#fidi tip
mysticdargon · 2 months
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Say hello to Fidi! While this drawing is admittedly old, it's the best one I have of her currently, and so I think it works fine for her intro post.
Her lore is currently in flux a little bit, but the main basis is this: Fidi is an elf who comes from a long-standing draconic bloodline in the peaks of Highland. As the High Church starts further closing its fist around the Land, Fidi finds herself in the midst of a rebellion alongside two members of the long-gone Dragonguard, fighting to release the islands from their clutches.
Her (and their) story is just one of many tangled threads across the Eilands, the details of their interweaving being something still under progress. She holds a special place in my heart, similar to Koraki, since they were both very early characters of mine <3
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tasteofthedivine93 · 3 months
The Beauty of the Beast - Messmer x F!Reader - Elden Ring Fic - Part 6
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
Ao3:archiveofourown.org/works/57094387/chapters/145882585 Fic Rating: Explicit🌶️🌶️ (Chapter: Teen) Category: F/M Fandom: Elden Ring // Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Tree Relationships: Messmer x F!Reader // Messmer the Impaler x F!Reader Warnings: None Words: 2286 
MASTERLIST // <- Part 5 // Part 7 ->
Author note: This is an angst chapter, you are warned. I didn't expect it to go this way but I'm in a mood so here we are. Also some mention of adult themes, so will see where it goes.👀👀
I'm not the best writer but its fun and still a few more ideas in this noggin of mine.
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The next morning you awake to birdsong outside the window, a small beam of the rising sun hits your weary and tired eyes, blinding you. You rise slowly and realise your back in your bed, your brain slowly waking up, you remember Messmer carrying you from the library. You recall how gentle he was with you, how warm he felt and made you feel safe. How contrast he’s become since your first encounter. You raise your hand and touch your cheek, ghosting over his touch from the night before. 
You wish you knew more about him and his past, you wish to understand him better. 
You slowly rise from the plush soft bed and head over to the armoire, you scan over the rack of dresses again, eyeing the colours and feeling the fabric between your fingers. You desire something comfortable as you hope to go back to the library again and read. In the back of your mind you wish to ask Messmer to join you, if he wants to. You pull out a dark emerald green linen dress, another perfect fit as if by magic.
You open the bedchamber door to be hit with the smell of cooking, your stomach growls remembering you didn’t eat last night. Another pang of guilt hits your throat as you have yet to accept Messmer's invitation to be his dinner guest. You follow the delicious scent downstairs and try to recall how to reach the dining room, each hallway looks identical.
Finally you reach the room, the door wide open and you see Messmer sitting at the head of the table. A small platter of food on silver plates and cloches sparkle under the morning sun that penetrates the room. 
You tip-toe into the room and stand behind Messmer.
“Thank you for taking me to bed last night.”
Messmer chokes on his rada-fruit juice, droplets spurt into the air. The snakes rise to attention around him and look at you in equal shock. You stand back as he abruptly stands, towering over you, he turns sharply and clears his throat. 
“Good morrow,” He greets you, you watch as his one golden eye scans you up and down and you see his ashen cheeks turn pink with blush. His right hand tenses and flexes, as if he’s stopping himself from reaching out to you. He clears his throat again. “How did thee knoweth twas me?” He asks through a weak laugh. 
You smile wide at him looking down and returning the laugh. “Who else would it be?” You walk around him to the chair next to his, you sit down and place the maroon serviette on your lap and look up at him innocently. 
Messmer feels his heart beating harder and faster in his chest, he’s seen countless battles, war, been in the most intense situations and been able to remain calm, but you, you make him feel extremely nervous. He looks you up and down, how gracefully you seat yourself as if you’ve been living here for centuries, how the emerald green dress hugs your curves perfectly, you add light to his sombre abode that he’s never witnessed before. You shine brighter than the grace of gold itself. 
Messmer closes his eyes for a moment to bask in his thoughts, he lets his shoulders drop and rolls his head to the side as he soaks in your radiance. 
He suddenly feels your soft skin in the back of his mind like a phantom, as he opens his eyes to see Fidi and Ophis nuzzling up to you, you pet the snake and say good morning to both of them. You gently giggle as their tongue tickles you and you scratch them under their chins. He feels something sweet on the back of his tongue, his neck tickles and spine quivers.
For a moment the shuddering pace of his heart stops, the air around him turns thick and he can’t breathe. He grasps the back of his chair and squeezes so tight the wood splinters in his palm. 
The snapping sound makes you jump in your seat, even Ophis and Fidi seem shocked at his spontaneous action. You feel the temperature in the room rise once more, something you’ve become familiar with and accustomed too already. You stay in your seat, not moving an inch. 
Messmer breaths heavy, slowly releasing his grasp on the broken chair. 
“I sincerely apologise, I…” he trails off. You place your serviette back on the plate and step over to him, without hesitation you take his large right hand in yours and inspect his palm. Its black in the centre, charged from years and years of fire power. You’re shocked you never noticed it before. You gently trace your fingertip over the mark. Luckily there was no damage to his ashen skin. You feel him shake under your touch. 
“It’s okay, are you okay?” Looking upwards you see his flame red hair fall in front of his face shielding his one good eye from view. He turns away from you out of shame and snatches his hand from yours.
“I am well, leave me. You should not touch these wretched hands.” You furrow your brows at him, curious as to what he means. 
“Forgive me…” he stands under the portrait of his mother, you can hear him breathing through his gritted teeth. Ophis and Fidi slither over the man's shoulders, around his arms and legs as if to ground him. You stand back and watch, feeling a thin sheen of sweat on your brow from the increased temperature in the room. 
You let him stand there for a moment, you toy with the fabric of your dress nervously.
“My lord?” You stutter, nervous not to spook him. You step a little closer, but Fidi turns and hisses at you, the first time since your arrival. You stop in your tracks and shield yourself with your arm. You start to feel tears in your eyes and your throat becomes tight.
“Messmer?” You speak loudly, causing him to raise his head and turn to you. 
“Thee shouldst not beest be here” He hisses at you, a tear falls down your cheek. Not again, you think. You want to run, run away and never return but your find, this time, your feet remain planted solidly on the wooden floor. 
You quickly wipe away the tear stain on your cheek. “No.” you grunt. 
Sharply he looks at you over his shoulder. “Nay?” He repeats back at you, you see small licks of flames around his form, Ophis and Fidi’s eyes narrow slits and their scales shimmer. You frown at him. “I'm not going anywhere, Messmer.” You raise your voice at him slightly despite the tightness in your throat. 
Finally he turns back to face you, hands fists at his sides and glowing red with fire. 
“THAT’S LORD MESSMER TO THEE.” He hisses, the glow in his eye now dull, the veins under his skin once again glowing red and orange. “Or doth thee wish to calleth me by what they hath called me during the war?” He scowls at you. You don’t reply, just press your lips into a line.
“Messmer. The. Impaler” he hisses each word, emphasising as he goes. 
You swallow hard at hearing his title, your stomach sinks and you feel your skin turn pale. You heard him mention a crusade yesterday, but you weren’t entirely sure what he meant. You’re shocked to hear him be called something so vile and cruel. The castle houses no weapons, no spears, no swords even for decoration. You don’t understand how he came to have such a name.
He towers over you, hair covering his sharp features once again, but you don’t turn away. You stare into his full golden eye and see a small flicker of light shine through the slit. You try to stand your ground but you feel your breathing labour, sweat drips down your back and you finally realise you’re suffocating in the heat of the room. 
You wobble on your feet, eyes fluttering close and you begin to fall. 
Messmer snaps out of his rage-induced trance seeing you faint. Quickly he bends down and grabs you, cradling your mortal fragile body once again. He starts to panic, looking around at what he can do to help. He feels a tug behind him as Fidi gestures to the window and the snow outside. 
Scooping you up against his chest, he rambles to the window and smashes the glass with his foot, shards fly in all directions but he ignores them. A blast of cold air whooshes into the room, sucking out the hot air. A cloud of snow dots the floor below like stars in the night sky. He kneels down and positions you near the window, hoping the cold air will cool you down. Your cheeks and forehead are red and sticky from sweat.  
