#fem! tintin
bleubeurre · 6 months
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This outfit I saw on pinterest won’t leave me alone🤷🏻‍♀️
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therizzler69 · 3 months
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so happy with how this turned out, ft my fem tintin and haddock designs!! the pose and outfit for tintin was one i got off pinterest ^_^
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miitarashi · 7 months
So I've been thinking about some fluff with Tintin (he lives in my mind rent-free).
I would like to request Tintin with a fem reader who likes to be praised. Just like, she tries hard to work well during the day and does everything quietly. So at the end of the day she likes someone to pat her on the head and just tell her that she did a good job. She doesn't say she likes it, but Tintin notices.
Only do this if you can and want to, thank you! And forgive me if this seems a little confusing, English is not my first language.
Owww,this is so cute tho. Such a cute thing need to be writed! And don't worry,english is not my first language either and i understood pretty well,you're doing a good job so far at learning! I'm proud of you unknow person. 😌❤️
[Name] = reader (female)
Warnings: none,just cuteness
Prompt: You're a hardworking person who loves headpats.
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When you met Tintin for the first time, you we're working on the local library taking this opportunity to study on your breaks because you wanted to apply for a position as an assistant to a local historian you greatly admired. Because of it, the subject you were studying was something that Tintin was needing more informations of,so he asked for your help, becoming friends ever since.
Consequently, he ended up watching your dedication for the position you was applying for. He saw your eyes focused on your notebooks and books, the post-it notes on your wall to help you remember important things when he come to a quick visit, even finding it cute when you turned up your nose when you saw something you didn't understand or pressed your lips together when you tried to put the pieces together to help him with his new article.
But the top 1 was definitely the happy smile and light blush that covered your cheeks when someone pats you on the head. Even if you didn't say it, it was pretty obvious when you did, you kept quiet because you didn't want to draw so much attention. However the journalist discovered it and waited for the right moment to do so, which was precisely when you applied to be an assistant to this historian who you greatly admired.
The day of the decision came and went, Tintin found it a little strange not having a reaction from you about the result so he decided to stop by your apartement when he was free and after a few minutes of conversation about that new article, he casually asked:
"Oh,[Name],did you already got the results of your application?"
"Hm? Oh yes,i got it yesterday and will be working with him by tomorrow" — his eyes widen a bit in surprise,mostly by the nonchalant tone you tried to say it,but still feeling that animated subtone.
"Well,by how much you worked hard for it,i would be surprised if you didn't get it" — he chuckle a bit,letting a small sigh and finally he could do it.
His hand reach the top of your head giving some pats in a caring way,smilling when that cute smirk appeared on your lips along with the tiny blush he adore so much to see,he would even hug and kiss your forehead if he could because you deserve it and even more,however he didn't want to cross any bondaries or end up making things awkaward by this sudden act.
"I'm really proud of you [Name],you worked really hard for it"
"Thank you Tintin" — you said looking back at him,smilling happily. His eyes soften,taking his time to just look at you cute face before looking away a bit.
"Your welcome and from now on,i guess i'll be having an even more capable help on my researchs."
"Yes,i'm really looking forward for it"
"..Me too" — he said in a light,careful dreamy tone almost, watching your little excited squirm making sure to keep this memory in his heart.
You both smiled,quite excited as you will start your dream job and Tintin will keep his little excuse to stay close and having your help on his cases. A win is a win.
A/N: there it is,a cute request fresh out of the oven! (Yes i know,it's a bit short) And sorry for the delay,i literally forgot to post on the last sunday :( but! I already have some good ideas and some special things being prepared~ so just wait a little,i promise y'all will not disappointed! Hope you liked unknow person! Thanks for reading!
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Yo! As you said to send the request anyway,here i go!
Our beloved Tintin x thief reader! (Basically an enemies to lovers cuz is my favorite troupe 😌👌🏽)
The scenario is quite simple: she is a thief relatively famous,not too much,that aways escape in the last minute from Tintin and the interpool. One day,she have to help him with an adventure (probably because someone stole something and she bein a good thief should now how they act more than others).
Because of that,they start to get close for some common interests and all (she even learn how to shoot with him,imitating that posture of his when he shot the plane). In the end of the adventure,the two of them kinda confess at the same time? This part i don't really know so,you can make whatever you want in there.
Well,that's all! Thank you for reading!
