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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
so i saw this post by @klinefelterrible
and... let's talk Transformers sex.
i can't say that i am a very big specialist in that area, but some time ago i had to dive deep after realising my mistake after translating tf anatomy dictionary, so yeah, with a few dozen hundreds of read fics too i feel authorised enough to talk about that.
this post is more of a simplified summary on fanlore tf sex page, which is here. for more detailed and specific post i recommend this one by @/sweet7simple it's a must read for any tf-ficwriter, especially the ones that explore the theme of sparklings in their works.
so. let's begin with what was my mistake: assuming that tf sex, which is mostly called "interface", has only one type. in fact, it has three: sticky, plug'n'play and the mindfuck. sparkmerge/bond occurs in them all but will be covered briefly.
i won't cover the "squishy" as no-one really uses it.
let's dive in 🫶
sticky interface is the most popular, i'm sure it's the one you've seen in most of E&M rated tf fanfiction on ao3.
it's quite simple: "spike" is a penis-analog and "valve" is analog of vagina.
valve has sensitivity nodes, calipers, labia, and is formed meshed sleeve. it also has a 'seal' which, you got it, indicates if a bot had been penetrated or not.
all words you use in ordinary dick description apply to a spike, BUT for more detailed description of its structure really go check out the post by sweet7simple.
both organs may have biolights, modifications (think sex toys functions); during intimacy they work the same human organs work. yes, they can make kids too.
the interface panel for valve is called a "valve cover" and for a spike - a "spike housing". both may be called an interface array
interface stands for sexual intercourse of any type.
most transformers have both spike and a valve, exceptions can be created in your fics.
plug'n'play is second popular tf sex type. in some cases, it's more platonic, in others - almost like sticky interface. sometimes penis-analog is called 'cable', vagina one - interface array.
this type is based on electric charge, sent or downloaded from one partner to another. the friction doesn't usually occur.
i've seen it barely five times so i'd be thankful if someone more educated in that matter shares their knowledge.
the type i called mindfuck is almost like cordial psychic cord, that thing from tfp. this fic, for example, is great at exploring that type. unfortunately, i can't find another example, but the concept is the same.
basically, it's the same plug'n'play but the cords join at the backs of their heads and they share pleasant memories or download cute cat memes or smth. it's more of a mental pleasure and the mindfuck was a joking name.
sparkbond is almost the same, but they share all the memories during literal bonding of their souls. but, the bond is not required to feel pleasure - it could just be an extra tool, for example, to sent a em-wave of pleasure or comfort or whatever other emotions that can be sent. i will do more research and post about sparkbond once again in the future.
i'd also mention the heat modes – basically, they are the same ones animals have in nature and people have in omegaverse fanfiction. usually, the purpose is the same – bitlet. hot body temperature, heightened libido, excessive lubrication - you name it.
i'd be glad if that long read was useful in any way 🫶
have a flower💠
and go write robot porn
i bless you
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
day 5 :0
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the fic is right here
i have to share the headcannon of insecticons being a royalty and Bee being a lost prince because it's not letting me sleep.
you know, Bee reminds me of Ciri so, so much. maybe he also run away from marriage and stumbled upon sexy leader? or the queen Bee, his mommy, promised her firstborn to the son of Sentinel Prime that arranged her marriage (yes "Hujo de la luna" reference) and Bee ended up being "Optimus' most loyal companies". well that's what cybertron's historians would say heh
tho the pot idea came when i saw the pots bumblebees' nests are and finding one myself.
i kinda explored the royalty idea in the fic, but i wonder what ya all think 🫶
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kamiana-ruzha · 7 months ago
...a tease~
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gonna change my ao3 skin, tho, hehe
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
*hm, maybe i should go check out opbee ao3 page*
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fuck so yeah, that means ya'all finally get the rest of opbee week + a translation as my way to excuse for my procrastination see ya all 18/07 <3
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
if you thought that i am not an Optimus Prime simp...
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think again
i dare you
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
opbee week, an update
i know i disappeared and im really sorry. moving places and the end of the leaning year was tough and stressful but it's over
the day 4 fic is done, day 7 is moved to be day 5. for day 6 and the new day 7 i'd have one/two translation and/one continuation an f/f au or piracy au. not sure yet
hope ur still waiting<3
...i know, i'm sorry, but don't judge me, the darkness already does
(she's so cute i love my little kitty)
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kamiana-ruzha · 9 months ago
look who sneaked into The Rookie
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i see you, Bumblebee you're not escaping another angst fic, no way (s5, ep5)
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
a lil spoiler for morning hehe
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and other two drafted fics
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translation is almost finished, and the other one is a sweet-sweet drabble see ya in the morning *proceeds to translate cause night is only bearable time*
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kamiana-ruzha · 7 months ago
day 7, a grand reveal of my resent magnum opus:
"The Confession of a Mute Soldier"
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it's gonna be tastyyy, with pining and so muuuch trauma but i'm not gonna spoil too much, see for yourself!
tskkk tomorrow's and after tomorrow gonna be interesting too ;)
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kamiana-ruzha · 7 months ago
opbee week day 6
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i chose to translate my second fic. it's one of the most viewed heh
day 7 fic gonna be interesting, i swear
the apology mini decided to take some time be written tho :(
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
..a little tease for tommorow~
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
opbee week, finally, day 4!
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the fanfic is here
but the story... well, i can only say that this fic doesn't really have one theme song
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it got three
and i have to confess, it contains my first graphically described scene of a battle/+murder. technically, i have one more in old drafts, but it was just a duel and everything interesting was cut off. but there it is! the Witcher books helped me figure it out and here it is :3
though that fic is pretty much an experiment cause i wanted to see what would middle-ages tf fic look like
the next four fics will be on english :3
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kamiana-ruzha · 8 months ago
guys, girls--
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Optimus/Ravage fic, when?
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kamiana-ruzha · 7 months ago
aaaahhh this label makes me so, so happy!
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i need to go get a milkshake to celebrate it 🥛🥂
*proceeds to write more opbee*
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kamiana-ruzha · 9 months ago
ya know what i've been contemplating about?
to make the last two fics translations of my non-week opbee fics
what do y'all think?
day 4 fic is taking a bit more time then i thought it would hehe :< opbee week would be finished, but after some time. hope ur waiting <3
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