#fic: monstar
aj-thegreatest · 2 years
I’m 5 pages into a MonStar Au
I’m still in the Moon/Toffee* section
Star hasn’t been born yet
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missmungoe · 1 year
Please help, I am looking for the scene where Makino and the crew are reunited and they all line up for her to inspect how much they have changed. I absolutely cannot remember which fic it is from 😭
I've got you, anon! That would be the opening scene of chapter 2 of Tethered to Kinder Shores<3
Their return to her necessitated a thorough inspection, but then after ten years there were more than a few changes between them, although in some respects, very little had changed, Shanks thought, observing as she walked the length of her bar from pirate to pirate, his whole crew having cheekily lined up for her to inspect, standing at attention like fresh navy cadets, some elbowing others out of the way to get to the head of the line.
“Hey, I was first!”
“I’m older!”
“I’m better looking!”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Yeah,” Shanks said, observing the spectacle from his seat at the bar, those who hadn’t lined up standing ready to do so, but the note of warning went unheeded, met instead with grins, and a prim look from Makino as each pirate bent down for her examination.
Changes were catalogued―beards and ill-conceived moustaches, deeper laugh-lines and grey hairs, tattoos and scars and missing fingers. Ben’s silver mane was noted, with that demure little smile that managed to say more than ten years of teasing from the rest of them combined, but, “It looks dignified,” Makino said, considering their first mate where he stood, his arms crossed and his long-suffering expression conveying that he should be above this kind of foolery, but he’d still lined up like the rest of them.
“Hear that, Ben?” Yasopp shot in, grinning as he leaned close. “Our efforts paid off!”
“I’m so pleased,” Ben deadpanned, although the grin jutting around his cigarette ruined it somewhat.
Undeterred by their teasing, “Many women love a silver fox,” Makino pointed out.
That got their attention, as every head down the line turned to look at their first mate, some of their younger members muttering under their breaths, raking their fingers through their own hair. For his part, Ben just grinned.
“Not everyone needs the silver hair to be a fox,” Shanks said. “Red foxes are a thing.” He swept his hand across himself, and saw how her eyes darted to his half-bared chest. “Exhibit A.”
“Don’t speak too soon, Boss!” a voice called from down the line. “We’ve all seen them!”
“Won’t be long now!”
Spluttering, Shanks flipped them off, although catching Makino's eyes, didn’t think she looked so opposed to the thought, and his look softened as he let their cheeky insubordination slide.
She’d stopped before Yasopp, whose grin said enough about his own assessment, as he turned this way and that to give her a better look.
“Don’t hold back,” he said, as he flexed for good measure.
“You probably should hold back,” Limejuice said.
“For all our sakes,” Snake agreed.
Her eyes smiled, and, “You look spry,” Makino chirped, and had moved on before Yasopp could choke out a reaction, his laughter chased by theirs.
Stopping before him, “Lucky Roo,” Makino said warmly, as he beamed down at her. “You haven’t changed.” Then to the hulking figure beside him, so tall even craning her neck couldn’t meet his eyes, but she didn’t cower, only said, prim, “Bonk Punch.”
That grin usually sent their enemies running, although the look in his eyes was softer, as, “Little monkey,” Bonk Punch returned, his teeth bared, but his fearsome expression faltered when Makino reached up, her palm pressed to his cheek, tilting it a bit to inspect the new scars mapping it. And she said nothing, only saw them, but Shanks knew how it felt to be in the direct trajectory of that look.
Reaching out to touch the top of her head, Bonk Punch just grinned, although Shanks saw how his fingers shook, brushing her kerchief.
Monstar chittered then, climbing down from Bonk Punch's shoulders to hers, his tail curling around her neck as she laughed.
From his seat at the bar, Shanks watched as she moved on, a gentle captain where she walked down the line, tiny compared to every single pirate in his crew, but fearless as she made a point of inspecting them all, like eager cabin boys on their first voyage. And those she didn’t know she took the time to introduce herself, to ask their names and rank and where they came from, her face open and attentive, and in that way that could turn even a sea-weary sailor flustered, and no pirate who’d been in his crew when they’d left her showed surprise at the gentle deference she compelled with only a smile and a few words.
"What do I call you?" she asked the pirate beaming down at her.
"Rockstar, mistress."
She laughed. "Please, just 'Makino'."
"Aye, mistress. I-I mean, Makino!"
"She'd give Garp a run for his money in intimidation," Yasopp mused, observing with amusement as they straightened their backs, some even going so far as to take off their hats.
"Who do you think she learned it from?" Shanks asked.
Her inspection of his crew complete, she came to a stop before him, reclining against the counter; his favourite seat that he’d returned to claim. She was so short that even sitting, she barely reached his chin, but he felt the sudden compulsion to sit straighter in his seat as Makino said gently, “Captain.”
Smiling, “And?” Shanks asked, the roughness in his voice betraying a feeling he hadn’t counted on, but then wondered why he was surprised. “What’s your verdict, barmaid?”
Soft eyes roamed his face, noting the changes, the deeper lines and the salt in his beard, and the occasional vein of silver glimpsed between his red hair, but then for all their teasing, the grey hairs were the least of his worries, observing her thorough inspection, before those doe-brown eyes met his.
He realised he was holding his breath, but before he could release it, a small hand reached for his chin, a touch so gentle it seized his whole body, as she tipped it.
Then Makino smiled, and quipped, “You’ll do.”
His laugh choked from him, and her demure cheek lasted only a second before her grin ruined it, even as the look in her eyes remained; the one that said all he needed to know, but then even if he’d acknowledged his own differences, the one change he’d feared was the way she looked at him.
Still, “This is what I get for my efforts,” Shanks sighed, as she brushed her thumb through his beard. “Didn’t wash or shave for a few days just so I’d look especially rugged for you.”
Makino hummed. “That explains the smell.”
“Hey, you’re going to have to deal with a lot worse when you come out to sea with us,” Shanks reminded her. “Consider this a trial run.”
Her smile brimmed, a feeling in it that couldn’t be contained, and turning his cheek to kiss her fingers, he felt how they shook, but then the reminder had been deliberate, because they hadn’t just come back to her; they’d come back for her.
Turning to her crowded bar, barely big enough to seat all of them now, “It’s quite the crew you’ve brought me this time, Emperor Red-Hair,” Makino said.
He tried not to latch onto the moniker, but then with her, he���d only ever been Captain, but like the salt in his beard and his scars, it was a change, to be acknowledged and catalogued like the rest.
Shanks looked at them all, wearing those stupid grins. “Rogues and vagabonds,” he said. “It’s a wonder I manage to keep them all in line.”
“You manage?” Ben asked.
Ignoring him, “It really says something about my leadership skills,” Shanks said.
Her grin was too sincere to be teasing, and he felt his instinctive response to it, as ridiculously gratified as it had ever been. “And you?” Makino asked him. “Who keeps you in line, my lord of vagabonds?”
He really shouldn’t be so pleased, but it was hard with that look on her face. “I thought it might be a nice challenge for you,” Shanks said. “Shake your quiet life up a bit.”
Her smile trembled, and this time there was no teasing in her voice as Makino said, “You’ve always been good at that.”
A tender beat passed, their eyes holding. And he didn’t fear what she found now, his changes acknowledged but with a fearless acceptance that made his fingers itch to pull her into a crushing kiss, which he might have done, had they been alone.
