#fictionpress link
November 1st 2022 Special: Tragic Battle
Yes, this is another battle royale story. But this time, it’s several heroes of my original fiction stories being tasked with killing each other despite none of them wanting to.
Trigger warnings include at least murder, suicide, kidnapping, apocalyptic events, and guns. If you're uncomfortable reading about any of those topics, feel free to skip this chapter since it’s non-canon to even the other Halloween and Christmas specials.
FictionPress release (I’ll use the sharing functions of the other sites to post those releases here): https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3365288/2/Halloween-2022-Special
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angeliana2023 · 1 year
Here's everywhere you can find Before The Soulrender Takes His Toll!
FictionPress: Before The Soulrender Takes His Toll Chapter 1: Prologue: The Prophecy of the Stars, a young adult fiction | FictionPress
Wattpad: Before the Soulrender Takes His Toll - Prologue: The Prophecy of the Stars - Wattpad
Archive of our Own: Before The Soulrender Takes His Toll - Chapter 1 - RosenQueen2014 - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
Quotev: Before The Soulrender Takes His Toll | Quotev
YouTube: Angel's Adventures - YouTube
Deviantart: AngelCohen User Profile | DeviantArt
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ploffskinpluffskin · 2 months
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oh horrible news everyone
i found my very first account on ff.net. it's stilll there. all my stories are still there. the glaring example of what 14-year-old mini masha found Funny is right there in the bio in all its all-caps glory
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queerlilchinchin · 4 months
NAYDC Masterlist of Site Link Masterlists
Basically, I'm going to post a masterlist (it'll be very short) of the posts I just made with the masterlists of the links to each chapter according to which site they're posted on.
Here you go. I hope you enjoy the rollercoster that is Never Abandon Your Dying Cat:
Hannah's Writing Index (author site)
This work is currently complete. There's depictions of dead bodies and sadism toward death. There are pretty intense emotions in this and descriptions of the sorrow of losing a beloved animal. Read with caution.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
It looks like what happened to fanfiction net was that godaddy deactivated their dns domain for "child abuse" (all the unwarned for smut fics I spent my OCD teenager years trying to dodge), it's back up now, but I guess this is entirely expected. FictionPress also says that one of the links they got sent didn't even involve any underage content.
This is why owning all of the infrastructure from top to bottom is so powerful and not doing so is dangerous.
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iloveyou-writers · 3 months
In case you all haven't noticed, I've decided to stay. I don't recall if I've made an official announcement about it.
I have already deleted most of my actual writing blogs, other than my main, but even that blog, I'm planning to delete all actual writing and just post about writing and life on it. I don't plan to post my writing anymore. I'll post links to the other sites where I have been posting them.
I also might or might not create a blog for writing advice again, now that I've decided to stay but I haven't decided yet. I'll let you all know. But yeah. As of now, I went from having 10+ blogs to I think 5? I kept writeblrsvoid, this one, my main, whozzat writer and the writeblrrag blog.
So yeah, I'll perhaps be around more coming up, but I won't be posting my actual writing itself anymore. :) if you all want to see my writing, you can find me on quotev, fictionpress and wattpad.
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mohgreal · 8 days
PSA type post for people who use ao3 (mostly meant for people in the elden ring fandom who keep complaining about the fandom incest)
Frist of all, I think I should mention that ao3 is a anti-censorship site and if I remember correctly the creators ship lots of incest and whatnot. The main reason it gets targeted by things like KOSA bill is because it's anti-censorship. This is why you're not supposed to do things like tag petplay with "petp!ay" because 1) this isn't tiktok 2) people who filter it out will see the censored tag
If you really don't like things like incest, rape, abuse, and etc, you have wattpad and fanfiction.net and fictionpress and a bunch of other fan fiction sites right there.
Secondly, you can filter out things on ao3. People don't even know how to use the tagging system. If you want to avoid romance in general, click the "gen" category when searching for a fic.
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Second option, you can choose the tag "No romance" or "No smut" and etc.
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Funny enough it looks like not many people choose this tag because it's almost all of my fanfiction. A certified mohgreal fanfic is one of the first things that pop up.
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So, if people aren't using the tag you can also just filter out tags like rape, smut, abuse, incest or even ships.
