#fennel goat cream cheese and grated lemon peel risotto
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Risotto z fenkułem, kozim serkiem i skórką otartą z cytryny

Z jakiegoś niejasnego powodu koper włoski nie rozpowszechnił się w naszym kraju tak, jak we Włoszech, Niemczech, Szwajcarii, Austrii, Stanach Zjednoczonych, Chinach, Japonii czy Indiach.
Co jest powodem tej niechęci? Nietypowy smak warzywa, a może jego mała dostępność? Chyba jednak to pierwsze, bo przecież fenkuł można u nas z powodzeniem uprawiać, aczkolwiek ma spore wymagania (temperatura 15-20°C, duże nasłonecznienie, ochrona przed wiatrem, żyzna gleba). Zastanawiam się... Może decyduje o tym nie nie sam smak warzywa, ile ograniczona naszymi wyobrażeniami o nim niechęć do eksperymentowania?
Znam wiele osób, które nie znoszą anyżu, lukrecji, a co za tym idzie również fenkułu. Ale to droga na skróty. Koper włoski jest bowiem znacznie delikatniejszy niż jego krewniak anyż czy niespowinowacona z nim lukrecja i można go przyrządzić w taki sposób, że nie zdominuje smaku potrawy. Nawet więcej, przyjemnie nas zaskoczy.
Na przykład dodając go do surówek warto wcześniej zamacerować w słabej zaprawie z oliwy i soku z cytryny. Duszenie i pieczenie również wygładzi jego smak i uczyni niemal słodkim.
Nie ma co kręcić nosem, że się nie lubi kopru włoskiego. Trzeba skosztować tego risotta.
szklanka ryżu Arborio 1/2 łyżeczki nasion kopru włoskiego średnia cebula łodyga selera naciowego 2 ząbki czosnku bulwa kopru włoskiego 1/2 szklanki białego wytrawnego wina ok. 1 l bulionu warzywnego (lub drobiowego) 1/2 szklanki Parmezanu sól i czarny pieprz do smaku łyżka masła 6 łyżek kremowego koziego serka skórka otarta z cytryny i sok z 1/2 cytryny
Nasiona kopru włoskiego rozgnieść dokładnie w moździerzu. Bulwę fenkułu pokroić w cienkie piórka, zachowując zielony koperek. Seler naciowy pokroić w kosteczkę. Cebulę obrać i pokroić w kosteczkę. Czosnek obrać i rozgnieść płaską częścią noża.
W garnku o grubym dnie rozgrzać dwie łyżki oliwy z oliwek z łyżką masła, wrzucić i zeszklić po kolei: seler naciowy, cebulę, czosnek i roztarte nasiona kopru włoskiego, a na końcu koper włoski. Delikatne oprószyć solą, dodać pieprz, zmniejszyć gaz i przykryć pokrywką. Gotować przez około 20 minut, aż fenkuł stanie się miękki i słodki.
Wsypać ryż, wymieszać i podgrzewać do momentu, gdy stanie się szklisty. Wlać wino i poczekać, aż częściowo odparuje. Wtedy chochla po chochli wlewać bulion, za każdym razem czekając, aż wchłonie go ryż. Konsystencja powinna być luźna.
Gdy ryż będzie niemal gotowy, dodać tarty Parmezan, łyżkę masła, ok. 4 łyżki koziego serka (można wymienić na Ricottę), połowę skórki otartej z cytryny i łyżkę soku, wymieszać i spróbować. Jeśli trzeba, dodać sok z cytryny. Przykryć pokrywką i poczekać 3-4 minuty.
Risotto wykładać na talerze, na środku każdej porcji położyć trochę koziego serka, obsypać koperkiem fenkułu, skórką cytrynową i pieprzem.
#risotto#risotto z fenkułem kozim serkiem i skórką otartą z cytryny#fennel goat cream cheese and grated lemon peel risotto#fennel risotto#fenkuł#koper włoski#fennel#kozi serek#goat cream cheese#cytryna#lemon#skórka otarta z cytryny#grated lemon peel#dania wegetariańskie#vegetarian dishes#vegetarian#meatless dishes#meatless meals
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A Bit Like Julie Andrews

A loathsome guest at a dinner party I once attended announced you can make anything taste good with fat. She said this as I was serving up a chocolate pecan tart promised to the host, and my first instinct was to divert it into her face. I didn’t of course, because violence and whip-smart retorts only ever live in my head. Later on, she invited me into the bathroom to see her new labia piercing. So, mixed messages.
That said, she had a point about fat. I’ve been writing this blog for eight years now and the most shared and liked recipes have lashings of fat and/or sugar in common. No surprises here - as we all aspire to cleaner, increasingly plant based virtue-signalling, how many of us are squirrelling away six pineapple Jaffa Cakes when we think no-one’s looking? Right this minute I am staring longingly across the coffee table at a box of Divine Mint Thins while a sweet potato bakes in the oven. And the rate at which we get through sea salt butter in our house (yep, the one with the extra crunchy salt crystals) is not something I am ever going to admit to my GP.
But if you all want fat and sugar, then I am here to please. Not necessarily with animal fat, and not always with proper sugar. One of the most versatile oils in my kitchen is coconut, sunflower oil always produces moist and springy sponge cakes and I could almost drink extra virgin olive. And I sometimes supplement no-carb Splenda for sugar in some recipes with zero difference noticed. None of this interferes with the popularity of the finished dish, sometimes it even enhances it - and I am often asked for recipes for dishes I photograph with abandon but haven’t got around to writing up.
So what follows then is only a bit like Julie Andrews: rather than a selection of my favourite things, it’s a revisiting of some of yours - a Top 4 of those recipes most often requested or dishes shared, fats or sugar included, with a couple of twists thrown in.
Perfect Roast Pork Belly

For my money the supreme leader of pork joints is belly - roasted long and slow until those layers of fat melt and the hide turns to the guiltiest pleasure of all: cracking. I used to subscribe to the belief that anything this good was proportionately difficult to achieve - but after many years and attempts, I have found a way as fool-proof and leave-it-alone succulent as you can get.
