#ferdinand alexander porsche
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“A Porsche will always look like a Porsche. My grandfather took these shapes from nature, so the head lamps of the 911 maybe look a little like the eyes of a frog, but it comes from nature, and the best shapes are from nature, so why change?” – Ferdinand Alexander Porsche
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Les fils de Ferry Porsche : Hans-Peter (né en 1940), Ferdinand Alexander (né en 1935), Gerhard (né en 1938) et Wolfgang (né en 1943) dans une Porsche 550 Spyder en 1954.��- source Cars & Motorbikes Stars of the Golden era.
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1958 Porsche 356 A Coupe
The Porsche 356A (T2) Speedster September 1957 to August 1958 (Carrerra Speedsters continued into 1959)
The last of the 356A Speedsters are probably the most attractive and the most desirable. The 356A (T2) Speedster was introduced in September 1957 and continued until the basic Speedster was replaced by the Convertible D in August 1958 although a number of Carrera, GS and GT Speedsters were produced in 1959.
Ferdinand Porsche and the foundation of the Porsche Company
Ferdinand Porsche was born on September 3rd 1875, in the Bohemian village of Maffersdor. After attending grammar school and Staatsgewerbeschule (State Vocational School) in Reichenberg, he entered his father's metalworking business. The young and imaginative Ferdinand pursued a fascination with electricity working on the design of an electric car and in 1900 The Lohner-Porsche electric car is presented at the World Fair in Paris. Porsche's wheel hub engines brought the young engineer international attention. In the same year, he developed an all-wheel-drive racecar, as well as a hybrid petrol/electric vehicle.
In 1906 Ferdinand Porsche became Technical Director at Austro-Daimler in Wiener Neustadt. At the age of only 31, he became responsible for the model range of one of Europe's largest automotive concerns.
In September1909 Ferdinand's first son, Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche, later known as 'Ferry', was born. In 1910 The Austro-Daimler touring car designed by Ferdinand Porsche scores a triple victory in the Prince Henry Trials.
In 1923 as Technical Director and Board Member of the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Stuttgart, Ferdinand Porsche was responsible for the design of the legendary Mercedes Compressor Sports Car and in the following year, he led the development of the 2-litre racecar won the Targa Florio. The Mercedes-Benz S-Type models dominate international motorsport from 1927.
Professor Ferdinand Porsche 1875-1951
In 1931 Ferdinand Porsche founded the company that bears his name "Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche GmbH" to provide 'engineering and consultation on engine and vehicle design'. Based in Stuttgart the company carried out projects for manufacturers such as as Wanderer, Zündapp and NSU. In 1933 Porsche developed a Grand Prix mid-engined 16-cylinder racecar for Auto Union. He also developed a rear engined compact vehicle concept for NSU.
One year later the Porsche company received an official order for the design and construction of a German 'Peoples Car' or Volkswagen. The prototype was developed and assembled in the garage of the Porsche villa in Stuttgart and was road tested within 12 months At the same time production facilities were being set up for the Volkswagen which was officially called the 'KdF-Wagen'.
In December 1935 Ferdinand Alexander Porsche the first son of Ferry Porsche (and later known as 'Butzi') was born in Stuttgart.
During 1939 Porsche developed 3 racing coupés for long-distance endurance competition. These 'BerlinRome-Wagens' could be considered the forerunners of later Porsche sports cars.
He also designed the Mercedes T-80 in1939 to conquer the world land speed record. It was reputed to have a 3000 hp aircraft engine.
Because of the outbreak of the second world war Volkswagen production was diverted towards the military version of the Beetle, the Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen. Only 1207 Volkswagen KdFs were built between 1941 and 1944
Porsche also designed several heavy tanks but did not get the production contract. Towards the end of the war the Porsche Engineering office moved to the relative safety of Gmünd in the Austrian province of Carinthia.
After the war the Volkswagen factory at Wolfsburg was taken over by the British and Ferdinand Porsche was arrested and imprisoned in France for 20 months.
In 1946 under the direction of Ferdinand Porsche's son Ferry, the Porsche Engineering office became involved in the design of an all-wheeldrive Grand Prix racecar for an Italian industrialist, Piero Dusio.
Ferry Porsche saw a market for a small, light two seater roadster and was unable to find a car in the market that matched his preference. He decided to build a car which became the first 356 and the first sportscar to bear the Porsche name.
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#farafieldmb | The iconic Porsche 911, designed By Ferdinand Alexander, 1963. 📷 by Unknown.
