#fenris pre-kirkwall
teine-mallaichte · 2 months
Whumpmass in July day 21
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At some point I really need to start whumping some other characters... but I saw this prompt and my first thought was far too well formed not to run with...
Fandom: Dragon age 2 Character: Fenris @whumpmasinjuly-archive day 21 - Prompt abandoned. Premise: When Danarius left Fenris in Seheron, when the only person he had every really known, and the only life he could remember sailed away leaving him alone in a world he couldn't possibly understand... as much as years later that could be framed as his escape from slavery, on that moment is was an abandonment.
The battlefield was chaos; screams, clashing steel, the hum of the arcane, the scent of blood, and the sickening thud of bodies hitting the ground. Through the maelstrom, he moved with skill and precision, without conscious thought, his master's orders guiding his every action. Each strike, each parry, a testament to the brutal training he had undergone.
The tide of battle shifted, the call for retreat echoing across the field. He looked around desperately, he eyes finding his master amidst the fray, struggling against a relentless enemy. Without a moment's pause, he fought his way through, his body a shield, his sword an extension of his will. Blood slicked his hands, not all of it his own, and pain lanced through him where a blade found its mark. Yet, he pressed on, driven by the singular purpose of protecting his master.
They reached the boats at the edge of the shore, his master was usured aboard, but he was stopped.
"There is no room for a slave."
His eyes widened in disbelief as the guard's words sank in. The chaos of battle still raged behind him, but the true storm was within. He glanced at his master, hoping for a word, a glance, anything to suggest that this was some kind of mistake. But his master's eyes remained fixed on the horizon, cold and distant.
“Master?” He managed to choke out, his voice a strained whisper. He wanted to believe it was a mistake, that the master would call him aboard, that this was some cruel joke.
The master’s eyes briefly met his, an emotion flashing through them—a flicker of something distant, perhaps pity or regret, but it was gone as quickly as it came. The guard's firm hand gripped his shoulder, conflicting instints warred within him, to gight, to comply, he looked to the master, needing guidence.
"We have no space for an injured slave," the guard reiterated.
His world shattered in that moment, a crack that splintered his very soul. The words, the finality in them, were a hammer blow to his heart. His master’s gaze, once a beacon, was now a void, unfeeling and detached. The guard’s hands were firm, unyielding, as they pushed him back towards the shore.
“Move aside. You’re slowing us down.”
“Master!” His cry was a raw, desperate plea, but the boat was already pushing off, its oars cutting through the water with a relentless rhythm.
He staggered, the pain of his injuries forgotten in the face of this new, deeper agony. He tried to follow, feet stumbling over the wet sand as the waves lapped at his ankles. The wet sand clung to his feet, the waves lapping at his ankles, growing higher with each wave. But he could not swim—slaves were not permitted to learn such skills. The cold salt water stung his wounds, mingling with the blood, and the chill seeped into his very bones.
But the boat sailed on, his master’s figure growing smaller and smaller, until it was nothing but a speck on the horizon. He had never known anything but his master’s commands, the cruel affection that had shaped his existence. Now, abandoned, he was adrift in a world that suddenly felt vast and hostile.
He stumbled back to the shore, the salty water mixing with the blood from his wounds. Each step was a struggle, his strength ebbing with every movement. Collapsing onto the wet sand, he lay there, gasping for breath, the agony of his injuries merging with the deeper pain of abandonment. His master's face haunted him, that final, indifferent look a knife twisting in his heart.
For a long time, he lay there, the sounds of the battlefield fading into the background. When he finally mustered the energy to move, the sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows across the shore. He forced himself to his feet, swaying unsteadily, and looked around. The beach was littered with the remnants of battle: broken weapons, discarded armor, and bodies of the fallen.
He was alone.
(accompanying art)
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sulky-valkyrie · 11 months
200 followers fic "raffle"
from this post and for @laughingpunk
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Morning came too early, as always.  But evil never slept, so justice (and Justice) apparently could only be afforded the occasional catnap.  Anders yawned and rolled out of his bed as the pounding outside continued.  "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
He'd been up until almost dawn thanks to a foundry accident, and, if the water clock Hawke had given him was working correctly, he'd had only three hours of sleep in two days.
Varric's grin faded as Anders opened the door.  "You look like shit, Blondie."
"Feel like it too," he agreed.  "What’s Hawke done now?"  Miraculously, the line of patients hadn't formed yet, but it was only a matter of time.  Best to get whatever this was over with quickly, maybe catch a few winks on Hawke’s couch, then be back to the clinic by noon.
"No, they're fine," Varric assured him as he walked inside and started poking through his closet, if half of a cupboard that permanently smelled of elfroot could be called such.  "But they do need you up at the mansion.  Soon as possible."
He turned to grab his coat and staff.  "That's not ominous at all."
"Leave the gear and put this on instead."  A bundle of pale blue linen was shoved into his hands.  "Time's money, and you're costing me a fortune."
Anders eyed it skeptically, then shrugged and pulled off his shirt to put this new one on.  "What's this all about?"
"It's a surprise.  A good one!" Varric amended hastily, then winced.  "I hope.  Ancestors know what they're up to without me."
"You're not selling this well."  The fabric was luxurious and soft on his skin, but the sleeves were too short.  Ridiculously so. “And this doesn’t fit.”
"I'm not selling anything.  Not to you, at least.  And we’ll fix the rest."  Varric grinned.  "Now, come on."
He stubbornly grabbed his coat and staff anyway.  "Fine."
Apprehension dripped from Varric as they made their way through the tunnels to Hawke's cellar, and Anders couldn't stop worrying and wondering, no matter how many reassurances were offered.
When they stepped into the kitchen, nothing could've prepared him for the sight: Bels and Fenris were wearing aprons, smeared in flour, and...
"Are you baking a cake?" Anders asked incredulously.
"What of it, mage?" Fenris asked, brandishing a - was that a whisk? - at him menacingly. 
Bels laughed and plucked it from his hand before going back to beating something in a bowl.
Freed of his burdensome cooking utensils, Fenris advanced on him, pulling his coat off his shoulders with disdainful noise and reaching for his belt.  "I said this wouldn't match." He clicked his tongue in irritation.
"I did the best I could, Broody," Varric retorted.  "He doesn't have a lot of options."
"What the fuck is going on here?" Anders demanded, yanking his coat back from Fenris and slapping his hand away from his trousers.  "Is it ‘make fun of the sewer mage’ day?  Some previous unknown holiday made up just to drag me up here and–"
"Not so loud!" Bels hissed.
The urgency of her tone shut him up immediately.  Something terrible must be happening, or be about to happen that even Bels was serious.  "Varric, you said this was a good surprise," he said with a glare.
"It is!" Varric insisted.  "Just not... look, it's Hawke’s nameday."
Anders frowned.  It’s not like I could’ve done something for them anyway.   Still, not even getting the chance to wish them well?  That stung.  "They didn't tell -"
"Anyone," Bels sighed.  "Their mother is doing that thing she does, and Hawke is doing that thing they do, and didn't want to drag us into it."  She pointed toward the dining room.  "Big fancy luncheon, full of big fancy hats and big fancy Leandra’s big fancy people, in about two hours.  And they were just going to sit through it with a big fancy miserable smile."
"And we're going to fix that?" he asked, then added.  “Without kidnapping them?”
