#fey prompts
ministarfruit · 7 months
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day 12: karma ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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Prompt 60
For completing an especially hard contract, Geralt is given a present from the fae. "Your perfect love", they call it. When Jaskier is shoved toward him, Geralt wishes he could say he was surprised. Geralt quickly gains his shock back, however, when upon his bard speaking, he finds he has been completely drained of his personality. Jaskier speaks as concisely and directly as possible, with no embellishment or flowering of his words - Hell, he doesn't even speak with emotion or tone in his voice. Geralt demands to know what they've done to Jaskier, only for the fae to teleport them out. Geralt goes from mage to mage, sorcerer to sorcerer, healer to healer, priest to priest, hoping desperately that someone, anyone, can revert Jaskier back to himself. Jaskier no longer sings. He barely talks. He doesn't wander off, or dance in place, or reach out to Geralt. His eyes have even dulled in color, now a blank gray, always looking hazy and glossed over. Nobody can heal Jaskier. Or so it seeems! I love happy endings SO two options (or any you come up with but you know what I mean) Option 1: Geralt marches back to the Fae's woods and demands they speak to him, as they've disrespected him by not giving him his prize for completing their contract those months ago. When they bring him in, affronted at the idea of what he is implying, they are shocked when he berates them for at least a full hour over how much he loves the traits his bard once had that they had thought he found annoying. "So you never gave me my perfect love." He finishes. They all converse for a moment, before nodding. "It seems we underestimated you, Witcher. We apologize for the misconception." And thank the gods, Jaskier slumps in place and looks to Geralt with bright blue eyes. "Geralt? Wh- What's going on?" Only to then be kicked out of the fae realm again. Oh well. At least Jaskier was cured. Option 2: TRUE LOVE'S KISS BABBYYYYYYYYYY
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
Hi there! I'm a huge fan of your work, and I was wondering if you could help flesh out a vilain idea I had? I have a basic setup, but no idea how to make him a rounder character.
The gist of it is a fey king whose queen died, so, driven mad with grief and incredibly deep in denial, he reaches out into the Material Plane and kidnaps women who resemble his queen, forcibly altering their minds and bodies through fell magic to transform them into reincarnations of his queen. He keeps failing as the magic instead transforms them into horribly broken and mutated horrors, driving him to more desperate measures.
Other than that, I have no idea how to develop him further or devise an end to his evil :(( so any tips on villain development would be greatly appreciated :))
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Adventure: A Covetous Love
Friend, you don't need to make your villain a rounder character, you just need to refocus your narrative onto the genuinely horrific scenario you've created where a series of women have their identities torn away piece by piece. How does it feel to go through it? What must it be like for their friends and family to watch as the woman they knew is replaced by some cruel parody in line with a stranger’s lusts?  Refocusing the story on the current victim likewise gives the story human stakes, and allows the party a good entrypoint into this ongoing tragedy with the chance of possibly preventing it from repeating. 
Before we get into the story itself, here’s a few more ideas I’m going to suggest: 
Rather than kidnapping outright, the fey lord visits his victims in disguise courting them as if he were a wealthy, charming suitor. He offers jewelry and trinkets and other fine things, all infused with the essence of his beloved, and as each of them is accepted the victim becomes a little bit more and more like his queen. A silver comb that turns her hair into HER hair, a cup of wine that fills her dreams with memories of their pramanades through faerie together, makeup that not only wipes out any flaws but transforms the face into a mask of bloodless porcelain perfection. 
Likewise, the transformation process specifically fails because the fey’s expectations are too much. If he were willing to settle for someone who only reminded him of his bride, or gods help him strike out on some new course, he could theoretically be happy… but because he keeps trying to make his victims MORE he ends up with an idea that collapses in on itself, something too perfect to live or even maintain a coherent form. 
To really drive home the tragedy of the horror, I’m going to suggest that the current victim is a woman trapped in either a political marriage or one that’s long gone cold. The fey will exploit her genuine desire for romance and affection, as well as her longing to escape the cage of her life, making the offer of becoming someone else (even if it means dying in the process) all the more tempting. This makes it so that the hinge point of the adventure isn’t just a “rescue the princess” matter of getting her away from the fey, but confronting her as a person and trying to persuade her that there’s some other path to freedom than letting herself be eaten by some otherworldly waifu. 
This setup also gives the party a great secondary antagonist to clash against: the jealous mortal husband, someone who technically WANTS the same thing as the party and has the resources at his back, but will actively drive the victim into the fey’s arms every time he gets involved. He wants to save the victim, but doesn’t care about her happiness, in fact he may be intent on punishing her for her infidelity. He’s there to show why the victim wants to leave. 