Well here's a link to a tutorial:
Note that if you choose this route, it may filter out almost every single subfic (any fic that uses a tag akin to the ones you used) and that you may filter out almost every fic on ao3 ever; Which is why I recommend using a different site for lighter fanfiction.
That's all good luck and godspeed 🫡
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generic-whumperz · 5 months
Okay, guys, here’s the deal: I’m considering starting to post on another platform in addition to here just in case anything happens to my account (I have had account issues in the past, and I think it would be nice to have a neat little place where all my whole {non-broken up} chapters live together). I know some platforms are better for reading as opposed to community building, and people have preferences for sites they read on as well, so I would like to give people an option(s).
I know a lot of ya’ll post on Ao3, so I know it’s whump-friendly, and it’s a platform okay with hosting more mature works. Which, honestly, is the biggest determining factor for me as I’m not looking to get flagged and have my stuff taken down for XY&Z (future me is concerned about the general theme, NSFW & gruesome torture scenes, and the like breaking community guidelines and sticking me a permanent ban).
I don’t have an Ao3 account, but I joined the waitlist to get an account last night. I also started making a Wattpad account—if Wattpad is not the move for whumpy works, please yell at me because I don’t know the ins and outs of whump culture elsewhere in the corners of the interwebs, nor have I been in the game for very long!
Thanks for all input and words of advice!
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theboarsbride · 2 years
New Tapas cover for TMATB has been competed!!🥀🦋
Feel free to check it out if you like gothic horror ghost spookiness and late Victorian spooks!😳👉👈
You can find a link to read it on Tapas here, a link to read it on ao3 here, and a link to read it on FictionPress here!
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surrogate-fawn · 1 year
Poll Time!
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theredconversegirl · 2 years
~⚠ Important Update: FanFiction.net Email Notification
Hey guys! 
Hope you’re doing well. 💕
Last post of the day, just sharing this in case you missed it: 
Fanfiction.net added a new “opt-in” setting regarding email notifications for new fics and chapter updates. You can read more about this here. 
It seems they are experiencing a core issue behind email delivery and this is a temporary solution of sorts. The option is turned off by default, so if you want to make sure you’ll get fanfic emails from fanfiction.net, check your account settings and turn the option on: 
Tap the More option if your account information/menu is not visible.
Tap your username to go to Account settings or the Account button.
Toggle the Email Opt-In to ON.
Scroll down and tap Save/Update.
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After saving/updating, you should receive a confirmation like this that the setting is saved for the next 6 months:
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⚠ The Email opt-in self resets every 6 months. Prior to reset, we’ll receive a notification from the system to update this setting again.
If you’re doing this update on web/desktop instead of a mobile, the steps are very similar. Go to settings using this link and select Yes in the Email Opt-In section and click Save.
If I see any other update regarding this email issue, I’ll share here. The Fanfiction.net team is actively sharing updates on twitter: FictionPress 
Wish you all a good night/day! 💕
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Christmas 2023 Special: December 25th: Robot Krampus Takes Manhattan
As the tags indicate, I got the idea for this non-canon special from Futurama, specifically the robot Santa's debut in the Season 2 episode Xmas Story.
In this one, though, it doesn't take place in the future. And a variety of families or at least couples from my original fiction multiverse happen to live in the same apartment... even the 27 foot 7 Kendra Rayne. I'm not sure how that's possible, either.
While serving as the captain on a cruise ship, Zander Cookie (the adoptive father of Kaly from Lucky Discovery) hears rumors of a robotic Santa.
You know what the title is, so it's up to you to determine if those rumors are nearly true, partly true, or false.
