#ace acts like the oldest out of all of them
celestelunisea16 · 2 months
We have already seen Luci and Star as good parents, Charlie the sister but....and the uncles? that also includes the feisty four
The Fiesty Four, I see as good uncles and auncle. However, Mooch is NOT a completely good aunt, just my thought-
Mooch is that one aunt who teaches Star and Lucifer's kid how to steal things and make themselves look innocent. Though, in some moments, there's good times where the skills Mooch teaches them that actually come in handy. (For example, that one jealous monster, Grapefruit, stole Lucifer's ring, trying to break Starlo and Lucifer up. They noticed and stole it back so their dads wouldn't notice.)
(Ok, well, maybe a little-)
Moray is the one auncle that'll spar with the kid when they're old enough and teach them how to defend themselves, but is also the caring one who tries to inspire them to go to new heights and to be strong in their own way.
Ace is the uncle that just teaches the kid the basics of some card games or the basics of fashion and looking good in public. When he sees the kid looking like they just came from a circus, he points it out, but tries to in a way that doesn't fully hurt the kid's feelings. (Unfortunately, the kid takes it to soul a lot of the times.)
Ed is the tough but gentle uncle. As Starlo's Right Hand Man, he'll defend the kid from any danger as long as he's around them. Train on the tracks? The kid is led away from the tracks. Bandit on the loose? Uncle Ed is on the way to keep the kid out of the bandits' sights! Starlo needs someone to watch over them cause he's gotta catch a bandit? He's got it with giving them a piggyback ride!
Honestly, the four as uncles, aunties, and auncles seem like every moment is a fun one! :D
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penkura · 4 months
OP Men as Dads Part 2
Note: I chose to do another five OP men for this one!! My brain won't shut off about these men being dads, I'm losing it omg. I hope these are good, I kind of struggled a little but just wrote whatever came to mind. Maybe I can do a part three at some point with more of them! I have a small idea for Mihawk and Franky, but that's it so far. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Sticking baby Ace for the image because I got nothing else lol.
Part One Here!
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Kid is a boy dad, I’m sorry he just is. I can’t see him with a daughter really, unless she’s the youngest and was a surprise. But anyway! He’d have three boys that were all three years apart, and all are exactly like him. You really do love your sons and husband, but how you wish at least one of your boys was calm. The four of them are always roughhousing to the point you’ve had to set rules to keep from Kid accidentally hurting them, or your children from breaking things when he isn’t involved. When you have a set of twins a few years after your third son, another two boys, you’re done and just accepting your fate as a boy mom. You and Kid love all your boys though, neither of you would change anything, especially when your youngest ends up being a momma’s boy who’s finally calm and would rather spend his time with you than anyone else. Kid isn’t jealous, he swears.
Usopp I can see with two girls! A few years between them, and they’re both the light of his life aside from you of course! Every story he tells them before bed makes them both so excited to grow up and become Pirates themselves, brave women of the sea! The oldest will want to help Usopp and Franky with inventions and fixing up the ship, while the youngest wants to be a sniper like her dad. You have no complaints about either one of those, more than grateful they both want to take after Usopp and following in his footsteps. Your girls absolutely love their dad, you get a little jealous sometimes, but getting to watch the three of them bond is your favorite thing in the world. It might make him a little emotional, especially after not having Yasopp around as he grew up.
Shanks, I’m sure a lot are wondering about, would be such a great dad, we’ve seen him with Luffy and Uta, there’s no way he’d let down his biological kids imo. I see him with a son first, one with his hair that’s even more wild, and then twin girls! They’d all be about four years apart in age, but they’d run him ragged day in and day out. He'd teach your son how to wield a sword and help him develop his Haki, while your daughters will learn more hand to hand combat, though your youngest will join the sword lessons when she’s ready. When they’re little, he lets your girls put pins and braids in his hair, while telling all three of them stories about his time on the sea. The rest of the crew adores your children, Shanks knew they’d all be great uncles to your little ones.
SHACHI WOULD SUCH A GOOD DAD OMG. You think I’m pushing Penguin propaganda, I’m here for Shachi now too. He’ll have two boys within two years of each other, yes the second is a surprise but so beyond welcomed, and then several years later a little girl that has all three of them wrapped around her finger! Your daughter would have his red hair, she’d just be the prettiest little thing, with chubby cheeks and her hair pulled back into two little ponytails. Your sons would have a mix between your hair and Shachi’s, both taking more after their dad in personality than anything. Of course, Shachi will teach all three of them to defend themselves, but especially your daughter since she’s the baby and he just wants her to be safe, even with her big brothers as her guardians.
Rosinante, Corazon, however we wish to call him, he would be the best dad out of this group, I’m sure of it. Apart from taking in Law, he’d have two of his own children, a girl first and then a boy a couple years later. Law would act as a big brother to the two, it’d be the cutest thing ever. While your daughter would be outgoing and ready to take on the world, your son would much shier and would rather hide himself behind you or Corazon, normally his dad though. Corazon would NOT let Doflamingo around them; he’d probably keep the three of you a secret, maybe even his adoption of Law too, just to keep you all safe. He’s lost family before, he doesn’t want it to happen again, even if that means picking up and moving you all where his brother can’t find you. Apart from that, Corazon would make sure all of you had everything you needed, and your son would hold onto him through everything.  Your daughter would attach more to Law, but that’s perfectly fine, he’s accepted her as his new little sister and wants to protect her, he wants to protect your son too where he can. Your daughter would also want to keep her baby brother safe, not one of you would let a thing happen to a hair on his head. Corazon finally has a family again, a family of his own, he’s not letting anything happen to any of you anytime soon.
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ventiskies · 1 year
Ace of hearts | Lyney
genre : growing up together, hurt no comfort, angst.
synopsis: sometimes the lines of being a performer and your friend blurred; it was dangerous to get caught up in an act. as he has said, anything could happen in a single minute.
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You knew Lyney like no other. 
If there was one person in Fontaine you could call your best friends, it had to be the magic twins Lyney and Lynette. Ever since you were young and heard a group of magicians of similar age as you were performing in the streets, you had never once missed a performance.
Your parents were merchants and you lived in the safe confines of the Court of Fontaine, so they had no trouble leaving you most of the time alone at home when you were a little older. That was when you started to spend more time befriending the mysterious magician duos that would perform almost every week.
The first time you attempted to befriend the two, you could see they were wary from the way Lyney would tell you they had to leave and go home early (and then finding him in a different spot of the Court, still performing), or the way Lynette completely ends a conversation with you before you even started by saying her “talking mode" is off.
Though all that never hindered you from wanting to be their friends. You had no others in Fontaine, and when your parents were out you were alone. You’d join and watch the trials, but you never understood whatever the Chief Judge was saying. Or how it worked. Your young mind found nothing intriguing except the twins and their performances - you couldn’t give up!
They begin to notice how you frequent their magic shows, how you took a genuine interest in them. It took a lot of time and appearances at their street shows (shows that you had to find yourself, since they never seem to post a notice of their performing) - but after a few months, the oldest twin, Lyney, began to warm up to you.
He called you to stay once after a performance, it was late at night, and they must have appreciated your dedication because right he they had asked if you were interested in joining them for a dinner at Hotel Debord (one that they had mentioned their father would pay for - how could you reject a free meal?) so without hesitation, you agreed.
And that's how you and Lyney became friends. 
It took you a while to warm up to Lynette, but she seemed to be nicer to you after Lyney decided to befriend you. When you were reminiscing of your younger days in the future, Lynette tells you that she had started to trust and befriend you the day her brother called you to stay. Because anyone Lyney trusts, Lynette trusts.
When they were not performing, the three of you would be hanging around the Court of Fontaine, enjoying strolls or desserts or playing together like the kids you were. You lacked a childhood of playing due to the lack of children your age, and you could tell they did too from the way they had to ask you how to play certain games that even you - with no experience - knew how to play. As though they had to mature faster than other kids.
Years went by faster than you had realized and you had gotten closer and grew up together alongside the twins, your friendship never once fading. You had shared dreams, fears and traded secrets. Though despite everything, you had never learned their origins or how their tricks worked.
Whenever they had a bigger performance at the streets with a larger audience, you would be dubbed Lyney’s second assistant, but beyond helping with his props and help misleading the audience you never really knew how their magic was performed. It was the one thing Lyney and Lyentte never told you, though they weren’t against you finding out. 
“Is this your card?” Lyney asks with a sly smile one day when the two of you were on the sandy beach by the Court, looking beyond the ocean at the setting sun. You don't remember how you ended up there, all you remember was curiously chasing after a seelie when it left the Court, and Lynette taking a rain check from joining to eat some dessert. Leaving the two of you to chase after it alone only to lose track of it once you were out.
Now you sit on the sand, looking up at sixteen year old Lyney who shows you a six of hearts with the confidence of someone who has never been wrong. You shake your head and snicker.
Lyney’s shoulders sagged, “No way, you’re lying!” he takes off his hat and places his hand on his head, pouting, “I've got no cards left, this has to be it,” he mutters, shaking his hat to show it was empty.
“Or maybe…” he places a hand on his chin and looks at you, placing his hat on your head. You laugh as it falls over your face, “you stole it!”
“How does that even work?” you rolled your eyes, lifting his hat so it doesn’t cover your eyes. Only, when you did, a card slips out and falls onto your lap. The queen of spades. Your card.
“That's how it works,” Lyney answers your question with a snap of his fingers and a smirk, as if he solved a mystery and caught you lying, “you thief, trying to ruin my magic,”
“Drop the act already,” you laugh. He definitely got you good, “okay, that was impressive. You have to tell me how that worked, I don't think I can figure that one out even if I watch it over and over again!”
Lyney places a hand over his heart, “Drop the act? What act?” he gasps, mock offended. You shake your head and sigh, causing Lyney to laugh.
“You are a good thief, you’ve stolen more than my cards,” he says, his tone sounding softer. From the years you’ve been friends, there were moments when Lyney showed he was more than just what he showed. Lyney acted like he had a brave face but sometimes, in the night when you were alone, he would show you a softer, more gentle side of him.
But this time it was different. He sounded as if he was showing you something. He was trying to tell you something, without actually telling you anything.
This was the first time you’ve properly looked at Lyney. He takes a seat beside you on the sandy ground, giving you a gentle smile and you feel your cheeks heat up. You see the way his pale hair falls over his eyes, the way his hands skillfully played with the queen of spades, the gleam in his magenta eyes. Was this feeling...?
