#feminist seb LMAO
choccy-milky · 11 months
so y’all remember how sebastian stepped on and twisted that rat’s dick? and do y’all also remember how lasagna’s from a pure blood family? well, by the year 1930, there were only 28 pure blood wizarding families left (the sacred 28), and the lawley name ain’t one of them! lunchbox never had children. if he had ANY children at all, regardless of gender (at least i think so? but anyways purebloods were basically guaranteed to have at least one male child bc of the family pressure so my theory still stands), the lawley name would have made it onto the sacred 28 list. this also confirms that locomotive died before the year 1930! maybe ratticate did some more whack shit and seb murdered him?🥰🥰🥰
LAWLEY IS INFERTILE ALL THANKS TO SEBASTIAN! what a fucking king 👑 seb did the world a service, forever ridding lamppost’s blood from the gene pool. everyone say thank you sebastian 😊😊😊
thank you all for coming to my ted talk
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blorbocedes · 1 year
this is just curiosity, not hate or anything like that. pls feel free to ignore if not comfortable answering. i understand you’re a max fan. however max is very controversial and has done some very controversial things e.g defending nelson piquet using a racial slur against lewis and even yesterday he declined to do interviews due to boo’s etc but said it was a normal thing in sport when it happened to lewis. i know max & lewis’ relationship is basically non existent & a hard one lmao, and this is maybe just tit for tat, so perhaps these are bad examples to use but does stuff like that make it hard to like max or it’s easy to excuse his behaviour? again not hate just max fans make me curious lol
every driver has done controversial things...... I do not care if max gets booed or if he skips an interview. every driver gets booed, esp if you're the winner, it is a part of the sport. seb got booed, michael, lewis, nico, max
I mean, assuming you are a lewis fan so does lewis hanging out and vacationing with known sexual abusers (jared leto, shaun white, ansel elgort, to name a few, leto and white who he spent new years' in Antarctica with) make it hard to like lewis or excuse his behavior?
there is no perfect Angel in the oil guzzling money laundering sport. 🤷
I think it's fine if you hate max or have different boundaries/standards/moral objections or just don't like him.
but the moral purity of the way some people behave that if you like max = you condone racism is a reach, cause people don't think you like seb = you believe in sexually objectifying female reporters in a male dominated sport without public apology as long as you later rebrand into a feminist girldad.
you don't need to agree with everything a driver you're a fan of does, this is accepted by most fans except when it comes to macks.
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
FAWY Minis | Ch. 1 (Seb POV)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Notes: This one takes place during chapter 2 and 3 of FAWY.
I hope I did well with Seb's POV :') Kinda wanted to show that he’s a little bit of a perv lmao but, like, he’s chill. For now. Y’all know how it goes.
Enjoy and take care! x
Check it out on ao3!
Falling Away With You (main story)
“C’mon, man! Lighten up!” Sam nudges me, Abby becoming collateral damage. Abby nudges me back towards Sam. A human fuckin’ metronome. “You can work laaater.”
“I really couldn’t just take one week off from this?” I groan, “My job is just as important as yours, dipshit. This module is due tomorrow morning.” I run a hand through my hair. “It’s not like the saloon is going anywhere. My income, on the other hand…”
The purple haired goblin pipes up, “You wouldn’t get to see me if you stayed home.” 
I lean down to her eye level. “Good,” I snarl. She giggles, and fights back by pushing me again. If only she knew I was serious.
As we descend down the steps in front of the community center, Sam and Abby fall into some of their usual banter. I fall back a little, pulling up my hood. My temple pings with a headache, and I shove my hands in my pockets, chipping at my nail polish from under the fabric. Mentally planning my work schedule for the long night ahead of me. Wishing I could light a cig... Don’t feel like dealing with Abby’s scolding, though.
We turn the corner, and I can vaguely see a small figure in the distance through the raindrops. I shrug it off, but Sam sure doesn’t.
"Hey,” he shouts, “is that the new farm girl?!”
I hear a feminine mumble as the person comes to a stop. Sam takes the opportunity to run ahead of Abby and I, off to greet her. 
“For fuck’s sake,” Abby mumbles under her breath. “Aren’t there enough bitches around here?”
“Ab.” I roll my eyes. “Don’t be a dick.”
“What? You don’t think it’s weird some girl just up-and-moved here of all places with her grandaddy’s money?” she harshly whispers back. “I can smell the privilege from here. She won’t last a month on that old farm.” 
