#female x allmight
xgummibearx · 11 months
Hit by a Quirk
All Might x F reader. 
author’s note: I AM FINALLY GONNA TRY TO FINISH THIS SERIES, I have been procrastinating on this one cause I admit I do not like Endeavor and I felt like I had to write one for him but...I kinda don’t want to. SO, instead I am gonna write another All Might X reader and I’ll write the Endeavor one if people request it.
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In case you were unfamiliar with this series, this little blurb explains the general concept. I have written stories in the series so far for: Fatgum, Aizawa, Present Mic, Hawkes, and Nighteye. 
OKAY, here ya go: 
Summary: All Might has been reverted to his early childhood years, and...there are many that would love to get their hands on a helpless, defenseless All Might. You can’t let that happen. 
Note: The reader for this is I suppose, kinda aged up? I’m picturing they grew up with All Might. 
Cameras were flashing in the distance as Kamui ran to the scene, a villain in a large trenchoat was being lead quivering and shaking under Midnight’s watchful eye. Pink smoke was slowly ebbing away as the villiain was lead in daze to a well armoured vehicle. “The media! They’re coming, someone uploaded a video of civillians coming across Hawkes and Endeavor after their attack...this place is going to be blown up with paparazzi any minute...” He looked around frantically, another sleek black vehicle pulling up. “Where’s All Might?!” Midnight was opening the door of the black car to reveal Nezu, looking around to access the damage. He had lost two, and according to Midnight’s report now three crucial staff members -not to mention one if his own students-to this attack. 
Special ops agents fanned out as another spoke with the police, asking the villian questions about his encounter with the retired Number One hero. Midnight approached Nezu as he peered around trash cans and casually walked around. “Sir, what have you heard about the other heroes? Is there any information?” She asked gently as Nezu paused at a wall that was...quite busted, and sure enough there was Toshinori. In a dark yellow suit that was now much, much too big. He was bruised, and shaking, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. Midnight stepped forward immediately but Nezu gently offered his hand. 
“I can take things from here, the other heroes are fine...In fact, I have made arrangements for most of them, but little Taishiro is currently passed out in the back seat of the staff car, would you mind taking him to our quirk specialist? I already texted you her address...I’ll need to meet you back at the school right away.” Midnight nodded, looking up at All Might one more time with worry. "That stubborn goat...he's supposed to be retired." Se thought, walking back to the staff car.
Nezu approached Toshinori, smiling gently. “Hello Yagi..."
He was sitting in what appeared to be a a waiting room, with other children passed out all around him. Yagi was unfamiliar with any of them, or even where he was. He was the eldest of the other four in the room...well, three now as he watched a nice looking lady lead the boy that had been passed out on the floor out of the building. He had heard the boy's name, "shouta". There was something so familiar about that name.
Yagi was too tired to think about it, his eyes closing from exhaustion.
There was a gentle tap on his shoulder, and his eyes met a gentle face. She was wearing a hero costume, and her hair was a mess. Most of the heroes attacked that night were being monitored by early quirk development specialists, essentially workers who had studied and trained to handle working with children with still developing quirks. With the rise of quirks that were becoming more powerful with each generation, it was becoming a popular profession and held in the same regard as child workers, Educational Assistants, and teachers. Most public schools had at least two or three on hand, but this...this was a special case.
"He is at his most vulnerable...he's only just retired, we don't think the media discovered that he was part of the attack but we cannot take any chances!" Nezu had insisted. "If the wrong people find out that All Might has been reduced to this there is no telling what could happen."
Yagi turned his tired gaze up to (x), he yawned. "Mrs. (L/N)?" He asked, "Why are you dressed like that...aren't you a bank teller?" Yagi mumbled. (x) couldn't help but chuckle, she supposed that she did resemble her mother a bit.
"It seems his memory is still pretty good..." She thought. "Well Yagi, I had a costume party to attend to with work, but I was heading home...did you want to come with me?" Yagi nodded, taking her hand. (x) didn't know how to feel, did this even count as lying? If she tried to explain everything that would probably just confuse him, and scare him even more. She looked in the rearview mirror, as Yagi slept in the backseat to her car. It really had been almost a lifetime ago since she had last seen him like this, his face unburdened and free. They would chase frogs along the rivers, and come home with handfuls of snails. As she tucked him into bed, and closed the door one thought was stuck on repeat. "I won't let anyone hurt you Yagi..." She clenched her fist. "I promise..."
"Excuse me, Mrs. (L/N)... where is (x)?" The morning had come warm, bright, and sunny. She had honestly forgotten how soft spoken and polite he had been as a child. Bright blue eyes hidden behind that mess of long blond hair.
"(x) is back home, I'm house sitting for my sister at the moment." She gently explained, seeing Yagi nod, and not even question her words...the conflicted guilt continued. She was unsure how long she could keep this up.
Keeping him entertained was thankfully easy, as a child his favorite place had always been the library, sitting in squashy bean bag chairs to read his favorite picture books. "And when the prince found the Sleeping beauty in her tower...he found the sight of her, alone in her chambers so sad and beautiful that he thought to depart from her with a kiss." (x) blew a raspberry on Yagi's cheek. His giggles were so loud, they found themselves outside the library with the book in hand and stern librarian closing the door behind. (x) sighed. "Nothing for it I suppose...it was getting close to closing time anyway..." Yagi shrugged.
"Yeah...but could we read the story before bed?" He asked. (X) nodded with a gentle smile. Bedtime...how long would this last anyway? She held his hand tight, her mind wandering as they walked home. As glad as she was to see her friend so bright, she missed him...the him she had grown old with, their memories and history...what if he didn't change back?
"Excuse me miss?" She turned, her hand still gripping onto Yagi's tightly. A tall man stood, with piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her. "I could use some help, I seem to be a bit lost..." He smiled, approaching slowly. "I came in from Saitama; my brother lives here in Musutafu." (x) stared him down. She didn't trust him. "Well, there is the transit train station about two blocks from here that way." She gestured down the street. "You should be able to find a map, and if you have a working cell phone you could call your brother and have him send you the address."
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind..." An arm suddenly hit her square in the back, catching her by surprise. She let go of Yagi's ahand and her blood ran cold.
"MISS (L/N)!" Her head whipped around as the man asking for directions grabbed her by the arm. She could see another individual, seemingly they had snuck in from behind to hit her and they had grabbed him.
"TOSHINORI!" She screamed, her other arm restrained as the kidnapper made for a waiting car.
"So, the rumours were right, he really was turned into a helpless little brat just like the others...I know a lot of people who would pay big bucks to bring the retired golden boy to safety, thanks for delivering the package hag." (X) snarled, her eyes flashing with rage as the car sped off.
"You haven't done your homework... DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM YOU SCUM!?" With a roar she broke from the assailant's hold. All he saw were stars and a flash of golden light as her fist collided with his face. She didn't even bother to take the time to see his body fall to the ground before she was off like a shot. She had a simple power up type quirk, nothing to write home about but she was not one to be reckoned with. "White...the car was white, blocked out windows..." They would be speeding. Her heart was racing as she screamed into her communicator, a direct line to the Fat Office hero agency. " This is (H/N) I was ambushed! Golden Eagle was taken! I repeat, Golden Eagle has been taken, I am in pursuit!" Her eyes caught a vehicle, a white car diving into a back street. "I HAVE VISUAL! Locking in my coordinates, send reinforcements as soon as you can!"
In the car, Yagi was shaking. His attacker was still holding him with an iron grip. "Dammit...that old hag is still after us!" Yagi craned his neck, his eyes wide as he looked out the back window. There she was, surrounded in gold and scarlet flames like a comet. "I guess the boss couldn't take her...dammit I thought they hired some daycare bitch like they did for the others! Not a pro!" Yagi's eyes flashed with anger at the insult.
