#ff blue cheese
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foodfantasyconfessions · 3 months ago
Opera Cake and Blue Cheese's skins look so pretty together! And they have a dog!!
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not-quite-there-myself · 1 year ago
Various from Arcana Twilight, Food Fantasy, and Twisted Wonderland; featured in alphabetical order. Romantic/platonic is unspecified, characters may be mentioned multiple times.
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They give you something they think you'd like, or something that reminds them of you. Maybe it's in your favourite colour, maybe it's your favourite food. Whatever it is, it was out on a whim, totally unplanned, unexpected. They didn't care how much it cost that much; if it was something they could pay for and something they know you'd like, they're getting it for you! They really hope you like it.
Alpheratz, Arcturus, Bamboo Rice, Blue Cheese, Cater Diamond, Deuce Spade, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al Asim, Pollux, Soufflé, Sukiyaki, Sweet Tofu, Tempura
Their gift to you something that you might've been mentioning often. They play it off at first, saying how you've been so annoying about it for a couple of days and thought to buy it for you so you won't speak about it anymore. What they won't tell you is that they've secretly been hoping you don't get it; either because they've already prepared it for you and are waiting for the right moment to gift it, or because they ordered it online and it's taking a lot longer than expected to get it. Regardless, they tell you "it's no big deal" when you receive it. They might not say the same about the way your eyes light up while saying thank you. Your happiness is certainly a big deal to them.
Ace Trappola, Alpheratz, Boston Lobster, Leona Kingscholar, Salty Tofu, Turkey, Sebek Zigvolt
Their gift is something you casually spoke about once and never talked about it again; whether you were shy to express your want again or simply didn't think to mention it again didn't matter, as they had already decided to look for it and to surprise you with it later. They're successful, mostly because you likely forgot about ever mentioning it ever again. Did they read your mind? Or perhaps they've paid more attention to you and your wants than you realize.
Black Tea, Brownie, Cater Diamond, Jade Leech, Pekking Duck, Realgar Wine, Rook Hunt, Sirius, Vil Schoenheit, Jamil Viper, Vega
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dappersheep · 2 years ago
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Batch 2/2 finally. Sorry that took a while, got super busy. Thanks to everyone who waited patiently to have their requests done!
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changingplumbob · 1 year ago
Pancakes Household: Chapter 8, Part 3
In this part Bob works on increasing his fame despite being a loner, but mainly it is Iggy's party! Time to join the teen world. The rolled traits/aspiration are set to be... a ride (I didn't mean that as a pun, but when you read you'll understand it kind of works as a pun).
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For clarity Bob's nickname for Eliza is Jumble, and Eliza's nickname for Bob is Sleek. I'll try to capitalise them when they're being used as names to make any translations easier.
Harvey: We better head home, mum will have finished her next art piece by now
Carson: Thanks for having us Mrs Pancakes
Eliza: You’re welcome. Iggy dear, before you run off can you help clean up?
Iggy: Fine. But I’m still rebelling
Eliza: Whatever you say
Fergus: Ginger all you have to do it lie down, you do it all the time, just lie down
Ginger: *barks* kid is treating me like an idiot
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Everyone else has contributed to laundry duty today except Bob so it’s up to him to hang it all up. He then works on a blue confetti cake for Iggy’s party tomorrow, never sure why birthday cakes don’t improve his baking skill. He had elected to take the day ff work but having done everything he wanted to do at home 2 hours into his shift he decides to head to work anyway, got to impress the bosses.
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On his last night as a child Iggy spends some time on the tiny violin while Fergus, outside the gaze of his parents, dominates his homework. He may be rebelling but as a grade A student he does like to do it. Eliza can finally make some business calls, the opportunities always pop up at the most bizarre times. Since she’s still very dazed it doesn’t go well, and she takes Bob’s advice to lie down.
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Bob: Shift was crazy. I-
Eliza: I’m awake! I’m awake
Bob: *chuckles* sure you are
Eliza: What were you saying Sleek?
Bob: That critic came back so instead of the mac and cheese I did the lobster dish. He approved but I know he was wanting more cheese
Eliza: Did you bring me leftovers
Bob: Not today. Let’s go to sleep
Eliza: But woohoo! I like woohoo!
Bob: Jumble you’re still smoking, and sound exhausted. I know you’ll want to be awake for the party tomorrow. You need sleep
Eliza: *sighs* Spoilsport
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Bob: Happy birthday!
