#field cultivator
machinary · 3 months
Choose popular field cultivators with Fieldking
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Field cultivators are commonly employed in mulch-tillage systems with low pesticide residue and light residue to manage weed flushes before planting. Fieldking is one of the best online platforms for all Cultivators. You can get all the information on Fieldking Field Cultivator here, including its key features, specifications, types and much more. The most popular Indian cultivator company, Fieldking, provides a large range of cultivators to farmers to reduce labour and time costs and eventually boost crop yields
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viagginterstellari · 26 days
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Fields - Dongchuan Red Land, 2019
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thistransient · 3 days
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phoenixcatch7 · 4 months
Literally all I want right now is a mdzs anime (donghua?) watching the series fic that reaches the start of the sun shot campaign PURELY so the juniors can see their kind and mischievous trophy husband Wei ying suddenly hair down tits out feeding his torturer his own fingers and proceeding to rack up the highest kill count of pretty much everyone while lwj looks ready to cry. I want them to know who the yiling patriarch is.
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brasideios · 3 months
Get a Little Feral
In truth, it doesn't matter what, or how, you write - you can spend a whole year picking over a paragraph for grammar and spelling mistakes, and there will still be someone who says you're wrong.
This is because writing is an art; it's filled with your voice, your word choice, your grammar preferences, your visions. It's filled with your language, and you own that language as much as anyone else does.
You get to decide if more better is acceptable. You get to decide if But is an acceptable word to begin a sentence. You get to decide if you should use an ellipsis or an em dash or a semi-colon - each is distinct and can do different things - but even that's up to you. Use them however you want. Want to do a double contraction? Go crazy with all those shouldn't'ves and couldn't'ves.
You can decide to limit your grammar in a single text to just full-stops, commas and question marks, nothing else, like Cormac McCarthy. Heck, why not pare that back even further, and only use full-stops and an occasional comma like Jack Kerouac? Or go the other way, and use so many commas and full stops it looks like your text has the chicken pox. Echo 18th Century fiction with grammar coming out the absolute wazoo. You decide.
You can have run on sentences for a whole page if you want to. You can have short staccato sentences for pages on end. You could even write a whole novel with every sentence as a new paragraph. Maybe you want to throw half your paragraphs to right justify, or centre the whole lot. Italicise whole swathes of the text. Who's going to stop you?
Channel Chaucer. Channel Shakespeare. Get creative with words. You can use all the antiquated or complex language you want - you can use as much vernacular and wild expressions drawn from your culture as you want - and you should, honestly. You can sprinkle through a second language if you have one - or multiple, if you have them. Why shouldn't you?
Perhaps you don't like heroized, and think it should be heroised - write it that way. Don't like the way led looks? Write it lead. Think that pre-dawn in the perfect descriptor for the light in the sky before the sun rises? Use it. Make words up. Use as many of them as you want to. Stack up those adverbs and adjectives. Write descriptive passages that go for pages and pages. Be as purple of prose as you want to be. Get into the weeds with exposition. Want to use a hundred epitaphs for one guy? Do it. A hundred confusing nicknames for your fave lady? Do it.
The thing is, if you're too caught up in doing what's correct according to the approved system, trying to match up to the arbitrary standard of how writing should be - then you're never going to experiment, and you'll be missing out on a whole range of ways to add expression to your work, of finding your own voice.
Honestly - Just write what feels good to you. Let go of the idea that being popular and marketable is the only yard stick of success. You will never win everyone over even if you could be perfect, which you can't, so you may as well go a little feral with language. There is nothing to lose.
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pallases · 7 months
love how hugo’s like courfeyrac is just like tholomyes if tholomyes didn’t FUCKING SUCK
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the-good-spartan · 1 year
If I were to write a piece of Ancient History RPF about Tellis and the battle of Tanagra, and was to post it to AO3, would anyone read it?
Why did this question fall so naturally into the if a tree falls down in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it make any sound format?
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
My cousin texted me that she's thinking about starting MDZS novel because she's seen The Untamed.
I screamed. She has no idea like absolutely no idea not a clue. Maybe she does a bit because seriously you can't hide that tension Untamed I know what you are. But she has no idea about "particular" events in the novel (yes the smut). Like who's gonna tell her because I'm not oh no
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blackvahana · 3 months
Yeah. The. loss of my eyes is really. indicative of something, isn't it. I mean it's a topic that deserves being excplit about, so as I said it's indicative of me not taking myself seriously. I constantly feel like I need to play human and acknowledge I'm human and be human but at the end of the day... What I am and not exists and doesn't exist regardless of how much I play it up or down. It exists whether I acknowledge it or not. Truth is just going to exist and doesn't need defending to be real
I have just. forced myself into a box where everything I am and was has had to be forced into said box, distorting it, and sometimes outright beating it to a pulp to get it to fit into shapes it isn't built for. I shouldn't have to distort my shape to fit a box made for me; if somethings true I shouldn't have to brutally force myself into it to fit in it. Not talking about being human or not being human, talking about everything atm
For years, I had those eyes. My eyes. I didn't need to do anything to display them. Why now do I need to work to show them for a little while before they fade again? There's two main possible answers here, it's a matter of "I have changed so they aren't real now/they were distorted understandings of self so they were never real" or. you know
My entire personality and spiritual life is built on the notion of lack inherent to my system, that I am detached from myself and need to work to scrape together some kind of minimal connection, minimal recovery of self. Anyway. I see Lev vividly now lmfao hi
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greenmechanicalgenius · 5 months
🎵 I've got Universal Appeal Universe Appeal Halley's Comet's got nothin' on me I'm the brightest star in the Galaxy I've got Universal Appeal Universal Appeal Watch be grow even bigger each day Soon I'm gonna outshine the Milky Way 🎵
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The simian would sit and listen to the tanuki sing, smiling as Kounosuke's words reached him from where he sat.