His gaze shifting sideways found his crew grinning at them, but his chagrin wasn’t even half-convincing as Shanks said, “This moment would be a lot more tender if we didn’t have an audience, but then your expectations of a sweeping romance must be well-subverted by now.”
“I don’t know if I agree,” Makino said, and the words were directed at all of them as she told them fiercely, “This is everything I want.”
Their grins wavered, their silence more telling than even the glassy sheen in their eyes, and few things could render his crew speechless, but then there were few like her.
“Speaking of inspections,” Yasopp said then, leaning forward to tap her nose. “You missed one.”
She blinked. “Who?” Makino asked, turning to the room, the genuine concern that she’d forgotten someone prompting Shanks to shake his head, his grin helplessly affectionate.
“Gents?” Yasopp asked. “What say you?”
Shanks saw the moment realisation hit her, as brown eyes darted to his, but his grin offered no assistance as she was ushered into the centre of the room. But she complied as they inspected her in turn, rough hands tugging teasingly at her kerchief and her longer hair, remarking on her beauty until her cheeks were flushed and her laughter flustered as they circled her thoughtfully, her chin tilted and her spine straightened.
“This won’t do,” they sighed, their arms crossed. “No pirate I know is this cute!”
“Sitting right here, guys,” Shanks called, and was promptly ignored.
“Not enough salt in her hair,” one said, before her hands were inspected. “And no rope burns!”
“Just the one scar,” Hongou said, touching the little one bisecting her eyebrow.
“And no weapon,” Gab said, with a look at Shanks. “Unless you count the serving tray.”
“I’ve seen her wield that serving tray,” Shanks said. “I wouldn’t be so confident if I were you.”
“I taught her to shoot, too,” Yasopp shot in with a grin. “Unless you’ve forgotten?”
Her blush deepened, as though at a joke they weren’t privy to, Shanks thought with a flicker of intrigue as Makino cleared her throat, her eyes making an admirable effort of not meeting his. “I remember the basics.”
“Glad to hear it,” Yasopp said, with a grin thrown Shanks’ way as he chirped, “I’m sure Boss is, too.”
“I think I’m glad to be out of the loop on this one,” Shanks said, as Makino covered her eyes with her hand.
“But being a good shot will come in handy,” Limejuice said. “And she’s nimble, as a pirate should be.”
“She’ll be climbing aloft like a monkey in no time,” Bonk Punch agreed, to Monstar’s chittering approval.
“All that’s missing is a wanted poster,” Snake said.
“And a moniker,” Lucky added.
“If she has any sense, she’d get out while she still can,” Ben said, although the grin around his toothpick held a different assessment.
Makino endured the attention, their adoration offered without mercy where they’d surrounded her, one of the most feared crews in the world, but with her they felt none of it.
Turning towards him, her eyes sought him through the crowded room, and Shanks heard the din growing quiet, their attention on him now, and their newest member, brought before the captain of the ship.
And his own inspection wasn’t as cheeky as theirs, taking her in where she stood in the midst of his crew, a dainty anomaly among his rough and rugged men, whose grins had already named her what she was, even as it was his confirmation she sought now.
And smiling, Shanks gave it. “I’ll be expecting the mutiny any day now.”
Her grin broke, and their laughter swept her up like their hands as she shrieked, but they didn’t drop her, hoisting her up, a pirate’s initiation, and her shanty lifting with their voices, until she was blushing to the roots of her hair.
And regardless of their changes, their scars and wrinkles and grey hairs, the one thing that hadn’t changed was the way they loved her―loudly and without reserve.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
👽 Billy
"Do you think aliens exist?"
It was such a clear and beautiful summer night, you and Billy had decided to bring a blanket to the roof and stargaze. You'd been lying on your backs and holding hands silently for twenty minutes, and you'd begun to wonder what was on his mind. Now you knew.
"I think that if we're all there is… that's a big waste of space. Pun intended."
He hums in acknowledgement.
"Do you?" you prod after a moment.
"You think they're friendly?"
You see him bite his lip out of the corner of your eye. "Hope so," he mumbles.
"What do you think they look like?"
Billy breathes in deep and shifts uncomfortably. When he speaks, it's slow and quiet. "I think they could look like anything… or anyone."
Uh-oh. Damage control, stat!
"I think they look like the aliens from Space Jam."
"What?" He turns his head toward you cautiously.
"You remember Space Jam? Michael Jordan? Bugs Bunny? Looney Tunes vs. Monstars? Greatest basketball game ever played?"
"Yeah," he gives you a lopsided smile. Good sign.
"I think they're like that. Cute and colorful like cartoons. I bet if we asked really nicely, one would let us play with it. We could take it to the park and put it in a baby swing, and send it down the swirly slide, maybe let it ride one of those big ducks with the springs in it."
Billy barks out a laugh.
"After that, they're gonna love us." In your best dorky cartoon alien voice, you continue: "Oh my god you guys, those Earthlings are so cool! We shouldn't zap their planet to smithereens! We should vacation there! Wait'll I tell you about this thing called the see-saw!"
Billy howls with laughter, all his other-worldly troubles forgotten.
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wheels-of-despair's six-month fic-iversary emoji-bration
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cyberb07 · 1 year
For about the past month of my adult life, I've been working on getting a place of my own.
Also for the past month, I've been spending my free time writing self-insert fics and reading x readers.
XD Completely normal.
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What I've been working on:
• An Ennard x self story (possibly 3 chapters, 2 of them 18+, 1 of them FTFreddy x self)
• A Toon Patrol x OC collection of stories (Yes, there's a weasel I'm more for, but it starts out kinda ambiguous. Ah, & yes, a few 18+ chapters/oneshots)
• A Weasel quickie comic (😁 Just sketching out a curious & funny thought I had)
• A Weasel AMV (I kid you not; I make musical playlists for my fictional crushes, and one song just wouldn't quit. So I had to!)
• Touching back on old fics (Skeksis x OC, Simpsons x OC, The Duke x OC, etc & etc.)
• Also I've been tapping back into my love for some Looney Tunes characters and the Nerdlucks/Monstars. But man, is it hard to find x reader's for them! Do I have to write my own for all of them??
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bazzybelle · 2 years
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Hello @ileadacharmedlife ! Thank you for this lovely ask! 💜💜
So 'Drarry Dementor' is a fic I was planning out and screaming over with @amywaterwings . The idea was that a group of vigilantes had gotten hold of a Dementor and were using it to punish Dark Wizards. Harry works as an Unspeakable, tasked with figuring out different methods to protect and potentially destroy a Dementor without the use of a Patronus charm.
On the other side, we've got Draco working with Luna (who is in a polyship with Ginny and Pansy, because you can pry that ship from my cold dead hands) as Healers specializing in Soul Magick. Luna came up with a spell that detects the amount of damage a person's soul has taken, and she and Draco work to heal it.
Eventually, the case brings Harry's team and Draco’s teams together, and STUFF happens.
"Monstar of Malfoy Manor" is essentially a Drarry Beauty and the Beast story. Right after Draco gets acquitted, an angry Ministry worker curses him to "reveal the ugly monster inside". He remains secluded in Malfoy Manor for the next 10 years.
Harry, being disenchanted by the Wizarding World, quits his job, and decides to give up his pristine flat in the bougie area odlf Diagon. As he's packing his things, he finds Draco’s wand... and it hits him that he hasn't spoken, nor heard from Malfoy in 10 years.
