#felix x coriolanus
snowalwayslandsontop · 2 months
"I'm sorry, but did you just say that I should marry Felix." Coriolanus was certain that he had not heard Doctor Gaul correctly. It was late, nearly midnight and she had been working him at all hours in the lead up to the next Games. They were months away but he knew she was scrambling to make these the best, yet again. "Yes. I've been giving this some thought recently and it makes sense. You need a political alliance if you aren't planning on remaining a Game Maker forever. The Plinth dollar will only take you so far and they're still District, regardless of where they reside." Doctor Gaul was hovering in his office doorway, her bag in hand as she was clearly preparing to leave for the evening. "I'm certain there are more suitable candidates for a marriage of convenience." Coriolanus had never once considered Felix as a prospective partner. They were friends in the vaguest sense. He was closer to Festus than he was to Felix but they had spent enough time together over the years. "Who exactly did you have in mind? Miss Dovecote has made it clear that she wants to marry for love, not convenience which is why she still remains unattached. Livia Cardew? Her only saving grace is her mothers connection to the Bank of Panem. A pretty thing but she will bring you nothing but trouble." Gaul offered him a pointed look. This was not the first time they had discussed his prospective marriage. He had no interest in marrying for love. It was an entanglement he didn't need. No one would ever be allowed to touch his heart again. Lucy Gray. Sejanus. They were both in the past now and he would only look forward to the future. He liked Clemensia and he had floated the idea of marriage but she had turned him down, knowing they would never find that type of love with one another. Besides, she had never quite forgiven him for working with Gaul after what she had done to her. "I don't think Felix Ravinstill is interested in forming a relationship with me, let alone a marriage for convenience." Coriolanus remained unconvinced about Gauls supposed plan. Had she already discussed this with President Ravinstill? Just what she was hoping to get out of this? She hadn't come up with this plan out of the goodness of her heart. He knew Gaul viewed him as a pawn in her own little game and if she wanted this, it was because she was going to get something out of it. "The good news is that Felix doesn't know exactly what he wants. He's quite malleable in the right hands and I'm certain it would not be that difficult to lead him whatever direction you want." Gaul moved further into the room, coming to stand in front of his desk. "A marriage of convenience and a closer relationship with the President than you have right now. He likes you. He sees great potential within you and if you were to marry Felix, you'd be a Ravinstill for all intents and purposes. A powerful position, especially if you intend to take the Presidency one day." Coriolanus sat back in his chair, realising that this was far from a flight of fancy by Doctor Gaul. No, she had given this some deep consideration. She must have been keeping this thought to herself for some time, weeks if not months before she had approached him.
A marriage to Felix wasn't something he had considered before and yet, with Doctors Gauls words, the idea seemed to be taking shape. He would indeed become a Ravinstill, even if he knew he would never willingly give up the Snow name. But it would give him closeness to the family he hadn't had before. Being a family of the 'Old Guard' of Panem alongside the Plinths money could only take him so far and he needed more. The connection was a valuable one that he couldn't use by simply being friends with Felix as he was. But there were more complications than Gaul had considered certainly. "Felix and Festus have been an off and on again couple for some time." Coriolanus mused, more to himself than Doctor Gaul but she was already waving her hand at that concern. "Mr Creed is not going to marry Felix. We both know that he continues to have his eyes set on Persephone Price for marriage and besides, even if he didn't, I'm certain you could turn Felixs head. As I said, he's quite malleable in the right hands." Coriolanus shook his head at that. Could he seduce Felix? Probably. Under the guise of friendship and a marriage that would suit them both. Would that be enough or would Felix need a feeling of love from him too? "And steal him from Festus? The man will never forgive me for it, whether he intends to walk Felix down the aisle or not." "Losing Festus Creed would not be a tragic loss. He might be from old money but he is not powerful enough to cause a problem for you. Besides, if he has genuine feelings for Felix, it could earn you his loyalty." Gaul gave him a pointed look. "He wouldn't want to cause problems for your new husband now, would he?"
