emmaameliamiaava · 1 month
4 Festive Mocktail Recipes at home for holiday season - HCCB
Try out these 4 Festive Mocktail Recipes at home this holiday season. Learn how to make mocktail drinks with Fanta, coke, and Limca. Read more on our website.
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sew-much-to-do · 9 months
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DIY Paloma Mocktail
A delicious and refreshing paloma mocktail recipe that is perfect for any special occasion!
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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getoutofthisplace · 2 years
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Your mother turned 34 years old today and we celebrated with dinner at YP's. Yiayia made the Coffee Cake recipe she got from her Mimi (Ruth Elizabeth Thomas), which is Mom's favorite cake. I was tired and feeling like the weakest link in our fight against illnesses tonight, so I didn't manage to get a photo of your Mom on her birthday, unfortunately.
This photo's from my office Christmas party, which was a potluck lunch, followed by a cocktail contest, then a gift exchange. I was on Team Mocktail with Kristen and Katherine and they knocked it out of the park -- I just brought the glasses and read the description to our judges; they muddled things. We made this non-alcoholic drink and beat out the other four teams, mostly on our presentation, but the drink really was delicious.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 12.16.2022 - 2.19pm.
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dcfunemployment · 6 months
Festival Happened: Mindful Drinking Fest 2024
Festival Happened: The Mindful Drinking Festival @MindfulDrinkingFest
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harshaenterprisess · 2 years
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joeys-babe · 2 months
Joey B Imagines: Two Of Us*
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Summary: More Father’s Day festivities!
(Part Two to - Part 1)
Warnings: Fluff, LITTLE angst, smut (f & m receiving oral)
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
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June 16, 2024 - Continuation of part one!
After dinner was done, I was setting the table while Joe tiptoed into the living room to wake the twins up from their post-swimming naps.
A blissful grin formed on my lips as Joe bent over and lightly ran a big hand over Tyson’s back.
“Hey, bubba. Dinner’s ready.” - Joe
Tyson started squirming around, letting out soft toddler grunts before leaning up and looking up at his dad. He rubbed his little eyes before lifting his arms and making grabby hands towards Joe. Joe easily tucked his hands under Tyson’s arms and lifted him into his chest, Tyson immediately melting into Joe when he laid his little head down onto his shoulder.
Joe used one arm to support Tyson before bending down and gently ruffling Miles’s hair. He got up quicker than Tyson, immediately peeking up when he smelt food. The way he stood up with a big sniff made Joe and I laugh, and soon, we were all sitting down at the table.
I left the music on but turned the volume down, so it was a lot softer. Joe had just settled next to me when Two Of Us by The Beatles came on. Hearing the love song start playing, Joe reached over to my lap and laced his fingers with mine.
During dinner, Tyson recalled the crazy dream he had where he and Joe fought a dragon to save the kingdom they lived in.
“Were you the king?” - you
“No. That’s Daddy!” - Tyson
“If I'm the king then you were a prince.” - Joe
Tyson nodded his head, thinking about what more he could say to add to the dream. Of course, it was obvious that after a certain point, he was just making it up as he went.
“And Daddy could fly!!” - Tyson
Joe gently nudged me with his elbow under the table, and I couldn't help but laugh. Something about Tyson making up more to the story made it sweeter.
After dinner, I made Joe sit on the couch so that I could give him his gifts. I sent Miles and Tyson off as well to grab what they had made for him. By the time they came back, I was sitting next to Joe, sneaking a few kisses with him before the boys could see.
“You guys go first.” - you grinned
Tyson and Miles handed Joe the cards they made, and I watched his heart melt before my eyes.
“Aww. Thanks, guys.” - Joe
Joe pulled them both into a big bear hug, pressing a kiss to both of their heads before they ran off to play. Though the boys lost interest fast, when my gaze left their little bodies running up the stairs and back over to Joe, I noticed that his eyes were misty as he looked over the cards.
“You okay?” - you
I reached out and rubbed his back. Joe only pretended like he didn't know what I was talking about and shrugged before sniffling.
“Me? Yeah, I'm perfect.” - Joe
“Aww, baby.” - you
Chuckling, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him into me. I gave his forehead a few kisses before pulling away and grabbing his three gifts.
“Woah, you spoiled me.” - Joe
“I wouldn't say that yet. You could not like everything.” - you
Joe rolled his eyes and shook his head, and I put his first gift in his lap. A smile formed on my lips as he slowly pulled it out of the bag. It was just a plain cardboard box on the outside, so he looked at me rather confused.
“What is this? Is there a bomb in this?!” - Joe
I laughed at his super-animated scared face, which immediately ended when he joined in with my laughter.
“No bomb. It’s a custom LEGO set. It’s our back porch, including all of us in character form. I even got a baby character even though she isn't here yet.” - you
“That’s sick. Can we build it tonight? After the boys go to bed? I was thinking we could do a little date night in bed. Last night, I looked up how to make some cool mocktails. We can try a couple if you want.” - Joe
“Sounds fun. I made pumpkin pie, too. We can eat that in bed and put a movie on while we sip on some mocktails.” - you
Joe nodded, happy that we'd get to have a little makeshift date. It was then that I handed him his next gift, and Joe gasped when he opened the velvet box to see a dainty yet masculine gold chain necklace in it. It had five alternating stones, and Joe looked up at me for an explanation.
“It’s your birthstone, mine, the twins, and baby girl’s. So hopefully she doesn't decide to come early or late.” - you
“It’s awesome. I love it. It was probably very expensive, though. You didn't have to do this for me.” - Joe
“Of course I did. You deserve everything and more for all you do for me and those boys.” - you
Joe just looked at me, not exactly knowing what to say in return, so he put the chain back in the velvet box. I grabbed his last gift and handed it to him moments later.
It was a velvet bag, and when Joe opened it, he pulled out a silicone wristband. It was plain orange, so again, he looked at me for an explanation.
“Look on the inside.” - you
He did as I had said, smiling when he saw what was there. In a black block letter font, it had my initials, the twins, and the baby’s. I knew he wore his wristbands 24/7, so he would have a piece of us with him all of the time, especially on the field.
“This is so cool. It’s like I’ll always have you guys with me.” - Joe
“Mhm. Exactly.” - you
“Thanks, baby. I love everything.” - Joe
Joe leaned forward and pulled me into a hug. I leaned into him for a few seconds before pulling back and giving him a quick kiss.
“I was right when I said you spoiled me.” - Joe laughed
“We aren't done with the spoiling just yet! You have one last surprise. It’s in your office.” - you
I laughed when Joe bit his lower lip and wiggled his eyebrows at me, knowing his office was where we would sneak off during the day because the twins would think Joe was working if they noticed we were gone.
“Not that!” - you
After lightly slapping his bicep to tell him to cut it out, we both got up from the couch and made our way to Joe’s office. Joe, of course, had to give me some assistance to get up, but I couldn’t complain about my handsome husband using his football muscles to help me.
“Is something gonna jump out at me?” - Joe
I rolled my eyes at his silliness before pushing open the door. Joe plopped down on the leather couch facing the projector screen, waiting patiently for his last surprise. When I rolled out a little cart, Joe was completely confused with what he saw.
“What is that? Is… is that lube??” - Joe
Again laughing at him, Joe looked at me with pure seriousness.
“It’s a gel, Joe. It’s an at-home ultrasound machine.” - you
Joe’s jaw dropped open at the surprise. Though he always tried to make it to every single one of my appointments, there were times that he couldn't make it due to football or brand partnership-related things. Knowing that I had to go into an ultrasound alone made him feel devastated every time, even going as far as to question if football was even worth it.
This was the last thing he expected, and it was so thoughtful that he couldn't help his eyes getting watery. It took me a minute to notice, but when I did, I walked toward the couch and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
“Aww, baby.” - you
Joe buried his head into my neck, muffling his sniffles.
“Thank you.” - Joe
“You’re so welcome. Do you want to try it out? You can be my ultrasound tech.” - you giggled
After looking through the instructions and getting it working, along with figuring out how to work it, I laid back on the couch, and Joe was lifting my shirt.
“You good?” - Joe
“Perfect.” - you nod
I watched as he applied the gel to my stomach before placing the transducer on it. He started moving it around, recalling everything he'd watched during my ultrasounds. I couldn't help but giggle at the focused look on his face as he searched for the heartbeat, and a few moments later, we heard the familiar whooshing sound.
“I did it!” - Joe
Joe did a little happy dance in his office chair, drawing a laugh from my lips before my eyes were glued to the monitor.
“If this whole NFL thing ends badly, I could always do this.” - Joe
I rolled my eyes at him before he leaned down for a kiss. We wrapped up a few minutes later, and Joe cleaned my stomach up for me.
We shared an embrace for a few moments, just giving each other light touches as we held on to one another.
“I love youuuu.” - Joe
“I love you too.” - you grinned
Thirty minutes later, we all subsided into the living room to watch a movie before the twins had to go to bed. I was sprawled out on the couch on my back, Joe lying on his side with his back against the back of the couch as he tucked himself into me. Joe had his head on my chest, his arm thrown around me just above my bump.
Now and then, I’d lean over and press a kiss on his forehead. Joe, in turn, would cuddle deeper into me. I had one arm around his shoulders to go between playing with his messy curls and rubbing his back while my other hand gently rubbed the arm of his that was draped over my middle.
I loved cuddling with Joe. I never took it for granted, feeling thankful that I had a man who loved laying with me just as much I loved laying with him.
Joe slowly started falling asleep, and I grinned when I felt his eyelashes flutter closed against my neck.
The twins were both on one of the loveseats, intently watching one of their favorite movies, Ratatouille. A blissful smile spread on my lips as I watched the reflection of the TV in their baby blue eyes.
When the movie ended, though it was nine o'clock, the twins still seemed to have all of the energy in the world. They ran around the dark living room playing what they called ‘jungle’ where they were both tigers - “Like the mascot for Daddy’s team” - running through a deep jungle.
I was surprised that Joe hadn't woken up yet because they weren't necessarily being quiet. It had been a long day, and I was feeling tired, so I let my eyes close for a few minutes.
I reopened my eyes when the room fell silent, a clear sign that the boys were up to something. My eyes snapped open to see Miles and Tyson standing at the foot of the couch. Miles was holding my phone, pointing it toward Joe and me.
