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felywrites · 7 years ago
Sneak Peak!
So this is an unedited draft from the chapter that will (hopefully!!) be updated ASAP. I’m really excited about this and I hope you guys are, too :)
He didn’t realize his hands were shaking until he tried to light his cigarette. He wavered, staring at the flame as it flickered and moved up and down, and then bent down regardless with the smoke in his mouth. He took a deep inhale, slipping the lighter back into his pocket, and stared into the darkness as the smoke dripped from his nose.
“What’s wrong?”
Owen sighed heavily, feeling his shoulders slump, and a burning ache through his body. “I… I fucked up, Mum.”
“With Gwen?” Owen nodded, and wished he could feel Melody’s embrace right now. He let out a slightly watery laugh, thinking about how small she would be compared to him now. “What mistakes have yah made?”
“I hurt her,” he replied immediately. “Didn’t protect her when she needed to me tah. I… I’ve used her. I’m just like da’. An’ she’s like yah--small an’ gentle, with an attitude when she’s comfortable. I’ve just fucked up.”
He couldn’t stop the burning behind his eyes and in his throat. He hated to cry. “An’ I dunno what tah do.”
“D’yah love her?”
The question hung in the air. His chest panged like his heart had stopped. He had trouble sucking in a breath, and he could hear a side comment in the silence that the smoke from the cigarette wasn’t helping. He bit his lip, and his fingers crushed the smoke. He let it fall to the ground.
Did he love her? Was he prepared to answer that? He didn’t know that he knew what love was. Flurries of memories played in his mind, when Gwennie was hurt, or laughing, or asleep. She was like a Renaissance painting, with a million emotions and ideas captured into a piece. He realized he wished he could sit in a museum and stare at her, analyze every brush stroke that created her. He wanted her for himself, just to view and adore alone.
Owen felt a small hand brush through the curls on the back of his neck, and when he turned, for a moment he could see his mum. She smiled at him.
“Yeah… Yeah, I do.”
“I think yah know what’s right, Colonial Boy,” Melody whispered. “Go on.”
He took a deep and shaky breath, and her hand disappeared. His eyes closed, a single tear dripping down his cheek, and he turned around, going back towards the door.
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felyneve90 · 8 years ago
Plz come back to writing 😭
What if I gave you a little sneak peek of what I've been working on on @felywrites?
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societalfailure · 9 years ago
AHHHH when are u going to update Gwen and boomer?? I'm going crazy😂I have to know what happens next and get my weekly boomer fix you're killing me here!😂😩
Hey, @witty-curled-madcap, I’m afraid you’ve got me confused with my friend @felywrites! I’m sure she would be happy to let us know when she’s planning on posting her next update though, wouldn’t you, @felyneve90?
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felywrites · 7 years ago
Excellent News
Hello, all! Oh man, it’s been so long, and I swore I wasn’t gonna be one of those writers that just abandoned a piece. But I had to sort of look after my mental health first, and get that in order, and with a really good support system, I believe I’m honestly making really good progress! I’ve had fresh ideas bloom into my mind for our lovely Bennie, and I’ve already begun to write again. By the end of the week I’m really hoping to get you all a sneak peek! Thank you guys so much for being here for me. I seriously think about how much love all of you gave me, and still do, daily. I’m really excited for what will come with Bennie and hoping that by the end of summer I’ll have an update schedule again. Until then, please ask me if you have any questions! I’ll be updating you guys as much as I can.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 9 years ago
I accidentally deleted an ask, when I went to answer it. The person who asked about the fic where Jai had a roommate, who got mad because he brought a chick home and she went to a friend’s. Then he goes after her, brings her back home... 
The answer you wanted is: Nope, I didn’t write that, which is why you can’t find it in my stuff. The fic you are looking for is, (I am 99.999992% sure this is it)  Mousie by @felywrites and yep, it is a really good read! 
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thecaptainboomerang · 8 years ago
That’s both strange and flattering. @felyneve90 Is there anyone else on here you ship? (I dunno if you really should ship real people though unless they’re already in a relationship. I don’t really mind but some people might take offense?)
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emmysrandomthoughts · 9 years ago
Would you ever write Captain Boomerang? You do such an amazing job with DL, and I was just wondering 😎
Thank you :) 
I actually don’t know enough about Captain Boomerang to be able to. DL is probably the only thing I’ll ever be able to write, TBH. And that’s only because I spun my own personal story into it. 
However, my dear Tumblr friend @felyneve90 writes amazing Boomer fic, so I recommend you check out her blog, as well as her writing blog @felywrites. 
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felywrites · 8 years ago
Alright y'all, I have some news for you guys. Unfortunately, I think I just need a break. IYLS isn't clicking with me right now and I think it's because I'm burned out, I have been keeping up with them for a year (literally, I started writing January 23, so almost a year). I just gotta take some time for me, and maybe some other things will be written in the mean time.