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The Reporter and the Thief
Tintin x Fem!Reader
[summary: the Reporter tintin enlists the help of a thief to help him on an adventure]
[a/n: i did too much reaserach on this especially for the currency that would;ve been used at the time]
[Y/n] hummed, to herself, as she walked around the flea market looking curiously at the array of expensive knick-knacks. She walked around her eyes fixated on the costly items.
While walking through the crowd, her hand would slowly and unexpectedly slip into their pockets and take any spare change and jewelry. She immediately shoved the change and necklace, into her satchel and walked away without anyone suspecting a thing.
As she walked around pickpocketing unsuspecting people. The smell of freshly baked pastries wafted through her nose. She could smell the buttery and flakey bread and the baked sweets. sniff sniff.. and was that, Baisers de Malmédy?
She smelled, that was her absolute favorite sweet. she could taste the rich sweet butter cream and the almonds on the biscuit. Her stomach growled, having not eaten since yesterday she decided to treat herself.
She walked towards the bakery, and her mouth watered seeing all the baked goods. "What shall it be?" The baker asked, looking at her and she looked up at him. "Um, one Baisers de Malmédy please, and a bread roll." She asked, and he nodded.
She waited impatiently her stomach growling, louder and louder by the second. the baker handed her the wrapped baked goods. "That will be two quid." He said, and she nodded. Scrounging in her satchel, getting the change needed as she handed it to him. The necklace she stole fell out of her satchel.
She froze for a moment, "Hey! that's my necklace!" a lady shouted, pointing at the necklace on the ground. [Y/n] immediately, shoved the goods into her satchel and ran before Interpol could even arrive. as she ran she lept over a white dog that had gotten in the way. before anyone could even get a good look at her she had left.
She stopped to catch her breath after having ran what felt like a mile. Her back hit the brick wall and she reached into her satchel, taking out the Baisers de Malmédy and unwrapping it.
Despite it being basically smashed, she took a bite and savored every bite. It tasted almost as good as her mother used to make it when she was little. Bringing back so many good memories of when her life was simple and she didn't have to steal to survive.
She looked up and noticed a dog, who looked really hungry. Reaching into her bag she pulled out the bread roll. Ripping a piece of bread, she reached out her hand to feed it to the dog. He sniffed her hand and ate the bread from her hand.
She smiled, giggling as she shared her bread with the dog. He licked her face wagging his tail, happy to have finally gotten some food. She looked at him, scratching the top of his head as he licked her face.
She smiled, leaning her head back against the brick wall, and stared up at the sky. "I'm still hungry," She groaned, her stomach still growling the dog whimpering in response. He laid his head down on her stomach, staring down at him she scratched the top of his head. Closing her eyes she decided to take a nap.
"She always slips right through our fingers," Thompson says, looking at the young ginger-haired journalist. "She's fast, I'll give her that," Thomson says. Tintin looked, down at the newspaper, "Hm," Tintin thought to himself, something valuable was just stolen. Not by the thief but by someone else.
"I'm going to need the mind of a thief for this one," He thought and closed the newspaper and folded it up. "Any reports, on what the thief looked like?" He asked turning towards Thompson and Thomson, and the two police officers thought.
"She's about [your height]," Thompson says, and Thomson shakes his head, "No, I think its [random height]." Thomson says, and the two start bickering over the thief's height. Tintin sighs, "Anything else?" Tintin asked, and the police officers looked back at him.
"She may have [h/c] and look around 16-18," Thompson says, and Tintin nodded it wasn't much. But he needed to find her.
[Y/n]'s eyes fluttered open, and she looked around realizing the dog is no longer there. A sigh escaped her lips as she stood up, and looked down seeing an apple placed on her lap. She smiled happily, picking up the apple and taking a bite.
"You need my help?" She folded her arms across her chest, as she looked at Tintin. "What's in it for me?" She asked, raising her left eyebrow to look at him.
"All your theft charges will be dropped." He said, and she looked at him unconvinced. "Hm, what about a reward?" She asked, and the journalist looked at her. "What kind of reward?" he asked, and she rolled her eyes.
"But the money of course." She said, and he looked at her, "How much?" He asked, "Fifty quid" She asked, she knew that was a lot but she isn't going to let them use her for free. "Done." He said, and she smiled looking at him.
"Then we have a deal, Mr.Tintin." She said, looking at him. He reached out to shake her hand, and she took it grinning mischievously as she took his watch without him even noticing.