Lyney’s hand comes up to push his hat on your head back down to cover your eyes. You yelp, and seeing you struggle makes him laugh.
“And as for the trick,” he switches the topic, as smooth as the way he does magic, “You’ll figure it out,” he winks.
You take off his hat and look into it with a frown. It was empty, you reach into it to find any secret compartment, there was none.
“Don't pout,” Lyney teased, “you’re just not looking at the right places,"
He takes his hat back from you gently, your fingers brushing. You had touched multiple times, being friends since you were practically children. But the contact lit something up inside of you, it made your stomach churn with butterflies.
Before you could ponder over what that meant, Lyney’s hand reached into his hat, “Aha,” he grinned, before taking out a rainbow rose.
“A thank you,” he smiled, handing the flower to you which you accept with an impressed smile, “for being my lovely assistant,”
“Don't you mean the audience?” you ask, ignoring the way you blushed, hoping it was almost dark enough he wouldn't see. The sun had begin to set.
“You're too special to be the audience,” he winks, “my assistant is more personal,”
When the stars come out and you part ways after he walks you home like the gentleman he is, you can’t help but stare at the rainbow rose placed by your bedside in a vase when you try to sleep. Pondering over the emotions stirring up inside of you as you think about him.
It wasn't as easy to ignore it as you thought it would have been.
When you woke up the next day you’d hope you snapped out of it. You never acknowledged your feelings because saying it would make it real. Because if you confirmed what it was you could never take it back again.
But staring at the rose, you feel heat creep onto your cheeks. You try to ignore it, to avoid thinking about it, but it only makes it worse. 
The way your fingers brushed, the way he denied you as his audience but more of his assistant, the way he looks at you gently and teases you. The way he could have been with his sister or anywhere spending his time any other way but he chose to be with you instead, watching the sunset by the beach.
Recalling the interactions you’ve had in the past, a few made you wonder if you’ve always felt like this towards him.
The three of you had once gotten into trouble with the gardes, running around and knocking a perfume vendor’s stand and breaking her bottles. It had been entirely your fault for running without looking, but Lyney had stepped between you and the garde, taking full responsibility. He had done a solo magic show for a week straight to pay off the damages just for you, and you had admired him for that.
You begin to think admiration was not the right word for it.
Recalling, you remember one day where you had been too sick to watch their performance and Lyney personally came over to your house with soup and a few props to entertain you. When he had learned you lived alone due to your parents being merchants, he began to come over more frequently after that. Often with Lynette or Freminet to keep you company. Freminet was someone new to you - but you both immediately bonded after he found out you too were interested in the ocean.
(In the future, Lynette tells you Lyney had searched for you everywhere. That he had asked almost, if not all the vendors and gardes at the Court if they knew where you lived. The information made your heart flutter - it never even hit you that Lyney never know where you lived)
Still, growing up you managed to keep your emotions all to yourself. Never giving a name to it, or acknowledging it. You and Lyney were close and there was no reason to avoid him. So you continue as you normally do. A trio. And more occasionally, a duo. Just you and Lyney.
It wasn't until a couple years later, after you grow up and out of the age where you develop crushes easily, and your feelings for Lyney were still there that you finally pay it any mind.
You have seen Lyney grow up as a person. From being a mere street magician when you were younger, to a person with a purpose. Under the stars one night, he shares a speck of his past with you. A purpose he had. He shares with you a prophecy you’ve once heard from your parents when you were younger, one you thought was merely a legend. He tells you with the conviction of someone who really believes it, and something about the way he tells you makes you believe it too.
You help him fulfill his purpose by supporting him. And in return he supports you, as he always did when you were younger.
You begin to take up a job as an editor in The Steambird as you grew, and that way you were able to help Lyney and Lynette by sneaking advertisements of their performance and discreetly spreading more information about the prophecy and where to seek help for relocation. You were a team, and the more time passed, the more the purpose became yours as well.
Your lives became busier and busier. The twins still performed, but lately they went out of the Court to do archons knows what. They’d tell you when they would leave, but returning was something of a gamble. Sometimes they don't return for days, sometimes weeks. And since you never knew where they went, it was difficult to send letters.
And just like that you were alone again. Though you were able to keep yourself busy with your job as the editor and sometimes Charlotte invited you to help her interview people or watch court proceedings, there was a hole in your heart that was hard to fill by anyone other than the two magicians. Hard to fill by anyone other than Lyney.
“Good work today!” Charlotte beams, “See you tomorrow!”
“See you,” you smile at the chirpy cryo user, clocking out for the day. It was an especially tiring one today, as it always was whenever a court proceeding takes place. Compiling and correcting Charlotte’s draft was a pain, they were written the same way she talks - all over the place, rapid and often assumptions instead of facts and truth. Sometimes you wonder if you were selling newspapers or scandal sheets.
You arrive home, the same quiet place you’ve lived for the rest of your life. You greet a photo of your parents by the door. They were a rare sight these days, but once you were older they had begun sending letters, including in them souvenirs from their trip. 
You take your mail inside to see if they sent anything else and after sifting through bills and advertisements, your eyes meet a stark red envelope, a card stamp in the corner.
You open the envelope and was greeted with a letter, written neatly on a piece of parchment. It smelled of cold snow and ink, wherever he had written it from, it was most likely not Fontaine.
To my lovely assistant,  It has been a while, were you surprised by the letter? Haha, I can already imagine your face and what you’ll say. “My, magician Lyney is truly the best at surprising me, what a great magician he is!”. Save your flattery for when we meet, I know you have a lot. I will be returning in a week’s time, and I have something i would like to share with you. Oh, you must be very curious now. Please don't let me cause you to stay up all night wondering. Let us rendezvous by the sea when I return. On the sand where you once stole something from me, at the same hour when I had caught you being a thief. I can't wait to see you again, my heart. Sincerely yours, Lyney.
You fold the letter in your hands as your heart begins to race. An ace of hearts falls from the envelope and into your lap, as if knowing you had finished the letter. You pick it up.
My heart.
There was no way you could deny it any longer.
You never had experience with having an… affection towards someone. So you told Charlotte, which was, in hindsight, probably a bad idea. Though surprisingly (and, lucky for you) she had crossed her heart and swore on all the archons that she wouldn’t tell anyone. She laughed when you called it affection, calling it a crush. The word made you cringe, not in a bad way, but in a realization that that really is what it was. There is no way to deny it now.
“Rendezvous at the sea?” she exclaimed excitedly when the two of you were having lunch out together. “and he made a reference to when you were there together in your younger years? Oh my archons this is too much!” she places a hand over her heart, definitely enjoying the romantic drama between you two.
“He just has something to tell me, maybe he wants to share his journeys,” you tell her, not letting her fuel your delusions though you’d be lying if you said it wasn't working. Charlotte was looking too much into it, you tell yourself.
“But he has never sent you a letter before, right?” she says, putting her fork down, engrossed in dissecting the letter with you, “you always had to find out they were back by bumping into them by chance, or when Lyney would stop by at the Steambird for you - oh I see the whole picture now!” 
At your worried tone, Charlotte gives you a sympathetic smile, “Sorry, I got excited,” she says sheepishly, “You can choose to ignore what I say, but it doesn’t erase the fact that he asked you to meet him at the beach by sunset. Take what you want from that, but at face value it already sounds like a date,” 
You look down at your dessert. You remember that day vividly, the day you had begun to see Lyney form your best friend to… something else. The day you began to feel these emotions, the emotions you’d only have towards Lyney.
The way your stomach churns with butterflies and how you feel electricity when your fingers brush. How you began to appreciate every moment with him as you grew and how the time he was away only made your heart long to be close again.
You couldn't deny it, you liked him. He had caught your attention when you were younger, and he still never failed to till this day.
Turning up to look back at Charlotte, you notice a street vendor selling flowers. One catches your eye immediately, a bouquet of rainbow roses.
“Ooh! Are you planning on getting him something?” Charlotte notices your gaze and follows it to see - “Flowers! What a romantic you are!”
“Don't you think its too much?” you say nervously. What if you were getting it all wrong? What was Lyney going to say to you that required you to meet at such a place?
If Lyney knew his letter was making you antsy and nervous like this, he’d never let you live it down. You could already see his smile and hear his teasing remarks, even when he wasn't there. What an effect he had on you.
“Nonsense,” Charlotte grins, “even if you’re not seeing it romantically, there’s no harm in giving him flowers as a welcome back present! Oh, you should get the rainbow rose,” 
“Rainbow rose?” you ask, wondering if she knew about the flower Lyney had given you.
Charlotte gave you a cheeky grin, “Rainbow roses are often used in performance to convey romance,” she says, swooning “If Lyney knew that, he’d take the subtle hint and might find out you reciprocate his feelings! And if not- well, they’re pretty flowers anyway,” 
“Wait, what?”
That made you freeze. You replay her words in your mind - rainbow roses are often used in performances to convey romance.
Your mind recalls back to years ago, when you were covered in sand and Lyney’s hat blinded you. When he accused you of being a thief for stealing his card. And stealing more than that. 
The card and letter comes into your mind. The ace of hearts. My heart, he addressed you.
The rainbow rose that you had kept, pressed in between pages of a book so you could preserve it forever. The rainbow rose he had given you that day. When you realized you liked him, but never cared to act on it.
“I'll get him a rainbow rose,” you tell Charlotte, and she cheers in triumph. That was the end of your talk about the magician, and for once, you feel as though you weren't scared.
You knew if Lyney were to confess to you, you'd accept it in a heartbeat. Now that you had connected the dots and was a little more confident, it was your turn to take him by surprise. To be one step ahead of him.
The following week came faster than you’d hope. Nights were spent practicing what you’d tell the magician when you meet him again. You had carefully taken care of the rainbow rose bouquet you bought for him, cutting the stems and watering it daily.
When the day comes, you leave your house when the sun begins to set, bouquet in hand. A reminder of the magician, and his past attempts to give you hints.
The sun casts a gentle glow at the magnificent structures of the Court of Fontaine. Vendors and noise starting to hush, being drowned out by the rushing water that gave a soft orange glow as your feet hit the sandy beach just outside, where you had started to develop feelings for the man who was there now.
Lyney stares beyond the ocean, looking the same as when he left. He must have sensed your presence, because he turns around the moment you arrive.