I don’t bother answering. There’s no reasoning with her whole weird, “I’m not like other girls,” anti-feminist bullshit. 
Now that we’ve almost caught up, I can finally make out some of the new girl’s features… 
The conversation fades a bit as I inspect our new resident. She’s small. Just as small as Abby. Another chihuahua to look after… That big sweater takes up most of her body, though, making her look even tinier. Maybe even kinda innocent.  
I finally hear her talk, and without thinking, I respond, a small hum of approval escaping me. Nice voice, too… Fuck, wait. She wasn’t even talking to me. Goddamnit. Before I have time to get lost in thoughts of how fucking awkward I am, I notice her eyeing me back.
I tilt my head, trying not to look too amused by the blatant observation. By how flustered she gets, trying to figure out how to save herself.
Oh, she’s really cute.
“Are you Robin’s son?” 
My brows quirk up a bit. I guess she’s met mom. I’m surprised that the woman hasn’t talked my ear off about this one yet.
Before I can answer the question, Abby cuts me off and clings onto me. Not this shit again. Every time we meet someone new, she gets protective over me. 
So annoying.
After she’s done being scolded by Sam, Abby starts toward the Stardrop. When I don’t budge, she slowly pulls herself off of my arm and makes her way down the road.
“Oh, shit, my bad!” I turn my attention back toward Sam as he struggles to speak. He’s still wrapped around the farmer. Pointing a finger at her. Fucking her with his eyes… Yoba. Go ahead buddy. Ask for her name before you ogle, at least. You’ve got this. “Sorry, uh…” Sigh. Nice attempt, Samson.
“(Y/n)!” Sam parrots back. 
Sam messes with (y/n)’s hair before detaching himself, catching up with Abby. 
(Y/n) watches Sam for a sec before looking at me. Then back at him. Then me. Then the ground, then Sam again, following alongside me as I begin the trek towards the other two. 
“He’s like a giant puppy,” I hear her mumble. Can’t help the grin of approval that curls up my lips before I respond. 
We settle into some small talk — surprisingly bearable small talk — and I steal some more peeks at her. Got caught. Shit. I look away, hoping I wasn’t too creepy about it.
The night goes on as usual. Sam and I play pool. Sam gets his ass beat at pool. Abby has a partner on the sidelines for once, but spends the whole time interrogating the poor thing. Seems to hold her own just fine, though, aside from the obvious anxiousness that slowly fades the more drunk she gets.
Eventually, (y/n) and I are alone again, and we manage to bond a bit. She lets it slip that she thinks I’m ~cool~. Not complaining about that. Not gonna let her live it down so easily, either… assuming we hang out again sometime. We’ll see. 
We go outside, because Abby, and I promptly light up a cigarette. Fucking finally. 
After making her way to the other side of me, (y/n) asks how I’m doin’. I, as kindly as I can through my annoyance, tell her I’m not keen on having that conversation. Don’t feel like explaining to someone I barely know that a short-term, hormonally driven crush on Ab back in grade school lead to her being a fucking creep long-term. 
She adorably salutes me, and slurs, “You got it, sir.”
I watch as she lazily falls into the brick wall and slides down the side of it onto the wet ground. Fuck it, I think, sitting down beside her. 
After a few moments, I feel (y/n)’s eyes on me again. 
I try to hide my smirk as I ask, “Can I help you?” 
I hear a small squeak escape her – must be a tic, or something… not the first time she’s squeaked tonight – and don’t bother hiding my grin this time around. I look her way, and her gaze is trained on my cig rather than me.
“C-can I try?” she asks meekly, grabby-handing underneath one of her oversized sleeves. 
“...No.” She pouts, leaning into her knees. Oh my god. I sigh, “Do you even smoke?”
“Then why the fuck would you even think starting now?” I scold, taking another puff. 
I blow the smoke in her direction, and she coughs through her giggles. “Dude, what th’fuck!” she whines, swatting the air in front of her.
“Doesn’t feel so great, does it?” I pry. “You don’t wanna do this to your lungs. Trust me.”
“Then why do you do it?” A fair point. “Isn’t it kinda hypocritical to be all,” (y/n) lowers her voice, and tries to imitate me “You don’t wanna do this!” I start laughing at her, but she doesn’t seem to care. Too set on getting her point across. She raises her voice to its normal octave, continuing, “When you’re literally doing the exact thing y’don’t want me to–”
“Fine,” I snort, cutting her off. “You have a point.” She beams, and I hold up a finger to pause her. “Just gimme one good reason, and this cigarette’s all yours.” 