"You really, need to pay more attention." She said, holding up his watch in front of his face. He immediately snatched and looked at her, a mischievous grin on her lips as she looked at him.
"Where do you live?" He asked, and she scoffed. "Why you haven't even asked me out yet." She said, jokingly looking at him smiling mischievously.
"Why should I bother telling you?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest. Raising her eyebrow as she looked at him, "So, I know where to find you." He said, and she chuckled.
"Trust me, even if I were to give you where I lived, you wouldn't be able to find me. I'm like a ghost in the night. You see me." She said and swiftly hid somewhere. A blink and you'll miss it a moment.
"Then you don't." She said, causing Tintin to look up and see her hiding on the ceiling her arms and legs stretched out to keep her hidden.
She smiled, as she landed on her feet to only lose her balance and fall on her butt. "Still working on that." She sighed, swiftly standing on her feet. "So, no I won't tell you where I live." She said, and looked down noticing Snowy, and started petting him, cooing over the dog.
After taking in the girl's appearance and the events that occurred early this morning, Tintin thought for a moment. How she stole and ran away, as well taking into account the grumbling of her stomach.
"In that case, the only option is for you to stay here." He said, causing her to look at him in shock. "Really?" She said, looking at him confused. "You want me a thief to stay here with you? A detective-"
"Journalist," Tintin corrected, "Whatever," She said, brushing off what he said. She looked at him her hands on her hips, "Have you gone mad?" She asked, tilting her head while looking at him.
"Loony even?" She continued, raising her pointer finger to the side of her head, spinning it in circles while making a crazed face. "No, I have not," He said, looking at her. "Then why ask me to stay here?" She asked, and he looked at her.
"Like I said, I'll know where you are." He said, and she rolled her eyes in response. Her stomach, then grumbled as she let out a yawn..
Thompson and Thomson had left, leaving Tintin and [Y/n] alone in his flat. She looked around the flat curiously, gazing at some of the artifacts he'd collected over the years. "Don't touch that." He said, and she turned to look at him and rolled her eyes.
"Here," He said, placing a plate of food on the table and she turned around, rushing over to the table. Sitting down, and quickly eating the good. Downing it in seconds, "I haven't had something that good sinc-"
She stopped, and he looked at her curiously. "Since when?" he asked, and she looked at him and shook her head. "Nothing." She said, looking at him. Silence fell, and he pushed the plate of his half-uneaten food towards her and she smiled. Eating the rest, and finally after so long had a full stomach.
Also after years, was able to take a hot shower. Tintin gave her a place to sleep on the couch and handed her a pillow and blanket. The couch felt like a cloud and the moment she laid her head down. She was sound asleep. Snowy, kept her company which she gladly appreciated.
[Y/n] enjoyed teasing Tintin during the entire time, they were together. During that time she helped him figure out where the thief could've possibly taken the artifact that was stolen from the museum. They got closer to each other over time, bonding over things they had in common.
She eventually opened up about her past, telling him how her mother passed away when she was little. Leaving her alone, and being tossed into an orphanage that didn't treat her or the other children there well. She acted up and stood up for the children being picked on, and was eventually thrown out.
To be taken in by a couple of thieves who raised her, and they too eventually abandoned her to be taken by Interpol. She eventually, got out but went back to stealing since it was the only way for her to survive.
He then offered her a job so she wouldn't have to steal anymore. A job to help him out on his adventures. She took the job and gave him a big hug tackling him to the ground. Their lips are inches from each other. They stared at each other cheeks bright red. They quickly pulled away, blushing awkwardly. He even taught her how to use a gun, she'd never blushed so hard in her entire life.
Once they solved it, in the end, they confessed their feelings for one another and arrived back at his flat.
Tintin tackled her onto the bed her hands pinned above her head, still holding the wallet. “was this always your endgame?” he asked, and a mischievous grin grew across her lips as she stared at him. As he leaned down to kiss her on the lips a smile grew across her lips as she kissed him back. unknowing of his hand slowly taking the wallet from her hand, and pulling back from the kiss, and waving it above her head causing her to gasp.
and smile, "hey, you stole that trick from me." She shouted, and playfully started reaching for him causing him to lift it higher. She pouted until she got the upper hand wrapping her legs around his waist. and pinning him to the bed. She smiled playfully, as she took the wallet from his hand. "Was this your endgame?" She asked, mischievously marching her fingers on his shirt.
