remy to know, and for you… To not. A thief can't reveal all of his tricks, after all.
Remy is deceitful when he has something that he wants, especially when it comes to matters of the Heart. He does find it difficult to get close to people on a more personal or even romantic level due to the betrayals and traumas regarding his past. Perhaps one day.
But not today.
OTHER NEURODIVERGENCES & DISORDERS - PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Isolation PHYSICAL DISABILITIES / CHRONIC ILLNESSES - Sea Water POWERS / ABILITIES - Kinetic-Kinetic Fruit: This Devil Fruit allows the user to manipulate Kinetic Energy in any shape or form. Remy can take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy, thus "charging" that item with explosive results. He prefers to charge smaller objects, such as his ever-present playing cards, as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier for him to throw. The only real limitation to this ability is the time required to charge the object. The larger it is, the more time it takes.  Dissolution: Gambit can also cause objects to pull themselves apart instead of exploding violently making them harmlessly melt down to nothing. Once having focused charging on dissolving shrapnel in a victim's stomach and at times when jump-started able to overcharge falling debris from crumbling buildings. His control over this has increased to the point he can shatter ice he was encased in without blowing up.  Disruption: Gambit can take his explosive acceleration to temporarily scramble the sensory awareness of a person, knocking them out cold. Static Interference: Creates natural static, because of the charged potential energy always in his body. Can increase the effect by holding a charged object near his head. Vibration Emission: Gambit, through kinetic acceleration instead of conversion, can emit a shockwave accompanying a bright flashbang which leaves a sizable crater in the ground He can also charge items and not have them explode, such as his bo staff. Enhanced Conditioning: Gambit's ability to tap energy also grants him increased speed, strength, reflexes and reactions, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance as a side effect, bestowing him an added edge he has used to his advantage by developing a unique acrobatic fighting style. Under normal circumstances, the physical "charge" he receives makes his abilities exceptional. This, coupled with the training he received when he was young from Jean-Luc, makes Gambit an expert fighter in both ranged and close combat.  WEAPONS - Bo Staff, Playing Cards
VERSES -UPON THE LAND, UPON THE SEA CLOSED VERSE. -NAVICULARIS. CANON VERSE. Canon compliant timeline in which Remy is a lone pirate who sails the seas in search of new treasures to take, as well as a side agent for the Revolutionary Army.
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nitewrighter · 5 months
Don't forget Gambit and Rogue's three cats they live with, lucifer, oliver and figaro
Rolling around on the floor going, "We saw Cable so it's going to get fixed, WE SAW CABLE SO IT'S GOING TO GET FIXED--GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, CABLE, FIX IT!!!"
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