#fiction podcast rec Thursday
fiction-pod-recs · 10 months
For this weeks fiction podcast rec thursday:
Ethics town 
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[ID. The Cover of Ethics Town. It shows a drawn black top hat with a white stripe going across the base on a red background. On top of the hat there are the black silhouettes of city buildings with windows blocked out in white rectangles. On the middle of the hat the words ``Ethics Town” is written in a blocky font that gradients from white to a mid grey, starting from the top of each letter./End ID]
Summary as given, “ Ethics Town is a cosmic horror podcast about philosophical conundrums in a weird small town! We're not going to answer the big questions for you, but we are going to dance around them in a fun and theatrical manner!
Listeners will follow January, a tired and wired Ethics local, and Artemis, a young girl lost in the woods, as they try to unravel what exactly is going on down in the town of Ethics now that the new mayor has taken office. Statistics and probability are exchanged for conspiracy theory logic as the pair try to explain weirder and weirder happenings.”
The first season of Ethics Town is completed with 8 episodes out now. And I believe that 2 more seasons are planned and the second is in production. The episode lengths average around 20-ish minutes long each. And both transcripts and content warnings are available under every episode!
Ethics Town is probably one of my favorite podcasts out there. It is amazing how they approach everything. It broke my heart into two by the end and it was worth it. And the voice acting is incredible! It was probably one of my favorite parts about it. It also made me think way more about philosophy then I have in a long time, which was nice.
They also have a tumblr @ethicstownpod !
And, I belive that concludes this instalment of fprt. Give advice or criticism on how I format these and I hope you can come next week
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sunnydaleherald · 8 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, September 12th
ANGELUS: Early 20's by the cars. What is this — Chicago? (sees Angel standing on the other side of the street) Oh, no. I remember this. I remember this place. I gotta get out of here. FAITH: Why? You freaking out? ANGELUS: It's coming. (a car speeds around the corner down the street in front of them) Again. FAITH: What's coming? ANGELUS: I can't do it again. I won't! (Angel runs into the street right in front of the car.) FAITH: Angel, get out of the road. (Angel continues until he's completely across the street. A small squeaking sound can be heard. Angel turns around to reveal that he's holding a tiny Pomeranian puppy.) ANGELUS: (throwing a fit) Doh! FAITH: (giggling) Dude, you just rescued a puppy.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sexyme Street by MamaBewear (Angel/Spike, Puppet Angel/Spike, M)
Proposals by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Darla/Drusilla, M)
Tea With Milk In by evesock (Spike/Drusilla, E)
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As You Purr by VoronaFiernan (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Unmake Me by tempestt (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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A Sword in the Man - ch. 3 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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And Then There Were Two - ch. 3 by Murderpart1 (Willow/Vamp Willow, Not Rated)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. La Blue Girl - ch. 1-2 by Muhabba (Buffy/multiple, other pairings, E)
After Life - ch. 4 by Alwaysandforevermylove (Buffy/Faith, E)
Recompense - ch. 15 by Moonkid10 (Buffy/Faith, M)
Dear Journal - ch. 7 by desicat (Buffy/William Pratt, M)
Horrorshow - ch. 24 by vampbrat (Angel/Spike/Wesley, Spike/others, E)
Infinitely - ch. 69 by Laragh (Willow/Tara, M)
In Case You Haven't Noticed... - ch. 35 by Sdhuskerfan (Buffy/Giles, E) COMPLETE!
Midnight At The Lost & Found - ch. 4 by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, E) COMPLETE!
A Ripple In Time - ch. 24-45 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, E) COMPLETE!
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A Taste of Buffy - ch. 4 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Getaway Gang - ch. 2 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - ch. 50 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Waiting for You - ch. 20 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Through The Keyhole - ch. 7 by Geliot99, cd85 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Getaway Gang - ch. 2 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Waiting for You - ch. 20 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Eyes Forward, Monster - ch. 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Zombydale Gates, CA - ch. 1-2 by veronyxk84 (Buffy, Spike, T) COMPLETE!