She dangles his wallet in front of his face and he reaches to grab it, but she swiftly moves it out of the way. And kisses him on the lips passionately, moving her head slowly. His hands wrap around her waist pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. his hand slowly creeping up her back gripping the back of her head. while the other creeps its way underneath her shirt.
Causing her to lose her grip on the wallet, and for Tintin to swiftly snatch it. He pulled away from the kiss and dangled the wallet in front of her face, she pouted and blushed from embarrassment. Her lips were red and plump, her cheeks bright red, and her hair a mess.
He looked at her for a moment before pulling her closer onto his chest, and back into a kiss. She smiled softly, feeling his lips against her, and kissed him back once more. She grinned mischievously as she reached for the covers pulling it over them.
a/n: sorry if it seemed rushed but you've been waiting long enough hope you enjoyed.
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hellasarthole · 2 years
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Fem Tintin :)
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arianna-creates · 1 year
Can I draw your fem!Tintin in this style(hair and outfit)?
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Of course! Tag me if you post bc I want to see it!! :)
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greatsnakestintin · 2 years
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Fem!tintin based on that unhinged panel
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expired-elixir · 2 years
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Hello! Hope you're doing well! This may be a really odd request (I apologize if it is) but could I request a fluffy tintin x latina!turkish!fem!reader? Where reader just moved into town and has had trouble adjusting with how new the environment is but tintin welcomes her with open arms? Sorry if it's weird 🤍
I didn't really do much with the Latina aspect but she is Turkish! I hope you like it :)
(Also the Turkish may not be correct as I used google translate)
Tintin with a  Latina! Turkish! Reader
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"En sonunda! Sonunda buraya geldim! (Finally! I've finally come here!)" You looked around at the beautiful city of Brussels
You'd been wanting to come ever since you were a little girl and read about it in one of the libraries books
But as you tried to get acquainted with life in Belgium you found it rather difficult, sure Turkey and Belgium are both in Europe but they're such different places!
You couldn't walk a mile back home without someone stopping you for a friendly chat, but here everyone's rather distant and keep to themselves
Plus the weather! In Turkey it's so nice and hot, but, ugh, Belgium is so rainy and drab, you had rarely used an umbrella before, but now it's like you're glued to one!
You had started to become disappointed and dissatisfied finding the country to be nothing like you thought it was
"Bu umduğum gibi bir şey değil... belki de eve dönmeliyim. (This is nothing like I hoped... maybe I should go back home.)" You thought to yourself before someone tapped you on the shoulder
"Um, excuse me… May I sit here?" He was an early adult, somewhere in his twenties, with orange hair wearing a trench coat
"Of course! I thought no one would ever ask here…" You quietly whispered to yourself, yet it was loud enough for him to have heard and he started to laugh
"Yeah, I can see what you mean… But trust me, I'm a total extrovert, my name's Tintin by the way." He held out his hand for you to shake
"Oh, my name's (Y/n)." You replied holding it firmly before shaking it
Even though at first you found Belgium to be nothing like you had hopped over your time of being friends with Tintin you found so many different things to like instead about Belgium
And he was always there for you in case you got confused by French or just had a bit of culture shock
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Mirio the Tintin man!
Love in the afternoon (fem! s/o) (MHA)
There were no monsters today. 
(Name) stretched giving a content sigh at each pop in her back. Afternoon sunlight drifted in through the living room window. Afternoon already. Her Saturdays should all be this relaxed, she’d get so much more rest. Intern hero work seemed to come with an unnecessary amount of paperwork and exhaustion. This was the first full weekend she had in months.
 Still. There were things to get done however little they were. A little bit of work and she’d return to rest later.
Her attempt to leave the couch was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around her torso. A warm, familiar weight was pressed into her back, giving sleepy grumbles. (Name) smiled placing a hand over his.
“Baby I have to get up.”
“Nooo...” She could feel his head shake against her back, his arms tightening. “Just a little longer.”
“Mirio, come on, I have work to do.” We have work to do. The usually cheerful hero gave a low whine. She chuckled. “It’s not like we can’t cuddle later.”
Mirio stilled. His hand stayed put for a moment, before gripping her tighter and pressing her back into him even more. “Yea but we rarely get to. I don’t get to see you any more.”
