#fgo Gareth
dailyfatecharlemagne · 4 months
Day 7
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Today we have a guest appearance from the Knights of The Round Table!
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Hi, I just got done dealing with a 12 hour migraine and just found your fate posts, if you would be willing could you do, Gareth, Mordred, Atalante Alter, and serenity with a male S/O fluff? Thank you so much if you do this!
Your Wish Is My Command!
(Damn, that sounds like hell, glad you're getting better dude! Also sorry it took so long to get this to you, for some reason Atalante Alter and Serenity weren't coming along and eventually I had to cut them out which is infuriating because I've wanted to write for both of them for awhile.)
Wordcount: 1,172
Time to Write: 47 days
Warnings: Female pronouns for Mordred because gender gets fucky when the Fate series is involved.
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(Fun Fact: Gareth was the first lancer I ever pulled! Also why are there no Gifs of best lancer but so much awesome fanart?)
You opened the door to the home you and gareth shared, the toils of the day weighing heavily on your mind and body.
“It seems Gareth isn’t home yet.” You muttered while you took your shoes off before forcing yourself to trudge towards the bedroom.
Unfortunately your exhausted body decided that the couch would serve just as well if not better than your bed as you flopped onto the piece of furniture with all of the grace of a bull in a china shop.
You briefly noted that the pillows Gareth picked out to decorate the couch were quite comfy and soft before a death like sleep finally took you.
Gareth opened the door to the home she shared with you, a yawn already escaping her as she kicked off her shoes
“Hmm what should I make for dinner?” Gareth asked herself as she stretched her arm and back.
“Then again I don’t really feel like making anything right… now…” Gareth trailed off as she walked into the living room and saw your sleeping form on the couch.
“Takeout it is.” Gareth muttered to herself with a smile as she kneeled down to look at your sleeping face.
“I wonder if I kiss him if that’ll wake him up just like in those stories about Knights and princesses?” Gareth quietly mused to herself before muttering “I’d better not risk it. Afterall, it’s not everyday I get to do something like taking a nice quiet nap with him.”
Gareth quietly stood up and made her way to the room the two of you shared to change into something a bit more comfortable.
A comfortable weight laid upon your entire body while the sounds of soft snores did their best to lull you back to sleep with their ever enchanting melody, sadly allowing yourself to do that was out of the question because of the woman making the same song that tried to lull you back to your rest.
A mop of blonde and brown hair, a soft and happy face with a small amount of drool escaping her open mouth, her eye’s held closed by the embrace of sleep, her body pressed tightly into yours with a shirt that was a size or so too large covering her like a gown.
This was Gareth, not the night of the round table Gareth, but the young, excitable, woman Gareth, someone who enjoys cooking, someone who enjoys cheesy cartoons and comedy shows, someone who finds the world of love she has dived headfirst into with you at her side more exciting than anything her life from before could have ever offered.
And even if the entire world was at stake, she is someone who wouldn’t trade you for it.
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Mordred Pendragon
Mordred Pendragon has been called a great many things.
But not once has she been called what you dare to call her at least once every single day.
And it infuriates her to no end.
No matter what she does to try and get you to call her something else, anything else, you always, always! Walk up to her and say with a smile “You really are cute Mo.”
And don’t get her started on that insufferable nickname that never fails to make her heart skip a beat, heat to rush to her cheeks, and her stomach to roil in a way that made her feel both extremely happy and extremely weird.
She has no Idea what was going on with you and how you were making her all weird, but her feelings on the matter could not be anymore paradoxical.
On one hand she wants you to treat her like everyone else does because that’s what she knows, it’s what she’s used to.
But on the other she wants you to praise her, to flatter her, to continue to call her cute, to continue to treat her in the way that no one else has treated her before.
She despises it and she loves it more than anything.
Then a certain day came.
There was nothing truly special about it, it was just a regular day, no holiday, no weird weather, no crazy phenomenon, just a regular day with a pretty high chance of rain all throughout the day.
And yet every time Mordred would ever look back on this day, it would be one of if not the day she called the best day of her life.
Mordred kicked a rock as she trekked to the destination where you called her to.