He's currently friends with Pansy (or rather... acquaintances... what with her dating both Ginny and Luna) (yes, this ship is consistent for me). Pansy tells Harry that no one's heard from Draco, and that the Manor has all but been abandoned and left for ruin.
Harry... being Harry, decides to check it out... and is met with a snarling, angry beast. And well, the idea is to follow the Beauty and the Beast story but with a Drarry twist.
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kewltie · 7 years
title: MONSTAR
author: kewltie
pairing: hyukjae/donghae
contains: slight media fic, non-linear narrative, celeb/manager, substance abuse, fandom
summary:  The life and time Lee Eunhyuk--rock god, king of the airport's runway, lord of the tabloid's front page and Donghae's eternal migraine.
a/n: i said i wasn't going to start anything new new until i finish my other projects but LOOK it been two years (??) since i wrote anything that doesn't belong in magnetic, posted to my tumblr, OR updated any of my old fics soooo hey! this isn't even new new since i been working on this on and off on my tumblr for years now so haha /o\. i like to think of this entire 'verse as my love letter to lee hyukjae so HERE WE GO GUYS. 2-3 parts i think?? lmao I THINK.
>>>>>>>>>Part One<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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sexy-monster-fucker · 4 years
Eddie Brock|Venom NSFW Alphabet 
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Eddie is very very caring after sex.  He knows Venom can be rough so he wants to make sure you are okay.  He LOVES to cuddle after sex.  Very touchy.  A lot of forehead kisses.  
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
Eddie loves your hands.  He loves intertwining fingers with you.  Venom, on the other hand, loves your neck.  He loves to wrap his hand firmly around it.  
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Venom loves finishing inside you.  Eddie would never admit it, but he does too.  
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Secretly, Eddie has a HUGE daddy kink.  He never told you, but one time you let that name fall from your lips and it drove him mad.  He adores being called that.  
E - Experience (How experienced are they?)
Eddie may have a tough guy exterior, but he actually does not have that much experience.   He always tends to wait until he has rather strong feelings for the person he is with before deciding to sleep with them.  Obviously, Venom is only as experienced as his host. 
F - Favorite Position
Any position where they get to be the dominant one.  They adore being on top for real.  
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Eddie and Venom are both very serious in the moment.  They love having sex and consider it to be very intimate.  They do everything to make sure it’s perfect for you.  
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Well, Venom does not really have hair.  That one is self explanatory.  Eddie keeps himself groomed, but there is hair always.  
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Eddie is one of the most caring people on the planet.  He loves to make sure you know how much he loves you.  
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Venom has a very high sex drive, so sometimes he ends up getting Eddie worked up.  Eddie often has to take care of it as not to bother you.  It often happens at the worse times, so Eddie does not like bothering you with it.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Eddie has a secret daddy kink.  Venom himself has a breeding kink.  He gets off on the idea of his seed impregnating you.  He longs to reproduce with you.   
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Eddie loves to do it in the bedroom.  Call it old fashioned, but he loves taking you into the bedroom after a night out and ripping your clothes off you.  
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Eddie loves to be seduced by you.  When you graze your fingers up his arm or chest it gets him going.  He also loves when you kiss his neck.  
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Neither of them want to share you ever.  They both are super overprotective and only want you to be their’s.  
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Eddie and Venom both LOVE to eat you out.  They love being in control and watching you squirm under them.  
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Both Eddie and Venom tend to be rough during sex.  Eddie is more on the sensual side, usually taking things slowly before getting rough.  But Venom loves to get rough real quick.  He slams into you as hard as he can and moves quickly inside you.  
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Venom would have sex with you anytime anywhere.  Eddie, however, prefers to take you home first.  So when Venom gets him worked up in public, Eddie usually rushes you home.  Whispering in your ear, “He’s decided it’s time.  We gotta go.”  It sends chills down your spine.  
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Eddie is usually down for anything.  There are a few things Eddie won’t do.  But most of the time, Eddie loves to try anything you want.  He always has to be careful thought because Venom can get out of hand.  
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Eddie can go a few rounds, but does not want to overwork his partner.  Venom can go all night if he is feeling it.  He goes until he decides he is done.  After a night with Venom, you are usually so tired and worn out you are seeing stars.  
T  - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Eddie adores teasing you in public.  Like if you are out at dinner, he loves inching his hand up your thigh.  He gets achingly close to your opening and just sits there.  Or he will lean into your ear and whisper something rather nasty.  “I’m gonna rip that little dress off you when we get home,” or “You have no idea what’s in store for you when we leave here.”  He loves driving you crazy.  
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
They both are not very loud.  Grunting and whispering your name or curses is about the loudest they get.  
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Venom loves to wrap his long tongue around your neck.  He loves choking you with it.  The taste of your skin drives him crazy.  
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Venom can be any size he wants.  Eddie is packing himself.  
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very.  Eddie wants to do it multiple nights a week.  Venom, however, would do you multiple times a day if you would let him.  This sometimes leads to Eddie having to take care of things himself.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Eddie loves to cuddle afterward.  He will stay awake until you fall asleep.  He wants to make sure you are comfortable and cared for.  
