#fiesty four mooch
ennyxy · 6 months
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Aaaand yet one more!! Ha! As usual, for @shadeofsilentfire . And this time, I conspired with the amazing @jester-program since we both got the same idea at the same time, to do it together for a double attack of our own versions of this :D Check em out too please!!!
Lookie who hasn't forgotten about the deputy badge this time!!! I'll try not to forget it in the future either haha. Also, I used the wrong texture brush for the lines this time blahhh and it was too late to correct it I was taking too long already, so screw that, hopefully it doesn't suffer too much from it.
Anywho, onto the next one now I guess :D
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boonalina · 7 months
My UTYellow character tier list:
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(Starlo was originally on top but I realized that I only started liking him because of that one animatic that made him look hot. So it was a very shallow liking of him, especially since I didn't really care for him all that much before seeing the hot fanart of him. So I swapped his place with Martlet.) {Also, just realized that Clover wasn't on this tier list, I'd put them in Top Tier}
Link to the Tier list (hopefully it works)
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miyakkenjii · 30 days
sketch dump time!! because i’m obsessed with drawing and drawing in red pen is fun plus new fandom lets go
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celestelunisea16 · 2 months
We have already seen Luci and Star as good parents, Charlie the sister but....and the uncles? that also includes the feisty four
The Fiesty Four, I see as good uncles and auncle. However, Mooch is NOT a completely good aunt, just my thought-
Mooch is that one aunt who teaches Star and Lucifer's kid how to steal things and make themselves look innocent. Though, in some moments, there's good times where the skills Mooch teaches them that actually come in handy. (For example, that one jealous monster, Grapefruit, stole Lucifer's ring, trying to break Starlo and Lucifer up. They noticed and stole it back so their dads wouldn't notice.)
(Ok, well, maybe a little-)
Moray is the one auncle that'll spar with the kid when they're old enough and teach them how to defend themselves, but is also the caring one who tries to inspire them to go to new heights and to be strong in their own way.
Ace is the uncle that just teaches the kid the basics of some card games or the basics of fashion and looking good in public. When he sees the kid looking like they just came from a circus, he points it out, but tries to in a way that doesn't fully hurt the kid's feelings. (Unfortunately, the kid takes it to soul a lot of the times.)
Ed is the tough but gentle uncle. As Starlo's Right Hand Man, he'll defend the kid from any danger as long as he's around them. Train on the tracks? The kid is led away from the tracks. Bandit on the loose? Uncle Ed is on the way to keep the kid out of the bandits' sights! Starlo needs someone to watch over them cause he's gotta catch a bandit? He's got it with giving them a piggyback ride!
Honestly, the four as uncles, aunties, and auncles seem like every moment is a fun one! :D
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