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TURISIAN.com - Bad Cannstatt, nama ini mungkin jarang disebut saat berbicara tentang kota-kota di Jerman. Seperti, Berlin, Frankfurt, atau München. Berlin dengan sejarah kelam Tembok Berlin-nya, Frankfurt sebagai ikon finansial Eropa.Dan München yang terkenal dengan Allianz Arena. Stadion megah yang jadi destinasi para pecinta sepak bola. Tapi, apakah Jerman hanya berhenti pada kota-kota besar ini? Tentu saja tidak. Di kota terbesar keenam dan salah satu yang terasri di Jerman, Stuttgart. Disini, terdapat kawasan yang mungkin jarang disebut dalam daftar kunjungan wisatawan internasional. BACA JUGA: Akhir Cerita Wisatawan Jerman yang Telanjang di Bali, Begini Nasibnya Bad Cannstatt, kecamatan yang sunyi namun sarat sejarah ini menyimpan jejak penting dalam sejarah otomotif dunia. Dari sanalah nama besar Mercedes-Benz bermula, dan kota ini telah memainkan peran besar dalam meretas jalan menuju era mobil modern. Bad Cannstatt adalah tempat kelahiran kendaraan bermotor pertama di dunia, hasil karya Gottlieb Daimler. Pria yang kini namanya diabadikan sebagai nama jalan di Bad Cannstatt itu, menciptakan motor dan mobil pertama di sini, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi Mercedes-Benz. Daimler, yang berpulang pada 6 Maret 1900, tidak hanya menciptakan alat transportasi baru; ia juga membuka jalan bagi revolusi mobilitas global yang masih kita rasakan hingga kini. BACA JUGA: Ingin Coba Sosis Premium Ala Jerman, Datang aja ke Puncak Bogor Museum Mercedes-Benz Dan untuk mengenang kontribusinya, di Bad Cannstatt berdiri Museum Mercedes-Benz yang memamerkan karya-karya Daimler. Mulai dari kendaraan awal hingga model mutakhir yang menggabungkan teknologi dan keindahan desain. Sementara itu, tak jauh dari museum tersebut, Mercedez Benz Arena berdiri megah, stadion sepak bola yang pernah menjadi ajang Piala Dunia 2006 saat Jerman menjadi tuan rumah. Nama stadion ini mengabadikan merek otomotif yang lahir dari visi Daimler, sebuah penghargaan untuk perannya dalam sejarah kota Stuttgart. Sedangkan, Bad Cannstatt tak hanya berkaitan dengan Mercedes-Benz. Di tempat ini juga bersebelahan dengan Porsche Arena, yang dibangun sebagai penghormatan pada Ferdinand Alexander Porsche. BACA JUGA:Indonesia Bangun Kerjasama Pengembangan Gim dengan Savvy Games Group Perintis mobil mewah yang lahir lebih dari setengah abad setelah Daimler. Porsche, yang pernah belajar dari Daimler, mengembangkan kendaraan dengan gaya yang berbeda namun sama-sama mewah. Ia memulai merek yang kini menjadi ikon dalam dunia otomotif. Walaupun Museum Porsche terletak di luar Bad Cannstatt, kehadiran Porsche Arena di kawasan ini seakan memperkuat identitas Bad Cannstatt sebagai pusat sejarah otomotif dunia. Maka, tak ada salahnya menjadikan Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt sebagai destinasi wisata Anda jika mengunjungi Jerman, terutama jika Anda seorang pecinta otomotif. Kawasan ini tak kalah menarik dari kota-kota besar lainnya dan membawa Anda menelusuri jejak para perintis yang mengubah dunia melalui inovasi.