My advice is to serve this with creamed corn - fresh corn shucked and simmered in a little butter and cream. Pork and corn are a less-travelled match made in heaven. Cowboys kind of got the hang of it but were seduced into flatulence by the baked bean before the corn craze could really take off. But what the wild west discarded, the barbecue warriors picked up. OK I’m taking The Crown approach to history but you get the picture. Serves 4-6.
One 2 kg pork belly joint, bone in ideally but not necessary( get your butcher to score the rind)
1 tbsp. each fennel seeds and cumin seeds
1 tbsp, chilli flakes
2 tbsp. Kosher salt
2 onions, cut into wedges
2 carrots cut into chunks
1 leek cut into chunks
200ml sherry or white wine
100ml water
For the creamed corn:
3 fresh ears of corn
50g butter
150ml double cream
Kosher Salt and freshly ground black pepper
How to make.
The night before you aim to roast the pork, get rid of any covering, pat the skin dry, pop it onto a dish and put in the fridge. This will dry out the skin and ultimately product better crackling.
Heat the oven to 220C (or 210C Fan) and take your belly out of the fridge at least 30 mins before roasting. Pulverise the fennel seeds, cumin seeds, salt and a and chilli flakes in a pestle and mortar. Rub the mix into the scores in the pork rind, then pop into the oven for 25 mins to get the crackling going.
After 25 mins,remove from the oven and transfer the pork onto a board and reduce the oven to 180C or 175C fan. Working quickly, toss the onions, carrots and leek into the roasting pan and then put the belly joint on top. Pour the sherry or white wine into the roasting pan around, not on, the pork. Return the pork to the oven and roast for two and a half - 3 hours.
Check the pork at 2 and a half hours - if you can wiggle the rib bone easily, great, if not, return to the oven for another 30 mins. Remove from the oven again and transfer the roast veg to a bowl and keep warm. Crank the oven back up to 220C and return the joint one last time to crisp up the crackling.

Remove from the oven and leave to rest for 20 mins before carving
Dutch pancake with caramel apples
Leave It Alone is the best mantra for an easy life in the kitchen. Some dishes were made to be fussed over - risotto, caramel and of course pancakes. But a dutch pancake gives you both time to yourself and a whomping great wow factor when you bring it out of the oven. Thanks to Erin Jeanne McDowell at the New York Times for this little number. (Serves 3-4)

(100 g) plain flour
3 Tbsp. dark muscovado sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp kosher salt
Pinch ground nutmeg
50g unsalted butter
3 eggs
100ml cashew nut milk (or milk of your choice)
1 tsp vanilla extract
For the caramel apples:
40g butter
75 ml double cream
110g dark muscovado sugar
3-4 apples (granny smiths are good)
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp vanilla essence
Pinch of ground cinnamon
How to make
Heat the oven to 200C fan (210C). Put the butter in a frying pan or skillet that you can use on the hob and in the oven. When the oven is hot, pop the skillet in to melt the butter.
Mix all the dry ingredients together. Break up the eggs with the milk and vanilla essence then add to the dry ingredients and mix until smooth.
Peel and core the apples then cut into thin slices and toss in the lemon juice.
Take the skillet out of the oven (the butter should have melte by now) and pour in the pancake batter. Put back in the oven and set your timer for 20 minutes.
While the pancake is doing its thing, make the caramel apples. Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the sugar and cream and mix again. Add the apples, stir to coat the apples in the caramel mix, then simmer gently for 5 minutes until the apples soften. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the vanilla essence and cinnamon.
After 20 minutes, and using protective gloves or oven mitts, remove the skillet from the oven. The pancakes should be all puffed around the edges like a dramatic Yorkshire pudding.

Pour the caramel apples into the centre, bring to the table and drizzle with double cream while everyone round the table gasps. DO NOT FORGET that the handle is hot so use your oven mitts while handling at the table.

Stuffed Courgette flowers
This is a romantic dish for me as it reminds me of my first trip to Rome. At the same time it’s tempura on steroids. Cook the whole (usually tiny) courgette with the flowers attached - it may not look as pretty but there is more flavour and nutrition (always handy when you are taking a bath in carbs). Like the Dutch pancake, this dish gives good gasp when it arrives on the table. (Serves 4).

8 courgettes with flowers attached
250g ricotta cheese, soft goat’s cheese or goat’s curd
6 anchovies, finely chopped
1 tbsp each finely chopped mint and parsley
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the batter:
70g cornflour
30g plain flour
80ml ice-cold sparkling water or lager
400ml sunflower oil for frying
How to make:
Mix the cheese, anchovies, herbs and seasoning in a bowl.
Taking each courgette, gently splay the petals of the flower and remove the stamens with a small knife. Using a teaspoon, stuff each flower with the filling then twist the tips of the petals to seal.

In another bowl mix the batter ingredients and leave to stand for 5 minutes.
Heat the oil in a deep pan or flat-bottomed wok. Line a serving dish with kitchen paper. Once the oil is hot, take each courgette in turn, dip it in the batter (courgette and flower) and then carefully lay it in the oil and deep fry for a couple of minutes, until the batter turns golden and crisp. Try not to crowd the pan, you can probably fry three at a time. Remove each courgette and flower from the oil and onto the paper lined dish. When all the courgettes have been cooked, remove the kitchen paper and serve while hot, with some quick pickled red onion slices on the side.

Sweet potato Gnocchi with pesto
Anything a potato can do, a sweet potato can do as well if not better. Plus it’s packed with antioxidants (not red for nothing) and lower in the demon carbs. When in Buenos Aires, gnocchi is traditionally eaten on a Thursday (a ritual they share with Rome) and it’s my niece Luli’s favourite dish. Wonder what she will think of this version? The gnocchi is based on a recipe by Jonny Rhodes (Serves 4)

1 large sweet potato
1 cup plain flour
½ cup wholemeal flour
1 tsp. Ground cumin
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp allspice
½ tsp kosher salt
1 egg
50g butter
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
For the pesto:
1 large bunch basil
1 tbsp, pinenuts
2 fat cloves garlic
25g grated parmesan
½ cup - ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
How to make.