Miles would do this regularly. Taking my phone and videoing or taking pictures of Joe and me. I smiled when I saw the little grin on his lips, and Tyson was standing right behind him with a matching expression.
He angled the phone back down, seemingly done taking the video but not quite figuring out how to stop it.
“Mommy, help.” - Miles
Miles toddled over to me, handing my phone back to me, and I gasped when I saw my screen.
He hasn't been videoing. He was live on my Instagram. Miles was attached to my hip 24/7, so he knows how to take a video on Instagram stories. If you go to the camera and swipe to the end, you're on the live option. He must've pressed the button thinking it was starting a video, but instead, it started a live video that thousands of people were watching.
“Holy shit.” - you mumbled
I quickly ended it after that, but it was too late. Gracie Mcpherson sent me a text quickly after I ended it.
One of the boys livestreaming you and Joe’s cuddle sesh?? 😂
I guess so!! Did you happen to screen-record it? I need to see the damage. 😭
Attachment: 1 Movie
Thankfully, you can't see the messiness of our kitchen in the background. What you can see, though, is Joe fast asleep on my chest while I rubbed his back.
He's gonna get so much shit for this, you thought. Because of that, I started getting nervous, so I shook Joe awake.
“Mph..” - Joe
“Joe. Wake up.” - you
I continued shaking his shoulder till he leaned up, rubbing a hand over his face before locking eyes with me.
“What’s up?” - Joe
Handing him my phone with Gracie’s screen recording up, Joe’s eyes went wide when he realized what he was watching.
“Oh my god. Is it Miles recording?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you nodded
I was honestly worried to see what his reaction would be, nervous that he'd be mad about it. I’d understand if he was, though. Joe was a private person, and his wife cuddling him was just live-streamed for everyone to see, and that's including his teammates, who will surely give him shit for it.
After the video ended, Joe handed me my phone back with a sigh.
“Are you mad?” - you
I searched his eyes for any sign of emotion, along with reading his body language. He seemed more tame than I expected.
“No. I'm not mad. Would I have wanted that to be out there? No. But it is, so that's that. Nothing I can do to go back in time and wipe it.” - Joe
“I shouldn't have closed my eyes for a couple of minutes. Miles wouldn't have taken my phone then.” - you
“Hey, hey. No. We’re not gonna do that, okay? This isn't your fault.” - Joe
I looked up at Joe with misty eyes, my raging pregnancy hormones making me feel even worse than I should.
“I just feel bad because you're so private, and such an intimate moment was just shown to everyone. You're probably gonna get made fun of by the guys, too. The media- they'll say stuff too. I'm sorry, Joe.” - you
Joe pulled me into his arms, my head going onto his shoulder as he ran his fingers through my hair and shushed me.
“It’s fine, baby. Seriously. If I get made fun of for cuddling with my wife, then so be it. In my eyes, that's a pretty amazing thing to be made fun of for.” - Joe
My crying slowed down, and I pulled away from his neck with a sniffle.
“How are you acting so okay about this?” - you
Joe chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me back into him before he pressed a couple of kisses to my forehead.
“It’s not that big of a deal to me. A year ago? I probably would've freaked. But I'm in a mental state right now where I don't care about what people say about us or me. My relationship and marriage with you are my number one priorities. So why would I care if people see that?” - Joe
I didn't know what to say. I thought Joe would have the complete opposite reaction, so I was distraught.
“I’m gonna put the twins to bed, okay? We can have our little date in bed after. Just relax, Mama. No big deal.” - Joe
“Are you sure?” - you
“I’m so sure.” - Joe
Before he climbed over me to get off the couch, Joe’s lips met mine in a soft kiss. Joe tried to put as much comfort into it as possible.
I watched him scoop Tyson up in one arm while holding Miles’s hand with the other as he walked up the stairs. After watching his tall frame disappear, I got up off of the couch.
I walked (waddled) into the kitchen and grabbed two slices of pie and the can of whipped cream for Joe and me before going upstairs and into our bedroom.
As I was walking there, I passed the bathroom across from the twins' room, where the door was wide open, and the scene inside made me grin.
Miles and Tyson were sitting on the counter, both holding their toothbrushes in their mouths as Joe stood in front of them, demonstrating with an imaginary toothbrush and walking them through brushing their teeth. I watched only for a few moments before I continued walking to the end of the hall.
Around twenty minutes later, Joe came striding into the bedroom with a smile on his face. His smile was infectious, so I couldn't help but match his expression.
“What’re you smiling at?” - you
“My gorgeous wife and that piece of pumpkin pie.” - Joe
I giggled as he rubbed his hands together and launched into bed next to me. Joe got comfortable under the covers before I put the plate of pie on his lap. He got a piece on his fork and was bringing it to his lips when he abruptly stopped.
“Fuck.” - Joe mumbled
“What’s wrong?” - you
He put the plate back on my lap and got out of bed, doing a silly run out of the door. He was gone for a few minutes before he came back with two drinks in his hands.
“Okay. If it’s bad, it’s definitely my fault. Everyone in the comments under recipe loved it.” - Joe
“Good to know.” - you
Joe crawled back into bed, finally taking a bite and making appreciative groans when he did. The first couple of sounds were normal before he started making louder, more exaggerated noises in hopes of making me laugh.
“Is it good?” - you laughed
He put a finger up before dramatically chewing up his bite and slapping his lips together before answering.
“Yes.” - Joe
“Alright.” - you chuckled
I grabbed the can of whipped cream off of my nightstand to put it on my slice of pie. Before I put it back down, Joe tapped my shoulder. I turned back towards him to see his head tipped back and mouth widened, asking for me to spray some in his mouth.
Giggling to myself as I shook the can up again, I pointed the top of the can into Joe’s mouth and sprayed a bunch in there. I watched his eyes go wide when I hadn't stopped a few seconds later, the whipped cream tower now touring out of the confines of his mouth.
When I pulled the can away from his mouth, Joe tilted his head up and let the mountain fall into his hands, some landing on his adorable face.
“What the hell, baby?” - Joe chuckled
He got up and went into the bathroom, probably to wash his hands, and while he was away, I took a sip of the Shirley Temple drink he had made for me.
“Mmmmm.” - you
Joe walked back into the bedroom, whipping his shirt off before pulling his sweatpants down his legs as well.
“Taste good?” - Joe laughed
I hadn't noticed his presence yet, so my eyes went wide when I looked over to see Joe only in his boxers. My gaze moved from his perfect face down to his torso before they moved lower. I shamelessly let my eyes linger on his crotch for a few heartbeats before I looked back up to his eyes. A knowing smirk found its way onto Joe’s face. He knew exactly what I was looking at.
Joe pretended to yawn, running a hand through his hair and purposely flexing his bicep. My eyes widened once again, and Joe had to chuckle when he got the reaction that he wanted.
“You’re so cute.” - Joe
He crawled into bed a second later, and we shared small talk as we ate our pie and drank our drinks.
“Did you have a good Father’s Day?” - you
“Are you kidding?! I had the best Father’s Day. Thanks for everything, baby.” - Joe
Joe leaned in and pressed his soft lips to mine. It was an innocent, sweet kiss at first, but when he pulled away, I smashed my lips back into his. He was taken aback at first at how quickly things heated up, but he went along with it because I had initiated it.
We were just starting to let our hands wander when Joe’s phone started ringing. He disengaged his lips from mine with an audible pop before rolling over and getting his phone off of his nightstand.
“It’s Ja’Marr.” - Joe
“You should answer then. If he’s calling this late, it's probably important, right?” - you
Joe nodded and answered the call, immediately rolling back over to me after saying a greeting. He attached his lips to my neck with his phone on his ear, one of my hands making its way into his messy curls. Joe, knowing my body like the back of his hand, found my sweet spot and made sure to suck on it. I gripped his hair, and he groaned into my neck.
It was after that that he detached his lips to mumble, “Yes. I'm in bed with y/n.” As soon as he finished his sentence, he went back to kissing my neck.
A few moments later, Joe pulled his head away after Ja’Marr said something I couldn't quite hear. Joe pulled the phone away from his ear and put him on speaker.
“Alright, you're on speaker.” - Joe
“Okay, thanks. Ya know I've gotta address it, Mrs. B. Does Joey B always cuddle on your chest like that?” - Ja’Marr
I giggled at the question, and Joe rolled his eyes, laying his head on my shoulder as he held the phone to my mouth.
“What if I told you he's doing it right now?” - you
Joe rolled his eyes yet again, and I heard Ja’Marr laugh.
“So he does it a lot?” - Ja’Marr
“Yup. I love it, though.” - you
“Ohhh. That's good. I was thinkin’ that girls weren't into that. Like they liked layin’ on our chests. Not the other way around.” - Ja’Marr
I grinned as Joe rubbed his cheek into my shoulder, my hand combing through his curls as I thought of what to say back to Ja’Marr.
“You have a lot to learn when it comes to women Ja’Marr. Joe and I can teach you, though.” - you
“Nah. I’m not trying to get married and be boring just yet.” - Ja’Marr
“Marriage isn't boring.” - Joe
Ja’Marr only laughed, and there were a few seconds of silence following it. During those seconds, my gaze fell on Joe’s perfect lips, so I leaned down to kiss him.
“Y’all have kids and shit. You can't have fun anymor- are you guys fuckin’ kissing??” - Ja’Marr
I pulled away from Joe with a giggle, immediately noticing his flushed cheeks.
“Yeah, and? Joe’s my husband. I'm allowed to kiss him. And Ja’Marr… you realize I'm pregnant now right?” - you
“Yes…?” - Ja’Marr
“And you know the twins are two. So that means they were here when I got pregnant.” - you
“Yup. I don't know where you're going with this, Mrs. B.” - Ja’Marr
“You know where babies come from right?” - you
I heard Joe laugh into my neck when he realized where I was headed with the joke.
“Yes ma'am.” - Ja’Marr sighed
“So if I got pregnant while already having two kids… that means that Joe and I are still having fun even if we have kids.” - you
I dramatically gasped to add to the effect, and Ja’Marr went silent on the other line. He usually teases the hell out of us when he notices a hickey on either of us or sees us kissing, so it’s funny to see him go silent over the same subject.
