#ficwriter meme
izhunny · 7 months
Fic WIP Meme
In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous.
Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and post a little snippet or tell us about it.
Tag as many people as you have WIPs. If you don't write, list your art WIPs!
I was tagged by @tsuntsunfangirl aka LoWho because, and I quote, "I know she has a lot on her plate" 🤬
I just posted the last 3(of 10) drabbles for my Mission Improbable series for the 10th International Fanworks Day IFDrabble event, so my plate has fewer titles 🤣
Couplets - Tony POV
Couplets - Loki POV
The Mis-Adventure of the Recovering Detective
Enemies to Lovers(a little whump all around)Know Thy Enemy?
No pressure tagging: @jaybarou @writernotwaiting @securitybreach @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea and anyone else who wants to play!
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o-writers-woes · 2 years
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guzhufuren · 2 years
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KinnPorsche + favourite ao3 ficwriters' tag: No Beta edition (pt. 8/10)
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kkyujikoo · 15 days
I just find it so fucking funny how baby JK was SO ADAMANT on ranking JM last on looks and now he's going full tail-wagging, puppy-eyed, "you're prettier than the clouds" bf on THE VERY SAME GUY.
Oh, how the turntables
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crestfallercanyon · 10 months
hi!! 3, 9 and 17 for the fic writer asks? i love your fics btw :)
Ahhh hello! That's so sweet of you to say, I'm glad you enjoy what I write. And thank you so much for asking!! You picked some tough questions, but I'm excited to answer.
3. What's your favorite fic you've written?
Oof, this is an impossible question, I um... it often depends on the day? I mean I have 64 fics and I've loved writing every single one of them, even ones that I wish I could go back and change or even ones that I'd debated getting rid of entirely. So, I'm not even sure how I'd quantify this. That being said, Conflicts of Interest (The Maze Runner, thomally) is my child. It's a story I adore and rotted my mind for a year. I have so many headcanons so many branch off ideas that will likely never see the light of day, but I love thinking about thomally in that context.
Otherwise, I guess... I guess I might quantify it as stories that played out as a near perfect representation as to what was on my brain (or better than what was on my brain). Not to say that other stories are better or worse or whatever, but, like, it's kind of a nirvana when what you read on a page truly rings out like how you dreamt it up. I think those honorable mentions would go to: Something Out of Nothing (The Flash CW, coldflash); Red Lights, They Blink Your Name (The Maze Runner, minally); The Last Eye to Open (Bandersnatch); it'd be better if you flayed me alive (Shameless, gallavich); and -- ironically for how much I griped about the writing of it -- Something Like Sentiment (tmr, thomally).
This was a hard question! Maybe in a few days I'd think differently, but this is my answer for now (long and rambly as it is, lol)
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! I write pretty much daily! Sometimes it's not much more than a few lines, but I usually have something whether it be a full-blown scrivener start up or just a little line I put in my notes app or in my journal. Writing is kind of my freedom time. Today was one of those days where I only jotted one short scene in my notes I knew I didn't want to forget. Here's the line that I knew I had to get down:
“Doesn’t matter what I think. He thinks he’s going to hell, and you know the devil — he’ll never turn away a volunteer.”
Maybe one day I'll finish the fic for this bad boy, we shall see <3
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I've looked up a lot of stuff for fics. Lately I've been learning a lot more about bipolar disorder because I've been wanting to write a manic Ian fic for Shameless.
I also learned a lot about buses, how much fuel they can hold, and how people remodel the insides in order to make them into livable places for my fic Eyes on the Road Ahead (The Maze Runner, brenderesa).
I also learned a little bit about the paternity/adoption/foster system of Missouri for Lullabies for Little Criminals (coldflash).
I'm sure I've learned more interesting things for fic, but that's what first comes to mind about stuff I had to research specifically for fic.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING! Here are the questions, for reference. These were very fun, so thank you so much!
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mr-and-mr-pendragon · 11 months
I’m sorry to ask, but is something happening with the Arthur/Merlin family on tumbler? Each morning I wake up looking for the latest post. Recently, 1 of my most faithful daily sites just disappeared. The rest have reduced from several daily posts to once in a while. I joined someone called ArthurDaily who was posting daily, and they disappeared one week ago. Maybe I’m just too thirsty. Everyone has holidays/work/troubles/life, but I’m running out of options for my happy fix. Any suggestions?
And thank you for continuing to post beautiful images and stories.
We're an old fandom, there's no new content to generate lots of posts. Despite that, from time to time we flare up and the talented gifmakers, ficwriters, meme enjoyers and commenters come together to share our love for bbc merlin. Usually when a new film comes out with one of the lead actors, or there's some insane hellsite reason to make the tag trend.