He calls your name gently. He looked as if he wanted to say something else, probably tease you, or ask if his letter really did hinder your sleep, but one sight of you made the words die on his tongue. His sly grin melted into a gentle smile.
“Lyney,” you smile when you see him. It had been a long while. Despite practicing what you’d say and do, the sight of him being there made your mind completely void. You outstretched your hands to give him the bouquet, and he takes it gently. His hands over yours when he takes it, examining the flowers with a soft smile.
“I knew you’d be impressed by my letter, but I didn’t know it was to this extent,” he finally takes them, gentle and precise hands caressing the petals of the rainbow rose. Seeing him now, you notice a lot of differences between him years ago. He was taller, his features more sharp, but there was still a gentle air around him. Lyney laughs, the sound making your heartbeat pick up, light and airy. “What's the occasion? I thought I was the one with the news,”
“I know what you’re going to tell me already,” you say, and a look of shock passes over Lyney, before he masks it. Finally, it was your turn to turn the tables and surprise the magician.
“Word travels fast then,” he grins, “so, what do you think?”
You take a deep breath and face the waters. Lyney tilts his head, as if he was suspicious of your actions, but before he speaks up, you cut him off.
“I like you, Lyney,” you say quietly. “I’ve liked you for a long time,”
His smile falls.
“Oh,” he attempts to hide his surprise, “You must’ve gotten the wrong word then,” he says, as if to soften the blow. Which does the complete opposite; wrong - that's what he used to describe your words.
When you don't speak, Lyney purses his lips, “I’m performing at the Opera Epiclese in a few days, and I had wanted you to be my assistant.” he says, voice now sounding softer. You don't know if you were looking too into it, but his flirty tone was now gone. Replaced with something foreign - something you’ve never heard him use. It was devoid of anything. When Lyney spoke, you could never mistake what he was trying to convey. His tone was always clear - that's what you needed when becoming a performer, after all. To mislead your audience.
Mislead. How foolish you were to think you were any different than an audience of his.
Now he speaks with nothing, monotone, but kind.
You feel your heart clench painfully in your chest. So what was all of that? You wanted to ask him. You wanted to take back your words. You burned with embarrassment. So what was it that I had stolen besides your cards all those years ago? Why would you call me your heart? Why did you lead me on?
But you couldn’t. Instead you bite your lip and nod. It was never Lyney’s fault. He had always acted like that even when he was performing, what a fool you were to assume you we’re different, just because you had known him for almost all your life.
He takes a deep breath, "You mean a lot to me, please-" he says, trying to reach out, but you step back. Of course, Lyney would leave after that. He was too nice, above everything, he was your best friend. And you were his best friend. Nothing else; never had been. You look up and a look of hurt flashes in his eyes. All your years being together, you had never once fought. Disagreements sure, but avoiding him like this?
You can see the pain in his eyes, and it reminded you that despite having Lynette, he too was a lonely child in Fontaine. If the tables were turned, you’d also be hurt if he reacted this way. But you couldn't control your emotions, not after everything you had believed.
Its not fair, you wanted to say, that you can look so hurt when you’ve given me hope.
But maybe there was no hope to begin with. Perhaps the things you had assumed were hints had just been Lyney’s way of talking. 
“I-I’ll be there,” you say, looking away from him to avoid the stab of guilt his pained eyes gave you, “I’m sorry,” 
You make your way back, calling a lift to head up before he could catch up with you. And if you had went to meet him at Romaritime Harbor a few days later before his performance and saw him talking to a blonde haired outlander with the same smile he had given you before, and a familiar flower on her dress, he never would have known that you turned back around.
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A Game Of Cat And Mouse
Leona Kingscholar and Che’nya x Fem!Jerry Mouse!Reader 
Note: Reader is Yuu/The magicless Ramshackle Prefect from another world
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I have a ton of WIPs that I really want to complete but to help motivate myself to finish them I decided to write this
So Jerry’s personality seems to fluctuate depending on his iteration so I’m just going to tone down his more sadistic tendencies and make him more like the early shorts where he’s more mischievous and acts when provoked instead of going out of his way to ruin Tom’s life for no reason. 
Honestly as a Tom girlie I felt so sorry for Thomas. There were times where that poor cat did not deserve what he went through - even when I was little I would root for him. Though this might just be an oldest child thing since my little sister and mum (who’s the youngest in her family) prefer Jerry.
Honestly, his first impression of you wasn’t the best. Yeah, you’re a girl and he chugs gallons of respecting women juice for every meal but come on - you’re this tiny little mousegirl from another world who can’t even do magic (not to mention that he’s heard rumours that you don’t even speak that much). You’ll get eaten alive!
Then he met you and all of that went down the drain
The meeting went as it usually does: you stepped on his tail, he angrily confronts you (whilst subtly warning you of the dangers of NRC) but then you just give him this flat, unamused look.
“Hey pussycat,” you deadpan, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms as you jut your chin up so you level him with a glare, “maybe don’t go leaving your tail lying around everywhere if you don’t want people to step on it.”
Okay, so maybe you weren’t the meek little mouse that he thought you were. Even the predators in his dorm don’t have the guts to talk back to him. Honestly, respect.
Then word gets out that you defeated an overblot and his opinion of you gets more and more favourable.
Long story short, you start dating after his overblot.
And it does cause a few turned heads.
And who can blame them? A lion going out with a mouse. That’s definitely something.
And to the untrained eye, it does sound concerning. But to those who know you (read: have been around you for more than five minutes)? Well, they’re praying for Leona’s sanity because you are nothing more than an agent of chaos.
There was this one time before you and Leona got together where a bunch of Savanaclaw predators were trying to push you, Ace, Deuce and Grim around and without even blinking you just pummelled all of them right then and there. At one point during the curb stomp battle you just pulled a mallet out of nowhere and just started thrashing everyone until they were black and blue. 
Congratulations the entire Savanaclaw dorm is terrified of you
All that training with Big Cousin Muscles really does wonders
NRC have two new rules: 1) don’t even think about going after the nagicless prefect because you will lose and even if you try to use magic she will dodge and it will be your funeral and 2) DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES hurt Ace, Deuce or Grim because that will probably be the last thing you ever do (memories of Jerry completely annihilating Tom after he hurt Nibbles are resurfacing)
One thing he admires about you is your cunning and intelligence and how you’re always a step ahead of everyone no matter what their plans are. Even when you do find yourself in trouble 
Even Rook Hunt has trouble trying to catch you. Don’t worry though, he’s far too fond of ‘petite mademoiselle souris’ to be irked by that.
He does get jealous of how close you are with Ruggie though. Since the hyena is also a greedy little thieving bugger like you, you have found a kindred spirit in him. The two of you bond over raiding the NRC kitchen and making off with as much as you can. And also taking the mickey out of Leona.
 You also get along great with Cheka. He’s noticed that you have a soft spot for children and other animals. The pro is that he gets his nephew off of his back by pawing him off to you (who he knows will make sure that no harm will come to him) the con is that you get along too well and your chaotic natures mixing will probably send him to an early grave - if your mischievous and provoking nature doesn’t already.
One thing he loves to do is tease you over your mouse-like qualities. Yeah, anyone with eyes can tell that you’re nowhere near as innocent as you look but those mouse ears, wide eyes, squeaks and cute little tail are objectively and indisputably adorable. He takes great pleasure in telling you how cute ‘his little mouse’ is, especially when you give such sweet reactions when you're flustered.
Though he does get taken aback by how bold you are. You definitely did that thing Jerry does where he holds mistletoe above his head and made kissing noises at Tom.
Your high pitched laugh makes his heart melt and he definitely uses his rich boy money to buy you all of the expensive cheese you can eat.
He loves you so much. Finally, someone he can be chaotic with - you’re a match made in hell.
His interest in you starts when he tries to sneak up on you whilst invisible but you pull one over him and just turn around, look directly into his unseeable eyes and sprAY WATER RIGHT ONTO HIS FACE-WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT SPRAY BOTTLE FROM????
At first he was pleasantly surprised before his face broke into a Cheshire Cat grin. He felt cupid’s arrow hit him square in the chest and he just looked at you with heart eyes.
By asking Trey and Cater and hiding in the rose maze, he gathered enough information to decide that you are his future wife
Turns out that your troublemaking antics have you paired with Ace and Floyd for the position of ‘bane of Riddle Rosehearts’ existence’. Mainly because everytime you break a rule you always, without fail, evade punishment by avoiding getting caught - even when you are clearly the culprit
Trey has bribed you with so many cheese based baked goods to stop you from sneaking into Heartslabyul and causing mayhem (you felt sorry for him so you promised him that you’ll only steal from the main kitchen near the cafeteria. That’s not what he meant but he’ll take it)
One day he catches you kidnapping the dorm’s pet dormouse before an unbirthday party so that you ‘can help your fellow mice by freeing them from their subjugation’. He shrugs and nods in understanding before asking you if he should let out the flamingos and hedgehogs from their pens as a distraction. 
And so a beautiful relationship was born as the two of you ran off with a tray of choux pastries and a bunch of angry card soldiers chasing you.
The two of you have a competition over who can sneak into and stay in Heartslabyul the longest without getting caught and you’re currently the winner.
He loves that you’re not scared of anyone and you’re not afraid to stand up to people that are almost quadruple your size. In fact, he’s there cheering you on whenever you fight back or plot your revenge (he does know that he has a whole other school to attend, right?). One time you showed him one of your revenge plans and he even helped you set the traps and everything. Oh the two of you working together has NRC running for the hills.
Like Leona, he does like to tease you but what do you expect? He’s a cat, you’re a mouse - that’s nature. Though he does love the fact that you’re always one step ahead of him whenever he does try to outsmart you. He loves a good puzzle and you certainly keep him on his toes.
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ryker-writes · 2 years
Hey hey hey! Can I request GN!reader who is a quadruplet (is the oldest)? They change place with their siblings to prank poeple, they look all alike but yet have very different personalities? (Reader is just chaos)
Characters: Ace, Malleus, Kalim, Floyd, Deuce and Sebek
Thank youuuuu, take care!