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felywrites · 8 years ago
Hey guys!
So unfortunately, I've been too busy in these past two weeks to write much at all, so there will not be an update this Sunday. But there should be one the next! Happy holidays to everyone and I hope you all have a good week!
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felywrites · 9 years ago
Almost to 400
So I'm almost to four hundred followers and I was wondering if you guys might like a one shot in celebration? :)
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felywrites · 9 years ago
Alright, guys, if you've sent an ask I'll get to it as soon as possible! Tumblr hasn't been giving me any notifications. Thanks, loves!
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felywrites · 9 years ago
Two hundred... Wow! That's insane! I remember putting this up and thinking people weren't really going to like the stuff I put out, but here I am. So two hundred is a pretty big number. Thank you guys so so much.
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felywrites · 9 years ago
Hey y’all. Got a little memo, if you wanna call it that. Do I have any Australian followers? Because if I do I would really like your help. Could y’all contact me? 
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felywrites · 9 years ago
My my my! I’m so flattered! Thank you guys so much, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it when I see you guys likin’ and rebloggin’. Let’s have a drink of celebration, yeah? 
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emmysrandomthoughts · 9 years ago
How do you think Eric would be with babies, separately in terms of newborns and being around a year? Toddlers? When his partner is pregnant?
I think if he wanted nothing to do with it or her, he wouldn’t be around at all. If he did, then I suggest you read Lilli Darling by @felyneve90. 
That’s a great Daddy!Eric story, about him with a newborn after her mother died. 
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felywrites · 9 years ago
The Prospect of Being Incapacitated
Based on this prompt: “I got this headcanon from a good friend while talking about our problematic fav Eric: your boyfriend Eric getting seriously hurt and he has to undergo a surgery and he is a little bit afraid or something like that and you have to promise to him, that you´ll stay by his side till he wakes up and that everything will be good then? thank you so much :D hugs” *hugs back* Thank you! I hope you like it, Nonnie! Rating: G  Pairing: Eric/reader  Fandom: Divergent  By: @felywrites​ Title: The Prospect of Being Incapacitated    He wouldn’t look at you. He was refusing to as he stared at the wall across from him, jaw clenched tightly. You held  his hand gently, squeezing it with your fingers every now and then. The only reason you knew he was still paying attention was because every now and then, he would squeeze back
   Eric was scared. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, and you knew that if you even tried to tell him he was he would glare at you and tell you to get out. Whether he actually wanted you to leave was another situation entirely, you decided, after you went to get up for lunch and he clung to your arm, trying to beg without actually doing so, silently asking you to stay. So you did.
   There was a bullet in his lower back, pressed against a nerve on his spine. The nurses told you both that if you didn’t take action and have it taken out, he would remain paralyzed, but if it was taken out, there was no promise of him still being able to walk. He went pale at that, and dismissed them with a glare.
   He hated being helpless. You wished he would talk sometimes, about how he was feeling. You had never forced him, because you knew he hated it; it made him feel weak. You thought though, that in this situation, it might be best for him to confide in someone. You hoped it would be you if he did, you were his fiance after all.
   It had been nearly five hours since he’d last spoken, so when you heard, “Y/N?” coming from his bed, you startled. You looked up from where you had rested your head on the hospital bed.
   He looked nervous, his expression tense. “Yes?” Eric squeezed your hand a little.
   “What if I can’t walk again?” The words were nothing more than a whisper. He bit down on his lip, his eyes desperately searching yours.
   “Then you don’t,” you replied softly. “But that doesn’t mean you need to give up, Eric.”
   Eric stared at you, confusion clouding his eyes. “I won’t be able to be a soldier anymore,” he said, his hand squeezing yours a bit tighter. “What will I be?”
   You leaned forward, kissing his cheek. “You’ll always be my soldier.”
   The leader swallowed thickly and slowly nodded his head before looking away. “Will you stay with me? Through the surgery?”
   “Of course, I will.” He looked up and you smiled. “Soldier Boy.” He rolled his eyes, scowling, and you burst into a fit of giggles.
   His surgery took time. You watched through the observation window, since they wouldn’t let you into the room. There were three doctors straight from Erudite here, several nurses, both Dauntless and Erudite, crowded around the table.    
You couldn’t see too much of what was going on, only catching glimpses of Eric’s opened back, the red and pink flash of muscles as they carefully went in to retrieve the bullet, trying not to cause more damage than already done. Eric was asleep before his surgery even took place, drugged up in order to help him relax.    
So far, to you it seemed, everything was steady. The surgeons moved with calm precision. You had met them before they took Eric in to perform the operation, and they seemed just as unperturbed then as they did now. They did nothing to calm your fears, though. Their reassurances made you feel sick to your stomach. What if he was paralyzed? What if something went wrong? Was it possible Eric could die?   