@odetteacanto ~ @chasecharmer ~ @gliderbudgie ~ @ihaveaseriousclownproblem ~ @melancholy-applesauce ~ @katnisswa ~ @true-king-of-monsters ~ @tastemybuns ~ @ashycole~ @raposinhachan ~ @weebiemo ~ @syiamorea ~ @danielsbransonx~ @haurashaave ~ @kurochan3 ~ @skrilltia ~ @cutebutpsycho83 ~ @mai-sun-and-stars ~ @lucacangettathisass ~ @mababees ~ @bossyboyd03 ~ @more-than-a-little-sinister ~ @its-sexy-beastington-to-you ~ @emi-leigh16 ~ @sir-skelly ~ @kittywillcutyou ~ @centerhabit ~ @that-mom-friend ~ @lil-brown-furred-boi ~ @thirsty-venom-posts ~ @itaddict ~ @peculiar-monstar ~ @grotesquegabby ~ @sylinica ~ @mccrps ~ @hopelessdisasterr ~ @sarasxe ~ @deaths-maiden ~ @magicaldoremimimi ~ @venomsprincess ~ @sebastianmichaelisthedevilwith ~ @gae-artss ~ @piinkitydrinkity ~ @wintar1234534 ~ @kiratsuyoshi ~ @forgets-me-nots-blue ~ @legoticatrevosa ~ @grand-fanfic-ing-central ~ @therealautobotgirl ~ @raginghealer ~ @avaeda ~ @xcasiferx ~ @goth-pigeon~ @pale-butterfly ~ @abigfanofyours ~ @red-writer13 ~ @meganthemug~ @winterwendig0 ~ @nicimixerxoxo ~ @fandomtrashgoddess~ @cinnabearice ~ @moose-squirrel-asstiel~ @caughtyoulackin ~ @ellar21 ~ @snow-massacre ~ @iliketurtles1022~ @crazyfreckledginger ~ @impossiblepickleherringsoul ~ @roman-reigns-princess ~ @sincerelysinister ~ @hey-its-caroline ~ @torntaltos ~ @izzyd ~ @siliethkaijuy ~ @killercatastrophe ~ @tattoedgipsybunny ~ @orphan-kilig ~ @sassysergeant ~ @kellendriaaa ~ @mrshiddlescumberbatchlove ~ @undertaleandotherfandomlover ~ @bijou-pomme ~ @allkundsofwrong ~ @bloody-jinxx ~ @skywolf-kink-boy ~ @rueinn ~ @skatedate67791 ~ @the-sea-hawk ~ @pendent123 ~ @emmamikaelson95 ~ @markusstraya ~ @tifablog ~ @im-marie-poppins-yall ~ @lets-venom-and-chocolate ~ @homeiswheremykittyis ~ @taliarozlyn ~ @douchecrypt ~ @sierra884-blog-blog ~ @abundant-chaos ~ @chanderefk ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @symbiote-queen ~ @thirstyforvenom ~ @starguardian319 ~ @shadeyenora ~ @brokenpizzapiez ~ @marvelfangirllll ~ @waltz707 ~ @cherubclover ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @midnightwritingrussiancoffee ~ @vengealis ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @izzy-the-ginger ~ @cryalluwant2idc ~ @weirdfuckingtrainwreck~ @cart-disguised-as-a-buggy ~ @jaxcliffaconda ~ @ceylon-morphe286 ~ @war-and-chaos ~ @captaindrholmes ~ @xsmallplum ~ @sinningsummers ~ @nmagawida ~ @baoxiii ~ @strawberrysuperhero ~ @queen-of-eggyolks ~ @that-one-smart-american ~ @seachelle-the-tideborn ~ @pennysgirl ~ @richietoaster ~ @whitestar-16  ~ @omg-the-nutella-queen  ~ @that-one-smart-american  ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @shaderwaii ~ @yangfire08 ~ @raceylacy ~ @emo-kitty-love ~ @sadboysclub11 ~ @mawkishmondays  ~ @sthorkronstrangy ~ @bokchoishota ~ @voyagestothestars ~ @the-lululemon~ @bear-rose123 ~ @mynahx3 ~ @alli-cat99 ~ @onebymanynames ~ @hebambi555 ~ @cassiopeia-barrow ~ @alledeglyfunny ~ @roryshitposts~ @x6-15 ~ @alex–awesome–22 ~ @deepdarkvoidchild ~ @nickyl316h ~ @nomajdetective ~ @randomshizzles101 ~ @fillechatoyante ~ @venoms-cave~ @shadymegan ~ @ultrasparkledeath ~ @infinitytheproxy3 ~ @whitestar-16 ~ @coralineexz ~ @i-like-dark-stuff ~ @missotaku34 ~ @momostuffsblog ~ @crazyminnesotagirl ~ @the-cake-isnt-a-lie ~ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow ~ @fosterthe-peter ~ @heif ~ @smilingthroughmysnarls ~
\\ If you no longer want to be tagged in my Venom x Reader Fics, please do let me know. Or if you would like to be tagged in future posts, let me know! //
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
Hey all!! Hope you are having a great day today! Decided to make a little gift for my good friend @phantomnationdraws to say thanks for the amazing cover. So I made a short fic about their Monster Swap AU (which I highly recommend checking out) featuring everyone’s favorite Monstar!! I did my best to get the details right and hopefully it is accurate to their AU. But anyways, hope you all enjoy!
Star searched the entire castle for Marco. She checked in all the places he usually was, his room, her room, the kitchen, the room filled with nothing but laser dragons, everywhere! But there was no sign of him.
She should probably blame herself for not keeping a close enough eye on him but how could she? Between being the general of the entire monster army and fulfilling the endless number of royal duties her mom insisted she had to do, Star barely had time to breathe! Marco was easily the most relaxing and fun part of her day. He always managed to cheer her up and she loved spending any amount of time with him.  It didn’t matter how horrible or awful her day had been, all she had to do was look into the sweet, innocent eyes of her bestie and her mood was instantly brightened. 
Which was exactly why she was looking for him, at the moment. She needed some Marco time, cause Star had definitely had what some might call ‘a day’. First, Sir Lavabo had taken a million years to finish cleaning up her armor making her late for her meeting (okay so maybe it was her fault for waiting till the last minute to have it cleaned but still!) and then she had been firmly and annoyingly reprimanded by her mom…. Again. And well, it was just a tough day, okay! And she needed some Marco cuddles- I mean time to make her feel better. 
But somehow Marco had disappeared off the face of Mewni! And the more Star searched, the more frustrated she grew. Where was he? He couldn’t have just up and left right? Maybe Hexpen decided it would be fun to take him on a field trip to the most dangerous dimensions possible against his will… again. 
Star let out a groan, crossing her arms angrily in front of her chest, leaning against the smooth stone wall of the castle as she gazed around yet another dead end: the lavish castle garden. At this point the Monster girl was close to giving up and just drowning her sorrows in sugar seeds but she happened to look up and spot a pair of skinny legs up above her, swinging back and forth in a steady rhythm, perched on top of one of the spires. 
Star grinned. She would recognize those legs anywhere, the black slacks and green sneakers could only belong to one Marco Diaz. The girl held back a squeal of excitement, deciding to sneak in on the boy and catch him by surprise. She silently spread her wings out, letting them stretch to their full width as she prepared to launch herself up to the teen. With a single, powerful flap she was air-borne, the force from her take-off causing the plants and flowers around her to be wind whipped, sending pollen and flower petals scattering into the air around her. 
The girl quickly flew up the side of the tower with smooth, steady beats of her wings, doing her best to stay quiet and out of sight. She hovered for a few seconds underneath the boy, covering her mouth with her claws to stifle her laughter. He was gonna be so freaked out. 
Then, sucking in a deep breath, she flew into his line of sight, letting out a loud roar of fake anger. The boy screamed and fell backwards, nearly sliding off the loose scaffolding but somehow managing to keep himself from plummeting to the ground. The boy panted in surprise, his eyes wide with fear as he stared into the laughing face of Star. But Marco was far from amused by the prank, frowning as he snapped in annoyance, “Star!”
But the Monster showed no remorse, instead leaning in closer to Marco until their noses were mere inches from touching as she said in a sweet, innocent tone, “Hey Marco, what’s up? Other than you, obviously.” The girl flashed her companion a bright grin, her fangs lighting up in a brilliant and blinding smile. 
Marco blushed from the close contact, his heart beating so hard in his chest he was sure Star’s sensitive Monster ears could easily pick it up. But he managed to (somewhat) keep his cool as he replied in forced annoyance, “Star, why did you scare me like that?!”
Star shrugged as she settled down on the rooftop beside Marco, her tail wrapping around her legs on instinct. “Well I was looking all over the castle for you and I just figured-”
The girl stopped mid-sentence as she suddenly took a good look at Marco’s face. She had been so distracted by her prank (and not at all his beautiful brown eyes that she could get lost in and stare at for hours) that she hadn’t noticed the side of Marco’s face was bright red. And not from a blush, either. The whole left side of his face was swollen and the skin looked blotchy and almost sickly, parts of it bruised and discolored. 
Star’s smile instantly switched to a concerned frown, her eyebrows pinching together as she leaned closer to inspect his cheek. The boy noticed her staring and instantly grimaced, turning away from her and putting a hand over the obvious wound. 
“Marco, what happened to your face?” she blurted out, panic and fear in her voice as she tried to push Marco’s hand away. Marco instantly flinched at Star’s raised tone and the girl instantly regretted the outburst. She didn’t mean to scare him by overreacting but seeing him hurt like that just caused her to freak out. 