She eyes me up and down for a bit. Thinkin’ too hard for that tipsy lil’ brain of hers. Making me feel kinda giddy. I lean my cheek into my equipped hand, inspecting her, inspecting me. 
“You look, like…” she blushes a little, “ridiculously edgy and cool.” 
Oh my god. 
“...Final answer?”
She nods proudly in response. How the fuck can I say no to that?
“Fine, here.” I hand over the weapon, and she hesitates before putting her lips around it. When she finally finds the courage to breathe it in, she immediately starts coughing. Can’t help but laugh at it.
“Bro, that shit sucks!” she claims into her elbow, giving the cigarette back with her free arm. 
I take it back, and have another puff before putting the thing out on the ground. Through watery eyes and tiny coughs, (y/n) calls me a litter bug. 
I look around at the ground, riddled with cigarette butts from Pam and I.
She’s got a good point…
After her coughing fit dies down, we eventually start talking again, and find out we have more in common than I’d assumed. Neither of us are people-people. Both had rough school and social lives growing up. Had our own emo phases (I got teased by her for still being in mine). Etcetera. 
Oddly enough, this (h/c) goblin seems to get me better than my own friends do.
Don’t judge a book by its cover, or whatever the fuck, I guess.
Some more conversation and a few cigarettes later, she decides it’s her bed time. I almost don’t want her to go… almost offer to walk her home too, but that probably isn’t a good idea. I simply tell her to get home safe and head back into the Stardrop. 
When I get back in, mom gives me a weird wink and a smile. Yoba, I can sense her getting ready to set up (y/n) and I already... Abby, on the other hand, leaves without a word after flashing me a good stink eye. And Sam runs over to me, ready to interrogate. Ready to Sam all over me. We take our usual spots on the couches in the back, and I fill him in on the absolutely underwhelming time I had outside with (y/n). 
Well. I say it’s underwhelming, but in reality, I can’t get her off my fucking mind. Those nice legs, that shocking potty mouth, her adorable smile, her sparkly and curious eyes…
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moonykat · 3 years
Man no wonder men (at least on yt) wouldn't get the movie, I mean Sebastian understood so I guess that's why he took the deal. Like that movie is so fucking feminist I love it. Women, harassment, expectations, bad women, misogyny, it deals with it all. I saw some white men on yt saying it was a movie just to have mindless fun with nothing else but of course they wouldn't get it. Damn, Seb made me despise him so fucking much lmao fucking talent, he deserves a nomination of some sort fr
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
Hi! I don't know how into S3 you are, but do you have any ideas about what kind of person the LIs' ideal partners would be?
Honestly I’d love to do more S3 content because I generally liked Boat Party (other than day 9 and 10, that was bullshit).
Sorry I don't have all of the characters, most of them don't have any personality to base this off of lmao
Elladine: this is probably why I got this ask in the first place, I've said a bunch of times that they need someone who is BORING. An absolute wafer of a man. Someone like Elijah. My sister is like this too, she's put off by someone if they talk too much or have too in depth thoughts. I think Ella's ideal partner is a man who is really centrist politically (or uninvolved), traditionally pretty masculine and upholds a lot of gender norms like doing car and repair stuff but considers himself a feminist, has a good sense of fashion and a stable career.
Seb: tbh, I think hes good right where he is with Viv. Seb's ideal partner is someone who's super responsible, independent, mature, and above all else kind. I think he's got a thing for milfs and really loves when his partner just takes care of him and others. They need to be cool with his alt look, but not necessarily into the lifestyle (I don't think Seb is really even into the lifestyle tbh). But above all else, he falls in love with someone who is kind when no one is watching.
Genevieve: on the other side of the coin, I think Seb is not her ideal partner. He's fine, but I think Viv needs someone a bit more adventurous than Seb is. Her perfect partner is someone who's wickedly smart, charming, more spontaneous than herself to encourage her to try new things (which Seb is not), and more social than Seb is. I picture Sebvieve going to dinner parties and Seb floundering while Viv thrives, and it makes me think Viv needs someone who can match her energy. I picture her with someone who's pretty leftist, has a large network of friends and business contacts, and is so intelligent but you wouldn't know until talking to them because they're also very humble.