Fenris grabbed his wrist and tugged him toward the pantry.  "We're trying.  But you need to look the part."  He glanced at Bels.  “Remember, fold the chocolate into the egg whites slowly.  Don’t stir.”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be as gentle as a lamb.”  She wiggled her fingers at him dismissively.  “Don’t have too much fun without me.”
Fenris shook his head in irritated amusement as led Anders inside, then closed the door behind them.  
Well, this is new.  He fluttered his eyes coquettishly.  “You know, if you wanted to get me in bed, there are far simpler ways to do it.”
Fenris snorted.  “Take off your shirt.”
Anders tugged off his borrowed not-quite-finery and pretended not to notice the brightness in Fenris’ eyes as he handed it over.  In return, Fenris didn’t acknowledge the blush spreading down his chest.  They’d been in this strange orbit for weeks, drifting ever closer before something or someone pulled them away.  Usually it was the clinic: an urgent pounding on his door, or shouts at odd hours, but it could just as easily be Hawke themself, hauling them off together into absurd danger.  He’d resented the interruptions at first, but the more they occurred, the more grateful he was for them, simply because they’d kept him from doing something foolish.
Something foolish like getting dragged into a pantry and told to undress.
“H-How is this helping Hawke exactly?” he asked as he rubbed at his wrists to shop himself from trying to cover up.  Focus on something else.  “When did you have time to learn how to bake?”
A needle and thread appeared in Fenris' hand.  “The shirt isn’t enough to keep you from looking like the Darktown healer.  Also, I enjoy pastries.”  A dark blue jacket was pressed to Anders’ arms, and he tutted under his breath.  "This will have to do."
"Do what?"
"Why must you be so tall?" He complained as he started popping the seams at the shoulder.  "I have plenty of robes in the mansion, but they'd look ridiculous on you.  Too much ankle."
Anders had no idea what to say to that, so he just watched, dumbfounded at the speed that Fenris stitched strips of velvet between the detached sleeve and the shoulder.  It was unsettling to be half naked with him, and certainly not how he imagined it could be.  Not that he'd imagined it.  Well, not often.  Well, not too often.  "Where did you learn how to sew?" He finally asked.  "This, this quickly, I mean."
"Danarius expected his attendants to be able to assist with his wardrobe," Fenris answered flatly.  "I must admit, it's come in handy more often than he or I could have anticipated."
Any mention of Danarius always made Anders' skin crawl with the need to apologize hand in hand with the urge to insist not all mages were like that.  Over the years, though, he'd learned better.  What had been done to him was unconscionable, but to argue against his legitimate fears and trauma by equating it to the struggles of mages in the South solved nothing.  Even if he'd never admit it, Fenris had done plenty for Anders' kind, however grudgingly, and fighting with him over whether he'd done enough was a battle no mortal could win.  There would never be enough, not until every man woman and child in Thedas viewed magic as a blessing, not a curse.
He blinked back to reality.  Back to a pantry and Fenris giving him a look that seemed a mixture of fondness and exasperation.  "Hmwhat?"
Fenris handed him the shirt.  The cuffs were now longer, with bright blue silk stitched to the ends, and the tops of the sleeves were wound with black satin.  "This will have to do.  Your trousers are…" Fenris trailed off and glanced down.  "They're lost cause, but if you hurry to your seat, no one will notice."
Before Anders could muster an indignant retort, Fenris pressed the jacket into his other hand.  "The stitching is loose, but the black underneath should hide it.  Don't make too many sudden movements or an entire sleeve might shear off.  I'll do it properly when I have more time."
"Why?"  It was for Hawke, of course, but they could've simply not invited him.  The clinic occupied him at all hours, and he would never have noticed or known.
Fenris ducked his head and looked away as his ears took on a faint redness.  "Perhaps Hawke deserves to have a party they'd enjoy."  He licked his lips, then met his eyes.  "Perhaps I wanted to see you dressed up, haphazardly though this may be.  Perhaps crashing this luncheon was my idea, but it wouldn't be complete without you."
Something about his tone, so challenging yet so vulnerable, made Anders pause.  He looped the shirt over his arm and reached out to touch Fenris' hand.  "Is – Fenris, is this a date?"
He smiled softly and squeezed Anders' fingers.  "Perhaps."
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jacklyn-flynn · 2 years
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It's only been five months for us but a whole year for them! Staring down two more chapters (and possibly an epilogue) after this crazy long one. SFW teaser under the cut to tempt you into reading the whole chapter!
Even knowing it was only his imagination, the smell of blood mingled with his master’s oils turned his stomach. 
No. No longer my master. 
Fenris ripped the door off the wardrobe and flung it across the room with a roar. It slammed into a post of the bed with a crack and the entire canopy collapsed on the corner. He picked up a chair from the heavy table by the back and swung it into the other post at the foot of the bed, sending shards of wood crashing against the wall. He grabbed the third and with all his might pulled it off. Were the wood not water-damaged and termite-eaten, he never would have been able to snap it off. He’d tried it with its mate many times and even with the added strength lent by desperation, they had only creaked in protest. 
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brood-mother · 14 days
sawbones Dragon Age Fic Masterlist
A list of all my Dragon Age fanfics (circa 2014-2018) to keep you occupied 'til Oct 31st. Mostly rarepairs, mostly smutty.
Dragon Age 2
A Little Self-Love Never Hurt Nobody Anders/Anders, E, WC: 2086; "Anders revisits a memory from his wild Circle days in a dream - and gains a whole new point of view." (selfcest, dream sex, PWP) Fructovorous Fenris/Sebastian, E, WC: 1790; "Fenris is his General on the field; behind closed doors, he’s so much more." (footplay, oral, light D/s) Pillowtalk Isabela/Bethany, T, WC: 755; "While Hawke is in the Deep Roads, a heatwave hits Kirkwall." (post-coital, cuddling, mild h/c) Rooftops Isabela/Bethany, G, WC: 931; "Bethany wants to learn how to support herself and her family." (gen, flirting) Tinpot Alley Implied Carver/Cullen, T/M, WC: 2679, "Three Templars went on patrol; one came back." (gore tw)
Dragon Age: The Last Court
Rakish, Reckless Marquis of Serault/Wayward Bard, E, WC: 3436; "The Wayward Bard takes a knife in the back to protect the Marquis. The Marquis wants to know why." (first time, angry sex, mild blood/injury)
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Many Hands Lighten the Load Dorian/m!Lavellan/Blackwall, E, WC: 7429; "All of Skyhold can see the way Blackwall looks at the Inquisitor, even if the Inquisitor himself can't. Dorian comes to realise there are better ways to handle such a situation than petty jealousy." (UST, mutual pining, friends/rivals to lovers) Rectrix Iron Bull/Zevran, E, WC: 1724; "Bull and Zevran met long before the Inquisition." (bondage, caning, forced tickling) Red Sky At Night Samson/Maddox, M, WC: 4450; "The rise of the Red General began with two men and a missed headcount; or, how Samson was lost to the Chantry and found by Corypheus." (hurt no comfort, pre-DAI) Ruby Red OFC/ OFC, E, WC: 3000; "Behemoth, they called her. Towering, terrifying. Where was Jess, under all that red? A twist of metal helm to mark where her head had been, two flat eyes that glinted in the low light. She was still there, Ruby knew it. She responded to her name, or at least to Ruby’s voice. Not any voice, just hers. Only hers." (angst, body horror, red templars)
The above works are all posted on Ao3, but there are more shorter-form fics over at my currently-defunct DA writing sideblog. Comments, kudos, asks, and suggestions for future fics are all very welcome. 🖤
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I hope you are well 🖤💕 I have an ask.