“It’s nothing,” the boy mumbled, drawing his legs up to his chest so he could hide his face.
“Nothing! Marco, you're hurt!” Star argued, unable to control herself. Her protective instincts were starting to kick in, big time. And if worrying for Marco wasn’t enough then the anger slowly beginning to boil in her chest made it impossible for her to stay calm. She had a sneaking suspicion where that bruise had come from. Her eyes narrowed in anger, her claws begging to dig into her palm as she let out a small hiss under her breath. “Who did this to you?” she asked in a low, dangerous tone. 
“No one!” Marco quickly shouted, seeing his bestie losing her temper. “I just… tripped is all.”
Star scoffed, clearly not buying the halfhearted lie. “Marco, there is no way you could get a bruise like that from tripping. Someone hit you, didn’t they!” The girl’s teeth were now bared, she looked ready to tear someone in half. Which she very well could.
 “Star, it’s not a big deal,” Marco tried, pointlessly, hiding his face in his legs once again. He really didn’t want to talk about it. That’s the whole reason he came up in the first place.
“Just tell me who did this and I’ll-” Star started to spread out her wings ready to go confront whoever dared to lay a finger on her Marco, when the boy quickly grabbed onto her arm to keep her from leaving. 
“No wait!” he screamed, the panic in his voice causing Star to pause. She stared at him in concern for a second, waiting for him to continue, not wanting to alarm him anymore than she already had. The boy took a few deep breaths, calming his frazzled nerves before saying in a broken, sad tone, “Just don’t, okay. You’ll only make it worse.” 
Star bit her lip, she wanted so badly to object, to find the jerk monsters who had hurt her friend and make them pay, but as much as Star hated to admit it, Marco was right. Violence was not the solution to this problem… sadly.
The girl let out an annoyed huff, sitting back down with an angry scowl. “Fine.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest, fuming with rage. “But they deserve it for treating you that way.”
“I know,” Marco mumbled in agreement, staring off into the distance. “I just… know how this ends. We gotta be the bigger person, y’know.” 
“I’m still having a talk with my mom about the castle staff in the morning,” Star replied. She may not be able to physically hurt them but she could guarantee they stay as far away from her friend as possible. 
Marco didn’t reply, just gazing sadly at the setting sun, even the breathtaking beauty of it all unable to lift his spirits. 
Star saw the boy’s depressed demeanor and wanted to do something to help cheer him up. She bit her lip, searching her mind for some kind of idea but she was currently drawing a blank. 
“Are you… okay?” she finally asked. But she nearly face-palmed at how stupid the question was. Duh, of course he wasn’t. 
“I’m fine,” he said, completely unconvincing. 
“I’m sorry those guys did that to you,” Star said, giving him a sympathetic look. “I wish I had been there, I woulda stopped them.”
“I know you would have,” the boy said softly. 
“Why didn’t you come get me?” 
The boy took a second to answer the question, his face unreadable. “I didn’t want to bother you,” he finally said. 
“Well that’s stupid,” Star blurted out and the boy turned to her with a surprised look. 
“What?” he muttered, he hadn’t been expecting that. 
“I’m your friend, Marco. I’m supposed to help you with stuff like that. But I can’t do anything if you don’t tell me,” Star said simply.
“Yeah, but you're always so busy,” Marco began but Star wasn’t hearing it, shaking her head vigorously. 
She gave him a scolding look, putting her hands on her hips as she said firmly, “Now you listen here, Marco Diaz. I’m never too busy for you. You are my best friend and it’s my job to take care of you. So enough of this whole ‘I have to suffer on my own’ act and start telling me when something is bothering you, okay?”
Marco stared at her long and hard, his mouth hanging open in surprise. He didn’t know what to say to that, the words getting choked up in his throat as he tried to reply. Tears began to form at the edge of his vision but he quickly swiped them away. 
Star smiled sweetly at her dear friend, wondering what she would ever do without him. And now she knew the opposite was true, too. He needed her just as much as she needed him and she swore to herself she would be there for him, no matter what. They needed to be together. They depended on each other in one way or another. 
“So how about we shake on it?” Star offered, holding out a claw to the boy. Marco eyed the hand in confusion for a second, before asking, “Shake on what?”
Star shrugged. “We promise to take care of each other and go to the other when something is wrong. That sounds fair.”
Marco’s eyes slowly raised to meet hers and the Monster felt her heart skip a beat at the amount of tenderness and trust in his innocent gaze as he looked at her. He gave her a small smile, before finally gripping her claw in his own warm hand. Goosebumps jumped up Star’s arm from his soft skin but she smiled brightly as they shook hands. 
“Deal,” the boy said, the joy returning to his face and tone and Star felt her own heart leap with the emotion. Yes, success! she thought proudly to herself.
Eventually, Marco let go of her claw and Star nearly groaned in dismay. She liked holding Marco’s hand. She nearly flushed at the thought but willed the heat from her cheeks. 
 Now that the boy was properly cheered up, a comfortable silence spread between the two, Star and Marco turning their attention skyward, watching as stars blinked into view in the darkening sky. Star’s eyes glittered like her namesake as she enjoyed this peaceful moment. She held her tail against her chest as she sometimes liked to do, comforted by this for some reason. “So uhhh, what were you doing up here anyways?” the girl finally asked, breaking the silence of the moment. 
“I like to come up here sometimes to think,” he replied softly, his eyes still pointed skyward. 
“How’d you even get up here?” the girl asked, curiously. Sure it had been easy for her but she had wings. 
The boy shrugged. “I climbed,” he answered simply.
Star couldn’t help but be impressed by that. Marco really was amazing. He never failed to surprise her with something. 
“I like it up here,” Star commented, looking around the spire with a pleased expression. “We should do this more often.”
“Yeah, we should,” Marco agreed, flashing her one of his winning grins and Star felt her heart melt all over again. But a look of concern crossed his face as he asked, “But, uh, shouldn’t we head back down? I’m sure your mom is wondering where you are?”
Star let out a groan of annoyance, rolling her eyes. “Ugh, no way, I am not ready to be yelled at again,” she muttered. But the smile returned to her face as she added, “Besides, I’d rather be up here with my bestie.”
Marco’s face softened at that, his cheeks turning slightly pink and Star couldn’t resist the urge to pull Marco closer to her, using her tail to move him over to her side. The two’s sides were now touching and Star found she liked having Marco this close to her. It felt nice.
But then Marco surprised her by putting his arms around her in a sideways hug. The girl tensed up in surprise but she felt joy fill her body as the boy leaned his head on her shoulder. Star slowly relaxed into the touch, even putting her claws on his arm in a return gesture. The girl was so busy loving every second of the warm hug that she almost didn’t hear the boy whisper, “Thanks, for cheering me up, Star.”
Star smiled, a blush on her cheeks as she replied, “No problem, Marco.” She paused before adding, “And if those bullies ever hurt you again, I’LL KILL THEM!!”
Marco rolled his eyes, used to Star jumping between her warrior mode out of nowhere at this point. “Stttaaarrrr,” he scolded. 
The girl just giggled and replied, “I’m just kidding.... Mostly.”
Marco shook his head, before giving her a tight squeeze. “You’re impossible, you know that,” he said playfully.