FictionPress link (I'll release the links to the other sites' releases of this story with their sharing function:
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mcalhenwrites · 4 months
A break from social media and how I use it has really been good for me. I need to be careful not to be sucked back in again. I should aim to mostly just post updates, but I do want to talk about my characters/writing as well. I will continue promoting my book, and ofc my Patreon and KoFi which are both "MCalhen" ;) I've been thinking about taking most (not all) of my fics and original works out of the private collection on AO3. I have a dilemma with one fandom (it's a nightmare circus of drama and several authors were chased out or hurt well before me), but I hope to eventually have the nerve to overcome that and say, "Too bad, you have to put up with the existence of my writing alongside yours. Get over it." Another thing is that Rascal isn't coming out of the collection. I plan to delete it. It's getting edited, I'm adding a couple of scenes I think would benefit the storytelling, and I'm publishing it. :) I'm on the fence about whether or not to release the original Seasons with comments closed, bc while it might be fun to compare it to the new one... so many things have been improved. Maybe it's also important to realize that if someone is that fixated on saying an earlier draft is permanent, that's a them issue and has nothing to do with me. A lot of my current WIPs are divided between if I'm going to publish them or post them on AO3. I have a few that I'm uncertain about either way. I want to share some work for free, and I have some stuff that's dark enough, self-publishing isn't much of an option right now. Note that when I promote my patreon and kofi, it's for original writing and art. No fanfic or fanart. The only link it has to AO3 is that I draw sketches of things from original stories posted to AO3. I will never post commercial links to the site, as that is against TOS. Seasons will always be free. Which leads to another thought: I wonder if I could get away with crossposting it to any sites? (I considered fictionpress.) I'm feeling better and want to keep sharing my work. I want to keep monetizing some of it. I want to be an author. I also really want to share things for free. Seasons is one of those stories that resonates a lot with people, and I know how badly I've always needed a story like that told. It's why I write, is to tell stories I need. But that one is... uniquely special and personal. I always want it to be accessible without any paywall. But I still need to make a living. So some books will be sold. Some will not. Just slap me if I ever get to be one of those big names who thinks I can do whatever I want, like those people on AO3 who say that they won't update their fics unless you pay them on patreon. (That's something you report to AO3 as a violation btw) I don't know where a good place to ramble about my stories is - probably here, since people can send me asks about characters and stories - but I'd like to do that, bc I enjoy doing it. :'D Anyway, I have my goals mostly figured out. Maybe someday I can post more of my work without hiding it away (yes, what you see is a fraction of what I write). Maybe I can also publish and make enough money to afford things I need, including a house with a yard and garden.
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queerlilchinchin · 4 months
Never Abandon Your Dying Cat: Fictionpress
Finished chapters of Never Abandon Your Dying Cat on FP:
Chapter One: Queen Bee's Beginnings
Chapter Two: The Fountain of Youth
Chapter Three: The Stranger
Chapter Four: Precious Moments
Chapter Five: The Breakdown
Chapter Six: The Accident
Chapter Seven: Hope Renewed
Chapter Eight: Unpleasant Surprises
Chapter Nine: You Think You Know Someone
Chapter Ten: The Fountain
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Okay I need confirmation about something. We all remember the most recent "FFNet is going to die!!!!" wave, right? I'm not talking about the recent problem people had with the URL of the site (that send you to a weird looking FFnet if you didn't write the "www."). Like, this wave got somehow big, I even remember you answering some asks about it and saying that indeed this "FFNet is gonna die" panic comes at least once a year.
Okay so, I because this wave GOT big the people behind FictionPress posted some things on Twitter, like some sort of roadmap for upcoming updates for the website, not the app, right? And I swear to G-d that one of those twits said SOMETHING about improving/updatind/"modernizing" the looks/IU of the website... They never did, of course.
I remembered this just yesterday and got super curious if THAT was even what they said. And I scrolled on their Twitter account... and scrolled... an scrolled... Did they delete those twits??? Did I allucinate??? I can't find them. Or maybe I passed them, but like. Is not just my imagination, right?
I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but I know FictionPress posted something because people were linking to it going "Calm down! FFN isn't dead!"
I don't remember if they promised major UI changes though.
I think I know which panic you're thinking of, and I'm pretty sure it was more than a year ago, so it could also be that you didn't scroll far enough or that twitter is borked.
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alltimefanfiction · 11 months
Websites Down
Hey dudes, so both alltimelowfanfiction.com (an extension of Mibba) and fanfiction.net (and fictionpress which as I understand it is an extension of ff.net?) all seem to be down.
FF.net only seems to be down as of today because I clicked a link for it yesterday and it worked fine but atlff.com has been several days.
Is this the same for everybody else?
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