Heat the oven to 190C fan and roast the sweet potato for 1-11/4 hours (the potato should be soft inside and give when you insert a knife). Cool, skin and mash.
In a bowl, mix the flours, potato mash, spices, salt and egg. Roll into a ball then cover with cling film and pop into the fridge for an hour to firm up.

After an hour, remove from the fridge and cut into six portions. Dust your work surface with flour then taking each portion in turn, roll into a long sausage and cut 18-20 portions. You can either leave the portions like this or roll each portion over a gnocchi paddle to give it ridges, then place on an floured baking sheet. Repeat with each portion, then cover all the gnocchi and refrigerate until ready to cook.

Bring a pan of salted water to the boil, working in small batches, add the gnocchi to the pan and continue to boil. As the gnocchi float to the surface, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a greased baking sheet.
Make your pesto, put all ingredients except the olive oil into the food processor and pulse until chopped small. Keep the motor running and gradually add the olive oil until the mixture thickens. Turn off the motor and leave to one side while you saute the gnocchi.
Heat a large frying pan and add the butter. when melted and sizzling add the gnocchi in a single layer and cook undisturbed for 2 or 3 minutes, until the bottoms are light brown (you may need to do this in batches). Then add 2 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp water and the apple cider vinegar and swirl around the gnocchi.
Serve immediately in pasta bowls and drizzle the pesto over the top. Grate over some parmesan.

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20+ Easy and Delicious Beet Recipes For You To Try AT Home!
Beetroot, commonly called beet has reached popularity as a super food rated as a highway to health after studies claimed that it improves athletic performance, increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.
The appealing nutritious red beet can be juiced up too. The beetroot like many other vegetables is a source of nutrients minus the fat-with added protein. The carbohydrate profile of beetroot is unique. They contain a huge percentage of sugar, but have half of the total carbs of starchy veggies like potatoes. Because of the low carbs and fiber content of 3 grams, the effect on blood sugar levels stay moderate.
If the beets you have still have greens attached remove them as they drain liquid from the beet. Do not throw these greens away. They are edible .
Beet Helps Us Grow New Cells
Folate helps to synthesize DNA and protein and DNA. It is therefore essential for the growth of new cells. A folate deficiency can result in anemia as red blood cells do not reach maturity. Folate also helps to prevents cardiovascular disease. A cup of cooked beetroot supplies one-third of the daily recommended folate (136g)
Beet is the vegetable you need for healthier bones
Manganese is necessary for the cartilage and bones and achieve the resiliency to hold up without breaking. One cup of fresh beets is equal to 23 percent of the recommended daily allowance
Beet Keeps you a steady “Beet-ing” heart
Sufficient potassium helps with blood pressure. A cup of boiled beets has 11 percent of the recommended daily allowance .
Lets get Down to the Beet ! Time to Enjoy!
Whether you like them sweetly roasted, pickled , or crunchy chips, there is scrumptious beet recipe for all. Fresh beets take about 30 to 60 minutes to cook, depending on the size .
Ready to serve these nice beet recipes?
1. A Simple Beet Serving
After they are boiled or roasted, serve with lemon or balsamic vinegar
2. Beet Salad Servings
Optional choices to add to your salad:
Apples and Mushrooms
Mix beet slices with some celery and apples. Add a vinaigrette dressing in sumptuous mushrooms, green peas and sunflower seeds,topped with fresh dill and yogurt.
Orange and Cabbage
Equal parts of cabbage and beet and cabbage. Shred beets. Shred the cabbage. Add one navel orange, peeled and chopped.
Ginger and Carrot
Beet and ginger are a killer combination. Use equal amounts of carrot and beets. Add in the minced ginger to the mix; mix in some peanut oil, lime juice , and cilantro .
3. Beet and Goat Cheese Terrine
A delicious tasty appetizer in a dazzle of goat cheese and beets
whipping cream
1 Tbsp finely chopped chives
1 Tbsp finely chopped mint
1 tsp finely grated lemon zest, salt and pepper
Boil the beets whole and untrimmed with lemon juice (place whole lemon halves in the water after juicing them), until tender. Drain the beets, cool them and peel. Slice the beets thinly and place in a bowl. Beat the goat cheese with some whipping cream until there is smooth mix . Add remaining ingredients and season.Place a single beet in muffin tin cups and place the goat cheese mixture topping with a beet slice. Chill for two hours and serve
4. Rich Beet Chocolate Cake
Health in a delicious mix. It may look full of chocolate but is filled with Beets
2 cup all-purpose flour
¾ cup sugar
⅔ cup Dutch process cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
¾ cup unsalted butter at room temperature, cut into pieces
2 large eggs at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
¾ cup finely grated cooked beets (about 2 large beets)
1 ¼ cup hot water
Frosting : 1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp unsalted butter,1 cup sugar,¾ cup Dutch process cocoa powder,¾ cup whipping cream,1 tsp vanilla extract,½ tsp salt
Set the oven to preheat at 350 F. Grease cake pans .Sift the flour . Add cocoa, sugar, salt and baking powder. Add the butter and mix . Add vanilla and eggs . Add the beet mix and hot water . Place in cake pan and bake for 35 minutes. Coat with the frosting mixture.
5. Candied Baby Beets
A toss on cayenne pepper or some cumin seeds and a delicious tinge to the side dish wonder
2 Tbsp unsalted butter
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp Quebec maple syrup
1 cup cooked baby red beets, peeled and cut in half
1 cup cooked striped baby beets, peeled and cut in half
1 cup cooked yellow/golden baby beets, peeled and cut in half
sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste
¼ cup chives, sliced
Heat a non-stick skillet adding butter and maple syrup in brown sugar. Simmer until a golden syrup forms. Add the cooked, peeled beets to the syrup and continue to cook until most of the sauce is evaporated and the beets start to caramelize. Turn the heat off and season the beets with sea salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle the candied beets with the sliced chives and serve family style for that perfect family meal.