His snake companions hover above his head looking down at you, sharing the same concern and their master. He shuffles closer to the window, picking up a handful of crisp cold snow and places the crystals against your cheeks. Your eyes flutter at the temperature change. You raise your hand and cover his resting on your cheek, you press into his large palm as you feel the snow drip and melt between his fingers and roll down your neck.
“What happened?” You mutter coming out of your haze. Messmer lets out a sigh of relief. 
“I madeth the room too hot and thee fainted.” He tightens his grip on you slightly, pulling you closer to him. “I beg thy forgiveness.” 
You let out a puff of air from your nose. “It’s okay.” You squeeze around his fingers, confirming you’re okay. 
Messmer tenses his jaw, “It’s not.” he signs and bows his head, his soft vibrant hair tickling your face. You feel a smoothness run along your legs as Ophis and Fidi join in cradling you. “I feeleth I should bid thee about who I am, mine own past.” 
You shake your head at him, raising your other hand to his face, you run your palm along his cheekbone close to his closed eye. The pair of you gaze deeply at each other, cupping each other's faces in a tender embrace. 
“You don’t need to tell me anything, that’s not who you are anymore.” You bite your lip. “Is it?” you sound unsure. 
Messmer shakes his head; “No, tis not, not since the war ended.” You feel him lean into your touch, you continue to caress his cheek and his body shivers. 
‘He said No not Nay," you think to yourself. 
“Then that’s all that matters to me.” You smile gently, “You can tell me another time.” 
He nods and stands up, still cradling you as if you could break at any moment. He takes you over to your chair and places you down onto the soft seat. He passes you a cup of something, you drink down the liquid quickly, slipping some over the seal of your lips. Messmer watches the drip glide over your skin and down your throat. He licks his own lips in response but sharply stands away from you. 
“How doth thee feel?” He asks.
You nod, rolling the cup in your hands; “Much better, thank you.” You smile, “Again.” You place the cup onto the table with a light thud. “You do so much for me, you’ve rescued me, shown me the impressive library, let me wear such beautiful clothes, care for me…” you play with a loose strand of hair between your fingers anxiously at your confession. “I have done nothing for you, except got you hurt and bandaged you up.” 
Messmer looks down at his arm and cradles the bandage, letting his fingers run over the rough fabric. He shakes his head at you, gently he reaches out and tucks the loose strand you were playing with back behind your ear, letting his fingers glide down your jaw and he tenderly cups your chin. 
Your lips part slightly as his golden eye shimmers like never before, you feel hypnotised by it slightly. His beautiful lips curve into a smirk.
“Thee has’t done so much, thee don’t even know.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat. The two of you pause for a moment and just stare at each other. Your stomach blooms with a warmth you’ve never felt before and you feel a small wetness pool between your legs. You close your lips and swallow, while Messmer drops his hold on you.
“Eat, prithee. I hast something I need to taketh care of.” He nods at you and before you can reply he’s already leaving the room. You feel your spine shiver, but unsure if it was from Messmer or the cold draft still blowing through the window. You press your thighs together and let out a small moan.
You blink a few times, trying to comprehend  your emotions. You reach over the table and pick up a few Rowa fruit berries and roll them in your palm. You sink in your seat and place one into your mouth, letting the juice pop on your tongue while your cheeks blush once more at the thought of your savour.  
Messmer leaves you to settle down in the dining room, he hates leaving you but after feeling your soft skin and warmth, he had to leave. As soon as he exits the room, he leans against a side table and palms his stiffened member under his tunic. He lets out a whimper at the pressure, his mind thinking only of you. 
He brings his lower lip between his teeth to stifle his noises. 
Embarrassed, he looks up and sees his pets looking away at the ceiling. He lets out a frustrated growl deep in his chest and starts to march heavily down the hallway.
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frankenshane · 1 year
sometimes i see people complain about the cost of like a cup of coffee in downtown sf and are like "it was $10!" and i'm just like, you good? would you like some pointers to go somewhere less expensive? because like i can get a coffee almost the size of my head from one of the fidi philz for $6 before taxes and tips and it still isn't totaling $10.
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observeroflaplace · 1 year
D13 - Check
Two tall, feminine figures appear by a towering aetheryte surrounded by pristine marble architecture. Clad in long, hooded dark grey robes and half masks, their forms coalesce from bright lights as they emerge from the great currents of aether from within the star.
The taller of the two, a brown-haired woman, asks,
“You know, I don’t recall you starting this project.”
The shorter woman, with blonde locks finishing in nigh iridescent tips, answers.
“That’s because I started it before we met.”
The brunette gasps.
“But wouldn’t that mean-?”
“A few centuries, yes. If nothing else, mankind is gifted with time; and from my youth, I knew that this study would take a lot of it.”
“This must be quite the creation then that you’re still tending to it. What is it?”
“Nothing novel unto itself; I merely modified the creations in a non-deterministic change from their publicly published matrices.”
The brunette pauses to think.
“…but then, after all this time..?”
The pair are quickly stopped by someone at the threshold of the small building they arrived in. He waves to greet them, and gestures to their masks; as notably he wore his around his neck.
“Masks off, if you would be so kind. A safety precaution, as I’m sure you’re aware.”
The blonde nods, as the pair take off their masks; revealing the blonde’s iridescent eyes, and the brunette’s ocean blue.
The gatekeeper gestures to let them past, but asks,
“So which subjects will you be investigating this time, Miss Logos?”
“I think I’ll check in on the developments on the Alepou, Tigri, Taos, Chelona, and Fidi samples.”
((The tall one, if you can’t guess, is one of @feelingkoii ‘s again))
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rhpsdys · 2 years
( promises to do stuff on my other blog ) ( comes right over here to make a headcanon post )
so in all my human realm verses, raine is from new york. i've been pretty vague about what the actual structure among magic users is here, though it's been loosely based on the world established in wwdits. but as i was walking through the part of brooklyn today where i imagine raine lived before getting their job up at lincoln center && moving there, i started parsing out how to translate the wiser coven system from toh to these verse.
basically, the coven system isn't as rigidly enforced here as it is in canon — it's much closer to what it should have been: a simple way of allowing witches who specialize in the same kind of magic to work together, learn from each other, && get stronger.
( witches as they exist here are defined as a partial human with fae blood. this could mean having one human parent && one fae parent, or just having a fae ancestor. how strong their magic is depends on how present the fae blood is, && a witch with strong enough genes will be born with pointed ears — the only physical characteristic setting them apart from humans. )
there are nine covens, && each is based in a different part of new york city. in a way, these neighborhoods could be considered each coven's territory ( three guesses as to where this idea comes from lmao ).
the bard coven is based in manhattan on the midtown/upper west side cusp, with lincoln center (a major performing arts complex) as the hub. their territory spans roughly from west 60th to 72nd st, && is bordered by central park && west end ave.
the beast keeping coven is based in the bronx, && their territory includes the bronx river forest/new york botanical garden/bronx zoo. this should be self explanatory.
the construction coven is based in fidi, bordered by the west side highway && the hudson, battery park on the south end, && the northen end of city hall park. however, they operate much more vastly — construction coven witches can be found anywhere there's a subway station.
the plant coven is based in brooklyn! they occupy the full span of the brooklyn botanic garden && prospect park.
the potions coven is based in staten island. i don't know the island that well, honestly, but i imagine they're pretty far inland, probably around todt hill.
the abomination coven is based in queens. they have to work pretty far out of the way, since their magic is objectively the least subtle. the operate on the island by jfk, but most live in the howard beach && wakefield areas.
the oracle coven is also based in queens, but on the north end, between downtown flushing && corona.
the healing coven is based on the upper east side of manhattan, centered around the new york-presbyterian medical complex/weill cornell medical center, naturally. their territory spans from east 60th to 79th st, with the east river && park ave to either side.
&& finally, the illusionist coven is at the southernmost tip of brooklyn, brighton beach, located around coney island.
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muveone · 10 months
How do I choose a good removal company?