(Name)’s heart stung. He wasn’t wrong. Internships at different agencies meant different work hours. Different breaks. Different types of paperwork each with different filing systems. Different villains. A few dates had been canceled because of it before. Come to think of it when was the last time they’d had a date?
She gave a yelp of surprise when Mirio, as if sensing her hesitation, dropped back down onto the couch with his arms still firmly around her to drag her down with him. He laughed at her yelp, tangling their legs together and adjusting so she’d be comfortable on him while he got his favorite blanket. 
“Thanks babe! It’ll just be five more minutes. Promise,” Mirio lied. He pressed a kiss into her forehead before shifting, falling into familiar comfort. (Name) gave a laugh, kissing his collar bone. Her eyes felt unbearably heavy. 
There were no monsters today.
They could wait. 
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sys-garden · 2 years
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Here are some Gender bent Tintin designs! This was super fun to do since I love history and I love fashion so looking up the History of Fashion was just *chief’s kiss*  I also got to practice drawing from a reference without tracing and alot of these drawings came out really good and simliar to my refs (maybe you recongize what reference photos i was using!). Im Gonna explain the choices under the keep reading
 For anyone curious Tintin’s designn was based off roaring 20s fashion since tintin in the land of the soviets was published in 1929 and the most dated aspect of tintin’s orginal design is the plus fours pants that came into popularity in the 20s. Luckily the fashions of the 20s woman were perfect for the type of tintin i wanted, Boyish, free spirited and feminist. Tintin does strive for a respectful but practical look, showing that they are simultaneously the most polite and unhinged people to exist and neither misogyny or concusions will stop them from saving the day. The masculine aspect of the boyishness of 20s fashion shows that Tintin’s open mindedness and strive for change while also exploring gender as a lesbian since I ship haddotin and being sapphic gives you a interesting relationship to gender when so much of feminity is centered around men and your life isn’t centered on men. And the youthful aspect of the 20s fashion shows a carefree spirit and connects to how the youthfulness of tintin made him such a beloved character and relatable character for children despite being an adult. the exceptions to the 1920s fashion were the tintin inspired by tintin’s new 70s look in tintin and the picaros on the top right and the tintin to the left of it inspired by this one drawing herge made of tintin where he was wearing 1680s clothing.
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For fem Haddock I didn’t deviate much from their original design because I wanted her to have a Butch and more mature energy which the mainstream fashions of the 30s and 20s didn’t have. When designing her I was inspired by lesbian director Dorothy Arzner, photos from lesbian bar Le monocle and a drawing for a lesbian focused issue of an old french magazine (I espeically took infleunce from the picture when designing haddocks’ formal wear)
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For the side character I think Chang is the one I’m most proud of, they came out so cute, giving off a humble gracefulness that is true to chang’s character. I was inspired by 1930s women’s fashion in china, after the loser clothes of the 20s the 30s went back to clothes that huged the curves and showed off femininity a bit more and this applies to the qipao in china, when fashion trends pass and are replaced with something new they often are replaced with something that is the opposite of the trend they are replacing. So Chang’s more feminine tight fitting clothes are almost opposite of tintin’s boyish loose clothes and I love the opposite attracts look it creates between them. But Chang’s adventous spirit is still shown in the modernity of their clothes, the striped textile made easily possible by modern texile manufacturing techniques and the knitted cardigan combinding western aspects to a tradtional chinese outfit. It shows that although Chang is a bit more sentitive than tintin they share the same open mindness and taste for new experiences while visually telling a story of China history when it comes to modernity that was visible in the fashions of the Chinese women of the time.
For Abdullah I was inspired by the fashion and modesty expectations of Saudi Arabia since Khemed is suppose to border the red sea so I guessed by that and a panel in Tintin in the land of black gold that features a woman that Khemed was possibly based on Saudi Arabia. Girls don’t tradtionally start wearing modesty clothing until puberty But since some people do hit puberty at nine years old (like i did (isn’t it interesting that abdullah is one of the only characters with a spefic age he is 9 years old) I drew Abdullah in a Niqab and Abaya, Alot of Abayas are plain black but I added some simple geometric shapes to it to add a sense of nobility (hey this kid can afford patterns and other colors) without being ostentatious about being nobility. Abdullah is a very expressive character but the niqab covers most of the face I tried to show in body langauge and eyes that abdullah is a kid that will ruin your day and laugh about it. I don’t get to draw muslim characters alot so this was great practice for future character designs!