Iggy: Thanks dad. Are you sure I can’t just age up now
Bob: If you do that you can’t go to school today
Iggy: Exactly!
Eliza: No one is missing school. And no one is missing their own birthday party
Fergus: Remember, if you don’t like any of your presents, I’ll take them
Eliza: Will you take today off work
Bob: No, I’ll have time to party before my shift. How about you
Eliza: I need to take the day or I’ll miss the party
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Bob and Eliza both feel the need to exercise, they are active sims after all. While Bob volunteers to brave the rain to take Ginger for a jog, Eliza, who is not a fan of getting rained on, uses the exercise machine on the deck. Afterwards she’s pleased to discover her husband hung the washing up properly and takes down the now dry laundry.
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Bob: Hello followers. Today we will be doing some lobster. First step, as always, prep. Prep your workspace, prep your ingredients, prep your cooking attitude!
The drone beeps that more viewers have tuned in.
Bob: Now lobster is expensive, not all of us can afford it. We’re lucky that here in Brindleton Bay there’s a fresh supply at a reasonable price. Next time we’ll look at how to get the best flavour for your fish, no matter how fancy, so be sure to tune in!
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Bob: Remember guys, putting the dish in the oven is not like reaching the end of a book. You can always take the meal out as it cooks to add more flavour, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do!
The drone beeps to show Bob has gained more followers.
Bob: Thanks for subscribing everyone. Believe me I’m doing much better than if you were here in person. And at long last, our meal! Sparkling with excellence. But we’re still not at the end of the book guys! Final step, as my wife often tells me, is to clean up! If you’re like me, you hate it, but it’s important to keep your kitchen sanitised.
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Eliza: Great stream jumble, I kept the computer open to it while Aaron was helping me with my debating
Bob: Please tell me it was on mute
Aaron: You’re better than you give yourself credit for Bob
Bob: I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t need the fame for promotion
Eliza: Charisma is always a beneficial skill
Bob: Don’t mind me, I’m going to start the next book
Aaron: You mentally prepared for your oldest to be a teenager
Eliza: Not even close
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The kids get home and it looks like it’ll be an indoor party.
Iggy: Carson, take a picture with me before the height difference confuses the camera
Bob: Cake is up! Where’s the birthday kid?
Iggy: Right here dad
Eliza: Make a wish
Iggy thinks for a minute, then blows out the candles!
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Iggy roles the ambitious traits from their parents, but since that can’t be applied as a teen, it’ll be the YA trait. So a reroll lands the horse lover trait, as well as the joke star aspiration despite a weakness for comedy. We have our third pansexual Pancakes and they also rolled being genderfluid. I’m going to do my best googling and rereading of Lumpinou’s LGBTQIA mod notes to hopefully represent them accurately.
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The cake goes down a hit and the guests tuck in. Bob has to go to work but Iggy pulls him aside before he leaves.
Iggy: Before you go dad, I just want you to know…
Bob: Yes?
Iggy: I’ve been thinking, about myself and.. I’m pansexual
Bob: Awesome! Just like me and your mother
Iggy: Wait, you’re pan?
Bob: Yeah. Everyone always forgets because we’re in a straight presenting relationship, but we are. I got to head off but I love you buddy, thanks for opening up
Iggy watches their dad go and has mixed feeling about not having time to broach their gender.
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Iggy returns to their party and mingles around their friends, trying to get as many selfies as they can to cement themselves as a teenager.
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Iggy: I’m so excited to see what high school is like
Amie: Don’t be, it’s not very exciting
Angel: Well I like it
Iggy: Since I already became a llamacorn scout I’m thinking of joining the cheer squad
William: Not football
Iggy: So I can get hit in the face constantly? I don’t think so. Anyway, I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?
Darwin: Sure thing, later Pancakes
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With the party done Iggy heads to the study where Eliza helps them tackle their homework.
Iggy: But what do they mean? Since when is pie a chart
Eliza: Don’t worry, your dad would get stuck but I know all about that
They both stumble through it and Iggy sighs in relief when it’s done.