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Moving to a new home can be exciting, but also stressful. There are many things to consider and plan, such as packing, decluttering, cleaning, and transferring utilities. One of the most important decisions you will have to make is how to choose a good removal company to transport your belongings to your new destination. A good removal company can make your move easier, faster, and safer, but a bad one can cause you headaches, damages, and extra costs. In this article, we will explore the factors that you should consider when choosing a good removal company, and how to avoid the common pitfalls and scams.
Factors to consider when choosing a good removal company
There are many removal companies in the market, but not all of them are reliable, professional, or affordable. To choose a good removal company, you should consider the following factors:
Reputation: The reputation of the removal company is a good indicator of their quality and service. You should look for a removal company that has positive reviews, testimonials, and ratings from previous customers, as well as accreditations, memberships, or awards from reputable organizations, such as the British Association of Removers (BAR), the International Association of Movers (IAM), or the Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux (FIDI).
Experience: The experience of the removal company is another factor that reflects their expertise and competence. You should look for a removal company that has been in the business for a long time, and that has handled moves similar to yours, in terms of the distance, the size, the complexity, and the destination. You should also ask the removal company about their staff, their training, their equipment, and their vehicles, to ensure that they are qualified and prepared for your move.
Price: The price of the removal company is another factor that affects your decision. You should look for a removal company that offers you a fair and transparent quote, based on your inventory, your services, and your destination. You should also compare the quotes from different removal companies, and look for any hidden fees, surcharges, or exclusions. You should also ask the removal company about their payment methods, their cancellation policy, and their insurance coverage, to avoid any surprises or disputes.
Service: The service of the removal company is the final factor that determines your satisfaction and peace of mind. You should look for a removal company that offers you a friendly, courteous, and responsive customer service, from the initial contact to the final delivery. You should also look for a removal company that offers you a range of services to suit your needs and preferences, such as packing, unpacking, storage, insurance, or customs clearance. You should also look for a removal company that offers you a tracking system, a contact person, and a feedback mechanism, to keep you informed and updated throughout your move.
How to avoid the common pitfalls and scams when choosing a removal company
Unfortunately, not all removal companies are honest and trustworthy. Some of them may try to take advantage of you, by overcharging you, damaging your belongings, or disappearing with your items. To avoid the common pitfalls and scams when choosing a removal company, you should follow these tips:
Do your research: Before you choose a removal company, you should do some research on their background, reputation, and credentials. You can check their website, their social media, their online reviews, and their references. You can also contact the relevant organizations, such as the BAR, the IAM, or the FIDI, to verify their membership and accreditation. You can also ask your friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations or warnings.
Get a written contract: Once you have chosen a removal company, you should get a written contract that specifies the details of your move, such as the date, the time, the address, the inventory, the services, the price, the payment terms, the cancellation policy, the insurance coverage, and the dispute resolution process. You should read the contract carefully, and make sure that you understand and agree with everything. You should also keep a copy of the contract for your records.
Avoid paying upfront: Some removal companies may ask you to pay a large deposit or the full amount upfront, before they start the move. This is a red flag, as they may not show up on the moving day, or they may hold your belongings hostage until you pay more. You should avoid paying upfront, and only pay when the move is completed and you are satisfied with the service. You should also use a secure and traceable payment method, such as a credit card or a bank transfer, and avoid cash or cheques.
Check your belongings: Before and after the move, you should check your belongings for any damages, losses, or discrepancies. You should make an inventory list of your items, and take photos or videos of their condition. You should also inspect the removal company’s vehicle, equipment, and packing materials, to ensure that they are clean and safe. If you notice any problems, you should report them to the removal company immediately, and ask for a compensation or a resolution.
How to move to the UK with MuveOne
If you are planning to move to the UK permanently, you will need a reliable and professional removal company to help you with your relocation. That’s where MuveOne comes in. MuveOne is an international European removals service that specializes in moving people and their belongings to and from the UK. Whether you are moving to London, Manchester, Edinburgh, or any other city in the UK, we can handle your removals to UK with ease and efficiency.
We offer a range of services to suit your needs and budget, such as:
Full or part load removals
Door-to-door or depot-to-depot delivery
Customs clearance and documentation
We have a team of experienced and friendly movers who will take care of your belongings with care and respect. They will also provide you with advice and guidance on how to prepare for your move to the UK, such as what to pack, what to leave behind, and what to expect on arrival.
To get a free quote for your removals to UK, simply fill out the online form our website, or call us at +44 333 344 2573 . MuveOne will get back to you with a competitive and customized offer, based on your specific needs and preferences. You can also check out our blog for more tips and information on moving to the UK and living there permanently.
MuveOne is the ultimate choice for your removals to UK. Contact us today and let us make your move to the UK a breeze.
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nitromilk · 1 year
I was in a longest time in a relationship with someone who I thought I was going to marry, have a house together and grow old with. I guess the term, nothing last forever is so true. Or perhaps, love is truly blind? So blind that you don’t realize that you have been abused for so long. It was almost like a Stockholm syndrome. I was held in this mental hostage. It only took me 6 years to come to my senses. I felt so burned out that not only my mental health was affected but also I felt it physically.
I really want to step be step go over how did I get here. How did I get out of this? Or how did I even get into this?
Rolling way back, I just moved from NJ, my cozy one bedroom apartment to NYC, to do something new. I felt so dull doing nails for a living. The money was great, but then, money truly doesn’t buy happiness. I was always a hopeless romantic. Always trying to chase that idea of love. With some savings, I took a leap of faith and rented a room with three other roommates in Bushwick, off the L train. It all was so small, scuzzy, and rough but I was just so happy. Finally to be able to live in NYC, it’s just an American dream, truly. I didn’t have a job for couple weeks but my friend back then, Ludi, she found an ad on facebook a dog walking gig for some company. I applied and the owner Eli, hired me after 5 minutes of meeting me. He was very nice and sweet.
I thought I had the coolest job, I got to play and walk the dogs everyday. Sadly, the money couldn’t even cover my rent, or barely food. I would walk average 8 dogs a day, they were scattered all over Manhattan. One was on UWS, Fidi, Tribeca, Chelsea and back to Fidi. It was so hectic everyday to chase with the time to get to the dogs, I would run to the subway, or citi bike as fast as I could to the nearest subway, just to really make on decent time because I was stressing that my dogs are going to pee all over the house. I think I hit 25k steps average, I was constantly hungry but also broke so I would steal a fruit from time to time from some of my dog’s house. I figured they won’t notice a banana out of a bunch.
What I didn’t know that, people treated dog walkers like shit. Especially doormen, not all of them, majority of them weren’t nice but there were some good eggs. They would be power tripping and make you feel so little, so unimportant. My pride and dignity was in question because of the way they talked to me. Man, New York can be brutal, but what I learned today, you can catch the flies more with honey than vinegar. After 6 months of dog walking, I loved the dogs, but also I was going more and more broke. I kept paying rent with my savings. My bank account and my body weight were both super skinny.
One of my dogs, Chi Chi, the love of my life, she was a fawn frenchie, she was my most favorite dog. I had never loved anything and anyone as much as her. Her owner worked late so she said that I can revisit Chi Chi when I have no more walks. So I would come late afternoon to Chi Chi, and she would be so happy to see me. We would talk, she would listen to me with her big eyes and stare through my soul. I felt so understood. Many times, I was so tired, I would just cry, and she would just get me. Other times, I would come to Chi Chi and take a nap on the floor and she would cuddle up with me. When I didn’t walk dogs, I had classes at FIT. Chi Chi really was so special, my heart was so broken when she got suddenly sick and had to get comfortable. I still tear up when I think of her, I don’t think I can get over that. Anyways, funny story about Chi Chi. Her owner, was the only one person who showed me some appreciation, she would either leave me some tip money or a sweet treat. I thought it was very nice because no one else did or acknowledge much that I took such good care of their furry babies.
Chi Chi’s mom, M, I don’t feel like saying much, but we clicked, I pursued her and we started dating.
I saw the red flags, I didn’t know they were red flags but I should’ve ended after a month of us having fun. Instead, it only took me 6 damn years. I don’t regret anything but I do wish I woke up sooner. Things started coming to my senses when I started working at Tod’s and my one coworker said something so simple. “If your partner doesn’t celebrate you, then what’s the point of being together”.
