#🥚 |v| ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᵈᵉᵗᵉʳᵐᶤᶰᵉᵈˑ (000.) |v| 🥚
1-800-scaryphone · 9 months
@crvptd ❤’d! ( for gingi! )
❝ Welcome to Casa de la Meme. Feel free to piss anywhere that isn't my box-bed. ❞
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❝ I will instantly reclaim it via a fetid, red urine stream if I must. ❞
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curseofbreadbear · 3 years
@a-tangerine-man​ ( continued from here! )
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[If Jack dared to put a leash anywhere near Phonegingi, they would either hiss and go on the offensive or scurry away like a frightened animal. They could only assume that the same was true for their scuttler-brethren, unless Phonegingi had somehow evolved to be more feral. Wasn’t evolution meant to work the other way around?]
❝ Besides, if I know myself ( and, by extension, my scuttle-fam ), they’d only be using you for pizza. ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@feralreason​ ❤’d! ( for gingi! )
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❝ Y’see, someone tried to teach me the alphabet once. Unsuccessfully. I ended up just memorizing the first two numbers and then mumble-rapped the rest. ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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zeconductor asked: "WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE"
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❝ Those are my CROCS. ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@feralreason​​ replied: "Yeah, I'd even put ya on a string if you wanted!"
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❝ Ah, shit, a stringy-worm!? ❞ [The best KIND of worm! Man, William knew just what to say. They were sort of disappointed that they WEREN’T one now.] ❝ Damn...now I gotta figure out how to turn myself into a worm. ❞ 
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curseofbreadbear · 3 years
@feralreason​​ ❤’d!
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❝ I’m having an EGGSistential crisis!! ❞
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curseofbreadbear · 3 years
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feralreason asked: ❝ Get an apartment or some shit! ❞ (to Phonegingi because im a creep, im a weirdo)
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❝ NEVER. ❞
[Oh, boy. If there was anything that Phonegingi was gonna get hung-up on ( teehee ), then it was the matter of their tent versus literally ANY other form of residence. Houses were trash. Apartments were garbage. Who the FUCK wanted to live in a place where the TAX-MAN could barge in and steal their hard-earned monies?? And, AND, you have to PAY to live there??? If it is YOUR apartment, then you should be living in it for free! Disgusting. Phonegingi would never resort to living a life that was anything but feral. The tent life among the trees was the life for them.]
❝ I REFUSE TO HAVE THE GUBMINT KNOWING WHERE I LIVE. The tax-man isn't gonna get a single CENT outta me! ❞ [Mostly because they were penniless, and PROUD of it.]
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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thehorsefrom asked: Waking up in a random alley after getting blackout drunk is one thing, but to have a weird green-phone-thing-with-oh-my-god-his-nipples guy staring at you?? He's gotta be dreaming still. "WHAT."
[Phonegingi had just been minding their own business ( in other words , rummaging through a random dumpster in search of sustenance and / or nectar ) when this stranger showed up. At first, they thought he might be the owner of whatever establishment they were currently sifting through the trash of -- he had a fancy-looking jacket on, after all, even if it had some stains here and there and reeked of nectar ( the burn-your-throat kind, not the cough nectar that Gingi coveted ). Panic started to set in; Phonegingi glanced around frantically, searching for an exit in case of the inevitable: a call to animal control. But then...]
[OH. He sounded...confused. In that case, this couldn't be one of the business owners that they tormented on the daily with their dumpster-diving. This was somebody new. That...probably didn't mean they should be any less worried, though.]
[Gingi looked to their route of escape, then back to the stranger. They slowly pulled their paws out of the dumpster, staring at the strange horseman the whole time.]
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❝ Don't "WHAT" me -- I dindo NUFFIN. ❞ [By their flawed logic, if their hands were OUT of the dumpster, they couldn't be busted ( even if this guy had been watching them dig around in the trash for...however long ).]
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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flaggedred asked: ❝ You are human now. ❞ - For Gingi (IDR if you reblogged the Pinocchio starters over here but I'm breaking the rules)
❝ Huh??? ❞
[Phonegingi frantically looked themselves over, as though the pixel-bunny's words had been a transformation spell -- they didn't see any difference. Same scaly, green skin, same number of nipples, same nubby tail. That being the case, what the HECK did she mean when she called them human?? As far as they were concerned -- as far as everybody had told them all their life -- they were one of the furthest things from human.]