“Why the hell am I even listening to that bastard's request?” Mordred muttered to herself as she kicked another rock down the trail she was following.
This exact same sequence of events continued for the next thirty minutes.
Mordred would kick a rock.
Then she would complain about why she was listening to you or say that she was just going to leave you out to dry.
Then she would continue forward and repeat the previous steps as many times as it took to reach the destination you set.
A hill that overlooked the city and the forest equally.
Mordred had to begrudgingly admit that the view was beautiful, the lights of the city contrasted by the shadows of the forest added a rather fairytale-esque look to it all.
And yet despite the view her eyes were squarely locked on you where you were sitting on the blanket, a basket and a cooler next to you.
“Hey there Mo.” You greeted her despite not even being able to see her from where you were.
“How’d you know I was here?” Mordred asked, the familiar feeling that name you always called her caused creeping in.
“I’ll admit, the first few times it tried that it was either a raccoon or a bird.” You answered with a chuckle.
“Oh, wonderful, fucking wonderful! Now his chuckle is getting me all weird! Damn it!” Mordred cursed in her mind.
“So why’d ya call me up here?” Mordred asked you.
You patted the ground next to you and said “come, come, sit.”
“Why he hell would I- NO! BODY! NO! LISTEN TO ME ARGHFKNDKGNJGOJM” Mordred screamed as her body moved towards you against her mind’s wishes.
Mordred sat down, her face as red as clarent, if not more so.
“Here, I want you to try this.” You told Mordred as you pulled out a carton of chocolate covered strawberries from the cooler and handed it to her.
“Is that the only reason you called me up here?” Mordred asked.
“No, but it’s one of them.” You admitted with a shrug.
The picnic continued until night began to fall and Mordred finally decided it was time to do something about this damnable feeling you cause in her.
And if that meant sharing the last strawberry so be it!
Again sorry about only doing half of this, whenever I get the motivation to write something for Atalante Alter or Serenity I'll be sure to try and tag you.
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selcouthcherubart · 1 month
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hanatatami · 2 years
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Mordred please I almost got the whole table in some way or another I beg of you
(Arthur is kneeling, Mash is a bit confused but willing to help, Merlin's postcard got lost in the mail)
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elstreem · 2 months
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Sunshine bby and her dog! I just love Summer Gareth so much - well, I also love her base Lancer version, in fact she's my favorite ST Lancer who's helped me out of many sticky situations. I'm trying to get her to lv 120 but Servant coins are slow going. However...my wrist is gonna die if I draw her in her original armor...
So her having a summer alt that is super, super cute works out for me, and I can finally draw fanart of her without dreading drawing armor and gear! No, but really, I LOVE her first ascension hoodie dress, it's like. A 1000/10 design for me as far as female summer Servants go, it looks so comfy and cute. Heck, I'd wear it in real life if I had one!
I never thought I would draw a dog in a life vest for fanart, but that's FGO for you lol.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
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careyfell59 · 2 years
My few doodles arts in week
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Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
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Left - FGO
Right - Estoire del Saint Graal, La Queste del Saint Graal, Morte Artu
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yagodnyizefir · 2 years
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Day 15: Armadillo
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
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Shin-Bufuman • 9 days ago Lancelot: "Miss Gray, have no concern, for I would reject that proposal with every fiber of my being. It's nothing against you, of course. But Mash, my king, and most likely those Chinese tacticians would all try to murder me right then and there if I didn't. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it caused Galahad and/or Agravain to spontaneously summon themselves to Chaldea to join the fray."
Ritsuka: (opens mouth)
Lancelot/Mash: "MASTER/SENPAI, NO."
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Legitimate_Bat_6490 • 9 days ago SENPAI YES
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u/ImRinKagamine avatar ImRinKagamine • 9 days ago Yes yes yes
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u/LordWINDOS avatar LordWINDOS • 9 days ago *The Nun Smiles*
Kiara: Listen to your heart, Master, for it shall lead you true here.
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u/Radiant-Hope-469 avatar Radiant-Hope-469 • 9 days ago Let's not forget that Morgan is technically Lancelot's foster mother and somehow attempted to seduce him at some point.
