#feyre is the king of england
voidbatss · 3 months
acotar books in one sentence
ACOTAR: illiterate teenager kills furry and falls for his friend
ACOMAF: said illiterate teenager falls for tall dark and handsome man and becomes king of england
ACOWAR: no longer illiterate teenager says "switching sides" but not actually, Ferdinand I of Bulgaria dies
ACOFAS: liar is freaky tall dark and handsome has a breeding kink and general man is head over heels for misunderstood bitch
ACOSF: general man and misunderstood bitch kiss repeatedly
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nikethestatue · 2 months
It's funny to me that people are so offended by Feyre becoming a High Lady. As if it's such an abnormal, nepo, parasitic thing. She is too young! Too immature! Too this and too that.
First of all, yes, to all. And second of all, no, to everything.
Feyre married a King (essentially). She would naturally become a queen. At the very least, a Queen Consort. Think Queen Camilla. It's not a nepo thing (if anything, Cassian and Az are nepo brothers)--it's just how the title is shared between a husband and wife.
But, you may say, she is just a Lady! She is not a High Lady.
She is too young!
Well. Queen Isabella, who became the Queen of England, married King Richard II of England when she was 8 years old and he was 22 years her senior. "Young', when it comes to royal marriages, is in the eyes of the beholder. (For the record, don't worry, the marriage wasn't consummated.)
But let's talk about something a bit more recent. The fine gentlemen who became the Found Fathers of the US were mostly in their early 20s. Early. Like 21.
Ages of the Founding Fathers on July 4, 1776: James Monroe, 18 Aaron Burr, 20 Alexander Hamilton, 21 James Madison, 25 Thomas Jefferson, 33 John Adams, 40 Paul Revere, 41 George Washington, 44.
We tend to think of them as old guys, but they were basically college Freshmen and Sophomores.
Therefore, Feyre, technically, falls right in line with not just 'fantasy' books where everyone is 17, but also, history.
Feyre, also, has abundant powers, the likes of which no one has. Yes, she is learning 'on the job' but it doesn't mean that she can't do the job? Hey, I am not personally a fan, but if you look at all the huge tech companies that we all know now, those who found them and ran them were all in their early 20s. Mostly, all met in college. Frankly, their reach is way bigger than the Night Court's.
I know people hate Feyre and think she isn't ready for anything, but no one takes into consideration how short a period ACOTAR to ACOWAR is. A year? That's it.
Also, maybe, politically, Rhys is not too keen on leaving his Court to Keir, or Amren, should he die. Maybe, Feyre IS the best choice.
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kaitlin-kate · 1 year
Another fun thing here. I have this feeling Rhys is worried one day Feyre can look back and see what damage Rhys done to her or her family. Lol, I am a big believer that Rhys is paranoid Nesta hasnt bow and kiss his ass because Nesta is in a huge position to slap reality to Feyre and pull Feyre from this IC bubble.
Lets be real, I doubt Feyre even understand how society work. She dont even understand why Tamlin threw party and introduce her FORMALLY with respect to his court member. As opposed of Rhys introducing Feyre as his whore. Yeah, i acknowlegde Tamlin has done bad thing abd ignoring feyre feeling and freedom but this man wanted Feyre to be respected in his court. Introducing her formally.does that, it give her access to see who is the team player in Spring Court.
Whereas Rhys, totally stripping Feyre chances of being respected in the curt where they held tight to their classis and aristocracy practice. Velaris seem like exception but what does this 1/3 court have compare to 2/3 of the Night court?
And I see nesta, someone who has help her father with the business and managing parties, manor and part of society might have at least an insight of how it work. Really,Elain and Nesta have chances of pulling Feyre out of this IC bubble. Feyre dont even have friends outside IC. She don't even seem bothered by it.
So i was thinking the death pact also make it impossible for Feyre to leaves NC , especially Rhys. In term of law right, Feyre is still Spring Court bride. What has Rhys does to annul this engagement? And this engagement is well known across Prythian. Their mating bond? Last I check, their mating ceremony were private and not announce. Out of nowhere Rhys announce Feyre as High Lady but their marital status is not convincing to me.
Why I am concern over marital status legally? Because marital status can help a lot when it come succession, wife and husband right and the children right. Can feyre have claim on rhys treasure in case Rhys die without the death pact? Yes, her name is put on the account but what about the inheritance traditon/law in Prythian? To whom this treasure will go first? Their son? The wife?
If Feyre is not legally and declared wife, can she claim it? Can she manage the court and send in command if she has not legal status in Nigh Court? Will the NC take her command? Then if they have children? Is he consider a bastard or legal child? I really curious what Rhys does to annul the engagement between Tamlin and Feyre. Even Cresseida of Summer Curt acknowledge this you know. And Rhys is irked by it.
Hence why I think he pushed the death lact along with submission of Nesta into IC. Molded into a good docile wife of the NC general
Rhysand doesn't seem like a fool. The fact, for me at least, seems to be his way of making sure she stands by his side. And your theory about Nesta is amazing. I haven't really thought about Nesta showing Feyre the truth, but that makes so much sense.
I don't really know about Prytian politics, but I know that, as their marriage was done in secret, there should have been at least a witness. Also, if they don't have a witness, and Rhysand dies, others might claim the right to the throne, saying Nyx is a bastard, especially if the magic doesn't chose him (like, I bearly know what that means).
Also, the Court of Nightmares and the Ilyrians might not want him as High Lord, claiming he is a bastard. And if that happens, the Night Court will be in civil war.
The thing is, I can't really answer your questions because Sjm doesn't give us enough information about the Night Court's laws. For example, if those laws would be like during Anglo-Saxon England (before all the kingdoms were united), Nyx could be High Lord (in Anglo-Saxon England, the Witan decided who would be king ( and there is even a similar situation with King Aethelstan who was allegedly a bastard, but he became the first King of England). But if the laws are like in the Middle Age, Nyx could be simply considered a bastard and not allowed to take the throne.
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing. The thing with "the magic chooses the High Lord" is weird, and Sjm doesn't give us enough details. How does the magic makes a choice? And how does the chosen know they have been chosen?
It would be great if Feyre would look back and see what Rhysand actually did to her, but Sjm seems to love him...
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aho-dapa · 1 year
🌤️ 🌧️ 🌩️ ☔
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
(The lore is deep for this Harry Potter fic, but Lucius Malfoy is basically teaching Draco about the name their ancestor was granted by the first Norman King of England, since I went down the JKR lore hole that is pureblood families)
“What did it mean to be bestowed the name Malfoy–with both English and Norman aristocrats breathing down his neck, knowing of the magic that was hidden in our ancestor’s veins? Who did he have to betray to get such a name?”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
Trans Elain in my rewrite having to deal with the Cauldron changing her body post being dunked like food in sauce
TW: body dysphoria
(Tbh this less of a snippet and more of a word vomit but here ya go):
After Luci goes shopping, he buys something for Elain, a dress that flows and puffs and nearly overwhelms her frame, only her shoulders are exposed and there is a necklace of thin lace that crosses over the protrusion of her neck. Somehow, looking in the mirror, despite the lean muscles of her arms, she feels delicate. Somehow, in this body, she feels like herself. More than she has in months.
The visage of herself in the mirror gasps and Elain falls to the floor in a heap of fabric. The tears are silent and joyous as she covers her complete expression of awe with her hands covered in black gloves.
The fabric of the tips is made to be pointed and although her hands had gained a sort of thickness to them, the gloves make her feel dainty. Soft and feminine.
She searches her face, over the tiredness and weary of it, over the harsh lines of exhaustion, and in it she sees herself.
She sobs. What surprises her even more in the bubble of laughter that rises out of her chest. She tries to stifle them both, the smile still overcoming her face.
The sudden impulse to run out of her room and hug Nesta, Feyre, anyone–claws at her heart. This is a great gift. One she did not know how to repay. Or who she could even repay.
She scrambles back to the bed where she left the note. The neat handwriting is not familiar and it left no clue to the sender's identity.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Uhhh, this is an old one for a webtoon called Return of the Mad Demon (the joke here is that they're undercover as a couple and don't have any children):
Seongtae watches as Jaha obliterates everything in his path with a single strike. Honestly, he should stop being surprised at this point. 
"I don't know how to even begin cleaning up after this mess. Next thing you know, you'll have descended from being a demon to a fucking evil god. How the hell am I supposed to keep up, my oh-so-enlightened master?" 
Jaha merely turns around to stare unimpressed at Seongtae until a mischievous shit-eating grin breaks out across his greasy ass face. As if Jaha could achieve godhood if he really wanted to. 