Men’s fashion isn’t as diverse as women’s fashion especially back then because toxic masculinity is like “men can’t have fun” but I decided to subvert that for Bianca’s design. Bianca’s design is probably the 3rd design i’m most proud of because I wasn’t even planning on doing it because I thought it would be boring. But I decided to look at the classic fit fitting with lose pant legs tuxedo’s of the 1930s and spice it up with color of Bianca’s classic dress and jewerlly. Even as a man Bianca would be dramatic and want to stand out from the crowd so while many men were turning to more simple clothes and still wearing boring colors Bianca would try flaunt wealth and personailty where ever they went.
You know how Caclulus’ design is basically just scientist Auguste Piccard? While for this design I decided to make their design basically just Marie Curie but with caclulus’ classic color scheme and trying to keep the shape of caclulus’ original shape. Caclulus’ original outfit doesn’t quite fit into the fashion of the time with being just a tad too formal and too bright. And the marie curie inspired dress does give this caclulus a vibe of being an eccentric older person as he did before, and the hairstyle also gives calculus a vibe of not only being too busy to care if their hair is out of place, but also not caring if other people think their hair is out of place or if other people think they dress weirdly. Calculus is smart, eccentric, unhinged, and free from social anxiety and I hope I communicated that with this design.
Nestor was simply inspired by a tradtional maid outfit with the added yellow stripes as seen on nestor’s orignial design. And their the only character I added makeup on because the simple eye and mouth design of most of the male characters made putting makeup on them feel weird. But since Nestor has this eye design that is hooded I felt comfortable adding black eyeshadow to the ensamble. 
Thompson and Thomson were difficult because I couldn’t look at female cops of the time to be inspired by because there were none. But I decided since this is before cops had uniforms so they just had to buy simple cheap clothes to wear on the job (such as a black suit) I wanted to go with a simple black and white outfit inspired by 1930s fashion. I also had to not make them too fashionable because I wanted them to have a older vibe to them and make it so they look really simliar but there is something keeping them apart. I decided on wide long collar, a belt for a more form fitting outfit, long skirts, bell shaped sleeves, a classic slouch hat and short wavy hair for aspects of 1930s fashion to intergate into their outfits and I made the dresses soild color as many afternoon dresses at the time where, making them acturate to the times but luckly the fashion trends did give them the mature vibe I wanted since 1930s fashion seemed to go mature and feminine where the 1920s were young and boyish. I decided to make the dominate color white instead of black because something in my character design brain was like “if thats way too much black in this outfit” but im still debating if that was a good choice. The things to tell these two apart is that one has glasses, the other doesnt and one has a curl at the ear the curls inward and the other one has a curl that curls outward...though I’m not sure which one I made thompson and which one is thomson
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elviraaxen · 4 years
I’m obsessed with ur Tintin art and it’s making my want to finish my fem Haddock cosplay...
Omg if you do please link me I’ve gotten so re-invested in TinTin and I need CONTENT 😭
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therizzler69 · 2 months
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some coloured doodles of fem tintin bcuz i’ve got art block and it’s killing me
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miitarashi · 1 year
ok hear me out, I was just thinking about something-
the reader who usually dyes her hair red (or another color), so one day she asks Tintin to help her dye it. And so he does this, and after she washes her hair he helps her dry and brush it and--- it would be so cute <3 (fem or gn reader, you can choose)
don't feel pressured, you can write this whenever you want (if you want). It's just that I'm in my Tintin phase, and I love your writing. Don't forget to drink water :)
Owww this idea is so cute tho🥺
PLEASE STAY IN YOUR TINTIN PHASE WE NEED MORE PEOPLE ON THIS FANDOM (and yes i had just drank a whole cup of water thank you for the preocupation😘)
You love my writing??? Bro 😭 i love you dear unknow person,I LOVE U
Sooo,let's go to the main thing now shall we??
[Name] = reader (fem)
Warnings: none. Just some quality time with this precious boy (and sorry for any gramatical errors)
Prompt - hair day with Tintin's help.
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You just finished your bath. On the way out of the bathroom,you see your reflexion on the mirror and soon noticed the state of your hair. It's been a long time since you dyed and the roots where growing pretty fast.
"Hm...guess it's time to dye again..." - you commented out loud for yourself.