We all know Fenris is jilted towards mages, understandably so, but what if he falls in love with a mage, sort of like in DA2 but this is pre-Kirkwall before he would meet the champion. He's out exploring and stumbles upon a young mage who is being harassed by bandits and he jumps in to save her, only to find she's hurt, and also quite pretty. He struggles with her abilities at first but then soon sees her creating ethereal style butterflies as she sits in their camp, and he finds himself enamored.
Thank you very much for the ask! This is my first ask that's from my new list and I'm very happy to write this for you! I will try my best for you 💚
Being a mage wasn't easy, with most of the people you've come across on your travels, they didn't exactly take to you very well. You were seen as a danger and they kept their distance, apart from the odd few who would confront you, weather it be on the road somewhere or in public. You had been many places all over the land, and you didn't feel very welcome in any place you visited, so you ended up only going into the public eye to get supplies for yourself. You were able to sleep easily on the road, occasionally helping the odd person hear and there for coin, and it was a fairly comfortable life...but that's not to say that it wasn't lonely for you. You had noone travelling with you, and you kind of wanted that, but if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't the end of the world. You had just passed a market stall on the edge of Kirkwall and stoped to get some things to make for your dinner tonight, you grabbed some cured meat, vegetables, fresh fruit and a new water pouch. You walked happily back through the market, that was until this sudden thump was felt in your shoulder before you fell to the floor with an aggressive push.
Someone had knocked you off your feet, and you look up to see this arrogant man covered in scars, and 3 of his men behind him laughing at your fall. "Aww what's the matter little mage? Can't handle bumping into a real man?" You hated this man with this single question, you hated arrogant guys like this. You stood up, brushed yourself down and smiled back at him "No I didn't, but when I do I'll be sure to let you know" This mans friends all go "Ooo!" Behind him, this annoys the man who pushed you. "You need to be careful little girl, you know rudeness is not attractive" "Hears a question then? What makes you think I'm trying to attract you?" He was stumped, he looked at you like a deer caught in the light, he wasn't expecting that response. You smirk and walk past them all, leaving the market behind and onwards to your next place to travel, which seemed like the forest in the distance ahead. You were kind of used to that happening to you, not everyone was a fan of mage's, especially if you were a woman too. But because it was such a normal thing, you were used to it and tended to push it to the back of your mind.
You camped up a little while later and made a small fire with your magic, it saved spending money on stuff for it when you could just wave your hand. You had eaten and were watching the sun go down through the trees, it was a lovely end to the day....or so you thought. By the time it was dark, you were just reading a book by the fire when you hear muffled chatter and laughter, from quiet to louder as it got closer to your camp. When you finaly see who it is, you realise this wasn't good "Hello again little mage!" This was the same man and his friends from the market, they seemed a little drunk, but not enough to be properly impared. You just tried to ignore them and continue reading, but they were now in your camp, and you couldn't ignore them now. "Wanna tuck us in little lady?" "No, go away" "Ah come on, hey, if your lucky...I might let you sleep in the same bed roll as me? I think you'll be quite impressed" "You do know, being a dick isn't going to make yours any bigger?" Again, his friends were amused by how you could defend yourself and anger this man. "Watch your mouth mage! I know I can take you single handed!"
"I really hope one day you choke on all that sh#t you talk" "Oh is that right? Well then, it seems we're all going to have to teach you a lesson. Boys!" This man and his friends all charge at you, which catches you a little off guard, but not enough for you to make a protective barrier just in time to push them back away from you. But what you didn't realise, was that they seemed to have planned this attack on you, and you weren't aware of the man behind you until it was too late. You felt a painful blast behind your back, causing you to fall to the floor in pain, where this hidden man jumps towards you and grabs your arms, pinning them behind your back. "Ahaha! That's what you get you little b#tch!" This man and his friends advance on you, and start kicking you and punching you, rendering you helpless and being made to endure all this pain. You weren't able to say a single magic encantation with them punching you in the face, and your hands were being held behind you so your couldn't conjure anything, you were stuck, and scared. "Mages like you don't belong hear! And we're going to make sure you never retur-nngguuhh!"
This mans voice is suddenly cut off by the sound of him grunting in pain, through your swollen eye, you see that a mans fist has gone through his chest. But there seemed to be magic infused into his hand, and they wore a gauntlet of sharp claw like shapes. When the fist is pulled back out, the man holding you throws you to the ground and you fall forward and collapse onto the ground infront of you. Your in so much pain that the sound of fighting is just a white noise to you, and you lie there trying to make sence of what's going on around you. Your vision is blurry, but you see these men falling like flies to this unknown man. You can't make out what he looks like, but you can make out this strange colour from him...it was white...and it seemed to be, almost vibrant against his skin. It was something you'd never seen before, were you really seeing this? He seemed to have white hair, grey armour, and he had eyes like emeralds. You were fighting consciousness, and as the last man gets slane, your eyes are slowly starting to close. This unknown man walks over and kneels beside you, the last thing you remember is the feel of this mans hand against your cheek, before everything went black.
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You awake some time later, with bandages on your wrists, one of your shoulders and you can feel healing remedies and oils on your face and skin. You seemed to be safe, but who was it that saved you? You slowly sit up, with your body aching and creaking as you do, this makes the man sitting by the fire notice you, and he moves to sit infront of you. "Woh woh, take it easy there. You've had a few nasty injuries" "You?...your the man who saved me?" For some strange reason he looked a little taken back by that comment, but then he said "Yes, my name is Fenris. I heard a commotion on my way through this forest. And when I investigated, that's when I happend upon you. And those awful men who were attacking you" "What did you do to them?" "They are dead, they will no longer bother you or any other mage anymore" "Well, thank you very much for saving me Fenris, my name is Y/N" "Its a pleasure to meet you" "Just one thing, how did you know I was a mage?" "Well, it was only because I over heard those men saying that you were, I don't normally spend time in the presence of mages, but you were in danger. So I made an exception"
"Thank you for that again by the way. May I ask why you don't like mages?" "Well it's because of a mage who I have had bad experiences with, he uses dark and bad magic. Hence why I don't particularly trust mages. But...I noticed when you were being attacked, you didn't use any dark magic, only a protective barrier" "I don't like the thought of dark magic, I only want to protect myself and others around me.....which I guess I couldn't do this evening" "You were over powered by many men, don't put yourself down about that" "That's kind, thank you" he made sure the bandages were secure and that you weren't in a great deal of pain, after what felt like a few hours of general chit chat, you decided to ask him a question. "Fenris?" "Yes Y/N?" "I wanted to ask you....what are those markings are on your arms and neck? I can sence magic in them, am I right?" "Yes, you are right. I imagine I must look strange to you, I did not receive these markings by choice, even so, they have served me well. Without them, I'd still be a slave" "I'm sorry? A slave?"