Coriolanus supposed not and if Felix did go onto marry Persephone, it could earn him her loyalty too at the insistence of her husband. The Ravinstills, Creeds and Prices support together would be invaluable when the time came to run for President, or anything where he might need the support of some of the more powerful families in the Capitol. He had the Plinths too, who while they were still seen as District, had moved on and up in the world once they had declared him their heir. "Let me sit with this for a few days." Coriolanus needed sometime to wrap his head around with this idea. "Don't sit with it too long. Next Friday evening, you will attend Pluribus' night club and I'll see if I can pull a few strings to ensure Felix is there too." Gaul was turning to leave once more. Coriolanus wondered if he should concerned that Doctor Gaul knew his schedule even when he was off the clock. "It's a casual enough evening, where the drinks can flow freely." "I certainly hope you're not insinuating that I need to get someone drunk to even consider being with me." Coriolanus was only half kidding, although he wondered if there was an insult in her comment. Apparently there wasn't, because she laughed at his words. An off-putting sound that still made his stomach churn despite how many times he had heard it. She paused in the doorway to turn back and face him. "No need to play coy, Mr Snow. We both know that you can be quite persuasive when you choose to be. You're learning. As I said, Felix is quite suggestible and I'm certain you'll able to persuade him without him even realising you're doing it." Gaul gave him a pointed look. There was a hint of smile and amusement across her features but he was also aware that this wasn't a suggestion. She expected him to do this, whether he wanted to or not. "Yes, Doctor Gaul. I'll be there on Friday evening." Coriolanus gave her a nod and Doctor Gaul recognised that he understood that her suggestions weren't really optional. "Very good." Doctor Gaul nodded, a hint of a genuine smile in his direction. "Go home, Mr Snow. It's late." Clearly she was pleased with his response, since she rarely told him it was time to take his leave for the evening. "Yes, Doctor Gaul. Good night." Coriolanus watched her leave the office, feeling relief in her absence. Once he was certain she was gone, he leaned forward to rest his head in his hands.
He had certainly not been expected this when he had come into the office this morning. A potential marriage of Felix Ravinstill? The nuptials would be a long way off yet. They'd need to date first, see if they were compatible in any way because Coriolanus did not want to be miserable or have problems made for him by a difficult spouse. However, Doctor Gaul was correct in that Felix could be easily persuaded, quite malleable under the right guidance. He could be that right guidance. Use Felix to whatever end he needed and discard him if he came too troublesome. His minds eye wandered to Felix. He was a pretty thing certainly. But he was spoiled and he had squandered away his destiny as a Ravinstill. The name and family privilege was wasted on him but it could be salvaged by Coriolanus himself. He could use the name and money and power to take what he wanted, with Felix at his side for as long as he was useful. A fine idea indeed. Coriolanus smiled as he stood, starting to pack up his paperwork for the evening. The idea was growing upon him and he wondered if Friday evening went well, if Felix would attend the Polo match with him on Saturday afternoon. They'd need to take things slow enough, make their romance believable and perhaps give Felix himself a chance to fall in love with him. It would make this arrangement easier. Love clouded ones judgement. He was only too painfully aware of that himself. He wouldn't be foolish enough to put himself in that position again but it could certainly work in his favour if Felix did develop feelings for him. Once his desk was clean and organised, he clicked off the desk lamp and plunged his office into darkness. He picked up his briefcase, closing the door behind him before heading for the elevator, a slight spring in his step as he focused on his next task. Seducing Felix Ravinstill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: This idea would not leave me alone once I had seen your response to the ask about Felix and Coriolanus in a marriage of convenience. @felixravinstills So this is dedicated to you and your splendid takes. I couldn't resist having Gaul have a hand in all of this because she really is the absolute worst and her mentorship with Coriolanus is so deliciously messed up. But I do think once they start dating, Coriolanus develops some obsession with Felix and perhaps passion ignites between them after all.
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mystargirl-interlude · 6 months
“I can fix him” “I can make him better” girl you are worse than him
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gibson-g1rl · 7 months
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happy valentine’s day to my baby daddies 😛💓
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super-nova5045 · 9 months
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for my freaky saltburn girlies
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Lady Made of Snow Masterlist
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬
Cold (one-shot)
All The Rumors are True (or are they?) (one-shot)
A Night on the Town (one-shot)
New Year, Same Problems (one-shot)
Chapter 1: The Reaping
Chapter 2: First Blood
Chapter 3: Dropping Like Flies
Chapter 4: Death and Destruction
Chapter 5: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 6: The Victor’s Defeat
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝
Chapter 7: Reincarnation
Chapter 8: Chills
Chapter 9: The Calm Before the Snowstorm
Chapter 10: The Rise of a King
Chapter 11: The Fall of a Queen
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Chapter 12: Out With the Old
Chapter 13: In With The New
Chapter 14: Erasure
Chapter 15: Blossoming “Love”
Chapter 16: Unraveling
Chapter 17: Power Struggle
Chapter 18: The Chase
Chapter 19: Fixed
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐕 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐛
Chapter 20: Bound
Chapter 21: Rising
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i-understand-vangogh · 9 months
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these are my baby boys.