There's not a lot of purely merlin blogs now, but I recommend following these people, their online presence makes me happy :3 (a few off the top of my head)
@brolinskeep @cabbageheadss @dollopheadsandclotpoles @freylins @merthurapologist @thatgaywizardoverthere
also binge watch the other works of beloved merlin actors. watch damien with bradley & humans with colin, and cry with me over them having been cancelled. especially humans. damn, that was a great series and it had colin moaning on the bed as he was charging or some shit lol
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whoischam · 2 years
Desafio dos 100 Temas!!
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ATENÇÃO, FICWRITERS! Sentindo muita falta dos temas para fanfics e tags da escrita que existiam nos falecidos jornais do Spirit Fanfics, resolvi montar uma nova lista!
Agradecimentos e beijões para @anaharae-s, @asplendere, @aestuantic e choize por terem me ajudado. ♡
Os temas listados aqui podem ser usados para qualquer categoria, estão livres a interpretação, não precisam ser escritos na ordem e podem ser escritos no seu ritmo. Eu escrevi "histórias", mas pode ser aplicado em poemas, poesias, etc. Também vale desafiar os amigos para fazer algum! Espero que inspire vocês. <3
#TAGs: Desafio dos 100 Temas, 100DaysWriting
O vilão da história estava certo 
Viagem longa de carro (Roadtrip)
Onda de calor
A sensação de “estar/ser deixado para trás"
Escreva sobre um personagem com algo que você não mudaria em si mesmo
"O que você é?"
Escreva com um gênero que você nunca escreveu antes
Pet Peeves
Dias chuvosos
Baseada em uma citação ou ditado popular
Metas de relacionamento
“Estou feliz que você ligou”
Lugar certo, hora errada (ou vice versa)
Escreva de forma que cada parágrafo ou linha comece com uma letra do alfabeto
O último dia na Terra antes do fim do mundo
Amor e monstros
Escreva sobre um personagem agradecendo por algo incomum
Situações embaraçosas
Quebrando a quarta parede
Troca de gênero (genderbend)
Escreva sobre cumprir o último desejo de alguém
Caos completo e absoluto
Viagem no tempo
Reescreva totalmente um conto de fadas
Narrador não confiável
Pegue uma história que você escreveu e conte uma versão diferente, mudando o gênero mas mantendo o plot central
"Bem-vindo ao clube"
Superpoderes (que contradizem as personalidades dos seus personagens)
"Tudo o que você precisa são 20 segundos de coragem…" 
Escreva algo relacionado a cor Pantone do ano em que você nasceu
Baseada em uma música
Distopia cibernética
O protagonista teve amnésia. Quando acorda, quem os outros dizem que ele é?
Escreva uma história com um título gerado automaticamente
Uma memória 
“Ninguém pode me ver”
O protagonista e seu maior inimigo/rival precisam trabalhar juntos. Por quê?
Encontros inusitados
Gênero: suspense (com até 1000 palavras)
Escreva uma história baseada no significado do seu nome ou sobrenome
Duas mentiras, uma verdade
Hanahaki Byou
Ao pé da letra
Mitologias e lendas
Escreva uma cena acontecendo na sua paisagem favorita
Maneiras inusitadas de expressar amor
Toda família tem um ___ (e se a sua não tem, ele é você)
Sete minutos no Paraíso
Almas gêmeas
Presentes DIY (faça-você-mesmo)
Verdade ou Desafio
Tik Tok
Algo inspirado ou ambientado nos anos 70/80/90
Animais de estimação
Mansão abandonada
Troca de corpos
Linguagem das flores
Uma história em outro planeta
Ambientada na cidade em que você nasceu
Amuleto da sorte
Luz, câmera, ação!
Ligação tarde da noite
O que (não) fazer em uma simulação de terremoto/incêndio
Enredo não linear
Há algo na água
Seu tema é a palavra do dia do dicionário online
Inspirado em um meme
Slice of life (vida cotidiana)
Folha em branco
Hábitos e rotinas
Abra aleatoriamente um livro/mangá/revista: escreva algo incluindo três palavras da página
Alerta vermelho
Déjà vu ou Jamais Vu
Uma história com exatamente 100 palavras
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kamiana-ruzha · 3 months
so i saw this post by @klinefelterrible
and... let's talk Transformers sex.
i can't say that i am a very big specialist in that area, but some time ago i had to dive deep after realising my mistake after translating tf anatomy dictionary, so yeah, with a few dozen hundreds of read fics too i feel authorised enough to talk about that.