"Shut up…" 
"But I haven't even said anything… Yeobo~"
"But who will look after the children?" 
"I will, you asshat!" 
Seongtae stomps away, nearly tripping over an unconscious body, and hisses over his shoulder, "With complete fucking custody!"
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Tbh I have plans to write nearly all of the ideas that stick with me. But since I'm currently playing through Dragon Age: Inquisition (uh spoilers) and since I'm still dealing with the ending of Trespasser after romancing Solas, I wanted to write a time loop fic that was both the Inquisitor messing with time and the Fade to literally put a leash on Solas. A lot of people say that that Solavellan is unhealthy and I counter with let Lavellan be completely unhinged after finding out her boyfriend is basically a god. Anyway, the vibes are that Lavellan promises to be the Hunter of the Dread Wolf.
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peakysanakin · 4 years
a bit about Elain's trauma and why it correlates with her rejecting her mating bond with Lucien in the future, a thread:
(WARNING: this post isn't about ships, except Elucien because Lucien is a key factor in Elain's trauma. )
Everyone deals with trauma in their own way and that's totally okay. Some are destructive, some shut people up and others want to not feel anything. Elain, just as Nesta, went into the Cauldron and those moments were horrific for her.
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She is literally dragged and shoved into the Cauldron while she cries, struggles and kicks to escape the guards' grasps. The guards and the King keep laughing at her during the whole time.
Elain is used as an experiment for the Queens.
She is used as if she was a mere object.
Her body has been changed forever and she is practically naked, completely terrified and in shock from whatever she has gone through inside the Cauldron. (We know how terrifying and horrible it can be because of Nesta's experience.) Everyone is looking at her, some are even laughing.
Do you know how violating this could feel? To be left naked and vulnerable in front of people who have just terrorized you? How would you feel?
We don't know what she goes through inside the Cauldron, but it was probably very painful and terrifying. Then, she is thrown off it and she experiences this horrific scene, and her mating bond with Lucien snaps.
Another thing has been decided for her.
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Not only has her body and life been changed forever without her consent, now her romantic relationship has been decided for her as well. And it's with a man who participated in the plan that made this horrific moment happen.
Lucien is an accomplice of that. He isn't a bad person, but he is CLEARLY an accomplice. (GO NESTA!!)
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Elain is dealing with her trauma and she doesn't own Lucien anything. She suffered so much, she was broken and traumatized by what happened to her.
And Lucien and their mate bond are a BIG reminder of the day her body and life were changed against her own will.
We don't know much about her, but we have seen enough of her suffering and how traumatized she is in the books. Feyre always admired Elain's strength, because being kind and gentle in a world so dark takes balls, you know? Later on in the books, Elain is still kind and gentle but more reserved and quiet because she is dealing with her own shit.
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Strength doesn't equal to physical force. A big example? Queen Elizabeth I of England was strong and she never fought in a battlefield, but she was intelligent, cunning and brought a Golden Age to her country. She made a place for herself in a patriarcal society and that's how strong she was.
Elain's strength differs from Nesta's, Mor's and Feyre's. She isn't an active fighter like them, but yet she had the guts to fight in the war and stabbed the King on the neck to protect Nesta because she loves her sister and would die for her. Look at this.
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No one wanted her to fight, but she chose to. SHE CHOSE TO! This is important. She is scared in the battle camp and doesn't know how to fight or wield a sword, yet she trusts her friends and wants to fight alongside them. 
She might die in the battlefield, but at least she will fight fighting and not be a pawn.
She will enact revenge for what the King did to Nesta, to Feyre and to herself.
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MOREOVER –– Another big trauma (aside from happened inside the Cauldron and the dramatic changes in her life), it will probably be center around her body. 
Her clothes, body and beauty are mentioned all the time. ALL THE TIME. Elain, who was a very proper and modest lady (and didn't want to talk about periods even with her sisters), was seen naked against her will by everyone and she probably felt violated.
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Feyre mentions Elain's reaction when she sees her and Nesta wearing Illyrian fighting leathers. She mentions how Elain was offered something less scandalous and more proper. 
Imagine how someone so proper would feel after being used and seen all vulnerable and naked by so many people? To have been ogled against your will? To be seen as an “object” to see whether the Cauldron worked?
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Nesta is a sexual assault survivor and she also suffered because of their youth, Feyre's sacrifice to provide for them and Elain suffering from the Cauldron incident. She dealt with her trauma in her own way, just as Elain deals with it in her own way. And that's okay!
In Elain's book, her choosing who she wants to be with and how she wants to live from now on will be important. She will turn down Lucien, as it is obvious from what I explained above and because of the following:  Feyre and Rhys comment on how being mates doesn't equal to being right for each other.
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Sarah J. Maas said this as well.
She also said that a mating bond is something rare but that some people might be lucky and end up having two. But the main thing is: 
Elain will reject Lucien because they aren't right for each other and she will chose whomever she wants to because she loves that person. That's big and it will be key to the plot.
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Elain might end up being lucky and while falling for another person, a new mating bond might develop. But at the end of the day, it will be her choice. 
Not the Cauldron's choice, not society's choice or anyone else. 
Hers and hers alone.
You think she is boring? Well, we will learn more about her and we will see her heal from her trauma. Her body and her choices have been violated, but she will heal and grow for that and gain ownership over herself once again. 
Rhys, Amren and Feyre believe there is more to her than just the kindness she shows. 
“Maybe she was never given the chance to be that way.” “You think I stifle her?” “Not you alone. [...] But I wonder if everyone has spent so long assuming Elain is sweet and innocent that she felt she had to be that way or else she’d dissapoint you all. [...] With time and safety, perhaps we’ll see a different side of her emerge”
“You think Elain is boring?” “I think she’s kind, and I’ll take that kindness over nastiness every day. But I also think we haven’t yet seen all she has to offer.”
“Don’t forget that gardening often results in something pretty, but it involves getting one’s hands dirty along the way.”
“You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
“Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.”
Being a seer gives you many powers, but it would take me too much time so I recommend you to read this LONG AND AMAZING list of powers a seer might have posted by @miru5llec​ and you will be shocked and hyped.
If you like mythology and fantasy literature, you know seers are feared and respected. Kings have killed for having a seer in their ranks. They can reach levels of divine status and their ability as a seer gives them many more powers than those I have mentioned before.
Elain might not be physically powerful like Nesta or Feyre, but being a seer makes her more powerful than both of them but IN ANOTHER WAY. Look at the list above (linked) if you don't believe me. 
Her being on the Night Court makes Feysand's court the most powerful in Prythian.
That's why Elain is not boring and her trauma is valid. There is much more to her than what little we have seen. SJM has said so. Rhys, Feyre, Amren, everyone has said so in the books. We will learn about her, see her heal and chose who to love in her book.
“Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“But Elain said, “I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
We will see her develop her powers and learn how to use them. She is possibly the key to killing Koschei (the big bad villain) because she might have visions of where his heart is hidden in that fucking box and guide the IC to find it.
Furthermore, stop saying “I want Elucien to happen so Lucien can be happy.” or “Azriel deserves better than Elain because she likes to garden and is mated to Lucien.”
Elain doesn’t belong to Lucien.
Elain can garden, bake and walk around on her hands while singing La Macarena and that doesn’t make her any less strong than Feyre, Mor, Nesta or any other female character.
(Also, in this stupid ship war I have seen people pointing out how she wouldn't be able to give Azriel children because her body isn't Illyrian. This is disgusting. You are basically saying that all her worth lies in whether she can give someone children or not.
Do I remind you adoption exists? Rhys, Cassian and Azriel are brothers by choice, not by blood and they are BROTHERS. You can adopt and be a mother. And you can chose to not have children and that would be okay too. A woman's worth isn't in her uterus.
And that’s it. 
(I posted this thread on Twitter as well, so if you liked it you can go there and RT it or hit a like.)
[og post]
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So by now most of us have seen the thing where the acotar map looks like the British Isles.
Hybern is Ireland, Prythian is Scotland, England, and Wales, and the continent is the rest of Europe. Put the map of Prythian and a map of the British Isles side by side and you can see the uncanny resemblance.
So a friend of mine and I both agree that the accents and dialects of each region should match the accents and dialects of their Isle counterpart.
The King of Hybern and Amarantha would have Irish accents. Amarantha's accent would be more similar to that of northern England when we see her Under the Mountain. Her Irish accent would be stronger before the 50 years Under the Mountain.
Feyre, her sisters, and the others from the Mortal Lands would have strong southern English accents. Let's say The Wall would cut through London.
