#fertilizer posting
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no-less-than-a-god · 1 year ago
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(before I get into this btw if you're curious about anything PLEASE SEND ME AN ASK! I WOULD LOVE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS Y'ALL HAVE)
#loredump - posts centered around all lore
#blurb - short posts that contain details of the au, but may or may not include lore
#fertilizer posting - shitposts
#snippet - posts that contain snippets from pre-existing scenes
#drabbling ichor - posts that contain fic drabbles (fics less than 1k words)
#fickle thing - fic posts!
#halved crown au - MAIN AU for this blog, what this blog is centered around
#syndicate au - side au I randomly came up with (loredump here)
#ask and you shall receive - asks! PLEASE SEND ME ASKS
Writing Navigation:
Halved Crown au:
Lamb to the Slaughter (the Lamb's execution, outsider perspective); ao3 version
Slaughter to the Lamb (the Lamb's execution, Lamb's perspective) (accidental easter fic?); ao3 version
the first time the Lamb sought death to see Narinder; ao3 version
Valentine's Day drabble; ao3 version
Narinder touching grass (real) (not clickbait); ao3 version
the Lamb: oh boy I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me; ao3 version
the Lamb takes a needed break; ao3 version
Fragments; ao3 version
Baal and Aym reunite with their mother; ao3 version
of Harvest, of Celebration, and of Rest: part 1, part 2; ao3 version
Bonus: a return to Anura; ao3 version
Syndicate au:
(to be written...)
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chucktaylorupset · 4 months ago
17776 is a world where people stopped dying but like. There wasnt like a global announcement when it happened so what it probably looked like was an oncologist coming home and kissing her wife on the cheek while broadly grinning "whats going on" "just had a good day at work" meaning, telling every patient the same news: remission, remission, remission
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thoodleoo · 1 year ago
hey sorry if im cranky today i've got that pms (pre-maenad syndrome)
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cath-lic · 10 months ago
*gritting my teeth* god’s love is transformative, god’s love is transformative, god’s love is transformative
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southbedfordstreet · 7 months ago
when you say that a man can’t get another man pregnant, this 👇🏼 is who you are doubting. do you want to say it to his face that he can’t get another man pregnant? i bet not because he can and you are obviously really very wrong
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mxjackparker · 25 days ago
Every month I'm not pregnant (and therefore another month off testosterone with nothing to show for it) the more dysphoric and miserable I get. So if I seem more sensitive than I used to in response to misgendering or micro-aggressions or well-meaning comments about transition or how I look, please have some grace that things are really hard for me right now. Thanks.
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serpentface · 6 months ago
What does Jazaiti social structure look like, irt mothers? Or like, what role do they play
Some things to be clear on beforehand:
Child: a young Jazait is considered functionally genderless and occupies this age-gender group until puberty. A child is classified as a man when testes descend (though occupies a secondary ‘young man’ space until full completion of puberty). A child becomes a woman at completion of baseline female puberty (having a fully developed mane and having undergone a growth spurt). Man: gender assignment for adult individuals with a penis and testes. They will be wed to mothers. Woman: gender assignment for adult individuals with vaginas who do NOT have active estrus cycles. Most will remain women throughout their lives and be unwed, some will become mothers. Mother: gender assignment for individuals with vaginas who DO have active estrus cycles (considered a mother regardless of if they have actually had children or not). A woman can become a mother and all mothers were once women, but these are distinct and separate gender roles. Elder mother: not a specific gender role- a post-fertile mother who no longer has an active estrus cycle. Clanmother: not a specific gender role- the current eldest mother in any given clan, who acts as its leader.
In typical elowey development, sexually mature males + nonreproductive females are minimally dimorphic, and sexual traits apart from genitalia are usually indistinct. Average size and build is approximately the same, females tend to have larger cuspids. The most strongly dimorphic feature is in scent, with most adult males and females having distinct smells.
Reproductive females on the other hand are more strongly dimorphic- there is typically an additional growth spurt and gain of body fat/muscle, voices deepen, manes grow longer and thicker, nipples grow longer and some breast tissue is accumulated (though not as much as humans, elowey only have fully developed breasts during lactation). Their scent is also distinct from males and nonreproductive females.