Yasmin: honestly I think... Yasmin's ideal partner was the girl she told us about who hooked up with her in an airport and then never saw her again. Yas is SUPER emotionally unavailable, has a hard time taking accountability or grinning and bearing ANYTHING, and over romanticized her partners. Tbh I think she'd thrive in a long distance relationship. Yasmin's ideal partner is someone who's unconditionally supportive and interested in her music career, who will let her disappear (either physically on tour or mentally into herself) for months at a time then pick up like nothing happened, who will return the lavish romantic overtures that Yas puts out, and above all else won't grow to resent her for those things.
Tai: this might just be me basing them off of Ciaran, but I genuinely do think Tai needs someone a bit more mature, easy going, and very sweet. Tai's amazing, but he's definitely A Lot. He needs someone who won't feed into him, but will indulge him. Someone to gently lay a hand on his arm when he's talking too loudly, but who will also laugh at his jokes and give him a reason to be the wild romantic that he is. Basically anyone is shorter than Tai, but I think he wants someone smaller than him because he loves being able to lift and completely wrap around his partner in a hug.
Lily: continuing my obsession with queer girls who have a TON of personal growth to do, Lily's ideal partner is someone who will deal with a lot of the rougher parts of her- emotional distance, stubbornness, unwillingness to apologize. I think that means her partner should be older than her, have a bit more perspective. She also needs someone who has a strong sense of personal worth and integrity, and who is super outgoing and social.
Nicky: I don't really have a whole lot of thoughts about Nicky, but I know he needs someone with less cattiness and more of an identity than Elladine.
AJ: I hate to see it, but AJ is definitely into hey mamas lesbians. She's a golden retriever lesbian, but her type is a butch who isn't super talkative (AJ's got that covered), is intensly supportive, handy, devoted, and very much into sports or sporty herself. AJ wants someone who will sit courtside with her and carry her purse and be her rock as much as her lover.
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alirhi · 3 years
Reasons I adore Sebastian Stan with all my tender little fangirl heart: There’s the obvious ones, like he’s kind, open-minded, feminist, intelligent, fuckin adorable lol but also, like... 
-Randomly sings whatever pops into his head at the time -Quote for every occasion -Not afraid to look like an ass in public (so he just always looks adorable!) -Self-deprecating humor ftw! -Loves animals -Space nerd! -Goes full-fanboy and acts just like us XD (seriously, watch him talk to real astronauts lol he’s so giddy and cute!) -I mean, come on. “Weiner Soldier” and “Winter’s Children” kind of say it all lmao -Speaks candidly about mental health and seeing a therapist. I can’t praise this one enough, y’all. Normalize taking care of your brain like you take care of your body! -The S&M jokes. Even if they’re just jokes and he’s not into any kinky fun (none of our damn business one way or the other), I love how casually he’ll say this stuff. Kind of in the same vein as the mental health stuff - there are some topics that people are like “noooo don’t talk about that in public! Shaaaaaame!” and Seb’s just like “fuck that noise. Talk about all of it! Let’s normalize openly being true to ourselves!” and I. LOVE. THAT.
So basically, like... His personality is as cute and sexy as the rest of him. Wonder boy you are perfect!
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skullsnsunbeams · 3 years
The Hannibal fandom on tumblr ships Will/Graham & thirsts after Mads Mikkelsen. I’ve never seen backlash for that, but only for Seb. I’ve been told I’m not a feminist, or not standing up for myself as a woman for being attracted to Steve. He’s hot! I can separate fiction from reality! If he was a real cannibal/murderer in front of me I’d try to kill him! But it’s fiction so I’m thirsting after him in peace
I, too, have yet to see bad things said about the Hannibal fandom. maybe I'm just on the side of it that doesn't see it, who knows. we can recognize that Hannibal, Will (in a sense), Steve, and other slashers don't do good things. they're VILLAINS LMAO. but why else would they have such a a cult following? bc they're INTERESTING. they're WRITTEN THAT WAY. maybe im biased as a writer who is also a consumer, idk, sue me.
irl k*llers, r*pists, c*nnibals, and the like are DIFFERENT. I do not condone people who excuse/idolize them (lookin at you, Columbiners).
people who cannot tell the difference are to blame.