Heyo! I love this idea and thank you so much for the request! I also love how you chose everyone that would be the most confused by it. Also sorry if this is formatted weird Tumblr is acting strange and keeps moving the read more around
he probably thinks you're weird at first
I mean you guys are hanging out and he leaves to do something and when he comes back you're acting like a different person???
at first he thinks something happened while he was away, but you're acting like nothing happened
once you change between four different personalities he's both lost and concerned for your health
he will quickly ask you what's going on
if you give him some excuse or say you don't know what he's talking about, he's not gonna believe you
he might start investigating on his own
I'm assuming you're pretty good at this and good at avoiding his investigation
eventually he becomes the 'I don't need sleep, I need answers' meme
he may even try setting up a hidden camera to find out what happens
one way or another he's going to find out eventually
when he does find out, he loves it
a little ashamed of himself that he didn't catch on sooner also how dare you prank him
but he's going to pretend like he knew a lot sooner and was just giving you a chance to confess
Ace totally wants to actually meet all your younger siblings
when he does...he's still confused
it's going to take a bit for him to be able to tell all of you apart
one of you could walk up and start talking to him and it's gonna take him a minute to figure out who's talking to him
but he totally wants to be in on this prank and help out
you two are now conspiring together on who to prank next with this
he's going to say Riddle
he loves the chaos
poor boy is so confused
he doesn't understand why your entire personality has changed
but he doesn't say anything at first because he wants to accept all parts of you
honestly once he experiences each of your siblings' personalities, he thinks that's just you with a very wide range of personality traits
maybe your personality traits contradict each other sometimes, but that's part of your charm
he probably asks Lilia and Silver about your changing personality
Lilia probably knows but won't tell him and Silver just tells him that he doesn't know much about it
eventually Malleus will probably figure it out on his own
he's extremely observant so if anything is different between your appearance and your siblings, he will notice
that and his fae senses help him
if you and your siblings smell different he will notice and be able to tell that the real you is hiding near by
when you explain it to him he is amazed
Malleus probably has never met quadruplets and would like to know more
and he wants to meet all of your siblings and get to understand what each of them is like
he finds each of their different personalities entertaining
he's a quick learner and will be able to tell you all apart quickly
even is able to walk up to one of your siblings and knows who he's talking to before they even say a word
Malleus isn't the type to conspire on the prank with you but he finds it so entertaining when he sees it happen
he will go along with it while you're pranking someone though
probably the fastest to catch on
he has like 30-40 siblings
chances are a few of them are identical twins so he knows more about people looking alike but having different personalities
he doesn't catch on immediately tho
like Malleus, he'll think you just have a lot of different personality traits at first
but once he's seen all of your siblings and their personalities, he'll piece it together in his head and ask you if you're a twin
when you tell him he's so happy
he wants to meet all your siblings and get to know them
and he's really good at telling you and your siblings apart
like Malleus he automatically knows who he's talking to
not gonna lie he probably doesn't even think of it as a prank at first
he just thinks he was bad at telling all of you apart
you have to explain that you were pranking him
if he sees you trying to prank someone else like this, he won't understand at first and probably run up to your sibling and just shout their name
the other person is so confused
but if he knows what's happening he'll play along and maybe be laughing the entire time
at first he thinks you just have mood swings like him
and he's happy that there's someone like him
but wow your mood changes a lot more than his
he's a little confused but doesn't mind it much and probably doesn't pay much attention to your prank
when you switch places with one of your siblings he has almost no reaction
he just carries on like nothing happened
he might get tired of it eventually and ask you what's going on
when you tell him, he think's it's so fun
once you show him your siblings and tell him who they actually are he's pretty good at telling all of you apart
Floyd probably cares more about you than your siblings tho
you're the original✨
he also doesn't know how you handle all of your siblings
both him and Jade have different personalities that gets in the way sometimes but you have three younger siblings with different personalities
he will go along with it whenever he sees it happening
and he wants to try this with Jade too
you now have a partner in crime
the entire school is confused
Floyd himself is an agent of chaos so he loves whatever chaos you get up too
help him
he's so confused
he doesn't know why your personality changes but he's too scared to ask because he doesn't want to offend you
sometimes it scares him when your personality changes (especially if it's polar opposite to the personality you had before)
Deuce will try to keep track of the different personalities and what they're like
he'll get lost trying to do this and confuse himself more
there's a zero percent chance he's gonna figure it out on his own
even if he saw you and one of your siblings in the same room, he's going to think it's some sort of spell
the thought of you having identical siblings doesn't even cross his mind
whenever you switch places with one of your siblings he tries so hard to adapt to the personality change and be respectful
you'll have to sit down and thoroughly explain it to him for him to understand
he's not going to be able to tell you guys apart
like he knows the names now, but matching names to personality is a mess in his brain
at most he will get yours right but none of your siblings
Deuce probably won't play along with your prank, but he won't say anything either
the other person may be confused why your personality changed meanwhile Deuce is trying to decipher which sibling took your place
I hope your siblings can handle his yelling
he's concerned and confused why your personality changed
but he expresses this while yelling
similar to Deuce, the thought of you having identical siblings doesn't cross his mind
he thinks you've been cursed or something and is determined to help you get rid of the curse
he's asking Lilia for help and Lilia doesn't tell him anything
if you or your siblings try to say you're not cursed, he thinks that you can't see it because you're cursed
you should probably tell him before he starts casting spells or doing weird things to try and get rid of the "curse"
when you tell him there's like a solid minute of silence
quickly followed by 5 minutes of yelling
he's offended you tricked him and even more upset that he didn't see through your prank
help him he now thinks he's not a good knight for Malleus because he didn't realize it was a prank
Sebek is gonna struggle for a bit when it comes to telling you apart from your siblings but he's determined to get it eventually
super smug when he sees other people falling for your prank because he knows what's really happening
he almost wants you to try doing it to Silver to see if he could see through the prank
eventually he may even admit that he's impressed by your prank
he appreciates the level of coordination, teamwork, and planning it all takes
but he won't say this until he's gotten over the shame of falling for it
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vickblom · 7 months
💫✨️Another personal astro observation (thanks to my students): Sun, Moon, and Asc ft. Mercury Notes 📚📝
**disclaimer - these are all my observations based on 5+ years of teaching
Do you know what an astro-oreo is? Maybe astroreo?
My students and I who have sun and asc opposite moon!
It's a term we use because of a speech competition, as OREO is used for a logical structure in ESL for the country I teach in, along with the cookie (which is very useful for my students to make the O sound).
My students and I who say this term:
Student 1 - Aries sun, Libra moon, Aries asc
Student 2 - Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus asc
Student 3 - Pisces sun, Virgo moon, Pisces asc
Me (teacher/speech coach) - Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Cancer asc (relocation asc in Capricorn)
Now for the other notes:
♡ Saturn-dominant folks attract each other as they age.
♡ Most aggressively nurturing students and colleagues all have Aries sun or Cancer sun.
♡ Scorpio moon with Capricorn ascendant students are often the hardest working and most misunderstood.
♡ Prominent Cancer placements give my students much more emotional intelligence than most peers. However, many easily fall behind in academics due to caring for others. I was the same way.
♡ My students with prominent Pisces placements go through hell and back, still with a smile and shy nature. I'm constantly amazed at their resiliency.
♡ My Scorpio moon/Sagittarius moon students keep me on my feet. They have more mood swings than any water placement folks I work with.
♡ My Sagittarius dominant students aren't afraid to debate my colleagues or myself. One student is the exception. However if you give a teacher a bad report on them (i.e. a bad grade for a presentation or skipping class), the evil eye comes out. Then comes sickness on my end.
♡ My Sagittarius asc students act goofy until they get ready to graduate. Some keep it in until university/college. Then, their real colors and desires come out quicker than flowers in spring.
♡ Most of my students are terrified of every Aries sun teacher. The most misunderstood teachers are Virgo sun and Aquarius sun teachers.
♡ Students generally respect Libra sun and asc teachers but in the realm of colleagues—Student-wise, they are often the ones who can sleep through class and still ace an exam.
♡ Libra sun and asc colleagues are infuriating. They have a widespread reputation for saying something is good, which is preceeded by an extremely long roast of an individual's ability, qualifications, and motivation.
♡ The most popular youngest and oldest teachers all have Gemini stelliums.
♡ My students with Aries degree ascendants are the most argumentative. It doesn't matter what their sun or moon is, and I swear an Aries degree brings fire even to the most mellow placements.
♡ Capricorn moon students are the most sleep-deprived students who are the least likely to admit it.
♡ Capricorn and Virgo mercuries confuse me the most as colleagues and make the most sense to me as students.
♡ Aries moon and Virgo moon students have the strongest snack game.
♡ Aquarius sun students are known for being "out there" and Aquarius moon students say or ask the most random stuff in class.
♡ Cancer moons and Taurus moons are the most likely to daydream and obsess over someday leaving their hometown forever. However, they're the most likely to either stay or come back suddenly.
♡ For teachers: be very careful with folks of your preferred gender, primarily 5th, 8th, and 12th house placements. Students (even colleagues) with these placements might give you the "shark stare," aka the very uncomfortable stare.
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circeyoru · 5 months
Is the Collector capable of feeling romance? Sorry if you've already answered this or something similar😅
I know it's our choice, but i would like to know from the writer's perspective.
This is for {Collection of Overlords}, check MASTERLIST for the work
If it's something similar... I think it'll be the ask about if the Collector/you are ace or like Alastor when it comes to romance and relationships, the main answer is here and the add-on is here.
But, in my perspective, the answer to your question is yes. You're capable of feeling romance and do feel such things. Now why it was never explored in the story up until now is because you take your standing into consideration.
After Part 7, you're set up as one of the sides of the universal balance. So pretty OP (overpowered), just not a top-of-the-world type of deal since you share this same title with Trick. BUT you are the top person in Hell, so yeah.
The closest 'romance' you have of feeling is towards Alastor. Remember you healing him? Yeah, you didn't need to show yourself to him to heal him nor do you need to make your appearance known in the hotel. You being out in the open is a way of showing that you care. I mean, you even stayed and started a new project of yours. Your favouritism is 'love', but I didn't show it as obviously because the focus group this time included other Overlords.
Your love language here is Acts of Service. If it's not obvious enough. Cause you treasure your collection and their uses. You'd be in love with what they do in your name, like someone is killing for you or growing strong for your attention. Are you a narcissist? Not really. You're not that self-centered or arrogant, nor do you lack empathy and consideration for other people. You're just more selective in your care and attention. That's how you got your collection in the palm of your hands.
Yet you can't help but give more favouritism to Alastor because of his over-the-top devotion to you. But, not sure if anyone noticed, Alastor's not the only one to submit to you as quick, Zestial is the other one. (a bit of lore here) The reason why Zestial and Alastor got along was cause they have that in common. Now why you favour Alastor more? Because Zestial is not as active as Alastor when it came to his services.
