#isbi family photo
sterina-sims · 6 months
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Anika's older brother and gen 2 spare, Aryan Prasad, and his family throughout the years.
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marmiteprinter · 7 months
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So here they are! Nooboo number one - little Paige O'Donnell! Welcome to the world! She looks like she takes after her mum a bit more in terms of facial features so that's nice.
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And nooboo number two is Noah O'Donnell! He's another Evan clone from the looks of it.
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The round came to an end that night so have a family photo where no one, least of all the exhausted parents, bothered to look at the camera and they left a dirty milk bottle in the shot. Ah, twins are fun!*
At the end of Round 9, Evan is 25, Kenya is 25, Riley is 4 and about to start school, and the twins are newborns.
Let's check in on Evan's brother Charlie!
*I have actually become really tired over the years of the base game's 10% twins odds. Between this family, the Rossellinis, and my ISBI family, the twins chance always seems to hit exactly when my Sims have ZERO money! The RL likelihood of twins is about 1.5% (and it's only that high because of the increase in IVF in the last few years) so it's just unrealistic.
Following this round, I downloaded the Triplets and Quads mod just so that I could adjust the twins odds downwards - from Round 10 onwards, I now have a 0% chance of trips or quads (because I don't need that stress!) and a 3% chance of twins. It's still much higher than real life, but hopefully will make it much more rare for my poor Sims!
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ISBI - Makayla 1.5
Koji helps with the baby....at the most inconvenient times
At least Nicholas is happy
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The couple spent new years watching the fireworks
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Koji and Tammy became friends
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A new season means makeovers
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Things got spicy in the hot tub
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However, this had consequences
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Makayla really didn't want another baby right now
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They were both not ready for another baby but decided to make the best of it
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One day, however, Makayla felt a strange pain and headed to the hospital
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Makayla sadly had a miscarriage
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I think it was twins since there were two gravestones
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Makayla told Koji about what happened and sorrow filled the home
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I'm sorry Tammy but we're too busy lamenting to celebrate
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Nicholas aged up
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Tammy kept Makayla company while she grieved
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Makayla, once being able to leave her bed, spent a lot of time with Nicholas
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"I'm sorry I was away but I'm here now"
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Both parents found solace with their son
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"Tammy, we talked about this..."
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While Koji did try to comfort Makayla, she found spending more time with Nicholas helped
The wound would heal in time
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Updated family photo
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I decided not to count the twins since it was a mod and all...
Self-Wetting: -10
Pass Out: -10
Failing School:
Negative Traits Earned by NTH:
Accidental Deaths:
Social Worker Visits:
Single Birth: +5
Any sim in household that reaches aspiration milestones:
Any sim in household that completes aspiration:
Toddler skills at Lv 3:
Skills maxed by NTH family members:
NTH children earning a A in school:
Positive traits earned by NTH:
Happy Infant trait earned: 
Happy Toddler trait earned:
Top-notch infant trait earned:
Top-notch toddler trait earned:
NTH sims reaching the top of their career:
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation:
Not using spare's satisfaction points for an entire generation:
Every 100,000 simoleons earned:
Immortalizing the TH: +5
Total: -10 (no change)
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jaydesims · 5 years
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Sup so remember when I said one of my simmer goals for the new year was to play a desert hood? CONSIDER IT DONE (early)! 
Created my new nifty lil hood Fox Canyon! Basically I realized BACCs were too hard for me so I'm starting a hood with basic rules for buildings and stuff. Just playing as I go! l dropped the Harvest Woods crew in here cause I love them so much. ♥ And even though I’m playing through all the families as a rotation I decided to try some new things with some families! Like one will be played as an ISBI, one a DITFT challenge, etc! 
So yeah I have like 4 rounds of photos already so be prepared for lots of pics (starting tomorrow!)
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sterina-sims · 6 months
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Anika Prasad and her family throughout the years.
146 notes · View notes
ISBI: Makayla 1.4
The days leading up to their wedding were hot and heavy
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Since they didn't have a pet of any kind, Koji thought it was appropriate to build a defensive snowpal to protect the house
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Look at Koji doing wellness all on his own
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It's the big day!
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They got married on the balcony of the library and it was lovely
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Makayla dislikes cooking and must suffer until her retirement
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Koji did the laundry all on his own
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Jeb is actually rather handsome under that bag
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He happened to be delivering their groceries
Makaya gave him a tip
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With their home being too small for their soon growing family, Makayla wanted to move.