"How dare they! (X) is an amazing hero, she's..." He froze, looking back. "(X)...that's (X)! Wait...why am I..." He looked down at his hands that suddenly felt too small. Yagi looked up as one of the other men in the car grabbed a huge looking gun.
"Doesn't matter, I'll take care of this!" Yagi watched in horror, covering his ears as it went off. His screams were drowned as the back window was broken, bullets raining down on (x).
"NO! (X) LOOK OUT!" She was too late, two of the bullet piercing her shoulders and making her fall to the ground, sliding painfully across the pavement. Yagi was shaking, tears rolling down his eyes. "YOU MONSTERS!" He screamed, he was met with laughter as one of them picked him up by the hair.
"Pipe down you brat!" They screamed into his face, throwing him to the floor of the car. He sobbed, his head aching where they had pulled as he felt the rumble of the car underneath. There had to be something he could do, there had to be. He was surrounded by smoke.
"Please...one last bit of strength..." was his last thought before the attacker's found themselves met with blue eyes that glowed like headlights, his memories flooding back as he towered over them. "One hit...I have one hit, make it count!" All Might, fully grown and already steaming as he strained to get in that one hit leaped to the front seat, crushing the steering wheel in one punch before falling to his knees.
(x) looked up, shaking as she watched in horror. The car swerved violently to the left, turning sideways. "YAGI! NO, YAGI!" She screamed, limping as she ran towards the vehicle, and overhead searchlights splashed over the scene like beacons as police sirens closed in. She froze, a figure climbing out of the window on the other side. He was frail looking, and thin with familiar golden hair. "Yagi...that's him!" Relief washed over as she tried to pick up the pace. With a wince she tripped, falling over onto the pavement once more.
"(x)! Hold on, don't strain yourself!" He coughed, turning his face as spat blood to the ground. "Could the say the same for myself I guess..." He cursed, kneeling beside her as the police inspected the vehicle, pulling out three unconscious but still very much alive men. (X) Cradled her arm, the blood from the two bullet wounds staining her clothes. "Shit...can we get some paramedics over here!?" Toshinori shouted, helping her sit up.
"You're here..." She took his hand, leaning against him as he held the back of her head with a small chuckle and a firm squeeze of her hand.
"Yeah...I'm here."
Author's Note:
OKAY that finally concludes the hit by a quirk series, with this out of the way I am looking forward to focusing on my other fic ideas! However, I am always open to ideas and suggestions! I also will be doing an announcement on some possible changes to the blog to expand our options outside of just My Hero.
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"Out of the Shadows"
Aizawa and Class 1a x ftm!bullied!student!reader
Part 2
Tw: violence, purposely deadnaming and misgendering, internal transphobia
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"Oh shit, I'm gonna be late" You curse and quickly run to your homeroom class, when you got there you took a deep breath.
You slowly opened the door, forcefully pushing down the anxiety inside of your body. Everyone looked towards you, you thought you were going to collapse on the ground from the embarrassment.
"Everyone look at me, not at him. Y/n, sit down at your desk." Aizawa says, keeping an eye on you for for your body actions and behaviour.
He thought it was incredibly surprising, you haven't been late for the whole year you'd been there, though the curious-ness wasn't even slightly portrayed on his face.
After homeroom, Mic walked in energetically, ready to teach class 1a. Aizawa signaled for you to come outside with him, Midoriya saw and looked at you from across the classroom.
You hesitated, but you got up in the end and went outside with him. Nobody else saw because they were too focused on what Mic was saying.
"Let's walk and talk" He said as he started walking along the corridor, you walked beside him, confused as to what he wanted to talk to you about AND where you were going.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush Y/n, Midoriya told me yesterday that there was a dispute between you, Minato and his friends. I need you to be honest with me here, is something going on?" Aizawa said as he slid open the door to the staff room, revealing Vlad, Midnight and AllMight doing work at there computers.
"Nah, I'm fine really. It was just a little argument but it's been sorted. I'm fine" You say, lying straight to your teachers face though it was worthit, you didn't want anymore problems than you already had.
Aizawa knew you were lying to him but still said
"Alright, could you help me sort out these papers please, they're kind of stacking up?" He asked, just trying to make you stay away from the class, knowing they would pester you about what happened.
All the teachers looked up in amazement that he was asking you to help him do something. Aizawa never asks anyone to do anything let alone a student. Even at your own amazement you still agreed to do it, how bad could it be to help out a teacher.
For the next hour or so, you and Aizawa sorted out some paperwork and had a nice conversation then before you realised it, the lunch bell rang and you were about to leave but Aizawa stopped you and said
"If you ever need any help just come to me and I'll be open" he gave you a small smile and you smiled back at him and left, going to meet Midoriya and Uraraka who were probably eating in the cafeteria.
You hurried towards the cafeteria, enticed by the delicious smell of food. Hoping for a less crowded lunchtime, you walked with urgency until someone called out to you.
"Hey! You fucking female. Turn around and face some real mean for once." You recognised the voice of the person, Riku. And standing right behind him was Asahi. Though you weren't going to back down.
"What the hell do you want!" You shouted at them from across the corridor.
"We want your money" Riku says as he advanced upon you, with a big smirk on his face.
"No way, get away from me" You said as he stood right in your face and tried to grab you but you elbowed him in the chest and ran....again. you were so weak for doing that, even a real man could of fought.
You snapped right out of your thoughts and kept running, startled, you hurriedly made your way forward, turning corners quickly, until you unintentionally ran into the entrance of the men's locker room.
You heard a couple boys talking around the corner and you thought you were safe until you saw Minato and Haruki talking and laughing before Haruki spotted you peeking around the corner of the changing rooms.
He pointed to you and Minato turned to you, you quickly exited the locker rooms but Riku and Asahi were about 10 meters away from the locker room and they saw you.
They ran towards you, you stood there for 5 seconds pondering your options, they were going to do something to you anyways so you ran back into the locker rooms, where Minato and Haruki were waiting for you.
Just then Riku and Asahi ran into the locker rooms.
And then you realised, you were doomed.
"Riku, you brought him for me. That's nice." Minato said as he pushed you down against the floor of the locker room, you sat up, looking scared but hateful at them.
"Go on then, do whatever you want with his stuff but just don't hurt him, that's my job" Minato laughed and the rest of the group pounced on you like some sort of animal and started searching your pockets for cash flinging you stuff out the way and harassing you.
!The scene isn't finished there so the next part will be a continuation of the end scene!
Hey guys, that was part 2. If I think about it, they're may be a part 4 if not then enjoy the last part that's coming tomorrow.
This hasn't been edited and I was so tired when I made this so don't expect it to be great and good.
By the way, some smut is approaching so stick around for that.
If you liked it drop me a follow and a like
And remember
Drink some water and wat some food, you deserve it :DD
It's 2:43 am, Zyler signing out
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yanderemommabean · 5 years
How about All Might just pampering his darling cause he needs to feel like a hero again and his SO calls him "their hero" and he just loses it?
“You probably get this all the time, but, you’re my hero!” You gushed, cheeks feeling warm as you thank the man for saving your life yet again. How many times will you be in danger? God only knows! But you’re thankful All might has been there everytime!
After a few months, and All might has had to retire, he still has thoughts that linger to your sweet words. “My hero!” Constantly echoes in his head, and he would be a liar if he said he didn’t miss the days where he could swoop in and save people- especially you, who for some reason made it all the better and worthwhile.
Honestly it drove him nuts not being able to help and support someone. Even the slightest act of kindness nowadays isn’t enough for him to feel like he used too, and he can’t handle it. He wants to be seen as he once was, invincible and able to do anything and everything he can to make people feel safe and sound.