“I could say the same about you, Mr. Diaz,” Star said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she gave him a sideways glance. 
“Well where do you think I learned it from,” Marco commented, finally pulling out of the hug to give her a knowing smirk.
“Shut up!” the girl exclaimed in embarrassment, giving him a playful shove. 
The two broke out into laughter, giggling to themselves as they just enjoyed this time together. 
The two spent the rest of the night up on top of the tower. Eventually, Marco drifted off to sleep and Star wrapped her wings around him in a soothing manner, letting him lay against her chest as he dreamed peacefully. His breathing was soft and gentle and Star let the sound wash over her, Marco’s warmth causing her own eyes to slowly close. The last thing she saw before drifting off to sleep was a view of a thousand bright stars and she smiled to herself as the realm of sleep claimed her mind.
The two slept in peace all night, surrounded by a million burning stars and the warmth of each other. The next day would bring more challenges and trials as it always did, but for that night alone the two were free to rest. The world around them no longer existed, there was just Star and Marco… Monster and Mewman, together under a thousand blinking stars.
And really that was all they ever needed.
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nautilusopus · 4 years
wip tag, 'no peeking' and 'BEEEEEEEEEEEEES'
“no peeking” is a little snippet of Shaped Like You, which was the one fic where I take all the obnoxious bullshit from Crisis Core about wings and angels and monsters and call Nojima’s fucking bluff and go full fucking biblical. AKA wingfic for people who hate wingfic. @kaiju-dragon goaded me into this shit indirectly by encouraging me to take the wing shit to its logical conlusion.
Mostly just a test passage of Cloud decently far along in the process and going weh don’t look at meeeee am monstar except I’m not gonna be a fucking pussy about it the way Crisis Core was and actually give him something to freak out about, because there’s nothing more I hate than characters doing that and they have like... cat ears or horns or some shit. Fuck you, you gotta earn that level of melodrama. Let your animu boys be ugly and undignified you cowards.
In and of itself, might cut the scene if it comes off as too much. We’ll see.
BEEEEEEEEEEEEES is actually a (very belated) present for @waifujuju! Sort of her fic idea so I would rather she give me the go ahead first to blab about it. I will give you a hint tho, it involves Cloud and many bees. 
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kingsley-gal · 5 years
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The Awoos from my Starlight Monstar AU! This is to go along with the Mahikaren fic I wrote "The Ears Have It" so go check that out too!
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s-p-o-d-e · 5 years
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Into the Star-Verse: The Space Warni-Corps
This is a cover I made for my upcoming fanfic story, Into the Star-Verse: The Space Warni-Corps. The premise of the story involves alternate reality Star Butterflies from alternate universes coming together to form a corps, a group of dimension hopping space cops, dedicated to protecting the multiverse from cosmic threats, utilizing their magic wand and recruiting alternate Star Butterflies along the way regardless of whether or not their universe's magic has been destroyed or not. The Corps draws their power from the Magic Source, which is 6th Dimensional and not tied to any 3 dimensional universe. When you join the Corps, you swear to the cause, and speak the oath: sacrifice. The poses in this cover are heavily inspired by DC Comic's Kingdom Come by Alex Ross and Mark Waid. It's a really great comic, I highly recommend reading it. The Star Butterflies in this cover includes: Prissy Princess Star from Bad Boy Universe #6 Quasar Caterpillar MonStar from MonStar Universe #1112 Star 63 from Universe #63 These are the founding members of the Corps For those reading my other fic, Star vs the God of Evil, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about that yet. There's a very specific reason why I'm writing this alongside the other story.
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Dubstep’s for Pussies (Cable x Female Reader): Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Writing Masterlist
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Summary: Reader is Domino's younger sister who has taken an interest in Cable, but both of them are too stubborn to admit their feelings, so instead they take turns pissing each other off until one of them snaps.
Warnings: female reader, mention of age difference, mild hurt/comfort, hurt reader, mild emotional hurt/comfort, will be NSFW in later chapters, spoilers for deadpool 2 ofc, mentions of previous trauma
Word Count: 1338
A/N: This was meant to be smut with a side of plot, but I accidentally added a little more plot (aka angst) into it, so y'all can't get smut yet, and this is going to be a multi chapter fic. I know I said I’d post it on friday, but I’m impatient and bored, so y’all get it a day early!!
Tag list (if anyone wants to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know!): @fantasticwizardnerd @cxsmicbrownies @roni-westbrook @the-wayward-unicorn @luisadevitt @booklover2929 @whovianayesha @thehuntress26 @peculiar-monstar
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It was 3am and every room in the X-mansion was silent, every room except for yours. Loud, thumping dubstep blasted through the speakers in your room, not loud enough to wake everyone, but just loud enough to piss your neighbour off.
You'd met Cable the same time as your older sister, Neena, had, on that ICE Box transport. While your sister's power was luck, yours was the ability to go unnoticed; it wasn't exactly invisibility, if there was a camera on you, you'd show up, but you could stand in a room full of people with a spotlight on you, and still appear non-existent to everyone, including your own sister. It was some sort of telepathic ability you'd developed at the orphanage to hide yourself and your sister from your abusers.
So it really freaked you out when you tried sneaking up on Cable, and he promptly turned around to catch your wrist with his metal hand, twisting it till you yelped and dropped your blade. He'd made up for spraining your wrist later on by wrapping himself around you and taking the brunt of the impact when Juggernaut fucked the bridge up, but you were shaken.
It still jarred you whenever you were sneaking around the mansion, trying to play a prank on Wade or Colossus, and Cable's gaze would follow you. It didn't help that you both had similar sleep schedules, and he somehow always managed to find you especially when your insomnia got really bad. You weren't unhappy about it though, it was nice to have company instead of being left alone to your thoughts, and it allowed you to slowly drag information out of the stoic man.
You learned that his name was Nathan Summers, he was a kind of mercenary who hunted down bad guys, kind of like Wade and X-Force, he was divorced because his wife didn't want him doing that, and he didn't want to stop; that was part of the reason he didn't mind staying even after Wade got his time-travel device fixed, as long as he knew they were safe and alive, he didn't have anything in the future that required his immediate attention.
In turn, you told him about yourself, about your time at the orphanage; you showed him a couple scars they'd given you, even going as far as to let him touch them. Usually someone touching you would've triggered your trauma, sending you into a panicked frenzy, but you'd grown to trust him to a point that surprised you, and even though he was reluctant to admit it, he'd grown fond of you too, which was nice, but it was also the reason you were mad at him.
You were growing antsy in the mansion, anxious to get out on a mission again, so you were more than ready to go when Wade came back with one, but your joy was cut short when Nathan convinced the group to make you stay back because it was dangerous, and you would be of little use there.
So that's how you ended up blasting Skrillex in your room, which was conveniently located right next to Nathan's. You were sprawled out on your bed, reading a Star Wars book, when your door slammed open, revealing a pissed off, shirtless Cable. You tried to hide your mischievous smile as you sat up, your eyes wandering up and down his body for a second.
"Can I help you?" You asked, not bothering to turn down your music. He snarled through the bass, his eye flashing gold for a second. You'd be lying if you said that didn't turn you on just a litte.
"Turn that shit down."
"Nah, I'm good."
"I said, turn that fucking shit down, right now."
"Sorry, Daddy-o, no can do."
"Why are you such a stubborn little brat?"
