#feralreason; 002
dagdasgodslayer · 8 months
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feralreason asked: “You might not be human anymore, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person.” - listen ok I'm thinking William is like "ah he Came Back? He just like me fr fr….. TIME TO GIVE TERRIBLE WONDERFUL ADVICE!"
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❝ You mean it? ❞
[That might not be the right thing to ask, but validation from his hero and new big brother meant the world. Openly baring his scars and describing his circumstances felt terrifying -- he really trusted Dave at this point. These were details he hadn't even shared with his family ( for fear of how much they'd worry, not because he'd freak them out...so he hoped ). But here Dave was, sympathizing, making him feel safe and heard.]
[It didn't make him any less of a person. Those were words he desperately needed to hear; the existential crisis that came with being a walking corpse had taken a toll on him, one that he internalized and tried not to show. Dave's support meant everything to Nanashi. He'd been right to open up.]
❝ Um...thanks. ❞ [Shit, was he tearing up? He frantically wiped them away, hoping to keep up his "cool" attitude around Dave.] ❝ Really. It means a lot. Lately, I've been wondering if...if I'm even "me" anymore. I can't really tell. Not being in control of yourself, it...kinda eats at you. ❞
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curseofbreadbear · 3 years
@feralreason​​ ❤’d!
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❝ I’m having an EGGSistential crisis!! ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@feralreason​ replied: ‘Make them mine’ — “We’re family now. I know you got your tent but just sayin’… got a pretty greasy cardboard box back at ‘bear’ with your name on it. Even got a sharpie and decorated it for ya!”
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❝ Hhhngh... ❞
[Dammit. FUCK. Why did their aubergine bestie have to make such a tempting offer? Not only that, but...he’d called them “FAMILY.” Oh, Phone-God. They could feel something seeping from their stitches...hopefully, those were tears, and not something to ACTUALLY worry about. They felt like they were crying -- but not because they were sad...they were happy.]
[Happier than they could ever remember being, actually. A family...an eggplant-family-bestie who’d gone out of his way to decorate a greasy box JUST for them. Rotary-Christ...]
[Desperate to find anything that’d drive them away from their tent, they thought of all the cons -- the hostile pond-demons, for one. Plus, although they could try and recruit kids to clean their tent, they had to remain 25 feet away from the playground at all times. Really, the main thing adhering them to the woods was the cryptid aesthetic...Bigfoot, namely. But...hadn’t their aubergine bestie spoken about Bigfoot being spotted on the premises?]
[Okay, that sealed it. They’d keep their tent, obviously...but they wanted that damned cardboard box. They wanted to be a “family.” They wiped the tears away from their delicate stitching, sniffled, and tried to speak.]
❝ Box........w-want.....want box. ❞
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curseofbreadbear · 2 years
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feralreason asked: “Fuck yeah, you did it, bitch!” - To Gingi
❝ FUCK YEAH, I DID!!! ❞ 
[Phonegingi panted excitedly, reptilian tail wagging as they held out the poster they'd yanked off the cinema walls -- this was the first-ever piece of "literature" they'd managed to read, and it was all thanks to the eggplant's wordy-number lessons!!! "You like it now, but you'll like it better with CGI!" They had NO idea what that meant, but they'd apparently read it correctly, since William approved of their translation!! They'd really done it!! They could READ!]
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curseofbreadbear · 2 years
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feralreason asked: ❛ i’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal’ like, you don’t know that. neither do i. i have never died even once. nothing has been proven yet. stop making assumptions. ❜ - I know I should specify muse but honestly I saw this and needed to send as Dave and can't decide so... I hope that's okay if not nbd jkflgh
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❝ YEAH!! Yeah, FUCK SOCIETY. They can't tell you how "mortal" you actually are! ❞
[Okay, so they were kiiinda filling in the blanks on what "mortal" meant -- but they were using their brain to solve this problem via the magic of context clues! Bearing those in mind, mortal probably meant something like "you get to die one day" -- which, in fairness, Phonegingi absolutely wanted to do. They actually had a calendar in their tent just to mark down the days until they presumably would...assuming that they had the same age as the average human. Which they probably did, right??]
❝ I have yet to die either! I think. It is one of my many goals, right alongside "smooch Bigfoot." ❞ [That should show just how important it was.]
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