“I don't need to know about y'all havin’ sex. That's nasty.” - Ja’Marr
“Are you sure? You don't want to know about how much Joe loves it when-” - you
“No no no no!! Bye, guys. Goodnight.” - Ja’Marr
Joe and I erupted into laughter as Ja’Marr quickly hung up. Joe rolled over and put his phone back on the nightstand before he pulled me back into his chest and pressed his lips to mine.
“Let’s continue, shall we?” - Joe
I never fully answered and just pulled his face back to mine. We made out for a while before Joe groaned and pulled away to catch his breath. He was getting too worked up to keep going.
After watching Joe’s heaving chest for a moment, I rolled over, reaching over on my nightstand for the bottle of whipped cream.
“I kinda want more dessert.” - you
Joe looked up at me when I said that and noticed that I was shaking up the bottle of whipped cream.
“Do you want me to grab you another slice of pie?” - Joe
“No. Thank you, though. I'm feeling something different.” - you
“Well then. What're you thinking of?” - Joe
I looked Joe up and down, making sure the trail of my gaze to his feet was an anticipatory slow movement before I flicked my eyes back to his. Sending a loaded look Joe’s way, his mouth fell open when I said my next words.
“Take your boxers off.” - you
“W- what?” - Joe stammered
“I said I wanted dessert. Didn't I?” - you
My words went right to Joe’s crotch, and the amount of blood rushing to his dick was making it hard for him to think straight. After finally blinking after twenty seconds, Joe whipped his boxers off and tossed the covers off of him.
His cock was about semi-erect, all because of me just referring to his dick as dessert. I scooted over and got comfortable between his legs before reaching out and wrapping a hand around his erection. After a few strokes, Joe was fully hard and ready for action. I took the bottle of whipped cream and spread some on his balls.
Meanwhile, Joe was mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. The woman he was obsessed with and so down bad for was about to lick whipped cream off his balls.
What he kept repeating in his head?
Don't fucking cum as soon as her tongue touches you. Don't fucking cum as soon as her tongue touches you. Don't fucking cum as soon as her tongue touches you.
I leaned down and licked a long stripe of the cream off of him, Joe throwing his head back and immediately letting out a loud moan at the feeling.
“Holy fuck! That feels amazing.” - Joe moaned
I kept my hand on his cock, pumping away as I continued to lick the sugary product off of him. The whimpers and moans leaving Joe’s lips were loud and continuous, a byproduct of the pure pleasure he felt.
“Fuck… fuck… fuck.” - Joe panted
Joe couldn't help from moaning out. The feeling was overwhelming and insane. After getting all of the topping off of him, I continued to alternate sucking one of his balls into my mouth while I quickly jerked him off.
“Oh- oh fuck.” - Joe whimpered
I grabbed the can and once again smeared the topping on him, even trailing a line up the underside of his cock from base to tip. Though my hand wasn't fully wrapped around him, I kept my thumb on his tip and teased the slit in a way that had Joe whimpering.
“Please…” - Joe moaned
Teasing him for a few more seconds, after I was content with the way he was squirming, I leaned down and started licking everything off of his cock.
“Fuck! Oh my- fuck!” - Joe whimpered
I started with one of his balls before licking it clean and moving to the other one, repeating the process before licking a long stripe up the underside of Joe’s erection.
Joe was gripping the sheets, and his hips started bucking off of the bed, a telltale sign he was close to orgasm. The look on his face was something I'd never seen before, and I could tell he was trying his hardest to hold on as long as possible.
Noticing that he was close, I closed my mouth around his tip and slowly moved down his length inch by inch.
“Fuck, baby.” - Joe grunted
It only took a minute or so for him to throw his head back with a moan, immediately warning me that he was falling over the edge.
“Shit- I'm cumming.” - Joe moaned
Seconds later, he shot his load down my throat, and I watched him through my eyelashes as he moaned and whimpered through his climax. There was nothing hotter than that very sight, where every muscle of his was flexing and glistening with sweat, veins were popping out of his neck, chest, and arms, his chest was heaving, and his adorable face was scrunched up.
I loved knowing that this Joe was purely mine and that I was the only person that's ever seen him and had him like this. All mine.
After a few moments of cockwarming him with my mouth, I pulled off and rolled back into my spot on the bed. Any other time, I’d get a wet rag and clean him up. Right now, though, I'm almost nine months pregnant and am frankly too tired to spend five minutes trying to get up.
It took Joe a few minutes to get his breathing back to normal, but when he did, he got out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean himself up. He returned moments later and put his boxers back on before sliding back under the covers. When he did, he faced me with a dirty grin on his face, his top teeth biting his lower lip.
“Yes?” - you giggled
“Can I have extra dessert too?” - Joe
My pulse picked up when I realized what he was insinuating, and Joe crawled over me to where he was between my legs after pulling the comforter back.
“What do you have in mind?” - you grinned
“I think you already know, Mama.” - Joe
Joe sent a dirty wink my way as he wrapped his arms around my thighs and pulled me closer to him, pulling my panties down with his teeth once I was in the position he liked.
After tossing my panties on the floor behind him, Joe helped me lean up, and he took his shirt off of my body. He tossed that as well, and the stupidly sexy smug grin formed on his lips when he propped my legs up and spread them wide. His icy stare was shooting bullets right at the heaven he believed was between my legs.
“Joey.” - you breathed out
Joe grinned at the breathlessness in my tone and grinned up at me, his eyes finally meeting my own.
“Yes ma'am?” - Joe grinned
“You’re gonna have to do this fast.” - you
“Yes ma'am.” - Joe repeated
Another wink was sent my way as Joe started to lower his head, but I abruptly stopped him, and he leaned back up. I grabbed the whipped cream off of my nightstand and offered it to him, thinking he'd want to reciprocate what I did to him.
“No thanks. You already taste perfect.” - Joe
Butterflies filled my stomach - and other places - at the words leaving his lips and the gruff, hoarse voice he spoke in. Probably due to how loud he was moaning just a few minutes ago.
“Can I start now?” - Joe
I nodded, and Joe lowered his head after licking his lips. He was acting like a kid in a candy store.
“Happy Father’s Day to me.” - Joe grinned
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Authors note: IDK what to say. There wasn't supposed to be smut but Joe’s been too hot lately. 😜
This came from my own head!
Hope you enjoyed!! 🫶🫶
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lovelytsunoda · 8 months
don't go breaking my heart // lance stroll
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soft moments stolen between wedding and reception
weddings are joyous and festive, but can be stressful for introverts like lance and his wife. so when they were able to steal some moments with each other in the peace of his aston martin between the ceremony and the venue, they know these are the moments they will treasure the most from that day.
pairing: lance stroll x newlywed reader
warnings: just fluff, a minor minor allusion to sex.
author's note: i have no idea why i have written so many wedding things for this man, but i think it's because he is the raw definition of husband material. thank you and good night lmao.
“don’t go breaking my heart…I couldn’t if I tried”
elton john and kiki dee crooned over the speakers as lances aston martin drove through the quebec countryside. it was a quiet night, stars high in the sky as he ran his thumb over his wife’s thigh.
“I love you.” he hummed, daring to look over at the love of his life as he took a corner too fast. “my darling darling wife.”
she smiled, meeting his gaze. “eyes on the road, handsome. you’ve got the rest of your life to stare at me. I love you too.”
the wedding had felt like a blur, maybe because of how wired they both felt. it should have been a smaller ceremony, in all hindsight considered.
it was an odd thing: you want to celebrate your love around all these people, but then the day arrives and suddenly you feel anxious at letting them see you pledge your heart to another.
lance and y/n had always been the quiet, soft couple. the one evoking ‘awe’s and heart eyes from the groups around them. they knew each other like the backs of their hands, better than any track map or textbook.
“enjoy the quiet while it lasts.” she hummed, nimble fingers gently easing the pins for her white lace veil out of her hair. “is it bad that I’m dreading my own reception?”
lance laughed. "nope. because i am, too. i know it's all about us and all that, but i hate being the center of attention. i would have rather had a dinner party."
she snorted. "technically this is really just a rather large dinner party."
"i mean, there's food and wine, you picked a damn good throwback playlist. dinner party." lance shrugged, taking his foot off the gas, headlights illuminating the empty road ahead.
lance had decided to take the scenic route, savoring this moment alone, this little bit of calm before the storm. before the party, the noise, the people.
just him and his wife, falling a little bit more in love with each other every day.
"if scotty throws his back out dancing to 'suicide blonde', i'm not fucking helping." y/n laughed, reaching for the stereo to flip to the offending inxs song. "i still cannot believe that this song was about kylie fucking minogue."
"there's a reason we invested in the mocktail bar."
"you know most of the guys have flasks hidden in their suit jackets, right?"
she would have preferred something low key, but her family had wanted the big party. it wasn't all bad. she got to pick the food (pasta bar, anybody?), the drinks, the decorations, the music. she'd made a throwback playlist of all her favorite happy songs, all the ones that made her feel alive, giddy and in love, ranging from inxs to def leppard to kesha.
she'd waited twenty-five years for this moment, so why was she suddenly getting this bad feeling about going to the party that followed?
the event venue slowly came into view over the distance, the white brick building with it's pillars and vintage charm, the walkway to the door lit up with fairy lights. the small parking lot was already almost full, the rest of the guests waiting inside for the happy couple. lance parked his car furthest from the door, but kept the engine running.
he took her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles. "we can turn around and drive away." he was dead serious when he looked over at her. "i'm serious, we can run and go get burgers and milkshakes and see a movie and then go back to the hotel and not sleep a minute because we are too busy having the goofiest, most romantic sex of our lives. i just want you to be comfortable."
"i know. and that's why i love you so much, lance." she sighed, a smile blooming on her face. "but our friends are in there. our parents are in there. hell, your dad is probably trying to sell my dad on buying a time share villa in biarritz."
lance laughed, leaning over the center console to kiss her forehead. "whenever you want to leave, you just tell me. if you need a minute to yourself, just shoot me a text message and i'll come and find you. or don't, if you just want a walk in total solitude. i'll probably need one of those at some point, too."
"i knew there was a reason i married you." she joked, tilting her head up to press her lips to his. "i love you to the moon and back, lance."
"you wanna go inside?"