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❝ Human? ME??? I think you're confused, lady. Which is saying a lot, 'cause people usually say that about me...oh my Phone-God. Are the turntables?? DID I TURNTABLE?? ❞ [In their own incomprehensible way, they were asking if they'd finally turned the tables. Although -- provided that this rabbit-lady had been genuine when she'd called them human -- the tables might actually be turning. She seemed more delusional than them, and that was saying a lot!]
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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flaggedred asked: 📖 / Pages -- you pick the muse depending on what you get!
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[Phonegingi took two steps toward Vanessa, put their hands on their hips, and yelled out:] ❝ It's not polite to stare, creep! ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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scorelists asked: ❝ Hi, never say that again. ❞ // for phonegingi!
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❝ Oh, what? Y'mean I can't say CRUNGUS? ❞
[Oh, dear Phone-God. This is the chaos Little Billy wanted. This is precisely why that monster taught that word to you, Phonegingi. He wanted you to repeat it and get un-alived in public. You absolute fool.]
❝ I'll say it all I want!!! Your rules cannot keep me down!!! I am a being of pure ANARCHY. Here, listen, listen. ❞ [They took a deep breath, then SCREECHED at the top of their lungs -- the infamous "goblin screech." Of course, this time, it was being used for nefarious purposes.] ❝ C R U N G U S!!! ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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fazbearings asked: [A lot of frantic rattling is coming from inside s dumpster . Sticking out of said dumpster is a thick , awfully familiar green tail . Looks like a certain someone's twin gotten itself stuck inside a dumpster while scavenging . A unfortunately common occurrence really; Gingi was just a bit too bulky for its own good . ] phonegingi for phonegingi <3
[Upon spotting their twin, Gingi scurried over and assessed the situation; a classic "dumpster dive gone wrong." They knew the feeling -- by now, they'd learned to pull themselves out of these sorts of jams, though. Strangers never stopped by to help, after all, and they'd been all on their own. Up until now, of course! Now they were the one helping their twin out of sticky situations ( literally, considering that it was caught in the garbage )!]
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[They lifted the lid of the dumpster, carefully crammed their arms in the space between the sides of the dumpster and where their twin was stuck, and strained to free it.]
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@fazbearings​ replied: ‘Feed’ — from a very worried twin who will keep bringing them food even if they have plenty already .
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❝ F-FOOD... ❞
[Phone-God, where did their twin manage to source all this stuff?? Phonegingi themselves had such a difficult time rummaging around through the dumpsters in town, either because there was nothing in them or because the owners of aforementioned dumpsters would shoo them away. Their diet consisted only of literal garbage nowadays...so the “feasts” that their twin would supply them with were always accepted eagerly, with them only shying away from half of the buffet so that their twin could partake.]
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@captainseamech​ replied: Flirt (*flees*)
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❝ Wait... ❞ [Hold up. They needed to process this. Were those...the FLIRTY words? The words-make-romance-happen?? But -- nobody flirted with them openly like this. They were too “freaky” -- they were the ones who had to push for other people to acknowledge them ( in a positive way, that is ).] 
❝ Nope, nuh uh, still confused. You aren’t makin’ any sense, buddy. ❞ 
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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fazbearings asked: [ DINNER ]: having learned that the receiver has had a difficult time lately, sender arrives at their door with their favorite dinner and drinks. (phonegingi for phonegingi)
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❝ I-Is this...IS THIS...G R A V E L!? ❞
[Phonegingi could barely contain their excitement ( or their drool ) as they lustfully eyed the bag in their twin's arms. A bag filled with nothing but sweet, sweet GRAVEL. Their FAVORITE! It wasn't any wonder how it'd known this was their most beloved treat -- they were the same goblin, after all -- but they couldn't help questioning how on earth it'd gotten its paws on this. They’d always had to idle near construction sites and risk life and limb in the process...this method, whatever it was, seemed so...EASY.]
[That didn't matter right now, though. What mattered was that all of their woes ( whatever they were -- they could only focus on GRAVEL now ) had now been forgotten and replaced with a delicious heap of rocks.]
❝ THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! This is the BEST present I ever could've asked for. It's not my birthday is it?? SHIT. IS IT OUR BIRTHDAY?? I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING. OH GOD, OH FUCK. ❞
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@inkspltter​ ❤’d! ( for (twin)gingi my beloved... )
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❝ Gee wiz. Don't get all mushy on me, man. ❞
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