this post is more of a simplified summary on fanlore tf sex page, which is here. for more detailed and specific post i recommend this one by @/sweet7simple it's a must read for any tf-ficwriter, especially the ones that explore the theme of sparklings in their works.
so. let's begin with what was my mistake: assuming that tf sex, which is mostly called "interface", has only one type. in fact, it has three: sticky, plug'n'play and the mindfuck. sparkmerge/bond occurs in them all but will be covered briefly.
i won't cover the "squishy" as no-one really uses it.
let's dive in 🫶
sticky interface is the most popular, i'm sure it's the one you've seen in most of E&M rated tf fanfiction on ao3.
it's quite simple: "spike" is a penis-analog and "valve" is analog of vagina.
valve has sensitivity nodes, calipers, labia, and is formed meshed sleeve. it also has a 'seal' which, you got it, indicates if a bot had been penetrated or not.
all words you use in ordinary dick description apply to a spike, BUT for more detailed description of its structure really go check out the post by sweet7simple.
both organs may have biolights, modifications (think sex toys functions); during intimacy they work the same human organs work. yes, they can make kids too.
the interface panel for valve is called a "valve cover" and for a spike - a "spike housing". both may be called an interface array
interface stands for sexual intercourse of any type.
most transformers have both spike and a valve, exceptions can be created in your fics.
plug'n'play is second popular tf sex type. in some cases, it's more platonic, in others - almost like sticky interface. sometimes penis-analog is called 'cable', vagina one - interface array.
this type is based on electric charge, sent or downloaded from one partner to another. the friction doesn't usually occur.
i've seen it barely five times so i'd be thankful if someone more educated in that matter shares their knowledge.
the type i called mindfuck is almost like cordial psychic cord, that thing from tfp. this fic, for example, is great at exploring that type. unfortunately, i can't find another example, but the concept is the same.
basically, it's the same plug'n'play but the cords join at the backs of their heads and they share pleasant memories or download cute cat memes or smth. it's more of a mental pleasure and the mindfuck was a joking name.
sparkbond is almost the same, but they share all the memories during literal bonding of their souls. but, the bond is not required to feel pleasure - it could just be an extra tool, for example, to sent a em-wave of pleasure or comfort or whatever other emotions that can be sent. i will do more research and post about sparkbond once again in the future.
i'd also mention the heat modes – basically, they are the same ones animals have in nature and people have in omegaverse fanfiction. usually, the purpose is the same – bitlet. hot body temperature, heightened libido, excessive lubrication - you name it.
i'd be glad if that long read was useful in any way 🫶
have a flower💠
and go write robot porn
i bless you
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dayacakrawala · 1 month
Had a taste of Skybound. Not calling it "good comic", this writing was shit. They should just hire ficwriters, at least they know how to recycle fandom tropes and memes properly. Seriously, if a guy I hired for money produced this and then there were anon MegOp shippers online birthing out gems after full-time shifts of their shitwork outdoing my official content, I'd totally rethink what I do with my intellectual property. (Sadly, humanizing corps leads you nowhere.) If only I had time to thank and celebrate all the authors making my fandom experience better the way they deserve. They're doing god's job. (Maybe I could do a rec list one day.)
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the-pen-pot · 2 years
Yo are you a ficwriter? Want to be tagged in things? Reply to this post or reblog with tags❤
(I'm following loads of people but get baffled over who to tag in writing meme stuff because I don't know who is still writing fic and who isn't. 😆)
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wintersmitth · 2 years
For 50 question ask meme. 3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Thank you!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
*clenches fist*
💫 Men crying 💫
No, seriously, i recently reread a big portion of the fics I have posted, and almost in every one there were men crying. I didn't reread earliest ones, but I'm pretty sure they have they feature too.
And how can I not mention the weirdest fucking crossovers? This girlie wasn't scared to put on ao3 Supernatural/Hobbit, Supernatural/Harry Potter, Hobbit/Harry Potter, Marvel/Harry Potter fics.
Actually, they Marvel/HP fic was rather cleverly written, I'm not going to be ashamed.
Aske me ficwriters questions!
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o-writers-woes · 2 years
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guzhufuren · 2 years
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VegasPete + favourite ao3 ficwriters' tags (pt. 6/10)
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
1. AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad
AO3, Tumblr, and now Wattpad! I have created a new Wattpad account where I will publish my works from here for newer fans as well. It’s gonna take a while, since I’ve written quite a lot in the last few years. For now, the entirety of my Kili x OC series “Starcrossed Losers” can be found on there through this link <3
It’s gotten a new jacket on Wattpad too (she’s been yassified, guys :))) ). And, for the cult members, I have included some of your memes and reactions as well!