"we might as well."
lance took his seatbelt off, shutting off the car and sliding out of the driver's door. her dramatically slid across the hood, earning a laugh from his wife as he skipped towards her door, opening it for her before extending a hand for her to take.
"beautiful girl, love of my life, may i help you out of this shockingly low car?"
she laughed, slipping one of her hands into his warm one. "yes, my beautiful husband. yes, you may."
she stepped out of the car, the hem of her white silk dress dusting the gravel in the parking lot. a breeze ran through the area, making the hair on the backs of her arms stand up.
"love, you're shivering." lance said softly, slipping out of his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she put her arms through the sleeves, wrapping her arms fully around her husband. "i love you."
"i love you, too." she took a minute to stand there, her nose in his dress shirt, breathing in his cologne. bath and body works, today. she liked that. something playful and romantic instead of the heavy, stinging designer scents he usually wore.
"we should go inside." he whispered, their bodies swaying together in the silence, her skin warm against his.
"or we could stay out here just a little longer."
and who was he to argue with that?
"you get five more minutes. i'm starting to get hungry and the pasta bar has my name written all over it."
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @cartierre @diorleclerc @httpiastri @silverstonesainz @lorarri @twinkodium
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please write some conrad fics, the tag has been DRY
Is there a Aaron Dessner that has produced that is not heartbreaking? The Great war, Tolerate it, Right where you left me, You’re losing me, Would’ve could’ve should’ve. I have nothing against Jack, but when Aaron is involved, things…hit different.  
The acronym switching from love of my life to loss of my life *UGLY CRYING*
Warnings: heartbreak
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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When coming to Cousins for Belly and Jeremiah’s wedding, you knew it would be impossible to go through a whole weekend of wedding festivities without speaking to Conrad. You tried to avoid him, but he was always right there. In the kitchen talking with Laurel. In the living room with Jeremiah and Belly. In the backyard with Steven helping set up the chairs and tables under Taylor’s instructions. 
At least he didn’t come to the wedding with a girl. It would have hurt too much.
‘’I can’t believe our Belly is getting married,’’ you said as you all sat in the living room for the smallest bachelorette party. 
There was no male stripper dancing or crazy alcohol consumption like you see in movies. Just matching pajamas, a plastic ‘bride’ crown Anika got online, and sparkling mocktails. Laurel felt out of place among the younger girls, but it was her daughter’s bachelorette. She couldn’t not be there.
Taylor took a cupcake from the table, all decorated to perfection by you. ‘’I would have never guessed she would be the first of us to marry. We all thought it would be you and Con—’’ She stopped herself when she saw Belly looking at you, realizing that if she finished her sentence it would hurt you. 
A silence fell and a lump settled in your throat. You brought your drink to your lips, wishing there was alcohol in it. Drowning your sorrows in alcohol is not the solution, but it’s good at temporarily numbing the pain.
I thought that too.
Your parents bought their holiday house in Cousins where you were ten and you had known the Fishers and the Conklins since. Susannah had invited you over to play with her kids — to make friends. Although you were closer to Jeremiah and Belly in age, it was Conrad who got along with you the best. He taught you how to play Uno, came to get you when you swam too far at the beach and helped you clean your dress when stained it eating a blue popsicle. He was always nice to you. Patient and caring. As you got older, he was only looking at you. Everyone noticed, but no one said anything. He’s just always been yours. 
Until he wasn’t. 
You didn’t want to sour the ambiance or steal the attention from the bride-to-be, so you got up and excused yourself to the bathroom. You closed the door, feeling the quiet sanctuary of solitude envelop you. Memories of you and Conrad flooded your mind, each more painful than its predecessor. Nothing would ever compare to the pain this breakup felt. 
Leaning against the sink, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, tears welling up and blurring your vision. You tried to make them go away by fanning your eyes, but they overflowed, carrying with them the weight of five years of heartache.
How could it still hurt after all this time?
With trembling hands, you reached for a tissue, dabbing at your eyes, but the tears kept coming. ‘’Please, stop.’’ 
In the morning, you woke up on a blow-up mattress in Belly’s room. Your eyes were sensitive from crying and red. You tried to cover it with eye-drops and makeup, but when you came down for breakfast and Belly pulled you in a tight hug, you knew you didn’t do a great job. 
Jeremiah eyed the two of you, raising an eyebrow and silently asking what was up, but Belly shook her head. 
The rest of the day went without any downpour of tears. A part of the afternoon was spent tanning under the sun and drinking lemonades, relishing in the last moments of tranquility before the evening's rehearsal dinner. The place was going to get filled with family members and other guests soon and it’ll get very crowded. 
Steven joined you in Belly’s bedroom as you were getting ready for dinner, still wet from being at the beach with the boys. He tried to get a kiss from Taylor, but she pushed him off as he was dripping water all over her makeup bag. Jeremiah laughed in the doorway, blowing a kiss to Belly before parting to his own bedroom to change. 
Although you weren’t the only single person in the room, you never felt more alone.  
At the dinner, you sat listening to the speeches about Belly and Jeremiah’s love. Without surprise, Steve made sure to embarrass the couple and Laurel was unable to hold back her tears when her turn came. Childhood stories and teenage anecdotes about their early moments of relationship made the guests laugh and smile. 
Everything seemed to be going smoothly until Adam inadvertently attributed a story to Belly and Jeremiah, when in fact it was about you and Conrad. The frown on Jeremiah’s forehead as his father continued to speak matched Belly, both of them not knowing what he was talking about. 
‘’Eh, Dad, Belly didn’t come to my prom…’’ Jeremiah whispered to his father. ‘’I went to hers and she was wearing a purple dress, not green.’’ 
Adam paused, his realization dawning slowly. ‘’Oh. You’re right. That was Conrad. I caught him and his girl making out outside the house when they came back. Susannah was out of her mind for allowing her to sleep over…’’  
The revelation hung in the air, accompanied by an uncomfortable silence. Your grip on the glass of wine tightened involuntarily, the pressure causing it to shatter in your hand. Shards of glass cut into your skin as crimson droplets mixed with the spilled wine. 
Beside you, Taylor gasped in concern, her eyes widening at the sight. ‘’Oh my god, are you—’’ 
Ignoring the sting of pain and Taylor’s voice, you excused yourself and hurried inside to tend to your injury. You grabbed some paper towels and pressed them over your cuts. 
Unbeknownst to you, Conrad followed after you. As you stood there, watching the white soak and turn red, you felt his presence behind you. ‘’Don’t do that.’’ His touch was gentle as he took your hand and removed the soiled paper towels, placing them on the counter. ‘’Never apply pressure to an injury that’s not clean of debris. You’ll push them further in,’’ he advised, the doctor in him speaking. ‘’Let me see.’’ 
‘’I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,’’ you insisted, attempting to brush off his concern. ‘’Go back to everyone else, it’s almost time for the best man’s speech.’’ 
But Conrad didn’t budge. ‘’Sit here. I need to check if there’s glass in it.’’ he urged, his tone firm yet caring. 
Knowing there was no way out of this, you sat on one of the kitchen stools and let Conrad check your injury. He turned on the kitchen tap and you hissed as the water hit your freshly cut skin, the cool liquid soothing the sharp ache. 
You sat there as Conrad tended to your wound in silence, his fingers gentle as he inspected your hand for any embedded glass fragments. You couldn't help but notice the warmth of his touch and the upgraded woodsy cologne, their familiarity causing your heart to flutter despite the pain. 
His focus was entirely on your hand, his brow furrowed in concentration. It reminded you of that one time you fell from your bike and he patched up your knee and elbow. Once he made sure there was no glass in it, he went to fetch an antiseptic and gauze from the bathroom.  
As he was wrapping it up, you thanked him. A simple ‘thanks’. 
‘’Be careful drinking wine, next time.’’ Conrad meant it as a light teasing, but you weren’t in a mood to laugh.
‘’Don’t say anything. Please,’’ you pleaded, your voice barely above a whisper. ‘’It hurts seeing you — it really hurts. So much that I didn’t want to come to the wedding, but I couldn’t miss Belly’s big day. I couldn’t do that to her. What type of friend would I be?’’ The weight of your words hung heavy in the air between you, the truth of them echoing in the silence of the room. ‘’But being here, watching her and Jeremiah getting married is killing me because that should have been us,’’ you continued, your voice trembling with emotion. ‘’This house is where we met; every corner holds tons of memories of us and it’s haunting me, torturing me since I got here.’’
‘’I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry—’’ 
‘’You’re sorry? No sorry will be enough,’’ you said. ‘’You told me I'm the love of your life about a million times. You said you would never leave. But you did. I loved you so much— You were it for me, Conrad. It was always you. But now you’re the loss of my life.’’ 
He said your name, but once again, you didn’t let him speak. 
You got down from the stool, the stinging pain in your hand still present. ‘’I should get back outside. Hopefully Laurel knows a way to get blood out of my dress.’’
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  Anouk nani-2305 @books0fever
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @bloody-mf-bsc @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach   @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely    @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise   @sickntiredtoo   @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl   @hopelessromantic727   @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2   @arinexeisnotworking @cloudrainy342 @theflcwer   @alllriseabove   @angelxxrose @angelxxrose-blog   @r1vrsefx @sierraluvzz @rodriqos @cruzgrecia @evelestrange @aesthetixhoe  @hoeforsirius   @sarcasm-and-stiles @tristanswildcat @bingsbitch @buckyswhxre @rehead1180 @krissyrae
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xianyoon · 6 months
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. ݁₊🍃. ݁⊹ 🎐 ⊹ . ݁🌤️ ݁ . ⊹🫧 ₊ ݁. ݁ .🍃. ⊹🫧*ੈ⊹ . ݁ ˚👒. ⊹🌿
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🎐 this event is a celebration of springtime ! a celebration of fresh flowers that sprout up from the ground , of farewells to flakes of snow, of the emergence of freshness and sunshine and crisp air – soak in all that springtime loveliness, darling, and i hope you happily get to participate in all the festivities ! join the gathering in the field , and you'll see that there's a multitude of mini events for you to join . 🍃
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── event one : ꒰ flower crown crafting ! ꒱
a prompt collaboration event ! choose any of the prompts ( no min. nor max. ) to create for – all types of creations allowed ! this is multifandom and open to everyone – it can be oc works , selfship works , x reader works, or any kind ( fics, art, edits & music welcome ! ) all you have to do is to reblog this post and let me know which prompts you'll be taking ! ( you can use prompts people have already used too <3 )
✿ amaryllis –  spring flower crown making with them !