6. Spicy Beet Bites
1 large beet, cooked and peeled
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp cumin powder
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp coarse salt,black pepper to season
1 handful fresh coriander, chopped
7. Cumin Roasted Beets
2 Tbsp (30 mL) pomegranate juice
1 Tbsp (15 mL) lemon juice
1 tsp (5 mL) Dijon mustard
3 Tbsp (45 mL) olive oil
1 tsp (5 mL) kosher salt,freshly ground pepper
1 lb(s) (500 g) beets
1 tsp (5 mL) ground cumin
8 cup (2 L) kale, coarsely chopped, stems and ribs removed
½ cup (125 mL) Feta cheese, crumbled
½ cup (125 mL) walnuts, coarsely chopped
Stir pomegranate juice with lemon juice and Dijon. Whisk in 2 tbsp (30ml) olive oil. Season with ¼ tsp salt and pepper.Preheat oven to 350ºF. Peel beets. Cut small beets in half, and large beets into quarters. Toss with 1 tablespoon (15 mL) olive oil, cumin, remaining salt and pepper in a large bowl. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet and cover loosely with foil. Bake for 40 minutes, or until tender. Remove from oven. Combine kale with feta and walnuts in a large bowl. Add vinaigrette and toss to coat. Divide salad between plates. Slice beets into ¾-inch wedges and place over salad.
8. Beet Risotto with Asparagus
Risotto: 2 Tbsp olive oil,1 cup diced leeks, washed well,1 cup Arborio rice,½ cup dry white wine,juice of 1 lemon,2 cup coarsely grated fresh beets,2 tsp chopped fresh thyme,2 tsp chopped fresh tarragon,3 cup vegatable stock,salt and pepper
Fricassee: 1 ½ lb(s) asparagus, cut into 1-inch pieces,1 Tbsp olive oil,1 cup diced leeks, washed well,½ lb(s) button mushrooms, quartered,1 tsp chopped fresh thyme,1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon,salt and pepper, lemon juice, to taste, chopped chives, for garnish
For the risotto, heat a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat and add the oil. Add the leeks and sauté until they are tender, about 5 minutes. Add the rice and sauté for another minute, then add the wine and lemon juice, simmering while stirring until it has all been absorbed. Add 1 cup of the vegetable stock, the grated beets, thyme and tarragon and reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Stir the rice frequently, adding the remaining stock, one cup at a time, after the previous addition has been fully absorbed. Season to taste and serve.
While the risotto is cooking, prepare the fricassee. Blanch the asparagus in boiling, salted water for 2 minutes, then drain and rinse to cool. Heat a large sauté pan over medium-high heat and add the oil. Add the leeks, mushrooms, thyme and tarragon and sauté until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Add the blanched asparagus to warm it through, season and add the lemon juice to taste. Serve the fricassee over the beet risotto.
9. Autumn Vegetable Salad
1 lb(s) whole beets (about 4 medium)
1 ½ lb(s) Yukon Gold potatoes
1 lb(s) celery root (1 medium)
6 Tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper
1 Tbsp white vinegar
1 Tbsp prepared horseradish
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp chopped fresh dill
¼ cup mayonnaise
⅓ cup sour cream
Preheat oven to 350°F. Peel and dice the beets, celery root and potatoes. Place each in separate baking dishes and toss each with 2 Tbsp of oil and season lightly. Cover each dish with foil and bake until each is tender (celery root takes about 30 minutes, potatoes about 40 minutes and beets 50 minutes). Let cool. Whisk vinegar, horseradish, mustard, dill, mayonnaise and sour cream together. Stir in cooled vegetables and season to taste.
10. Heart Beet and Fennel Salad
½ cup maple pecans or walnuts
1 raw beet peeled and coarsely grated
1 Fuji apple or Granny Smith
peeled, cored, grated
1 fennel bulb, trimmed and grated
½ cup fresh mint, roughly chopped
2 Tbsp fresh basil
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
¼ cup olive oil,6 oz Stilton cheese, crumble
Grate the beets, and fennel and apple keep in separate bowls. Toss the beets with the mint, basil, oil, and balsamic vinegar. Gently toss in the fennel and apple and top with cheese and nuts. Serve immediately.
11. Beet and Goat Cheese Salad
4 large beets, washed and ends trimmed,
2 Tbsp olive oil,Salt and pepper,½ cup goats cheese,
Olive oil for drizzling,
Balsamic vinegar for drizzling,
1 bunch of chopped Italian parsley,
Fresh ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400°F, Place beets on a sheet of tin foil and drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper, Wrap tightly and place on a baking sheet. Roast for about an hour, or until easily pierced with a fork. Unwrap and when beets are cool enough to handle, peel them and slice into even wedges.Place in a salad bowl and drizzle with olive oil and vinegar to taste.Crumble goat cheese over top and garnish with parsley and fresh ground pepper.Toss to combine and enjoy!
12. Beet and Carrot Dip
1 large beet, washed and trimmed,
2 medium carrots,½ cup sour cream (125ml),
½ cup crumbled feta cheese (125ml),
1 green onion, chopped,
1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh dill (15ml),
1 tsp orange zest (5ml),
1 tsp orange juice (5ml),
½ tsp salt (2ml),
¼ tsp freshly ground pepper (1ml),
½ tsp prepared mild horseradish (2-4ml)
Place the beets in a microwaveable dish, cover tightly, and microwave on high for 7-8 minutes. Carefully add the carrots to the dish and cover again. Microwave on high for 3-4 more minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, or until cooled slightly. Peel the skin from the vegetables. Pulse beets and carrots in a food processor with the sour cream, feta, green onion, dill, orange zest and juice, salt and pepper, until smooth. Divide the beet dip into 2 equal portions. Add horseradish, to taste, to the adult portion.
13. Beet Salad with Honey Horseradish Dressing
6 large beets, unpeeled,
¼ cup chopped fresh chives,
2 Tbsp honey,
2 Tbsp olive oil,
2 Tbsp lemon juice,
1 Tbsp creamed horseradish (or to taste),
1 clove garlic, finely chopped,
Salt and pepper
In a large saucepan of boiling water, cook the beets until tender. Drop them into cold water to cool them quickly. Drain and peel. Cut into 1-cm (1/2-inch) thick wedges. Set aside.In a large bowl, whisk together all the ingredients. Add the beets and toss well. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm or at room temperature.