"Yes, I'm afraid that my story isn't a nice one, infact my story is part of why I happend upon you this evening. You see, I was a slave to a magister by the name of Danarius, he was my master and I did not want to be his property. That is why I am hear, I have escaped his clutches and I am now being hunted by bounty hunters" "But if he's getting people to hunt you down, what does he want from you?" "Not me, more the markings on my skin. It is Lyrium, burned into my flesh to provide Danarius what was acquired of his pet" "So that's why I met you tonight? Your on the run?" "Not quite, I was on the run. But I have realised that I don't want to run anymore, I don't want to live my life in fear. So I'm looking for my former master Danarius, and I intend to kill him for everything he has put me through" "I take it because he is a magister, he's a difficult man to find?" "That's correct, he is a magister of the tevinter imperium. They hold all the power over the chantry and the imperial court, and he is also a very slippery man who is able to evade many moments where I was very close to confronting him"
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"It sounds like you need help finding him?" "That's right, the only thing is, whose going to help an escaped slave looking to kill their former master?" "I don't know? Maybe a mage who you saved? And is now in your debt with the knowhow and abilities to help track someone down" "Y/N, I don't know. This is a dangerous thing to ask of anyone, and being around a mage is difficult enough as it is" "Don't you like that I'm a mage?" "You seem like a lovely woman, but after my history with Danarius, I'm very cautious. You can understand that right?" "Of course I do, you have a very good reason not to trust mages. But you were kind enough to help me, and I would like to return the favour. I have many abilities as well as magic, and if I can, maybe I can show you that not all mages are the same. From the sounds of Danarius, I don't want to be anything like him. Anyone who keeps slaves and burdens them with a body burned with Lyrium, is someone with a cold soul, which I'm nothing like" Fenris looks conflicted, but he also knows he can't take on Danarius alone. "Look, if you do want to help me with my former master, then I am happy for the help. But it will just take me time to trust you, and if your magic is harmful in anyway, I will no longer want you around. Is that understood?" "Understood Fenris" "Alright, then we have a deal"
You and Fenris camped there that night after striking a deal, he was kind enough to save you, it's only fair you offer to help him in his moment of need. You and him traveled through towns and villages hunting down any information on Danarius, all while you were slowly healing from your injuries. Fenris was kind enough to offer his support and help you when you were either in pain or if you struggled with something you were unable to do at the time. After the first week of travelling with him, a friendly bond was made between you both and there was mutual respect on either side. After a few more weeks, the only thing you and Fenris were able to accomplish was slaying more of the bounty hunters and find out what Danarius's next possible moves could be. You and Fenris now got on much better, but you hid from him that you found him quite attractive. He was strong, brave, resilient and clever, and whenever he looked into your eyes, you felt so comfortable and warm. You had heard of women feeling this butterfly sensation when they see a man they have feelings for, but you didn't feel that with Fenris. You just felt calm, you wondered why? You knew more about eachother now, and you knew Fenris was scared at the thought of magic being used, hence why you didn't use any around him.
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And if you did, it was very small. One evening, you and Fenris had found a place to pitch up a tent in a woodland area beside a river, Fenris was pitching up his own tent when you had finished and decided to sit on the edge of the soft and slow flowing river. It was a short distance away from the tents, but still far enough that you wouldn't be able to hear him unless he was shouting at you. It had been so long since you had done magic, and it was always so easy for you to do. Hence why when you were by the water, the colours in the water from the moon light and the fire, made you feel magic in your finger tips, and you so easily made an ethereal bunch of butterflies. They were a beautiful dusty blue colour from the water and the moonlight, and a lovely milky yellow underneath their wings, that contrasts wonderfully with the blue. You made about 6 or 7 of these lovely little butterflies, and they just flutter around you and over the water as you smile.
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Little did you know, that Fenris was watching you from his tent, but not with fear, but like he was entranced. Ever since he's known you, he has been very honest about his thoughts on magic and mages, and he was very pleased that you didn't do magic around him. But as he got to know you, he had this gut feeling that you were indeed, nothing like Danarius, just like you said. He also grew to like you more from spending more time with you, and when you did use the odd but of magic hear and there, he was pleased you made sure it was only small and nothing damaging or threatening. But right now, he was witnessing you use your magic, and he quite simply couldn't look away. Not just because he was impressed with your skill in creating these beautiful butterflies, but it was your smile that was catching his eye too. He loved your smile, he loved watching you in your element and how happy you were by simply making something so sweet. He had been denying his feelings for you for a long time, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep them in for much longer, not with him falling even more in love with you everytime he saw you smile.
He walked over to you and sat beside you at the river, which made you very confused. "Fenris?" "Yes? You sound suprised that I've seated myself beside you. Have I done something to upset you in any way?" "No, not at all. I'm just confused" "About what?" "What do you think?" You ask while pointing to the floating butterflies. "Ah, I can understand your thoughts. But I have to admit, that I'm actualy quite impressed by your magic" "You are?" "Indeed. When we first met, you told me you wanted to show me that not all mages are the same, and that you were nothing like Danarius, and in our time together, you have proven just that" "I have always been honest with you Fenris, I wouldn't ever want to hurt you or any other innocent person with magic" "And I know that now, I see that. I see it every day, and I see your kindness and honesty in your smile too.....your smile....the moon, stars and camp fire could all be hidden from view, and your smile will still be the brightest view" "Fenris...that's beautiful" "I'm just trying to show you my honesty. Y/N, I know that I am still a man on the run, but with your help I've managed to get closer to Danarius more than I ever have before and I'm very thankful for that. But during our time, I have found that I have grown a certain....feeling towards you. A feeling I'm hoping is reciprocated, if it isn't I will understand, but I needed to be honest with you if we were going to continue hunting Danarius"
"Fenris? Is this your way of saying you have romantic feelings for me?" "That's what I'm trying to do yes. I do apologise, I haven't been in this situation before and I'm not quite sure how to tell you my true feelings" "Well I can put your mind at ease Fenris, because I feel the same way" "You do?" "Of course I do" "Oh I, that's wonderful" You giggle and blow a butterfly towards his face, making the end of his nose tickle. "I thank you for this" "You do realise you don't have to thank me for liking you back Fenris?" "Yes, I know. But this is just a wonderful thing to happen to me, and I felt the need to say it. But I'm happy, very happy. If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side" "I couldn't quite hear that, could you speak up?" You ask cheekily. "Why don't I make it clearer for you?" He says right before he leans in with a desperate need, and he kisses you with a fiary passion. Holding the back of your head with his hand, and his lips were locking so perfectly with yours, like he craved your touch. Your eyes were closed, but you could sence that his markings were glowing as he kissed you, almost like his body was vibrating with excitement. When he pulled away after you both needed some air, he looked at you with his deeply green emerald eyes, and you were hypnotised. "Was that sufficient for you?" He asks with a little smile. "Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe you should kiss me again, just to make sure" "I think it's safe to say I will never tire from this"
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felassan · 1 year
Spacelab9 have revealed more details about the upcoming Dragon Age Vinyl box set. (It's a 70 track collection which will include songs from DA:O, DAII, DA:I, DLC and also some DA:I bard songs.)