The western coast of the Spring Court and most of the Summer Court would have Welsh accents and dialects. We would mostly see it in the Summer Court, though, because I believe Tamlin's manor is closer to the eastern coast of the Spring Court and that's where we spend most of our time when in the Spring Court.
The rest of the Spring Court would match best with English accents and dialects similar to those below The Wall since the Court is the closest to area.
The Autumn Court, a small eastern portion of the Summer Court, and the Winter Court would have accents and dialects matching those of Central England.
Under thr Mountain, while a little bit further south than the Scottish-English border, would be the dividing line that represents that border simply because it would separate the Seasonal courts from the Solar courts.
The Dawn Court would have southern Scottish accents and dialects.
The Day Court would have southern/central accents and dialects.
The Night Court would have central/northern accents and dialects. The Court of Nightmares would be mostly central since it's so close to the Night-Day border. Velaris would have strong northern Scottish accents. The Illyrians would have a strong accent most similar to that of the northern Scottish Highlands.
Rhys's accent would be the most different of the original Court of Dreams. His Illyrian accent would have been weaker because of his father's Court of Nightmares accent. And then, after Under the Mountain, his mixed accent would again be weakened because of Amarantha's Irish accent, the variety of Irish accents from Hybern creatures, and English accents from the majority Seasonal courts. Once he returns to the Court of Dreams, though, his original accent gets stronger again.
Cassian and Azriel would have strong Illyrian accents. Since Illyria is so cut off from the rest of Prythian, it would make sense for their accents and dialects to be very different, even from the rest of the Night Court. The Bat Boys' accents aren't as strong as the Illyrians who lived in the Steppes everyday, but still very strong since they are 100% Illyrian and spend a lot of time in the camps. Azriel's accent might be weaker, if anything, since he tries his best to avoid the camps and he can spend a lot of time either outside of the Night Court or talking to spies from outside the Night Court.
Mor would have an accent most similar to the Nightmare Court, but she would have taken on a northern accent and maybe even Illyrian after spending so many decades with the Bat Boys.
Amren is a toss up. She's not from their world, but she also spent centuries with the Court of Dreams. I think she would maybe develop a slight northern or Illyrian twang that Cassian would try to tease her about. When she becomes Fae, it's more obvious. If she continues her relationship with Varian and spends more time in the Summer Court, I'd imagine after a few decades or centuries that she would develop a mixed accent of northern Scottish and Welsh.
I'd imagine Feyre and Nesta would develop a mixed southern English and northern Scottish or Illyrian accent. Elain might, but if she spends time around Lucien, her accent might not change as much.(see Lucien below)
Gwyn's accent is partially unknown because we don't really know where Sangravah is. There 3 temples spread across the Fae lands. Presumably, Prythian. For Hybern to have carried out a successful attack that went unnoticed for a majority of the attack long before Hybern was considered to be an active threat again, I think it's safe to say the temple was close to a coastline. Cesere is along the northern coast of the Night Court, so Sangravah and the temple of Itica aren't in the Night Court. Gwyn's high fae and river nymph heritage trace her back to the Autumn and Spring Courts, so we can assume Sangravah is in the general vicinity of these courts or at least within Season Court jurisdiction. We can assume she had a southern/central English accent. When she began her life in The Library, she likely kept the accent because of how most of the priestesses were from one of the three temples and how Gwyn had no contact with the world outside The Library for so long. When she becomes friends with Emerie, maybe her accent lightens a little bit, but Nesta would have an accent very similar to Gwyn's. Gwyn's accent would only be noticeably different if/when she started spending more time with Azriel.
Emerie would have a strong Illyrian accent that would lighten over time due to all the time she spends with Nesta and Gwyn(and Mor👀)
Lucien would have a strong southern English accent because of how much time he spent in the Spring Court. Occasionally, though, his central English dialect would make itself know. Like of he was angry speaking very passionately.
I just think it's cool to think about! I know to a lot of people think people from England have English accents, as with people from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, etc. But each region(as far as I know and have been informed by people from the Isles) does have a different accent and dialect, even if the difference isn't very noticeable.
I understand it easily because I've lived in the Midwestern, U.S., all of my life, but I was raised around a family that moved north from Kentucky and West Virginia. When I'm around my extended family from West Virginia for long periods of time, I develop a southern/Appalachian twang for the duration of my visit and for a few weeks after before it fades. Even if I haven't been around them, when I get angry or very passionate about something, I develop a twang.
It's cool how language and dialects work. It would add some more variety to the story instead of imagining they all have the same accents. It makes it more fun and a lot more interesting.
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emmafreakecreations · 2 years
You call this fantasy!?
I have a likewise account, which you put in your favorite books, movies/TV, and podcasts and gives you suggestions based on that. Sometimes ppl make their own posts asking for suggestions and everytime I see a fantasy suggestion ACOTAR is always there. Like do you ppl ever read any other fantasy books?! I have been thinking lately about acotar as a fantasy series and comparing it to fantasy books I read when I was younger and books that I'm reading now like A Deal with the Elf King, A Dance with the Fae Prince, and the folk of the air series. Acotar falls so short. I can think of three books/series that I read when I was younger that were way better at empowering women- and two of them are written by men!
I apologize if I'm not great at describing some these books bc it has been years since I read them. Also nostalgia might be a factor.
Ranger's apprentice series (the og-haven't read the spin offs) by John Flanagan- very lotor vibes. While the series centers around a male protagonist in his journey in becoming a legendary apprentice, there is still powerful and intelligent women in the series. Lady Pauline is in charge of espionage at the fief that Will the MC grows up at, and she gets married to Will's mentor. Princess Cassandra, later Queen Cassandra (that's right she is the heir and becomes a ruler) is in disguise during a war in the series and can defend herself. She also helps Will when he is drugged and kidnapped. I always thought she was cool when I was little and she was my favorite. Alyss who is Lady Pauline's apprentice and Will's sweetheart, is marvelous at her espionage job (suck it Feyre). Princess Maddie-Cassandra's daughter- becomes the first female ranger. Jenny, who grew up with Will, trains to be a cook and becomes greater than her mentor and starts her own restaurant. Even if these women aren't warriors they still have power and influence and are actually good at their political jobs.
Cry of the ice Mark by Stuart Hill- mc Thrirrin is a warrior princess and the heir to her kingdom. When a nearby empire threatens to invade she has to rally nearby kingdoms who aren't friends with her kingdom. The kingdoms of werewolves, giant snow leopards, ghosts, and vampires. Also the snow leopard king and werewolf king become drinking buddies\bffs and its the BEST. At some point Thirrin's father dies so she becomes queen and has to lead her kingdom through war.
Igraine the brave by Cornelia funke (author of inkheart) - mc is born into a family of wizards but she doesn't have magic. Because her great grandfather was a knight, she is interested in fighting and military and her family is supportive of her. But when a evil dude wants to steal some magical books from her parent's castle she with some companions must save the day. This book is middle grade but its cute and short.
Princess of the silver woods by Jessica Day George- I honestly don't remember much about it but it's a retelling of twelve dancing princesses and there's a cute leader of a band of thieves that kidnaps the mc on accident. It had an interesting plot-can't remember what it is-but I liked it. That's about it......
Shadowhunter chronicles by Cassandra Clare ( I know the author and this series has it's own problems but I still enjoy most of it)- I feel like i don't have to explain this one. All I have to say is Clare gets mythology correct (from my understanding) and doesn't use it will nilly. She also portrays fae correctly bc everytime there is a plot with the fae involved I think "oh no here we go again this is going to be tough"
Four dead Queens by Astrid Scholte (this isn't a childhood book but it's good)- The world building in this book is so interesting, it reminds me of the worlds in the animated winx club. There is a kingdom giving off medival vibes, another gives off victorian england/oliver twist vibes, one has Venice during the renassiance vibes, and one gives off distopian sci-fi vibes. These kingdoms are ruled by queens who have a capital city- they rule together but are in charge of their respective kingdoms. the mc is a thief and steals important information from a palace messenger. She finds out the message is about killing the queens and so the messenger and the mc must stop the assassinations. The plot twist was interesting and you can easily piece together clues to figure it out yourself, or you could just be like me and see the clues and think "huh that's interesting" and move on then when the twist comes be like "you know I should have seen that coming."
I have lots more but this is getting long
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longsightmyth · 4 years
Indeed, Mor’s eyes shuttered. “They don’t want to sign the new treaty.”
“Fuck.” Rhys, Feyre, and Amren had spent months working on that treaty, with input from their allies in other courts and territories.