All elowey undergo puberty that results in an individual becoming sexually mature and physiologically capable of reproduction, but the estrus/ovulation cycles of females are hormonally suppressed by proximity of a reproductive female. A female’s estrus cycle will initiate on its own with time in the absence of a reproductive female, and will be directly initiated through sexual activity. Non-reproductive females will typically have a sex drive equivalent to a reproductive female when not in estrus- sex may be desirable in being physically pleasurable or as an act of affection, but baseline libido levels are low. Hormonal suppression cannot completely preclude the initiation of estrus (though will typically cause it to be irregular) and would be supplemented by behavioral suppression (the socially dominant reproductive female preventing others from mating) in pre-behaviorally modern ancestors. Instinct towards behavioral suppression often translates into social control of female sexual activity in elowey cultures, but this is not universal.
(^^The baseline physiology described here is universal to elowey, not just Jazait)
Jazait culture is mother-matriarchal, in which mothers are socially and politically dominant to men and women. All women have the potential to become mothers, but most never will, and only inherit the dominant social status upon this occurring. Being a mother is reckoned as a blessed, elevated state and one that is purely natural to occupy positions of strength and leadership, with related men and women being better suited for supporting roles and exacting her will.
Mothers have greater religious status in society and are deemed to be beings made in the sun-mother's image, who is the creator god in Jazaiti religious belief (accompanied by one other (non-creator) god, the moon-father(s), understood as one and three beings and her husband(s)). Their fertility is reckoned as being a gift from the sun-mother. This blessing extends beyond procreation and allows for mothers to work through the sun-mother to encourage needed growth and new life (in fish stocks, livestock, agriculture and forage, singing down the rains, etc). Jazaiti religion (and culture itself) is heavily decentralized, and a clanmother will be the spiritual leader of any given family group and will impart accumulated religious knowledge of generations onto her descendants.
The use of scent glands has strong applications in Jazait culture, particularly in the case of a clanmother. A clanmother will undergo a yearly ceremony in which she journeys around the limits of her clan's land and applies wrist gland secretions along the way, enforcing a protective ring that dissuades the entrance of evil spirits and forms a metaphysical boundary, a sense of 'here' and 'there'. She will also mark the faces of newborn children as means of fully initiating and accepting them into the clan. In any case where a person, place, or thing needs spiritual enforcement as belonging to a clan, this task falls to the clanmother. Any mother's scent is regarded as having properties of blessing, particularly in association with fertility.
A mother's status will generally be passed onto her eldest daughter upon completing rites of initiation, who will be wed and move out of her mothers household (thus eliminating hormonal suppression and allowing for sexual contact to more rapidly initiate estrus). The clanmother has the ultimate say in whether other daughters can become mothers, and will make this decision on a variety of factors- reading the will of the sun-mother, their own opinion on the daughter's suitability for the role, political strategy and necessity (or lack thereof) for additional marriages with another clan, and material concerns of territory and sustenance (a clan can only sustain so many families, with only the wealthiest and most powerful clans having many mothers therein).
This society has a clan system wherein the eldest mother (usually past reproductive age) has the primary and final say in the affairs of her clan. Her husbands will be considered clanfathers and have an elevated rank among other men in the clan. Clans follow a rank hierarchy of clanmother > mothers > clanfathers > husbands > women and unwed men > children.
The number of men is highly disproportionate to the number of mothers, and as such most marriages are polyandrous. One’s number of husbands is usually directly proportionate to one’s wealth, both in indicating access to resources to sustain a large family, and in practical measure, as a dowry is paid to the mother of each male spouse. Husbands will be absorbed into their wife’s clan (though this establishes ties and responsibilities with his former clan), and kinship is matrilineal and makes no distinction between children of different husbands.
A child’s biological father will often be circumstantially known, but this direct relation is not of great importance as each husband is considered a father to all associated children. Due to potential ambiguity in fatherhood and purely matrilineal descent, extramaritial affairs are not of substantial consequence and resulting children will not be considered bastards, but this this is generally frowned upon as lowly and undignified behavior.