While Alastor hunts down unworthy and self-proclaimed Overlords for you, Zestial collects information and assesses the situation with his wisdom. See, Zestial doesn't actually do much to be frank. He as the oldest in the Collection is good to you when it comes to teaching new souls that enter your collection, that's all. Not to mention, he holds unspoken power when you aren't present in meetings. Like in episode 2, everyone quiets down, listens, and agrees with Zestial. It's cause Zestial is seen as another you.
Why not Alastor? Because he's just seeking your attention, he doesn't care for leading the group on or helping the others, he doesn't care about others or giving them a chance to gain what would be his attention and favour from you. Alastor is well aware that the collection has such a variety of demons and personalities because you want demons with different talents and focus. Most of the other Overlords knew this too, there's a hierarchy that I won't explain here.
Oh, Alastor's not the only candidate for your 'love'. There are bits of romance towards Carmilla and Rosie, if you prefer that. Otherwise, see it as platonic~
These are my thoughts. In the end, you're the one interpreting the story and 'you'.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
kid asl + kid sanji + sabosan
ace and sabo being sweet to luffy in their own kid way and sanji seeing it and being like "oh :] ( :[ )"
but very quickly having that kindness extended to him (especially by sabo)
the brothers hunt the food and sanji cooks it
sabosan bonding over horrible noble families
This is so sweet,, My sweet boys :( I don't care if it doesn't make sense with the timeline or whatever, but Sanji ends up meeting them when they're kids. I always use this plot, but-- The Orbit gets stranded in Goa and of course, the kids find out because they're always waiting for pirates. So ASL finds Sanji and they won't stop asking questions about piracy and his life and telling him how excited they are to become pirates. Sanji is- Saying overwhelmed would be an understatement because imagine a kid like him hanging out with THEM. But he has so much fun, too, because it's been so long ever since he saw somebody his age and he's not used to hanging out with them but they welcome him with open arms. They tell him that they're brothers (Ace and Sabo fighting over who's the oldest, as usual) and explain to him the basics: Where they live, how they hunt for food, their training... And Sanji is just there, staring at them with eyes wide open, and asking how the hell they manage to live like this. Sanji has a bit of an attitude now in comparison to when he was with his family, but he's still a bit of a sweet crybaby who isn't used to the outside world and has the biggest heart in the world. The brothers find him so sweet,,, It makes Luffy kind of angry because "Why's he allowed to cry but when I do you call me a crybaby???" and Ace and Sabo always go "Because if you wanna be a pirate you gotta be strong! He's a cook. It's not the same" (cool way of saying 'we don't laugh at the pretty boy because we want to kiss the pretty boy, Luffy') and Sanji wants to prove them wrong and show that he's brave like them but doing what they do is just a big no-no. They always end by saying "Everybody has their strengths!!! We don't even know how to boil water" and Sanji feels all proud of himself whenever they compliment him like that.
Basically, they tell him to stay with them for as long as his ship is stranded there, and he accepts right away because they look fun and sweet and like friends, finally. And maybe they're the people Reiju was talking about when she said he'd find better people someday. So ASL hunts and Sanji cooks with the abilities he used to have when he was a kid, which are better now that he has a bit of experience, and the kids fall for him so quick. So damn quick. They taste Sanji's food and now you have Ace and Sabo experiencing their first ever crush ("first" for Sabo, because Ace's first crush was Makino and I will always find that so cute). Luffy is more focused on the food, though, but the three of them still fight over Sanji's attention. So-- I think this would be really funny. Sanji stays with them and is completely oblivious to Ace and Sabo falling for him, even if they're constantly trying to show off their abilities to get his attention. Sanji is a bit busy trying to get used to all of these emotions. Every day is fun and a bit dangerous and he does cry a lot, and the only one who can calm him down is Luffy because he knows how it feels to be scared. They play together and show him around. They introduce him to Dadan (who's about to have a heart attack because she can't deal with more kids) and she actually ends up loving him because!! The kid knows how to cook!! That is a win for them.
It's a bit weird for Sanji, to see them like that. Because he has never had any interaction with other siblings and they act so... Differently from his. Okay, yes, they fight a lot, but it's never serious. They always end up laughing. They're rough with each other but when it matters they're always using tender touches and language with each other. They calm Luffy down when he gets angry, know how to react if Ace is feeling stressed, and constantly say they miss Sabo when he isn't with them. Sanji doubts his brothers would've ever acted like that with him, so it hurts. He doesn't quite know if it's jealousy? Envy? Frustration? But Sanji knows it breaks his heart a little knowing he wasn't worthy of being loved like this. But they show him that he is worthy and he was never the problem to begin with. Because they start showering him with love too! Sanji doesn't want to be a bother, so he never asks for things and instead always tries to be useful. To sort of thank them for letting him have a place to stay. ASL just wants him to be a kid like them. They compliment his food, respect his personal space, let him participate in everything he wants, and they're so, so protective of him. Sanji might not train with them, but he's always there when they do, and if there are dangers near he knows they'll look after him without even having to ask. He wonders why they do that most of the time, and they always end up telling him "Because we don't want you to get hurt, dummy. We thought that was obvious?" and it breaks his heart a little.
They bond over so many different things. Luffy loves Sanji's cooking and won't stop asking him every day if he'll be his cook once he becomes a pirate (Sanji is always telling the three of them he has yet to decide), and he's always the one calming Sanji down whenever something's wrong. Luffy tells him in private that he knows feeling weak and scared sucks, but it isn't that bad when they're together, right? "Alone we aren't really strong, but together we are unstoppable! So stay with us, okay? That way you'll never have to cry again. I don't cry anymore because I'm all brave and a pirate, so it's my job to make sure you're always smiling!" and that melts his heart completely (and adds a new, painful meaning to Whole Cake Island. I wanna d word a little).
On the other hand, there's Ace... Ace is a complicated kid, obviously. He tries so hard to be cool and seem strong. At first, it makes Sanji admire him a lot, but then he finds out the kid is actually stupid and reckless and has to be looked after a lot too. Sanji loves being with him because he feels protected, but he's always worried Ace might get hurt. To be fair, it happens with Luffy too. However, there's just something about him... Like he's more mature than them. Like he has grown up too fast. And he hasn't talked about his past, so Sanji isn't sure why he's this way. Ace doesn't like Sanji seeing him this way, he figures, because he always pretends to be okay when Sanji knows he isn't. Until one day they have the "Should I have been born?" talk, and it's the first time somebody tells Ace "I think about that a lot too" instead of the usual "I don't know" or just a plain "Yes". They get each other so well. Ace wants to make a name for himself because his father has determined his whole future, and Sanji doesn't want to have anything to do with his father and just wants to be a normal person, but they both feel like they are a mistake, while the other keeps saying he's happy the other is alive.
And then there's Sabo. Now, Sabosan is the endgame ship here because I say so. I was just using Acesan as plot device because it's sweet and funny. Sabo, the one who always tries to be more mature and calm and cold-headed because the other two are even more chaotic than him (imagine how chaotic they are because Sabo is already... Something else), loses it the moment he meets Sanji. He's,,, He's so pretty. He's cute and knows how to cook and he's so so sweet and nice and has the biggest heart in the world. And Sabo has only seen pain and torture in the world. Living isn't just living, it's survival and escaping the pain he has to deal with his family every day. Sanji feels like living. Like, actually enjoying life when they're together. Sabo might be chaotic and he might fight a lot with Ace and Luffy for Sanji's attention, but at the end of the day, he is the gentle brother who takes more care of Sanji and is always looking after him. He brings him books from his house because he knows Sanji likes reading. He often even writes stuff for him because Sabo is a writer, and feels the need to show his art to Sanji. He lends him clothes and he's always the first one to offer to cook with him, even if he's awful at it. They're still kids so Sabo isn't quite sure what love feels like, but this is close enough, he thinks. Every time Sanji laughs? Smiles? When he speaks about the All Blue? It makes Sabo's heart do backflips. It makes him want to keep fighting and training. And Sanji sees the pain and responsibility Sabo feels in his eyes. He feels protected when he's around and it's always so much fun to be together. He likes how passionate Sabo is about writing and becoming a pirate, and he loves the way he takes care of Luffy too. Sanji ends up realizing he always puts a little bit more effort into Sabo's food... And he doesn't know what love is, but he's a bit shy around Sabo now that he knows he feels different about him.
Just imagine Makino coming to see them and meeting Sanji! She'd love him! The kid is so polite and smart and she just wants to kiss his cutie face and hug him tight. Her personality is kind of like his mom's, so it hurts a little to meet her, but she's just so sweet that Sanji can't help but grow attached to her. And God, just imagine Sabo and Sanji interacting in front of her. Sanji blushing and Sabo eating his food happily and always being so, so close to him. That woman knows what's going on, but if she asks Sabo she knows he's gonna go "What?! Sanji?! No! I don't like him! I mean- I do like him. But... But it's not that way..." / "Are you sure about that, darling? You know you can like, like him, right? It's okay. You can tell me" / ".... Do you think he likes me back? What do I do for him to like me back? What if he goes away and never finds out?!" / "I don't think you have to worry about that now, sweetie". But Makino is also a bit of a tease, so she goes to Sanji one day and says "Hey, Sanji? What do you think of Sabo?" / "..... He's really nice to me" / "He is, isn't he? He isn't that nice to everybody. Maybe you're special for him?" / "What?! I am not, how- How could I be? He's just... He just looks after me because I can't do it. I'm a burden" / "Don't say that, honey. He looks after you because he cares for you" / "He looks after Luffy too" / "It's different with you, I think. But well, he also looks after Luffy because that's what brothers do" / "Do they?" / "What, sweetie?" / "Nothing. Sorry. Sabo always asks to cook with me" / "Mmm. I wonder why".
Sanji doesn't make any promises because he has three different boys asking him if he wants to be their cook once they're captains, so he just says he wants to find the All Blue. That's enough for him. So now he has Ace, Sabo, and Luffy fighting over who will be the one taking Sanji to the All Blue. For now, Sanji just says he's everybody's cook. That's cool with them.