I found this new info blurb about the cover art really interesting 👁️ (emphasis mine):
Deluxe package features all-original artwork by Dragon Age Concept Director Ramil Sunga and Lead UX Artist Danny Richardson, created exclusively for this album set. The beautifully detailed artwork presents a pictorial timeline following the lore of the Dragon Age series, beginning at the dawn of the Golden City, throughout the City's Fall and culminating in its re-emergence as the Black City, seat of the Old Gods. [source]
hello??? (the announcement blogpost for the vinyl contained the flavor text "From the land of Thedas, at the dawn of the Golden City".)
they also announced that the pre-sale for the box set was scheduled to begin April 27th (can't see it atm unless I'm missing it, maybe it's not yet started?) and that on the BioWare Gear Store it will begin on May 10th. each outlet will offer their own exclusive color variant of the vinyl.
lastly they also posted the full track listing (emphasis mine):
1. ENCHANTERS (3:23) 2. GREY WARDEN (2:12) 3. I AM THE ONE (1:58) 4. ONCE WE WERE (2:10) 5. RISE (1:26) 6. SERA (1:45) 7. FALL OF THE MAGISTER (3:01) 8. SCOUT LACE HARDING (2:08) 9. THE SLIGHTEST ONES (2:28)" [source]
👁️ Hidden track - "D'Read Koda"? ^^ Koda like a coda? (of interest here is that the recent Mass Effect vinyl collection contained some previously unreleased and some rearranged/remastered music.)
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contreparry · 5 months
Happy Friday! For DADWC, how about “I like this, being so close to you”?
I really felt like writing some pre-Fenders today for @dadrunkwriting!
It was a pleasant evening. The breeze was warm and carried the promise of summer with it. The salty smell of the sea hung in the air alongside the scent of sun-baked earth, and even as the sun began to sink below Kirkwall's rooftops and the bay the heat of the day lingered on his skin.
Fenris flopped down under the twisted branches of a tall tree with deep green, leathery leaves and melted into sweet-smelling grass and soft upturned earth in the little garden behind Hawke's manor. The sun and mild temperatures did much to soothe the full-body aches and pains of the lyrium coursing through him. It would never not hurt, but it was far more bearable than it was this past winter. The season's cold and icy winds often felt as if they would tear his body apart.
But today was pleasant. Warm. He felt content as he lay sprawled out in the grass, a rare enough feeling he was happy to indulge in. Fenris had nowhere to be and no pressing business to see to, and simply lying about was rather luxurious. He was in such a good mood, in fact, that even his present company was welcome.
"I think I've uncovered why you hate cats," Anders announced without preamble, which was typical of Anders. Fenris lifted one eyelid slowly and watched as the man settled down in the grass beside him. His fingers- restless, long and spindly like a spider's legs- plucked a long strand of grass from the earth and began to twist it around and around.
"It's because you're rather cat-like," Anders explained. "You move like one when you fight, at least."
"Graceful?" It was almost a compliment, especially when he took Anders' appreciation of all things feline into account. But this was Anders, after all, and he had some point he wanted to make, so Fenris braced himself for a long-winded, twisting conversation that was bound to leave him utterly baffled.
"Jumpy. You pounce," Anders retorted. "And you want everything to be just right, you know. You're picky. And a bit snobbish. Never seen a man turn his nose up to fish the way you do." Anders sighed and leaned back until his back was pressed against the rough bark of the tree. His head was tipped back, and the rays of the setting sun struck strands of his hair and nudged the blond strands closer to a shade of pale red. Pretty.
"We all have our preferences," Fenris said. "Though these observations are diverting, I hardly see how this pertains to my opinion on cats."
"I'm getting to it! So you're jumpy, picky, reserved- you're like a cat, is my point. The neighborhood lord of cats. So you hate other cats because they're a threat to your position at the top of the hierarchy. The cat hierarchy, that is," Anders declared proudly, and his triumphant grin was almost charming. Fenris almost wanted to laugh, but he managed to turn the half-formed chuckle into a sigh.
"Bizarre," he finally announced. Fenris watched as Anders' smile twisted into a scowl- a pout, even, which only made Fenris want to laugh even more. Anders' expressiveness was one of his more charming attributes.
"I'm not wrong," Anders exclaimed. "I know I'm not wrong!"
"Your entire hypothesis hinges on the belief that I dislike cats," Fenris said slowly, opening his eyes fully and twisting his head slightly to the side so he might best observe Anders and his ever-shifting expressions. Anders was indignant, puffed up and defiant, and Fenris took some delight in prodding him in a light-hearted manner. He took delight in many things that were once forbidden.
This was the truth that lay at the heart of things: Fenris liked arguing, and Anders was so easy to argue with. There was a delightful, almost rhythmic pattern to their spats that made Fenris think of a good brawl- or a dance. Step forward, step back, turn, clasp hands, turn faster and faster until the world faded away-
Fighting with Anders was fun until one of them struck too hard and drew blood. But this sort of fight was easy. The stakes were low. It didn't truly matter. Arguing with Anders on this matter was safe.
"It's a fair assumption to make. You're obviously a fan of dogs," Anders replied pointedly. "You dote on Hawke's mabari." He was twisting grass in his fingers again, more and more blades falling to his nervous energy as he worked the grass blades into a ring.
"A fair assumption. but a wrong one. I rather like cats," Fenris said. "They're independent hunters. Graceful. Good at surviving." And his observations on cats were far more complimentary than Anders', Fenris noted smugly.
"... ugh. Just when I think I have you figured out. To think we have something in common," Anders grumbled, and he bent his head to focus on twisting more grass into the ring forming in his hands. It fell silent between them, but it was the pleasant sort of silence that happened when you had nothing left to say but didn't want to part ways quite yet. Fenris watched as the ring in Anders' hands changed shape, transforming into a tiny basket that could hang off of his pinkie. It was strange to watch hands that could hold a man's body together with magic and force of will or cast fireballs and throw lightning instead weave blades of grass back and forth to craft something as delicate and small as a basket.
Just when he thought he had Anders figured out... Fenris turned his head back to stare up into the rapidly darkening sky.
"“I like this, being so close to you," Fenris said suddenly. "You're fun to argue with."
"You think it's fun?" Anders asked. There was a tremble in that question that made Fenris hesitate. It was true that he liked arguing with Anders. It was easy. Bombastic. Thrilling. But he also liked that Anders didn't try to placate him or retreat. So this softness, this fragility, was new. He had to be careful with things that were new.
"I like keeping my wits honed. You make for an adequate whetstone," Fenris replied. He kept his voice even to maintain a cautious balance between casual and sincere. Not too much. They hurt each other too often in their carelessness, and at this moment Fenris didn't want to cause hurt. Not on a day like this. And since Anders was so good as to lower his guard and be honest, Fenris thought it best to take a chance and be open in turn.
"But this... this is good as well. It's nice to find something in common," Fenris added. "It's good to not be alone."
"I- yes. It is, isn't it?" Anders said, and Fenris slowly shut his eyes and smiled.
"Yes," he agreed. "It is."
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the-cryptographer · 7 months
One of the things I discovered while writing pre-canon Fenris was that there was a huge overhaul of the Tevinter clergy and a lot of its policies directly /after/ Fenris left. Which was a huge pain in terms of what I was writing because it meant I didn't have a canon name for who was Tevinter's Divine while Fenris was still working with Dany. But have since been thinking about Fenris returning a decade later after Kirkwall and realising that he's hopelessly out of touch with the current sociopolitical climate and feeling all wistful and nostalgic and then super PISSED OFF because fuck this place to death and how dare he be nostalgic about it.