I am tiring myself out right now writing this.
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gladysmeyers · 2 years
How Can You Relieve Knee Pain?
Knee pain is a usual complaint many people share, and knee pain can occur for many different reasons. The most popular reasons are inflammation caused by improper lifting of heavy objects, inferior flexibility, Weak muscles, starting high-impact fitness exercises without warm-up, improper diet, and structural knee issues, such as arthritis, pulled cartilage, or ligament injury.
Exercise can help strengthen the muscles near the knee area and prevent knee discomfort. Before doing high-impact exercises, it will be convenient to begin with, a warm-up. When you start doing these exercises daily, you can see the difference in the pain. If you feel pain while performing the exercises, you can stop the training soon. If you already have a knee injury, you should consult your Knee Pain doctor Fidi first. 
With these tips, you can reduce your knee pain:
Always complete the exercise.
Exercise as much as possible, and you should know your exercise limits. There are many exercises to control the pain, like quadriceps and hamstrings, muscle-building exercises, and knee structural exercises. These exercises help you fight the pain better. Stay active can help you maintain your weight and build muscles, improving your knee joints. 
People with structural knee problems can do nonimpact aerobic exercises, such as walking, training on an elliptical device, using an immobile bicycle, and doing water aerobics like swimming. 
Avoid activities that put extra pressure on the knees, such as kneeling. Ask your Knee Pain Doctor Long Island for more information. 
Regular stretching is good for the knees.
You should perform stretching whether you are active or not. Keep doing stretches dedicated to the calf, hamstring, and quadriceps muscles. Stretches help take the stress off of the knees and kneecaps. Some good stretches to protect the knees are hamstrings curls and straight-leg lifts. Using a resistance band while exercising can help soothe knee pain.
A healthy and fit body is less likely to develop knee problems. Warming the muscles before the exercises help to occur injury.
Less weight can improve knee pain.
Losing weight can lower the pain compared to weighted people with more knee issues. Because of the weight issues, they suffer knee pain and can't walk, sit or stand properly. 
Weight exceeding the limit can make your back, knee, legs, and hip joints ache. Your weight can impact a lot of things in your life. According to the Knee Pain doctor manhattan, the more you gain weight, the more it affects your knee joints. 
Proper shoes for healthy knees.
Better shoes can help you support your legs and knee pressure and give the proper leg balance. Women who wear high heels can easily have knee pain issues. Wear shoes that are supportive and comfortable while you walk. 
You can wear stilettos for a special occasion instead of high heels. More importantly, wearing proper shoes while exercising is the first thing to remember. Running shoes or more comfortable shoes can help you lower the chances of getting knee problems and can help you reduce knee pain. Consult your Knee Pain Doctor NYC for a better suggestion. 
In Conclusion:
Daily stretches can help you lower knee pain issues. Workouts like planks, back extensions, and yoga can help strengthen the core. Call or visit your knee pain treatment specialists financial district and consult your knee pain issues. Your doctor will give you the best treatment options. 
Article source : https://www.articleaffiliate.com/how-can-you-relieve-knee-pain/ 
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fidisart · 7 years
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Since many of you asked me tips about drawing, I decided to do this little step-by-step, to show my own sketching/drawing process!
This, in any way, claims to teach you how to draw, neither I consider myself that pro, but it might still be helpful for someone.
This obviously referres to traditional sketching, because I feel more confortable in working on paper when it comes to sketches (call me old fashioned™).
Annnddd that’s all for now, I hope you like this one, there might be more to come! :D
I used my OCs Alan and Fanny as guinea pigs ♡
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tasteofthedivine93 · 3 months
The Beauty of the Beast - Messmer x F!Reader - Elden Ring Fic - Part 5
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57094387/chapters/145208599 Fic Rating: Explicit🌶️🌶️ (Chapter: Teen) Category: F/M Fandom: Elden Ring // Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Tre Relationships: Messmer x F!Reader // Messmer the Impaler x F!Reader Warnings: None Words: 3862
MASTERLIST // <- Part 4 // Part 6 ->
Author note: I've toned down the Shakespearean old English for Messmer as it was doing my head in. lol So its more of a blend now. Imagine he uses the language as a leader and now he's getting comfortable around you, he's starting to speak more modern like you. Will tie into the story soon.
Also Messmer isn't like 12ft here, I thought more 7ft, so still taller than you but not ridiculously tall lol.
ALSO ALSO: Lordran is were DS1 is set.
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You both walk slowly down the main stairs and Messmer gestures to the other side of the castle that you've not explored yet. More glittering stained-glass windows shine bright colours throughout the hallways. You want to ask about them, but when you turn to Messmer, you see a sadness on his face. His posture dips a little and he sighs. Instead you keep quiet.
You are curious about who your saviour is. He towers over you by maybe two feet, he wears lavish clothing and speaks like the old-gods. You couldn't imagine being this close to a God. You're new to this land, maybe he is just royalty? Your mind spins with questions you are dying to ask. But you can tell it is best to not overwhelm the man.
You turn to look at him again, to find one of the snakes that linger around him observing you with its penetrating green eyes. As if it's trying to read your mind. However you stand your ground and you narrow your eyes at the creature with a smirk twisting on your lips.
Messmer notices your teasing.
"Thou art not afraid of hem?" He questions, a slight joy echoes in his question, as if everyone is scared of them.
"Hm?" you snap your gaze from the snake and look up at the man with soft eyes. "Oh, no, I'm not. I'm used to all sorts of animals." You bravely lift up your hand and boop the snake on his nose. The creature wriggles with glee and retreats away from you.
Messmer reaches up and touches his nose. The gesture makes you cock your head. Did he feel that? You smile at yourself. 
“May I ask?” You ask softly, looking back at the snakes once again. You’ve noticed the short cloak he wore over his shoulders floats from his body and drapes around what you assume are the snakes bodies. 
Messmer stops and lets out a sigh. 
“They hast been with me since birth, we can communicate with thought, they’re attached to me.” He says with a monotone voice, as if he’s annoyed with having to explain to his allies. He starts to walk again and ends the conversation with “Aye I feeleth what they feelth also.” He looks back at you over his hunched shoulder. 
You blush, biting your lip. “Sorry.” You murmur, picking up the pace to catch up with him. You see Ophis slither out from under his cloak and you swear the serpent winks at you. You smile as he slips back away. Unknowing, Messmer also smiles at your apology.  
“Does it hurt?” You blurt out without thinking. Messmer stops for a moment and you feel yourself shrink inwards, you feel the temperature around you two rise a few degrees. You feel bile burn your throat from anxiety. He lets out a sigh and continues walking.
The silence grows between you two again, only the sounds of footsteps can be heard.
"Were thee travelling long before arriving?" Messmer asks tenderly, breaking the silence.
"Yes, for many weeks, I travelled by boat from across the sea." You confirm.
"Thou art not from here?" He asks.
"No, I'm from Lordran. The Distant Lands, as I've been told it's called here."
"Ah, tis why thou wasn't aware of my presence." He chuckles to himself. Behind him, Fidi rolls her eyes at his pompous comment.
You cover your lips with the tips of your fingers and let out a small giggle at the snake behind Messmer’s back. He turns to eye the snake, curious at what it did to make you laugh. You remove your hand and clasp them back in front of you. "No I don't, are you... royalty here?"
Messmer presses his lips in a straight line, wanting to avoid the question he begrudgingly guided you towards.
"Something liketh it, aye." He says with sorrow. "Do thee hast royalty from thy lands?"
You nod. "Yes, many Royal families, even Gods who reside in the Capital." You smile as you talk about your homeland. "There used to be dragons but that was long before my time."
“Fascinating.” Messmer mutters to himself.
He stops and opens a door and invites you inside. Inside was a large grand room with an enormous dining table in the centre of the room, covered in gold and silver plates and cutlery. There's only two seats, one at each end though.