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: [FANART] Control by girlpire (Angel/Darla, very NSFW)
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Artwork and video: Spike Study (to match his girl >:3) by lunchtimebedamned1997 (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: “It’s Summers Blood” by pocketsizedann (Buffy, Dawn, worksafe)
Artwork: 🖤 "With others I live, with you I exist..." 🖤 by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, mildly NSFW)
Artwork: Fanart rec: [prints by] @artbychayne : SLAYERS recced by practicalsmagic (Buffy, worksafe)
Fanvid: Anthony Head in 1997 (He is the same age here as the first season of BTVS) – @buffyannegiles on Tumblr (worksafe)
Moodboard: [green colors] by buffyannegiles (Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #156 DHT - Listen to Your Heart - Edmee's Unplugged Vocal Edit by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #157 by thedecadentraven (Buffy, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #158 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Edit: Hunger by raffaella-cerullo (Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy and Faith meeting pre-Sunnydale by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: EARSHOT and we're all like that. we all have our little internal iagos, that tell us... by detectivedawnsummers (ensemble, worksafe)
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Fanvid: buffy & angel | haunted by lostlcve (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
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Artwork: Team RWBY Say Why You Should Watch Buffy by MattanzaMFedora (Team RWBY, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I'm rewatching Buffy the series (S3E2) and I hate everyone but Buffy in this episode... by ohumokay
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Season 5 Episode 10 What A Bizarre Message by friendofathena
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PODCAST: Buffy S7E10: Bring on the Night by Booze & Buffy
[Recs & In Search Of]
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RECS: Spuffy Fic Recs — August by veronyxk84
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RECS: Spuffy Fic Recs — August by veronyxk84
RECS: [post Chosen Buffy x Faith fic recced - see the discussion in the replies] by ao3fics-lost-and-found
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ISO: unsuretryhard seeks proof this soundtrack song was in the series: Hepburn - I Quit (Buffy The Vampire Slayer Video Clip Version)
[Community Announcements]
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Thursday Prompts: Drinks by comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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Giles is a bi metafore by ourflagmeansworms
[Angel losing his soul on ATS - Bangel vs Cordelia in S4] by initiumseries
[on ATS, thoughts on Spike as champion] by initiumseries
[ATS and Cordelia and misogyny] by destiel-wings
I feel so sorry for "the initiative" episode, they try to push Riley as this cool guy that Buffy likes. But... by abadbadbrujah
Meme: i've been re-reading the locked tomb and watching btvs lately... by 3d10fire-damage
Meme: REAL [Spike] by buffytheslayrposts
Meme: [Buffy/Spike] by paperpuzzles
Meme: [Tara, ensemble] by unnamedmedicalprofessional
Meme: [Buffy] by paperpuzzles
Meme: [Faith] by goaskmalices
Meme: [Faith] by goaskmalices
Meme: [Faith] by undermyctrl
Meme: [Cordelia] by paperpuzzles
POLL: Favorite Vampire Bracket Day 10! Spike (BTVS) vs. Lazlo Cravensworth (WWDITS) by helloitshaley
POLL: ROUND TWO [Drusilla vs Bloberta] by sadboytournament
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Willow the teacher updated by Stake fodder
Discussion of 2.19 "I Only Have Eyes For You" updated by Stake fodder
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Can someone articulate why I don't like Xander? by Pfacejones
What do you think Buffy is up to in 2024? by MR422
Where does Anya get money in seasons 3 and 4? by grownmars
[discussion of reviews and reactors] by fabe1haft
I really hate how they treat Spike by amandarm81
[Buffy elders, do I need to watch ATS for the full Buffyverse experience?] by aspergirl10
Can we rest now, Buffy? [Spike praise] by lauanimau
Bad girls..Angel pilot? by Specialist_Ad_134
What songs shoud I add to my Bangel playlist by spectacleskeptic
Something I just realized about I Only Have Eyes for You by spectacleskeptic
I do enjoy Dawn’s descriptions. by AndrewHeard
Angelus in S4 by brwitch
POLL: Series Episode Ranking Day 10 (S04 - Best Episode) [for ATS] by dcgraca
POLL: Episode Ranking: Part 11 [worst ep of S4] by Past-Throat-6788
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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VIDEO: BTVS Panel [with Tara, Anya, Darla, and others] - Fanboy Expo Orlando Sept 7, 2024, Part 1 of 3 recorded by tuxedomark
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Join the editor team :)
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johannestevans · 1 year
New media recs, new works, a new podcast!
Good evening!
A return to work after my time off for my birthday - I had a really good time resting over the birthday week, and I've been brewing a few new things in the meantime!
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First and foremost, if you've been hoping for some of my fiction to be available in an audio format, you're in luck. The Story is a simple, no-frills podcast where it's just me reading short stories aloud - for the time being, I'll be doing a bunch of romance, fantasy, and horror pieces from my back catalogue, but later on I hope to make some of my erotica pieces available too!
I've set up a podcast that for now is available on Spotify and YouTube, but over the next few weeks will hopefully become available on other podcast platforms such as Google and Apple Podcasts. The first episode is already released and is an audio reading of Two Plates, with the plan from here to release weekly episodes on Thursday mornings.
Alongside Ashleigh Wilder, I was a guest on Trauma Talks with Jeremy Sachs and Katherine Cox a little while ago, and our episode, which is about our experiences of trauma alongside autism, is coming out on June 14th. I'll of course share the link next week when it's been released, but in the meantime, I absolutely recommend going back through some of their other episodes and giving them a listen, it's a really valuable podcast and so well-done.
If you're in or around California, my friend Rene Gannon-O'Gara's 2023 feature, Donut, is going to be screened at the Sherman Oaks Film Festival later this month, and I totally recommend it! I'll post my own review a little closer to the release, but in the meantime, general admission tickets are $15, and of course there are a bunch of other great flicks also being screened for the festival.