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vettelcore · 4 years
Thank you so much for pointing all of that about Carlos out. I know we shouldn’t put these rich boys on a pedestal no matter what, but sometimes it’s easy for the boundaries to blur with the PR machine and our general love of the sport. How do you reconcile say, Carlo’s horrendous politics, with other drivers on the grid being friends with him? Does it colour your impression of them as well? Who might have decent views on politics on the current grid? I know that’s a huge ask, but thanks anyway
That’s what PR are there for, to make sure these idiots don’t make a fool of themselves every time they open their mouths lol
Aaah, that’s honestly something I’ve thought of a lot, when I see Lando, for example, getting a long with him so well. Like, are they aware? If they are, are they the kind of people to say that politics aren’t important enough that it shouldn’t get in the way of relationships, or are they such great friends because they both think the same? I try to not let it get to me because if I did, I should honestly just quit watching F1 lol I guess I’m just satisfied with them as long as they don’t start talking about politics or make shitty jokes. The problem with Carlos, Massa, Di Grassi, etc, is that they’re all open about their ideology, so people shouldn’t get shocked or upset when they get called out for being shitty people with shitty ideals.
The ones that I think have decent views are mostly those who come from middle class/working class families.
Lewis, even though sometimes he’s said things that I’m just like come on man... he’s probably the most open minded driver. Him being vegan and outspoken about it aside lol, not so long ago he posted a picture on his ig wearing a shirt supporting trans people, minorities, women. He cares about the envirioment and he just seems like a positive person overall. Him being black in a sport dominated by white men probably made him have a different perspective on society than the one say... I don’t know, Lance, to name someone (not saying Lance is racist or anything!!). I don’t know about his stance on econimics but he’s a millionare, so... I don’t really expect much from him there
Romain also shared a pic with a feminist slogan on it a few weeks ago!
Seb obviously has never talked about politics, but he’s made comments lately that I just couldn’t agree more with, all related to F1, but if it’s a reflection of what he actually thinks politically then he’s probably alright. He’s quite against F1 being so money driven. When the whole climate change discourse was happening, he also said we all should be doing everything in our power to stop it. But again, he’s also made a couple not so great jokes about women in the past so with him it might just me trying to make him look better than he is so I don’t feel bad about being such a massive fan lmao
There’s also a video of Dan flipping out one of Trump’s tower from back when he got elected, so there’s that hahah
Sergio also is quite outspoken about Trump and has supported lots of projects helping out mexicans and immigrants, but he’s a bit sexists from what I’ve seen of him.
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anti-tony-god · 5 years
seb stan has always given me whiny male feminist vibes (he's only pro women so he's more likely to get laid, then gets pissy when women call him out on his sexism) just an uggo creep all around
lmao probably
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peoplediedrobert · 6 years
20, 21, 32, and 33 please and thank you!
20. Favorite child
EASY. Seb for the cuteness! But also April because she’s a fierce little girl and the world needs more fierce little girls. She’s so sassy and is basically a little feminist icon (girls are better at most stuff is still one of my favorite lines from Christmas 2016)
21. Favorite teenager
god I really don’t like teenagers lmao. Samson is a sweet kid who doesn’t get on my nerves so I like his scenes when he gets them. Noah needs a hug and people that love him so probably those two!
32. Best comedic character
ooooh toss up between Marlon and Faith. Marlon’s so goofy and I love when he tries to be smooth about literally anything. Faith is just so inappropriate and tbh that’s how I wanna be when I’m older. 
33. Best comedic scene
uhhhh there’s so many! My favorite happened wayyyy back when Matty first arrived and there’s a little interaction between Cain, Pearl and Marlon in the pub. Pearl ends the scene with telling Cain he’s her type and I think that was the moment when I fell in love with the show as a whole. It was just so village-y and funny. 
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Man, y’all are a bunch of hypocrites with this girl!!! You all spoke shit about Margo and Ellie (heck even Conor) but with this girl all of you so called bloggers turned into fake ass feminists talking about “respect this woman blah blah blah” lmao this is hilarious. What makes her so different? That I know of, his exes are all women and more than half of you didn’t give a flying fuck attacking them! While mom of them did a thing to deserve the hate. Fuck all of you and your sudden bullshit.
I get where you are coming from but there are gray areas and differences. I won’t break down every single thing but here’s an example.
E - posts a picture of her ass. B - posts a picture of her ass.  Seb - is naked in a movie.
All involve nudity. Right?
But E isn’t a nude model and never seemed to use her Instagram for work purposes. Apparently B is a trainer? And specializes in bums? She is selling her product via Instagram. Seb is playing a character.
There’s that gray area.
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