Really, he wants to only make one person feel safe and sound. To pamper and to care for. And that person is you.
He can’t stop his thoughts from turning twisted and deluded when it comes to you! He loves to imagine having you submit and allow him to care for you and have you rely on him for everything. He could be your hero again! He knows he can! He has to be!
So that’s what he does. It wasn’t hard to get you to trust him for a small date at his home, where you eagerly arrive and practically bounce with excitement. All might welcomes you in, having an aura you couldn’t quite place as the night continues, but you brush it off as you just being anxious.
You both have a lovely and good hearted conversation throughout the night, even going as far as to gently hold hands over the table- be it a friendly manner or not, you couldn’t care less, you were just so happy to meet your hero in person! You were so caught in the thrill of the moment, you ignored some red flags about his behavior.
He insisted on seating you, cutting your food for you, feeding you, and even got a bit defensive when you told him you could do it yourself. All might didn’t want to blow his cover too fast, but how could he be your hero if he didn’t care for you?! He tried not to scold, after all you haven’t learned about his true intentions yet so how could you be in trouble for something you have no knowledge of?
Another red flag of the night was when he insisted he lift you and carry you to wherever you needed to go. Honestly that one got more attention for unknown reasons, but you chalk it up to him just being used to carrying victims to safety and what not and is just a bad force of habit. You’re safe! You’re in a hero’s home! There’s nothing to be wary about! So why is there a sinking feeling in your gut?
The night continues on, you both laughing and giggling to one another with stories, sipping some jack ‘n coke as you did so. All might cant believe his sweet little damsel is still in his grasp! After all he’s pulled tonight, you’re still here with him and letting him have such precious memory making moments.
You must trust him more than he gave you credit for. Good. This will make the next few steps of his plan easier for the both of you. He excuses himself for a moment to get you two another round of drinks, his hands shaking slightly as he makes yours “extra special”. The powdery substance mixed in seamlessly, meaning you’d be none the wiser about its taste and looks.
But his heart still hammered in his chest when he handed you the glass and watched your lips touch the brim, drinking down a few large sips before placing the glass on the coffee table in front of you. He acts as normal as he can, feeling a bit giddy and excited about his plan working and how much closer he is to being your personal hero once again.
Only your hero. Just yours. That’s all he needs. Allmight needs to be your savior and your protector, to keep you away from the evils that lie outside of his home. Just a few more drinks. For him. Please?
You feel sick to your stomach all of the sudden, and ask him if you could lie down and try to sober up with a bit of a nap. Of course, another red flag is tossed out of the window when he agrees and even insists you stay the night. Actually he rather states that you WILL stay the night, and gives no room for argument. You, again, just assume it’s him reliving nostalgic moments of when he was the number one hero rescuing people or simply being a good friend.
So you begin to walk to his room, only to nearly collapse when you make three stumbling steps and feel your knees give in. The retired hero once again is there to save you, like he’s supposed to be.
“No, no no. I’m the hero here, I have to help you to the room. Let me put you to bed, and you just worry about feeling better. Alright?”. His arms sweep under your wobbling knees, and under your back, carrying you bridal style to his room with a wolffish smile on his face.
He lays you down softly, placing you on your back and watching as you lose even more strength to move. He then begins to remove your shoes and socks, chuckling when you made a noise of confusion because you were becoming so tired and so weak from the drug. Forgive him, he doesn’t like to drug you up, but it was needed for what he’s about to do.
Soon you’re covered up and have a pillow underneath your head, your eyes closed as he tucks you in and makes sure your head is turned to the side so Incase you do throw up, you won’t choke. All might kisses the top of your head gently, letting his fingers brush over your face with admiration and love. He can’t believe he got so lucky to have you like this, to trust him so much that you didn’t question him all night long.
You must be just as in love as he is if you’re that reckless.
“You’ll understand soon. Just rest for now, let me take care of you “ he whispers, placing cuffs on one of your wrists and then hooking them to the headboard of the bed. “I’m your hero, I won’t let you get hurt”.
(-Mommabean, comments are always welcome and give me ideas of how to better my work! Hope this was ok! Tell me what you think! )
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snowshinefivez5 · 3 years
Blue Skies Yellow Sun
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A collab with the lovely @kunshisekijou go check them out and show her some love! I had too much fun with this project, especially since I can't get enough of her gorgeous art style.
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raizellostros · 6 years
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--When the day starts with a workout with your supportive scientist girlfriend and it all gets crashed bombed by villains who appear out of nowhere and randomly flashdance to 80's music...😂🤔🤨😲😳
Trying out a female/ genderbend young Toshinori Yagi. I also wanted to try drawing a 'weirded out' facial expression for practice.
And yea her supportive girlfriend is female/genderbend David Shield (How about Danielle Shield).
Also it's hard to see but I gave her some muscle since I imagine female Toshinori would still be buff (ahem, see Nana).
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Fluff, Bakugou x female reader
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“What’re you two doing in here? You said you’d be in front of the bar.”
You could hear the glare in his voice before you turned around.
“We’re in here because I can go where I want, Bakugou.”
“Yeah yeah, Raccoon Eyes. Not when you get my girl drunk for breakfast and then call me for a ride.” His glare shifted into a softer version when you turned around. You noticed he looked you up and down, causing you to get nervous like you were back in high school.
“It’s called brunch, you heathen.” Ashido muttered and stuck her tongue at him behind his back. He ignored her and stepped closer to you.
“You ready to go home, y/n?”
“Uh-“ your buzz was freezing your brain. Were you ogling him? His hair looked so soft? Why did he smell so good? Were you ready to go home with him? He was-
“Hey, you good?” He softly nudged your forehead with his own. He discreetly checked your pupils, but he was so close…you felt your face warm and-
“Mhmmmm, you’re just so hot.”
His eyebrow shot up and a smirk appeared. He chuckled and stepped back from you.
“I’m gonna have to take you to brunch more often.”
“Hellllllooooo, you assholes. I’m still here and we still haven’t picked out a present!” A pink hand waved in between your faces, but his amused expression didn’t change as he made room for Ashido to cut in front of him to pull you away.
“You really gotta do this now?”
Now that there was some space between you and Katsuki, your brain started to clear up a bit.
“Yes, now. We’re going over there tomorrow and I wanted to give them a present.”
“I just CANNOT believe there will be a little baby Dekravity!”
You laughed at your friend and Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“It’s about fuckin’ time. They’ve been talking about it long enough.”
“Oh yea? How about you two?”
“Nuh uh, we haven’t talked about that. No, definitely haven’t talked about that.” When you turned to Katsuki for confirmation, you realized he was gone. Had he wandered off?
Ashido hummed to herself while looking through the next section of teeny tiny hero onesies. You joined her and paused when you recognized one of the designs. The same orange and black that was in his half of the closet at home. It was hard to not smile at the idea of a baby Dynamight.
Five min later, you were sat in his car with the best gift basket of baby Allmight items from the store. Bakugou had returned to you with the purchase in his arms, checked that Ashido was sober, and guided you out and into your seat.
You were so happy. Obviously, Deku and Ochako would love it. Katsuki always picked out the perfect presents for everyone. He had good taste. Your mind drifted back to the tiny gauntlets you had seen hanging at the store. Adorable.
“When we have kids…we’re having two or zero.”
“Huh?” Your eyes widened and you felt scared, but also… You suddenly felt very sober.
“We could have zero because I love you and have everything I want.” He squeezed your thigh with the hand that was already resting there. “We can’t have one because no kid should grow up alone. We could have two, if you want, because that’d be…everything I want and more.”
“Mmmm…I see.”
You knew he was watching you out of the corners of his eyes while he drove. He had obviously thought about this before today. You couldn’t help but smile at the idea of Katsuki taking the time to imagine a family with you.