Adventure Hooks: 
The party first encounter Lady Melanie Kerridell while out in the wilderness when a stag she’s hunting blunders into their path/camp, on horseback, weapon in hand and her fine clothes streaked with mud. She’ll berate them if they let the beast escape or steal the kill for themselves, but half way through will stagger and lose track of where she is. Just about then a group of her friends and servants will crash through the foliage in a desperate state, as Melanie was out with them having a country luncheon when she spotted the stag, grabbed a weapon from the guards, and took off after it.  This is not the first time this has happened, Lady Kerridell is about half way transformed into the Green-Eyed-Queen and she’s letting herself slip more and more. A concerned friend will invite the party back with them to the estate, and then politely broach the topic about how they might “look in” on Melanie and what might be causing her to act this way. 
The party receive a letter from Lady Kerridell, begging for their help ridding her manor of a haunting, of a monster that has been wandering her home at night wearing her face. When they seek her out however they find her beautiful and cruel and with no idea whatsoever who sent them the letter, despite it bearing her seal.
Lord Edrick Kerridell catches the party snooping around and offers to pay them if they can track down the young dandy he’s seen his wife sneaking off into the gardens to neck with. He wants to know just who the man is before he decides what to do with him, just incase these pricy gifts are from the vault of some other great family. When the party do find the dandy,  he’ll lead them on a merry chase through the town, dragging them all into the feywild if they manage to corner him. 
The local jeweler needs some help investigating a robbery, a few pieces were stolen, but the prize of the take was a staggeringly beautiful necklace of gold and jade, which he was in the middle of repairing. Strangeness surrounds the case: the dandy who delivered the necklace made no secret that it was for a married woman and as the jeweler worked on it he couldn’t shake the feeling of some kind of presence skirting around the edge of his workshop.  When the party find the thief they’ll find her in a bit of a state, having put on the necklace and been influenced by the fey-bride’s mind, she now finds herself driven to heist the home of Lady Berridale. Ostensibly this is for more riches, but the shard of the green eyed queen seeks to complete herself, which will likely result in one of the two womens’ deaths. 
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birdsongisland · 7 months
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*sticking my drawing to a fridge* i've got a wuvvy now!
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artingsumstuff · 6 months
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Maya absolutely devouring a burger. That's it. That's the post.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Despite Everything, Artoria never hated her sister, so when Morgan is summoned, so obviously tired, face masked like stone, Artoria does the first thing she can think of, and embraces her sister in understanding. And Morgan breaks. (because I need some catharsis.)
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mediaforanya · 1 year
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a d20 au where twyla and chirp briefly dated decades ago and this is the first bloom they had as an official couple <3
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feybarn · 4 months
This one got a little long... Thanks for the prompt @mercyghost
Romance, Obi-wan/Owen/Beru, the Lars take one look at a sad Obi-wan giving them baby Luke and both say 'is anyone going to help this man?' and don't wait for an answer (only if you're down to write poly)
I've written some Obi-Wan/Owen/Beru before and I actually really enjoy them! This got a little long for a tumblr post, so it ended up its own story on AO3. It doesn't fit the prompt *exactly* but it's what came out!
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linnaealyn · 11 months
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dailyaagirls · 7 months
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girl 1 and 2: trupearl edition
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ministarfruit · 2 years
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day 25: planning a future together ♡
(prompt list for femslashfeb)
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pinkhibiscustea · 7 months
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a plethora of sketches
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i'm blown away by your ability to deconstruct unfortunately bigoted portions of lore into compelling concepts. i'm struggling to figure out how elementals, primordials, and fey should relate to each other in my cosmology; they end up feeling like they should all be the same thing, nature spirits that are either person, animal, or misc. creature-shaped. any advice on how to differentiate them?
Thanks for writing in friend! Always happy to share my idle d&d musings.
I had a similar thought about fey vs elementals, and what I ended up doing was focusing in on fey as folkloric creatures (which explains why so often they function on story/dream logic) with elementals being spirits of the land itself.
Say you had a fey that was known to ambush travellers along isolated mountain paths and demand beer from them (which is something I just made up and sounds appropriately fey ish)... the party could encounter that fey in their first adventure and then again many levels later after travelling half way around the world. There would be no explanation needed for how the fey got from one mountain range to the other, the prerequisite for the story was fulfilled, and so the fey is there.
On the other hand, both groups of mountains would have their own elementals, unique in character to those landmarks, their composition, and history.
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nemaliwrites · 9 months
slams hands on table. maya and diego
Diego’s been in jail for eight weeks, and Maya’s come to visit him eight times.
He’s torn between wanting to slam his hands on the table and shake his head fondly. 
“Look, kid,” he tells her, yet again. “Don’t waste your life on a guy like me, okay?”
“I owe you my life, Mr. Armando,” says Maya. “Visiting you is the opposite of wasting it.”
Every time, he does whatever he can to drive her away, to make her hate him. She should hate him.
But the next week, there she is again. Seems like stubbornness runs in the family.
send me two characters and a word!
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
Miles and Maya ganging up on Phoenix?
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they're arguing about something so completely outside of phoenix's understanding
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
oberon gifts morgan a gift of just bugs. Now he’s being chased by the faerie knights and now gudako must at least stop them from murdering oberon for his antics
Uh oh sisters!
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