#fern pokemon reborn
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endspace-robot · 13 days ago
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lucentel · 9 months ago
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pokemon reborn /
experimenting with lineless art.. not even done the main story yet but they deserve to beat the shit out of each other i think
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jazz-kitty · 28 days ago
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the green one
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heretodefyfate · 2 years ago
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“the sleeping princess finally woken up”
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celestelunisea16 · 4 months ago
Had to start a new run with Starlo cause my old Starlo run got taken with my laptop, so I picked Wistern as his Starter (since in my Pokétale Yellow, Wistern is basically his canonical starter Pokémon) and he has a backup Pachirisu named Clover.
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trashy-corvian · 1 year ago
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Guys try to act tough and then have friendship based evolution on their team
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cursezoroark · 22 days ago
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bluesky rq that’s a month late!
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primacuey · 1 year ago
Guess who got into Rejuv!! Aelita's so sweet, she reminds me of Victoria :3c
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The Ace was for Crim !! And Fern for Jaz 🤴
I think the fennekin is a bit big but i was drawing by reference idgaf......
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korayvi · 10 months ago
do you think fern ever learns about the fact he was the hero in another world. do you think he lies awake thinking about how he failed at the final step. that he became the enemy to be defeated of another version of him. do you think he feels like an idiot for being so petty as to move from being one world's hero to another's villain all out of jealousy for someone being stronger than him. because somewhere out there some version of him was angry that they were stronger than him; that they would be the one to save the world when he was too weak. that if it was them then euphie wouldn't have lost himself. do you think he was angrier about being replaced or angrier that he felt he was never good enough in the first place. and to him all this just proved him right.
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rozetheeuwu · 4 months ago
Inner peace (Battle) and the Rivals Battle theme
I want to talk about these battle themes and when they played.
Inner peace:
When the song first starts it gives the feeling you are fighting a focused and well-trained person. It feels intense, yet it's so calm.
Then 1 minute and 9 seconds in it changes.
It feels more chaotic, out of control. After that it gets back to how it first played, but there is still a feeling of unbalance at that point.
Inner peace is first played when you fight Kiki. This theme is the battle of the Apophyll Academy sensei.
Kiki is the sensei who has learned about inner peace and control.
But she's dying and it's taking a toll on her.
She is dying and she can't do anything about it, yet she still has a school to run and puts up a facade for her students.
There's no more inner peace.
The second time it plays when you fight Victoria in Devonyx.
Kiki has passed and Victoria is now the sensei.
Although she does an okay job seeming to be in control she breaks more easily.
She is unbalanced before you even fight her. She was forced to take over the academy before she was ready, Kiki her beloved mentor and mother figure died and now she also has to help with rebuilding Reborn City.
She continues to unravel, but still puts on a facade even though it continues to break down.
Rivas theme:
The rivals all share the same battle theme, a remix by GlitchXCity.
The team plays when we test each others abilities as league challangers, however at some point during main game the theme stops playing for them.
First time is against Fern in the Fiore Mansion.
You are fighting him not as your rival in this part, but as a team Meteor member. However it's not the Team Meteor battle that is playing, it's the Misc theme. This is played for characters who aren't quite your rival, but are also not your enemy.
This theme is also played for for Blake, who although is on the side of team Meteor doesn't really believe in their cause. Neither Solaris's or Lin's.
He's just there because he wants to be on the winning side (although for him more specifically it's to be safe).
For Fern it's pretty much the same, he's on the side of the winners. Not because he believes in their causes. He's still your rival obviously, but this is not a battle to test each others abilities. He at this point (from what I understand) is no longer taking the league challenge.
When we fight him in Victory Road he has the Meteor Admin theme.
Now he does believe in the cause, Lin's to be specific. She told him they'd be at the top and he wants that. He's also the only team Meteor member remaining that isn't a grunt, which is why he is given the admin theme instead. The others died or quit.
He doesn't feel like a rival anymore, he feels like a threat. He wants to take what is his and will hurt you for it.
I already explained Victoria's theme change when fighting her at Devonyx. She told us she quit the League challenge for the academy.
She also doesn't feel like our rival at this point anymore either.
When we fight Cain in the glass gauntlet we hear the Team Meteor Admin theme.
That's because we're not fighting him, we're fighting team Meteor controlling him.
Like the other two, this isn't a battle against our rival it's against other forces where he is a part of even if it's not of his own choice.
Spoilers to the Celebi quest:
When we fight Champion Shelly we don't get the champion theme, but the rival one.
We are a champion ourselves and don't have to prove ourselves against her. Shelly herself at this point is also a champion, although she didn't get to fight us she still went through the league and earned the title.
We are not her final obstacle, we are her equal.
Anyway I'm insane about reborn okay bye.
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pokefangamebrainrot · 6 months ago
﹒• ★ ⟡ the sun is all alone, but it still shines ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ mercury, the forgotten planet ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ your worst sin is that you have destroyed yourself for nothing ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ the moon doesn’t glow itself, it’s light is only a reflection of the sun ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ even mars once had water on its surface ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ Jupiter was supposed to be a star, but it failed ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ Saturn is slowly losing its rings ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ Uranus was in the past closer to the sun, but it drifted away as other planets came ⟡ ★ •.
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﹒• ★ ⟡ Neptune is slowly drifting away from the solar system ⟡ ★ •.
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gamergirlshelby · 1 year ago
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various pokemon reborn things i drew today because it is rotating in my brain so so much
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lucentel · 9 months ago
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reborn posting /
hot take this is fern sevilla . hear me out
i feel like the victory road rant flies over a lot of people’s heads for some reason YES fern is an asshole who deserves to be held accountable for his actions !! but he had reasons that drove him there in the first place that 90% of the characters never noticed and he just got more and more bitter and aggressive over time
realistically in his shoes it makes a lot of sense why he was so jealous of mc, imagine being neglected by your family and sister, who favors some random guy that magically bullshits their way through every inconvenience and everyone loves . fern worked hard to get to his place as “top dog” of the social hierarchy (reborn was full of crime and shitty people so by his mentality if he got MEANER and learned to bite back they wouldn’t be able to hurt him) and yet the main character shows up and immediately becomes the talk of the town and the best at everything, even being nicknamed the golden child , and everywhere he goes mc is ALL people talk about. and no matter how hard he tries he knows he’ll never be better than him, that would piss ANYONE off but his circumstances just made it a lot worse
does this make sense. i don’t know if this is coherent or just a wall of text anyways ride or die im fern sevillas #1 defender and I approve this message
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jazz-kitty · 15 days ago
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fern sevillnya
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bumblebee-chimera · 7 months ago
never have i ever had such beef with a fictional character as i do fern from pokemon reborn. fuck you fern, you better have a good reason for your assholery
(unrelated but for the longest time I thought Florinia’s name was Florina)
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refrigeratedboombursts · 1 year ago
Fern: I'm Fern Sevilla, cool cat and top d—
Cain: Top? Wow, I can't believe you're pulling rank like that.
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