14. Cabbage and Beet Soup
1 onion, chopped,
2 Tbsp olive oil,
1 Tbsp brown sugar,
2 Tbsp white wine vinegar,
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced,
2 medium beets, peeled ,
2 cup finely sliced green cabbage,
6 cup chicken broth,
¼ cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped,
Salt and pepper
In a saucepan over medium heat, brown the onion in the oil. Add the brown sugar and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Deglaze with the vinegar. Add the remaining ingredients except the parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes. Add the parsley and adjust the seasoning.Serve with open-face sausage and paprika sandwiches
15. Pickled Beets
For pickling : Roasted Beets ,1 large red onion, frenched,1 cup tarragon wine vinegar,1 ½ tsp kosher salt,½ cup sugar.1 cup water
Roasted Beets: 6 medium beets, cleaned with 1-inch stem remaining,2 large shallots, peeled,2 sprigs rosemary, 2 tsp olive oil
Pickling : Remove the skin from the Roasted Beets and slice thinly. Arrange in 1-quart jars alternating layers with the onion. In a small pot boil the rest of the ingredients and pour over the beets. Tightly lid the jars and place in the refrigerator for 3 to 7 days before serving.
Roasted Beets: Preheat oven to 400ºF. In a large bowl toss all of the ingredients. Place into a foil pouch and roast in the oven for 40 minutes.
16.Vegetarian Beet Borscht
2 large beets, peeled and cubed,
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed,
6 cups water,
1 large onion, peeled and chopped,
½ tsp sea salt to taste,
½ tsp pepper, to taste,
1 large bay leaf, dried,
1 medium parsnip, chopped,
1 medium carrot, chopped,
2 large garlic cloves, sliced,
3 tsp raw honey,
4 large dill sprigs, chopped,
1 Tbsp olive oil, to fry
Put the potatoes, carrot, parsnip, beets and bay leaf in a large pot of water. Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15-20 minutes. Sauté the onion, garlic and dill to your liking and then add it to the pot.Cook your combined ingredients in your pot over low heat for another 30 minutes.Enjoy your borscht hot or cold, chunky or pureed!
17. Baked Beet Chips
Ingredients and instructions:
3 sliced beets, 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 pinch salt,2 sprigs rosemary
Bake sliced beets with olive oil, salt and rosemary at 375ºF for 15-20 minutes.
18.Smoked Herring Potato Salad
2 potatoes, peeled, shredded
½ cup smoked herring
2 cups pickled beets, shredded
1 Granny Smith apple
1 tsp grainy mustard
1 tsp mayonnaise
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper
½ bag kale chips
1 sprig dill, loose leaves
Boil the potato until its cooked but not mushy, about 5-10 minutes.In a medium bowl combine potatoes, herring, and beets. Pour a little beet juice in to add color and lightly stir ingredients together. Use a mandolin to shred the granny smith apple and place into ½ the lemon juice and some water. Add the remaining lemon juice, mayonnaise, and grainy mustard to the salad. Remove half of the shredded apple from the lemon water. Gently mix the salad together. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Place a nest of kale chips in the center of the serving plate or bowl. Gently layer some salad on top. Next layer on some of the remaining shredded apple, more salad, and top off with more apples. Sprinkle with dill to serve
19. Beet Heart with Chevre
5 medium sized beets
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup chèvre (250 ML)
1 handful Fresh chives
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 C) Rub beets in oil then wrap in foil and roast for 1 hour or until fork tender in centre.Remove beets from foil and cool. Peel skins off beets by just rubbing with fingers (If you want to protect skin from colour, use gloves). Slice beets into rounds about 1/2-inch (1 cm) thick. With a small heart cookie cutter, cut out heart shape out of the beet slices. Transfer hearts ( 2 to 4 per person)to individual serving plates.Top with crumbled chèvre and garnish with chives.
19. Beet and Potato Latkes
Latkes : 3 large beets, ½ yellow onion,3 Adora or yellow-flesh potatoes,½ cup all-purpose flour,2 eggs¼ cup fresh dill, chopped2 – 3 cloves garlic, minced,Pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper,Canola oil.
Crème Fraîche : 2 cups full-fat sour cream,1 Tbsp fresh dill, chopped,½ cup whipping (35%) cream,Pinch Kosher salt
Eggs and Spinach: White vinegar, 8 eggs, Canola oil, 1 clove garlic, minced, 2 cup lightly packed spinach leaves,Splash dry white wine, Kosher salt
Using a box grater, shred beets and onions into a small colander set inside a bowl. Using the back of a spoon, press juices out (discard juices). Using the same box grater, shred potatoes and transfer to a bowl of cool water as you work to prevent oxidization. Drain well. In a large bowl, combine shredded beets and onions, shredded potatoes, flour, eggs, dill, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add a splash of oil. Drop palm-sized handfuls of the latke mixture into the hot pan and, using a spatula, flatten (patties should be 4 to 5 inches in diameter and no thicker than a 1/4 inch). Cook until browned, about 4 to 5 minutes per side.
Crème Fraîche
In a small bowl, combine all of the ingredients. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
Eggs and Spinach
Fill a pot of with water, add a splash of vinegar, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and poach a few eggs at a time (5 minutes to retain soft and runny yolks, or longer, to taste). Transfer poached eggs to a plate lined in paper towel and set aside until ready to serve. Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium, heat a splash of oil. Sauté garlic for 2 minutes, until fragrant. Add spinach and cook until just wilted, about 1 minute. Add wine and salt and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 to 3 minutes (be careful not to overcook spinach; it should be bright green). Remove from heat.
To Serve
1. To Serve: Divide latke patties among servings plates. Top with a mound of spinach, and then a poached egg. Dollop each egg with crème fraîche and garnish with red peppers. Serve with fresh fruit alongside.