✿ begonia – asking them to be your partner/them asking you for a spring dance
✿ camellia – baking together for a spring picnic
✿ daisy – watching the evening sunset together amongst the wildflowers
✿ epiphyllum – shared kisses behind the willow tree
✿ freesia – going on a strawberry picking outing 
✿ gardenia – tending to the spring flowers together
✿ hamamelis – going on a spring cafe date 
✿ iris – winding down on a spring evening together
✿ jasmine – hosting a spring garden tea party 
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── event two : ꒰ mix 'n match mocktails ! ꒱
this one's only open to my mutuals ! i'll be doing matchups for you all – matching you up with a character . . . look below to see the rules and instructions ! for each matchup, i'll add a mini moodboard as well as a few headcanons ♡ i have 20 open slots for this !
send me an ask ! here's the list of things you need to include :
send me a 🌷 emoji to let me know you're entering this part of the event !
send me a brief introduction about yourself !
send me some characters you would not like to be matched with !
choose whether you'd like a platonic or romantic matchup !
and send me your favourite colour ♡♡
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── event three : ꒰ bouquet making ! ꒱
i'm opening requests !!! !!! ! ! this segment is open to everyone ♡ there will be 15 slots opened for this , so it'll be based off first-come-first-serve ! do look below to see the rules and instructions for the little fancy florist shop you're entering ! ♡
send me an ask ! here's the list of things you need to include :
send me a 💐 emoji to let me know you're entering this part of the event !
choose your ribbon : white ( fluff ) or brown ( comfort ) !
choose your bouquet wrap : paper ( romantic ) or plastic ( platonic ) !
choose your flowers ! select one prompt from the flower list from event #1 and send me up to three characters from genshin, please <3
i do not accept requests that are just " 💐 + white ribbon + paper + character a " , please be nice when requesting ! i have every right to deny your request.
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devotional-dwams · 22 days
Just the two of us
Summary: you run into a curious girl with her large group of brothers during a festival on Pabu. Your favourite of the batch, though, is Wrecker. Wrecker x reader, she/her pronouns used.
Word count: 2726 (this one got away from me)
Warnings: there’s a slight indicator that Echo has trouble eating new foods, so keep that in mind if that’s triggering for you. But other than that it’s pure fluff!
Authors note: dude I love Wrecker so much, he’s such a sweetheart. I had the time of my life writing this. This is set after the events of s3. Tech IS alive and IS in a relationship with Phee. Because I said so.
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Beneath your hands, you intricately weaved the young girls hair into braids. Your makeup and hair stand had been a big hit so far into the night, and kids had been lining up to have their face painted. It warmed your heart each time they looked into the mirror you’d propped up, beaming at the animal you’d painted onto their face, or the fun hairstyle you’d put together for them. Lyana was your favourite customer though, always sitting still and patient as you adorned her hair with braids and flowers.
“And Auntie Phee said she’ll bring back a treasure for me.”
“Wow! She sounds quite the adventurer.”
“She is. When I’m older, she’s going to take me with her at some point.”
You chuckled, wondering what Shep had to say to that. “I’m sure she will. Well, you’re all done.”
Lyana turned to the mirror, checking her reflection out before looking back to you. She wore a large grin as she wrapped her arms around your waist. “Thank you!”
The girl ran off, her braids piled securely on her head. You smiled, turning your attention to your hair tools. After putting the brushes away, you settled back into your chair and sipped your mocktail. The sun was just beginning to set, and the island was washed in pink and orange hues.
This was always your favourite festival. The day of the high tide was the mark of summer, and as the story went, the moon had shed a tear for its lost love- the sun- which dropped into the ocean, building the island of Pabu in its place. In turn, the days began growing longer as a thank you from the sun. When the island population grew, the festival grew too as a mark of celebration for the gifts from both the sun and the moon. It lasted all day, until the early hours of the morning. Each year you held a different stall, always yearning to do something for the community that had done so much for you, and this year you thought you’d put your hair and makeup skills to the test. So far it was proving a damned good decision.
You put your glass down, attention drawn to the girl approaching the stall. She was holding hands with an older man, who had scars along one side of his face, and chatting deeply with another older man. He wore a skull tattoo on one half of his face. They could only be the clones you’d heard so much about.
When she spoke, her strong accent rung out. “Hi! Lyana pointed us here, she said you do hair?”
Your hands leant on the work counter as you leaned forward. “I do indeed, makeup as well. All festival looks. You must be… Omega?”
“Yeah, and these are my brothers, Wrecker and Hunter.” She gestured to both as she spoke.
“It’s lovely to meet you guys. I take it you want your hair done too?”
“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble?”
“No trouble at all! Take a seat.”
As she sat, Hunter asked you if this cost anything, which of course it didn’t. Your stalls for the high tides festival each year were always free.
“Are you sure? No credits at all?”
“Why? Do you want your hair done as well, sir?”
He scoffed. “No one touches my hair.”
“In that case, you can stop your fretting.”
Wrecker laughed, loud and boisterous. You couldn’t help but smile at the sound. “Mega’s in safe hands, Sarge.”
“Thank you, sir.”
The gentle giant rubbed the back of his neck, “call me Wrecker.”
“Wrecker it is.”
Happy that Omega was content, Hunter saw her and his brother off, wishing you a goodbye. Apparently he had to go ‘monitor Cross’, whatever that meant. The girl in the seat was inquisitive, you found, constantly asking questions about the hair procedure and how to do braids. It baffled you that a girl of her age didn’t know how to braid hair, but you taught her nonetheless. Wrecker sat by watching. You weren’t sure what to make of him. He was quiet, but you got a general sense that he was gentle. It sent a tickling up your spine, a desire to know more.
“Well, what do you think?” You asked Omega, pointing her to the mirror.
“Oh, I love it! Thank you.”
“It was nothing.” You shrug it off, leaning against the counter. As you cross your arms, your eyes catch Wrecker’s, and the tips of his ears flush pink. The giant was rather cute, you’d come to decide.
Wrecker couldn’t pull his gaze away. You were so good with the kid, and your smile- he found himself smiling along with you, even if he wasn’t a part of the conversation. His eyes lingered on your dress, a floral yellow one that had a small bow beneath the dip of your chest. It hugged your curves just right, and Maker, did you look good in it. What’s more, you looked comfortable. Your hands deftly worked on Omegas hair, easily and gently pulling the strands into intricate braids. When your eyes found his, he finally looked away, sheepish at the fact that he’d been caught ogling you. As he gazed at the sand underneath his shoes, he became vaguely aware of Omega’s voice.
His head shot up. “Yeah?”
“Wanna get going?”
“Oh uh,” his eyes drifted to you. “Sure.”
Omega took his hand again, hopping off the chair she had been sitting on. A shooting ache in his chest sprung as he left you in your stall, and the corners of his lips fell into a frown. The two of you had barely exchanged words past pleasantries, and yet he still felt so inexplicably drawn to you… that hadn’t happened before. He wondered if he was developing a small crush, but that wasn’t likely. He had always had a large crush on Senator Amidala, and this felt nothing at all like that. Wrecker bit his lip in contemplation.
Omega swung his hand. “Soooo, wanna tell me what’s on your mind?”
“Huh? What?”
“You’re being quiet. What is it?”
“Pft, nothin’s on my mind.” He scratched the back of his head with his free hand.
“Uh-huh. Wouldn’t be that stall keeper, would it? What was her name? Y/…. Something.”
Omega looked up at her big brother, noticing the softness in his brash voice. She couldn’t resist smiling at it. Usually Wrecker was so loud, so impulsive, and despite what some thought, he had a cracking brain on him. Each time he talked with Omega about bomb mechanics, or hell, even the inner workings of cooking, she was always impressed. How did he not see that he was falling for Y/N? Omega had read about love at first sight, and had always wanted to believe in it. If this was such a thing, she couldn’t be happier for her brother.
Besides, she liked you. You were sweet, gentle, and your jokes had the two of you giggling together during her hairdo. She had to get Wrecker and you to interact again.
Your watch struck eight pm. It was time to lock up. When you ran a children’s stall, you never ran them past eight pm because they were too preoccupied to join it. It also meant you had time to enjoy the festivities of the high tide party before the night completely evaded you. After packing your things away and locking the stall up, you tucked the key into your pocket and strolled towards Shep. As per usual, you wanted to express your gratitude for his permission regarding conducting your little business.
Your hand nudged his arm. “Thanks again for letting me run the stall. I had a lot of fun.”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. Thank you for running it! I can see it was a big hit with the kids this year.”
“Yeah, they liked this one. Any chance for a burger? I’m famished.”
“They’re still going. Max is directing the grill this year, along with Rosa.”
You bid Shep farewell, turning to the direction of Max and his sister. The three of you fell into easy conversation as Max prepared your food, Rosa sitting to the side taking a break. She held a cocktail in hand, and had already made and given you one too. You had somehow drunk half the glass by the time Max handed you your burger. When you were mid-way through a bite, a voice called your name.
You turned, still biting into your burger. A drop of sauce fell down to the sand as you did, and to your terror, there stood Omega, Wrecker and a bloke with a scomp for an arm. You swallowed harshly.
“Uh, hey.”
“Friends of yours, Y/N?” Rosa asked.
“I’d say so. I haven’t met this one yet, though.”
“Name’s Echo, ma’am.”
You nodded your head to him. “Hi.”
“We were wondering if we could get something to eat?” Omega asked, standing on her tiptoes to look at Max’s menu.
“Hell yeah, lil lady. We’ve got burgers, chips, hot dogs, and Rosa’s in charge of drinks. What d’ya fancy?” He rested his elbows on the make-shift counter as he spoke.
“Hmm… I think chips. What about you guys?”
“I’m not really hungry.”
“Echo, you need to eat something!”
“I’ll steal a few of your chips then.”
Omega glared at him, her hands on her hips. You giggled through your burger. Once you swallowed your bite, you turned conspiratorially to him and dropped your voice to a hush, as if sharing a secret.