Ah. I see your problem. As usual you have failed to include the OTHER people to whom the treaty would apply in its creation. Vallahan isn't going to sign a treaty they had 0 input in. That's not how it works.
But the fact that they are willing to entertain an 'emissary' from the night court is in theory encouraging. It means they're willing to talk. Does Mor have the power to guaruntee changes, even small ones, to said treaty, or is she a messenger? Did anyone ask the king of Vallahan what he thought or for his input? What concessions does the treaty grant him or his country? Why should he care, way over there? Is Hybern a threat to Vallahan, or is this more of a 'look we're better trade prospects than an isolationist conquering nation based on ireland that menaces the nation based on england in complete contradiction of real world historical precedent' situation.
These things are important to consider. My bet is that Rhys and Feyre sent Mor to be like 'sign our treaty we worked really hard on it and will take no criticism' and the king of Vallahan was mortally insulted and said Absolutely The Fuck Not.
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the-overgrowth · 4 years
Retrospective: “Faybane” #1
This is where it all started, on July 8th, 2016. Although probably a bit earlier than that, but this is the earliest thing I can find that’s actually written down, so that’s what counts. And back in the day I didn’t let ideas marinate the way I do now, I just started writing pretty much as soon as I got the idea.
Anyway, the document was created at this point in time according to Google Docs, and was last modified in October 3rd, 2016. It’s only 3 chapters long, plus one incomplete fourth chapter, and the whole thing is about 17k words.
Which is a lot for 3 chapters. I would say something about how I’m less wordy now, but the latest draft is like 107k words long, so, like, I will always struggle with shutting the fuck up, methinks.
Also, the reason this is called “Faybane” is because that was the working title I used, and the name of this document. I thought it’d be the proper title but like. It’s bad lmao.
Anywhomst, let’s get into it!
Some background info for those who are new or need a refresher: this WIP became a thing after I read and was disappointed by A Court of Thorns and Roses by SJM, as well as The Iron King by Julie Kagawa and some book by Holly Black, was it Tithe?
ACOTAR was the biggest culprit. I feel that this is important to keep in mind as we go through this mess.
We open on Sidra in the forest with a bunch of men she calls a hunting party. It’s clear she doesn’t want to be there, but since she’s the only decent hunter among them and it’s her sister’s wedding today, she has to make the kill to feed the people attending said wedding.
This is, as the kids say, big stupid, and seems like a very ill-prepared celebration? I guess it makes some sense for them to want fresh meat, but this fresh? What if they didn’t find anything? What if they didn’t manage to kill anything? Is the whole thing cancelled? Stupid.
We find out they’ve been hunting a boar and that this dude named Liam, our Gaston replacement, previously wounded the animal but didn’t kill it, causing it to flee and force the hunting party to follow. It’s up to Sidra to make the killing blow, which she does with an arrow straight into its head. This was back when Sidra was still YA Heroine Extraordinaire and the time period was Vaguely Medieval, I guess.
They begin taking their quarry back home and Sidra thinks about how she normally doesn’t hunt this close to the “Faewilds” because animals closer to the border are said to be bigger and more violent. There isn’t an actual border, people just had to rely on intuition and not wander too far into the forest.
She also mentions a girl named Wilda, who disappeared fairly recently and everyone suspects it was the fae. This isn’t relevant now, but Wilda will return in later drafts, I think.
Everybody, especially my family, knew that I was one of the best archers in town, whether I used a bow or a crossbow.
Shut up, Not!Feyre. Nobody likes you.
I should mention that at this point I didn’t bother googling how big wild boars get and just assumed they were the size of like, a thick medium dog. Which is, if you know how big boars are, very incorrect. Four men pulling the animal seems realistic enough, but then Liam just lifts it up on his own? Not buying it.
Sidra laments how much she hates Liam and we find out that he apparently tried to assault her and she stabbed him? And apparently she’s not happy about his marriage to Sinéad but can’t do anything about it because “Father’s word is law” and Sinéad herself laughed it off when Sidra tried to warn her?
Yeah, gonna call bullshit on that one. No idea why this was here or what purpose it serves, the reason Liam doesn’t exist in the latest draft is because I never figured out what his purpose was so I axed him entirely. 
Current!Sidra would just kill him the moment he showed an interest in Sinéad, and Current!Sinéad would 100% believe her sister about something like that.
Some bloke named Connor strikes up a conversation with Sidra, seemingly worried about being this far away from human civilization. Liam teases him about it and calls the fae “knife-ears”, because I still had brainrot back then and liked Dragon Age and had zero original ideas in my head.
The men make jokes about having sex with fae women and Sidra seems so disturbed by this that she nocks an arrow. This isn’t the first time she makes references to feeling unsafe around these men, I have no idea why I wrote it this way aside from being edgy, I guess.
My village was mostly populated by men, and even though I wasn’t one of the pretty girls there, I knew these men weren’t picky, even with all their talk about beautiful fae women. I’d heard that fae women would kill their men after sleeping with them. I had no way of know it was true, but a part of me hoped it was and that Liam would some day soon get “lucky” and encounter a female fae, so she could end his misery.
Edgy, dude.
They eventually arrive and Sidra goes inside her house, which is a simple cottage with three rooms. I think her family are all farmers? It’s kind of confusing. She goes into her and Sinéad’s bedroom, where Sinéad is preparing for her wedding. Also, she’s blonde.
“Sid! There you are!” she said cheerily. “Killed a boar, huh? Good on Liam for taking all the credit.”
If you know your man is trash, why are you marrying him?
Apparently Liam seduced Sinéad with sweets and baked goods. I mean ... fair enough. Considering how Sidra complains about being hungry and skinny and going without food if she doesn’t kill the boar because this year’s harvest was minimal, I’m assuming y’all are starving.
We find out Sinéad’s mother doesn’t let her do anything around the house or farm, to preserve her “soft and white” hands and pale complexion so she could be married off easily. This makes zero sense, you’d think these medieval men wouldn’t have the same beauty standards as Victorian England, plus having a mouth to feed that doesn’t even help feeding itself is just nuts. 
But remember, this isn’t Sidra, this is Not!Feyre. She needs to be sad and put-upon and a victim. She explains how she was never pretty to begin with and thus nobody considered her to be worthy of marrying off, which then meant she was put to work and became even less attractive because now she was so cool and badass that all the men were intimidated by her.
Yeah, in a village that already doesn’t have a lot of young women? I’m not buying this, lmao. But go off, Not!Feyre.
I’d been the one helping around, instead. Hunting, mostly. Sometimes I’d chop wood or work the farm. Marrying out of the house seemed impossible. Marrying up was practically a dream you forgot upon waking. Had I been pretty from the start there would’ve been a foundation to work from, but I was a lost cause even before my skin became tan and my hands grew veined and calloused. I had freckles which people mistook for mud and dull brown eyes, a long nose that had been broken one time too many and a mouth that made it look like I constantly felt a bad smell no matter what facial expression I made. I’d always been of rather short stature and had brown hair and thick eyebrows, which in combination with everything else made my parents call me their “little goblin”. The scar on my face didn’t help me either: men didn’t like it when their women were more battle-hardened than they were.
Oh god please, don’t go off! We don’t care! Stop going off!
Also what fucking parents call their poor kid a goblin? Yikes.
Sinéad convinces Sidra to get prettied up and Sidra is all “oh I bet all the men will just fall over themselves for my favor now huh” which is just the most annoying fucking thing, prompting Sinéad to respond:
“Well, winter is coming and game is scarce. If they want to survive, marrying the best hunter in the village might be a good bet.”
Yeah! This is correct! I refuse to believe people wouldn’t be into Sidra! Not only does everyone apparently know she’s the best hunter in town, but Sidra herself confirmed the men here outnumber the women and aren’t very picky.
This is fucking stupid. I’m glad I axed it. In my defense, I was very much trying to emulate the YA shit I’d read so far.
Sidra’s grandmother enters the stage. She’s very old in this draft, but otherwise unchanged.
She was a short and wrinkled old lady with extremely bad vision and an even worse grasp on reality. Or maybe an extremely acute grasp on reality, depending on whether you believed her stories or not.
Sidra changes out of the dress again to go out and help her father prepare the boar, all while sulking.
I didn’t envy Sinead, nor any other bride. Despite what most people thought of me, I wasn’t some poor ugly girl longing for the love of a man and the security of marriage. Did I enjoy the idea of having somebody care for me? Sure. But it wasn’t on my list of priorities. I was still trying to figure out what actually was on that list. Not that it mattered. The prospects for a poor village girl were very finite.
