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Welcome to @FifiandRomeoFamily! 💙💖🖤❤️ Our first post @leomiorioshiorao_n family in custom recycled cashmere ruffle bow pet sweaters @fifiandromeo #fifiandromeo #newpage #FifiandRomeoFamily ✨😘 Ichi, Nico, Towa, & An ❤️❤️❤️ @yanasyrkin @sayo.8 @inunoseikatsu @fifiandromeofamily @fifiandromeo @fifiandromeojapan #fifiandromeocashmere #fifiandromeovintage #fifiandromeojapan ✨ (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKFLDfQlhsP/?igshid=1bgck7s72yxf7
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Coco immortalized @fifiandromeojapan 🌈 Rainbow bridge blessings #repost 💓 @cocotiabambi . ♡ COCOちゃんが帰ってきました😭💖 枕のそばに置いて寝て、朝起きると、本当にCOCOがいるみたい😭💕 ぎゅーって抱っこすると暖かくて、胸がいっぱいになります😭💗 ♡ #お空組 #coco大好き #お空組一年生 #fifiandromeojapan #rainbowbridge #coco #fifiandromeo (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jGtISFN9O/?igshid=1lupzq3m5vepo
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#Repost @fifiandromeo ・・・ Sorry to post another sad tragedy. We lost Lupeta also...she passed away this past Saturday... Her & Twiggy LOVED all of you they ever met!! They were both Hollywood Superstars & both left us suddenly and too early within a month. Our 20 year anniversary is a very sad one. Our hearts are broken and filled with sorrow. Please stop by and say hi when in the neighborhood family and friends 💕👼👼 #fifiandromeo #obituaries #RestInPeace #Twiggy & #Lupeta 🐾🐾 OXOX Fifi & Romeo, @YanaSyrkin & @JaizenHom 🎥: @HallmarkChannel (at Fifi & Romeo)
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Sorry to post another sad tragedy. We lost Lupeta also...she passed away this past Saturday... Her & Twiggy LOVED all of you they ever met!! They were both Hollywood Superstars & both left us suddenly and too early within a month. Our 20 year anniversary is a very sad one. Our hearts are broken and filled with sorrow. Please stop by and say hi when in the neighborhood family and friends 💕👼👼 #fifiandromeo #obituaries #RestInPeace #Twiggy & #Lupeta 🐾🐾 OXOX Fifi & Romeo, @YanaSyrkin & @JaizenHom 🎥: @HallmarkChannel (at Fifi & Romeo)
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😘 @LATIMES 🙏#SAVEFIFIANDROMEO #FIFIANDROMEO #HOLLYWOOD (at Fifi & Romeo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B56GspygmeG/?igshid=h95w3h782tb4
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New Article Alert!! Check out our new article (link in Bio) on Fifi and Romeo (previous post). Images from fifiandromeo.com #petcouture #fifiandromeo #petapparel #petclothes #petaccessories #pettoys #upscale #custommade #press #hollywood #losangeles #Japan #dogs #dogsofig #fashion #dogsofinstgram #animalsofig #animalsofinstagram #loveofanimals #articles #dogs_of_instagram #animallove #BeastMojo #BeastMojoMag #petsofinsta #petsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BsuVDftnbwM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qoy6pb2qr64w
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#PalmDogUSA #2018 @fifiandromeo #PalmDog #Rewards 4 #BestDog & #BestPerformance #DogsOfIG #Dogs in #Film #TV #Media & #DogsOfInstagram #Follow & #Tag #WOOF #ToBeFeatured @palmdogusa
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😘 @LATIMES 🙏#SAVEFIFIANDROMEO #FIFIANDROMEO #HOLLYWOOD (at Fifi & Romeo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B56GtCOFSF5/?igshid=q31bek2x9hot
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✨MaY tHe FoUrTh Be WiTh You 💫 🖤 Special Order ❤️ #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeocashmere #fifiandromeojapan #fifiandromeofamily #diadelosmuertos #darthvader #yanasyrkin (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/COdgBN_lhzk/?igshid=i2wdb26pm46q