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LightOfTheFarStar • 9 days ago Getting split inta multitudes and mind fucked by corrupt mana makes things complicated.
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u/LordWINDOS avatar LordWINDOS • 9 days ago Kiara: *Nods* Agreed - though their is a certain fun to be had with it despite it all...
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3rdMachina • 9 days ago Lancelot: hoists Ritzy while restraining his arms
Mash: repeatedly slaps Ritzy in the face while saying “bad Master!“
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Desperate_Site591 • 9 days ago Ritzy transforms into BEAST VIII Gudako
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3rdMachina • 9 days ago Mash: starts bitchslapping with her shield
u/AnimeNerd1996 avatar AnimeNerd1996 • 9 days ago Gareth: But what if she says yes?
Lancelot: First of all, that is a child. Second, I am not some degenerate who would even consider a marriage proposal offered by Morgan. And finally, what are the odds morgan would even come to Chaldea? Do you think the master would allow such a villain here?
Ritsuka: Yo Kiara, Douman, Moriarty, get your butts in gear. We’re going farming. Chen Gong is waiting for us.
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Shuten-maru • 9 days ago ...it's funny how he's indirectly insult his foster mother.
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u/Bricecubed avatar Bricecubed • 9 days ago In his defense, he doesn't know about that, and alternate personality's should be treated as their own individual.
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3rdMachina • 9 days ago Lancelot: …okay, point taken, but I am still not agreeing to such a marriage.
Gareth: …what if she uses magic to make it happen.
Lancelot: Kill me before it happens.
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u/Sir_Tea_Of_Bags avatar Sir_Tea_Of_Bags • 8 days ago Mash: Mash Kyrielight is going in!
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u/AquasTenno avatar AquasTenno • 9 days ago Reine: Then she is going to have to consult with me. I don’t share anyone with her but Master.
El Melloi: I’d castrate Lancelot then and there before he can even sing London Bridge.
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u/Rednal291 avatar Rednal291 • 9 days ago Lancelot: Why is everyone attacking me!? I didn't approve of this!
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1 more reply u/TalonScythe avatar TalonScythe • 9 days ago Knowing her personality, LB Morgan might very well role with it if it's brought to her attention.
(Edited: Clarifying that I meant LB Morgan, not PHH).
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2 more replies u/Successful_Travel119 avatar Successful_Travel119 • 9 days ago Lostbelt Morgan: What the duck was the problem with PHH self?!
Every Roundtable servant: You better not ask.
Lostbelt Morgan: I-I see...
stephanl33t • 9 days ago I'm happy that at least Rednal remembers that Gray has an important connection to Morgan, CAUSE THE DEVS SURE DIDNT
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u/Rednal291 avatar Rednal291 • 9 days ago I mean, you know, it's only central to Gray's entire existence. At least give a My Room line about it!
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u/stephanl33t avatar stephanl33t • 9 days ago Considering that Case Files/Adventure's haven't (as far as I know, I haven't read them all yet) touched upon it very much, FGO seems like the perfect place to develop it. Case Files develops Gray forward; how she grows and changes. FGO could then develop her backwards, into her past and how it affects her. Servants are fundamentally static figures after all, and Assassin Gray seems to be right in the middle, the perfect spot for a past/future comparison deal.
And then they DIDN'T.
(Yes I know she's an event Welfare but plz give best girl some love, they made her Buster Loop compatible and everything, they could do with more than just a few candid shots of her and Sith :c )
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u/CRichardDavies avatar CRichardDavies • 9 days ago Gareth: "... but what if she says yes?"
Grey: "... shout run away and then run away?"
Gareth: <shocked face; sudden hug> "I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!"
u/PurpleFire18 avatar PurpleFire18 • 9 days ago Gareth saying "...But what if she says yes" can be applied to so many situations, good and bad.
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TheBlackKiryu • 9 days ago I’m more worried about what Mordred would do… I think that the biggest indicator is whether or not other Morgans also smell like blood.