Womp womp.
We get some confusing and barely related stuff about Sidra possibly becoming a royal hunter for the king and also about where the village is located in relation to the Faewilds. She speculates that maybe the fae aren’t real, but the way she and everyone else talks about them makes it pretty obvious that they are? This was supposed to build mystery, I guess.
We skip forward to the wedding and Sidra is moping again.
“How are you feeling?” Father asked and squeezed my shoulder. 
I wasn’t sure why he was doing that. I assumed it had something to do with the wedding and the fact that despite there being fewer women than men here, I was still not asked to dance. Though this didn’t really bother me, so I just shrugged.
“It doesn’t bother me. Anyway I will continue to mope and feel bitter about this thing that doesn’t bother me.” Hunny ...
At least Current!Sidra has the self-awareness to admit she’s sad and lonely.
 [Father’s] marriage to Sinead’s mother was never out of love, more out of necessity. It was easier when you had a big family.
Except for when this “big family” is 3 people who work and 2 people who are just being fed, right? See, I knew back then that having a big family helps when you have a farm, but I also needed to make Sidra Special so Sinéad had to sit on her ass to highlight how pretty and feminine she was or whatnot.
They talk a bit about Sidra’s mother, who passed away five years ago, and Sidra reminisces about how she used to tell amazing stories. It’s all very ... whatever, and serves only to make this point for the hundredth time:
I wasn’t like Mother. I wasn’t full of life and spirit like her. I wasn’t loved and respected by the entire village like her. I was just her disappointing child whose existence they’d rather forget except when they wanted something killed.
Right after this there’s a really abrupt scene transition. Nothing about the wedding coming to an end, nothing about her going to bed, it’s just ... some while later?
Sidra’s father comes back home from ??? and tells Sidra he saw a stag somewhere, but it was hours ago so she better get a move on.
I’m not sure what either of them thinks this will accomplish? Like ... what is she gonna do with it when she kills it ... Carry it home? On her little boney ass? Hmm? I guess I didn’t think of that because I had meta knowledge that she wouldn’t get it home either way, so who cares about logic, right?
Sidra kills two rabbits while stalking the deer, and despite telling us earlier that she doesn’t venture far away from human civilization and the boar hunting being the farthest she’d been and that she wouldn’t go this far alone, she has no issue dwelling very deep into the forest this time.
Like. Henlo? Can we have one logic please and thanks you? Granted, she keeps stopping every now and then to Feel Things Out, but this really goes against how careful she was before and at no point do we get an explanation to her sudden boldness. Plot reasons, I guess.
She nearly stumbles into fae territories and finally decides to head back, except when she starts returning, she sees the stag she’s been tracking. It’s abnormally huge and has a “dark brown” coat that she finds odd, but of course she’s too stupid to connect the dots.
She sneaks up on it and honestly? This chapter ending still slaps.
A scream of pain left the creature and I saw it topple. But though my arrow hit a deer, a man fell to the ground.
And yeah, the ACOTAR roots rear their ugly heads again. I liked the idea of the protagonist shooting a fae disguised as an animal, but I decided to cut out the middleman and just have her obliterate Val right in chapter one. Don’t worry, he doesn’t die.
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indignxs · 4 years
Feyre basics
FULL NAME: Feyre Laurent [pronounced FAY-RUH]
NICKNAME(S): Feyre or Fey
AGE: 668
DATE OF BIRTH:  August 19th, 1352
SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English as a first language, Chthonic, Purgatic, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit
OCCUPATION: She runs a small apothecary out of her home and offers spells and summonings in exchange for favours
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
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HEIGHT: 5′8″
BUILD: Slim, but strong
HAIR COLOUR: Deep brown and thick with unruly waves that she keeps pinned back
SCARS: A medium sized scar on stomach inflicted by another warlock during the battle of Corrichie
IDENTIFYING MARKS: Her warlock mark appears in the form of glowing white eyes when her magic is in use
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bordeaux, France
HOMETOWN: London, United Kingdom
CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Lake District, Cumbria, England
FINANCIAL STATUS: Very wealthy, though you wouldn’t know it
EDUCATION LEVEL: Multiple university degrees
LIKES: Reading, tending to her magical garden, not having any responsibilities, being alone, a glass of wine every evening before bed, intimacy
DISLIKES: Liars, taking orders, being spoken down to, greasy food, flashy displays of wealth
1352 was not the most eventful year by far; the most notable events were the beginning of the Byzantine civil war, the choosing of the 199th Pope, and the founding of Corpus Christi college. But it did bring with it the birth of a baby girl to Achille and Genevieve Laurent, peasants in the city of Bordeaux, France.
The baby was a small, quiet thing that they named Feyre and she was the pride and joy of the couple who had thought they could not conceive a child. The truth was, Genevieve had in fact been barren. In her desperation she had summoned the Greater Demon Agramon without understanding who or what he really was, with the help of a traveller who claimed she could make Genevieve’s womb fruitful again - for a price. The price, the traveller had said, would be a year of the woman’s life in exchange for the child which Genevieve gladly paid. So great was her need to bear a child that she never stopped to ask the how’s and the why’s of the more than generous offer. 
When Genevieve gave birth nine months later in a long and painful process at the height of summer, she was delighted to welcome tiny Feyre into the world bearing the name of the traveller who had helped bring her into existence. Genevieve was also unaware that the year the traveller had taken from her life would leave her with only days left to live. And so Feyre’s mother passed away in the summer of 1352, leaving behind a week old baby and a grieving husband with no idea how to care for an infant. So consuming was her fathers grief that Feyre was handed over to a washer woman who nursed and cared for her until such a time when her father was able to care for her properly. That time never came. 
It became apparent very early on that there was something different about Feyre, something sinister, though no one could actually put their finger on what it was. She was an unusual child. Too quiet to be normal. There were no physical signs of differences, nothing on her body to indicate that she might be different from the washer woman’s other children, but things happened that were unexplainable from the moment the woman brought the baby into her home. Things would fall from shelves without being touched, candles would blow out without a draft, other children would refuse to go near her without a good reason. There was something wrong, but they could hardly blame a tiny baby for strange happenings without being accused of witchcraft themselves. 
And so Feyre reached the age of four before her warlock mark made an appearance. She had been sitting by the fire watching the woman she called mère cook when the pot had tipped and boiling water rained down on the child. It should have scalded her. It should have killed her. But instead it bounced off of her skin like there was an invisible force around her. Her eyes had rolled back in her head and the whites of her eyes glowed like the moon and tiny, quiet Feyre emerged from the steam unscathed. That was the moment her adoptive family truly began to fear her.
Feyre chose to wipe the memories of her childhood and her teenage years from her memory. There is nothing she remembers from 1357-1377 and she never wants those memories back. 
1377 brought more than just the warlock who helped Feyre wipe her memories. It brought the realisation that she would never age, that she would never grow old while those around her died one by one. It brought knowledge and learning that she had only ever dreamed about. It brought the ship that would take her from France to England to start a new life. It brought change, for better or worse.
Through the years Feyre has seen empires rise and fall, leaders conquer and be conquered, wars won and wars lost. She has participated in a great many battles, advised monarchs and misled sovereigns, fought for rights and fought for herself. Every move she makes is with the next hundred years in mind and because of that, she will always choose the side that will grant her the most grace when the war is over. She hasn’t always been on the right side of history. She wasn’t on the right side in the seventeenth century when in 1872 when the Accords were written and she wasn’t on the right side during the Dark War and the Cold Peace. Feyre’s loyalty is to herself and to her fellow Warlock’s. She will not intervene in a war unless asked to by another Warlock and even then there’s no guarantee she will help them. 
Present day brings with it a new set of challenges and choices. No longer can she move through life anonymously, fading into the background of history like a shadow. Exposure in the Dark War turned her life upside down yet again, but this time she has found herself choosing a simpler life. Once an adviser to kings and queens, war generals and rebel organisations, Feyre now runs a small apothecary from her cottage and offers spells and summonings for the price of a favour. She’s made peace with her need for a quieter existence and no-one is going to spoil that for her. 
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notimetoblog · 5 years
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Thank you all so much for joining the World Book Day celebration! It was a pleasure getting to hear about your favorite books! I am a fervent believer that reading is so powerful. It expands your minds, takes you to places you had never even imagined, and can teach you so much about the world and ourselves.
I have compiled the list (in alphabetical order by title) of all the books that were recommended during this celebration. Each book links to the original recommendation, states the genre of the book, and has a brief synopsis of the book :D
If you would like to recommend more PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO!! We could always use more books in our lives!! Thank you all again and I hope you’re able to read some books on the list that you haven't read before!