I think all of this could go hand in hand with the AU of Sanji and Sabo seeing each other first in a meeting between their families. So when Sanji ends up in the Goa Kingdom, Sabo already knows him and that's why they accept him into their little family so quickly. He thought Sanji was dead, so when they see each other again, Sanji is the happiest boy in the whole world. He's so protective of him. He won't stop saying how much he hates his family and Sanji. But they're alright now. They're okay.
But they're not. Because then, Sabo "dies". And the day after, Sanji has to leave with his crew. And then you have Ace and Luffy on their own, with a dead brother and Sanji promising they'll see each other again. But he's so heartbroken he doesn't know how he'll be able to keep going. He wants to find the All Blue for Sabo. He knows Sabo would've hated it if he had given up. Then the whole story goes on, yadda yadda Zeff yadda yadda Baratie yadda yadda Luffy and Sanji meet again yadda yadda Sanji joins the Strawhats yadda yadda they find Ace in Alabasta (and he's actually a bit jealous Luffy was the one who ended up with Sanji as his cook, but he's obviously happy for them). And maybe. Maybe something happens between Ace and Sanji. Maybe they kiss or something but I don't think they do anything else? Ace feels it is disrespectful to Sabo. He confesses he had a crush on Sanji when they were kids, and he's gorgeous now and he would love to be with him in some way, but it just feels wrong. Ace always knew Sabo and Sanji were meant to be, anyway, and Sanjii doesn't even want anything to happen, either. Yadda yadda yadda, Dressrosa. Oh, and isn't it hilarious how Sanji isn't even there. when it happens? Luffy meets Sabo. Everything follows canon. Except that Luffy has time to talk to him instead of Sabo running away quickly. And somebody mentions Sanji. Robin, maybe, and Sabo instantly goes "You did not take him with you!" but he's smiling when he says it. He wants to see him so bad. So, so bad. So he promises to visit the crew when he can. He promises he will see Sanji.
And then the end kind of follows the post I tagged about the other AU? Except that Luffy doesn't tell Sanji that Sabo is alive because he thinks he'll be happier if Sabo tells him himself when he pays a visit to them!!!
I just love childhood friends AUs,,, This is incredible. Awesome idea. I love Sabosan so much I might cry.
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Thinking About Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Post Game
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Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
A/N: Some stuff with them in the underdark, some stuff with them exploring more of Evie's family. Honestly just random ideas I've been sitting on for a while. Please let me know if any of these sound like something you'd like to see expanded on in a fic. I've got so much, I have no idea what to focus on. As always thanks to @leighsartworks216 for letting me ramble.
So basics first, Evie convinces Astarion to let the 7,000 spawn live and retreat into the underdark meaning that once the Absolute is defeated, they have a lot of work to do
I am sticking with the idea that Evie actually is Gur, but due to circumstances didn't grow up among her tribe, so not only is this her helping the spawn, but a chance for her to reconnect with that part of herself
Astarion helps the spawn adjust to their new lives while also teaching the Gur how best to help their children, understanding and empathizing with their cravings. 
Evie meanwhile gets the opportunity to learn more about her culture acting as a kind of middle man when Astarion gets a little too heated with some of the leaders
Astarion working with his "siblings" as well
It's a hard adjustment for them from competing for survival to realizing they won. Obviously old grudges and resentments remain, but working through them to be more than what Cazador made them.
Being the oldest of all the spawn, some of them start to step up as leaders in their own right, or while others decide to embrace their freedom and leave the Underdark. 
I want to say that Astarion and Evie stay for at least a year, if not a little longer; enough to get things stable, but neither of them want to stay there forever
Astarion has a lot of the world he wants to see, and he knows it's selfish to keep Evie in the dark forever
Evie too, having now learned more about the Gur, realizes that she might still have family out there and wants to find them
Astarion brings up on occasion about how he doubts they'd be keen on her walking into their camp with a vampire, but that's a bridge they'll cross when they get there
They spend the in between time adventuring
Neither of them really considered themselves heroes before The Absolute, but they find they're actually rather good at it
Evie's more altruistic tendencies have rubbed off on Astarion a bit, but not enough for him to shy away about asking for that promised reward
Astarion also takes this time to experiment with hobbies
He genuinely enjoys embroidery and sewing. It relaxes him and gives him something tangible he created by the end of it.
Evie would try to teach him how to play an instrument and while he’s not completely tone deaf, he insists he’s a better audience member
Astarion in turn starts to teach Evie how to properly read. Although that doesn’t stop him from reading out loud to them when they ask.
He admittedly isn't the most patient of teach at times, but they're both learning
Eventually though, they do find Evie's family
The find themselves battling a vampire lord and get way in over their head resulting in Evie being hit bad
Astarion is able to escape with her, but it’s obvious she needs help fast so he stops for help with the first group he finds, a tribe of Gur who currently have their caravan based on the other side of a river which keeps monsters like him from crossing. 
Still he knows there is nobody else and so yells across the river for help
The Gur come out and tell him to cross, he says that he can’t and that alerts the Gur as to what he is
Astarion realizes he's in trouble, but the love of his life bleeding in his arms takes precedent
He lays her down, holding his hands up and begging them to help her. The Gur recognize her as one of their own, but don’t trust Astarion. So as they start to cross one of them shoots him nearly in the heart sending him down as the other rush to grab Evie.
One of the younger ones looks like he’s going to finish it when another speaks up saying they remember speaking with another caravan about a pale elf spawn traveling with one of their own. Best hold off until they get some answers. 
So they get Evie to their healers and tie Astarion up with silver chains in one of the caravans and out of the sun. Astarion is cooperative enough, save for his tongue which the Gur can do nothing about except tell him to shut up.
Most of his comments boil down to asking about Evie and calling them some variety of the word idiot. 
All of this to say I now have an image in my head of Astarion being tied to a post when Evie comes in. Whatever anger or annoyance he had at the current situation slides off his face when he sees her, breathing out her name in sheer relief. 
Evie then quickly closes the distance ignoring any warning from the guards and checking him for injuries. He’s still hurt from the arrow to the chest and obviously the silver which he’ll worry about in a second as he uses his limited movement to kiss her. 
She starts to untie him which the guards protest against, but Astarion dryly counters “And where will I go this time of day?” Evie then starts to heal him and that’s when the leaders show up and some answers can be given.
Not the best first impression to say the very least, but answers are given and the leaders quickly realize her mother and father were originally from their tribe
I got into it a bit more here, but basically her father was turned away and her mother followed leading Evie to be raised away from her people
She holds her breath expecting them to turn her away, but is shocked when they embrace her too; they won't hold her responsible for what her father did
And while many of them are wary of Astarion, the Gur in Baldur's Gate have let it know that he is their ally
As soon as Evie realizes that not only did she have a family out there, but they would have accepted her back completely shatters her sense of self
All those what ifs start flooding her brain. Resentment towards her father rears it’s ugly head until all she can do is scream at everything she might have had. She could have been happy and safe and loved, and instead…this. 
It makes her want to hold on tighter, diving head first to learn everything she can to the point where maybe Astarion gets a little nervous. Yes, he has his prejudices against the Gur and he’s been working on it, but they also don’t know these people and he doesn’t want to see Evie get hurt. 
Astarion actually starts to back away for a bit. He knows this is important to her and she needs time to figure it out. So having him around, somebody who this new family is rightfully suspicious of might not be the best. He wants to stay with her. He wants to be her family, but it’s selfish of him to assume he can be her only family. From what he’s been able to glean her mother made that same mistake. Perhaps he should go back to the underdark for a time.
Evie feels him pulling away and confronting him about it. 
I imagine Astarion would clam up at first; denying it before eventually blurting out everything he’s been feeling in some not so polite terms. He’s a monster in their eyes not matter how much Evie tries to claim otherwise. Some might see him as a novelty, but they can’t ever trust him. He doesn’t blame them. Smart really. 
Evie then suggests they both leave. And he’s tempted.
He wants to just go, just the two of them on the road going wherever they like whenever they’d like. She’s the only family he really wants, but he stops himself. Hell he’s angry at himself for stopping. He’s about to make the biggest mistake of his life. In what world would she ever come back to him?
But he says no. He tells her she needs to stay. He knows she’s not ready to go. (She may never be ready to go, but that’s a fear he keeps to himself.) He loves her. He loves her in ways he didn’t think he could love another person, but he can’t stay. He’ll be waiting for her when she’s ready.
Evie meanwhile is mentally scrambling. She wants to stay. She still has so many questions. This is the first time she’s felt like she’s belonged in so long. But she can’t lose Astarion. She just can’t. The idea of him leaving only makes her think of every back turned her way, of being a burden, too much, not enough, never enough. But Astarion loves her. She knows he does. So, she has to trust that he means it.
It's their first real test, being away from each other
Evie takes the opportunity to explore aspects of herself she kept buried for a long time
Astarion meanwhile doesn't go straight back to the Underdark
He takes the time to go to Waterdeep to see Gale. He visits Shadowheart and Wyll and Karlach and is surprised every time that they’re happy to see him. He still misses Evie. Gods he misses her every day, but he comes to recognize that there are other people in his life. He’s not alone in the world without her.
Evie would reach out to him first, sending a letter that admittedly takes some time to find him as he’s bounced around the sword coast
Eventually Astarion does gets it and writes back in a heart beat to see her again. Or maybe even gets somebody to cast sending so he can contact her faster.
He only thinks after that maybe he was a little too eager. This is just a chance to see each other again. For all her knows she’s going to tell him she’s going to stay with her people. But he couldn’t seem to help it.
There’s a difference between missing somebody you know you’ll never see again and missing someone you might. Just that little bit of hope makes it so much more painful. He’s not used to it.
So they meet. Maybe in Waterdeep or just some place else between where they are.
Astarion deliberately forced himself to wait at least an hour after sunset. Yes, he could go earlier, but, again, he doesn’t want to appear too eager. He still has his pride, but any bravado disappears as soon as he sees her.
She’s already sitting at a table, an empty plate and drink in her hand. Clearly she had been waiting for some time. And Gods she’s even more beautiful than he remembered.
She’s dressed a little differently, more clearly Gur from the fabric to the way her hair is done, allowing herself to stand out in a way she didn’t before.
She then meets his eye and he all but sighs in relief; she missed him too.
Maybe there was a time they both would have played this a little closer to the chest. They would have politely sat down and danced around the question of who wanted to stay and who wanted to go, reflectively waiting for each to deliver the killing blow. There’s no such hesitation now.