Some other media recs for this week:
The Boogeyman (2023, dir. Rob Savage) - This latest from Rob Savage was a real trip, and a friend and I had a great time seeing it in the cinema together - Rob Savage also did Host (2020), which I really enjoyed, but this piece was just impeccably constructed, so rich with layered meaning, such a cohesive concept and so well-executed. I want to rewatch this film in a little while and make some notes so that I can write about it at-length, but suffice it to say I absolutely recommend seeing it in a cinema if you can and it's safe for you - just some fucking A+ monster design, some great acting from Yellowjackets' Sophie Thatcher, a really excellent script.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, dir. Stanley Kubrick) - Lewis and I watched this last week and I fell asleep an hour in, and just finished it this week - it's a good flick, and this is another one I might write a bit more about later in the week, as I had a lot of feelings about the presentation of HAL and reading him as a gay man! I am personally not in the camp that this is one of the all-time greats, as I honestly only cared about the centre section of the film, not the beginning or the end, but it's still good even with those parts included.
The Terror by Dan Simmons, 2007 - I believe I've recommended AMC's The Terror (2018) before, which is a limited series I've got a lot of affection for, but this is my first time reading the book the series was based on, and I'm really enjoying it! Based on the once-lost expeditions of HMS Terror and HMS Erebus, two British explorer vessels which sought to find the Northwest Passage, written in a period style, this is a story effectively about a British colonial party who are punished by nature around them for their hubris and entitlement in desiring to be "explorers" - I would warn upfront that there's a lot of racism in this largely because it's written from the perspective of these 1800s white dudes in the past interacting with different Native Americans and other indigenous peoples, and in the course of the story engaging with different Inuit people. While the TV series is still good and I do plan to rewatch it after finishing this, the book is obviously much more rich, and it actually has more gay dudes than were included in the TV adaptation, as some of them were cut for time.
New Works Published
Narration: Two Plates
3k, rated M. Originally published Nov 20, 2022. A crotchety bookshop owner receives regular visits from the sex shop-owner across the way. Age gap, kissing, lots of banter and sharp back and forth. Note some mentions of past sexual abuse.
Listen on YouTube / / Listen on Spotify / / Read on Medium. / / Read on Patreon. 
Magazine Publication: Sheathed
This was originally published back in January, but has been republished this month by Bare Back Magazine!
A young man uses his coach’s mouth.
1.2k, cis M/M, rated E. Featuring blowjobs with throat-fucking, size difference, gagging, mild objectification, rough sex, coming in pants, and age difference.
Read from Bare Back Magazine / / On Medium / / On Patreon.
Blog Post: Advice for pre-transition trans men hooking up?
Anonymous asked:
possibly weird question but would you have any advice for trans men who are pre-any kind of medical transition who are looking to try dating apps and such?? I'm wanting to start living my best slut life but it's also a little intimidating when I don't always pass. Apologies because I do know this is probably a kind of broad question 😅 but thank you!
On Tumblr
Short Story: Two of A Kind
A boy washes up on shore and meets a pirate swordmaster. 
1.2k, rated M. Warnings for implied sexual abuse and reference to past sexual assault throughout, with a focus on survivors' solidarity. 
On Medium / / On Patreon
Short Story: The Secretary
A young woman goes to collect her inheritance.
4.1k, rated M. Content warnings for loss of a loved one and non-graphic references to sexual assault.
On Medium in The New North / / On Patreon
Short Story: The Butler
The captain's steward used to be a butler. About 1.3k, rated T.
On Medium in Prism & Pen / / On Patreon
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trashburgersblair · 1 year
You know that fiction podcast recommendation thing I mentioned a while ago? I got the sideblog set up for it
Or, mostly set up, still a bit of scuff, but it'll do for now
It is @fiction-pod-recs of you want to check it out, recs should start happening next Thursday
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aliaoftheknives · 5 years
i trust your opinion do you have any podcasts that you'd recommend? ive been trying to get into them but its kind of difficult to sort out which ones are good
GOD imagine trusting my opinion lmao. Yeah sure i got a couple. Disclaimer that these are mostly political/historical because that’s what im interested in so if you like more fictional narrative stuff I am not who you should be asking lol. Under the cut cause this got long 
Behind the Bastards: This is my ABSOLUTE favorite podcast I paid 36 dollars to go to the live show and i would do it again. It’s a podcast going into detail about the worst people in history and it updates twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. LOVE the host because I have chronic nerdy white guy brain and tbh he’s just a really good historian and researcher. In depth without being dry, although I don’t mind dry. When there’s a really good guest it slaps even harder 
99% Invisible: A podcast mostly about design, architecture, and infrastructure. I got recced this by a guy I know who’s an architecture major and I fully expected to be bored out of my mind by it but I was pleasantly surprised. Lots of interesting stuff in there about the history behind certain designs that we take for granted today, in-depth research and analysis about stuff big in the art/design world i.e. Vantablack, the pattern on military uniforms. Interesting but like, a bit niche. 