After drying your hair,you started to get the things from your drawer that you keep there exactly for this occasion.
"[Name]? I'm home" - you hear Tintin's voice,along the sound of the door closing and a bark from Milu.
"Welcome! I'm on the bedroom" - as you put that same old shirt,already with some red hair dye marks,you warned,hearing his footsteps getting close.
"Can i come in?" - you quickly said yes,and he openned the door,as soon he sees the shirt,already knew what you were about to do.
"Hey,any good hints about this case for now?" - he let a little sigh.
"Unfortunaly,nothing conclusive. Seems like i'm walking in circles. Hair day?" - he ask sitting on the bed,watching you.
You nod mixing the bleach, determined to completely restore your hair color as it looked a bit faded. As you finished,putting the mirror in a good position,you was about to start the rather time-consuming process of bleaching and painting.
"[Name]?" - you hummed.
"Can i help you with it this time?"
You stopped,looking back at him a bit confused by the sudden request. By your face,he could know what you was probably thinking and get up from the bed walking over to you.
"I just thought it would be better with more hands to do the job. And well,if i learn how to do it properly,i can basically make the "hair day" a day that i can pamper you a bit. Sounds good,right?" - he finish with that little cute smile that you just can't resist making you sigh a bit and laugh.
"Another one? Don't you already pamper me enough Mr Tintin?" - you reply in a playful tone.
He giggle softly and kiss your forehead tenderly.
"A bit more is not so bad,and beside,look at it as a way to make up for the time i've been gone on my adventures. I want to spend as much time with my beautiful girl i can" - as he say it,his thumb caress your cheek lightly,one of his habits that you love with passion. Those light touches that pass what he's feeling in a humble way.
"Ok ok,you won....but you have to dye your hair with-"
"Damm- that was the most fast and convicted answer i've ever heard" - you laugh at his adamant reply.
Tintin roll his eyes,that small smile still there as he watch you giggle.
"Now now" - he hold your shoulders from behind looking at you by the mirror - "from where do we start?"
"First,put other clothes just in case. Those ones that you almost don't use anymore because the hair dye really stains and never get out. Since you're on my house..."
You get up from the chair,going for your closet and after a little while you found another shirt that you don't use much and it's a pretty large size that can probably fit him.
"Here,this one"
"Thank you,[Name]" - you just nod back as a response and goes back for your chair.
As he begin to remove his sweater,you was openly looking,what made him stop and look back at you.
"A little privacy,please?"
"Oh- of course" - and jokingly you put a hand to cover your eyes,leaving a wide openning that still give you full vision.
"Ok ok,sorry. It's hard to resist but i'll do my best!"
As you sit with your back facing him,you could hear a quiet chuckle.
"Sometimes,i really can't with you"
"I made you laugh then it was worth it!"
This time you was the one giggling as he gets closer again,already changed with your another old shirt.
"I can't deny that. Well,and now?"
"We do the sectioning. Separating in four parts and do the strand test to see if my hair can handle it without problems and just then, we start to discolor with the bleach"
"Sounds...toilsome" - you shrug and look up to him.
"And that's is just the first part"
"Oh Lord" - you couldn't contain the chuckle at his suprised response.
"Yeah,i know. Ready to start this time consuming thing?"
"Well,i was the one who asked,so let's get into it"
You take the bowl with the bleach and start teaching him how to do it,being a fast leaner make things easier for you and not too much later,after making the test and seen that your hair could handle it,you both really begin the work. He always tried his best to be careful,stopping at the slight sound or move of you,when he was detangling your hair mostly.
After bleaching your hair,letting you wash this time,he soon begin to apply the hair dye,concentrated to not mess up even when he already leaned how to do it. You could see through the mirror that focused face of his making you giggle by how seriously he end up taking care of it.
"Is there something funny?" - he ask taking another lock and putting the hair dye.
"Hm? Oh,nothing nothing,don't worry"
You play it off with a sweet smirk,seeing Tintin still looking at you through the mirror for a moment and smiling.
"And you,found something funny?"
As the table's turn,you end up asking the same question with a eyebrow rised and he shake his head lightly looking back at your hair.
"Just admiring" - he said simply,leaving you confused a bit.
"Your smile. I couldn't not look" - he say in that honest and soft tone making a little blush grow on your cheek as you rolled your eyes playfully making him chuckle this time.