You feel a pang of guilt bubble in your stomach as you remember his invite (request) for dinner on your first night. You walk around the table, fingers gliding over the wood. You sense him watching you. You flick up your eyes and catch him, causing him to breathe in deep and look away. Beside the table was another large fireplace, more snakes carved into the stone hearth. Above a portrait of a woman with long golden hair. You're reminded of the statue from down below. You're not sure how long you were staring at the painting. But you suddenly feel the warmth of Messmer behind you and he joins you in admiring the painting.
You both just stand there. You want to ask but feel like it's an intrusion. 
“My mother” he whispers, sounding dejected. “Just like you, I am not from this particular land. I used to reside in the Lands Between at the Capital with my family.” 
“Why did you leave?” You crane your neck to look at him still staring at the painting.
You see his adam's-apple bob as he swallows. He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and slowly falling as he compensates answering your question. 
“My mother wished me to lead a crusade in her name.” He says, words mixed with venom and despair. 
You don’t respond, you just simply nod.
“Do you miss your family?” You question. “I miss mine terribly.” 
Messmer scoffs and walks away from you, leaving your question unanswered. 
Instead, Messmer walks to the other side of the room and opens a side door and waits for you. You venture down yet another long hallway, candles lighting the way and more decorations of snakes and trees line the walls.
"Why did thee leave?" You both stop by a large bay window and you admire the view. Messmer looks down at you, eyes fixated.
"Oh, well, my father got sick and my mother worried I would catch it so she encouraged me away. I heard of the Lands Between and thought it would be a good place to start anew." You say with tears lining your eyes as you gaze at the trees below.
You feel one of the snakes gently lie its head on your shoulder and it nuzzles your cheek, tongue flicking out and tickling you. The sensation makes you giggle and stops your tears from falling. You think back to Messmer telling you how he can sometimes feel what the snakes feel and you blush. 
“I heard of an Academy, Raya Lucaria. I was hoping to go there to study.” 
Messmer’s eyebrows raise, genuinely surprised at your want to study, not many from the lower classes know how to read let alone wish to learn sorcery. 
“Thee wishes to learn Sorcery and Incantations?” He asks. 
You shake your head. “No, not necessarily. I just wanted to learn. Females aren’t allowed in the Academy’s back home.” You play with your fingers again. “I like reading.” You smile at him, but embarrassed you drop your gaze back to the floor and you turn away from him and the window. “Beg your pardon my lord, this probably sounds inadequate. You must think me dull.” 
Messmer frowns. “Not at all.” He mutters. “Actually…”  He bites his lip and hesitates to finish his sentence. He sees you looking up at him through your lashes, big eyes glistening and incandescent in the sun shining through the window. He feels his stomach flip again. “Follow me.” He marches down the hallway taking large strides with glee. 
You stumble behind him as you pick up your dress to follow the large man. The snakes look at each other, nodding their heads and glancing at you. You feel unnerved they might be talking about you, can snakes even talk? You ask yourself. They must do so if Messmer communicates with them. 
The pair of you reach a metal cage lift, Messmer steps inside and barely fits himself. He offers you his hand, you stare at it for a moment but reach out and cup his large fingers. His skin was soft and warm, but not human warm, a warmth that you could feel in your bones. Like standing by a fire while a snow storm rages outside. You hesitate for a moment, your legs feel wobbly and begin to shake. You timidly toe the bottom of the lift before feeling yourself being hoisted in the air by a snake around your waist. The snake plops you down gently but you still shudder. Your hand still in Messmers gigantic but tender grasp. 
When you settle your weight, the cage groans and creaks and you feel your stomach bubble with nervousness. You worry if the lift can even hold your weight let alone the both of you. 
“Hold on.” He mutters so deep you feel it vibrate from his chest. He pulls a metal lever and the cage shakes and so do you. On instinct you grab his toga and hold tight, bunching the loose fabric in your fist for dear life, you press yourself against him and cover your face. You squeeze your eyes shut and feel the contraption slowly rise upwards. Your other hand still grasps him tightly as your stomach drops at the movement. Messmer, looking down at you, smiles. He moves his free hand to cup your waist and hold you steady, he can feel you tremble under his palm. Once you feel more secure, you stop shaking for a moment. 
Your face pressed against his tunic covered chest - you feel he’s chiselled and hard muscled, but you also feel the protrusion of the snakes that you assume must be attached to his body. Only a thick drape of fabric separates the two of you and yet you can still feel this heat once again. You feel not just a blush on your cheeks but your entire face glows red. You don't remove your hand from his, and you feel his fingers grip yours a little tighter.
The cage lift stops suddenly and you let out a gasp and the breath you didn't realise you were holding. As if you weigh nothing, you feel him pick you up and hoist you off the cage. You didn’t even notice him move away from you. Opening your eyes, you see another grand staircase surrounded by candles - however all made of stone. 
“I've never been on such a device before.” You let out a shaky laugh, you go to stand away from Messmer but find yourself still attached to him. He notices and lets go of your hand.
“Apologies, I didn’t bethink to ask.” He rubs the back of his neck again and walks away from you nervously. You follow behind him up the stairs to the top outside of yet another large wooden door decorated with golden handles. 
“There’s something I wish to show thee.” Messmer reaches for the handles and pulls the door open slightly, but then slams it shut, a blast of dusty air blows in your face. “But first, thee must closeth thy eyes.” He says with glee, his golden eye sparkling with joy. You tilt your head, curious and narrow his eyes at him suspiciously. 
“Tis a surprise.” 
You slowly close your eyes and drop your shoulders. You hear the aged creak of the doors in front of you opening. Then you feel his hands gently cup yours as he guides you into the room. A dusty smell hits your nose but a familiar one. Your footsteps echo around what sounds to be a chasm of a room. 
“Can I open them now?” You ask timidly.
“Nay, nay, not yet.” 
With your vision shrouded, your hearing heightened as you hear that familiar roar of flames being lit and the darkness from behind your eyes turn orange. 
“Waiteth one moment.” Messmer lets go of your hands, leaving them feeling cold, you cup them in front of your chest waiting. You hear the loud swoosh of a pair of curtains, turning the orange to a peach colour and the warmth of the sun hits your face. 
Messmer stands behind you, you feel his hands on your shoulders and you flinch at the surprised touch. He leans down and places his face close to your, his lips nearly touching the shell of your ear, you feel his breath and let in a gasp. “Okay, open thy eyes”. He whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Opening your eyes, you’re met with a grand, vast, incredible library. The room must be about 8 stories high, in the shape of an hexagon, some walls filled with books and scrolls, others lined with stone tablets. To the left a large winding staircase leading to more open rooms and balconies filled with more and more books. You gasp at the unimaginable sight. You step away from Messmer, hands clasped over your mouth in awe. You slowly spin, looking around at the stacks of books. You feel your chest tighten, a lump forms in your throat. 
“I can’t believe it.” You whisper, your neck craning back so much it could roll off your shoulders. You continue to turn and spin looking at each nook above you. The warm glow of the candles seems to not stretch high enough. 
Messmer stands watching you, a smile on his face. Ophis butts him in the shoulder trying to gain his attention, but he merely waves the serpent away. His eyes transfixed on you. 
“I’ve never seen so many books, this is incredible.” You feel tears line your eyes once again, your breathing becomes shaky as you try and control yourself and the intense wave of emotion. 
“Doth thee like it?” Messmer asks and you snap your gaze back to him, a tear falls down your cheek and he feels his heart squeeze. But he knows it’s happy tears that fall. 
“It’s wonderful.” You whisper, you look around at the bookcases around you. “May I?” you ask softly. Messmer simply nods and gestures to you. You turn suddenly and find the first bookcase to your left, you read the spines of the books, running your fingers over the gold embossed letters. 
“I don’t even know where to start.” You grin so hard your cheeks hurt, you turn to Messmer who casually follows behind you. 
He chuckles at your enthusiasm. You run away to the next bookcase, looking at the next set of colourful books. Ophis butts Messmer again, the man turns his head and snaps at his companion. 
“Aye, Ophis?” He says through gritted teeth, annoyed that he was interrupted. 
“Ask her to dinner again” the snake opens his mouth enthusiastically, happy to offer help. Messmer sighs and scratches him under the chin. 
“I shall, friend, just alloweth her first to explore.” He looks at you crouched on the floor looking at more books, pulling one out and flicking through the pages but not reading a single line.