“When we have kids, we’re having two or zero.”
He slid his hand higher up your leg and squeezed your thigh again. His smile was wide as he pulled into the garage. You wondered if you were maybe still a little buzzed. Your boyfriend really was so hot.
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bokunosoul · 3 years
Class 1 - a reacts to reader that has the same power/quirk as superman
At first they wouldnt recognize you in your civilian form (bcuz u wear glasses and is mostly quiet all the time).
Bijj when you transformed they could'nt recognize you and you just explained that how just your quirk works (like you became suddenly tall and strong when you activate your quirk then you just deflate like a normal person a̶l̶l̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶).
Midoriya would be FASCINATED by you and would ask multiple questions about yourself and your quirk inserts rapidly writing bgm* h̶e̶b̶e̶c̶a̶m̶e̶y̶o̶u̶r̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶.
Bakugo😀🔪 thinks your just a damn extra like deku and acts all cocky n̶o̶t̶u̶n̶t̶i̶l̶h̶e̶s̶a̶w̶y̶o̶u̶r̶q̶u̶i̶r̶k̶ .He won't admit it but y̶o̶u̶a̶r̶e̶s̶t̶r̶o̶n̶g̶e̶r̶t̶h̶a̶n̶h̶i̶m̶.
They basically saw you carrying an tall ass building effortlessly like it's weightless (The whole class: o_0!?)
Allmight 2.0, the whole class e̶v̶e̶n̶a̶i̶z̶a̶w̶a̶ thinks your allmight's secret love child (you we're like 👁️👄👁️ naNi? ) .
You will get along with them tho and will brush off that constantly asked a̶n̶n̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ question.
Allmight basically is your 2nd father figure s̶u̶s̶.He let's you spar with Midoriya.
You have the ability to fly Incredible strength, X-ray vision, super speed,heat vision, invulnerability to most attacks, super hearing, and super breath.You are nearly unstoppable. However you have one weakness, Kryptonite.
If you are a female : Mineta was trying to touch you and he ended up being blasted away by your l̶a̶s̶e̶r̶e̶y̶e̶s̶.(The whole class : 😬😱)
Like how many quirks do you have😩👏👏👏 you we're just full of unexpected surprises.
The day of the sports festival came you basically defeated your opponent in one punch and ended up flying through the sky out of the arena (Crowd : 😱😩👏📸 Recovery girl : ☹️Your opponent : ☠️😵🥴).
The scouts in most of the agencies praised you and most of them want you to join their hero agency.Y̶o̶u̶a̶r̶e̶o̶v̶e̶r̶w̶h̶e̶l̶m̶e̶d̶.
If you are a female Endeavor would set you up with shoto q̶u̶i̶r̶k̶m̶a̶r̶r̶i̶a̶g̶e̶ 😩🖕 t̶o̶u̶c̶h̶g̶r̶A̶S̶S̶b̶e̶s̶t̶i̶e̶.
You basically ended up standing next to bakugo on the sports festival awarding.
Some of the interviewers asked if you are allmight's secret love child you answered ("NO"while imitating allmight's face) .
W̶r̶o̶n̶g̶m̶o̶v̶e̶ .The most common question asked that "WILL YOU BE ABLE TO SURPRASS ALLMIGHT?" you answered hesitantly "Maybe?" The reporters : 🤩😱📸.
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Note : The gif is not mine a̶n̶d̶s̶o̶a̶r̶e̶y̶o̶u̶
ORIGINALLY by : bokunosoul
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honeybeewriter · 4 years
Angel in disguise
The Prologue
Bakugou x reader
Writers note:This is just to open the upcoming slowburner story I'm working on. If anyone is open to being a proofreader I would be grateful. But here is the prologue of a story i hope everyone will come to love
-Trinkets (main quirk)
-wings (second quirk, got from mother)
well first off your mother had an angel quirk worked as a medic. Your father had a Creation quirk (much like momo), he worked as a supplier for repair teams.
-Trinkets: You can create any small tool or object from your arms only. Parts or tools! Even small normal day objects as long as you know the basic breakdown of the item! (Much like momo)
-Wings: The wings are too small for flight, they are mainly there from your mother, they aren't really special or have powers they are just for looks
-Trinkets: Your body needs energy to create so you always need to be munching on something while using your quirk. Having knowledge on the item your creating is required as well, if you don't know the item and try to create it. You will end up hurting your muscles and get cramps easily.
-Wings: they are roughly the length of your back and have a wingspan of 6ft so clothes are kinda annoying but you manage.
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A small glint in your eye disturbs you as you rise from the exhausting trip from America, the daylight peeked through the windows of the plane illuminating the unknown faces of the other passengers. A mixer of emotions flow through your body as the plane lands, the excitement of a new country, a new school, it all frightened you but at the same time, it fulled you unbridled joy.
After gathering your things from the overhead department, and stepping off the plane you take a breath of the fresh air.. er.. airport air that is. Anything is better than the stank of sweat. A buzz in your hand you glance down to your phone ‘look for your name on a sign your host family should be there! - nezu’
You look up over the crowd of people, stretching your neck trying to get a better look for your new host family. Thoughts drifting in your mind as you flow with the crowd. Things were changing! You had got accepted into the support class at UA! An exchange program, you are filling in for some guy who was in the support class, you didnt know him.
You finally snap out of your thoughts when your name is shouted out from a older blonde male “(Y/N)!!” A waving hand lures your attention. You look at the small family a blonde guy who looks like a rocker standing between two females, both with short straight cut hair and earphones jacks from their earlope. My host family!! You shout in your head as you push your way through the crowd, stumbling as you go.
You stand infront of them with a smile “Are you three the Jiro family?” You ask warmly. The blond male nods his head “Sure are! And you must be (y/n) (l/n)! Welcome to musutafa!! This is my wife Mika and our daughter Kyoka!” A smile so wide it could rival allmights spreads across your face. This is gonna be the greatest time of your highschool life, you could tell.
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader
Ch.3 Class Rep & Field Trip Time
Ch.1 Ch.2 
Here’s part three! I made a sketch of how I think the readers hero outfit looks if you wanna check it out. I can’t draw for shit so I’m sorry the picture sucks.Thanks for reading! 
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The next morning wasn't any less exciting, as it seemed the media was finally taking action of AllMight's new teaching role. You saw many journalists one morning when you were trying to make your way onto the campus, and thankfully saw someone you knew.
"Bakugou! Wait up!" You shouted, jogging to walk side by side. He didn't really slow down, but he gave you a quick glance to let you know he at least sees you. He looked pretty grumpy so you didn't say anything else.
"Excuse me kid! Are you in AllMight's class?" A reporter lady with brown hair in a pantsuit cut you guys off, shoving a microphone straight into Bakugou's face. He was about to walk around, but she stayed firmly in front of him.
"Hey wait, aren't you that Sludge villain kid?" You saw Bakugou tense up, and it finally clicked. That kid was Bakugou. It had to be, the same spiky blond hair and explosions. You only saw it on the news and briefly heard your father talk about it, so you really didn't give it another thought when coming to school. 
Although it looks as he really didn't want to remember, as his body went stiff and he glared at the lady.
"Walk away. Right now." She ignored him as he walked forward, instead cutting you off from walking with him.
"What about you girly, got any information your boyfriend here didn't want to share."
"My-my boyfriend?" You face flushed. People thought you guys were together?! You were just walking into school! What guys and girls couldn't be friends?
She held the mic close to you face, smirking at the flustered look. You wanted to walk around but she was staring you down, and after that comment you couldn't think clearly enough to move. 
A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you away from the stares, you glanced up and saw Bakugou dragging you away, his mouth set in a firm line at the reporters. 
"You're all leeches, get out of here." You looked back and saw they went straight onto targeting someone else, poor Mr. Aizawa. At least he'll set them straight. 