“Max’ burgers are the best on the planet. You can’t fault ‘em. And he's absolutely lovely, so if you wanna change anything up, he’ll do whatever it is, easy peasy. Go on, you know you wanna.” You nudged his side with your elbow.
“Hmm, you’re quite convincing but I’m not really one for trying new foods. But Maker above, if it’ll shut you up, Mega, I’ll have chips.”
The small girl high fived you, a shared celebration of getting Echo to eat something substantial. When Max asked Wrecker what he wanted to eat, the giant looked at you, biting into the last of your burger, and decided he wanted one too.
After Max had prepared the orders for the clones, Omega ended up dragging you away with them. The family you joined were sitting around a small bonfire, Hunter sitting beside a man who had a dog at his feet. Next to him, Phee sat with a man with goggles on. You soon learnt these were Omega’s other brothers, as was Echo. You took your seat besides Phee, finding comfort in knowing someone in the group. As the night wore on, you soon became good friends with the odd group, although you put that down to Omega. She was a ball of sunshine.
“Well, I never pegged you as someone to back down from a challenge.” Phee nodded her fork to Crosshair.
He hissed back, “I’m not.”
“Then game on, grumpy.”
You giggled, leaning your chin on your folded knees as you watched Phee stand and take position. Crosshair did the same, brushing the sand off his legs.
“I now announce this fight to be in action!” Omega clapped her hands.
The two of them brawled, and the rest of you began to place bets on who you each thought would win. Hunter assumed Crosshair, Echo voted for Phee (“eh, why not? It would be funny” were his exact words), Omega voted for both, unable to decide, Wrecker voted for Phee, and Tech voted for his girlfriend. Although he was about to vote for Crosshair, but Hunter kicked his ankle and he coughed out Phee’s name instead. You voted for Phee, having not seen the sniper fight before.
Tech called out from where he was sitting, “go for the back of his knees!”
“I know, I am!”
“Well, do it better.”
Just as the fight was about to hit the eye of the storm, Wrecker belched loudly. Each of you paused and turned to him, before laughing simultaneously. Over the course of the night, he’d become more comfortable, you realised. He was still being quiet though, which was apparently unnatural according to the many comments his brothers made.
“I said, didn't I? The best burgers on the planet.” you commented, still smiling.
“Yeah, you’ve got pretty good taste.”
“Thanks big guy. If you think that, I gotta take you to a restaurant down on south street in Ord Mantell. It’s kinda seedy, but they do the most amazing noodles.”
You watched Wrecker’s eyes light up. “Really? Dinner out?”
“Yeah, why not? It’ll be nice, we couldn’t sit in, but we could all find a place to eat together.”
His eyebrows furrowed a little. “Oh, all?”
A yelp rang out. You and Wrecker turned your heads back to the fight, where Phee had Crosshair pinned on the floor with his arm twisted behind his back. “Fine, fine, you win,” he seemed to be grumbling.
Phee let Crosshair go, standing and throwing her arms out. “I won.”
“We knew you would.” Tech added as she slid back into his arms.
“I demand a rematch on solid ground.”
“Aw, he’s salty. Fine, rematch later.”
“Fine with me,” Crosshair muttered, his fingers stroking over Batcher’s skin once he was seated.
The batch resumed talking, pulling you and Wrecker into their conversation and away from yours. Eventually Hunter stood to take Omega home, and one by one everyone followed. Only you and Wrecker stay seated by the now dying embers of the fire. With the disappearance of the others, your conversation had also dwindled. When you faced the clone, you could see as clear as day that he was nervous. His teeth bit into his lip and his eyes darted from yours to the sand. It was quite endearing.
“So,” you began, playfully leaning into his side. “Just the two of us left.”
“Heh, yeah.”
“To be honest, I’m quite happy about that. Not that I haven’t enjoyed spending time with the others!” You rushed to add. “I just… wanted to spend time with you most.”
“Oh. Is tha’ right?”
“Mhm. You guys all seem pretty tight knit?”
Wrecker’s face lit up. “Oh we are. We were always the odd ones out so we kinda naturally stuck together, and then Echo joined and it was great. And then ‘Mega found us, and it got even better. Well, not better better, I mean we had all that stuff with the Empire, but we had ‘Mega with us. Most of the time. And then we got her back, and we got Crosshair back, and now Echo comes and goes and we miss him but- well, I’m- I’m ramblin’ aren’t I?”
“I don’t mind. Please,” you smiled and gestured for him to continue.
“Well, there’s not really much else to say. We’re always thrilled with Echo visits but he’s doin’ good work with Rex.”
“Who’s Rex?”
“Only the Captain ‘imself! He’s pretty great.”
“I think you’re pretty great.”
You watched the tips of Wrecker’s ears flush. He was cute when he was nervous, you thought. Your mind played back to your interrupted chat. Biting your lip, you nudged closer to him and placed a hand on his arm. The muscles beneath his shirt tensed momentarily, and you couldn’t help but drift your eyes down to his chest.
Stars, he was gorgeous, wasn’t he?
“Well,” your eyes found his again. “Seeing as you’re all so close, I feel like you and I won’t get a lot of time just the two of us?”
He deflated. “Probably not.”
“But, maybe we could get away for a bit? You still up for those noodles?”
“You mean like a- a-“
“A date.”
Wrecker’s face lit up, unsure eyebrows lifting as he grinned. “Hell yeah! Let’s do it!”
You laughed. “Brilliant. We’ll fly out on Tuesday?”
“Yeah, okay.”
The two of you stayed at the unlit fireplace for some time more. As you chatted, your mind filled with the potential of your future date. Wrecker, of course, was jovial. His laugh consumed your lungs and you ended up laughing too. It seemed you’d caught the attention of the sweetest guy on the island, and you were glad for it.
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emmaameliamiaava · 8 months
4 Festive Mocktail Recipes at home for holiday season - HCCB
Try out these 4 Festive Mocktail Recipes at home this holiday season. Learn how to make mocktail drinks with Fanta, coke, and Limca. Read more on our website.
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sew-much-to-do · 9 months
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DIY Gummy Bear Mocktail
Share the fun of a holiday toast with your little ones with this festive and age-appropriate party drink!
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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cityofruinrp · 1 month
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Welcome to the Masquerade!
Don your masks and your formal wear and experience true gilded elegance. Hosted at The Sentinel, the ambience of this event calls back to a time when galas and opulence served as a distraction for the nobles. This is exactly what the host has deemed it for - While the powers behind the scenes of Port Leiry have been teetering on the edge because of hunter action, The High Council has decided to embrace chaos and make a show of power.
Any and all are invited to get lost in their baser instincts, hide themselves, enjoy frivolity and luxury.
The doors to The Sentinel will open at 8:30PM on the dot, and entrance may only be granted if someone meets the white tie dress code which includes a mask to at least cover part of the face. By wearing a mask, the glamour placed upon The Sentinel is activated, giving you anonymity for the duration. Once the mask is removed, the spell is broken.
Evening festivities will include:
Food and Delicacies - Decadent treats and culinary delights; including something for those who prefer the taste of blood.
Live Music - Includes a live orchestra and opera singers, who will perform music from centuries past and also modern day covers.
Cocktail Bar - Sip on cocktails (or mocktails!) while enjoying the gossip of the courts.
Acrobatic performances - Gravity defying marvels and feats right before your eyes!
Below you will find a list of TASKS AND KEY ITEMS up for grabs! To claim these, post a link in the #task channel of the discord. Starters and responses to open starters don't need to be linked, but species specific tasks in thread replies do! Key Items will be distributed after the finale of the event.
Key Items are distributed out of character, but may be used at any time in character for any purpose, so long as it's plotted out! They may also be traded in character, or given to someone else after you've received it. They are yours to use however you wish.
After distribution, your character just has these items, no need to plot out or write receiving them unless you desire to!
POST AN OUTFIT; Post an outfit including the mask your character is wearing. Remember the dress code is White Tie!
Your character will be rewarded a Skeleton Key for completing this task. The skeleton key is an ornate iron key with the number 1 engraved into it. Perhaps collecting enough of these will lead to something?
MAKE AN OPEN STARTER; Make an open starter for the event!
Your character will be awarded a Sleeping Potion for completing this task. The sleeping potion is a milky white odorless potion that will make someone fall to sleep for 12 hours after ingesting.
RESPOND TO AN OPEN STARTER; Respond to any open starter for the event!
Your character will be awarded a Potion of Poison for completing this task. The poison will induce stomach flu like symptoms after ingesting, and lasts for 12 hours.
DON'T REMOVE YOUR MASK; Have your character never remove their mask for the entire duration of the event and stay anonymous.
Your character will be awarded a Red Gemstone for completing this task. The effect will be revealed after the event is over!
REMOVE YOUR MASK AT ANY TIME; Have your character remove their mask at any time during the event. Your character can put the mask back on, but if removed at any point they will be awarded this task completion.
Your character will be awarded a Blue Gemstone for completing this task. The effect will be revealed after the event is over!
VAMPIRES - Feed on someone discreetly; Have your vampire character feed on someone without being caught by anyone during the masquerade.
Your character will be awarded a Clairvoyance Potion. This potion allows the user to scry on any location or person. The duration of the potion's effect lasts for an hour.
WITCHES - Collect blood for a spell discreetly; Have your witch character collect blood for any of their spells without being caught by anyone during the masquerade.
Your character will be awarded a Duality Potion. This potion must be imbibed by two separate witches. After consuming, the two witches will be able to swap powers for 12 hours.
WEREWOLVES - Agree to do a job for any member of another species; Have your werewolf character agree to work with or negotiate something with a member of another species. Werewolves will still be able to smell who is and who isn't a werewolf, but specific scents of people might be harder to figure out.
Your character will be awarded a Moonbane Talisman. This talisman allows werewolves to turn during the full moon without any pain - thus making the transformation much quicker (30 minutes). After one full moon, the talisman shatters.
HUNTERS - Gain information about supernatural leaders; Have your hunter character gain information from anyone about the leaders of the supernatural world.
Your character will be awarded an Enhanced Strength Potion. For one hour, after ingesting, the user is filled with strength equivalent to a vampire's.