"Oh, I'm stubborn? What about yo—," you cut yourself off with a shriek. Cable had just blasted your speaker system with a small energy pulse gun he kept hidden. "Nate, what the FUCK?!"
He ignored you, a small self satisfied smirk on his lips as he turned around and walked back to his room, not even bothering to shut your door. You growled at the audacity, stomping over to his room, and flinging his door open.
"Hey, dick bag, you fucked up my speakers," you marched over to where he was seated at his table with his weapons laid out in front of him. He turned to you, eyebrow raised.
"First of all, those were Wade's speakers, you stole them."
"Yeah, and now I'm gonna have to steal Colossus' speakers, which aren't as good!"
"If you'd lowered the volume as I asked, I wouldn't have had to fuck em up, so really, it's your fault, Princess."
"Why are you such an asshole?!"
"Why are you such a little shit?"
"Fuck you!"
"No, fuck YOU."
"God, you're so—."
"What is going on here?" The two of you flinched at the loud Russian voice, booming from the doorway. You slowly turned around, casting a sheepish glance at Colossus. "You two are like two cats fighting over bone, and we can hear at other end of mansion."
"I'm sorry," you mumbled, jabbing Nathan in the ribs with your elbow when he didn't speak up. He grumbled something under his breath, making Colossus sigh in disappointment.
"What the two of you need, is to have a good long fuck session," Wade popped up from behind Colossus. "Maybe that'll help with his racism too."
Both you and Cable groaned at his voice; Wade had been trying to get the two of you together ever since the team rescued Russell. While you definitely wanted to fuck the older mutant, there was no way your pride was going to let you make the first move, not when he'd pissed you off this much; if you had to guess, Nathan probably felt the same way.
"Just keep noise down, we have important mission in the morning," Colossus said, before retiring back to his room. Wade stayed back for a second to make a vulgar gesture with two fingers and his tongue.
"Get fucked, Wade!" You yelled, grabbing the nearest gun part and chucking it at your friend who quickly ducked out of the room. It flew half way across the room before being pulled back into Nathan's left hand like an iron nail to a magnet. You turned to glare at him. "You just looove spoiling my fun don't you?"
"This is exactly why you aren't fit to come on the mission with us," he said, his voice getting dangerously low.
"Oh wow, please feel free to elaborate," you said, crossing your arms as your eyes narrowed.
"You're fuckin immature, you don't know how to fight properly, your power is what? Being a fucking wallflower or some bullshit like that, and your judgment is way fucking off, you'd be a danger to yourself and a burden to us," he snarled, pausing a little too late as he realized what he'd said. A hurt look flickered across your face before you hardened your expression.
"Whatever," you spun on your heel and started towards the door. Nathan grabbed your forearm with his right hand, but you wrenched it out of his grasp. "Fuck off, Cable."
You slunk back into your room, locking the door before crawling into bed with a bottle of whiskey, and your laptop, hoping the alcohol and a mindless show would put you to sleep.
Cable stood motionless in the middle of his room, fists clenched tightly as he tried to calm himself down before he punched something. He knew what he'd said was a low move, saying you'd be a burden was uncalled for. And the hurt look on your face that you tried to hide was more painful than any bullet he'd take for you.
He slowly unclenched his fists, looking down to see the broken pieces of the half made gun you tried to throw at Wade. He contemplated going over, and apologizing, but he knew you wouldn't open the door or listen to him. With a heavy sigh, he decided he'd wait till he got back from the mission, to give you time to cool down.
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You decide my next UT fic!
Okay, so since I've finally finished with the main run of Winter in your Bones, I need a new background fic project to work on! I've got a few that I'll be working on and updating as I finish individual chapters, but one thing I also like to do is work on a story until it's about 90% done before beginning to post it so I'm able to have something with regular weekly updates! Winter was that, but now it's ‘done’ so I need something new!
That said, I'm not looking for random ideas, heh, I've actually got a veritable catalog of fic concepts that are in various stages of development, which I am going to list here, and then provide a link at the end of the post so you can go and vote on which one you think I should work on next! Obviously it'll be awhile before you actually SEE the story, but I thought it'd be fun to get ya'lls input instead of just deciding myself since, honestly, I wanna work on ALL of them, but that's a bit beyond me XD
That said, options are under the cut!
1) Living History
Pairing: Sans/Reader Universe: Post Geno-run set in the 1930s Genre: Adventure/Romance Summary: Reader is an archaeologist in the 1930s who ventures to Mt. Ebott with her team to do an excavation of the Monster ruins that can supposedly be found there. An accident leads to her falling into the Hall of Judgement where she is attacked by Sans, who thinks she is Frisk at first glance. He realizes she is someone else, however, and she realizes that he is only a head. Rather than killing him, Frisk tore him apart and scattered his pieces across the Underground. In exchange for helping him pull himself back together, Sans agrees to give reader a guided tour and answer any and all of her questions. Status: Rough concept with idea notes, no outline Estimated Length: Uncertain. Probably middling?
2) Papyrus de Bergerac
Pairing: Frisk/Papyrus Universe: Post Pacificst Genre: Romance Summary: On their first and only date, Papyrus turned down Frisk’s romantic overtures in favor of friendship. Two years later, he’s still dead set on keeping his promise to help her settle for second best, but in the process of helping another man woo his best friend, the skeleton realizes he might have made a terrible mistake. Based loosely on “Cyrano de Bergerac“ (with a happy ending!) Status: Detailed concept, loose outline Estimated Length: Relatively short and fluffy. Probably shorter than ‘Winter in your Bones’.
3) A Monster's Penny Dreadful
Pairing: Reader/Sans Universe: Post Pacificst in a Victorian era magicpunk AU Genre: Mystery/Adventure/Romance Summary: You are a detective for the Ebott city police department who also owns one of the few apartment buildings in town that caters to monster tenants. It’s been a few years since the monsters returned to the surface, and interspecies relations have been tense. When your tenant and co-worker, Officer Papyrus goes missing, you take on his case yourself, only to find that it appears to tie in with a series of other missing monster cases that have gone largely uninvestigated by your department. In undertaking this growing case, you find yourself joined by Sans, who has returned from a long absence abroad when he hears that his brother has gone missing. The mystery only grows when the pair of you discover that his ‘business’ overseas might tie into your missing person’s case in unexpected ways. Status: Completely planned out but final outline needs completing. Three chapters already done, though in need of editing. Estimated Length: Long, for sure. Very plot driven.
4) [untitled] (KingdomFell fic)
Pairing: Frisk/Fell!Sans Universe: Medieval Fantasy setting where the monsters free themselves Genre: Adventure/Fantasy/Romance Summary: When the princess of the humans and the prince of the monsters were killed, both kingdoms blamed one another and war was declared between the two races. In the end, humanity won out and banished monsterkind into the underground where magic was a limited commodity controlled by Asgore and Toriel. Time passed, and eventually seven souls were gathered, allowing the monsters to return to the surface once more to start their war against humanity once more. Sans is one of their most powerful knights, formerly known as the Wolf of Ruinheart in the Underground, but on arriving topside, he abandons his duty in pursuit of the freedom he’s always craved. He doesn’t get far, though, before he’s captured by humans behind enemy lines, and it’s only through the interference of a Noblewoman by the name of Frisk that he escapes execution. In exchange, however, he is oathbound to serve and protect her. She commands him to accompany her to the capital to report everything he knows about Monsterkind and their plans for the war to the king. The war escalates quickly and mysteries about the past come to light. Status: Detailed notes, needs official outline Estimated Length: Definitely on the long side, lol.