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galedekarios · 8 days
i love all the da4 content you've been posting!! i recently got into the da series (in the middle of my first origins run) and wanted to see if you had any thoughts on dao/da2 were (if you played them at all) :-)
i'm so sorry it took some time to get to your message!
i wanted to thank you so much for sending it to me, tho. i see you in my notes often and you leave the nicest tags. (':
i actually do have a soft spot for dragon age as a series. baldur's gate 2 and its expansion throne of bhaal were my first video games. i played it very often and for a very long time. then i sort of fell out of love with video games for a long time because i couldn't find anything else like it.
completely by accident, years later, i found out about dragon age: origins and it drew me back in completely. the atmosphere, the storytelling, the characters, the music - it was so amazing. even the graphics back then were something that absolutely awed me because i want from this:
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to suddenly this:
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da2 and dai were the first games where i actively went through the pre-release hype and playing them on release day and actively involving myself in the fandom.
i love each of the three games for different reasons, but i do love them. i do have my favourite with inquisition, tho i do realise it's an unpopular opinion.
i'm trying to be spoiler-free because i don't know how far you've played at this point or how much you know. (':
i do love dao for its dark and gritty atmosphere. there are so many moments i remember very distinctly. the battle of ostagar, the first time discovering the broodmother and the lead up to it, fighting the archdemon, among many others. sadly, i never connected a lot with the companions, tho i do think they are well written, with morrigan, loghain and sten being stand-outs to me.
i love da2 for the companions and the smaller scale setting. i loved seeing how kirkwall changed over the years and i loved seeing how all of the companion were intrinsically entangled with and changed by the city. again, there are so many memorable moments here. the death of the hawke sibling, the mission to the deep roads, the ending. the companions' stories. fenris's backstory, isabela's betrayal, sebastian's family.
however, with da2 i was never able to create a hawke that i liked. i also didn't enjoy the fandom too much bc a lot of da2 fans were super critical and obnoxious in their distaste for dai, which i've already said happened to be my personal favourite.
inquisition is my absolute favourite though. i was able to create an inquisitor that i really liked, i loved many of the companions (vivienne, solas, cole, blackwall and cassandra come to mind), the different environments were really fun to explore to me, and i absolutely loved the chosen one trope in this case because the game turns it on its head.
anyhow, sorry for the long answer. i hope you are having fun with the series and i'm happy you're here for the da4 content too!
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hyperbali · 3 months
For the DA Veilguard Asks: 4, 8, and 11?
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
Well, it sounds like they're not using the Keep anymore, and I'm not sure what questions are going to be asked for the worldstate setup at the start, buuuut...
DAO: Jeanne Amell, of course. Jeanne doesn't have a ~canon romance (though I could be persuaded if someone makes a good argument). King Alistair and Queen Anora. Werewolves cured, Circle mages were saved, Ashes untouched, Redcliffe saved with the whole family alive (though Jeanne took the demon's deal and then killed it), King Bhelen with a destroyed Anvil. Loghain survived. Morrigan got preggo with Kieran. Architect was killed. Both Amaranthine and the Keep protected. All companions alive.
DA2: I'm having a hard time deciding if I'm going to go with Adnan or Amelie, but they pretty much have the same story beats. Humorous Mage Hawke. Romanced Fenris (OT3 Isabela). Carver is a Grey Warden. Anders is alive, but unhappily so. Merrill kept the Eluvian. Aveline is married and stayed Guard-Captain. Varric didn't keep the idol, and Bartrand is alive. Sebastian's causing Kirkwall a lot of headaches. Helped Tallis. Sided with the mages. Sided with Larius.
DAI: Proserpina (Panini!) Lavellan. Artificer Rogue. Technically romanced Iron Bull, but given Solas is in love with her, I'm wondering if I should mark the Solas romance. Dorian is besties, but headed back to Tevinter. Blackwall is back to being Thom Rainier. Chargers are alive, Bull is Tal-Vashoth. Harmond pressed into service, Sera stayed. Solas helped his spirit friend. Cole made more human. Varric dealt with Bianca. Helped Vivienne try to save the Duke. Josephine helped the Du Paraquettes and the Montilyets regained their status. Cullen stopped using lyrium. Leliana was softened and eventually made Divine. Helped the mages in Redcliffe, who joined the Inquisition. Strong-armed Celene, Gaspard, and Briala into working together. Loghain stayed in the Fade, Grey Wardens were exiled. Pina drank from the Well. Exposed the truth about Ameridan and became respected by the Avvar. Found out the truth about lyrium. The Inquisition stayed together as a peacekeeping organization. Pina vowed to stop Solas no matter the cost.
8. What faction are you excited to learn the most about?
All of them, barring the Grey Wardens?? Though I might start with a Lord of Fortune.
11. What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
Varric not being killed
Hard to say... I'm mostly trying to keep my expectations low, given just how long the dev cycle has been and the massive layoffs last year. I'm definitely not pre-ordering. I guess I'm kind of just hoping to be pleasantly surprised, lol.
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jicklet · 1 year
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Astrid Hawke through the years.
(Originally posted this part here back in.... oh my god 2014)
Pre-Kirkwall: An apostate looking to avoid attention, she cut her hair short and used a combination of dye and illusions to disguise her unique color. Her red hair was from her father, but he went grey early.
Act 1: She no longer has Bethany to hide, and Kirkwall is a bigger city where she could possibly blend. She starts growing out her hair and lets her natural red come back. 
Act 2: Continues growing her hair out. Begins to feel like she's building a place in this world, falls in love, starts actually taking pride in her appearance for the first time in her life. Went through most outfit changes in this act. 
Post-Act 2: Her family's gone, the Knight-Commander caught her doing magic but hasn't dragged her away yet, she has no idea what's going on with her and Fenris, and (best of all) this mad city dubbed her its protector. In an effort to gain control over at least one area of her life, she cuts her hair shorter than it's ever been and gets tattoos.
Act 3: The world is increasingly falling down around her, but she starts regaining some sense of self. Misses her long hair and starts growing it out again. By the end of Act 3, it's just past that awkward length where it's long enough for a short ponytail again.
(the idea of her official Champion of Kirkwall™ look being the result of coming out of a life crisis is darkly funny and feels very Hawke to me. Of course that's the image that lasts, this is her life.)
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teine-mallaichte · 4 months
Happy Friday x3 How about "Trust issues" from the Fear of Vulnerability list for any ships or characters you feel in the mood to write today x3
Bit of Fenris & Hawke for this one, originally meant to be Fenhawke but it didn't really go that way, so pre-fenhawke maybe.
Last @dadrunkwriting prompt for this week i think
The marketplace of Kirkwall was bustling, vendors calling out their wares as Hawke and Fenris weaved through the crowd.
"You know, Fenris, if you keep scowling like that, your face might freeze," Hawke teased.
Fenris glanced sideways, "What do you want, Hawke?"
Hawke's smile softened, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Just trying to lighten the mood. You're always so serious."
Fenris frowned, "I have reason to be serious. This city is filled with danger. There is little room for levity."
Hawke chuckled, "Well, maybe I just want to see you smile for once. Is that so wrong?"
Fenris stopped in his tracks, turning to face Hawke fully. "Why? Why do you do this? Act this way?" His green eyes were intense, searching Hawke's face for answers he wasn't sure he wanted.
