#fellow romans
saruvanthewhite · 6 months
This may have already been pointed out, but something just dawned on me. dɯnɹ⊥ has compared himself to Jesus several times.
This of course is an utterly ridiculous, stupefying, and absurd comparison; Even if you think poƃ is pretend. He’s compared himself to an ideal. An ideal that’s been co-opted & rewritten to fit an agenda.
I digress
Still, I think we ought to entertain him at this play-pretend-savior game because…
… it’s almost Easter.
We got this. Vox Populii, correct?
Pilate us away from all this!
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egophiliac · 11 months
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now that I can think semi-coherently again...whooooo's ready for Friday WEEHOO
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artphilosophie · 5 months
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brother-emperors · 4 months
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lmao the rival dynasts are fighting and they're fucking it up for everyone else at a record pace
this tweet made me laugh, and I frequently make political comparisons between these specific groups of people, so now it's finally a comic
regarding the OctavianOctaviaAntony Uniteam Alliance
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Octavia Minor and the Transition from Republic to Empire, Katrina Moore
in the red panel, which is an obvious anachronistic soup of events happening all at once: we have on the left: messalla corvinus
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Alternative Memoirs: Tales from the ‘Other Side’ of the Civil War, Kathryn Welch
and then octavia (in despair & weaponizing that sacrosanctity to turn rome against antony), some kids (the two closest to antony are the twins, but tbh you can just kind of. pick whoever from the soccer team of kids antony had)
octavian and antony's back and forth is referencing suetonius augustus 68 and 69 (specifically: Antony also writes to Augustus [...] "What has made such a change in you? Because I lie with the queen? She is my wife. Am I just beginning this, or was it nine years ago? What then of you — do you lie only with Drusilla? Good luck to you if when you read this letter you have not been with Tertulla or Terentilla or Rufilla or Salvia Titisenia, or all of them. Does it matter where or with whom you take your pleasure?") and also the whole. thing. about antony's will. that sure was something.
the herod comment from kleopatra is referencing all of this
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Mark Antony: A Biography, Eleanor Huzar
AND FINALLY. the art in the inset panels are from The Roses of Heliogabalus, Lawrence Alma-Tadema
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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ch-essss · 1 month
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credits to that guy in my college for making the template, js wanted to draw all my fixations in one drawing !!1
can't believe i actually got it done though ,,,
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broomsick · 1 year
Roman polytheism is so very fascinating to me. It's unfortunately misunderstood by a lot of people as some kind of "rip-off" of Greek polytheism when in fact, it finds its source in so many different influences from all around the Mediterranean. If you are a roman polytheist, you are valid and you have all my respect.
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corkyviolet · 9 months
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There's so much light around you.
FELLOW TRAVELERS — Beyond Measure, 1x06
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romanreigns · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Chief!
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hinamie · 5 days
Your last Nanami pic had me yearning for more Nanami but with Higuruma together 😮 if you want to make a doodle of them.
(Lives in a shipping dream where those two responsible adults do responsible adults things but together.)
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IM SORRY i would love to but i know nothing abt him and his design doesn't rly appeal to me ,,, i support u tho :'<<<<
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call-me-aesthetic · 11 months
It’s midnight and I haven’t shared a thought in a while so have this
Part 1, Part 2
So not me coming back from the dead just to talk about the new characters, Gidel and Fellow Honest.
Like most people, I fell in love with these two when they were finally revealed but something about their appearances reminded me of a certain duo…
And I couldn’t think of it until now: ROMAN TORCHWICK AND NEOPOLITAN‼️
This might just be my delusional ass talking but let me explain.
- Both consists of a sexy and dapper redhead with long luxurious lashes, and fights/welds a cane.
- Both also have a short sidekick that’s mute.
- Are con artists (probably some tragic backstory behind it).
- Both duo have a familial relationship with each other.
- Allude to similar fairytales, Pinocchio in this case.
- Have beef with teenagers.
I could list more but since this event literally just came out, imma have to slow my ass down 💀 Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk tho
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Btw if TWST decides to do English dub, PLEASE have Fellow share the same VA as Torchwick, IM BEGGING YOU 🙏
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bugwolfsstuff · 16 days
Why do i feel like Kaos is gonna be the next Lore Olympus?
No that is not a compliment.
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voltttmeter · 4 months
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roman + leah in middle school
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linseedling · 9 months
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Kieran Culkin "Roman Roy" Funeral Speech Cards from Season 4, Episode 9: "Church and State"
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arbor-tristis · 9 months
I just realised that Hawk probably did get to live his dream of a free bachelor life in Italy in the end. Where he can "eat what he wants and fucks who he wants." No Lucy, no kids, no prying eyes. Skippy was never originally part of that happy ending and now he definitely won't be.
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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It’s a little bit ‘I was the match and you were the rock, maybe we started this fire/We sat apart and watched all we had burn on the pyre,’ and ‘Do you understand that we will never be the same again?’ from Bastille’s The Things We Lost In The Fire
and a little bit:
‘A l’instar de son aîné, Caius Antonius sait se montrer délicieux. Il est cultivé, intelligent, plein d’esprit, gracieux, amiable. Surtout, il appartient à la même génération que Brutus, au même milieu. Depuis le départ de Cassius pour l’Orient, il y à quatre mois, Marcus a vécu avec des hommes dont il pourrait être le père, ou avec les soldats, des bas officiers plus âgés mais qui ne sont pas de son monde.’
and also
‘En juin, Cassius a enlevé Laodicée et définitivement défait les forces de Dolabella. Jugeant les autres à sq propre mesur, le beau Publius Cornelius s'est souvenu de ce qu'il avait fait subir à Trebonius…Cassius passant pour un homme violent et rancunier, pour un ami fidèle aussi, Dolabella s'est dit qu'il allait payer la mort horrible de l'ancien gouverneur.’
Brutus: Assassin par idéal, Anne Berner
actually it’s mostly about how my entire playlist for the road leading up to Philippi (after both Brutus and Cassius leave Rome after the assassination of Caesar) is Bastille’s Bad Blood album on repeat. I want their relationship to get messy. There’s another version of this scene that gets a lot more teeth to the subtext of the conversation, but I wanted to play around with it first before committing to like. room layouts. there was originally a couple of transitional panels before the last 2 because I wanted Brutus to really chew on this thought he has, but augh. stairs. didn’t feel like drawing those.
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romanfucker · 10 months
hey. romencken nation. do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior fellow travelers
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