Evie is up and across the tavern in the next second, all but jumping into his waiting arms. He has to tease her just a little, even when he holds her to him like she’s the only thing real in the world. “Miss me darling?”
She only hugs him tighter, tucking her head beneath his chin. “Always my love.”
They do eventually talk. They sit down and tell all of what they’ve done. They talk about where they’ll go next and the list of people they need to see along the way. But there is never a question of whether or not they will stay together.
One separation is more than enough for a lifetime
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Undertale Yellow Character Age Headcanons
I did something like this for my SequenceShift AU, but I wanted to do one for UTY proper. So, I decided to do that, with some reasonings as to why I think that way.
Clover, I imagine being in the 10-12 range. The Honeydew Shopkeeper mentions that Clover doesn't seem to be highschool aged yet, so that rules out being a teenager. On the other hand, they don't seem to act really young across the story, so I think Preteen is a good age estimate.
Dalv gives of 19- or 20-year-old vibes. He always came off as someone old enough to live off on his own, but still fairly young. Martlet I imagine being 21-22 largely for the same reasons as Dalv. Thought it'd be funny if she was a year or two older than him, since she's also taller than he is.
For the Feisty Five, I'm gonna kinda roughly do them all at once.
It's said that they're all Starlo's friends from Highschool/College (don't remember which it was) so I imagine them being around the same age. When I first played, I used to imagine Starlo and Ceroba in their mid-late thirties, but in retrospective, neither of them 'feel' like 30-year-olds and the Feisty Four definitely don't either (maybe Ace but otherwise), so I went back a bit to fit everyone in this group being roughly in the same age category.
Ceroba I put as the oldest, being 29. Not really old, but still a reasonable enough age to be the mother of a young child.
Starlo I went with just a bit younger, being 27. Still close enough in age to be Ceroba's childhood friend and not super old either.
Ed I settled on being 28, since I thought it'd be funny if he was older than his boss.
Moray I went with 25. No particular reason, just kinda fits. Ace I went with 26, same reason as Moray.
Mooch is a bit of a stretch, but I went with her being 24 and just acting immature instead of her being an actual child. I know, the whole fact that she's banned from drinking adult soda. Personally, however, I think it'd be funnier if the reason instead was Mooch isn't able to hold her liquor.
I think that roughly puts each of the Five within the same age range and makes it reasonable for them to be friends from school.
Chujin I went with 30 before dying from injecting Mountain Dew Voltage into his soul, just to keep him in the same range as Ceroba. Kanako I settled with being 8 years old at the time of getting the blue juice. From what little is seen/heard of her, I got the vibes of her being younger than 10 years old, but not like super young, so I thought that'd be a good number.
And that settles the main characters (except for Axis, I couldn't think up anything. He's a robot so IDK if it really matters). I can take a shot at secondary characters if you guys would like.
Otherwise, lemme know what you think of these age placements. if you don't agree with them, feel free to let me know what you see them as instead.
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sequs-art-box · 7 days
give me ALL your Anger headcanons,,
You sure you want that? Okay.....
• Has a high pain tolerance. The most you'd get with a punch to his stomach is a small grunt. Nothing more.
• Continuing the tolerance thing, he has extremely high spice tolerance as well. Maybe to the point of not having capsaicin sensors at all. That'd be so funny honestly..
• Cold Take: Anger is Gay and Ace.
• SLIGHTLY WARM Take: He's Biromantic and Ace.
• Physically strong. Even more than Embarrassment. He could have broken through his grip no problem. Do you SEE my vision.
• Completely immune to lava (this is kinda canon already but I don't care >:>)
• Emits heat, even when he's not super angry. The other emotions use him as their personal heater- similar to Baymax in that one scene- during the winter.
• Has woken up the other emotions due to a bad dream many times. Surprisingly enough, his fire extinguisher hasn't been used yet.
• Anger is Joy's second in command.
• One kind of pain he can't tolerate are migraines (totally not projecting)
• I've mentioned this before but I like to think Anger is really good at making the others feel better, whether if it's about themselves or about how they work (gestures to the scene where he comforts Joy)
• Used to sleep with a tank top on but took it off after finding out going shirtless was way more comfortable
• Likes generally hardcore sounding music, but he doesn't mind some relaxing genres too. He ain't afraid to admit that either. He can listen to whatever the fuck he wants.
• Didn't like tea until Fear made him try it (Fear didn't like coffee until Anger made him try it)
• Doesn't have good handwriting. It's not too bad but Joy, Fear, and Anxiety wished he slowed down and wrote a little better.
• Anger is actually a very organized emotion, at least with the stuff he cares about.
• Cheeks turn cherry red when he's flustered (think of it like an opposite reaction to his orange cheeks when he's angry)
• After the events of the first movie, Anger had to *really* learn to control himself. That work definitely paid off by the second movie.
• He's actually not that bad of a dancer, yall just don't give him enough time to practice.
• Tends to babysit Envy a LOT. Says he doesn't like it but he's 100% a father figure to her now. Sorry, no takebacksies.
• PEOPLE THINK THIS MF CANT RUN OR SOME SHIT but he keeps up with the others just fine in the second movie. Dude literally works out every day how can he NOT.
• MY Anger is a good singer, but OG Anger isn't. Sorry bud. I can't see (hear) it.
• He is textbook "act now think later"
• Unintentionally an early bird. Often the first to wake up cause he needs to get shit done.
• The console was made with very durable material, specifically to withstand Ange's outbursts.
• He may be the "youngest" of the original five, but he acts like the oldest.
• Anger's love languages are quality time and acts of service.
• He was the first one to be brought down to the Belief System.
• Despite having a high spice tolerance, he's more of a savory/sweet guy.
• I love to think that Anger is unintentionally charming.... Giving him a high rizz score here. Sorry not sorry.
• Extremely protective of the other emotions. Doesn't show this side often, but when it matters, he'd fight till he fades from existence for them.
• Tried to learn origami with Joy but he kept burning the paper.
• Likes Western dragons more than Eastern dragons, he finds all kinda super interesting though.
• Owns multiple ties with the same design (this can be said about the other emotions too)
• If I were to give him an instrument, he's totally rock an electric bass, or any low sounding instrument.
• Anger is a dog person.
• Looks SUPER good with blue and black clothing. He should wear it more often.
• When he can't show affection to someone, he just punches them (toph from atla core LOL)
• Some positive aspects of his character: Loyal, compassionate, ambitious, and confident.
● Stopped reading the Mind Reader newspapers because they lost their journalistic integrity.
• I will edit this with more headcanons in the future. Enjoy this for now :))
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bubblybloob · 3 months
Hey, so this kind of turned into a vent. Be wary going in, but it’s important if you engage some with my stuff. I think I’ve been thinking about it more as btg has become more active, and wanted to get it all off my chest.
I’ve wanted to bring this up for a while now, after my popularity grew. I’m sure some people have noticed my lack of joy at the 500 followers milestone, and the 600 one, but it’s a bit more complicated than on the surface.
So, there was something I haven’t really mentioned. It wasn’t ever really a secret, I just didn’t feel it was important, and was always taught it was dangerous to talk about and to dance around the subject if brought up. But I’ve noticed that the people on Tumblr find this kind of important to know when interacting. I know people on here can get really hostile, and this kind of became a secret because of that. I don’t know if it’s bad that I haven’t said anything or not, but I thought I should still make a post anyway.
So, I’m, in my country, since I know it might be younger or older in other places, a minor.
Okay most important stuff first. Yes, I’ve said or drawn mildly suggestive stuff, that’s mostly because I’m very unaffected by it and find it more amusing (I might be a little ace idk), though I do purposely keep stuff I make mostly tame simply because like- still technically a kid. I’ve seen stuff far more suggestive from afar before and just nod and say “mm, yes, that exists” and indifferently move the hell on with my life.
Being part of the STP community has been really strange for me and not all in good ways. I hate hate hate people looking up to me, or being jealous, or having anxiety talking to me because- in my head- I’m just doing everything and talking to everyone I can because I like making stuff and talking to people, and I feel so uncomfortable up on this pedestal where I’m held so high, but if I make one wrong step I’ll have tomatos thrown at me. It’s a really claustrophobic and isolating position and feeling and it makes me feel sick, anxious, stressed, and really really scared.
I like the community I’m in and friends I’ve made, but I’m really afraid I’ll say something unusual or wrong or maybe even offensive since I don’t know everything I’m supposed to say or do. I don’t know how to act when someone’s depressed, I don’t know how people feel about shipping, or designs for characters who canonically don’t have a physical appearance, or what the opinion is on all of the nsfw content. I do the Homer Simpson bush meme whenever I see it pop up because if there’s something that I do know, it’s that people don’t want minors reading their blorbos being sexy with each other.
(Side note: The amount of times I’ve accidentally clicked on an explicit fic thinking ‘Oo what’s this’ and then seeing what’s going to happen is… not staggering, actually. But enough for me to laugh in hindsight. I scroll to the bottom to read the comments to confirm my suspicions, and get the hell out. Happened with the same fics multiple times too because I forgot they were explicit and that I’d encountered them in the first place, wondered why I never read them and then boom, flashback, I never read the description like the fool I am).
And there’s the thing isn’t it. Some parts of fandom culture, it feels like all I can do is mess up. I just don’t know how I can handle all the fear of this attention?
Like, I don’t hate it. I like interacting, I like that people love my art despite my grievances with parts of my style, I’ve been so motivated to grow and get better because of everyone. You can all look at my oldest STP post and newest one and see the differences plainly.
But it’s really so much, and I’m as grateful as I am terrified. I’m terrified of hurting someone’s feelings when I don’t mean to. Like, what if I follow someone and they get excited because I’m a “big name” and then I decide to unfollow for whatever reason I might have at the time? I might crush that person’s soul or want to interact.
Despite my willingness, I do have problems with some ships, but I can’t voice any because what if I start a big argument with a bunch of people involved instead of the normal discussion I wanted to have? People are more likely to take my side because I’m the popular person, and we all know popular people are always right about everything and we must regurgitate their opinions without any thought put into how you actually feel. And then I’ll make whoever I was talking to retreat for a really long time, and everything will be awful and terrible forever and ever.
I can’t do that to people! I’ve been those people! I’ve was told things by people I looked up to and would get so so so upset, because I’m really emotional. I don’t want to hurt someone who might be sensitive like me.