Worst Year Ever: I used to visit Cracked.com obsessively before it got bought out and honestly most of their columnists are still like, the funniest people on the internet. This is a political podcast by Cody Johnston, the guy who does Some More News on Youtube, his co-host Katy Stoll, and Robert Evans, the guy who hosts Behind the Bastards. They have excellent chemistry, they all play off each other really well, and they cover a lot of things that aren’t mainstream. Their episodes on Midwest Furfest and Milo Yiannopoulos are especially excellent and treat furries with way more respect than any mainstream coverage did. I stopped listening to Chapo Trap House regularly a while back and this is a more-than-adequate (and funnier) substitute 
QAnon Anonymous: Anyone who knows me at all knows that I spend 16 hours online and, as such have been perpetually brain poisoned by weird insular shit. Anyways QAnon Anonymous is one of the niche-r podcasts I listen to because it’s literally about 1 thing and that’s the weird obscure right-wing conspiracy called QAnon. It’s a great podcast, the hosts are funny as hell and exactly my brand of Online Brain Poisoned, and it’s surprisingly insightful into the mindset of a lot of these weird, niche right-wing conspiracy theories. Also their theme song just kinda goes off 
Revolutions: A history podcast about revolutions and revolts throughout history. This one is, and I say this with all the love in my body, dry as hell. If you like an information dump occasionally interspersed with a dry little joke, this one’s for you. If you do get into it, though, it’s incredibly informative and well-researched. I’m normally really wary of stuff like this that delves into things like leftist insurrections and revolutions because a lot of mainstream information about stuff like that is straight-up American propaganda and suchlike but Revolutions does a fantastic job of not falling into that trap 
Honorable limited-series mentions/stuff that doesn’t update on a regular schedule: 
The End of the World, with Josh Clark 
My Year in Mensa, with Jamie Loftus 
Slow Burn, with Leon Neyfakh/Joel Anderson (I’ve only listened to S2 tho) 
Popular Front, with Jake Hanrahan 
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itsbeenclaireified · 5 years
So my friend and I started a podcast where we read fan fiction to one another and I think it’s pretty funny. I’m bad at sharing things because I am afraid of like...being embarrassed?? Internet hate??? Probably just embarrassment, but I want to be better about sharing my creative works. Because someday I’d like to be an author and I will have to endure the morphifying ordeal of being known.
The premise of Fine Pairings is that we pair fanfics and cocktails. Get it? Shipping on the Rocks was another idea, but I thought Fine Pairings sounded classier after I took a wine tasting class and less like we’re a boat about to crash.
Anyway, this is the first episode. It was recorded on a potato. Later podcasts are recorded on not a potato, so just like let your ears tolerate it and it gets better.
Oh yeah, we drink during taping so we are also just like putting down glasses always. We’ll get better eventually...probably.
But please listen and share this with people you think will love it! We’re trying to grow our network of listeners, so every little bit helps.
We post new episodes every Thursday and are also always looking for fic recs to read to one another.
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bookishthingsmore · 7 years
The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
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Life and everything else
So, first things first.  Bloggiesta is ending this week, and I managed to completely kick booty.  I kept my list pretty simple. I didn’t want that feeling of failure when it ended.  See… kicked butt!
Bloggiesta To-Do List
[list icon=”icon: heart” icon_color=”#d32397″]
Write 3 reviews
Write 5 discussion posts
Come up with more discussion posts
Complete 2 mini challenges.
Revamp Your Blog Content.
How to Create a 5 day blog series (sort of done. I’ve got an idea in mind. I just need to finish it up.)
Figure out the logistics of starting a podcast
Make sure all my images are named correctly.
Comment on other Bloggiesta participants blogs.
Participate in at least 1 Twitter chat.
I also finally got to see Beauty & the Beast. We went with our troop, and can I just say…. LOVE! Emma Watson did a fantastic job as Belle. I don’t think I would have liked anyone else in that role.
I finished a ton of books this week.  It looks like my reading slump may be over!!! *throws confetti in the air* I really don’t like reading slumps.
How have y’all been? How’s Spring treating you?