They moved to Del Sol Valley and bought this modern home
(I got this from the gallery)
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With their bigger home, the couple thought it was time to expand their family
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Koji was happy with the news
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In other news, it's Makayla's birthday
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Koji followed soon after
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Grave Photos achieved
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It was Winterfest and Makayla made fish
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"Happy Winterfest"
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"Good thing we moved"
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Makayla got a promotion!
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Makayla why
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Makayla went into labour after getting out of the bath
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It's a boy!
His name is Nicholas
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Koji may have only panicked a little
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In other news, they got a cat
(whose name I forgot to write down....my bad)
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Makayla immediately bonded with her new bean
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Self-Wetting: -10
Pass Out: -10
Failing School:
Negative Traits Earned by NTH:
Accidental Deaths:
Social Worker Visits:
Single Birth: +5
Any sim in household that reaches aspiration milestones:
Any sim in household that completes aspiration:
Toddler skills at Lv 3:
Skills maxed by NTH family members:
NTH children earning a A in school:
Positive traits earned by NTH:
Happy Infant trait earned:
Happy Toddler trait earned:
Top-notch infant trait earned:
Top-notch toddler trait earned:
NTH sims reaching the top of their career:
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation:
Not using spare's satisfaction points for an entire generation:
Every 100,000 simoleons earned:
Immortalizing the TH: +5
Total: -10 (I cry)
0 notes
ISBI - Makayla 1.3
Makayla has finally graduated
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The class, who appeared to be only women, were thrilled
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Especially Makayla
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She hung her graduation portrait in their bedroom
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Makayla decided to use her degree to enter the journalism career
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Her degree got a space next to her portrait
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The couple went on a date to celebrate Makayla's graduation
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Makayla recited her newest romantic poetry, which Koji appreciated
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They ended the night with a makeout before heading home
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The celebration continued at home
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Makayla became good friends with Rahmi Watson and came over to visit
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Koji apparently didn't think that he needed to fix the sink before mopping the floor
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Thankfully, Makayla and Rahmi were on it
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It's Spooky Day so Makayla carved up a pumpkin for the trick or treaters
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Koji hasn't learned what a bed is and was kept company by a dust bunny
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There was a festival in Mt. Komorebi so the couple decided to take a day trip
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Koji went skiing but it didn't go so well
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Meanwhile, Makayla was shredding the slopes
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Well....she was
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One of Makayla's books was nominated for an award
(and introducing Makayla’s new makeover)
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She didn't win this time
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Makayla thought it was time to make an honest man out of Koji
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He said yes!
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So much so that he jumped into her arms
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Bonus Shots:
I downloaded a ballroom dance mod (I was thinking weddings) and romantic sims will dance pretty much all the time.
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Engagement Photo
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Pass Out: -10
Failing School:
Negative Traits Earned by NTH:
Accidental Deaths:
Social Worker Visits:
Single Birth:
Any sim in household that reaches aspiration milestones:
Any sim in household that completes aspiration:
Toddler skills maxed by NTH:
Skills maxed by NTH family members:
NTH children earning a A in school:
Positive traits earned by NTH:
Happy Toddler trait earned:
Top-notch toddler trait earned:
NTH sims reaching the top of their career:
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation:
Not using spare's satisfaction points for an entire generation:
Every 100,000 simoleons earned:
Immortalizing the TH:
0 notes
sterina-sims · 3 years
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Callum Webb and his family throughout the years.
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sterina-sims · 7 years
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The Withers family
ft. Skip, Sophia, Sabrina and Sierra (L-R). 
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sterina-sims · 4 years
B, L, P!
B: Preferred Neighbourhood.
Kinecardine, it was a fully decorated neighborhood I created for my ISBI challenge. Unfortunately, it never made it to my blog because my laptop broke down. I did manage to recover files/photos so I’ll post it but I don’t see myself returning to play it because I am very much invested in my goodie legacy.
L: Have Your Sims ever Cheated?
Yes! 😅
On the other hand, I can recall a sim who never cheated! A long time ago, I created a family (husband, wife, and wife’s sister). The husband and sister had a great relationship; the sister had a crush on the husband and she was his type! So, I decided they would start an affair... But to my shock, he refused all her advances, and he wouldn’t even flirt with her when forced to. 
P: Pose or Play Your Sims?
Play my sims, of course! However, I do enjoy creating family portraits. 
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