Eliza: Are you okay? You just aged up with high confidence but you seem downcast
Iggy: It’s just a lot to adjust to mother
Eliza: Want to tell me about it? Sometimes a problem seems less big if you get it out of your head
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Iggy: Well I told dad before he left but, I’m pan. He said that was just like the two of you
Eliza: Oh you bet! I like a nice ass, no matter the identity of the person it belongs to
Iggy: OMW mother! It’s hard enough to go from not thinking about romance to suddenly having all these attraction thoughts without hearing about what you find attractive
Eliza: Sorry. I’m just glad you shared this with me. Come give me a hug son
Iggy leans in to her hug, but ultimately has to pull back.
Eliza: What is it?
Iggy: I’m not exactly your son
Eliza: Oh?
Iggy isn’t to sure what to say next but Eliza gives their hand a reassuring squeeze.
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Iggy: I’ve realised I’m not a guy. At least, not all the time. I’m this thing called genderfluid, I don’t know if you know about it…
Eliza: If it’s part of you, I want to learn. I promise to listen
Iggy: Okay mother. So you know how most people will have a gender identity and stick to it? I don’t. Some days I’ll feel like your son, some days I’ll feel like your daughter, some days I’ll feel like I’m somewhere inbetween.
Eliza: Who are you today Iggy? Oh shoot, should I call you Iggy? I can change if you want me to
Iggy: *laughs* Hey mother, this is new for me to, we’re both bound to make mistakes. Today is very much a they/them day though
Eliza: Come here then my child
Iggy: *laughs* you sound silly
Eliza: Hey now, if it’s to make you feel happy and safe, I’ll sound as silly as… well, a thing that’s ridiculously silly
Iggy: Socks and jandals
Eliza: *laughs* As silly as socks and jandals
They hug and Iggy feels a weight lifted. They might just float to the roof if Eliza lets go.
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Eliza: You may be on the cheer squad, but I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader okay? So will you dad
Iggy: About that, can you tell him? I don’t know how
Eliza: *sighs* I’m afraid you’re going to come out to people for the rest of your life. It’s a side effect of being in a mostly straight cis world. It can help to tell those that love you first, and your dad loves you. I will if you want me to but please consider telling him yourself, I know he’d appreciate it
Iggy: I guess I could practice by telling Fergus, and if that doesn’t blow up in my face I’ll tell dad in the morning
Eliza: That’s my brave- my brave kid. Come on
Fergus is in the lounge trying his best to build a fake volcano. Eliza and Iggy both settle down to help. The three chat and with time Iggy relaxes enough to talk properly to Fergus.
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Iggy: Fergus, I got to tell you something. I’m not your brother today
Fergus: You’re not? Why? Did I annoy you too much? I tried to keep quiet at the party
Iggy: No, no. It’s not that. It’s just… I’m not a boy today
Fergus: Oh. Are you a girl then?
Iggy: No, I’m not really either today, and kind of both. But I’m still your sibling. They/them pronouns just feel more like me today
Fergus: Okay. Are you still Iggy
Iggy: I’m not sure. Definitely not when I’m a girl. Maybe I should come up with another name
Eliza: Whatever you choose, we’ll call you. Right Fergus?
Fergus: You bet. Now can we please get back to the lava?
What do you know, both the conversation and the volcano do not blow up in Iggy's face!
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Iggy decides to do a workout before bed as they like fitness, but don’t feel like trying somersaults on their cheer mat before bed. Then they head upstairs to their touched up room. We have changed wall colour, as well as the bed and desk to reflect their like of the farmhouse deco style. The bookcase has also been moved to an easier to see position.
Bob: I’m back, let’s go to bed
Eliza: Gladly. But hey, your eldest child wants a chat with you tomorrow before school
Bob: Sounds ominous, I’m in
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thewatcher727 · 5 months ago
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again - Chapter 20: First Date
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter! Available for Reading on AO3 & FF!
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14344080/20/Sonic-X-Gotta-Go-Fast-Again
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54991219/chapters/151150909
Golden sunlight washed over Green Hill Village, casting a warm glow across the landscape. Rays danced on lush green hills and vibrant flowers scattered throughout the area. Two weeks had passed since the fierce battle against Metal Sonic, and the heroes were still catching their breath from the whirlwind of adventures they'd experienced. Between that conflict, the war with the Meterax, and all the escapades that unfolded while they were stranded on Chris' world, everyone could certainly use a well-deserved break.
The early morning found Amy Rose bursting with excitement as she shared news that she had been dreaming of for years.
"Sonic's taking me on a date!" Amy squealed, her voice reaching a pitch that could rival a songbird's. She bounced on her heels, her eyes sparkling with unbridled joy. After years of chasing the elusive blue blur, she was finally getting the chance she'd longed for.