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The Ocean 2000 riflette un periodo molto speciale nel patrimonio IWC/Porsche. Era anche uno dei pochi in grado di resistere a 2000 m di pressione dell'acqua. Tanto che persino i militari (sì, ci sono versioni militari dell'Ocean 2000) li usavano. EURO 7.250
Porsche Design by IWC Ocean 2000 ref 3504 Alcuni fatti sul Porsche Design di IWC Ocean 2000 Questo è il primo orologio IWC ad avere un bracciale e una cassa in titanio. Il curatore del Museo IWC David Seyffer lo considera speciale perché è un orologio vintage che puoi indossare senza preoccuparti, data la sua straordinaria robustezza. L'Ocean 2000, che promette una resistenza all'acqua di 2000 m, è stato effettivamente testato a pressione fino a 3200 m e non si è ancora rotto. Ciò che la collaborazione tra IWC e Porsche Design ha interrotto, tuttavia, è stata la stessa, a causa del successo oltraggioso della partnership. La collaborazione è stata interrotta perché minacciava di oscurare IWC. Si sostiene infatti che il rif. 3700 vendevano annualmente più unità di tutti gli altri cronografi meccanici di tutte le altre aziende svizzere messe insieme. L'orologio è stato progettato e sviluppato da Ferdinand Alexander Porsche per la marina della Germania occidentale. Questo contratto ha portato ai famosi orologi Ocean 2000 BUND, che sono tra gli orologi militari più ricercati. The Ocean 2000 riflette un periodo molto speciale nel patrimonio IWC/Porsche. Era anche uno dei pochi in grado di resistere a 2000 m di pressione dell'acqua. Tanto che persino i militari (sì, ci sono versioni militari dell'Ocean 2000) li usavano. EURO 7.250 https://timeandtidewatches.com/news-we-are-auctioning-a…/
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(1983) Edwin Alexander Francis modeled in the advertising campaign for the new titanium-coated Payer Electric Shaver for Men - designed by Ferdinand Alexander Porsche
Agency: D&R, Graz, Austria
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...in a second follow-up campaign they added 'the female touch' with Karin Kienzer, actress and model active in Graz in the 80s
...and - in memoriam - here's a headshot of the agency's boss: Franz Karl Daublebsky (* 27-09-1946 † 04-04-2023) r.i.p.
Payer celebrates 75 years ->
...all this while I was working in and around Franz' beautiful old villa in Graz as 'landscape artist' (gardener) handy-man and interior decorator. A graphic artist at the agency called 'Schorn' did a sketch of me (for another advertising campaign for the Tagespost, the national newspaper) rolling one using a newspaper :-)
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Benvenuti nel mondo IWC; 150 anni di esperienza orologiera
Curiosità e Aneddoti sugli orologi IWC
La storia di IWC Schaffhausen è disseminata di curiosità ed aneddoti affascinanti che riflettono la creatività e l'innovazione che alimentano questo marchio di orologi di lusso.
Nel lontano 1885, per esempio, la IWC produsse il primo orologio digitale utilizzando un brevetto concesso dall’inventore austriaco Pallweber. Questi orologi da tasca presentavano una configurazione completamente diversa da quelli in produzione a quei tempi. Le ore e i minuti saltanti sostituivano il tradizionale quadrante analogico, anticipando di quasi un secolo quello che avremmo visto poi con gli orologi al quarzo. L’orologio IWC Pallweber fu utilizzato anche dalle ferrovie americane. (18)Nel 2018 la IWC ha presentato un orologio un orologio tributo per questo storico e sorprendente modello. In questo caso però, pur mantenendo lo stesso stile grafico, si è scelto di realizzarlo in un modello da polso.
Dalla seconda metà degli anni trenta alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, IWC è stata una delle cinque manifatture di orologi che costruirono i B-Uhren per l'aviazione tedesca, la famigerata Luftwaffe. Le altre quattro aziende erano tedesche, Stowa, Laco, Wempe e A. Lange & Söhne, in pieno stile autarchico del regime nazista mentre la IWC era l’unica straniera, anche se con sede nella svizzera tedesca.
Nel 1978 la IWC ha stretto una collaborazione ventennale con Porsche Design realizzando orologi innovativi nel design e nelle complicazioni. Il designer, Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, lo stesso che ha disegnato la Porsche 911, ha così realizzato il primo orologio da polso con bussola incorporata e anche il primo cronografo al mondo con cassa in titanio.
Un altro aneddoto affascinante riguarda il "Grande Complication" del 1990, un orologio che rappresenta un vero capolavoro dell'orologeria. Questo orologio straordinariamente complesso, limitato a soli 50 pezzi, incorporava 659 parti meccaniche e 71 rubini, offrendo una vasta gamma di funzioni tra cui un cronografo, un calendario perpetuo, un ripetitore di minuti e una fase lunare.