Clans are typically very large and spread widely with clan-affiliated families occupying vast territories. Different mothers in the same clan do not directly interact on a regular basis and typically only assemble for festivities and rites, or to discuss matters of utmost importance in person. They will instead use their husbands as messengers (often one husband ends up specifically designated as a messenger, which is a loosely esteemed status as this will often indicate the greatest trust and affection).
The Jazait have no specified warrior culture (this doesn’t mean conflict is nonexistant, just that there is no strongly developed traditions surrounding it). Most women and men will have learned basic self defense and will know how to handle a spear or knife, and will fill roles of warriors in times of conflict. Mothers tend to be protected from directly engaging in combat, and will act as commanders and mediators in all but the most dire of circumstances. Mothers entering combat is a common narrative motif in Jazait storytelling and folklore, used to demonstrate the profound gravity of a conflict.
All members of a family/clan participate in childcare, with married men and mothers being the primary childrearers and the most involved in the domestic sphere and near the home (producing textiles, cooking, farm labor, etc). Women perform the majority of non-domestic labor (in traditional subsistence, this will be fishing, leviathan hunting, foraging, and some herding). This is not itself a gendered role and is partially just pragmatism- most women will go their entire lives without becoming mothers (and will thus be unmarried), while most men will be married, so there’s a greater proportion of women available for tasks away from the home.
The sexual behavior of men and especially women is strongly controlled. Men are expected to solely engage in potentially reproductive behavior with mothers, and women are expected to engage in no sexual behavior with men whatsoever (unless in the context of becoming mothers, as dictated and approved by their own). A woman who becomes pregnant without her mother's consent will technically become a mother (as this act will have been in the context of the estrus cycle self-initiating via sexual contact, and the resulting physical changes will occur), but this is deeply shameful and the theft of a great gift, and will typically result in her exile from the clan, and she and her children being clanless (conceptually close to ‘bastard’ status). This status is effectively permanent and may be socially and materially devastating, depriving the mother and child from their support network and the core unit of Jazait society. The only potential salvation occurs if the father’s clanmother makes the decision to accept the clanless child (and sometimes mother) into her own clan.
Clanless Jazait often form their own communities as means for mutual support, or may be strongly driven to turn to finding work amid other peoples as means of supporting themselves and their children. A significant proportion of Jazait who participate in Imperial Wardi society are clanless, and most established Jazait diasporic communities are at least partly Wardinized- no communities at large are fully assimilated into Wardi culture, but most participate in Wardi-esque marriage patterns as a means of sustaining their communities in this different cultural/subsistence context, and many have adopted syncretic Jazaiti-Wardi faith systems.
There is no direct stigma towards homosexual behavior, though it will be seen as more natural between women (having no other sexual outlets) than between men. While homosexual behavior itself is unstigmatized, men and mothers are fully expected to play reproductive roles in a marriage, and women tasked with becoming mothers (which will involve sexual activity with a man via their first husband) have little say in the matter.
The conceptualization of gender is a strict trinary, with no specified roles that divergence from the man - woman - mother construction. The status of intersex people depends on their variation- many intersex traits will go unnoticed or interpreted as infertility (especially due to minimal sexual dimorphism between males and non-reproductive females), and others tend to be interpreted as negative physical abnormalities.
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hellyrossum · 13 hours ago
the more i think about devon this season, the more i'm seeing parallels between her and mark.
with ricken's new partnership with lumon, devon is seeing this person she loves (loved?) betray all the principles he claimed to hold. he's not the person she thought he was. (like a body snatcher has taken his place.)
and we all want her to get the hell out of there, but she appears to be financially dependent on him, and, having given birth like a month ago. there's this other person in the equation now that she's responsible for. (in another show, mark quitting his severed job would have been the resolution of his arc, the proof that he's ready to face his grief. except, pre-reintegration, that choice isn't so simple. there's another person in the equation now, that he made, that he's responsible for.)
we've also seen how, despite devon's cynical edge and mark's asshole tendencies (often directed at her specifically), she's never given up on her brother. based on that, i think, for all she's frustrated with ricken right now, she probably still wants to believe in the version of him she fell in love with, to hold out in case he returns (to see if she can bring him back).
devon told mark to stay at lumon this season because the person he fell in love with was maybe still there, and if she is, they need to save her.
that past version of ricken (whether he was ever real or just an illusion), and eleanor. those are her gemma. what's keeping devon trapped.