Amy found herself in the cozy home of her best friend Cream and her mother. The interior was warm and inviting, with the scent of freshly baked cookies wafting through the air.
"Congratulations, Amy!" Cream praised with a gentle clap. Beside her, Cheese cooed in agreement.
Vanilla, who was busy preparing tea in the quaint kitchen, smiled warmly at the pink hedgehog. "Looks like your hard work paid off," she agreed fondly, the cups clinking softly as she arranged them on a tray.
Amy could barely contain her excitement. Her mind raced with possibilities, each more romantic than the last. Would Sonic sweep her off her feet and carry her to a picturesque cliff? Perhaps they'd venture to the thrilling Twinkle Park? The questions swirled in her head like a dizzying carousel. Suddenly, a new worry struck her – what was she going to wear? The anticipation was almost too much to bear; Amy could hardly wait for tonight to arrive.
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rainbowgod666 · 10 months ago
You know what? I kind of HAVE to expand on this.
I *literally* never thought I could even REMOTELY get to 18 and enjoy it. Now im 19and5months and am going to finish school. I dont care i realized i should've taken art and not psychology (or Human Sciences as we call em here) 5 years too late. Fuck that shit i can be the empath tiktokers think they are
Speaking of school- its VERY FUNNY how so many world events are conjoined to my life events. I started 1st Superior being like "time to Grow tf up then! My mama and papa are right, theres a life outside of my brain and-" WAKEY WAKEY ITS XI JIN PENIS AND HE JUST PULLED OUT OF HIS ASS THE FUNNY LETHAL INFLUENZA HAHAHAJAHAHAJAJAJAJA ENJOY NOT HAVING SOCIAL SKILLS YOU DUMB BIETCHƏ
Life. Just life.
The fuckign song that goes "soon ill be 60 years old" soon my fucking ass immortality will be a thing by the time i get to 50 (supposing it becomes ILLEGAL in america to have any political seat, no matter how local or global, after the age of 50).
The feeling that everyone around you is SO. Fucking incompetent at existing. Like ffs im lazier tmthan sans undertale and weigh like an indian elephant and have no idea what things are yet i know EXACTLY when and how is someone else wrong. Yes its annoying being Worse Cimmerian, thankyouverymuch
G i f t e d K i d B u r n o u t ~
The fact that i genuinely feel better hugging THIS thing
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Yeah i canonically own a blahaj.
The problem of society is that everything is extremely fucking fast. That one MatPat video was correct, but its not just youtube.
Its everything
And i will fucking tear to shreds reality itself, heaven and hell, time and space- if i get caught in the fucking squidward destroyer of capitalism.
Its MY rat race. And heavens willing, i WILL have a say in what i get at the end of the lap, and WHEN i get it. Its MY cheese, My rules.
Pirate games, donate to transgender folks who have been kicked out. Read SCP. Vouch for the removal of JKR from everything ever and also a rewrite of HP. Learn how to hack the pentagon, best case scenario you become the new @nyancrimew. Travel the world. If you see a gang of any kind keep a fully loaded machine gun chambered in .50 BMG. Donate blood. Divert all funds from autism speaks (and PLEASE change the shade of blue- i excuse the puzzle piece, as it can be given new meaning. BUT NOT THE DESATURATED ASS DIEP.IO ASS MUFUKIN BLUE BLUES OF FUCKING INSIDE OUT'S SADNESS ASS. FUCK THAT LAME SHIT.) into better ORGs. Vote pro-trans representatives. Visit my country of italy (ignore the screaming youtubers and the multiversal diharrea of memes and hentai). Study for that dream job you've always wanted. Make a youtube channel and say fuck you to the algorythm. Grab old electronics from anywhere you can, salvage them, and megalovania the balls out of technology. Call out anyone that uses the name of God to excuse anything bad and fucking stomp on their skulls like its the last episode of TOH season 2. And to Ouroboros this shit- pirate anything from your childhood.
If you cant get off the chains, use them to choke your oppressors to death.
You know what people don’t talk about often enough? Playing catch up in life after spending your teens or early 20s suicidally depressed. There’s so many more layers than just being able to say “I don’t want to die anymore.”
The difficulty in academia or a career after spending years thinking you wouldn’t be alive long enough for any of it to matter.