A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas
Recommended by @wintersxsoul here
Genre: Young Adult / Romance / Fantasy
Synopsis: Feyre's survival rests upon her ability to hunt and kill – the forest where she lives is a cold, bleak place in the long winter months. So when she spots a deer in the forest being pursued by a wolf, she cannot resist fighting it for the flesh. But to do so, she must kill the predator and killing something so precious comes at a price.
Around  the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
Recommended by @just-add-butter here
Genre: Fiction / Adventure / Classics
Synopsis: One ill-fated evening at the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg rashly bets his companions £20,000 that he can travel around the entire globe in just eighty days - and he is determined not to lose. Breaking the well-establised routine of his daily life, the reserved Englishman immediately sets off for Dover, accompanied by his hot-blooded French manservant Passepartout. Travelling by train, steamship, sailing boat, sledge and even elephant, they must overcome storms, kidnappings, natural disasters, Sioux attacks and the dogged Inspector Fix of Scotland Yard - who believes that Fogg has robbed the Bank of England - to win the extraordinary wager. 
Burn for Burn Series by Jenny Han
Recommended by @marvelsangel here
Genre: Fantasy / Paranormal / Young Adult
Synopsis (of first book):  Postcard-perfect Jar Island is home to charming tourist shops, pristine beaches, amazing oceanfront homes—and three girls secretly plotting revenge.KAT is sick and tired of being bullied by her former best friend.LILLIA has always looked out for her little sister, so when she discovers that one of her guy friends has been secretly hooking up with her, she’s going to put a stop to it.MARY is perpetually haunted by a traumatic event from years past, and the boy who’s responsible has yet to get what’s coming to him.None of the girls can act on their revenge fantasies alone without being suspected. But together…anything is possible. With an alliance in place, there will be no more “I wish I’d said…” or “If I could go back and do things differently...” These girls will show Jar Island that revenge is a dish best enjoyed together.
Code Name Verity By Elizabeth Wein
Recommended by @notimetoblog here
Genre: Historical Fiction / Young Adult
Synopsis: Oct. 11th, 1943 - A British spy plane crashes in Nazi-occupied France. Its pilot and passenger are best friends. One of the girls has a chance at survival. The other has lost the game before it's barely begun. When "Verity" is arrested by the Gestapo, she's sure she doesn't stand a chance. As a secret agent captured in enemy territory, she's living a spy's worst nightmare. Her Nazi interrogators give her a simple choice: reveal her mission or face a grisly execution. As she intricately weaves her confession, Verity uncovers her past, how she became friends with the pilot Maddie, and why she left Maddie in the wrecked fuselage of their plane. On each new scrap of paper, Verity battles for her life, confronting her views on courage and failure and her desperate hope to make it home. But will trading her secrets be enough to save her from the enemy? 
Coming of Age in Mississippi: The Classic Autobiography of a Young Black Girl in the Rural South by Anne Moody
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Memoir / History / Nonfiction
Synopsis: Born to a poor couple who were tenant farmers on a plantation in Mississippi, Anne Moody lived through some of the most dangerous days of the pre-civil rights era in the South. The week before she began high school came the news of Emmet Till's lynching. Before then, she had "known the fear of hunger, hell, and the Devil. But now there was...the fear of being killed just because I was black." In that moment was born the passion for freedom and justice that would change her life.
Crazy Rich Asians Series by Kevin Kwan
Recommended by @marvelsangel here
Genre: Fiction / Romance
Synopsis (of first book): the outrageously funny debut novel about three super-rich, pedigreed Chinese families and the gossip, backbiting, and scheming that occurs when the heir to one of the most massive fortunes in Asia brings home his ABC (American-born Chinese) girlfriend to the wedding of the season.When Rachel Chu agrees to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, she envisions a humble family home, long drives to explore the island, and quality time with the man she might one day marry. What she doesn't know is that Nick's family home happens to look like a palace, that she'll ride in more private planes than cars, and that with one of Asia's most eligible bachelors on her arm, Rachel might as well have a target on her back.
Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith
Recommended by @just-add-butter here
Genre: Romance / Fantasy 
Synopsis: It begins in a cold and shabby tower room, where young Countess Meliara swears to her dying father that she and her brother will defend their people from the growing greed of the king. That promise leads them into a war for which they are ill prepared, a war that threatens the homes and lives of the very people they are trying to protect. But war is simple compared to what follows, when the bloody fighting is done and a fragile peace is at hand. Although she wants to turn her back on politics and the crown, Meliara is summoned to the royal palace. There, she soon discovers, friends and enemies look alike, and intrigue fills the dance halls and the drawing rooms. If she is to survive, Meliara must learn a whole new way of fighting--with wit and words and secret alliances. In war, at least, she knew whom she could trust. Now she can trust no one. 
Deadline by Chris Crutcher
Recommended by @rosegoldlilacs here
Genre: Fiction / Young Adult
Synopsis: Ben Wolf has big things planned for his senior year. Had big things planned. Now what he has is some very bad news and only one year left to make his mark on the world.How can a pint-sized, smart-ass seventeen-year-old do anything significant in the nowheresville of Trout, Idaho?
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Recommended by @wintersxsoul here
Genre: Classics / Fiction / Fantasy
Synopsis: Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so he may find new blood and spread undead curse, and the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Recommended by @softhairbarnes here
Genre: Fiction / Mystery / Thriller
Synopsis: On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?
Harry Potter Saga by J.K Rowling
Recommended by @agentpegcxrter here / First book recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Fantasy / Young Adult
Synopsis (of first book): Harry Potter's life is miserable. His parents are dead and he's stuck with his heartless relatives, who force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that tells him the truth about himself: he's a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After a lifetime of bottling up his magical powers, Harry finally feels like a normal kid. But even within the Wizarding community, he is special. He is the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort, who launched a brutal takeover of the Wizarding world, only to vanish after failing to kill Harry.Though Harry's first year at Hogwarts is the best of his life, not everything is perfect. There is a dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it's his responsibility to prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying than he ever could have imagined.
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
Recommended by @notimetoblog here
Genre: Historical Fiction
Synopsis: Two half-sisters, Effia and Esi, are born into different villages in eighteenth-century Ghana. Effia is married off to an Englishman and lives in comfort in the palatial rooms of Cape Coast Castle. Unbeknownst to Effia, her sister, Esi, is imprisoned beneath her in the castle's dungeons, sold with thousands of others into the Gold Coast's booming slave trade, and shipped off to America, where her children and grandchildren will be raised in slavery. Generation after generation, Yaa Gyasi's magisterial first novel sets the fate of the individual against the obliterating movements of time
How Paris Became Paris: The Invention of the Modern City by Joan DeJean
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: History / Nonfiction
Synopsis: At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Paris was known for isolated monuments but had not yet put its brand on urban space. Like other European cities, it was still emerging from its medieval past. But in a mere century Paris would be transformed into the modern and mythic city we know today.Though most people associate the signature characteristics of Paris with the public works of the nineteenth century, Joan DeJean demonstrates that the Parisian model for urban space was in fact invented two centuries earlier, when the first complete design for the French capital was drawn up and implemented.
Love Style Life by Garance Doré
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Nonfiction / Memoir / Fashion
Synopsis: Garance Doré, the voice and vision behind her eponymous blog, has captivated millions of readers worldwide with her fresh and appealing approach to style through storytelling. This gorgeously illustrated book takes readers on a unique narrative journey that blends Garance’s inimitable photography and illustrations with the candid, hard-won wisdom drawn from her life and her travels. Infused with her Left Bank sensibility, the eclecticism of her adopted city of New York, and the wild, passionate spirit of her native Corsica, Love Style Life is a backstage pass behind fashion’s frontlines, peppered with French-girl-next-door wit and advice on everything from mixing J.Crew with Chanel, to falling in love, to pursuing a life and career that is the perfect reflection of you.
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Fiction / Japanese Literature / Cultural
Synopsis:  This leading postwar Japanese writer's second novel, tells the poignant and fascinating story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. In consequence, he feels himself "disqualified from being human" (a literal translation of the Japanese title).
Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Recommended by @chocochipcookieyum here
Genre: Historical Fiction / Classics
Synopsis: A story told by the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a fierce, evangelical Baptist who takes his family and mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959. They carry with them everything they believe they will need from home, but soon find that all of it -- from garden seeds to Scripture -- is calamitously transformed on African soil. What follows is a suspenseful epic of one family's tragic undoing and remarkable reconstruction over the course of three decades in postcolonial Africa.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Recommended by @gamorazenn here / by @agentpegcxrter here / by @arosewithdaisies here
Genre: Fiction / Romance / Classics
Synopsis: The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and her proud beau, Mr. Darcy, is a splendid performance of civilized sparring. And Jane Austen's radiant wit sparkles as her characters dance a delicate quadrille of flirtation and intrigue, making this book the most superb comedy of manners of Regency England.
Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Fiction / Romance
Synopsis: Tsukiko is drinking alone in her local sake bar when by chance she meets one of her old high school teachers and, unable to remember his name, she falls back into her old habit of calling him 'Sensei'. After this first encounter, Tsukiko and Sensei continue to meet. Together, they share edamame beans, bottles of cold beer, and a trip to the mountains to eat wild mushrooms. As their friendship deepens, Tsukiko comes to realise that the solace she has found with Sensei might be something more.
Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L’Engle
Recommended by @thesaltyduchess here 
Genre: Fantasy / Young Adult / Science Fiction
Synopsis: When fifteen-year-old Charles Wallace Murry shouts out an ancient rune meant to ward off the dark in desperation, a radiant creature appears. It is Gaudior, unicorn and time traveler. Charles Wallace and Gaudior must travel into the past on the winds of time to try to find a Might-Have-Been - a moment in the past when the entire course of events leading to the present can be changed, and the future of Earth - this small, swiftly tilting planet - saved.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Recommended by @arosewithdaisies here
Genre: Fiction / Mystery / Crime / Classics / Short Stories
Synopsis: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. It was first published on 14 October 1892; the individual stories had been serialized in The Strand Magazine between July 1891 and June 1892. The stories are not in chronological order, and the only characters common to all twelve are Holmes and Dr. Watson. The stories are related in first-person narrative from Watson's point of view.
The Bean Trees by Barbara King
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Genre: Fiction / Contemporary
Synopsis: Clear-eyed and spirited, Taylor Greer grew up poor in rural Kentucky with the goals of avoiding pregnancy and getting away. But when she heads west with high hopes and a barely functional car, she meets the human condition head-on. By the time Taylor arrives in Tucson, Arizona, she has acquired a completely unexpected child, a three-year-old American Indian girl named Turtle, and must somehow come to terms with both motherhood and the necessity for putting down roots. Hers is a story about love and friendship, abandonment and belonging, and the discovery of surprising resources in apparently empty places.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis
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Genre: Fantasy / Young Adult / Classics
Synopsis: Journeys to the end of the world, fantastic creatures, and epic battles between good and evil—what more could any reader ask for in one book? The book that has it all is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, written in 1949 by Clive Staples Lewis. But Lewis did not stop there. Six more books followed, and together they became known as The Chronicles of Narnia.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Genre: Fiction / Classics
Synopsis: This exemplary novel of the Jazz Age has been acclaimed by generations of readers. The story is of the fabulously wealthy Jay Gatsby and his new love for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan, of lavish parties on Long Island at a time when The New York Times noted "gin was the national drink and sex the national obsession," it is an exquisitely crafted tale of America in the 1920s. The Great Gatsby is one of the great classics of twentieth-century literature.
The Goldfinch by Donna Tart
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Genre: Fiction / Contemporary
Synopsis: It begins with a boy. Theo Decker, a thirteen-year-old New Yorker, miraculously survives an accident that kills his mother. Abandoned by his father, Theo is taken in by the family of a wealthy friend. Bewildered by his strange new home on Park Avenue, disturbed by schoolmates who don't know how to talk to him, and tormented above all by his unbearable longing for his mother, he clings to one thing that reminds him of her: a small, mysteriously captivating painting that ultimately draws Theo into the underworld of art.As an adult, Theo moves silkily between the drawing rooms of the rich and the dusty labyrinth of an antiques store where he works. He is alienated and in love-and at the center of a narrowing, ever more dangerous circle.
The Gospel of Loki by Joanne M. Harris
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Genre: Fiction / Mythology / Fantasy
Synopsis: The novel is a brilliant first-person narrative of the rise and fall of the Norse gods - retold from the point of view of the world's ultimate trickster, Loki. It tells the story of Loki's recruitment from the underworld of Chaos, his many exploits on behalf of his one-eyed master, Odin, through to his eventual betrayal of the gods and the fall of Asgard itself.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
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Genre: Fiction / Young Adult
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed.Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil’s name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr
The Immortal Rules Series by Julie Kagawa
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Genre: Young Adult / Fantasy / Paranormal
Synopsis: Allison Sekemoto survives in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a walled-in city. By day, she and her crew scavenge for food. By night, any one of them could be eaten. Some days, all that drives Allie is her hatred of them—the vampires who keep humans as blood cattle. Until the night Allie herself dies and becomes one of the monsters.
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Recommended by @redandpurpleskies here
Genre: Science Fiction / Classic
Synopsis: The Martian Chronicles tells the story of humanity’s repeated attempts to colonize the red planet. The first men were few. Most succumbed to a disease they called the Great Loneliness when they saw their home planet dwindle to the size of a fist. They felt they had never been born. Those few that survived found no welcome on Mars. The shape-changing Martians thought they were native lunatics and duly locked them up.But more rockets arrived from Earth, and more, piercing the hallucinations projected by the Martians. People brought their old prejudices with them – and their desires and fantasies, tainted dreams. These were soon inhabited by the strange native beings, with their caged flowers and birds of flame.
The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Fiction / Japanese Literature / Classics
Synopsis: The story is told through the eyes of Kazuko, the unmarried daughter of a widowed aristocrat. Her search for self meaning in a society devoid of use for her forms the crux of the novel. It is a sad story, and structurally is a novel very much within the confines of the Japanese take on the novel in a way reminiscent of authors such as Nobel Prize winner Yasunori Kawabata – the social interactions are peripheral and understated, nuances must be drawn, and for readers more used to Western novelistic forms this comes across as being rather wishy-washy. Kazuko’s mother falls ill, and due to their financial circumstances they are forced to take a cottage in the countryside. Her brother, who became addicted to opium during the war is missing. When he returns, Kazuko attempts to form a liaison with the novelist Uehara. This romantic displacement only furthers to deepen her alienation from society.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Recommended by @consttantina here
Genre: Historical Fiction / Fantasy / LGBT / Romance
Synopsis: Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. By all rights their paths should never cross, but Achilles takes the shamed prince as his friend, and as they grow into young men skilled in the arts of war and medicine their bond blossoms into something deeper - despite the displeasure of Achilles' mother Thetis, a cruel sea goddess. But then word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped. Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus journeys with Achilles to Troy, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear.
The Song of the Lioness Series by Tamora Pierce
Recommended by @just-add-butter here
Genre: Fantasy / Young Adult
Synopsis: The Song of the Lioness quartet is the adventurous story of one girl's journey to overcome the obstacles facing her, become a valiant knight, and save Tortall from conquest. Alanna douses her female identity to begin her training in Alanna: The First Adventure, and when she gains squire status in In the Hand of the Goddess, her growing abilities make her a few friends -- and many enemies. Books 3 and 4 complete Alanna's adventure and secure her legend, with the new knight errant taking on desert tribesmen in The Woman Who Rides like a Man and seeking out the powerful Dominion Jewel in Lioness Rampant.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Recommended by anonymous here
Genre: Historical Fiction / Classics
Synopsis: The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960. It went on to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award-winning film, also a classic.Compassionate, dramatic, and deeply moving, To Kill A Mockingbird takes readers to the roots of human behavior - to innocence and experience, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred, humor and pathos. Now with over 18 million copies in print and translated into forty languages, this regional story by a young Alabama woman claims universal appeal. Harper Lee always considered her book to be a simple love story. Today it is regarded as a masterpiece of American literature.
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crookedkingdcms · 6 years
SO. i’ve been working on new muses of the supernatural, mythology, & historical verse variety, and i thought it was about time i share some of them and get them started. some of them are more developed & others are still just in their beginning concept phase, but i’m open to plotting with most, if not all, of them. GIVE THIS POST A LIKE & i’ll come to you about some plotting!!!