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no-less-than-a-god · 11 months ago
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Where in the world are y'all coming from tho?
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bluestempigeons · 8 months ago
I've had pretty bad luck with the pairs I actually want to breed this year, but we should have some Beau x Nova babies soon! I'm excited to see what they make this time.
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moonshynecybin · 9 months ago
Do you think vr46 boys come across stuff like this and just swipe away from it so fast because nope, no, that did not happen as dictated by beloved pseudo father and step mom. Or is it a this happened, Marc was blessed but turned and bit Vale, so they stare at the pic/video till the hate comes bubbling out then swipe over satisfied
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who remembers where they were the day this picture hit the dash. george bush 9/11 reaction pic style. i was in the library and i had to be normal in public while blinking at my laptop with my eyes buggin out of my head like a frog. ANYWAY. its like. the question is! how aware were these little gayboys about their idol fuckin a guy a few years older than them who he then decided was the wicked witch of the west and presumably THEN taped up a picture of him to a dartboard at the ranch (sorry. actually the framed photo thing is much weirder than that. SO much weirder)? on what level of consciousness did this exist for the likes of franky pecco and luca. not bezz or sweet celin becuase they trundled along when vale already owed alimony but the others were witnesses to the whole tawdry affair (so were jorge martin AND enea). do they confront it. do they all recognize it but ignore it. how does this mess with pecco's weird little brain
well i would choose the option most comedically delicious 2 me and that is. they have no idea. until reconciliation (like two months after it actually happens to be real. they wait a bit). and then its like that fun thing you do with your friends when a dramabomb gets dropped concerning someone you know slash hate and you spend the evening doing a sort of. forensic investigation of their instagram to see who cheated on who etc. lets crack some wine and unpack All That. but with these guys i think its a vodka redbull and a lot of shouting. they are analyzing interactions they are pulling up races on their phones the messages int he gc are FLYING they are GRILLING each other about that ranch day reformulating the last entire ten years in their heads like oh my god they were divorced for real. FOR REAL for real. little slideshow of rosquez's queeniest messiest moments playing against their eyelids for like two weeks. multiple earth shattering realizations regarding their personal relationship to their sexualities. and then they realize theyre going to have to hang out with marc and thats when shit hits the fan lol
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reasonsforhope · 2 years ago
"A new community housing development in the Bronx will feature a cool piece of kit: an on-site aerobic digester that can turn 1,100 pounds of food scraps into 220 pounds of high-quality fertilizer every single day.
Built by Harp Renewables, it’s basically a big stomach filled with bacteria that breaks down food scraps and wasted food into their component parts, and in the future could be a standard part of all apartment units as the amount of food waste in American reaches 30% of the total mass of all trash collection.
The Peninsula, organized by Gilbane Development Company, will feature 740 units of affordable housing, 50,000 square-foot light industrial space and equal sized green space, and 15,000 feet of commercial space, all of which will send their castaway comestibles right into the digester...
Fast Company reports that Christina Grace, founder of a zero-waste food management company, helped plan the design and implementation of the digester into The Peninsula, and helped organize a 40% grant from the city to pay the $50,000 upfront cost.
“The goal is for this material to work its way into the community garden network in the Bronx,” [Christina Grace, who helped plan the design] told the magazine, adding that she expects it to pay for itself over just a few years. “We see this as highly replicable in both commercial and residential venues. We know there’s a need for fertilizer.”
Producing fertilizer right there in the city reduces the need for it to be trucked in from afar, chipping away, even if just a bit, at NYC traffic.
Big problem solver
Perhaps uniquely beneficial to New York City compared to other spots in the U.S. is that the digester will have a significant impact on the Bronx’s share of the city’s rodent problem.