The exhaustion that comes from self awareness and self soothing, with the constant voice in your head saying “don’t go backwards.”
How lonely it is to watch the people your age starting families when you’re just barely learning what stable relationships are, and the sudden societal pressure of being “up against a clock” for these kinds of things.
The judgement from others if you change your image or interests this late in the game just because you finally figured out who you really are under the demons.
Be kind to those who are developing and blooming after years of not planning on being here long. We are living a life we absolutely didn’t think we’d have, and it’s hard enough without society reminding us there’s expectations of our age.
We didn’t get to be young; we were too busy fighting battles few know.
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mewvv3ana · 2 years ago
Calorie Log May 28 2023
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch (11:30pm): 1 fried egg - approx 90 calories, 2 slices of bacon - approx 70 calories, 1 slice of cheese - 45 calories, 1 tsp of ketchup - 6 calories + approx 37 calories bcs my stepdad cooked the egg in butter ffs
Supper (4:00pm): 1 bottle of blue gatorade zero - 5 calories, 4 small watermelon slices - approx 130 calories
Total: 383 calories
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bloogsblog · 4 years ago
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Fantasy Opera Troupe
A travelling opera troupe.
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(Leader) (Violinist) (Costume
Mousse's Master Attendants, the princess doesn't like his new friends, so she tried to reverse the time to the day before they get to know them. Blue Cheese and his friends saved Mousse and form a troupe. Unfortunately Mousse was still harmed and "lost" his memories. Blue Cheese asked Nougat to join them.
Mousse always try to run away and saying Blue Cheese kidnapping him.
Mousse actually didn't lose his memories.
Blue Cheese want to recover Mousse so he ask his cousin, Mashed Potatoes for the "seed of Tree of Life and Dead", and also stole "Energy of Time and Dimension" from Sachertorte.
Blue Cheese and Nougat was summoned by a famous violinist, named Jackie.
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(Accordionist) (Dancer)
Blue Cheese met Mousse, Chiffon Cake and Spanish Paella in Mousse's country and become friends.
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Opera Cake is the singer invited by Blue Cheese.
Opera Cake joined the troupes after he finish performing the play for "Sin of Time", where he met the butler, Souffle and the author of the script and duchess, Fruit Tart. (They will be mentioned on the other blog)
(Note: The post is not much complete due to others story has not yet been out. But I'm just excited to post this now because I been waiting for this gang to be completed so...😋 And I'll try to update this when I've read all their stories. )
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ff-soft-serve-cone · 4 years ago
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Blue Cheese! 💙🧀
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foodfantasyconfessions · 3 months ago
I want to h*ld Blue Cheese's h*nd 😳
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not-quite-there-myself · 1 year ago
Could I request a Blue Cheese x Nonbinary MA fic where they're cold ( or sick ) and so he takes care of them? Can be romantic if you want.
A Sickly Master Attendant
A/N: Sure thing, anon! Hopefully you're not too cold wherever you are, or sickly (if that is the reason you're asking for a sick attendant). I'm not very good at taking care of sick people myself, so sorry if my lack of experience made for a shorter fic. Thank you for requesting nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
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You've been running down with a bad cold lately and it didn't take long at all for your Food Souls—Blue Cheese especially—to notice your absence. He overheard from the others that you were heard coughing and groaning whenever you stepped outside of your room to get something to eat. Worriedly, he knocked on your door, calling out to you and asking if you were doing alright.
With as much as you could muster, you shouted back that you were fine, just a little under the weather—an understatement on your part, and one that Blue Cheese was not going to downplay. If you listened closely, you could hear him sigh from the other side of the door. Without waiting a second more, Blue Cheese opens it and steps in.
"Hello, Master Attendant," he greets, moving to your side. He pulls up a chair to sit with you. "I heard you weren't feeling well. I came to check up on you if that's alright."
You smile at him, appreciating his concern. "It's not a big deal, Blue Cheese. Don't worry." You notice him playing with his violin's strings in his lap. He doesn't seem like he's ready to play anything, his attention solely on you.
"I know people take medicine when they're sick, Master Attendant. So I ask: did you have anything like that?"
You vaguely remember taking some cold medicine this morning. You nod and Blue Cheese seems more relieved.
"That's good... Hm."
With one hand out and hovering above you, Blue Cheese asks for your permission before placing the back of his hand on your forehead. His brows furrow slightly. "Your temperature is rising, Master Attendant. It seems to me like you have a fever."