Fidi slithers into view. “You did good, Messmer.” The snake nods and touches its forehead to Messmer. He sighs and walks over to you.
“I shall leaveth thee to read, if thou require aught, just pull yond cord by the door,” he weakly smiles at you and starts to walk away.
You didn’t hear him, instead you felt the warmth of him leave your surroundings and you hastily look up distraught. “Wait!” You call out to him, standing and running over to him. He turns slowly and you run into him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. 
He stands there shocked, arms in the air and doesn’t dare move. You mumble your gratitude into his chest and he barely hears it. He breathes in a few times and hesitates to move. Fidi moves and slithers over his hand and guides it down, till his large fingers wrap around your back as he returns the hug, pulling you in. He feels his body shake, it has been many a year since he had felt the gentle embrace of someone, anyone, let alone a fair maiden. 
You pull away from him and run back off to your books, you pull a few more out from the shelf and pile them next to you. 
“I shall come receive thee for dinner later.” He tells you before leaving you to your new books. You don’t reply, but your smile makes him huff out a small laugh before turning away and walking out of the library. 
Messmer sits alone in his room thinking about you upstairs, he thinks about how close you were in the lift with him, how easily you hugged him, how you weren’t frightened of him anymore. Also how you easily interacted with Fidi and Ophis. He felt his chest tighten, his heart flutter. A small smile grew on his face, he never thought he would appreciate the company of someone new, the castle had grown stale since the war ended and he hid himself away. He hadn’t heard from his family or mother in years, he wasn’t even sure if he was welcome back home or not. 
Fidi and Ophie rest their heads on Messmers chest, facing the man. Fidi opens her eyes, sensing distress within Messmer. 
“Don’t ruin the wonderful day, Mess. Think of her, the future. Not the past.” 
He reaches up and pets the snake on the head. 
“I’m sorry Fidi.” He sighs. “I just have never hath felt this way about anyone before. I has’t this desire to protect the maiden. Care for her.”
“She is wonderful, isn’t she? She suits the castle well.” 
He feels the blush on his cheeks again.
“The lady does.” Messmer sighs.
Fidi closes her eyes again, nuzzling back against Ophis.
Ophis speaks without moving; “Do you think she’ll stay if you asked her to?” 
“I would desire so.”
Messmer stares up at the ornate ceiling through the hole burnt in the top of the canopy bed, blackened from smoke and char. He thinks of you and your kaleidoscopic eyes, your soft skin and your melodic laugh. 
The night draws in, Messmer watches the sun finally set over the treeline from his balcony. He took to the snow covered veranda as he does every night to watch the falling sun, the one constant that is the same here and as back home. In silence, he makes his way up to the unused library, even though he couldn't remember the last time he stepped inside. 
He’s grateful the door was still wide open, stepping inside he looks around the ground floor for you. Cautiously he looks around, a small pang of worry hits his chest as he wanders in the dark, candles long burnt away leaving stalactites of red and white wax down the candelabras. The small hint of dusk from outside keeps the room alight. 
He goes up the stairs and turns the corner, at the end of the first row of bookcases he sees a small flickering light from a corner. A large pile of books blocks his view till he peers over the top to see your sleeping form resting on a pile of pillows propped against a loveseat, also covered in scrolls and opened books. An opened book rests against your slow breathing chest. The one lone candle by your side flickers against his movement, casting delicate shadows on your sleeping face. 
For a moment he thought about waking you for dinner, but after watching you sleep for a moment, your peaceful face made him feel weak. He looks at Fidi who tilts her head at you, also admiring the sleeping maiden in front of them. Messmer presses his lips together and reaches down to the book on your chest. His fingers graze the soft skin of your chest near the swell of your breast. He nearly drops the book back onto you as he nearly pulls away as if struck by lightning. He holds himself for a moment, mentally taking in how soft you feel before removing the book. 
You wiggle at the change of pressure on your body. But your eyes remain closed. Messmer scoops you up in one shift motion, letting your head and hand rest against his chest once again. He felt comfort in having you close to him. He notices a small smile form on your sleeping lips. Fidi and Ophis slither over your body and rest their heads on your stomach and look up at you, tongues flicking out to taste the air around you.
Carefully, Messmer carries you out of the library. Not wanting to startle you awake with the loud clattering of the iron lift, he slowly descents the secret staircase that wraps around the tower. However he is grateful he gives him a few more moments with you resting against him, safe in his arms. For a moment he remembers how powerful and dangerous his hands are, how easily he could set you alight with his cursed powers, how much blood is on them. 
He shakes his head of the wretched thoughts, tightening his grip on you. You held his hands so easily, touched his ashen skin without hesitation, held him close and found him secure for a moment. He blooms with the idea of how easily you’re being to trust him. Yet he knew you’d run away the second you learnt of his past. Fidi senses their master's distress and wraps herself around his shoulders to comfort him. 
Finally he makes it back down to the heart of the castle, carefully marching up the grand staircase, he hesitates. He looks down the left corridor to your room, then to the right to his. For a moment he thinks about carrying you to his bedchambers, so you may slumber on his bed, so he can watch over you, protect you. For a moment he swears he feels his feet start that selfish journey. But he stops himself and turns to the left and carries you back to your room. He carefully opens the door and places you down on the bed, moving a stray strand of hair from your face, fingers delicately toy with the strand for a moment before smoothing back around your ear, fingers gliding over your soft cheek. 
He looks down at your sleeping form once more before sighing and walking away. He closes the door behind him with a click.
You open your eyes when you hear the door shut. Sitting up, you stare at the door waiting for it to open again, but it doesn’t. You raise your hand to your cheek and trace your fingers over where he last touched. You bite your lip and rest your head on the pillow, grabbing it and hugging it tight, before closing your eyes and falling back asleep. 
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thisnerdsadventures · 3 years
Apartment Hunting: A Post-Mortem
[a post-mortem is what we call a reflection, or a summary, of some project or process we went through after it's wrapped up.]
I recently travelled to New York to find an apartment, and if you don't know anything about the housing market in NYC, here's a quick sum-up of what it's like: it's awful, ridiculously competitive, and expensive. If you're thinking of moving to New York, or want to see what everyone's complaining about, feel free to read on!
What I was looking for in the very beginning (the very ideal, but as I soon learned, not realistic):
- Laundry in building or in-unit [non-negotiable]: I just simply refuse to leave the building to do my laundry
- Elevator building or max 3rd floor walkup: Lots of older buildings might not have elevators in the building, so they'll often be five or six stories tall, hence "walk-up"
- Doorman: I wasn't sure how safe a building without a doorman would be? (I soon relented and realized that buildings without a doorman sometimes have a virtual doorman, or are protected by a double door with the inner door only accessible with a keycard or code. That should be sufficient for building security, for me at least)
- Downtown, close to neighborhoods like the East Village (EV), Lower east side (LES), Nolita, Noho/Soho, West Village. These neighborhoods seemed like the fun parts based on what people had told me, and I was a little hesitant on places like FiDi or Battery Park City, which I heard had a reputation for being quieter. Also important is max 25-30 minutes by train away from my office.
- And lastly, a $2k-2.5k price range per person for a 2 bedroom (so $4k-5k total) - I'm living with a friend from school, which I'm personally excited for, so that I know someone in the city and we'll also have more space in the apartment too.
Pre-travel, I had scoured the Internet (Streeteasy, Renthop, Zillow, and Apartments.com) for potential apartments and reached out to a few brokers - a couple in EV, one in Nolita. Something I didn't realize was that when you reach out, the broker might call you and try to find you other places to in addition to the one you had requested info on. So within the first few days of looking, I guess I already had like 4 brokers looking for me??? More on this though to come.
[Apt #1] Arriving in New York, I immediately had a tour for a 2bed/1ba in EV. Honestly, this was probably one of the best places I had looked at. It was on the seventh (eighth (?)) floor of an elevator building with laundry on the first floor. No doorman, but the building felt secure to me because of the double door. The apartment was small, but clean and newly renovated. It was priced at around $4k, which was, in hindsight, an extraordinary deal considering everything else I had seen after this one. However, it was too far for my roommate and already had several applications in, so it was gone by the morning.