Il lancio del "Grande Complicazione" ha segnato un momento importante nella storia di IWC, sottolineando il suo status di produttore di orologi di alta orologeria. È stato infatti il primo orologio da polso con grandi complicazioni al mondo, con un prezzo al lancio di ben 150.000 $, ma ugualmente subito tutto esaurito...CONTINUA L'ARTICOLO
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Porsche Design Introduces the Chronograph 1 – 911 S/T
Two Design Icons Inseparably United Stuttgart. The Porsche 911, known around the world today, has been the epitome of iconic design and engineering for 60 years. Designed by the young Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, the icon has continued to evolve over the decades and illustrated what still holds true today: standing still is not an option for a sports car manufacturer. Up to the present 992, new…
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Erwin Komenda viveu no topo do panteão do mundo criativo de Ferdinand Porsche, com todas as suas inúmeras permutações. Como engenheiro e metalúrgico, Komenda se aprofundou na criação de vários automóveis extremamente importantes do século 20, e seu legado de design permanece formidável quase 60 anos após sua morte. Alexander Gromow – AUTOentusiastas. 15/05/2023 Acervo família Komenda Nascido…
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#a Wanderer#AG#Audi#AUTOentusiastas#Baden-Württemberg#chefe de engenharia de carroceria#componente do novo conglomerado Auto Union#design do veículo KdF da Volkswagen#diagnosticado com câncer de pulmão#DKW e Horch#Ferry Porsche#FILHA DE ERWIN KOMENDA#filho de Ferdinand Porsche#forma básica do Porsche 356#FRANKFUR#Gmünd#Ingrid Steineck#Landgericht Braunschweig (Tribunal Regional de Braunschweig)#o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial#O PROCESSO KOMENDA CONTRA A VOLKSWAGEN#parágrafo do jogo limpo#PORSCHE TRANSGENIA CARRO VW FUSCA BRANCO CHUVA#primeiro Porsche 356#revisão da Lei Alemã#Stuttgart#Tatra V570 e o Mercedes Benz 130 H#tribunal de Brunswick#VENDA DO VW FUSCA#VW Käfer original
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“Good design should be honest.” – Ferdinand Alexander Porsche
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Jazz Lamp designed by Ferdinand Alexander Porsche for PAF Studio 1989
Ferdinand Alexander Porsche was a German automotive and industrial designer, best known as the designer of the first Porsche 911. His Jazz lamp, designed in 1989, features an extendable body, and must have been a favorite of Trek production designers, as it was used in The Undiscovered Country, The Next Generation, Voyager, and Enterprise. The screencaps here are from The Undiscovered Country, TNG “First Contact,” VOY “Ex Post Facto,” and ENT “Horizon.”
Source: Ex Astris Scientia
#star trek#the undiscovered country#star trek tng#star trek voyager#star trek enterprise#ferdinand alexander porsche#jazz lamp#postmodern design#lighting
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Weekly Aircooled911 series of Porsche Characters
They called him “Butzi”. He was the eldest son of Ferry Porsche and a grandson of Ferdinand Porsche.
In 1962 he became design director at Porsche. His most famous work is the Porsche 911, which was still 901 at the presentation at the IAA 1963. The design of the current Porsche vehicles still reveals the basic features of the design by Ferdinand Alexander Porsche.
Born in 11. Dezember 1935 in Stuttgart; † 5. April 2012 in Salzburg
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重磅聯手,Philips 與 Porsche Design 合作打造家庭影音娛樂產品!全新 70PD9000 大型顯示器即將上市!
重磅聯手,Philips 與 Porsche Design 合作打造家庭影音娛樂產品!全新 70PD9000 大型顯示器即將上市!
歐系影音家電大廠 Philips 飛利浦於 2020 首度與 Porsche Design 重磅聯手,推出全新 70PD9000 大型顯示器,搭配超跑等級高端工藝設計與智慧科技、簡約時尚的流線外觀與頂級質感,搭載飛利浦獨家專利 Ambilight 情境光視覺科技及量子點色彩,將觀影、追劇的休閒娛樂提���至新的層次。集美學工藝、創新情境光源技術、與聯網便利性於大成,除外型出眾、吸睛更創造極致的家庭視聽娛樂享受,開創潮奢家電新視野!
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#70PD9000#Ambilight#Dolby Atmos#Dolby Vision#Ferdinand Alexander Porsche#Muirhead#PD#Porsche#PORSCHE DESIGN#Quantum Dot Color#TV#大型顯示器#德國 iF 設計獎#德國紅點設計大獎#情境光視覺科技#量子點色彩顯示技術#電視#飛利浦
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For all the KINGS out there
This is probably unrelated to my blog, but I had to write this out because it keeps haunting my mind. The constant hate men get on Tumblr and other social media platforms have been getting out of hand. I lost count of how many times I heard or read this phrase: "Men Are Trash." by women and I kept wondering... How can one person assume every single man on this planet is like that? Have you talked to all of them to prove this theory? Before I speak more, I want anyone who reads this to know it's not a hate-related post, but rather a wake-up call... especially for women who have been brainwashed by society.
