aubeschild · 2 months
Feverfew Poster
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Feverfew is my love at first sight. The reason why I play The Sims 2. I like to pretend that my Sims in The Sims 3 have visit Feverfew by bringing souvenir posters from Feverfew.
Feverfew is a very charming British style village created by Criquette-was-here: Post
Feverfew posters and British Railways posters from Pinterest. All posters are in Simlish.
And of course, All textures/graphics credits belong to the original creator of Feverfew @criquette-was-here.
T.O.U. - Don't upload to paysite/adf.ly
Download: Simfileshare
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sterina-sims · 6 months
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Anika's older brother and gen 2 spare, Aryan Prasad, and his family throughout the years.
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Alysonsimplygrows [ A l y s o n M o r g a n ]
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hyssopandbee · 1 year
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optimisticapocalypse · 3 months
I love being a nerd.
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Bottom row is a tribute to my beloved spikey head noodle boys and their counterparts.
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briarbelly · 6 months
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Kind of obsessed with my clangen medicine cat who never once received word from starclan despite nearly every other clan member receiving visions/dreams and had no friends or loved ones. Tough break, girl
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I need everyone to appreciate my mom's garden
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onepintobean · 7 months
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COC day two | confession
Baz has something he needs to get off his chest...
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faguscarolinensis · 23 days
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Parthenium integrifolium / Wild Quinine at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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knightlymoon · 1 month
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Once, Feverfew was simply a Soldier, chosen to become a Hive Knight for her Queen. After years of training and service, a foe began to break down the Hive and kill its inhabitants. Fearing for the safety of those left, The Queen entrusted Feverfew with the task of moving the last remaining of her hive to anywhere safe. Feverfew initially rejected the idea, but was pushed into it, being fed Royal Jelly in order to change her form into something more Royal- for the Bees to follow her. She traveled with the last of Her Hive's Soldiers and civilians, eventually finding Hallownest, a ruined Kingdom. It was there she encountered Hallownests' Hive, watching it be attacked by Deepnest Residents, before launching a surprise attack, saving the bees that were left. It has taken time, and a lot of work, but The Hive of Hallownest is now hers; A Sanctuary for The Hivekin. She ensures her people are kept safe and well-fed, helping deter enemies that try to encroach on their territory with an iron claw.
Additonal height comparisons for her and her Hive Knights
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aubeschild · 2 months
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Feverfew Tea
I decided to convert Feverfew themed tea from The Sims 2 to The Sims 3 and the result is good. So, here is Feverfew Tea for The Sims 3.
Feverfew Tea: Let’s have a proper brew!
Object Info
- Price: §54
- Categories: Decor, Misc
- Non recolourable, 1 preset
T.O.U. - Don't upload to paysite/adf.ly
Originally for The Sims 2 by @simsllama
And of course, all mesh/texture credits belong to SimsLlama, who kindly allowed me to convert his Feverfew Tea.
Download: Simfileshare
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sterina-sims · 6 months
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Anika Prasad and her family throughout the years.
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koobi-fr · 1 year
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Dragon A Day 2023 11. Gardener + 13. Librarian
Daylily, who’s the closest I have to both prompts? She’s an apothecary and archivist (among other jobs lol). Here she’s studying plants!
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hyssopandbee · 1 year
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some of my favourite flowers in my garden so far this year
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