Last week on the blog
Sunday: The Sunday Post, Review: Ophelia Wears Black, Reveal: More to Me, Bloggiesta Mini Challenge: WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers
Monday: Review: Hitched, Blitz: Tempting Tanya
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Books that will make read the whole day away, Recs Needed: Historical Fiction
Wednesday: Blitz: Cole, Review: Dorothy Must Die Stories, Blitz: Extra Credit
Thursday: Reveal: Where Good Girls Go to Die, Reveal: Whiskey Lullabye, Reveal: Love, Me, Review: House Rules
Friday: Blitz: Confessions of a Carpool Captive
Saturday: Review: The Hidden Memory of Objects
Coming up next week
Monday: Review: Royally Roma, Genre Showcase: Adult Contemporary Romance
Tuesday: Blitz: Crazy for You, Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I can’t believe I’ve met
Wednesday: Review: The Last Chance Matinee
Thursday: Review: The Princess Diarist, Blitz: Getting His, Reveal: Paper Fools
Friday: Blitz: The Courage Test
Saturday:  Steampunk Reading Challenge Quarter 2 Link Up, NetGalley & Edelweiss Challenge April Link Up
Sunday: The Sunday Post, Review: This Lullaby
On the interwebs
[list icon=”icon: heart” icon_color=”#d32397″]
Review of The Bone Witch via Library of a Book Witch
Ten Book I’ve Read in One Sitting via Peace Love Books
On New Hobbies & Skills via The Perpetual Page-Turner
Blog Tour: Strange the Dreamer via My Friends are Fiction
Currently reading and what’s up next
Just finished
Extra Credit by Poppy Dunne
Wild Things by Chloe Neill
Dorothy Must Die: Stories Vol. 2 by Danielle Paige
The Hidden Memory of Objects by Danielle Mages Amato
Royally Roma by Teri Wilson
Blood Games by Chloe Neill
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Currently reading
Crazy for You by Rachel Lacey
The Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart
Dorothy Must Die Stories Vol. 3 by Danielle Paige
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Up next
Toward a Secret Sky by Heather Maclean
Don’t Kiss the Messenger by Katie Ray
Added to my shelves
Toward a Secret Sky by Heather Maclean
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The Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart
Crossroads by Chantal Fernando
A Lady’s Code of Misconduct by Meredith Duran
The Last Resort by R.S. Kovach
Royally Roma by Teri Wilson
The Sunday Post 3/26/17: I finally saw Beauty & the Beast!! The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Life and everything else…
0 notes
fiction-pod-recs · 11 months
For this weeks fiction podcast rec thursday:
Under Pressure
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[ID. The cover art of Under Pressure. It shows a grey metal wall with a porthole. The outside of the porthole is the dark blue ocean with three, almost invisible, tentacles coming from the bottom left side of the hole. In front of the hole, in red text it reads “Under Pressure.” Underneath that in a slightly different font and smaller font it reads “Created by Margaret Clark.” ./End ID]
Summary as given, “In the wake of personal tragedy, Dr Jamie MacMillan-Barrie forgoes a future in academia is favor of an uncertain future in the form of an humanities residency aboard the Amphitrite, a deep-sea stationary research facility. On the Amphitrite, Dr MacMillan-Barrie tries to come to terms with her circumstance while facing her antipathetic hard-sciences colleagues, an unending series of minor crises both the personal and professional realm, and an increasingly hostile ocean above.”
Under Pressure has 10 episodes out right now, completing the first season. Each episode averages around 20-25 minutes each. There were mentions of a special coming out spanning 5 episodes, but I haven't found any mention of that since the last update to the podcast lineup at @procyon-podcast-network
Transcript are available here: https://www.procyonpodcastnetwork.com/blog/tags/under-pressure 
This! Under Pressure was the first podcast I completed when I started setting the goal for myself to complete 1 a week, so it has a very special place in my heart. Aside from that I do really love the deep sea setting, it's one of the things I fall for. And the scientists! (i have nothing else to add on this point i just like scientists) Dr Jamie MacMillan-Barrie is also an amazing protagonist in my opinion, i love the way she goes through the world. Also amazing lesbian rep! And a nonbinary doctor who I relate to. Just a really amazing podcast!
They also have a tumblr @underpressurepodcast
And that concludes this installment of FPRT! I probably should get used to making these days beforehand to get a queue, but this is more fun doing it an hour before anyway. As always, advice, criticism, and corrections are welcome!
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fiction-pod-recs · 11 months
For this weeks fiction podcast rec thursday:
Liars & Leeches
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[ID/  The cover art of Liars & Leeches. It shows an illustrated white hand with red nail polish reaching in from the top left corner, ending about in the middle of the cover. On a black background it is framed by many textured gold painted rings. On the right side of the cover there are various translucent red splotches, mimicking blood. In white text in the bottom forth of the canvas it reads “Liars & Leeches” in all caps. Below that, in smaller text it reads “A Hemlock Creek Productions Original Audio Drama”./End ID]
Summary as given, “Grief. Anxiety. Terror. Tonya Wright felt it all after the tragic murders of her sister and brother-in-law in a random act of gun violence. Struggling to travel outside of her home, she now lives constantly on edge about perceived threats that seem to surround her.
Retreating to the house her sister and brother-in-law once shared to process her grief, Tonya soon discovers that someone — or something — has followed her there. With the help of her best friend Natalie, and others she meets along the way, can Tonya overcome her fears before they completely consume her?
The first original audio drama from Hemlock Creek Productions, “Liars & Leeches” delves deep into the complicated horrors of grief, trauma, resilience, and steadfast human determination to uncover the truth. ”
The first season has been completed with 10 episodes and the second season is currently in production! The episode lengths average around 25 minutes each.
Transcripts are available and can be found here : https://www.liarsandleeches.com/transcripts Content warnings are also available, they are broken down by episode and general content warnings are also given at the start of each episode. Those can be found here: https://www.liarsandleeches.com/listen
Now for my gushing:
I love Liars & Leeches so much! The voice acting and sound design is incredible! And it is Heavy in the best way possible. Like wow. It portrays so many things and it is just amazing. Also, the idea of the [Redacted for spoiler reasons] feeding is my favorite kind of [Redacted for spoiler reasons]. It is times like this when I wish I knew more words because I can't find the ones to express how I feel about this podcast.