NOW. Tons of women spoke about how men are useless, trash, and unneeded in society and how the world would be better without them.
The question is... Who works mostly in the construction industry? Who works mostly in the military department? The special forces? What about engineering and mechanics? Who is mostly down in the mines... getting all dirty and putting in loads of physical work?
Let's see something else...
Leonardo da Vinci
He invented the helicopter and the battle tank. He came up with designs for mechanical looms and hydraulic saws. He drew plans for submarines and robots. The list of his contributions to the world of engineering is virtually endless.
Thomas Edison
A keen businessman with unbridled imagination, he is credited with thousands of inventions, including the phonograph, the electric light bulb, the telephone (although Alexander Graham Bell made it to the patent office first on that occasion), the movie camera, the microphone, and alkaline batteries.
Benjamin Franklin
His legacy includes the lightning conductor, bifocal lenses, and, according to some, the first experiments in nanoscience.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was arguably the greatest geek who ever lived, always fixing things that weren't broken and coming up with amazing inventions in the process. We have him to thank for alternating current, the modern electric motor, remote-controlled boats, and, rumor has it, radar technology and wireless communications.
What about social media? Something that most women wouldn't be able to live without?
Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg
TikTok: Zhang Yiming
Twitter: Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, Evan Williams
Youtube: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim
Instagram: Kevin Systrom
Still not enough? What about the luxury brands women are dying to have?
DIOR, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci.
Oh, and let's not forget the brand of cars...
Ferruccio Lamborghini, Enzo Ferrari, Ettore Bugatti, Henry Royce & Charles Rolls, Ferdinand Porsche & Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche
Everything surroundings us... MEN have built, and I find it highly offensive to call all men trash. The Audacity!
The thought of waking up one day without men on this planet is simply a nightmare. Now, I am no doctor but I am pretty sure the human race needs MEN too so we can reproduce because, from my knowledge, women aren't capable of parthenogenesis.
Now, many women say that men have an easy life and lots of privileges, but I would like to disagree because if you said that, then you don't know anything about men at all. Just look up the case of 53-year-old journalist Norah Vincent, who pretended to be a man for a long period to see what living as a man is like. The experiment ended up in a tragedy as she committed suicide. She couldn't stand living as a man; she said it was so horrible, and she was shocked by how WOMEN treated her as she kept the disguise of a man.
I get it. Maybe some women ended up with shitty guys, but that's no excuse to treat the entire male population like that. There are good men and evil men... JUST like there are toxic women and good women.
This world needs women and men... to work together and not let social media brainwash them... and ultimately kill something beautiful.
Again, this post is not hate-related but a cold bucket of reality because sometimes we need reality to hit us upside the head and wake us up.
I see many posts like "You go, Queen!" or "Slay them, princess!"
Well... I just wanna say, "Keep your golden crowns straight, Kings!"
#important post#men and women#Stay Strong Kings#I needed to write this down to get some tension out#society#men are important#masculinity is beautiful
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¡Día Internacional del Volkswagen Escarabajo!
Desde el año 1995 festejamos al escarabajo de cuatro ruedas más famoso de todo el mundo. El 22 de junio se celebra el Día Internacional del Volkswagen Escarabajo.
El surgimiento de esta efeméride fue por iniciativa del brasileño Alexander Gromow, un aficionado del Volkswagen Escarabajo, en consenso con varios clubes mundiales del Escarabajo.
Se seleccionó esta fecha, debido a que el 22 de junio de 1934 se firmó el contrato entre el Dr. Ferdinand Porsche y la asociación de la industria alemana del automóvil. Porsche desarrolló el primer prototipo de Volkswagen.
El popular nombre de Escarabajo obedece a su forma redondeada y compacta. Por ser un vehículo emblemático ha sido considerado el automóvil más influyente del siglo XX y cuenta con una gran cantidad de clubes y aficionados alrededor del mundo.
Este popular modelo conocido como Volkswagen Tipo 1, de bajo costo, comenzó a producirse en Wolfsburg (Alemania), desde el año 1938 hasta el año 1978.
#BujiasTorch #Volkswagen #VolkswagenEscarabajo #VolkswagenBeetle #ClassicCars #SuperDeportivos #Cars #Coches #Autos #Motor #Venezuela #Latinoamérica
#bujias torch#volkswagen#volkswagen escarabajo#volkswagen beetle#classics cars#cars#coches#autos#motor#venezuela
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