5) [untitled] (guardiantale fic)
Pairing: Frisk/Sans Universe: Timeline where Frisk falls into the Underground as a child and decides to stay there with Toriel. Genre: Mystery/Adventure/Romance Summary: Having grown up in the Ruins with Toriel, Frisk becomes their guardian, an expert tracker and fighter that protects the monsters that still live there from strange, shadowy aparitions that appear on occasion. They begin to appear with greater frequency, though, and eventually once escapes her notice and finds it’s way into Snowdin where it is discovered by Papyrus and Sans. Recognizing it for the void beast it is, Sans and his brother track it back to a secret entrance to the ruins where they meet Frisk and learn about her life there, though thanks to the disguise she wears at all times, neither realizes her identity as a human for some time. Together they work to find the source of the strange monsters in an effort to protect all of the Underground. Status: Loose ideas, probably the one I have the least amount planned for. I just got a mental image of Frisk running around the ruins a la princess mononoke and had to roll with it XD Estimated Length: probably middling unless things get crazy.
6) MonSTAR [working title]
Pairing: Reader/Swapfell!Sans, Frisk/Swapfell!Papyrus Universe: Post-Pacifist Swapfell Genre: Drama/Romance Summary: Pure chance lands you with a job as Frisk’s personal assistant in managing a monster band (band name undetermined) made up of Sans, frontman and lead guitarist, his brother Papyrus on bass, and Undyne as their drummer. It’s not an easy job keeping up with this lot, and Sans is anything but easy to get along with, but it’s a challenge you wind up relishing, especially once you’re invited to join the ban proper as a keyboardist. High energy shows, raucous after-parties, and long periods of time spent together on the bus wind up slowing pushing you and Sans closer together, allowing you to see the battered but kind heart beneath the prickly exterior. Status: Lots of notes, but no solid ending yet. Might be similar to Winter in your Bones, no major overarcing plot beyond chronicling the process of these two getting together. Maybe a battle of the bands or something...hm. Estimated Length: Probably middling.
7) Message in a Bottle
Pairing: Frisk/Sans Universe: Little Mermaid AU Genre: Adventure/Romance/Drama Summary: Frisk is the princess of a seaside kingdom where Monsters and Humans live in peace. Long ago, however, there lived a third race of merfolk whose magic allowed them to walk on land to mingle and trade with the others. A tragic accident drove Gaster, king of the merfolk to withdraw his people deep beneath the surface of the waves, never to be seen again. When Frisk begins to find messages written in a strange language on bottles washed up on the shore, however, her interest is peaked and she does not rest until she is able to translate them. On doing so, she finds they are notes from Sans, the prince of the Merfolk, chronicling his daily life beneath the sea under the oppressive rule of his father. As the note become increasingly despondent and hopeless, she resolves to find a way to visit him, and finds her answer with the seawitch Toriel, who gives her a spell to transform her into a mermaid so she can visit this mysterious merman she has grown to care for. The price, of course, is not only her voice, but her secrecy. Should Sans discover she knew of his letters or him, the spell will come undone. Frisk finds her way to Sans and the pair quickly become close friends, and then perhaps more before a careless slip reveals the truth and Frisk is forced to return to the surface. Sans pursues her and strikes a deal of his own with the seawitch that brings the wrath of his father down on the human kingdom, and it is up to him and Frisk to unite the three races once more. Status: completely planned out, outline partially complete. Estimated Length: Middling to Long
I’ll probably leave the poll up for at least a week to give everyone a chance to vote! I’ll be reblogging it at least once a day so please forgive the spam in advance heh.
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616mcu · 5 years
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Another pic for my fic, Believe in the weird and wild. Quartz and Star Butterfly with their Monstar/Diamond counterparts. Hopefully by now I can stick to a single design for these two.
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yogvrt · 7 years
when you get this, it would be cool to post 10 facts about yourself and then pass it along to 10 followers!
1. i’m learning to code in java from scratch because i didn’t pay attention in class during all of the first two months and now we have a project and i don’t know how to do anything but i’m already getting the hang of it
2. i’m scared to play competitive in overwatch because i once played as mercy and everyone kept calling me by my username on the mic telling me to heal them and when and when not to rez and it freaked me out
3. i used to put the spongebob movie on, and turn the volume all the way up and open the windows during the goofy goober rock scene because i wanted the whole neighborhood to hear that mad guitar solo
4. i used to put plushies all around my bed and sometimes also at the bottom of my bedroom door when i was a kid to block out all the demons and monsters. i trusted they would protect me while i slept
5. i’ve gone on a grand total of 2 dates in my whole life and one of them told me he didn’t even consider it a date because it was so casual and also i haven’t had my first kiss
6. i used to go on videogame forums when i was 11-13 and there was a group for a “Total Drama Smash Bros” thing or some shit like that and it was like a fanfic that updated daily yanno, that’s all it was, just a fic full of clichés and some sprite edits but i loved it so much and got so excited about the updates i checked the forum everyday after school
7. i’m taking french because 1) i’d like to visit france again one day and 2) i think it’s romantic af and want to charm girls by whispering to them in french
8. my first internet username was Frankie Monstar and i insisted that everyone called me frankie even though my name isn’t even remotely close to that
9. when i was a Troubled Youth i used to fantasize about getting invited to parties just so i could get into fights over something stupid and then have an excuse to punch people in the face. thankfully (and sadly) i wasn’t ever invited to anything so nobody got harmed
10. my youtube feed is full of overwatch, asmr and that one cover of I’m Still Standing by that gorilla from sing!. that’s literally all i watch
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kewltie · 7 years
Interviewer: So what started it for you?
Hana: The summer I was fifteen I managed to saved enough money and convinced my parents to let me go to the KMusic festival in Seoul and he was one of the opening acts there. He wasn’t even one of the headliners or features act and it was in the early stage of his career so nobody really know who he was. It was a hot crowded afternoon, we were all sweating and bumping against each other in the pit as we waited for our favorite to get on stage so when this kid whom we don’t know walked out, we booed and yelled for him to get off but he looked out at us, unmoved and unimpressed. It was so stupid and gimmicky but he held a finger to his lips and shush an entire of audience of ten thousands. (smiles fondly) He refused to sing until everyone quiet down and it was just so brazen and pretentious of him to think he could do that, that he has any leverage on us at all but he stood there alone on stage, tapping his foot and checking his phone as he waited us out. Somehow that audacity of his got us to obey in the end and then he sang this first verse of his single ‘B.A.D.’ and I lost my breath. (laughs) I’m not like a curator of music or anything but I do love music and I know a good song when I heard one. It’s ironic to say the least because i I waited three month and used all my life savings to see J.Cee live at the festival but to this day I can’t recall how many songs he sang or what song he even sang but I can still remember the exact words on written across Eunhyuk’s chest instead.
Interviewer: (tilts his head curiously) And what did it say?
Hana: (grins) ‘You came here for me, you just didn’t know it yet’ in big bold black font on a white shirt and I guess that was true in every sense of the word for me. I’d thought I came to see J.Cee perform but all it was a catalyst for Eunhyuk to own my ass for years to come the moment he stepped on stage.
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