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✨ Some @cuun_official covers from our @fifiandromeojapan archives 💘 #fifiandromeojapan #cuun #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeoclothing #fifiandromeofamily (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/COb3DBQF7JE/?igshid=1hluxevwroig5
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☀️ Posing pretty 💘 Ready for the holiday weekend! ✨ Carousel by @coco_rin_yuna "ゆなちゃん🌸💕 . 今日のお昼過ぎに行ったら おめめが風と☀️に負けました😂 . はじめての桜の絨毯🌸Happy! . . . . . #菅原公園の桜 #桜#さくら #cherryblossom #dogfashion #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeofamily #fifiandromeojapan #doggoodsshopfafa #オシャレなコはみんなfafa #大切な時間 #大切な家族 #ゆなちゃん❤️ #リトルスキップファミリー" Reposted with @preview.app (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNLtEhoDJaQ/?igshid=scr379wisgzr
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🖤 Crusin’ in our cashmere cotton @fifiandromeo @swarovski polka heart hoodie 🚙 #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeofamily #fifiandromeojapan #heartandbone Photo by @menailuraeri "ホテルのカードやらジムのカードやらすぐ失くすからって買ってくれたけど……入れるの忘れるw @fifiandromeofamily @chanelofficial どんだけジム行くねんw" Reposted with @preview.app (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNGlhRLDVtl/?igshid=1k3be2paevnbk
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Having fun in Fifi & Romeo 🤗 Carousel by @chihuahua15369 "【Dog Park🐕💨】Mar.20,2021 自然がいっぱい🌳🍃 遊んでいましたー!!🐕💨 楽しかったねー🎶😊 #チワスタグラム#ドッグスタグラム#チワワ #ドッグパーク#ドッグラン#お出かけチワワ #パグの銀ちゃん#いちご走る#君津#喫茶zizi #ワンコメニューはないよ#レストランzizi #パテラ治ったよ#らんらんいちご #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeofamily #chihuahua #dogpark #dog #fifiandromeojapan Reposted with @preview.app (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDer9rjKg-/?igshid=1hbofddbyct75
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💕 2 Cute!! 💘 Carousel by @yukimoco5 ". ここあちゃんと一緒に♡ . ①②ふたりともまだ緊張してるのかなぁ😊 この距離感〜🤣 . ③ちょっと打ち解けたのか何かお話してるのかな☺️ . モコちゃん、もしかして可愛いここあちゃんに 一目惚れしちゃったぁ?😍 . #ディストリクト #キンプトン新宿東京 #ブラックたん #ガールフレンド #オシャレ #エレガント #いぬすたぐらむ #チワワとお出かけ #犬のいる暮らし #チワワ大好き #ロンチークリーム #チワワ #district #kimptonshinjukutokyo #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeojapan #fifiandromeofamily #inunoseikatsu #dogluxury #chihuahuastagram #dogstagram #dogphotography #chihuahua #pawsomechihuahuas #chihuahualover #chihuahualife #吉娃娃 #치와와" Reposted with @preview.app (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2tRXPj7B0/?igshid=erbbraxisuyt
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💕 Princess Cecilia 👑 Carousel by @creragtechi "💕Cecilia💕 みなちゃま〜👋 セシリアでしゅ〜🥰 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 #fifiandromeofamily #fifiandromeojapan #fifiandromeo #chihuahua #chihuahualove #chihuahuastagram #chihuahualife #chihuahualover #tinychihuahua #小さいチワワ #小さいチワワの女の子 #小さいチワワのお洋服 #小さなチワワ #小さなチワワの女の子 #小さなチワワのお洋服 #極小チワワ #極小チワワロングコート" Reposted with @preview.app (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMvPB5yDqi9/?igshid=1pl5o8pfqt690
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Aweee these three... 💙💖❤️🧡 Thanks for tagging us in Family Photos!!! Carousel by @hotaru5875 " ひきつづき… エル��スブースで✨ 撮影&衣装提供は @leomiorioshiorao_n ちゃん💓 お高〜いカシミアの洋服をお借りして、 まさかのタイミングで吐いたりしないか母緊張😂 初めて行かせて頂いたJewelb passionさん✨ コロナ対策でお店も貸し切り対応して下さり、 お料理も美味しく楽しい時間が過ごせました☺️ #fifiandromeo #fifiandromeocashmere #chihuahua #smoothcoatchihuahua #fifiandromeofamily #chihuahualove #chihuahualife #instadog #cutedog #follow #奇瓦瓦州 #치와와 #吉娃娃 #ชิวาวา #犬 #チワワ #ちわわ #スムースチワワ #スムチー #極小チワワ #ちわわ大好き #ちわわせ #チワワ部 #ブラタン #ブラックタン #チワワ多頭飼い #多頭飼い #ちわすたぐらむ #いぬすたぐらむ #いぬのいる暮らし fifi&romeo" Reposted with @preview.app (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLael5gj_px/?igshid=xb3y7k8qphxj
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