20. Black Bean Beet Hummus
A hummus and Beet mixture in delectable Pita
1 raw beet, roughly chopped,
2 cloves garlic, peeled,
1 cup cooked black beans, drained and rinsed if using canned,
¼ cup tahini, 2 Tbsp lemon juice,
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar (preferably aged),
1 tsp ground cumin,
½ tsp salt
Serving: Whole wheat pita bread, Thinly sliced radishes,Sesame seeds,Fresh herbs of choice
Pulse the beet and garlic into a food processor until it is finely minced. Add r hummus ingredients puree.Place in serving bowl. Preheat oven to 375°F. Place pitas on a baking tray and warm for approximately 7 minutes, or until desired temperature. Remove from oven and slice into wedges. Serve with hummus, garnished with radishes, sesame seeds and herbs.
Featured photo credit: Pixabay via cdn.pixabay.com
The post 20+ Easy and Delicious Beet Recipes For You To Try AT Home! appeared first on Lifehack.
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20+ Easy and Delicious Beet Recipes For You To Try AT Home!
Beetroot, commonly called beet has reached popularity as a super food rated as a highway to health after studies claimed that it improves athletic performance, increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.
The appealing nutritious red beet can be juiced up too. The beetroot like many other vegetables is a source of nutrients minus the fat-with added protein. The carbohydrate profile of beetroot is unique. They contain a huge percentage of sugar, but have half of the total carbs of starchy veggies like potatoes. Because of the low carbs and fiber content of 3 grams, the effect on blood sugar levels stay moderate.
If the beets you have still have greens attached remove them as they drain liquid from the beet. Do not throw these greens away. They are edible .
Beet Helps Us Grow New Cells
Folate helps to synthesize DNA and protein and DNA. It is therefore essential for the growth of new cells. A folate deficiency can result in anemia as red blood cells do not reach maturity. Folate also helps to prevents cardiovascular disease. A cup of cooked beetroot supplies one-third of the daily recommended folate (136g)
Beet is the vegetable you need for healthier bones
Manganese is necessary for the cartilage and bones and achieve the resiliency to hold up without breaking. One cup of fresh beets is equal to 23 percent of the recommended daily allowance
Beet Keeps you a steady “Beet-ing” heart
Sufficient potassium helps with blood pressure. A cup of boiled beets has 11 percent of the recommended daily allowance .
Lets get Down to the Beet ! Time to Enjoy!
Whether you like them sweetly roasted, pickled , or crunchy chips, there is scrumptious beet recipe for all. Fresh beets take about 30 to 60 minutes to cook, depending on the size .
Ready to serve these nice beet recipes?
1. A Simple Beet Serving
After they are boiled or roasted, serve with lemon or balsamic vinegar
2. Beet Salad Servings
Optional choices to add to your salad:
Apples and Mushrooms
Mix beet slices with some celery and apples. Add a vinaigrette dressing in sumptuous mushrooms, green peas and sunflower seeds,topped with fresh dill and yogurt.
Orange and Cabbage
Equal parts of cabbage and beet and cabbage. Shred beets. Shred the cabbage. Add one navel orange, peeled and chopped.
Ginger and Carrot
Beet and ginger are a killer combination. Use equal amounts of carrot and beets. Add in the minced ginger to the mix; mix in some peanut oil, lime juice , and cilantro .
3. Beet and Goat Cheese Terrine
A delicious tasty appetizer in a dazzle of goat cheese and beets
whipping cream
1 Tbsp finely chopped chives
1 Tbsp finely chopped mint
1 tsp finely grated lemon zest, salt and pepper
Boil the beets whole and untrimmed with lemon juice (place whole lemon halves in the water after juicing them), until tender. Drain the beets, cool them and peel. Slice the beets thinly and place in a bowl. Beat the goat cheese with some whipping cream until there is smooth mix . Add remaining ingredients and season.Place a single beet in muffin tin cups and place the goat cheese mixture topping with a beet slice. Chill for two hours and serve
4. Rich Beet Chocolate Cake
Health in a delicious mix. It may look full of chocolate but is filled with Beets
2 cup all-purpose flour
¾ cup sugar
⅔ cup Dutch process cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
¾ cup unsalted butter at room temperature, cut into pieces
2 large eggs at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
¾ cup finely grated cooked beets (about 2 large beets)
1 ¼ cup hot water
Frosting : 1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp unsalted butter,1 cup sugar,¾ cup Dutch process cocoa powder,¾ cup whipping cream,1 tsp vanilla extract,½ tsp salt
Set the oven to preheat at 350 F. Grease cake pans .Sift the flour . Add cocoa, sugar, salt and baking powder. Add the butter and mix . Add vanilla and eggs . Add the beet mix and hot water . Place in cake pan and bake for 35 minutes. Coat with the frosting mixture.
5. Candied Baby Beets
A toss on cayenne pepper or some cumin seeds and a delicious tinge to the side dish wonder
2 Tbsp unsalted butter
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp Quebec maple syrup
1 cup cooked baby red beets, peeled and cut in half
1 cup cooked striped baby beets, peeled and cut in half
1 cup cooked yellow/golden baby beets, peeled and cut in half
sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste
¼ cup chives, sliced
Heat a non-stick skillet adding butter and maple syrup in brown sugar. Simmer until a golden syrup forms. Add the cooked, peeled beets to the syrup and continue to cook until most of the sauce is evaporated and the beets start to caramelize. Turn the heat off and season the beets with sea salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle the candied beets with the sliced chives and serve family style for that perfect family meal.
6. Spicy Beet Bites
1 large beet, cooked and peeled
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp cumin powder
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp coarse salt,black pepper to season
1 handful fresh coriander, chopped
7. Cumin Roasted Beets
2 Tbsp (30 mL) pomegranate juice
1 Tbsp (15 mL) lemon juice
1 tsp (5 mL) Dijon mustard
3 Tbsp (45 mL) olive oil
1 tsp (5 mL) kosher salt,freshly ground pepper
1 lb(s) (500 g) beets
1 tsp (5 mL) ground cumin
8 cup (2 L) kale, coarsely chopped, stems and ribs removed
½ cup (125 mL) Feta cheese, crumbled
½ cup (125 mL) walnuts, coarsely chopped
Stir pomegranate juice with lemon juice and Dijon. Whisk in 2 tbsp (30ml) olive oil. Season with ¼ tsp salt and pepper.Preheat oven to 350ºF. Peel beets. Cut small beets in half, and large beets into quarters. Toss with 1 tablespoon (15 mL) olive oil, cumin, remaining salt and pepper in a large bowl. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet and cover loosely with foil. Bake for 40 minutes, or until tender. Remove from oven. Combine kale with feta and walnuts in a large bowl. Add vinaigrette and toss to coat. Divide salad between plates. Slice beets into ¾-inch wedges and place over salad.