HUMANS - Discover something previously unknown about the supernatural; Have your human character discover something about the supernatural world. Unfortunately, at the end of the night, humans will be compelled to forget this new information. But for the night, they are welcome into Port Leiry's underworld - unless they decide to take the plunge for good.
Your character will be awarded an Invisibility Potion. For one hour, after ingesting, the user is completely invisible - including their clothing.
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galaxyedging · 11 months
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A little Halloween visit to my Pedro Boy motel.
Agent Ortega x f!reader, The Thief x f!reader
(My Ortega and Reader from Trust and my Thief from New Year's Eve.)
Warnings: Smut. Unprotected P in V sex. Cum eating. Blow job. Literal magical sex. Blood and gore.
Summary: The motel usually makes dreams come true. On Halloween, things get even more magical.
Part of And It Just Keeps Getting Better
Halloween Weekend
Mrs Lord pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. Her eyes were beginning to ache from going over paperwork. It just so happened that Halloween fell on one of their Fantasy Weekends and she was determined to make it memorable. Everything had to be perfect from the themed mocktails to the costumes, oh boy, would there be costumes. The thought of the guys all dressed up was almost too much. The clients would go nuts. Almost entirely lost in her vision she didn't realise that she was being watched. Something was stalked through the house towards her. It took its time, keeping its footsteps slow and gentle so as to not make a sound. It was only when it was right by her paperwork covered bed that she saw it
"I vant to suck your blood. Blah!" The creature announced as it pounced on her.
"Maxwell!" She playfully admonished. "You'll crumple my paperwork!"
"Sorry, Mi Vida. I just can't help it. You look good enough to eat." He managed to get out around his fake fangs.
"To eat, huh?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
That's how Max in his leather posing pouch and little black cape came to be face down between her legs for the next half an hour, thankfully minus the plastic glow in the dark fangs, while she deliberated over the food menu. Once she was satisfied in more ways than one, it was her turn to suck.
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"Pathetic fallacy." Ezra mumbled as he looked out of his window.
Gregor lifted his head from the book he was reading. "Huh?"
"Oh nothing. It just seems like the weather has decided to join us in the festive mood. There's a storm coming in."
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"I'm going to check the storm shutters just in case those clouds don't blow over. We've got enough food and water if we get cut off. Can you check the radios are all charged and handed out?" Joel asked Dave as he checked his tool box.
"Were you a survivalist in a past life?" Dave ribbed his friend.
"Something like that." Joel muttered heading out.
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"Mrs Lord, I took down some of your decorations outside. If the wind picks up it'll rip through them like a tornado in a trailer park." Jack deposited the gathered decorations on the desk.
"Thank you, Jack." Mrs Lord gave him a half smile. It was all she could give him with the stress this weekend on her head.
Everything had been fine, all but one guest had checked in. All the preparations were complete. Then the sky started to darken. The weatherman had called for clear skies, it was unnerving to see anything but. With their location they had prepared for situations like this. They had a backup generator, emergency supplies, they were in a good position should the worst happen.
Mrs Lord let out a steadying breath. "It'll be fine."
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Lightning flashed across the sky, it was almost lost against the lights of the reception room. The accompanying thunder was definitely lost against the sounds of the party in full swing. Almost all of the guests were happily paired with a partner for the night. Din, in his Knight costume, had a woman on each arm. Ezra in his best Pirate Captain threads had accepted a client. Oberyn was dressed as a god in golden robes, much to Dieter's delight, who was dressed, fittingly, as a housecat. His 'costume' consisted of a black jumper, black sweats and cat ears. It was almost as half hearted as Jack's Cowboy costume, which consisted of his normal clothing. Even Joel had put in a bit more effort with his pale face paint and neck bolts. He figured Frankenstein's Monster was fitting for him.
As the pairings filed out, ducking under the awning to hide from the driving rain, Maxwell noticed a guest, dressed in old wild west clothing, standing with both the Marcuses.
"Gentlemen." Maxwell greeted them. "What seems to be the problem?"
Pike spoke up "It seems that Mr Ortega here was booked in with Max Phillips but he's nowhere to be found. My client is missing and Moreno's was a no show."
Max thought for a moment. "I know we have one no show. So where is your client? And Phillips?" Max Phillips may be a brash jerk but clients liked him well enough. He always left them in a euphoric daze as they checked out. He didn't mix much with the other employees but he was a busy man. He worked in the city by day and spent his evenings working at the motel. Beyond that no one really knew much about him.
Maxwell did know that Max was very professional and had never missed an appointment. "Let's go look for him."
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The short leather skirt creeping up her thighs was definitely out of her comfort zone.
"Come as you aren't night." She reminds herself as she hurries along to the party that she is late for.
Stopping once again to pull down her skirt, a voice from behind you makes her jump. "I think it looks great."
Spinning around, she found the voice's owner leaning in a doorway. His long legs crossed at the ankle as he leans against the frame. Taking in how strikingly handsome he is, she hopes that he's that man she's here to meet.
"Marcus?" She tries.
"And you would be…?" He holds out his hand.
For a second she wondered why he wouldn't already have her name, since the host assured her that he had discussed her desires with Marcus and set everything up for her. Maybe he didn't give him her name to protect her in case she backed out, she reasons. Giving him her name she shakes his hand.
"Come on in." Giving her an easy smile he leads her into his room.
Once inside, Marcus is a little more forward than she expected. His thick fingers dig into her thigh and scalp as he pins her to the wall. His lips don't leave hers until she's breathless. All her insistence on taking things slow was rapidly flying out of the window and into the storm beyond. There was no hesitation left in her when his fingers hooked under her panties to move them to the side. With the first swipe of his fingers across her now throbbing clit, she decides that she wants him now.
Taking a breath to gather her courage she manages to say the word that's been hidden in her fantasies. "Daddy, please make me come."
Marcus lets out a deep chuckle as his fingers breach her, stretching her in the most delicious way. "Don't worry, Sweetness. Daddy will make you come hard."
Marcus made good on his promise, his fingers pumped in and out of her relentlessly until that spot inside her couldn't take anymore. Her walls clenched around him, pulling his fingers in as he pulled her in to kiss her neck. He kisses and suckes on her pulse point so hard that she knows she's going to have marks later. He only stops to lick his fingers clean of her cum before returning to her neck and sucking harder than before. No, not just sucking, biting.
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A scream cut through the air. It wasn't unusual to hear screams echoing around the courtyard. It was unusual to hear one so clearly blood curling.
"That came from upstairs!" Pike called before taking the stairs two at a time with Ortega hot on his heels.
The two men had been in the courtyard trying to sort out alternative arrangements if Max Phillips wasn't found. Pike was sure Oberyn wouldn't mind some more company for the evening. Ortega politely entertained the idea but Pike could see he seemed pretty set on Phillips. He thought this odd for a first timer but maybe Mr Ortega was just a man who knew what he wanted.
Pike ran down the narrow balcony zeroing in on the sounds of a struggle.
"You bastard!" A woman screamed before the door to the next room flew open. Out sprinted Max Phillips, the lower half of his face covered with blood. Pike was about to chase him when he saw the woman holding her neck, the red of her tank top darkened.
Ortega ran past "I've got him."
Pike had no other choice than to let the other man handle it as he administered first aid while waiting for Kyle. Joel had given the paramedic a call after hearing the commotion.
Once the woman was safely taken down to the small medical room, Pike tried to make sense of what he'd seen.
"He bit her?!" Moreno was stunned even with the evidence in front of him.
"It looks like." Pike sighed, still in disbelief.
"Was that some sort of kink he had? Did he take it too far?" Moreno mused out loud.
Pero had joined them when he heard the fuss. He muttered something under his breath in Spanish that only Moreno caught.
"You can't be serious." Moreno huffed a laugh. "A vampire?"
"We never saw him in the daytime. Or saw him eat or drink. His clients always checked out acting rather peculiarly. I have travelled to many places with such myths and seen things that I cannot explain."
Before either Marcus could react to Pero, a man approached them from the shadows. "Your well travelled friend is right. You have a vampire in your midst."
The man was very well dressed. He had on a white dress shirt, fastened with an expensive looking pair of cufflinks complimenting the even finer watch on his wrist. He wore a black bow tie that matched his vest in colour. Black dress pants and designer shoes adorned his lower half and the outfit was completed by a leaf pattern embroidered overcoat.
"Forgive me. I am Señor Ladrón. I have been searching for your vampire for a while. He had left quite the trail of victims." The man informed them as casually as if he had just told them to expect rain.
"Well, you found him. What do we do now?" Joel stepped out of the first aid room, closing the door behind him to give the recovering victim some privacy.
"We kill him." Señor Ladrón stated simply.
This seemed to be a good enough answer for Joel who simply nodded. Pero seemed satisfied too. Both Marcus's had seen some weird things during their time in law enforcement but a vampire would be pushing it. Nevertheless there was a bad guy on the loose and it was their job to stop him. The men paired off. Joel with Pero, Pike with Moreno. Señor Ladrón excused himself to gather some equipment from his car.
"Do you think we should be letting him walk around here by himself? The guy thinks vampires are real." Moreno asks Pike as they make their way through the motel.
"Max is my biggest concern. I'll have Din go check on our visitor." Pike edged his way around to the part of the motel that was under development.
The only light was the glow from the well lit side of the motel, the full moon and the occasional flash of lightning. Even Pike had to admit with all the vampire talk and it being Halloween night, the whole setup had him a little rattled. A little. That must be why he could have sworn for a second that he saw a light on in the last room on the block, even when they found it completely empty.
The cloaking spell worked perfectly as you watched the Chef and Superhero take a look around the room before walking off the way they came.
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It didn't take much to lure the vampire into a trap. It was thirsty in more ways than one, so with your blood pumping and all that flesh on display, how could he refuse to follow you into one of the rooms that were closed for refurbishment. The spell you had cast on the room took effect almost immediately. The well-dressed vampire swayed on his feet. With a little support from you, he made it to the bed.
"What the fuc…?" Was all he managed before he was out like a light.
Studying his profile in the light of the full moon you thought it was a shame to kill someone so handsome. "Sorry, Gorgeous. I promise it's for a good cause."
Straddling him, you pressed the tip of the cedar stake to his chest lining up it before preparing to raise it. A flash of lightning was followed by the boom of the door being kicked open.