This is one good tip [tip #1] though -make sure to have all your documents gathered and compiled on your phone or printed out before visiting places. The market can be fiercely competitive - I watched a youtube video the other day about this girl who didn't get an apartment because she sent in her application 15 minutes later than the last applicant. Documents include multiple paystubs, bank statements, and photo ID.
[Apt #2] The next day I checked out a place in Nolita - 2bed/1ba, laundry in-unit, but a fifth floor walkup. One of the bedrooms had literally no light, which I didn't feel good about at all. I didn't realize how much sunlight meant to me until I saw this room and imagined myself living there. It's shocking how much you can't tell just how bad the lighting is from a photo or a video. So [tip #2] you absolutely ABSOLUTELY must visit places in-person, otherwise you might be stuck with places with very bad lighting.
Another thing I didn't realize was that when you consider the broker's fee with the monthly rent, it'll seem a lot pricier than on paper. For instance, if this place was $5k/month, but the broker's fee was one months rent, then total cost for the year would be $65k, so you might as well consider monthly rent at $5.4k/month. for an apartment that partly doesn't have sunlight. on the FIFTH FLOOR. I am not paying $5.4k/month for that. So make sure you take into account broker's fee when you're looking at apartments. [tip #3]
At this point, my roommate and I narrowed our search to the Financial District and were no longer exclusively looking for buildings w a doorman. Our target price range slowly fizzled into extinction. I reached out to a number of other places on Renthop mostly, and a few brokers reached back out. Some of these were flex apartments, which are studios or 1bed apartments that can be converted to a 2bed apartment by adding a "flex wall" somewhere, usually cordoning off a portion of the living room. Because the total space is smaller than a true 2bed, these can be cheaper. But depending on how the wall is set up and how the division is determined, you might not get full privacy, and you might be cutting out lighting into certain spaces.
Some of these units were true 2beds, but also sounded too good to be true. One of these units was listed at [x] street, but when I asked the realtor where to meet him, he said an address at [y] street. I googled [y] street, and the NYC Housing Dept website said that it was an office building. This was a red flag to me because I read about "bait and switches" online. [tip #4]: Bait and switches are when brokers tell you to meet them on the corner somewhere (not in front of the building they said they would show you), and then once you're there, they claim they can't show you that unit because its already rented, so they show you other units that might not have what you need. So, I was very suspicious because he wasn't telling me to meet him in front of the listed address - I replied, "This is an office building," and I asked him for the actual address - he then finally disclosed the actual address, which was (to his credit) near [x] street, but was in fact on [z] street! And I had already visited the unit anyways, so this entire conversation turned out to be a grand waste of my time.
This unit was [apt #3] - a 2bed/1ba in the heart of the Financial District (FiDi), on the second floor in a large luxury building with laundry, elevator, doorman, gym, etc. It was also not super out of our price range, coming in at around $5,150/month, but once I walked in, I realized why - there was absolutely no light in the unit whatsover. FiDi is filled with huge buildings, 30, 40 stories tall. If you're on the second floor, there's a good chance that you'll have no light because there are too many buildings around. I looked up - there were no lights built into the ceiling, so we'd have to handle all of our lighting ourselves. Moreover, with utilities and building amenity fees, we'd be looking at something close to $5400/month. ([tip #5]: Utilities and various amenity fees can add up quick.)
[apt #4] was about the same - 2nd floor, similar price, no light. Lower floors can also mean more noise from the street, and I saw trash trucks pull up right by the window. One thing I tried to do was negotiate down the price because of the lighting issue, but it was to no avail - the market was just too in demand. It's too bad - the unit was really nice and comparatively spacious, but I just wasn't willing to compromise on the lighting issue.
I was a little nervous at this point about what kind of price range we were going to have to accommodate or what other concessions we'd have to make in terms of opting for a flex apt. Most of the other reasonable 2bed units were starting at $5.6-5.7k/month, nothing close to within our range. Luckily though, one of the brokers I was working with managed to find a unit off-the-market that checked all of our boxes, just not listed on Streeteasy yet.
[apt #5] - I checked it out early one Saturday morning and the building got a pretty good amount of light. Space was ok, not too big, not too small, and the building was super nice. Gym was pretty spacious and clean, rooftop had a gorgeous view of Manhattan. Laundry was in-building, not in-unit, but I figured we had dealt with that for four years in college anyways, so not the worst concession. It was about a 10-15 minute walk away from our respective offices, so literally hit all of our points, except it was just a bit outside of our price range. And it had no applications outstanding - once I got home, I sent my roommate a video of the place and said, "We need to fill out an application for this place ASAP."
Luckily we managed to get an application in, and after a bit of explaining my paystub format to the leasing office (some of my paystubs cover one week, not two? Other's cover two??), they approved us! So after just a week of hectic searching, we are officially residents of NYC :D
I'm not sure what I learned from this process except sometimes, in order to understand how crazy certain things are, you just gotta dive headfirst into the process. I did do a ton of research on the market and various red flags to watch out for, and that helped me out of a few trapdoors, like the no lighting situation or the sketchy broker address situation. If I hadn't read up on how you should visit places in person or about what bait-and-switches are, I could've ended up in quite a situation. Also to not hesitate when filling out applications - compared to the overall cost of renting in NYC, app fees aren't that huge. Be direct and ask for what you want from the brokers and the leasing office - don't hesitate to ask for a free month or waived fees. Worst thing that happens is that they'll just say no! And you definitely aren't the first person to ask either, so it's not like they'll take it personally.
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hshouse · 3 years
Hey! I'm going to spend the month of January in New York for a school thing, and I wanted to know if you have any tips about staying in the city? I'm coming from out of the country and I have a good scholarship so I have housing and stuff covered, but I wanted to know what extra cost I should think about and also best places to visit if you have any tips about that as well!! Thank you💗💗💗
Hi bby,
So costs! Food is pretty expensive if you go to a sit down restaurant. I’d stick to fast casual like sweetgreen and fast food like five guys to save money. For the metro/bus it’s 2.75 and you can change from metro to bus or vice versa once. The monthly/weekly passes are only worth it if you plan on taking the metro more than 2 times a day. Otherwise, paying each ride will be cheaper. January is cold as fuck so make sure to bring or have money for winter stuff (mainly you need a big good winter coat and a beanie imo. don’t buy winter boots if u don’t have them, it’s not enough snow. your sneakers will be fine).
Most attractions are expensive so make sure to do research and pick some and not all. Like there are 3 tall buildings (empire state, the one in Rockfeller plaza and the twin towers one). It’s cool and you should go, but to only one of these. I really like the circle line ferry from 42nd st cause it goes around the island and it’s pretty. For museums you can get student discounts. Idk how much you are into them but if you are not, you should go to the met and natural history. If you are then also whitney, guggenheim and moma. Out of touristy things I think are worth it is about that (paid). Must go free: west village/washington sq park, central park (multiple times it is gigantic), battery park/fidi, soho, brookly bridge, upper west side, columbus circle/billionaire’s row, walk down 5th, grand central, bryant park (I’ll edit if I rmr anything else). For times square, you have to go at night. It’s disgusting during the day and not exciting. If you can go at like 3am that’s the best cause all the lights are up but no one is there (best pics).
NY is a walking city so comfy shoes are a must. You will walk in and out of heated spaces a lot so layers!!! I always wear a tshirt under all the layers cause sometimes it gets hot inside places.
Enjoy the city. It’s a place that works like a machine and it doesn’t care about you so give it the respect of understanding we do things like this and it works. Like it’s dirty yes it is full of tourists yes it is full of bat shit insane people yes but like we fucking love it. So come with an open heart and I’m sure you will love it.
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nwbeerguide · 5 years
Back for more, Oskar Blues Brewery announces the release of Ten FIDY Imperial Stout
Press Release
Longmont, Colo. … Oskar Blues Brewery’s Ten FIDY Imperial Stout, a darker-than-dark, 10.5% ABV black hole of burly malt flavor, will return as a seasonal release on Sept. 14. Massively malty and imperially smooth, Ten FIDY will be distributed nationwide on draft and in 4-packs of 12 oz. cans.