"And...done" - he pass the rest of the paint on your hair covering with the hood.
"Thank you Tintin" - you get up and kiss his cheek.
As you begin to take things away,he take off the gloves and throw on the trash with the rest seeing the tip of his fingers a bit red by the paint.
"Guess i'll have to stay with it for a while" - he say looking down to his hands,getting your attention.
"Looks like you just killed someone" - you come over to him.
"And i can't even deny it" - he comment with a small shake of his head.
"Don't worry,i'll help you hide the body-"
"Oh come on- this is just a proof of how much i love you!" - you say following him out of the room.
"A morbid way indeed"
"...well yeah,but it's true..." - you hug him by his waist resting your chin on the chest looking up with almost puppy eyes.
"Guess i have to deal with it then?" - you nod happily and he give a little kiss on your nose making your smirk grow a bit.
"Feeling hungry?"
"Yeah...what about we buy something for dinner and eat while watching some movie or other thing?"
"hm,sounds good. What do you-"
"pizza!" - you cut his speak,excited since it's been a while that you didn't eat this.
"ok then,pizza will be"
He walked over the living room telephone ordering the pizza,you favorite flavor. When it arrived,both of you sited comfortable on the couch,you snuggling closer to his chest while a hand goes right for your waist to keep you near him. While watching a random movie,you two eat pizza until you look up at the clock, noticing that the hair dye had already make effect and you had to take it off.
"Time to take the hair dye off?" - he asked when you leave his cozy and warm embrance to get up receiving a nod from you.
When you was about to walk away,Tintin had get up from the couch too and begin to follow your steps towards the bathroom making you stop just to look back at him.
"why you following me..?"
"to take the hair dye off. I begin,so i have to finish,can i?" - you just shrug with a small smile at his demeanor.
And you two go to the bathroom next. He pulls out a chair for you to sit by the sink, allowing him to use the small shower in the bathroom to wash the dye out of your hair. When he was done, he was careful when untangling it so it didn't hurt too much, making a point of striking up a conversation every now and then or simply complimenting you to try and make your cute cheeks redden a little (which he did). After helping to moisturize your hair because of the fresh dyeing, as soon as you two left the bathroom he dried your hair and combed it one last time, arranging it the way you like it.
"and... that's it. We're done" - put the comb aside and walked away so you could look at yourself in the mirror.
"much better,the color is vivid again!" - you say happily seeing your hair restored to its former glory.
"beautiful as always" - he approached saying that before kissing her cheek and resting his hands on her shoulders.
"so,am i approved to help you next time?"
"hm...i guess so"
"you guess?" - his tone was almost sarcastic as he looked at you.
"relax, i'm just playing around" - you turned around, hugging him by the neck, which promptly rested his hands on your waist.
"of course you can"
"great,i'm more than thankful for it"
A soft smile grew on his face, planting a lingering kiss on her lips hugging her waist. When he pulled away, he kept the same smile, brushing a strand of your red hair behind your ear so he could have a full view of your face, caressing the cheek with his thumb, finishing with a forehead kiss.
"i love you [Name]" - in an almost whisper tone, just for you to hear, he said making you smile a little.
"I love you too Tintin"
Staring back into his caring blue eyes,you bend forward to return the kiss,pulling away with a sweet smirk.
"but next time you'll dye your hair with me!"
Seeing your determinated face,he laugh quietly before giving his answer,holding eye contact making you anxious for a positive response and then:
"oh come on-"
A/N: finally i finished it! Dammit i hate my procrastination 😭. But here it is my dear unknow person! Thank you again for the request. And bro- i'm almost with 50 followers??? Like what in the great heavens- when i hit 50 i'll do a part 2 of the headcanons since i have much more of them,but i'll already thank you all for it,i wasn't really expecting this much of people liking my content lol. I love y'all! 😌♥️
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Tumblr media
The Adventures of Tintin
Tintin x Reader ideas
one shots
The Reporter and the Thief (requested) coming soon
(summary: Tintin enlists the help of a thief for an adventure)
Hiding how we feel
Tintin x Fem!Reader
(summary: while finding a missing relic. Tintin finds a missing princess and they slowly fall for one another)
imagine: being married to Tintin
Imagine: going on adventures with Tintin
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greatsnakestintin · 2 years
Trying my hand at drawing fem!tintin and honestly, ,,, in love
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