You can find them @liarsandleechespod
And that concludes this installment of FPRT! As always you can ask any questions or offer up advice, I’m always ready to learn. I hope the rest of your day/night is above average!
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fiction-pod-recs · 11 months
Welcome to the first installment of Fiction Podcast Recommendation Thursday!
I wanted to start out with a favorite of mine, Jar of Rebuke!
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[Image ID: The cover art for Jar of Rebuke is shown. It is art of a jar outlined in bright red and filled with black with various cryptid silhouettes inside it, each colored in with the same bright red. There is the top of a humans head that morphs into six tentacles, Next to that is the top half of a bigfoot waving. And in the bottom left there is a three eyed deer. Each of the creatures have their eyes filled in with black. In the center of the jar there is a large key also in red. Underneath the jar there are 6 tentacles in red holding it up, and the background is bright green corn silhouetted on a black background. in the top right "Jar of Rebuke" is spelled out in white letters. /.End ID]
Summary of the show as provided, “ Follow Dr. Jared Hel's journey as he works to re-discover his forgotten past and finds his place within the small Indiana farm town of Wichton and the cryptozoological organization he works for called 'The Enclosure'. These audio journals, and other recordings, dive deep into Midwestern US cryptids and folklore while also telling a mystery about identity, queerness, neurodivergence, and community.”
Season 1 and the first part of season 2 has been completed already with 21 episodes averaging from 10-25 minutes per episode. The second part of season 2 is currently being released with 3 episodes out now, these average around 10-ish minutes in length. Both transcript and content warnings are available!
Now, time for the less serious me gushing about it:
I love Jar of Rebuke so much, it was one of my first fiction podcasts and it is just amazing.
The sound quality is pretty good and the storyline is just aaaaaaaa /pos. I love it, it can be so cozy and so dread inducing at the same time it's amazing! It has amazing representation and i love the way it portrays it!
The voice acting is good, the storyline is good (I've said that twice now but it really is), all of the characters are complex and its just amazing! I really want more people to listen to this because it is really good.
Ok, I think this concludes out first fiction podcast rec Thursday. Tell me your thoughts, I am always willing to learn how to better these and if I'm being honest I never was the best at giving recommendations. But nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed and maybe found a new podcast to listen to!
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fiction-pod-recs · 10 months
For this weeks fiction podcast rec thursday:
Dr. Price’s Horror Compendium
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[ID./ The cover art of dr. price's horror compendium. On a black background there is a stylized orange/red rectangle outline. On top of that is text that reads, "Dr Price's Horror Compendium." The first two words are in the same color as the rectangle and the second 2 are a lighter, more orange color ./End ID]
Summary as given, “My name is Dr Price and this is my Compendium of Horror. A place to collect all the stories I have gathered over the years that are guaranteed to send a shiver down your spine!
I can’t guarantee that they are all 100% true, but I have been able to verify at least a portion of each one. It is up to you whether you choose to believe them or not…”
Dr Price’s Horror Compendium is ongoing with 17 episodes out now, but there hasn’t been an update since February (2023). The episode lengths average around 10 - 15 minutes each. There aren't quite transcripts, but there are written versions of the stories on their website! There also aren’t content warnings available.
Considering part of this is meant to be true stories, its place on this blog is debatable, but I do really love this podcast, so I’d like to talk about it!
I honestly don’t know why it draws me to it so much, but I really love it. It’s like the kind of horror that rarely is really scary but is the perfect amount of spooky vibes. The people reading the stories also do an amazing job narrating! This is probably the spot to mention it is an anthology series, I believe only 1 story connects to another. 
My favorite episodes were “The Tattoo” and “Dear Diary, They’re all Dead,” so I’d recommend you check those out!
Their website is: https://www.drpriceshorrorcompendium.com/
Alrighty then, I think that concludes this installment of FPRT! My deepest apologies for not getting this out sooner, Thanksgiving completely burned me out and school then hit me with a truck, so it's been a lot. Thank you for sticking with me and waiting for this! Next rec should hopefully be out next Thursday on time. Have a good rest of your day/night!
Edit: This was meant to go out on Thursday, but I saved it as a draft instead of posting it, very sorry about that.
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fiction-pod-recs · 11 months
For this week's Fiction Podcast rec Thursday,
The Soft-Boiled Detective
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[ ID/ The cover art of The Soft-Boiled Detective. It shows a flat colored, short, black hat with a gold band going around the base of it. It is outlined in gold. The background is black with a design mirroring that of a computer chip also highlighted in gold. In the middle "The Soft-Boiled Detective" is written in all caps in white text. /End ID]
Summary as given, “In 2420, HBD, a soft-hearted detective, teams up with Tiffany, a sardonic crematory operator who is targeted by the triad, to take on an organized crime dynasty to solve the murder of his childhood friend.”
There are currently 7 episodes out, averaging around 20 minutes each. Those 7 episodes make up the first season. The casting call for season 2 was finished in August so I think it is safe to assume a second season is in production. Content warnings are available but I don’t believe there are transcripts.