I really just wanted to get all these feelings off my chest. Sorry if it got pretty venty. I’m open to discussing it, I’m still really scared to post this, it’s my only ever vent post, but I’ll try not to just save it in my drafts and let it rot.
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feeling silly may delete l8r
Hey! If anyone's curious, I've worked on developing my merman au more and I've decided to have age difference. So, what if dilf Law is surrounded by some younger, gorgeous twenty-something mermen? I've decided to put on my thinking cap and write some notes on how their individual relationships look like.
Luffy's the youngest bro like he is barely hitting his twenties. He's the one who shows Law cool fish and random things Law never knew existed. "Law! Look at this! Crab angry like you!" He's also the type who gives Law miscellaneous shiny things like pearls, shells and sand dollars as a weird courtship thing. I like to think that with Luffy, Law learns to appreciate the little things in the world. It's worth something to be excited over details you skipped out on before. It's a welcome change of pace—to be so easily excited—after being paranoid throughout his youth. Instead of looking for hidden bombs, Law is busy listening to Luffy telling him about rocks.
Ace's technically the oldest but he doesn't act like it (that's Sabo's job). Their relationship starts with a lot of bantering where Law calls him 'pretty boy' (he does not know Ace's name) and Ace calls him 'boss' (he thinks Law is respectable). Easily, they flirt the most and have chemistry. Things only change when Law tells him about his fear (or dislike if you prefer) of the ocean and dark. To comfort him, Ace shows him shooting stars in the sky and they hold hands the entire time. When Law looks at Ace, and I mean get a real good look, Law sees his reflection in Ace's dark greasy eyes. For the first time since losing Cora-san, Law thinks that night time might be more intimate than scary...
Sabo provides a similar comforting aura, if not even more so but only way later. It's a strange chase game where Sabo half-jokingly shits on Law but becomes full-on hostile when Law gets close with Ace and Luffy. It's out of jealousy and feeling left out but it goes on for so long that we're convinced Sabo /gen hates Law. Anyways, like in my illustration, Sabo's scars glow in the dark. They're the result of a horrible reef bombing that disfigured the left side of his face and left scars all over his tail. Sabo hates his scars, and refused to believe that Law actually liked them. Only when Sabo learned that Law essentially sees him as a glorified night light that Sabo not only learns to trust Law but to maybe see himself the same way Law does...
Wait what? Oh yeah, Law sees his angsty teenage self reflected in Sabo's character, which explains his soft spot. If Cora-san never gave up on loving and comforting him, he would do the same for Sabo too!
Yes, so they're surrogate therapy-figures. Now, what do ASL gain from associating themselves with a middle-aged man? Nothing, honestly but Law is quite the eye candy. His angst mellowed out a lot since his teenage years and he laughs 5% more as a middle-aged man with financial security and free time to pursue his hobbies. Quite the catch, eh?
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
Switch It Up
word count: 787
Warnings: Heeseung does not have the brain cells in this one
Pairing: Heeseung X reader
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It was funny really, How could it not be? They could switch bodies and trick everyone in their day to day lives. How’d they come across this you may ask? One day Heeseung was so exhausted, the boys had been a handful, even if he wasn’t the leader he was the oldest so he had a responsibility to look after them, he just wanted a break from Ni-Ki constantly wanting his attention, which was endearing but sometimes he just wasn’t in the mood. So he laid in his bed thinking about what his soulmate was doing and all of a sudden he was there? Not with them but he was them. 
When she was ripped from her dance test she panicked, looking around the room frantically trying to figure out why she wasn’t in her practice room like she was moments ago, instead she seemed to be in a boys room? She got up from the bed and walked to the mirror in the corner, taking in the gorgeous features of the man she was currently inhabiting.
The door creaked open but she was still too busy ogling the man before her in the mirror, “Hey Hyung, Riki is wanting to play mario kart with you, said he wanted a real challenge.” Someone spoke from behind her, spooking her from her trance, she turned and saw the most adorable boy she had ever seen in her life, his dimples prominent as he looked up at her with a grin, her brain was screaming honestly.
“Uh I don’t think I’m you’re hyung?” She said, confused, the voice speaking wasn’t her own, it was so much better. 
“What are you talking about Heeseung?” The younger looked at him confused, as he took in the utter confusion on the elders face. 
“Uh I think he and I switched bodies?” She said, “Where’s his phone?” 
Jungwon was confused but played along incase this was some joke, he grabbed the phone off of the night stan and passed it to his hyung who used Heeseung’s face to unlock it, she made quick work of finding the call button and typing in her number.
The dial tone ringing made Jungwon nervous, is this really not a joke?
“Hello? Is this uh I guess me?” A female’s voice spoke, her voice. Jungwon was beyond confused at this point. 
“Am I you? Are you me?”
“I think so, I guess this must be what the specialist meant when he said I could switch places with my soulmate.”
“Specialist? How is this possible?”
“Uh basically our souls can swap places.”
“I HAD A DANCE TEST TODAY! You couldn’t have picked another day?”
“It was an accident! Also I aced your dance test for you!” He or She sounded very giddy at the accomplishment, hoping for the praise from his soulmate, who simply sighed tiredly.
“I spent months on that routine.”
“I’m sorry, we can switch back and you can explain the situation?” He offered but she simply hummed in opposition.
“No, I want to have fun in your life, now I have no stress of a test. Let’s see how long your friends take to notice you’re not actually you.” She grinned evily hanging up the phone, and turning to the now pale faced younger in the corner, “Our secret let’s see how long it takes, yea? Mind giving me a run down?’
It took 6 months for his friends to notice, and they hadn’t actually noticed while she was inhabiting his body, they noticed because his soulmate had teased him about them not realizing yet and he was pouting making the members question while Jungwon just tried to stifle his laughter. Needless to say the comments didn’t help his pouting.
“So that’s why you suddenly helped me in the kitchen!” Jay had exclaimed.
“That’s why you complimented my outfits every morning.” Sunoo pouted, “She’s my bestfriend now, whoever she is.”
“You weren’t actually interested in Layla?!?” Jake yelled in despair and betrayal, glaring at his elder.
“No wonder I beat you in Mario Kart.” Ni-Ki simply laughed, and everyone turned to Sunghoon waiting for his exclamation but he grinned instead.
“Oh I already knew, her mannerisms were way too similar to someone I know, and she acted nervous around me so I made her tell me the truth.”
“Wait, you know her?” Sunoo asked excitedly, making Sunghoon smile bigger, completely endeared by the younger one.
“Yea she trains at a dance studio nearby, she also fosters animals all of the time, so I help her sometimes.”
“So I could've met her?!?” Heeseung exclaimed, earning a blank look from everyone.
“Hyung you have her number.” Jungwon stated making Heeseung’s eyes widen.
“Oh my god you’re right?!?”
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allastoredeer · 3 months
hi!! I just wanted to share with someone else that I have decided to start identifying as asexual, in fact a lot of the discourse around Alastor and having so many aroace perspectives helped
For years I thought I just hadn't felt it, that special spark and I was made to believe that demisexual was something separate from asexual (and that it is more acceptable to be at that place on the scale) because asexual=without sex which I thought is what it was, I just needed the right person because I couldn't be asexual when I have such a high libido and I'm pretty good with masturbation. And then I was introduced to the concept of high-libido asexuals and the whole scale and midtones and it was like something clicked. Yes, yes, that's my experience and oh, I'm not alone, there's something wrong with me.
And I'm crying a little now and I don't know how I feel about telling my family who for years have been worried because "I'm alone" and "it's a shame you're so pretty." but I feel more comfortable starting to look for information and I no longer feel like I'm about to have panic attacks when the topic comes up because even if I don't say it I know I'm asexual and there's something comforting about that.
I'm still trying to figure out if I'm aro or not and if I experience romance and sex separately, but I feel better and more comfortable and it's all thanks to a fictional character and all the people who care about him and have spoken about their own identities.
Just, thank you ❤️
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That is so amazing, Anon ಥ◡ಥ I'm so happy for you! Seriously, I'm just (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) it really goes to show that talking about sexuality and people's differing experiences is so so crucial (and why all the people who keep acting like asexual=no sex need to STOP. It makes it so much harder for people who are exploring asexuality--whether they're ace or not--and it gives people the wrong idea of what being ace is. And it's just flat out incorrect, so there's that too).
I feel you about the family situation too. I grew up in a family that is very much a get-married-as-quickly-as-possible and a being-single-as-an-adult-for-a-long-time-is-weird type situation. I'm currently the oldest of my parents children who isn't married yet, which is so much fun to talk about in large family gatherings 🙄
I've told a few of my siblings and friends about my sexuality, but I haven't told a majority of my family. I'm not sweating it too much, no one is obligated to officially "come out," after all, especially if they don't feel comfortable doing so. We're allowed to just be.
Like you said, there's comfort in just knowing.
If you do tell your fam, I hope they're open and accepting! And I'm so happy you're feeling more comfortable about yourself too. Your ask is so uplifting, my heart feels 10x lighter T.T
It's amazing how much of an impact a beloved character can have, and all the ways people can relate with them and each other. Alastor and his sexuality means so much to me, and I'm so happy to have found a community of people who feel the same 🥹
Welcome, fellow ace! 💜🤍🖤 We're so happy to have you!
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nilboxes · 4 months
i’m back with a silly critter question
what’s the sibling dynamic between ace longshot and jackpot?
like personality i imagine ace as the youngest but i want to know the authors takes
Ace would have been the first one among them, the one who came up with the idea to gather some like-minded critters for some games, but I always felt like Ace had the middle child energy. They are the most hedonistic one who comes up with all sorts of wild ideas. I feel like they embody the spirit of opportunity and possibilities of Aventurine.
Jackpot, the streamer, has the oldest sibling energy imo, though they are also the most passive one, who would like to watch as things unfold. They are REALLY good at video games (I imagine them streaming Apex Legends and horror games coz those are my favorite game to watch lmao) I want them to lean a little more like being Ratio, particularly in temperament and propensity to sit back and watch before deciding on a course of action but I also imagine them to be the most responsible decision maker out of all of them
Longshot has youngest child energy. They are the most timid one and the one who would be most baby. They like studying the most and is even more brainy than the two others, but also head empty at the same time? Out of the three of them, their stocks outperform Aventurine's, but Longshot would be the one who would insist on being in Mama's or Papa's arms
BUUUT they are all like probably born not in that order, they just act like it
Laurentius is of course, the oldest out of all of them (and is fiercely protective of Ratio)
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