 You rolled your eyes at that. Highly unlikely, but the thought still had lurked at the back of your mind. You bit your lip as you watched, fingers drumming against your thighs. You wanted to pace, but you didn’t want to leave the window, so you settled for tapping your foot along with the tattoo your fingers beat out.    
Relief flooded through you when you saw one of them step back, dropping the bullet that had been lodged in his back on a metal platter beside the table.   
They took to sewing the incisions they made back together, eerily silent as they completed the procedure, the quickest part of this entire nerve-wracking ordeal. You stood silently and left the room.
   Continuing to hold his hand, you waited for him to wake up. The doctors had told you that it was about a fifty-fifty percent chance that he would ever walk again, and he wasn’t even going to be allowed to try to walk until his back was healed. They also told you that he might not be able to feel his legs for sometime -if he ever does again, you had thought bitterly- since the nerves in his back were tender and needed to heal.
    You didn’t know how long he was going to be asleep for, due to the medication they had given them. You were certain that he would be exhausted and irritable when he woke, and if he wasn’t tired, you were positive he would be touchy. You figured it would be best if you steeled yourself for it now, you had no idea where you found the patience to deal with him half the time.
    “You stayed,” he rasped. You looked up at him with a little smile and squeezed his hand.
    “I did.”    
Eric stared at you for a moment, his eyes and face guarded in his default cold, and stoic expression, before replying, “Thank you.”
    Lifting his hand to your lips, you kissed his knuckle and nodded. “Of course. I wouldn’t leave for anything, Soldier Boy.”
    He groaned at the nickname. “Will you stop calling me that?” He snapped, and you grinned.
    “Because it annoys you.”
    He sighed loudly and you bit your lip to hide your smile. “How are you feeling?”
    Eric looked over to you and just shook his head. “Fine enough. Did they tell you anything?”
You nodded and he gestured for you to expand. You hesitated, not really wanting to give him the statistics on if he may walk again, but you sucked it up. “They said there’s about a fifty percent chance you will walk again, and that you can’t try to walk until your back is healed. They said you wouldn’t be able to feel your legs for awhile.”
You could practically hear him break, and you had been expecting this for sometime. A tear rolled down his cheek, and you saw him turn his head, desperately trying to hide it from you, unwilling to see his pride wounded. You stood up and leaned over the bed, grabbing his head and pulling him to you, cradling him to your body.
He shook as he cried in silence, hanging onto you tightly as you shushed him, running your hand through his hair as you assured him that he would be okay, and that you would always be there for him.
 He was lying in the guest bedroom, as he couldn’t get up the stairs into his own room, and you stayed beside him every night. He was allowed to go home, with strict instructions of bed rest and almost daily appointments in the infirmary. He never admitted it, but you could see how tired he was, and how grateful he was when you wheeled him into the apartment. 
   Eric hated the wheelchair, and didn’t use it much unless he had to, meaning he stayed in bed. He hated that too, only fractionally less than being pushed around, or using his arms to propel himself.
Occasionally, he swore he could feel his legs, or make a toe move, and he would grin secretly to himself, not knowing that you were watching him. It was promising, and you hoped that he would be able to stand on his own two feet again.
You got home from refilling his prescription medications the Infirmary provided, and you were giddy, marching back to the guest bedroom with a slight skip in your step. You couldn’t wait to tell him.    
You set the pill bottles on the nightstand and grinned at him. He glared at your smile like it was a bright light shining at him after waking up, before his eyes adjusted. “What?” He growled.    
“The x rays of your back came from Erudite today,” you bit your lip and he raised an eyebrow. “You’re allowed to start physical therapy. Eric, they think you’re going to be able to walk again.”
   He took deep breaths as he sat up on the bed, his feet on the floor, his hands on your shoulders. His exercising had restored some of the lost muscle in his legs, and allowed him to re-accustom himself to walking, and how it could possible feel completely different.
    You waited until he was ready, and he slowly, very slowly, stood up. He leaned heavily on you, and you had to step back to support his weight. Then, he grinned, as if to say to himself, “Look at me, I’m standing.”
    You grinned right back, stepping back a little, pulling him with you, and he walked after you, laughing softly to himself as he grabbed your shoulders a little harder, pulling you towards him. His arms wrapped around your shoulders and he bent over, his face pressed against your neck as he continued to laugh.
    “I told you,” you whispered, arms wrapping back around him. “I told you everything would be fine, Soldier boy.”    
“Yeah yeah,” he replied. “I know.”    
You pulled your head back, kissing the tip of his nose. “I love you.” He pulled you into a kiss, keeping your bodies pressed close. You knew he loved you, too.
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