I love the soft boiled detective, it is just so! I love the way each of the characters is characterized and just everything about HBD. He’s just amazing! Its almost similar to the penumbra podcast, but its more lighthearted (though it can also get kind of heavy in some places). HBD fills all the tropes for a detective even in the future and it is amazing
They do have a Tumblr: @thesoftboileddetectivepodcast
Thank you for coming to this installment of fiction podcast rec Thursday! Apologies for this one also being later (and shorter) than usual, but I’m starting to work ahead so hopefully this won’t be a problem anymore.
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fiction-pod-recs · 10 months
For this weeks fiction podcast rec Thursday, 
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[ID. The cover art of Signis. A gradient purple to blue background with tiny white stars. Text in the middle of the image reads “signis” in all caps. /End ID]
Summary as given: “Signis has been alone, adrift on a spaceship for most of her life. Her lonely being is interrupted when she begins receiving broadcasts from Earth, a planet assumed by many to be long dead.
Juno believes that he is the last person alive on Earth. Determined to preserve the story of his home planet, he sends his memoirs into space, in the hopes that someone will hear them.”
Signis is completed with all 3 episodes out. The total runtime is a bit less than one hour. Transcripts are available! There aren’t any content warnings, but know it deals with isolation and death throughout. 
It is a shorter one this week but Oh My God it was amazing. Listing to Signis was a ride of emotions that I don't think I'll ever completely recover from. It managed to catch the vibes that you were invading on personal moments of the characters. I think its probably one of my favorite short podcasts I've ever listened to!
Transcript can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eguhChOTeM62QJlOE0PH-40X78d-EKgb
And they have Tumblr @signispod
Thank you for coming to this week's installment of Fiction Podcast Rec Thursday! As always if you have things you think I should add to my recs or any criticism please feel free to give it respectfully! Have a good rest of your day/night!
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fiction-pod-recs · 1 year
Fiction Podcast Rec Thursday!
[plain text: Fiction Podcast Thursday!]
Welcome to the start of Fiction Podcast Recommendation Thursday! (It's a working title)
This is where I give a fiction podcast every week and gush about it and maybe give some actual description about what it's about. And with this hopefully you will find some new podcasts to listen to!
This blog is moderated by Blair (@trashburgersblair) (she/he/it)
If you have a fiction podcast you'd like to recommend to the people? Send in an ask!
Include the Name, a short description of what its about, then feel free to gush about it to your hearts content. If you could, it would also be nice to include weather your rec has transcripts and/content warnings available
Want a large list of fiction podcasts that you can also add to?
Be aware this list only includes names and runtimes of each podcast!
Tags used on this blog:
fiction podcast rec thursday - tag used for any recommendations given or any received
submitted recs! - for any recommendations summited though the ask box
fprt mod rambles - text posts from me that aren't recs or don't have anything to do with fiction podcasts
fprt updates - any post that is about an update or possible change with this blog
not a rec - any miscellaneous posts that don't fall into any previous categories or just any post that isn't a recommendation
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, July 4
Anya: Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins, twenty years old. Born on the fourth of July, and don't think there weren't jokes about that my whole life, mister, 'cause there were. "Who's our little patriot?" they'd say when I was younger, and therefore smaller and shorter than I am now.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Switching Sides (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Okay? Okay. (Buffy/Faith, G) by nereid
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Task Mistress, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by HappyWhenItRains
Mysteries of the Unexplained, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Willow25
Reclaimed, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Holly
Degradation of Duality, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Ragini
Waiting for You, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
The Watcher, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by In Mortal
Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by cawthraven
Meow, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Helped, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Roboticghost
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Foxy Lady, Chapter 16 (Ensemble, FR15) by dogbertcarroll
Cross Purposes 4, Chapter 103 (Multiple crossings, FR13) by DianeCastle
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Stomping on Butterflies, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 43 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Yes or No?, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
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A Thousand Grains of Sand, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, T) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Buffy Anne Summers the woman that you are... by bertolts
Manip:Like sisters by revello-drive-1630
[Reviews & Recaps]
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VILLAINS | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x20 | The Normies Group Reaction by The Normies
Same Time, Same Place: Buffy 7x03 Reaction by Dakara
Venezuela Girl First Time Watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1x1 Reaction by Venezuela Girl
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Podcast: Episode 63: Wild at Heart (w/ Chelsea Jensen) by Gym Was Cancelled
Podcast: Buffy S7E5: Selfless by Booze & Buffy
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Spuffy Fanfic Hunt by Artistic_Jellyfish_2
[Fandom Discussions]
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[s7 positives] by coraniaid
[Rent in s6] by a-tad-bit-obsessed
[On the scene with Xander's Riley speech] by unnamedmedicalprofessional
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What If: Giles was American? by multiple authors
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Now that I'm really trying with s7... by multiple authors
Were the PTB involved in shaping Cordelia’s path from Doyle’s first vision in S1 ep1 or even before that? by multiple authors
Favorite episodes from 6&7?? by multiple authors
"I'll take away your bucket" and other bada$$ and savage lines by multiple authors
Angel/Angelus one in the same. by multiple authors
Did anyone else get suspicious when The Mayor called Faith a little firecracker and Faith says that's what her mother used to call her by multiple authors
Am I the only one who doesn’t like the relationship between Faith and The Mayor? by multiple authors
The Worst Big Bad? by multiple authors
Angel and Spike by multiple authors
Unpopular opinion: I like Kennedy by multiple authors
What will happen to Dawn after she dies? by multiple authors
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, April 11
Buffy: (shrugs) I'll be fine. Spike: Buffy. You're not happy here. Buffy: Please don't make this harder. Spike: You don't belong here. You're something... You're better than this.