You were still being pulled along in his tight grip, you noticed that his hand almost felt cold compared to yours, even with his explosive quirk. Since your body temperature was higher than most due to the way you stored your light. 
"Uh thanks Bakugou, you saved me from being trampled." You voice must've snapped him out of whatever daze he was in, because he dropped your wrist faster than you could blink.
"Shut up glitter bomb, you weren't moving fast enough and I wanted to make sure you didn't say some stupid shit." You laughed at his grouchy response, and walked side by side with him in silence till you reached the classroom. 
You were surprised when he slowed down and let you walk in first. While he didn't do anything chivalrous and hold the door open, it was still thoughtful to let you go first. So you just thanked him and paid no mind to it, shuffling to your seat waiting for class to start.
When class finally did start, Mr. Aizawa began to congratulate you all on the combat training that occurred yesterday. 
"I saw the video feeds and went over each teams results. Bakugou." Mr. Aizawa stared hard at him. You looked over, and couldn't see his face due to sitting behind him.
"You're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss okay." You heard him huff before looking towards the window, his face still hidden from view so you didn't know exactly how he felt.
"Yeah whatever."
"And Midoriya." Deku's body jolted in surprise, then you saw the nervous look from waiting to be chewed out.
"It seems you only won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and I don't want the excuse of you not having control of your quirk. It;s already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body training here."
"But, it will be a useful quirk once you get a handle on it." You saw Izuku shoot up with a smile, glad to have been praised, even if the tiniest bit. It was hard to receive praise from your teacher so you felt happy for him.
"Let's get down to business, our first task, will decide your future."
The whole class froze in anticipation. What could it be? Another type of quirk test?
"You all need to pick a class representative." You all sighed in relief, not knowing if you could handle another fight between classmates so soon. 
The entire class went into an uproar about who should be the class officer. 
"Pick me guys! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima shouted while standing, you dragged him back in his chair while he grinned over at you.
"Sorry but I'm just so excited, it would be amazing from my transcripts!" 
"Yea I get what you mean, my dad was the class officer his time here too. I'd like to follow in his footsteps!" You say back just as eagerly.
"Woah really, your dad went to U.A?"  
Before you could answer you were cut off by Iida yelling about his method of choosing the class representative.
"Therefore, the most logical way to figure this out is democratically. We will hold an election!"
While some others protested, you agreed it was the best way to figure this out civilly.  With Aizawa's uncaring permission, you got to vote.
The scores were written up on the board, and you were surprised to see Midoriya had 3 whole votes.
"Wow Izuku, looks like you're the winner huh?" You gave him a smile. He looked shocked and was yelling about not knowing how he got the job. 
"Okay you idiots! Who voted for him!" Bakugou stood up and glared around the classroom. 
"Well (y/n), looks like you'll have to keep Midoriya in check! Sucks that you beat me again." Kirishima slapped your back playfully, even with a frown on his face. 
"What are you.." You trailed off, looking at the board to see that you had came in the second spot with two votes. 
"Holy crap who did that." You wondered out loud. Kirishima shoved you towards the front, and you found yourself standing next to a shaking Izuku, who had an ugly look on his face.
"Alright the class rep is Midoriya, and the deputy is Hakamata." You stood straight, steeling your nerves as you stared out at the sea of your peers. Izuku couldn't stop shaking so you nudged him and whispered,
"Hey calm down, you're going to be fine."
"Really? This isn't a mistake?" You sighed, putting a hand to your temple. Izuku was a good person, but you knew this was going to be a painful year. 
You heard Kirishima yell from the back of the classroom he could get behind you and Midoriya as officers. As well as someone else agree you handled yourself really well during the training exercise.
Lunch rolled around as you sat next to Mina, waiting for the other guys to show up. You all seemed to form a little rag tag group. 
"Oh bestie I'm so proud of you!" She gushed, even though you barely knew her she seemed attached to the hip to you. You couldn't be upset, because you actually really liked having a female friend, and she was very sweet to you.
"Thanks Mina, I hope I can make everyone proud. I can't wait to tell my dad about this position."
"I'm sure he'll be proud! There's no way he won't be!" 
An alarm sounded off, and you were confused as to why it was. You've never heard this alarm before and got worried.
"Level 3 security breach! Please all students evacuate the building in an orderly fashion!"
Level three, breach of security? You saw everyone get up and rush out of the cafeteria. You pulled Mina behind you, holding onto her so she wouldn't get dragged away. It was so crowded, and people were shoving and screaming. You fought you way along the side of the wall where the windows were, to at least not be surrounded on all sides. You looked outside to see what kind of danger everyone could be in and only saw, the press?
"It's just the press!" You heard someone yell, and saw Iida. 
"Iida! We have to let everyone know!" He saw that you noticed as well and nodded at you.
"I was afraid there was some type of attack on the school! Don't worry everyone-oof!" He was slammed against the window and you gasped. 
"Here Mina, climb on the window sill, be careful!" You helped her up, and she looked scared. 
"Where are you going?!" 
"I have to help Iida!" You shoved your way through the crowd and helped Iida back to his feet.
"We need to find a way to make everyone listen!" He yelled impatiently. You heard a scream and saw Ochaco being dragged away. You quickly held your hand out and pushed yourself towards her. Trying to grab a hold and pull her towards you, it worked, and you dragged her against the current of the students. She held onto you and Iida both, and when you looked up you saw his face change.
"Uraraka, I need you to use your quirk! Make me float above the other students! (y/n), set off a light blast to push me towards the front of the students and hopefully get their attention!"
You both agreed and Ochaco slapped his hand and he lost his gravitational pull. He jumped up and you pushed him forward, letting out a blast of bright light following him. Most students stopped to see what was going on, a flying man with a bright light flying by.
Your push had him twisting in the air before he caught onto the bar by the exit sign for support.
"LISTEN UP, EVERYTHING IS OKAY! IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE, EVERYTHING'S FINE. THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! As U.A. students we can't let fear get to us." You stared in awe as he made the entire room quiet, and you yelled out as well.
"Please! Everyone exit in an orderly manner! We can't let someone get hurt by all this shoving! Walk towards the exits and watch out for anyone on the ground!" 
People listened as they all made a slow exit, heading back to the classrooms. You stayed by the doors and made sure everyone got out safely and with no foul play. Watching through the window as the police arrived. 
Once back in the classroom, you sent Iida a smile before walking towards the front, a shaking Izuku not far behind you.
"C'mon Izuku, let's get started." You smiled at him, hoping it would calm his nerves. 
"Uhm yea! So uh, we got to figure out the other class officers! But uh, first off.." He looked down, "There's something I have to say. I think Tenya Iida should be out class rep!" Your mouth dropped open, forming a small 'o' as he continued to praise Iida for his support during the crisis situation. You grinned and agreed.
"Without Iida we still would be in a panic, I agree with you Midoriya if that's what you really want." 
"Yeah, you know what. If (y/n) even agrees I'm good!" Kirishima grinned at Iida. "You manned up and took charge, even though you looked like the exit guy sign." 
"If Midoriya is nominating me for this job," Iida stood, hand raised high, " I accept!" 
"That was a very kind thing to do Izuku." You smiled at him, and he laughed back.
"It's only the right thing. You two will make a great team, just like how you proved that today!"
You continued on with class duties, picking out other officers before the time came and it was for hero training!
"I wonder what we have going on today." You looked at Sero, who was looking bored, waiting for Aizawa to continue the lesson.
"Who knows, I hope it's some more training, I want to keep getting stronger!"  Kirishima started throwing air punches. 
"Well I hope it's something a little different, being a hero isn't just about fighting you know." You shot back.
"Quiet down." Mr. Aizawa interrupted. 