Vast quantities of big, dark malt including caramel malt, Munich malt, and fluffy oats are used in the making of Ten FIDY. The result is a viscous, opaque brew that gravitates toward flavors of espresso, chocolate-covered caramel, black licorice and plum. Ten FIDY will return as supermassive as ever this fall.
When asked what sets Ten FIDY apart from other imperial stouts, Oskar Blues Head of Brewing Operations, Tim Matthews, said, “The sweetness aims at being mouth-coating but not stomach-coating. It has all the robust flavor without the excessive sugar that other imperial stouts have.” He went on to suggest some tips for maximum enjoyment of Ten FIDY, specifically that it should be paired with anything smothered in gravy or with chocolate desserts; and that the optimal time to enjoy a can of the seasonal stout is “at the end of the day after all activities are wrapped, when everything is slowing down for the evening and you’re ready to sip on the reward.”
Oskar Blues first brewed Ten FIDY in 2007. Over the years, it’s gained a loyal following and a place in the hearts of many an Imperial Stout lover, earning a score of 97 on Beer Advocate and praise from beer-centric publications. “This big, bad stout is not messing around,” said Men’s Journal. Paste Magazine described it as “enticingly thicc” and “a blueprint for one of craft beer’s tastiest styles.” 
Explore the depths of Ten FIDY Imperial Stout starting Sept. 14 with release parties at Oskar Blues taprooms in Longmont, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, Austin, Texas, and Brevard, North Carolina. Or to find it near you, keep an eye on the beerfinder.
About Oskar Blues Brewery Founded by Dale Katechis in 1997 in Lyons, Colorado, Oskar Blues Brewery launched the craft-beer-in-a-can apocalypse with their hand-canned flagship brew, Dale’s Pale Ale. Today, Oskar Blues operates breweries in Colorado, North Carolina and Texas featuring Dale’s Pale Ale as the nation’s #3 top-selling craft can six-pack at U.S. supermarkets. Oskar Blues is available nationwide in the US and in over 20 countries. Oskar Blues Brewery is a proud member of CANarchy, a disruptive collective of like-minded craft brewers dedicated to bringing high-quality, innovative flavors to drinkers in the name of independent craft beer.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2LOaG2u
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Patrons with Iron's Horse's interior sign during the bar's last night, 2/26/19 at 7p.
If you've spent any time drinking in downtown Manhattan you've probably got at least one wild, bar dancing story from Iron Horse, a bar that closed last night after almost a ten-year run on Cliff Street. After they announced the shuttering on Feb. 18th on Instagram, my high school friend and long time Iron Horse patron Bill Enright invited me to join in their final happy hour last night. He also and introduced me to owner Zbigniew 'Ziggy' Szymczyk, who tended the bar along with a bevy of sultry females. "Ziggy told me they're closing because their lease was up and they wanted an astronomical amount of rent," Enright relayed to me. "It sucks."
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Iron Horse owner Zbigniew 'Ziggy' Szymczyk (center) with longtime customer Bill Enright (right) on the bar's last night.
Iron Horse was already a mad-house when we arrived at 6:30 and we immediately ordered a small mountain of three-dollar canned beers as Enright ran into one fellow regular after another. When Szymczyk himself served our next round, Enright tried to thank him over of the blasting music. "You remember I came by every day for three years, do ya Ziggy?" After Szymczyk's worn ears heard every word, held up his arms and surrendered to Enright with a smile. "Believe me I know, I was here." 
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Sign for Iron Horse's silent auction of it's ephemera.
Their warm exchange was genuine as were the tears shed by the surrounding employed adults of every stripe in the downtown area. Suited office-types bristled against neon-hoodied construction workers as folks dressed up in leather squeezed between towards the back where a Twister board was set up. It in use by a reunion of folks from a nearby office that had known the bar well. "A lot of us work a different places now," one of them told me, "but we had to come back [to Iron Horse] one last time."
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Iron Horse's happy hour bartending staff during their last shift.
Before long Iron Horse's slogan "Get Your A** on the Bar", that's emblazoned in paint right above it, rang true as a bartender climbed it to get on the shoulders of a customer. Another bartender handed them shots and the two of them tipped them back in unison. A swing also hung from the ceiling awaiting a rider while Iron-Horse's shot-bell rang time and again whenever the five-woman bartending team did a round of them together.
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Bartender and bar-back on Iron Horse's last night.
As wild as the scene was, it's one that Iron Horse has always advertised as owner Szymczyk described when he shot back at a Yelper who once complained about the noise and the food. "We are primarily a loud party type, bar atmosphere, serving a mean burger, hot wings and similar pub fare at RIDICULOUSLY low prices for Lower Manhattan. Where else in the area can you get a beer for $2? Where else can you get a freshly made half-pound burger including a draft beer for $10?"
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Bartender on Iron Horse's last night.
"We have four stars on Yelp," Szymczyk continued, "but it's not because our food will knock your socks off. Most of our customers come in looking for a good time, and to get away from the mundane of the every day while enjoying a simple decent meal at a low price."
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Bartender climbing atop a customer and taking a shot with him in unison.
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Patrons playing Twister where the pool table had been removed.
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Iron Horse's security with longtime customer Bill Enright.
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Iron Horse owner Zbigniew 'Ziggy' Szymczyk behind the bar under his bar trademark "Get Your Ass on the Bar" slogan.
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Patrons during Iron Horse's final happy hour.
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tiptopdailymarket · 4 years
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@oskarblues TEN FIDY STOUT - 10.5% This titanic, immensely viscous stout is loaded with inimitable flavors of chocolate-covered caramel and coffee and hide a hefty 98 IBUs underneath the smooth blanket of malt. It is made with enormous amounts of two-row malt, chocolate malt, roasted barley, flaked oats and hops. #plazahills #plazashamrock #countryclubheights #villaheights #noda #plazamidwood #charlotte #clt #charlottesgotalot #tiptopyadontstop #finelivin #moreplease #allthebeveragessnacksandrecordsfitfordailyconsumption #stoutseason #stout #beer #beerstagram #beerlover #beerme #beertime #beergeek #beershop (at Tip Top Daily Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGarR96pcYb/?igshid=homqk8vvs7cd
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glrosario · 4 years
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The Financial District of Lower Manhattan, also known as FiDi, is a neighborhood located on the southern tip of Manhattan island in New York City. It is bounded by the West Side Highway on the west, Chambers Street and City Hall Park on the north, Brooklyn Bridge on the northeast, the East River to the southeast, and South Ferry and the Battery on the south. The City of New York was created in the Financial District in 1624, and the neighborhood roughly overlaps with the boundaries of the New Amsterdam settlement in the late 17th century. The district comprises the offices and headquarters of many of the city's major financial institutions, including the New York Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Anchored on Wall Street in the Financial District, New York City has been called both the most financially powerful city and the leading financial center of the world, and the New York Stock Exchange is the world's largest stock exchange by total market capitalization. Several other major exchanges have or had headquarters in the Financial District, including the New York Mercantile Exchange, NASDAQ, the New York Board of Trade, and the former American Stock Exchange. The Financial District is part of Manhattan Community District 1 and its primary ZIP Codes are 10004, 10005, 10006, and 10038. It is patrolled by the 1st Precinct of the New York City Police Department. The Financial District encompasses roughly the area south of City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan but excludes Battery Park and Battery Park City. The former World Trade Center complex was located in the neighborhood until the September 11, 2001 attacks; the neighborhood includes the successor One World Trade Center. [Wikipedia] George L. Rosario NYC’s Hometown Realtor The Luxe Stone NY Team Brokered by eXp Realty www.GeorgeRosario.com #NYCsHometownRealtor #LuxeStoneNY #MayorOfNewYork #SocialMedia #WallStreet #FinancialDistrict #PowerAgentsRock #luxuryrealestate #luxuryhomes #luxuryagent #WorldTradeCenter #WTC #eXpRealty #eXpRealtyProud #glrosario #StockExchange #TheBull #WolfOfWallStreet (at Financial District, NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEudYrjbm2/?igshid=lvfy8cn6m66b
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