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kyle_frei • 9 days ago Quick question unless I'm misremembering, doesn't Semiramis have the recordings of the Fate/Apocrypha timeline and the Collab event stored in her Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
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u/Rednal291 avatar Rednal291 • 9 days ago Probably. XD
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Mizu005 • 8 days ago Morgan: Don't be silly, Gareth. I'd never marry Gray to Sir Lancelot to cement ties with the French! The French disowned him for running off to go serve an English king, remember? No, I'm trying to marry her off to Napoleon to solidify my ties with the French.
Gray/Gareth: .........
Unique-Yogurt101 • 9 days ago Frankly, it probably wouldn't be the stupidest option for dealing with PHH Morgan.
. . . Since Astolfo is an Anglo-Saxon prince by birth and has Karling blood inside him, what would be the chances that match would satisfy Morgan Le Fay?
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BeastOfRetribution • 9 days ago Ngl but I personally imagine Morgan (at least the personality that was the mother of Gawain, Gareth, Gaheris and Agravain) would reject the notion all "Why would you think I want you to marry that child murderer."
3 days ago Even more ironic. Actually Vivian could be said to have kidnapped Lancelot from his biological mother, Elaine of Benoic according to the Vulgate. Unfortunately, even in her old age, Elaine always expects her son to come back to her. Even every day she looks for her baby around the lake. If we see that Nasu made Vivian and Morgan the same person but different personalities, maybe the story above would make a lot of sense if Nasu intended to make it that way.
Has Lancelot been used all this time because of his strength and speciality from birth for Camelot sake? That's Nasu's secret 😂🤣
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u/Dry_Contest_8745 avatar Dry_Contest_8745 • 3 days ago Lancelot: "Ok. First, you are still a child. Second, I'm tired and want to be single and make my life more calm and free. Third, I'm tired of my life so far that I think of wanting to just die. I will tell you. If it wasn't for that damn lake fairy, would have lived happily with my mother. I also don't need to be a knight who just drives me crazy all the time. If you know, I was indoctrinated to become a knight only to discover that all this time I had only been bewitched for the sake of Camelot and all that crap. I was even forced to have children and was raped by a 16 year old girl when I was 20 years old. I really love my only son. But with a face like innocence, they told me that my son at the age of 16 must die by taking an inhumane path to reach the grail. I can't see him growing up and being happy like other kids his age. My father died when I was a baby. So, I do not know what and how the form of a father's love. Also, I wasn't raised by humans. I sincerely apologize for my indecent behavior for that. I was only able to be with my biological mother for one week before she passed away, even mom died while my head was in her lap. I've never felt how real mother's love is before I could meet her even if only briefly compared to Vivian. I deeply regret having ignored his warning about my affair with the Queen. I've had enough of approaching women. They only see me from my body, they even openly look at me indecently. Morgan even kidnapped and locked me up to be used as a beautiful mannequin display in a cage. He also often drags my body by grabbing my hair and sucking up all the magic energy I have. She knew very well that I had much greater magical potential than her sons and daughters. Not only women, even I am often touched carelessly by men who are interested in me. I was also almost fucked by Galehaut. I was so scared that I had to stay in Gawain's room for 3 whole weeks. My life would be so sad if it wasn't for Gawain. He was the person who mattered the most and served me the most during my life in Camelot and as a knight. But, I instead repay all his kindness with my heinous deeds. I'm a really bad and disgusting friend. I can't even give happiness to my own brother. Rarely gave time to hang out together and was more concerned with myself. So please leave me alone... I can't bear to live alone anymore. I don't want to get married. I just want to live in peace and see my children and my comrades happy-- snuggles in the corner of the wall "
Mash: "STOP! ENOUGH! ENOUGH UP TO THERE. Your story will only terrify the rest of Chaldea. 💀🍵"
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300iqprower · 2 years
Attention all Gareth enjoyers
which would ye prefer as a rank up for her “retaliation” gimmick? In a purely hypothetical sense, of course…
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edswordsman · 2 months
Summoned a new Saber-Class Servant:
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🤍 Gareth! 🖤
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roabe · 4 months
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Late golden week thing
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giltori · 3 months
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Wanted to finish it earlier, but ended up watching a small vtuber play new Elden Ring DLC instead (worth it) (this is life of a useless otaku).
So here, a bit more adult Gareth after some training.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
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What if I cried
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boooochi · 5 months
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