"Today's training will be a little different," You smirked smugly at Kirishima for being right, he just rolled his eyes. "you'll have three instructors. Myself, AllMight, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you. "
"Wow three pros. That's pretty cool."
"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asked.
"Rescue," Aizawa held out a card much like AllMight did the day prior. "You will be dealing with natural disasters and such."
"Wow disasters huh? Sounds like a big workout." Denki said, looking perplexed, even more so when Mina yelled back at him how amazing it was going to be.
"It's real hero stuff, " Kirishima patted Denki on the back. "It's what separates the men from the boys."
"Hey!" He pouted. "I'm a man!" 
"Yea okay dude," Kirishima laughed and pointed at you. "(y/n) is way more manlier than you, try to prove me wrong." You snickered back and high-fived the redhead while Denki pouted at the both of you.
"You guys are mean."
"Hey, I wasn't finished." The class quieted down from Mr. Aizawa's stern voice. You guys looked back at him, his face made it clear he was exhausted with you all.
"What you wear in this exercise is up to you, I would choose carefully. Seeing as even though you're excited about your costumes, remember you aren't really used to them, it could even hinder your abilities." Aizawa pressed the remote and all of the cases for your costumes came out.
"We'll have to take a bus to get there since this training is at an off campus facility. Get ready and let's go." 
You all got up to grab your suits, and went to change in the locker room. 
"You're costume is super cute (y/n)! I wish mine was better, and maybe not so skin tight." Ochaco laughed, rubbing her arm self consciously. 
"I still think it looks really cool on you! Not as much as mine, but mine is the best here! Look at the colors!" Gushed Mina. She twirled around and began to pose, causing you both to laugh.
"It looks great yes, both of yours do! Mine is mainly so I don't overheat myself." 
"That reminds me, how exactly does your quirk work (y/n)?" 
"Well," You started, explaining to every girl who were now gathered around you.
"I take the property of light, and manipulate the chemical formula, so in a sense I can go back and forth from making a light from a solid to its original form. Even almost making myself light, that's how I was able to run so fast."
"It's really fascinating to hear about everyone's unique quirks, don't you guys agree?" Momo questioned thoughtfully.
"Like, in some way's quirks can be similar yet at the same time at a whole other level. Like when someone can lift make small objects float, to the extreme like you Uraraka, who can cancel out the gravitational pull of just about anything and make that float." You all muttered in agreement with Momo, it really was kind of cool to know your power could've been something else entirely. 
You girls headed outside, waiting for anyone else along with the bus to arrive.
"Hey Deku why are you in your P.E. clothes?" Ochaco asked, walking with you as you both stopped in front of said boy.
"Didn't you see his outfit after the training?" You laughed.
"Yea, it was kinda trashed. I'm still waiting for the support company to fix it up" Izuku agreed. 
A loud whistle blew out, making everyone turn their heads to their class rep, who was looking more determined than ever to fulfill his duties.
"Ok gather around class 1-A! Form two neat lines based on your student numbers to ensure we load the bus efficiently. "
"Iida doesn't seem to be slowing down, kicking it into high gear for this role." Izuku sighed, and you laughed loudly.
"Why Midoriya, was that a pun?" He flushed before agreeing, making you laugh even louder. You've never heard this kid joke before, you didn't think his stuttering heart would've allowed him to try. 
He shook his arms, ranting on about he wasn't trying to make fun of him before you had to shut him up.
"Jeez Izuku you're doing that thing again where the words just keep coming out. How do you have that much air?" 
"I-uh sorry! I didn't realize!" You shake your head with another chuckle before making your way onto the bus with the other students. Noticing the layout of the bus really didn't match with the original way Tenya wanted everyone to sit.
You sat down on Kirishima's left, the edge seat. When you looked towards the other seats to your side you saw Bakugou sitting next to Jiro, and Todoroki just behind them. You sighed and leaned back further into the plush seats, ignoring Iida's sulking about his ruined plans. Your attention was caught when Tsu said she wanted to make an observation about Izuku.
"That power of yours, it's really a lot like AllMight's isn't it?" You glanced over and saw him jump, nerves making him shake like normal. This confused you. If he was such a fanboy, shouldn't he be more thrilled?
"What really? You think so huh? I never really thought so, I don't think that could be a possibility!"
"Izuku, what's the big deal." Your eyes narrowed as you saw him gulp, not looking into your eyes. "Wouldn't it be cool to say you had a strong quirk like a Pro, even if it wasn't exactly the same?" 
"Even though it's powerful, it's really not like AllMight's that much." Kirishima pointed out. 
"I mean, AllMight doesn't break his bones after ever smash. I'd say their really different." He sighed, making his arm harden with his quirk.
"Even so I do have to admit it's pretty flashy, and Midoriya's would make a great Pro Hero quirk, you'll get noticed! Unlike mine, not too flashy, just able to get the bad guys down is all I'm good for.
"Hey I think you're quirk is really cool!" You pipe up, not liking that he was putting himself down. 
"I mean I'd love to have a quirk that didn't make me overheat constantly. You know how tough it is when I get a fever? I feel like I'm melting." You say with an over-dramatic sigh, you really hated getting sick.
"Okay but you're probably are one of the best when it comes to having a Pro Quirk! I mean, Todoroki and Bakugou probably are the best ones here but you ain't far behind! Even Bakugou can tell it's a good and flashy quirk! What does he call you again? Glitter Worm?" You laughed, looking at Bakugou who was already staring at you, with a grunt he looked away as soon as you two made eye contact.
"Glitter worm? That's pretty good, but I'm glitter bomb to him. Pretty cute don't you think." You wink at the other students, ignoring Aoyama when he argued he was the only one who sparkled here. 
"Oh man Bakugou gave you a cute nickname!?" Mina squealed, and you swore you could see hearts form in her eyes.
"That's so romantic! It's even matching his own quirk! You both are the bomb! Ahh I want someone to give me a cutesy name!"
You blushed, waving your arms around, reminding yourself of the way Iida looks when he is shouting out commands. 
"Th-that's not-"
"I don't see Bakugou as the romance type though," Tsu spoke out, "he's always angry, he'll never be that popular, especially with the ladies."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" Bakugou lurched forward, hand gripping the rail tightly as he glared at Tsu. All she did in reply was point and mutter an 'See? I told you so.'
"You know, we still barely know one another, but it goes to show how we all know your personality is a flaming pile of crap. I agree with Tsu, you would never be able to charm a girl. "
Bakugou turned his furious stare towards Kaminari, who was the one to agree with Tsu about the romance issue.
"Because unlike you, I can woo a woman Bakugou." Denki smugly retorted as he blew a kiss at you with a wink. You felt your body shiver in disturbance at being flirted with by him. You could imagine your father's reaction too, the poor boy would be crushed by a Pro Hero even before the first week of school ended!
"Gross Kaminari, I don't want you blowing your germs in my direction, you're not good at romance either you know."
"I mean, you're not exactly making me swoon by calling me an icky worm, Bakugou." Kirishima howled in laughter as Bakugou snapped and yelled at you both. Iida jumped in yelling back about treating everyone with respect.
"What a disgusting conversation." Momo glared, her hand over her mouth as she was really going to get sick.
"Oh c'mon Momo," You smiled, " It's all fun and games."
"Yeah!" Ochaco grinned, "It's kind of fun listening to them fight, plus I think (y/n) and Bakugou would make a great couple!" 
Your jaw dropped, hands cupping your cheeks to hide your blush as you heard more squeaks and squeals of agreement coming from Mina. 
"Oh they would be the cutest together wouldn't they! I swear I saw them holding hands this morning!" Everyone's chatter stopped, looking between both you and the hothead.
"I-It's not what you think! The reporters were all up in my face and he was just dragging me away!"