~~Doublemeat Palace~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Elope (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Followup Tests (Angel/Maggie Walsh, E) by MadeInGold
A Strange Sort of Afterlife (Multiple Crossings, T) by Ditsyjo and Wolfcubx2
Daisies (Buffy/Spike, T) by desicat
I Know I Should Figure This Out on my Own (but if you come back, could you take me home?) (Cordelia, Wesley, T) by purple_mechanicalpencils
Cooking Together (Crossover with Dawson's Creek, G) by Julikobold
Rock Concert Tickets (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
Spilling (Crossover with The Golden Girls, G) by Julikobold
A Year of Judgement (Ethan Rayne, T) by NAOA
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Say Yes to Heaven (Buffy/Spike, R) by Maxine Eden
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Object of Affection, Chapter 1 (Xander/Spike, E) by felixsfishnets
Scooby Family Therapy, Chapter 1 (Joyce/Everyone, E) by Anne_Hathagay
Highlands and Tropical Islands, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
Ripped Stockings, Chapter 1 (Giles/Jenny, E) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
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Written in the Stars, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
Celebrating You, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by DeamonQueen
Army Wife, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by though_you_try
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, R) by hydranjenna
The Boyfriend Swap, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
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The Stars to Hold Our Destiny, Chapter 10 (Crossover with Star Trek, FR15) by Hermionetobe
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Blood and dust, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
Coming Through, Chapter 55 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
Service Unit, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
Hope is the thing with feathers, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by will_
What The Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
In Your Dreams, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Geliot99
We're Going to be Friends, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Build a Bridge, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Niamh
Love Lives Here, Chapter 47 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Dark Willow Fan Art by erin_m_creates
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Artwork:🌸🌸🌸 by novivi
Comic:favorite scene by fox-toothed
Gifset:Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1.07 & 5.18 by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
Gifset:S01:E09 - The Puppet Show (Part 1) by thecrazyknight
Gifset:The Zeppo by dailybuffysummers
Gifset:Anne by detectivedawnsummers
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Video: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Portrait Painting | Time Lapse - Fan Art Series by TIM NARDELLI
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Joan the Vampire Slayer (and Randy) | 6x8 "Tabula Rasa" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
"The I in Team" (4x13) | *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* Reaction by cass reacts
Older and Far Away: Buffy 6x14 Reaction by Dakara
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992) - Film Review by VIDEO ZONE
The Re-Watcher's Council | "Reptile Boy" Buffy the Vampire Slayer S02E05 Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
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Podcast: Angel S4E1: Deep Down by Booze & Buffy
Publication: The 10 best Angel episodes, ranked via digitaltrends
[Recs & In Search Of]
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spuffy fanfics where drusilla plays a major role in the story recced by mcgnagallsarmy
[Community Announcements]
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New "Good Vibes" Flair Announcement by r/buffy
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Fandom5K 2024 Schedule by fandom5k
[Fandom Discussions]
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[on Buffy being 'kicked out'] by moistvonlipwig
[Riley's ending] by breezybeej
[Xander in the S2 finale] by nicnacsnonsense
[S6 as a Willow fan] by aingeal98
[Ask: Lies My Parents Told Me meta] by momsforroadhead and explosionshark
[Meme: why is the library closed?] by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
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Conflicted feelings on the show so far... by multiple authors
Which Firefly transplant to Angel did you enjoy most? by multiple authors
Questions about souls by multiple authors
Do you think Dawn existed within the Wishverse? by multiple authors
What are some pieces of dialogue that you hated? by multiple authors
What are some of the most mind-blowing Buffyverse moments? by multiple authors
Most interesting Wishverse character? by multiple authors
Season 7: did anyone ever say whether the lighting and wardrobe were intentionally meant to be so gloomy/dark? by multiple authors
Buffy's reaction by multiple authors
Giles' reaction to Joyce blaming him for Buffy leaving Sunnydale by multiple authors
Faith, Hope, and Trick by multiple authors
What are the best moments of each season? by multiple authors
Ryles comeback was poorly done by multiple authors
Just started reading the comics and I have questions about Buffy's relationship with Angel and Spike by multiple authors
Does becoming a vampire mean the body is possessed? by multiple authors
Which one time/small recurring character you wish became a main cast member? by multiple authors
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