"You certainly will, Kounosuke." The simian spoke after the other had finished. "You sure you didn't want to become a singer growing up?" He asked, teasing a little and motioned the other to come closer so he could reach his arms around him.
Going through with this...This was worth it to Otto.
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gabyvousaime · 2 years
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Inktober Day 25
Lanling Jin Clan’s Koi Tower: Jinlin Tai
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We are wont to forget that the sun looks on our cultivated fields and on the prairies and forests without distinction. They all reflect and absorb his rays alike, and the former make but a small part of the glorious picture which he beholds in his daily course. In his view the earth is all equally cultivated like a garden. Therefore we should receive the benefit of his light and heat with a corresponding trust and magnanimity.
from Walden by Henry David Thoreau 
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serovolk · 1 year
newt geiszler also had a miserable uptight childhood! lets not forget!!
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brasideios · 6 days
For two days, my husband was complaining that there was something wrong with the coffee.
Two days. Still drank the coffee, but was like ‘something ain’t right here.’
Eventually, on day three, he makes me try his coffee.
It transpires he’s been putting two teaspoons of rock salt into his cup instead of sugar 😂
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labyrynth · 1 year
man jc antis really are something else
like imagine a 16yo telling you “my dad doesn’t like me” and your response for some reason is “well maybe he’d like you if you weren’t such an awful person”
#mdzs talk#moi#salt is salt#literally just saw a post where someone was trying to argue#no jfm doesn’t dislike jc and favor wwx#jc is just a hateful and jealous person#but if jfm DID dislike jc it would be jc’s own fault for always being rude and never listening to his father#like what the FUCK#where’s that tweet about ‘what if the kids vibes were bad’#the fact that they expect jc to have like. compete and total omniscience.#they’re also really fixated on saying he did things for reasons they make up#like there might be a smidgen of basis but there’s also a much more likely and reasonable explanation#like ‘jc HUNTED DOWN and TORTURED people who reminded him of wwx!’#or…he hunted down people using demonic cultivation (most likely to hurt people bc how would he know about them otherwise)#or people using the image of the Yiling Patriarch (the one who razes fields and eats babies bc that became the Public Image)#and we’re using that image to inspire fear or to scam or hurt people#bc again: if word of a demonic cultivator or yllz impersonator manages to get to jc?#it’s probably not because they’re saving puppies or performing miracles!#to most common folk: demonic cultivation is any cultivation scary or causing harm. they don’t know the specifics!#but they’re the ones passing these rumors#if a cultivator comes through & is helpful: that’s normal cultivator activity! they wouldn’t know if they were using demonic cultivation!#if a cultivator comes through and does something scary and people get hurt—they’re gonna call it demonic cultivation.#someone doing spooky shit that isn’t even cultivation at all? Demonic Cultivation.#i get that antis have terminal protagonism but like. are they actually under the impression that regular people are fine with necromancy?#like you can try to argue that jc was doing it out of personal spite#but in all likelihood: any time the names ‘demonic cultivation’ or ‘wwx’ came up#the situation was probably already bad!#‘well they were probably innocent/harmless!’ THEN WHY WERE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THEM?#PEOPLE DONT GOSSIP ABOUT HOW NICE SOMEONE IS OR HOW ORDINARY THEY ARE#anyway this has been: a rant
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
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Some baby mamas >8)
Decided to make up some visuals of what their moms would look like bc why not! So we have the mamas on each side with pretty baby bard in the middle for comparison. I think I did pretty well, considering what I had to work with, tried to get a little bit of both of them in there.
I don't have any names for anyone yet, so I'm just gonna call them Mama D(row), Mama O(rc), and B(ard) for now.
Mama D is a half-elf drow, and can be a bit of a stereotypical overbearing mother, fussing and getting all up in her kid's business. She usually means well, her meddling coming from a place of worry, warranted or otherwise.
Mama O is a half-orc, and a more laid back counterpart to her wife. She's always been more lenient with B, perhaps a bit too lenient at times, but the two temper and balance each other out in a way.
They run a small florist business in Baldur's Gate, a business started by Mama O's own parents, and later passed down to her. B both lives and works with their moms, with the drag queen gig being something they do some nights and weekends.
B has a mostly good relationship with their moms, with the usual tension that comes from living and working with your parents every day, and having a mom who's maybe just a taaaad bit too nosy about your private life (trust me, I know).
The Mamas used to drag B with them out camping quite a lot when B was a kid, partly because the Mamas enjoyed it, partly to scout for any good spots to harvest wild flowers. They'd teach B various survival skills too, like how to secure shelter, heat, and food, as well as recognizing local flora and fauna, and maybe just a little bit about celestial navigation too.
(Also kind of a sidenote, but I'm contemplating on making Mama D an old ranger. Maybe the Mamas had some sort of meet-cute out there in the woods at some point, like running into each other while they were hunting or something).
When B disappears, the two don't think much of it at first; it's not unusual for B to be gone a few days, and sometimes they just forget to tell them. But when B doesn't show up again after a few days they start to worry, which eventually turns into to panic as time goes on. They spend the better part of 3 months looking for B, asking people about them, making missing posters, and reporting them missing to the Fists (not that that was ever gonna do anything).
Mama D especially is beside herself with worry, freaking out, crying, struggling to eat or sleep. Mama O tries her best to stay calm to reassure her wife, to not lose her cool and coming up with plausible explanations for what has happened to their kid, but she doesn't believe herself any more than her wife does.
And then B finally shows back up again in Baldur's Gate after 2-3 very long months, looking like they've been through the hells and back, followed by the most eclectic entourage you've ever seen lmao.
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