Your eyes are closed as you focus on the coldness of his hand against your warm skin. It feels nice... until you have a mild coughing fit. In the corner of your vision, you can see Blue Cheese stand up to get you a tissue box. You ungracefully sit up to take a tissue and thank him again. He shakes his head.
"No need to thank me. I just want to see you better, hopefully as soon as possible. I'm sure the others miss you, too." He leaves the tissue box beside you and gets up. You take the tissue box and put it in your lap. "Please rest up and don't move from your bed, Master Attendant. I'll be back in just a moment, I've got a fresh dish finished." You nod, tapping the tissue box with your fingers while you wait for Blue Cheese to return; after a few minutes or so, it gets tougher for you to stay awake.
When he arrives not a moment too soon with a steaming bowl in his hands, you've already fallen half asleep, energy drained from being so sick.
"Master Attendant? I'm back with some soup for you."
Blue Cheese gets no reply as he places the bowl on a nightstand. He looks over to you and sighs, putting his hand on your forehead and studying your face. He mutters, "Master Attendant, you really must take better care of yourself."
In a haze you regain consciousness. You insist telling him that you're okay, and that colds aren't super serious. Nothing you said could convince your Food Soul otherwise though. He shushes you gently, and you feel something cold press against your forehead.
"Just relax, Master Attendant. You've been keeping this up for a little too long. There's no harm in letting me take care of you, is there? If you prefer, I could come back to check up on you later- Oh."
Your hand reaches for his and holds onto it, your skin feverishly warm compared to his. You shake your head no, wanting him to stay. Blue Cheese is surprised at this, but chuckles at your action.
"Is that your command for me to stay?" He questions lightly. You only hum in response, your eyes remaining closed. He seems to enjoy your soft attitude towards him as he says, "It would be my pleasure to take care of you, then."
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kaydeedc · 3 years ago
Two seiyuu birthdays today~
Happy Birthday to Nishiyama Koutaro!
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He voices Himetsuru Ichimonji (Touken Ranbu).
He also voiced Kashima Ryuuichi (Gakuen Babysitters), Horimiya Eichi (Tsukipro), Teramitsu Yuduki (B-Pro), Minagi Tsuzuru (A3!), and Shinkai Kanata (EnStars!).
Happy Birthday also to Sugita Tomokazu-san!
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He voices Blue Cheese (Food Fantasy).
He is known for voicing Joseph Joestar (JoJo: Battle Tendency), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Sakata Gintoki (Gintama), Karasuma Tadaomi (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu), and Munakata Reisi (K Project).
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klalopz · 4 years ago
C-Could I request Blue Cheese/Opera Cake? Maybe just the two of them being soft and cuddly? 🥺♥
i drew them sharing the same household is it soft enough haha
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...they had a moment afterwards *-*
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foodfantasyimagines · 4 years ago
Some headcanons for maybe a MA who's into music and they summon either Blue Cheese and/or Opera Cake? :O
•Low-key it’s that possible but I headcanon that with a musical!MA that Blue Cheese and Opera Cake are summoned almost right after the other.
•Both food souls are very surprised to be summoned by such a music loving MA, But they are very happy about it.
•They both often ask MA to come watch them perform, wither it be just for a small practice in the restaurants garden or at their studios. Sometimes even at the theater.
•They constantly ask what kind of music they like and try to write up something close in their own style for them.
•They also like to sit and talk for hours about music, most of the time it’s about things like old records or Classical music. They really do enjoy having a MA who likes music just as much as them.
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rosiecap4u · 4 years ago
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Not sure if I'm proud of this one really, but the Fantasy Opera Troupe do remind me of Morfonica that I wanted to make another set of Bandori × FoodFan.
I feel like Mousse and Tsukushi would get along pretty well, since they're both the shortest and being the leader of their group. Touko Toko and Chiffon are really talkative, watch them become friends under a sec lol. Mashiro would definitely ask Opera Cake for advices on singing and have him critique her lyrics. Blue Cheese and Rui? I think they would talk about their bandmates, with a mixture of good and bad. As for Nanami and Paella, I think she would be so impressed with Nanami knowing how to dance. She's a fast learner after all.
Thank you for hearing me ramble-
Anyways, feel free to use! <3
Bloom Bloom if you wanna listen here!
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stardomyx · 4 years ago
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Blue Cheese for anon!
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