#feminism isn't inherently bad either but it has to be done well and respect the source material
superkooku · 3 months
What are your personal pet peeves in Greek mythology adaptations ?
And bonus question: which one could give us a bingo from this card ?
Here are mine :
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To me, inaccurate ≠ bad
Heck, I love Epic the musical. I'd NEVER pretend it's an accurate adaptation of the Odyssey. Especially after the Thunder saga.
But the spirit has to be kept and the author must do their research. Otherwise, it shows.
Tagging some fellow Greek myth enthusiasts : @dootznbootz @kebriones @margaretkart @katerinaaqu @vint-knight
Edit : for the minor gods part. I thought if they're important in X source material myth but aren't mentioned in the adaptation at all. Of course, not making every single deity appear is normal.
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