"Awh she's blushing! ADMIT YOU LIKE HIM!" Mina cackled, everyone teasing you for your red face, causing you to sink further into the chair.
"HEY SHUT IT RIGHT NOW IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU! NO ONE LIKES ANYONE YOU DAMN NERD." Bakugou was red in the face as well, he was yelling at everyone so you knew that was why, since there was no way he could be embarrassed. Unlike you, you were sure your face was a bright red beacon, all because of the teasing! How could they say that so casually?
"Hey hey we're here, knock it off." Aizawa grumbled out.
"Yes sir!" You all responded, and you sat up and turned to look out the window, marveling at the large dome building you were pulling up to, excited for the training about to come.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Shins-bro
Also on AO3!
TL;DR: Izuku and Shinso are best buds. Thats it. 
shinsou has a terrible mum and he's complaining about it "ironically"
like : "lmao my mum is gonna beat my ass for this shitty mark" and he's shocked when izuku is like 3 seconds away from tears
izuku drags shinso to his house and his mum is home and shinso is Spooked bc,, adult?? friends???
hes so scared that inkos gonna yell at him for doing something stupid but as soon as he walks in the door izuku trips over his own feet taking off his shoes and tackle hugs his mum
so izuku and inko are laughing and like, half-fallen over bc izuku is a chunky boy and shinso is so lost??? at the door and inko uses her quirk to pull him over by the shirt and join in the hug
udhihdsf she!!! picks both of them up and squishes these good heroes in the best mother hug
izuku is laughing and shinso is sh o o k bc this is the nicest hug he's ever had???
inko puts them both down and flushes a little, says sorry for hugging shinso but she hasn't seen her boy in so long! and he must be a lovely young man if he's friends with izuku
she bustles off to go stir dinner on the stove and izuku just grins and looks at shinso
"isn't my mum great?!"
he and shinso go to his room and izuku pulls out his old console
admits he used to make his mum play this fighting game over n over when he was little, and that she always used to pick this female hero with a big white cape because she liked her hair. he giggles and tells shinso that if he wants izuku can maybbbeee let him play allmight
he picks endeavour for a sec and asks shinso if je just wants to beat up endeavour for a minute before they really start
it turns into them setting like 6 AI to level 9 endeavours and them both playing allmight to beat the crap out of them
inko walks in w tea and little cakes she made and gasps happily bc she loved that game! so they restart the round with 2 allmights + 1 nana plus all the endeavour AI
izuku and shinso keep protecting inko's character from all the fire bc she doesn't deserve this
izuku shoves a cupcake into shinsou's mouth when he goes to ask izuku something
shinsou like, lights up bc he's never had home-baked stuff before and its sooooo good so he just kind melodramatic puts his controller down and says "i guess this is kamino ward 2.0" as all might gets crispy fried by the AI and shoves the cupcake into his face
izuku c a ck l e s
izuku and inko, melodramatically "we can't let allmight 1 fall!! protect him!!!" and they try to save this idle allmight as shinso watches w icing on his face
inko and izuku save idle allmight and shinso cheers softly. inko shoves a cupcake into hers and izuku's faces and hands another to shinso in celebration
she then ducks out to go take care of the dinner again. izuku giggles and puts dollop of icing on shinsos nose, who sneezes then looks offended that his nose dared to sneeze
shinso tries to lick the icing off he nose
but like
it's not working
and izuku is losing it laughing but shinso is stubborn and won't stop just bc what he's doing is v stupid. they end up w shinso's legs on izuku’s bed w his back on the floor, izuku leaning against the bed. shinso isn't really sure why he thought this was a good idea
and they run through English homework and shinso and izuku are both shockingly good and both refuse to admit its bc they spend too much time on tumblr/youtube
shinsou: gee izuku why are u so good at english
izuku, who has been reading self insert all might x reader fics for like 50% of his life: no reason :)))
fdguhdfghufh shinsou, who has been reading angsty fics of all his faves instead of going to therapy: wow same ,,,
also im sorry but, izuku def reads allmight self insert that isn't like "uwu dating you" but its like "what if allmight was ur best friend" or "allmight is your secret dad??? uwu"
u know all those old ass watt pad fics where one direction adopts u, that but all might and all the chapters are just
all might tucks u into bed after a hard school day and tells you he’s proud of you
all might fucking detroit smashes ur class bully into the concrete
u and all might attend the premiere of his latest docuseries and u cry bc there’s a whole preface abt how u changed his life for the better and he could not ask for a better child
izuku and shinso go through their old tumblr/wattpad/deviantart accounts and cry laugh
its all in terrible english and one of the comments is "are you 10 or can you just not speak english"
6 years later, izuku responds
"both, actually"
izuku writing vent fics but they’re like
“all might punches my classmate bc he stole my fuckign apple juice kacchan i hate u”
"all might tells me i don't need my fuckign dad i haven't seen since i was 4 and he becomes my new dad"
“all might tells me i have no bedtime and makes my mom dinner bc she’s stressed and she needs a nap”
"all might adopts me and marries my mum and has a kid who becomes my brother and best friend"
he wrote them all between 6-12 he started writing better shit when he was 12 and made a new account (better, not good.)
his first round of fics were like all in first person and shinsou’s w h e e z i n g like why’d u think this was a good idea. izuku s cryign bc hE WAS SIX HITOSHI STOP IT. its like really terrible english too
izuku is mad but then he realizes he was hitoshi's deviantart open and he g r i n s (its all shitty drawings of cats and his OC Hero ) there are like twenty pictures of his actual cat taken on a shoddy ds camera
also as like, a soft dumb thing izuku is like speed typing on his laptop and shinsou is like??
izuku shushes him n tells him he wants to finish it before dinner
what hes done
is he wrote one of the shitty self insert fics, intentionally shittily but w allmight as izukus dad and eraserhead and shinsous and they live together for no reason at the "hero apartments" and can be brothers
shinso is laughing and crying at the same time and izuku is like
",,,, im gonna send it to present mic"
"do you think ill get extra credit?"
izuku in retaliation sending in some of shinsou’s oldass oc comics and mics just
“i mean
it’s in english,,,”
they get extra credit but it's not really helpful bc they both had As now they both have A plus' but dont wan them
(mic sends it to all might and eraserhead but like, redacts shinso and izukus names and aizawa is twitching w either rage or laughter, all might is bright red and giggling like an idiot)
pls the teachers gc is just “all might and eraserhead tuck u in and call u a Good Boy” for the next three months
as a running joke, whenever they can, that's what izuku and shinso write for English
like in german we had to write plays and act out little skits in german. in english, they do that but like, izuku is eraserhead and shinso is a cat stuck in a tree 
they have to write sentences w different words? and they get "comfort" "rescue" and "light" and its all shit like
"my dad eraserhead rescued me from homework because mic is terrible"
"all might's fatherly love lights up the hole in my heart"
"the fatherly aura of allmight and eraserhead brings me comfort on my darkest days"
izuku gives the ol puppy dog eyes to aizawa who begrudgingly lets them sleep over at inko's house
and there is only one bed! and they cant decide who gets it
neither of them sleep in it and they both stubbornly lay on the floor. it takes like 5 seconds for them to start laughing
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midoriyas-tears · 6 years
A shit show of a bunch of random word documents I have
[travis x sal fic.doc]
(authors note- this is unfinished. made january 23rd, by me) fandom- sally face
Sal's lips softened into a light loving smile, feeling his boyfriend's body heat with his palm as the taller boy tangled his hands in Sal's hair. He ran his fingers through the light blue curls and tufts and clusters, trying to rid of any knots. Every time the blonde forced through something more severe, it followed with an "Ow" and a "I'm sorry," and then an " It's okay." And then a grin.