8. Beet Risotto with Asparagus
Risotto: 2 Tbsp olive oil,1 cup diced leeks, washed well,1 cup Arborio rice,½ cup dry white wine,juice of 1 lemon,2 cup coarsely grated fresh beets,2 tsp chopped fresh thyme,2 tsp chopped fresh tarragon,3 cup vegatable stock,salt and pepper
Fricassee: 1 ½ lb(s) asparagus, cut into 1-inch pieces,1 Tbsp olive oil,1 cup diced leeks, washed well,½ lb(s) button mushrooms, quartered,1 tsp chopped fresh thyme,1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon,salt and pepper, lemon juice, to taste, chopped chives, for garnish
For the risotto, heat a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat and add the oil. Add the leeks and sauté until they are tender, about 5 minutes. Add the rice and sauté for another minute, then add the wine and lemon juice, simmering while stirring until it has all been absorbed. Add 1 cup of the vegetable stock, the grated beets, thyme and tarragon and reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Stir the rice frequently, adding the remaining stock, one cup at a time, after the previous addition has been fully absorbed. Season to taste and serve.
While the risotto is cooking, prepare the fricassee. Blanch the asparagus in boiling, salted water for 2 minutes, then drain and rinse to cool. Heat a large sauté pan over medium-high heat and add the oil. Add the leeks, mushrooms, thyme and tarragon and sauté until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Add the blanched asparagus to warm it through, season and add the lemon juice to taste. Serve the fricassee over the beet risotto.
9. Autumn Vegetable Salad
1 lb(s) whole beets (about 4 medium)
1 ½ lb(s) Yukon Gold potatoes
1 lb(s) celery root (1 medium)
6 Tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper
1 Tbsp white vinegar
1 Tbsp prepared horseradish
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp chopped fresh dill
¼ cup mayonnaise
⅓ cup sour cream
Preheat oven to 350°F. Peel and dice the beets, celery root and potatoes. Place each in separate baking dishes and toss each with 2 Tbsp of oil and season lightly. Cover each dish with foil and bake until each is tender (celery root takes about 30 minutes, potatoes about 40 minutes and beets 50 minutes). Let cool. Whisk vinegar, horseradish, mustard, dill, mayonnaise and sour cream together. Stir in cooled vegetables and season to taste.
10. Heart Beet and Fennel Salad
½ cup maple pecans or walnuts
1 raw beet peeled and coarsely grated
1 Fuji apple or Granny Smith
peeled, cored, grated
1 fennel bulb, trimmed and grated
½ cup fresh mint, roughly chopped
2 Tbsp fresh basil
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
¼ cup olive oil,6 oz Stilton cheese, crumble
Grate the beets, and fennel and apple keep in separate bowls. Toss the beets with the mint, basil, oil, and balsamic vinegar. Gently toss in the fennel and apple and top with cheese and nuts. Serve immediately.
11. Beet and Goat Cheese Salad
4 large beets, washed and ends trimmed,
2 Tbsp olive oil,Salt and pepper,½ cup goats cheese,
Olive oil for drizzling,
Balsamic vinegar for drizzling,
1 bunch of chopped Italian parsley,
Fresh ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400°F, Place beets on a sheet of tin foil and drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper, Wrap tightly and place on a baking sheet. Roast for about an hour, or until easily pierced with a fork. Unwrap and when beets are cool enough to handle, peel them and slice into even wedges.Place in a salad bowl and drizzle with olive oil and vinegar to taste.Crumble goat cheese over top and garnish with parsley and fresh ground pepper.Toss to combine and enjoy!
12. Beet and Carrot Dip
1 large beet, washed and trimmed,
2 medium carrots,½ cup sour cream (125ml),
½ cup crumbled feta cheese (125ml),
1 green onion, chopped,
1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh dill (15ml),
1 tsp orange zest (5ml),
1 tsp orange juice (5ml),
½ tsp salt (2ml),
¼ tsp freshly ground pepper (1ml),
½ tsp prepared mild horseradish (2-4ml)
Place the beets in a microwaveable dish, cover tightly, and microwave on high for 7-8 minutes. Carefully add the carrots to the dish and cover again. Microwave on high for 3-4 more minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, or until cooled slightly. Peel the skin from the vegetables. Pulse beets and carrots in a food processor with the sour cream, feta, green onion, dill, orange zest and juice, salt and pepper, until smooth. Divide the beet dip into 2 equal portions. Add horseradish, to taste, to the adult portion.
13. Beet Salad with Honey Horseradish Dressing
6 large beets, unpeeled,
¼ cup chopped fresh chives,
2 Tbsp honey,
2 Tbsp olive oil,
2 Tbsp lemon juice,
1 Tbsp creamed horseradish (or to taste),
1 clove garlic, finely chopped,
Salt and pepper
In a large saucepan of boiling water, cook the beets until tender. Drop them into cold water to cool them quickly. Drain and peel. Cut into 1-cm (1/2-inch) thick wedges. Set aside.In a large bowl, whisk together all the ingredients. Add the beets and toss well. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm or at room temperature.
14. Cabbage and Beet Soup
1 onion, chopped,
2 Tbsp olive oil,
1 Tbsp brown sugar,
2 Tbsp white wine vinegar,
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced,
2 medium beets, peeled ,
2 cup finely sliced green cabbage,
6 cup chicken broth,
¼ cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped,
Salt and pepper
In a saucepan over medium heat, brown the onion in the oil. Add the brown sugar and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Deglaze with the vinegar. Add the remaining ingredients except the parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes. Add the parsley and adjust the seasoning.Serve with open-face sausage and paprika sandwiches
15. Pickled Beets
For pickling : Roasted Beets ,1 large red onion, frenched,1 cup tarragon wine vinegar,1 ½ tsp kosher salt,½ cup sugar.1 cup water
Roasted Beets: 6 medium beets, cleaned with 1-inch stem remaining,2 large shallots, peeled,2 sprigs rosemary, 2 tsp olive oil
Pickling : Remove the skin from the Roasted Beets and slice thinly. Arrange in 1-quart jars alternating layers with the onion. In a small pot boil the rest of the ingredients and pour over the beets. Tightly lid the jars and place in the refrigerator for 3 to 7 days before serving.