Hawke's stepped closer, his voice dropping to a softer register. "Because I like you, Fenris. And I think there's more to you than just the anger and hurt. I want to know that part of you."
Fenris felt a knot tighten in his chest, his heart pounding. Hawke appeared sincere, but he couldn't be. Noone ever acted the way the rouge did without expectations, ulterior motives, unsavoury goals. People were only "nice" when they benefited, only "kind" when it suited them. So far Hawke had subverted his expectations again and again, but that did not mean that the man could be trusted, it simply meant that Fenris had not yet figured out what the rouge wanted.
"I... I don't understand you, Hawke," Fenris admitted.
Hawke's expression softened, his gaze steady as he met Fenris' uncertain eyes. "I know you don't. And I don't expect you to trust me just because I say so. But maybe... just maybe, you could give me a chance to prove myself."
Fenris hesitated, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Hawke's persistent kindness and teasing felt like a foreign language that he struggled to comprehend. "You act as if it is so easy," Fenris murmured as he looked away.
"It's not easy," Hawke admitted. "Trust isn't something that comes easily to either of us. But maybe, if we're willing to take a leap of faith, we can find something worth holding onto."
Fenris remained silent for a moment, grappling with his thoughts. The noise of the marketplace seemed to fade into the background as he looked at Hawke, really looked at him for perhaps the first time without the lens of suspicion clouding his vision.
"I've trusted before," Fenris finally spoke,
"And it always led to pain."
Hawke nodded slowly, "I understand. But I'm not asking you to trust blindly. I'm asking for a chance to show you that not everyone has ulterior motives. That friendship, companionship, can be genuine."
Fenris searched Hawke's face, searching for any hint of deceit or hidden agenda. What he found instead was sincerity, an earnestness that mirrored his own longing for connection, hidden beneath layers of past betrayals and scars.
"I have my doubts," Fenris admitted quietly, almost reluctantly. "But perhaps... perhaps there is some truth in your words."
Hawke's smile widened, a glimmer of hope sparking in his eyes. "Doubts are probably healthy in Kirkwall," he joked, "but I promise, if you give me a chance you wont regret it."
Fenris sighed softly, his gaze flickering between Hawke's earnest expression and the bustling market around them.
"I suppose there's no harm in giving you a chance," Fenris finally conceded
Hawke's grin softened into a genuine smile, relief evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Fenris. I won't let you down."
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 months
Happy Fridayyyyy my love
For DADWC, "You can drop the act with me." 500 words challenge ;) And bonus points for fenders, naturally
500 words on the dot of some pre-Fenders for youuuuuuu! for @dadrunkwriting screenshot snagged from this video
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Another day, another set of madcap errands around Kirkwall.  Anders sat down on a crate outside Arianni's house as he and Fenris waited for her to finish telling her that Feynriel wouldn't be coming home.  They'd freed him from Varian and his men, but an untrained apostate haunted by demons even in the waking world would be dead within a week.  It was unsettling to be responsible for tearing yet another mage family apart, but this, at least, was Fenyriel's choice.  Why Fenris was here, however, was a different kind of unsettling; a puzzle Anders thought he finally knew the solution to.  "You can drop the act with me."
Fenris glanced over his shoulder.  "What act?"
"That you don't care."  Anders waved his hand vaguely.  "About other people.  You know, justice."
"Justice is a myth," Fenris snapped, then snorted.  "The one out there at least.  I'm fully aware your… passenger exists."
Anders pursed his lips.  "That's a fucking lie and you know it."
"Is it now?" he asked in that neutral tone that aggravated Anders more than actual shouting.  
It was like arguing with a brick wall, but Anders was too stubborn to stop throwing himself against it.  "Why kill Danzig if you didn't think it mattered?  Why kill Kelder, hm?  If it's not for justice, isn't it just straight up murder?"
Fenris didn't move, but somehow his posture looked more rigid.  Angry.  "I am a murderer.  Many times over.  Another body changes nothing."  
"So it doesn't matter that killing them saved others?"
"Likely not," Fenris answered.  "There will always be more like them.  I could rip out a hundred hearts like theirs and two hundred would take their place within a fortnight.  There is no justice in that."
Anders stood back up and walked around to face him.  Fenris' expression was weary and completely at odds with the indifference of his tone, as if he was discussing the weather, not slavery.  "This is exactly what I mean," he said softly.  "I know how much it hurts to care, believe me.  To admit something matters to you more than yourself."
"You know nothing about me," Fenris growled.  
Even a few weeks ago, the menace in his voice would have driven Anders to reach for his staff or pull on the Fade, ready to defend himself, potentially with extreme prejudice.  Now though, he knew better.  Fenris' hostility wasn't for him.  Not really.  It was for anyone and anything that threatened what little comfort he'd managed to claw into a life for himself.  "Maybe not," Anders agreed.  "But if it doesn't matter, why the void are you here?  Helping anyone at all?"
"Because Hawke asked."  Fenris shrugged.  "I owe her much."
"But how is that not a kind of justice?"  Anders asked, sympathy evaporating.  
He looked up, eyes bright with fury. "This is my choice, no Maker's design, no spirits.  Mine.  There may be none out there, but in here –" he thumped his hand against his armor loudly "– I honor my debts."
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miss-ingno · 8 months
A sense8 au??? Tell me more please!
That's a really old WIP I pulled out of the drawer recently 😂 it's Dragon Age II fic from back when I was firmly in my Fenders (Fenris/Anders) phase for a couple months!
The idea was to have the DA2 crew be soulbonded a la Sense8 canon from early pre-canon. The main goal, and the majority of the snippets I've written, focus on what this means for Fenris and Anders and their particular relationship, what with the parallels of their history of abuse. I figured they'd be drawn to each other and support each other mentally while going through that stuff, so when they meet in Kirkwall they have a good basis to work through their differences of opinion!
It would still be complicated, of course, but due to having lived through the trauma together, they have a better understanding what shaped each other and a willingness to breach the gap between them.
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lilyware · 1 year
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(icons | font)
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the hero-queen of ferelden
game: dragon age: origins
age: 33 by inquisition
alignment: lawful good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: heterosexual
hair colour: black
eye colour: green-blue
faceclaim: marina moschen
love interest: alistair theirin
bio: wip
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the champion of kirkwall
game: dragon age ii
age: 29 by inquisition
alignment: neutral good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: bisexual
hair colour: red
eye colour: green
faceclaim: ?
love interest: fenris
bio: wip
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the herald of andraste
game: dragon age inquisition
age: 26
alignment: lawful good/neutral
gender: male, he/him
sexuality: bisexual
hair colour: brown
eye colour: green
faceclaim: unknown
love interest: cassandra pentaghast (former, separated after she became divine)
bio: the trevelyans, despite originating from antiva, are one of the most prominent noble families of ostwick. because of their strong ties to the chantry, the family does not hesitate to send their children to the circle when they discover the gift of magic. luca felt betrayed when he was sent away at just 12 years old and left on bad terms with his mother, who he was extremely close with. growing up with his father's strong disdain for magic and fearmongering from the templars caused luca to develop a fear of his own magical abilities. luca's mother passes away from illness before luca has a chance to reconcile, intensifying the guilt, fear, and nightmares he already suffered with. before he was even considered to do his harrowing, he begs the templars to make him tranquil so he won't be a threat to anybody, and won't have to further deal with his pain. when kirkwall's circle rebelled, ostwick quickly followed suit, and luca was forced to join the rebels for his own survival. he eventually joins the senior enchanters at the divine conclave as an unbiased voice. when the anchor is accidentally fused with luca's hand, his severed connection with the fade was restored, curing him of his tranquility. after being tranquil for a decade, luca must relearn how to live, how to feel, and how to be a leader, as he's thrust into reverence as the only hope to save thedas.