Being sat in his lovers lap, Sal began to lay back into his arms, comfortable. Travis lightly nudged him with two of his fingers, so that he can continue to mess with the others hair. Sal moved forwards. "Sorry." He mumbled, smiling at the freckled boy.
"You don't have to apologize.." Travis got through two or three tangles " You told me that you didn't get alot of sleep.. "
"Its fine. I'm not that tired." Sal would speak quietly. Though it was a bit of a lie. He could fall asleep at that moment if he wanted to. Travis adjusted the shorter boy's head to look up at him, and then bent to plant a short kiss on Sal's lips (It was frankly uncomfortable). "You look tired. Please sleep, babe." Travis sighed, and Sal nodded a 'no'-----. "Fine."
Travis knew little about hair. He didn't take care of himself much, and he never got close to any girls or anybody with a good deal of hair. He took a bunch of the blue locks and split it into three sections, like he had seen some girls do at lunch. Sal purred, closing his eyes.
He tried to remember what to do, until his head gave up and his hands unnatrually began to move around the strands. He undid it, restarting. "Ouch."
"Sorry, babe."
" Its fine. "
"Do you know how to braid hair, Travis?" He
When Travis shook his head, Sal moved, letting his body face Travis', but still sitting in his lap like usual. The taller boys freckled cheeks turned a tint of cherry at the position.
[rp starter.doc]
(authors note- its a roleplay starter. made january 29th, by me) fandom- bnha
After an array of cool weather, the air was pleasingly warm, and the sun shone brightly above, covered by puffs of clouds drifting over and swaying about in the sky. The sidewalk was populated with a short series of people, walking slow to the tone of the morning. In the midst of it all, Midoriya was walking to his new school, with his mother. He gripped onto her hand with one, and with tge other he held onto his plain blue backpack, which had a decorative Allmight chain hanging off of it. He really was obsessed, wasn't he? Izuku looked at his mom curiously as they entered the school, nearing the kindergarden classroom. This was a new school. It was exciting to him, so he smiled, but a set of nervous thoughts still crept over his small shoulders.
His mother bent down, getting on a knee and planting a soft motherly kiss on the boys forehead. "Have a good day, Izuku." She gave him a warm smile which he was happy to recognize. "Mommy will see you soon." She stood up, patting him on his fluffs of green hair and leading him into the classroom. Every other kindergardener stared at him briefly.
The teacher grinned at him. "This is Midoriya. Say hello to him."
They pointed to a table for him to sit, "Sit with (insert characters name)." (authors note- lmao)
He followed instructions
[rp starter 2.doc]
(authors note- simular to the last one. created febuary 10th, by me) fandom- bnha
It frankly was not an ideal day to be at the playground. The sky was blue, but was ashen and cloudy-- it would certainly rain soon. The playground was unpopulated and minerature, not featuring much equipment. And the only people there were himself and one or two other kids who didn't bother talking to him. Izuku didn't mind though. He clasped onto the swing he sat on, pushing himself back and forward with his legs. He moved slowly. After a while of swinging, he attempted to call out for his mother to push him, but she was distracted by a book.
Midoriya sighed, a bit defeated. He looked over at the seesaw, wondering if anyone would want to go on it with him. His eyes went to the back of a boy, who seemed about his age. He squinted at the features. Hey, was that Kachaan? He waved to him excitedly, grinning widely at the familiar face. "Hey! Hey!"
[rp starter 3.doc]
(authors note- this ones different. it was originally for a fic, but i copped out. i liked the idea so i made it a starter. kamisero. created march 10th, by me) fandom- bnha
Before he could fully evaluate the situation, Kaminari didn't take much mind to what he and his friends were doing. The freckled blonde sat beside two of his best friends, Mina and Sero, observing as Kirishima placed a half-full water bottle in the middle of the circle. The pink-haired female beside him clasped her hands together, grinning wildly. "Now, this is something I'm excited for"
It was only then, when Denki could realize what he was getting himself into. Sure, he was single. Sure, he was pansexual. He glimpsed over to Sero for a moment, feeling a light brush of pink tint over his cheeks. But if he refused to do it, he knew he wouldn't hear the end of it. Especially because Mina knew that Kami liked Sero.
"Before we start," Denki heard Kirishima begin to speak, sitting up, "You have seven minutes. You cannot forfeit unless you're going to shit yourself. I don't care if you're gay."
Denki gulped, and Mina playfully punched him in the arm. She knew why Denki was nervous. Mina suddenly seized The blonde's hand, placing it on th water bottle. "Kami, why don't you start? I mean, you didn't get to do much in truth or dare, so.."
Denki glared at her. Mina was his best friend, and he really appreciated her-- but she was really pushy with revealing all of his secrets. Not like she had ever done that, its just sometimes he wished Mina wasn't the /only/ person he could go to. "Yeah, sure."
He spun the bottle. And, he was taken back, when it landed on Sero. Fuck.
(authors note- lmao this is drunk deku so yeah uhh hes obviously underaged so leave if you dont like that. also a roleplay starter. smh im on sham.chat alot. march 15th, by me) fandom- bnha
It wasn't particularly something he wanted to do. He /was/ underaged, with little experience with the substance. Izuku wasn't actually drunk,was he? He didn't drink too much, did he? Kirishima and Mina had hosted a party during the weekend, not to celebrate anything, just to- do it, I guess. Midoriya, though he had admittedly never been to a real one, came. He did get a loose invitation, after all. He didn't want to be rude and say he had plans, because he didn't.
Midoriya had been sitting on the couch, watching from distance as his classmates sat on the floor to play a game of spin the bottle, which he sat out in. Even if he wasn't sober, he didn't want to kiss his friends. He picked at a soda can with his thumb-nail, squinting while trying to open it. "Eeeh.."
(authors note- last one. march 17th, also by me. roleplay starter, again. this is kindergarten todo, which i thought would be adorable. even though he probably wouldn't evem go to public school in my opinion) fandom- bnha
Frankly, Todoroki was surprised that his father even agreed with his mother, for once. Even at six, Shoto took notice of the unhealthy relationship his parents shared. He actually wasn't the happiest about going to a public kindergarten, instead of being homeschooled. Sure, he wouldn't have to see his mean father every day, atleast-- not as much. But he didn't usually talk to kids his age, if any at all. He didn't know what they would think of him.
It was the first day of kindergarten. Shoto walked by his dad, quietly. He was a bit unhappy by this, as he didn't want to make a scene in his classroom. His dad was a hero, after all. He didn't really want to be a hero. By how his dad pushed it upon him, it seemed like the hardest job ever. Todoroki didn't know what he wanted to be, but not something like that.
Surprisingly, Endeavor *didn't* go in the class. He stopped by the door, telling him to behave, then leaving, hastily. He didn't really care, though. Its not like he was going to talk to anyone. He sat in a random seat near the back, plopping his backpack next to his seat and watching as a plethora of six-year-olds came in through the door. One of them sat by him. He awkwardly avoided eye contact.
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blueroseangelshaven · 7 years
Boku no hero academia
~Give me a Series & I’ll tell you… ~
❤ Favorite Male: Midoriya Izuku❤ Favorite Female: Ochaco (only girl I feel fond of at the moment).❤ Favorite Pairing: Midoriya x Todoroki (the only ship I think is kind of cute)❤ Least Favorite Character: Bakugo and Mineta❤ who’s most like me: Midoriya❤ most attractive: Midoriya and Todoroki.❤ three more characters that I like: AllMight, Todoroki and Tokoyami.
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snowshinefivez5 · 4 years
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Ok ok so like....I COULDN'T HELP IT! The female models just looked so beautiful 😭. I could've done them genderswapped in my style, BUT the models were already glued in my mind. So enjoy some beautiful flirty ladies for this week 💚💛.
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