Roasted Beets: Preheat oven to 400ºF. In a large bowl toss all of the ingredients. Place into a foil pouch and roast in the oven for 40 minutes.
16.Vegetarian Beet Borscht
2 large beets, peeled and cubed,
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed,
6 cups water,
1 large onion, peeled and chopped,
½ tsp sea salt to taste,
½ tsp pepper, to taste,
1 large bay leaf, dried,
1 medium parsnip, chopped,
1 medium carrot, chopped,
2 large garlic cloves, sliced,
3 tsp raw honey,
4 large dill sprigs, chopped,
1 Tbsp olive oil, to fry
Put the potatoes, carrot, parsnip, beets and bay leaf in a large pot of water. Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15-20 minutes. Sauté the onion, garlic and dill to your liking and then add it to the pot.Cook your combined ingredients in your pot over low heat for another 30 minutes.Enjoy your borscht hot or cold, chunky or pureed!
17. Baked Beet Chips
Ingredients and instructions:
3 sliced beets, 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 pinch salt,2 sprigs rosemary
Bake sliced beets with olive oil, salt and rosemary at 375ºF for 15-20 minutes.
18.Smoked Herring Potato Salad
2 potatoes, peeled, shredded
½ cup smoked herring
2 cups pickled beets, shredded
1 Granny Smith apple
1 tsp grainy mustard
1 tsp mayonnaise
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper
½ bag kale chips
1 sprig dill, loose leaves
Boil the potato until its cooked but not mushy, about 5-10 minutes.In a medium bowl combine potatoes, herring, and beets. Pour a little beet juice in to add color and lightly stir ingredients together. Use a mandolin to shred the granny smith apple and place into ½ the lemon juice and some water. Add the remaining lemon juice, mayonnaise, and grainy mustard to the salad. Remove half of the shredded apple from the lemon water. Gently mix the salad together. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Place a nest of kale chips in the center of the serving plate or bowl. Gently layer some salad on top. Next layer on some of the remaining shredded apple, more salad, and top off with more apples. Sprinkle with dill to serve
19. Beet Heart with Chevre
5 medium sized beets
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup chèvre (250 ML)
1 handful Fresh chives
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 C) Rub beets in oil then wrap in foil and roast for 1 hour or until fork tender in centre.Remove beets from foil and cool. Peel skins off beets by just rubbing with fingers (If you want to protect skin from colour, use gloves). Slice beets into rounds about 1/2-inch (1 cm) thick. With a small heart cookie cutter, cut out heart shape out of the beet slices. Transfer hearts ( 2 to 4 per person)to individual serving plates.Top with crumbled chèvre and garnish with chives.
19. Beet and Potato Latkes
Latkes : 3 large beets, ½ yellow onion,3 Adora or yellow-flesh potatoes,½ cup all-purpose flour,2 eggs¼ cup fresh dill, chopped2 – 3 cloves garlic, minced,Pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper,Canola oil.
Crème Fraîche : 2 cups full-fat sour cream,1 Tbsp fresh dill, chopped,½ cup whipping (35%) cream,Pinch Kosher salt
Eggs and Spinach: White vinegar, 8 eggs, Canola oil, 1 clove garlic, minced, 2 cup lightly packed spinach leaves,Splash dry white wine, Kosher salt
Using a box grater, shred beets and onions into a small colander set inside a bowl. Using the back of a spoon, press juices out (discard juices). Using the same box grater, shred potatoes and transfer to a bowl of cool water as you work to prevent oxidization. Drain well. In a large bowl, combine shredded beets and onions, shredded potatoes, flour, eggs, dill, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add a splash of oil. Drop palm-sized handfuls of the latke mixture into the hot pan and, using a spatula, flatten (patties should be 4 to 5 inches in diameter and no thicker than a 1/4 inch). Cook until browned, about 4 to 5 minutes per side.
Crème Fraîche
In a small bowl, combine all of the ingredients. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
Eggs and Spinach
Fill a pot of with water, add a splash of vinegar, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and poach a few eggs at a time (5 minutes to retain soft and runny yolks, or longer, to taste). Transfer poached eggs to a plate lined in paper towel and set aside until ready to serve. Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium, heat a splash of oil. Sauté garlic for 2 minutes, until fragrant. Add spinach and cook until just wilted, about 1 minute. Add wine and salt and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 to 3 minutes (be careful not to overcook spinach; it should be bright green). Remove from heat.
To Serve
1. To Serve: Divide latke patties among servings plates. Top with a mound of spinach, and then a poached egg. Dollop each egg with crème fraîche and garnish with red peppers. Serve with fresh fruit alongside.
20. Black Bean Beet Hummus
A hummus and Beet mixture in delectable Pita
1 raw beet, roughly chopped,
2 cloves garlic, peeled,
1 cup cooked black beans, drained and rinsed if using canned,
¼ cup tahini, 2 Tbsp lemon juice,
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar (preferably aged),
1 tsp ground cumin,
½ tsp salt
Serving: Whole wheat pita bread, Thinly sliced radishes,Sesame seeds,Fresh herbs of choice
Pulse the beet and garlic into a food processor until it is finely minced. Add r hummus ingredients puree.Place in serving bowl. Preheat oven to 375°F. Place pitas on a baking tray and warm for approximately 7 minutes, or until desired temperature. Remove from oven and slice into wedges. Serve with hummus, garnished with radishes, sesame seeds and herbs.
Featured photo credit: Pixabay via cdn.pixabay.com
The post 20+ Easy and Delicious Beet Recipes For You To Try AT Home! appeared first on Lifehack.
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