Ortega ran into the room, grabbing the stake in your hand. "Carrying out the ritual without me?"
"Just like you tried the last one without me." You snatch the stake back.
"I was going to include you but you seemed a little preoccupied."
"For the last time. That was a business dinner!"
"He didn't seem to think that. Even when I made it clear to him."
"What? That's why he reneged on the deal!"
"If he couldn't handle a six shooter aimed at his balls, he had no place in business."
A scream of frustration left you. "Aren't you bored of this?! A hundred and fifty years we've been at this. You betray me. I betray you. One hundred and fifty years and we're still both so stubborn that we can't trust each other. We can't love each other." You feel the weight of your words slip from your shoulders.
Ignacio Oretga usually presented an intimidating front unless he needed to turn on the charm. There was exactly one person and one person only who could bring out the soft demeanour he took on now. "Darlin', there hasn't been one second of the last a hundred and fifty years that I haven't loved you. Now trust is another thing entirely…" he grinned.
"Don't laugh at me." You pout.
Ignacio leans in to kiss your bottom lip poking out. "I'm not laughing at you. I would never!"
"Yes, you would!" You grin back at him, your fingers fiddling with his lapels. "I love you, too."
The first kiss between you in a decade sparks the old fire between you. The reason for you being in this motel is nearly forgotten as Ignacio lifts you as close to his body as he can. He's eager to refresh his memory of your body against his.
"Wait, My Love. We need to finish the ritual or our hundred and fifty years end here."
Ignacio's fingers lace between yours around the stake. "Allow me." He slips the wood from your hand.
Ignacio lines the stake up just as you did and prepares to raise to deliver the killing blow. Just as it had with you, the door bursts open. A familiar figure is back lit by the lighting outside from the worsening storm.
"Thief." You spit in its direction.
"Oh, I'm so much more than that." He laughs. "For example, tonight I'm a trader."
"What is it you want to trade?" Ignacio's eyes narrow on him.
"The vampire and the secret to securing a few more years of life for you both, in exchange for allowing me to feast on the energy from the ritual."
"But we have the…" You trail off as you see that the vampire is gone and all that remains on the bed is a faint mist. The potent tang of magic settles on your tongue.
"When you say 'feast on the energy'...?"
Ignacio presses, keen to get rid of your uninvited guest.
"It's simple. To increase the longevity of the ritual you must make love in the blood of the creature rather than just bathe in it. I simply wish to watch and feed off your passion." The Thief sat himself in a chair at the end of the bed as if the whole thing was a done deal.
"You're an Incubus?" You wonder aloud.
"Among other things." His brown eyes glint red with amusement.
Turning to Ignacio, you could see him weighing up the deal.
"We've done more exotic things in bed." Your lips quirk up at the memory. "Prague."
"Hmm. California in the 70's." Ignacio smiled, stepping closer his hands finding your hips as if he was engaging you in a dance.
"Amsterdam." You swayed to the old melody supplied by your memories.
"So we are in agreement?" The Thief snapped his fingers and the vampire reappeared.
"Yes." You say in unison with Ignacio.
Neither of you so much as glance at The Thief as you let muscle memory take over until the two of you are naked. A wispy tendril of red mist winds its way to you from the hand of The Thief. It licks up your bare skin increasing the sensitivity of every nerve it touches. When it pushes between your legs it almost brings you to orgasm in an instant. Ignacio seems similarly affected as his cock flushes red and weeps.
"Just a little gift from me. For being so gracious in accepting my offer." The Thief undoes his belt as he speaks before cupping the large bulge below it.
Ignacio presses a single kiss to your bare shoulder, it's enough to make your knees weak. With shaking hands the two of you manage to wield the stake. The weight of the two of you tumbling into bed pushes the stake into the vampire's heart. An explosion of thick, crimson blood covers you as you sink down into the bed. Ignacio is inside you before you know it, filling you with his cum as your convulsing body milks it from him.
The Thief moans in contentment as he strokes himself through his clothing. "Again."
The tang of copper rolls over your tongue as Ignacio kisses you. It takes only a fraction longer for the two of you to come this time. Your heels dig into the meat of his pert ass as you draw him deeper. His warm release drips out on the bloodied sheets below. He seems to have even more for you than usual.
"Again." The Thief groans as he starts to stroke his now bare length.
Ignacio fights through the fog of his mystical arousal to position you where he wants you. He now has you on all fours. After all these years there is still something primal about spearing you on his cock from this angle. He manages to last a little longer this time. Enough that he gets to enjoy the arch of your back as he pulls on your hair and the jiggle of your ass as he smacks into it. His cum gushes into you as he stutters out a groan. Each climax feels electric. He wants to fuck you over and over. Not just because of the spell but to make up for lost time. How had he been so stubborn as to miss so much as a day with you?
Gripping the bed frame you try to compose yourself as the last orgasm fades. Each one hits like plunging into the ocean. It hits hard before consuming you in its depths. Making the mistake of looking up you see The Thief with his head thrown back in pleasure. His hips chase his hand as his fucks into his fist. The sight of him so freely chasing his pleasure has you coming again.
Ignacio's hand lands firmly on your ass cheek. "I forgot my naughty girl likes to watch. Thief!"
The Thief still carries on jerking his cock as he acknowledges Ignacio.
"Why don't you join us? My wife has a very talented mouth." Turned on by his own words, Ignacio Jackrabbits into you hard until he comes again.
The Thief moves with inhuman speed pressing the tip of his cock to your lips before you realise he even left his chair. "Would you like a taste?" He strokes your cheek gently until you open up for him.
The precum gathered on his slit is like nothing you've ever tasted before. You find yourself sucking and bobbing your head in earnest just to get more. When Ignacio starts snapping his hips into you from behind, the force causes you to gag on The Thief's swollen head. The sound makes Ignacio throb inside of you. His wife choking on a cock while he fucks her from behind prompts another load of his seed to fill up your warm cunt. The warmth of him triggers another orgasm from you. Whatever this magic is, you want more of it. Not just for the sex but for how your husband feels inside and against you. Ever touch is heightened. You couldn't get any closer to him than you are right now. It soothes the ache in your heart from spending years without him.
The Thief utters something in an unrecognisable language as you swallow around him. He then pulls out with a slick pop. "I will still let you have a taste but I'm afraid I might be too rough while I chase my end."
The Thief proceeds to wrap his hand around his thick girth.The noise of his balls slapping against his fist while he groans deeply is enough to even affect Ignacio. Flipping you over, he mouths at your blood soaked tits. Sucking on each nipple until it aches. Each suck and bit builds another climax it only takes his fingers pressing to your clit for you to achieve it. You watch in fascination as Ignacio's cock spurts another load across your thigh without even being touched. Running your fingers through it, you greedily stuff them in your mouth.
"I've missed you so much." You pull your husband in for a kiss that evolves into a slower pace of love making. Slower, but no less satisfying as you both come twice in each other's arms.
The laguid, comfortable satisfaction that The Thief drinks down reminds him of his own love at home waiting for him. He's almost full and his cock aches for release. He starts to withdraw his magic from them. It's harder than he anticipated as they were already so much in love and lust. He finally does so as Ignacio has his wife's legs spread wide in the air to thrust impossibly deep inside her. Reaching out, he grips her ankle to steady himself as he prepares to finish himself off. He's so close, he can feel the heat in his spine. Looking down, he watches Ignacio's thick cock splitting his wife's tight pussy open. Her folds glisten with both their releases. Her puffy, pink cunt looks throughly fucked still it pulls her husband's cock deeper. He can feel their love and passion fueling the spell. The magic in the air ripples over his skin, his nipples tighten just before his balls do. His fist works incredibly fast to pump his overdue spend over the face of the beautiful woman underneath him. As he covers his face, her husband paints her insides. The scream that rips from her leaves her mouth open to catch The Thief's seed. She rides out her climax on his husband's cock while licking The Thief's cum from around her mouth. The Thief thinks that he got the better end of the deal. As the heavy energy in the room lifts, The Thief prepares to leave.
All the years you'd seen the man as nothing more than an annoyance. Someone who turns up now and again when your agenda's crossed. Now you were seeing just how powerful he was.
"Wait. That was…" All coherent thought leaves your brain as you look up at your husband practically glowing. Your eyes trace a bead of sweat from his forehead down the curve of his beautiful nose before dripping onto your bare chest.
The Thief chuckles. "If you think I know how to celebrate Halloween, wait until you see how I celebrate New Years."
Author's Note: I had a completely different vibe planned for this one but I'm just so happy to have finished something after going through a dry spell.
Tags: @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance @its-nebuleuse @sherala007
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harshaenterprisess · 2 years
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sleepiest-writing · 9 months
꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷₊˚✧ ゚Bad sanses on NY ゚✧˚₊꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷
꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷₊˚✧ Night ✧˚₊꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷
- Any type of confetti is BANNED, it gets in his goop and he doesn't like it.
- The same goes for glitter.
- eats 12 grapes before 12am.
- will disappear at some point to decompress but will come back.
- won't really drink, but will walk around with a glass of champagne for show.
- deep down really wants to write with sparklers but refuses to let anyone see him like that.
- Watching the fireworks reminds him of the festivals the village used to throw, he harbours more bittersweet than negative feelings toward them on New Year.
- likes watching the others.
꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷₊˚✧ Hatch / Horror ✧˚₊꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷
- No, you can't put sparklers in their skull.
- has baked so many bread-related things for everyone.
- loves the look of fireworks, doesn't like the "scream" they do before they go off.
- In bed by 1.30am.
- fascinated by different traditions and will ask about them.
- doesn't drink, might have a mocktail at the most.
꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷₊˚✧ Killer ✧˚₊꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷
- Is the reason confetti and glitter are banned.
- Makes the weirdest cocktails.
- He can and will imitate a firework to make people jump.
- It is up to the Gods [or nightmare] when he passes out, refuses to Sleep.
- Will be kissing someone. It might be the wall with how drunk he is.
꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷₊˚✧ Dust ✧˚₊꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷
- Does not like celebrating New Years.
- builds a nest-type thing to help muffle loud noises.
- tries to fall asleep before midnight.
- if he can't he's up all night in his room playing loud videos / games to drown everything out.
- has tried to make one of those sleep cocktails that went viral on tiktok. It didn't really do anything for him.
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