NOTE: i will be selective about their use for the first bit, and with a preference for mutuals!!
inej ghafa -- based on the character from six of crows / crooked kingdom, written by leigh bardugo. 18 years old. pansexual. ketterdam. ship captain & slave hunter; (previously) a spy. a.k.a. the wraith. human. associations: the dregs. face claim: neelam gill
waverly turner -- approx. 500 years (unknown; appears 24). bisexual. student of  marine biology and university of california, berkeley. barkeley, ca. mermaid. face claim: madelaine petsch.
hendrik moreau (goes by hendrix) -- 257 years (appears 32). bisexual. new orleans, la. tattoo artist / shop owner. warlock. face claim: michael trevino.
dallas hewitt -- 2178 years (appears 30). pansexual. milan, italy / paris, france. model & designer. incubus. face claim: nick bateman.
saskia galanis -- approx. 400 years (appears 26). heterosexual. london, england. singer. siren. face claim: amy jackson (might be subject to change).
gia moreau -- 221 years (appears 28). it’s complicated. new orleans, la. restaurant & apothecary owner. witch. face claim: alexandra park.
isadora petralia -- approx. 1200 years (appears 27). bisexual (slight female preference). new orleans, la. jazz singer / musician. naiad (potamide). domain: mississippi river. face claim: poppy drayton.
pandora delossantos -- 351 years (appears 27). pansexual. new orleans, la. ruler of new orleans, casual chef. witch. face claim: eiza gonzalez.
feyre archeron -- based on the character from a court of thorns & roses series, written by sarah j. maas. 21 years. heterosexual. velaris. high lady of the night court; art teacher. high fae. face claim: bridget satterlee. 
celestia king -- aphrodite. age unknown / immortal. pansexual. new york city. greek goddess of love; wedding planner; volunteer w/ various organizations for victims of rape & domestic violence; LGBTQ+ activist. goddess. face claim: josephine skriver.
a vampire that works as a curator at the louvre. potential face claims: priyanka chopra, sophie turner, letitia wright.
a demon that has lived in the same city (thinking either naples or rome, italy) since its foundation thousands of years ago. literally the cause of wars, internal struggle, etc. because gets bored & decides to stir up trouble.
and the angel that always goes cleaning up after them -- the ultimate frenemies duo.
a necromancer that runs the largest cemetery in the world / oldest in the world / etc. infamous for his vast “knowledge” of the cemetery’s inhabitants (though, legit comes from talking with the dead themselves). potential face claims: theo james, edgar ramirez.
the modern!god of death whose entrance to the underworld is at this necromancer’s graveyard. potential face claims: jon bernthal, joe manganiello.
an earth nymph / fae that has been running a vineyard somewhere in italy or france for hundreds/thousands of years. potential face claim: phoebe tonkin.
a modern!god of war that either: is high-ranking in a country’s military; or owns a weapons manufacturing company.
a werewolf that is a professional athlete known for not only their skill, but their ... intensity (i.e., the not-so-occasional struggle to contain the wolf) as well. throughout their lifetime has played various sports professionally.
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feysandfeels · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @lady-of-books-and-pages!
1. Skill or talent most people don’t know?
I can rap pretty f*cking well
2. Country you are from? 
I was born in Liverpool, England, but literally grew up in Bogotá, Colombia. 
3. Favourite movie? 
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4. Do you play an instrument? 
No.. not really.. I used to play the violin, piano and the flute when I was younger but it’s been easily 12 years since that. 
5. Beach or Rainforest? 
RIght now I have an obsession with the sea, so I’m going to go with the Beach.
6. Do you have any siblings? 
YEES! My beautiful, slightly annoying, but always charming baby sister. She’s 18 going on 19, so technically she’s not a baby, but to my eyes she’s still mah baby sis (which is why I spoil her to death).
7. Favourite colour? 
Purple! purple!
8. Book character you relate to the most? 
Elizabeth Bennet and Feyre... I will never get tired of saying/arguing that Feyre and I are basically the same person. 
9. OTP?
Just one? Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann...Feysand, 
10. Coke or Pepsi?
I really try not to drink sodas or sugary drinks.. so neither. #ImAllAboutThatHealthyLifeStyle #JustKidding #TheThingIsThatTheyAreWayTooSweetForMyTaste
11. Book series you will never finish?
I think Divergent.. boi was that boring!
The wonderful Helena from, @readinglikewildfire, also tagged me!
1. Do you have any piercings or tattoos, what are they?
I have three tattoos: a phrase in latin right below my left book that goes alongm ribs that says “astra inclinant sed non obligant” which translates to “the stars incline is they do not bind us”, an anchor on my right forearm, and my newest one (one month old my baby) a lotus flower above my ankle-lower left calf.
Besides the normal pierced lobes, I have the helix one on my right ear.
2. Who is your style icon?
I really like Keira Knihtley, Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Kristen Stewart.. I’m pretty sure I have more.
3. Are you a night shower or a morning shower person?
Morning shower person always... even when I do shower at night to relax I always shower in the morning
4. What do you study at school if you are at school? If you’re not at school what do you do instead?
I’m majoring in Literary Studies.. which is English in most universities or Literature.
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5. Do you speak multiple languages? What are they?
I speak spanish, english and french.. and a little bit but when I say little is little bit of italian.
6. What do you like most about where you live?
It has something for everybody! What a crap answer but it’s true hahaha that and the night life.
7. Favorite piece of jewellery, why?
My simple “congratulations on surviving 2016″ ring. It’s a simple golden band with a blue stone at the center. That an ex/one of my closest friends gave me because he knew I was obsessed with all the things that reminded me of the Night Court. 
8.  Whats one random fact about yourself?
I don’t read as much books in spanish as people would assume.
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Right now it’s ACOTAR but not for much.. and they vary depending on which series I have just read. 
10. Do you like fantasy books with a lot of romance or does it not really matter to you?
I like me romance! My life is lacking genuine romance at the moment so I would very much like to live my romantic life through my characters.
11. Favorite color!
Purple! which is why the purple heart emoji is like the main proof of love for me hahahah
The cutie that is @tibcrias also included me in her post!
1. Which book did you cry the hardest at?
I rarely cry with books, okay? like it’s happened three times in my life.. and the worst one was with ACOWAR, when Rhys “died”. Not only in the moment Feyre realizes he’s dead.. but when she looses her shit and starts screaming at everybody, that’s where it hit me. And I was a fucking sobbing mess! Ugly crying and all. 
2. An awkward moment?
Well.. yesterday I was with my sister walking to our faculty when she saw my ex with his new gf (the girl he told me he would never hook up with... ugh) having lunch in a restaurant that is literally in front of my faculty (MY FACULTY = MY ZONE) and he saw us, and we both panicked and she waved her hand... you know to say hi and I, in the most obvious way conceivable, turned my head to the other side... but then when we were already past them I turned around to see them and his gf (who I’m also pretty sure hates me) was watching me. 
3. What was last text or message you sent?
To one of my best friends from school... we’re suddenly planning a trip to Thailand and Cambodia.
4. Favourite movie from when you were little?
The Lion King... I used to “roar” with the lions and I wanted to be a Lioness when I grew up.
5. If you could take any url you want on tumblr, what would it be?
tbh, I’m pretty happy with my url... It’s catchy and Iike the alliteration. 
6. What fandom have you had the best time in so far?
THIS ONE! The sjm fandom and the YA-Literature community in general has been amazing. You guys are so sweet and talented and give such honest support. Like I hadn’t been properly in a fandom since the Twilight days and being back in this dynamic has been amazing. I am so grateful for all of this.
7. Do you tend to like heroes or villains more?
I’m a “antihero” kind of girl... Imagine Deadpool or Kaz Brekker, but also Villains.. I swear to god I’m one chemical experiment away of becoming a Super-villain
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8. What’s the most haunting experience you’ve ever experienced?
Okay so one time I was with my friends and we were shooting a school project and well we did it and when we were checking the footage, the painting that was hanging behind us didn’t appear, but instead it was a mirror showing the reflection of an eight year old boy. 
9. Last song you listened to?
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10. Which ship you just can’t stand?
Elriel mwahahaahahahha they are too similar and I am way to deep in the Elucien, Moriel trashcan
11. Which magical creature would you make real? 
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Okay so I tag, @cassianandfenrysaremyboyos @feysandsmut @dorianthekinkymf @ladynesta @nestasbucket @feysandlover @cassiancalore​ and anyone who wants to do this *BAM* YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED BY MOI.
and my questions are the following: 
1.Which historical figure would you bring back from the death
2. Paris, New York, Rome or London? (which one would you choose to live in)
3. Who is your celebrity crush?
4. If you could only read one book forever which one would it be?
5. Favourite clothing item?
6. You have three wishes, what would you wish for? (no wishing for more wishes though)
7. If you had to live in an ancient civilization which one would it be and why?
8. Do you believe in life after death?
9. Favourite disney princess/heroine and why?
10. In case that you get chosen to participate in the Hunger Games which weapon would you choose?
11. Which reality show would you love to participate in?
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