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future head of house trevelyan
game: dragon age: inquisition
age: 33
alignment: lawful neutral
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: asexual
hair colour: brown
eye colour: brown
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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former rebel mage
game: dragon age: inquisition
age: 31
alignment: chaotic good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: lesbian
hair colour: brown
eye colour: green
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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ex-templar, inquisition agent
game: dragon age: inquisition
age: 28
alignment: true neutral
gender: male, he/him
sexuality: gay
hair colour: brown
eye colour: brown
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
pinterest board | tumblr tag
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former circle mage
game: dragon age: inquisition
age: 22
alignment: neutral good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
hair colour: brown
eye colour: brown
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
pinterest board | tumblr tag
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the lone wanderer
game: fallout 3
age: 19
gender: agender, they/them
alignment: true neutral
sexuality: lesbian
hair colour: brown
eye colour: light brown
faceclaim: diana silvers
love interest: amata almodovar (ex, broke up on bad terms after overseer almodovar's death in trouble on the homefront)
bio: wip
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the courier
game: fallout: new vegas
age: 228
alignment: chaotic neutral
gender: nonbinary, she/they
sexuality: bisexual
hair colour: dark brown
eye colour: hazel
faceclaim: maria felix (pre-ghoulification)
bio: wip
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the sole survivor
game: fallout 4
age: 29
alignment: chaotic good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
hair colour: black
eye colour: grey
faceclaim: liu wen
love interest: jake evans (ss2)
bio: wip
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the hero of kvatch, the dragonborn
game: elder scrolls iv: oblivion + elder scrolls v: skyrim
age: 20
alignment: lawful good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: lesbian
hair colour: dark brown
eye colour: gold
faceclaim: ?
love interest: serana volkihar
bio: wip
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owner of poppyseed farm
game: stardew valley
age: 22
alignment: neutral good
gender: nonbinary, she/they
sexuality: pansexual
hair colour: pink
eye colour: blue
faceclaim: ?
love interest: shane
bio: wip
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high-elf cleric of kelemvor, grave domain
game: baldur's gate 3
age: 37 (equivalent in elven years)
alignment: lawful neutral
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: ?
hair colour: black
eye colour: grey/black
faceclaim: ?
love interest: astarion
bio: wip
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satyr bard, college of spirits
game: dungeons and dragons (wild beyond the witchlight)
age: 20
alignment: neutral good
gender: female, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
hair colour: brown
eye colour: blue
faceclaim: ?
bio: all callie has known is the stage. for as long as she could remember, she has been performing at the witchlight carnival, hoping that one day she can be on the biggest stage in all the realms. she had been so deeply involved in her dream, it never occurred to her that she doesn't quite remember anything that came before. after being tasked to save zybilna, the founder of the witchlight carnival who had gone missing in her realm in the faewilds, callie comes to the realization that she does not remember her family. she had no memories of who she was and anything that occurred before she arrived at the carnival. she discovers, after speaking to a powerful spirit, that her parents had made a deal with endlyn moongrave, one of the hags that overthrew zybilna, so they could conceive a child. when her parents backed out of the deal after calliope was born, all three of them were cursed by the hag. calliope - who was born of pure, now-cursed fae magic, lost all her memories of her family and her identity. her parents were transformed into hideous monsters that still roam the faewilds to this day. callie must now find a way to break this curse without erasing her very being, rescue the parents she never knew, as well as save the realm from the hags that have taken it over.
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half-elf warlock, pact of the tome (fiend)
game: dungeons and dragons (inactive)
age: 10
alignment: chaotic good / chaotic evil...?
gender: female, she/her
hair colour: platinum blonde
eye colour: blue/green heterochromia
faceclaim: ?
bio: growing up, lilith had always had an immense and dangerous fascination with magic, and desperately wanted to learn it for herself. but there is not much a lowly street urchin can do when your main focus is surviving the day in a dirty, corrupt city. despite the hardships, lilith will always try to steal magical trinkets and tomes to try to teach herself magic. perhaps if she was strong enough, she would be able to make enough money for her and her mother to have a real home. however, lilith was caught stealing from a powerful noble, and - in a desperate attempt to save her daughter - lilith's mother takes the blame, resulting in her being cut down before lilith's very eyes. months pass and lilith is suddenly approached by a ghostly voice, claiming to be the spirit of her deceased mother. her mother's spirit says that she returned to watch over her daughter, and will be willing to teach her magic if lilith does what she is told. lilith accepts immediately, and is ecstatic that she is getting to two things she wants the most - her mother, and magic. unbeknownst to lilith, however, this apparition is not her mother. it is instead a fiend, taking advantage of a grieving orphan with a strong desire for magic, in order to manipulate her into doing its bidding. the fiend's goal is to feed lilith so much power that she eventually goes berserk, wreaking as much havoc as possible before she inevitably loses herself to the very magic she longed for.
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vocalist of sakurabu. stage name: dahlia
game: bang dream!
age: 16
alignment: neutral good
gender: female, she/her
hair colour: dark blue
eye colour: light blue
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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guitarist of sakurabu. stage name: rose
game: bang dream!
age: 16
alignment: chaotic good
gender: female, she/her
hair colour: white
eye colour: pink
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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bassist of sakurabu. stage name: ivy
game: bang dream!
age: 17
alignment: chaotic good
gender: female, she/her
hair colour: brown
eye colour: yellow
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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drummer of sakurabu. stage name: willow
game: bang dream!
age: 16
alignment: neutral good
gender: female, she/her
hair colour: black
eye colour: green
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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keyboardist of sakurabu. stage name: iris
game: bang dream!
age: 17
alignment: neutral good
gender: female, she/her
hair colour: lavender
eye colour: silver
faceclaim: ?
bio: wip
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ao3feed-fenders · 2 years
I must be gone and live, or stay and die
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bEDHYIS
by Flyting
In an AU in which Anders and Fenris both end up in Kirkwall a decade earlier, Leto brings Anders home to meet his family.
He liked Leto. In a way he hadn’t liked anyone in a long time. If they got to see each for more than a handful of hours every few days he’d have done something about it by now. Up until they found the tunnels, he’d never been able to see Leto anywhere other than the Gallows kitchens when the elf came with the morning deliveries. Gallows Templars weren’t the brightest- they still hadn’t figured out that when Anders said ‘oh come on please, anything but kitchen duty’ what he really meant was ‘please sentence me to an afternoon of light work where I can steal biscuits and flirt with the grocery boy.’
Words: 4078, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age II, Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fenris (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age)
Relationships: Anders/Fenris (Dragon Age), Leto/Anders
Additional Tags: AU, Awakening Era Anders (Dragon Age), Kissing, Meet the Family, Pre-Lyrium Fenris, Falling In Love, Bittersweet
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bEDHYIS
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