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2. The Starcrossed Losers playlist
I have updated the playlist of Starcrossed Losers. The ‘standard’ fic titles have been removed and replaced with those actually relevant to the story. It can now be found back on Spotify right here, or find it on the masterlist of mentioned fic!
3. Concerning November Writings
Yes, I am still not finished with November Writings. I do not know if I ever will, but I’ll try to make progress when I find the energy. Truth is, I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for the last four years now (as a fangirl does), but lately, it’s been getting worse, and - not to sound dramatic - I’ve been fearing for my own life. I am actively trying to fight it, and I’ve finally been seeking help and talking to people, but that also forces me to put things I want to focus on first. I want to write, but I oftentimes have trouble finding inspiration from requests. I have regained inspiration and motivation for Starcrossed Losers and a new series, so I’ll work on those first. Thank you for understanding! :)
4. The Mandalorian fic
Starcrossed Losers and a new series. Yes, I have been working on a Mandalorian x OC series. Seeing as the new season will start publishing now, I’ll have to work hard as a ficwriter. I’ll publish it on all my platforms once the first season is done! I cannot guarantee it’ll be finished before the ending of season 3, but I’m sure the Star Wars fandom won’t immediately go to sleep afterwards <3
5. Less activity
I have removed the Tumblr app from my phone due to personal reasons. By deleting distractions from my phone, I can try to focus more on myself and my mental health, but it will decrease my activity on this hellsite. Not to worry, I won’t leave you completely <3
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crestfallercanyon · 2 years
2, 5, 16 :~)
Hiya!! Thanks so much for the ask <3
2. did you have any writing goals? did you meet them?
Sort of!
My goals were to finish some of my longfics, get started on a major longfic, and explore more characters.
I finished one (maybe two?) of my longfics from the year prior, I did not get started on my major longfic (and that's okay!), and I did explore more characters (and fandoms!) so I think so?
My goals also shifted throughout the year, though, because I began to partake in more events which was a lot of fun! So, no regrets.
5. Favorite line of dialogue you wrote this year?
That's REALLY hard, oof! To give myself an out, i'm going to categorize three separate lines :D
Truly a favorite single line? "We keep a piece of all the monsters we survive; if this meant that we became them, there'd be no good people left." - Derek, Of All My Crimes
Favorite exchange? “If you’re gonna suggest somethin’ like that to me, then you say exactly what you mean. You tell me what you mean by that, Thomas.”  “You know what I mean,” Thomas insists.  “Shucking say it.”  “You’d have to kill me, Gally. You’d have to kill me.” - Gally and Thomas, Look Who's Inside Again
Favorite 'Monologue'? “Gally follows the rules. He makes life easy for himself. He tabs his Bluebook, he writes out all of colloquies even though he’s recited them a thousand times, hell, he labels all of his clothes so he knows what color they are. And he follows the rules. His house? You should have seen it, Newt. It was warm and taken care of and good. I always thought him like a raw material, stone, the crust of the earth, but that doesn’t give him the credit. He wasn’t born of stone, he has built himself, brick by brick, to be the way he is. ... ... I, on the other hand, am a goddamn disaster. And the worst part? After seeing the way he holds himself, I realize that I’m not even a natural one. I’m no hurricane or tornado. I do this to myself. Over and over and over, I am a self-saboteur, I am my own worst enemy. I can’t get out of my own head. I can’t stop acting on impulse, I get into so much trouble. And each and every night my mind cycles through every stupid thing I said, every stupid thing I did, realizing how many holes I’m going to have to pull myself out of tomorrow. And I try to be better, but I always end the day with more, and I keep counting them until it’s just me, driving myself insane until I fall asleep.”  - Thomas, Conflicts of Interest
16. Who was your favorite character to write?
I really liked branching into other fandoms this year!
Allison Argent from Teen Wolf was super fun because she's still both practically a child but also has seen so much, and having her pair with Derek in such an angsty story has been really really fun.
Colin from Bandersnatch was also a kick because I was trying to figure out how to write from the perspective of someone who truly believes in conspiracy theories and alternate realities to the point of fanaticism (which I happen to not). Thomas from TMR may have a one-track mind, but Colin truly believes that PAC-Man's name comes from the term "power and control" (it does not) and is a game meant to be a symbolic representation for a nihilistic perspective on government and how life itself operates.
Thank you so much for the asks!!! (The questions are here) Sorry some answers went long, they just... I have many feels <3
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dtaegis · 2 years
this is probably the petty ficwriter in me talking but i hate the memes about leaving kudos on a fic once and being unable to leave twice or more bc. you could love this fic by commenting over and over again. if you love enough to want to give kudos more than once you can love enough to comment daily on it
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