Those who’ve watched the Morgan Spurlock documentary Rats will understand why that’s significant—while those that haven’t will have to imagine what living in a megacity where rats outnumber people by around 8 or 10 to 1 looks like.
Another big problem the bio-digesters could potentially help is pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Fertilizer is a big emitter of all three of the most-targeted GHGs. Fertilizer, like quarry dust and ammonia is, like so many commodities, often imported from countries who specialize in its production, such as Norway, but also Russia and Ukraine, whose conflict has recently highlighted the fragility of the supply chain with sharp increases in prices...
Bio-digesters by design keep the CO2 and methane in the fertilizer produced, rather than it entering the atmosphere.
For these reasons and more, the aerobic bio-digester is slowly making its way into residential and industrial spaces around the country.
GNN reported on an enormous bio-digester at the heart of the D.C. advanced resource (sewage) recovery center outside the capital, and on the use of bio-digesters on Australian pig farms which are helping reduce the environmental and psychological impact of the effluent produced from such operations.
Harp Renewables tweeted how happy they were to have installed their bio-digester in the town of Cashel, Ireland.
Expect to see more stories like this pop up around the globe."
-via Good News Network, March 17, 2022
Note: Obviously gentrification bad and "affordable housing" is sometimes nowhere near as affordable as it should be, etc. etc. That said, this is such a fantastic use case that I felt I had to post it anyway.
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tetsuskei · 3 months ago
i’m gonna cry if i have to deal with another fave having a breeding kink
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love-toxin · 4 months ago
maybee i should just say fuck it and write a buncha a/b/o fics that shit slaps why did i leave it in 2014
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hunybody · 7 months ago
can we PLEASE get eddieravi x unhinged buck fic after u finish presumed dead!eddie bc i honestly dont think anyone can write unhinged buck as you, the vibe is simply NOT THE SAME, you are like modern jesus to me
no i have genuinely been thinking about it. i've been thinking about it a LOT. picture this: buck Literally Refuses to even Conceptualize eddie having gay sex (because obviously if eddie was going to experiment it would be with him?? they literally agreed on this??) (they didn't) (this is also not a normal reaction for buck to have). he entirely blocks the gay eddieravi sex out from his brain.
so what is LEFT is buck being absolutely fucking Crazy about eddie treating ravi with kindness respect and good humor. because ravi is Taking His Spot he's taking EVERYTHING from him??? eddie literally told ravi to come help him set up for dinner. in that stern voice he uses. and ravi stood up and Did it. eddie's stern voice is for BUCK?? that literally Belongs to buck who does ravi think he IS?
eddie lets ravi belay him. buck chews through his lip so hard it goes bloody because ravi won't keep eddie Safe like he does. eddie brings ravi a beer at a cookout at bobby's and DOESN'T bring buck one (because tommy literally just did) (buck could not give less of a fuck about tommy) (he is losing the boyfriend war and eddie and ravi aren't even boyfriends FUCK buck's whole entire stupid life). buck gets so genuinely torn up about it he bursts into tears when ravi offers to drive eddie to the grocery store like Am I So Easily Replaceable To You??? but eddie doesn't see it. because ravi is already driving him to the grocery store.
and again he experiences all these emotions while Actively Blocking Out the fact that eddie is also kissing ravi with tongue and sucking on his neck and that ravi gets to smell eddie's armpits Whenever He Wants and eddie probably puts his hands on ravi's bare skin. and whatever else. because if buck allowed himself to think about that he would murder-suicide himself and ravi.
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pyrosomatic-metamorphosis · 2 years ago
im gonna be honest i dont care that the eggs bedrooms at NINHO look super scary rn. NINHO is a nuclear bunker built for survival, and that should ALWAYS be the #1 priority when building a space meant to be safe. If it isn't safe, then it has failed as a safe space, just by definition. That SAID- gaining functionality doesn't mean they have to give up a nice room entirely. There's still ways to decorate. The space has to be different now, but remember that each room started out as a double-block layered square box. even a nuclear bunker can have paintings on the wall
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