“i need them in a way that’s offensive to feminism” broski nation
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lufvg · 4 months
I just realized that art and Patrick are now the equivalent of both Coriolanus and Sejanus and Oliver and Felix
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veryberryjelly · 6 months
yo yo
so i've lost a bit of inspiration lately due to some mental health issues, but i love writing, so i am trying my best to get that inspo back.
to do this i have accumulated 34 lyric prompts and randomly assigned them to my 34 favourite characters to write for.
and y'all get to decide which you want to see first.
either comment/send in a number or character and i'll post that fic !
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prompt playlist
all these fics will be under the tag #*ੈ⸝⸝🦢⋆𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐩𝐭 so you can see which fics i’ve written !!
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slaymitchabernathy · 5 months
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Mr. Peacekeeper
“President Coriolanus Snow, I salute you,” he whispers to himself while looking in the mirror.
Coriolanus looks extremely sharp and put together in his opinion. With his perfectly tailored suit, his golden curls slicked back, but not too slicked back, and his shiny black leather shoes.
He remembers a time when he’d sit on the edge of his tiny bunk bed, shining his black Peacekeeper boots. It’s all in the past now. All of it.
Well, not all of it.
He turns and finds Soarynn standing in the doorway of the bedroom, holding her dress up to her chest as if it might fall at any moment. “Yes?” She takes a cautious step into the room before turning around, exposing her bare back along with the dress that hasn’t been laced up yet. That explains why she’s holding onto it for dear life.
He can’t stop the grin from forming on his lips, “Could you string me up?” She asks, casting him a glance from over her shoulder. He nods and walks over to her, his fingers grabbing the strings that will give Soarynn the perfect figure as the dress clings to her shape. He can’t help but stare at the plethora of scars on her back. Some are from cigarettes, from men who liked to put them out on her bare skin. Others are from long nails that hadn’t been cut in a long time.
He tries to forget that time in her life, when she slept with lowlife men for a few sad coins.
He tries to remind himself that she was trying to survive, to provide for her family and make a living but heaven knows it can be hard for him.
It’s been hard for her too. Learning a new way of life here in the Capitol has been…an adjustment for Soarynn so to speak. At first, she’d been in awe of the city and its wonders. The food, the fashion, and of course, the culture. It was all so different from the Districts.
That’s why Coriolanus loved it so much.
Once they arrived at the train station they were greeted by Dr. Gaul of all people. The mad scientist was a rather odd woman but she was beaming when he stepped off the train and praised him for giving her such a “wonderful performance.” Her eyes had then landed on Soarynn who was pressed to his side, wide-eyed as she looked around at all the people.
“I see you’ve brought a souvenir, Mr. Snow,” she’d said, chuckling to herself when Soarynn gave her a rather disturbed look.
Coriolanus had made a mental note to keep Soarynn far away from the clutches of Dr. Gaul, a woman who had no reservations about testing her new ideas on human beings.
For the most part, he did keep Soarynn hidden away. He didn't need everyone to know about her. Only the people who mattered knew of Soarynn's existence. They were going to see many of those people tonight at the charity auction that President Ravenstill was hosting at the President's Mansion.
"I don't remember buying you this dress," he says, pulling on the strings. She sucks in her breath as he tightens up the dress and lets out a small groan, "Well you bought me about a million dresses when we got here." She's not wrong. Once Coriolanus got back to the Capitol he gave him and Soarynn proper facelifts. He grew out his curls and got her hair cut, it had been so tangled and dirty. Now it fell around her breasts and had a more flattering cut.
He got Soarynn facials, massages, and all the creams and makeup she could ever want. If she was going to be his girl, she had to look the part. He taught her how to walk in heels, how to always be on her best behavior, to look people in the eye, to have manners.
She had to be perfect.
"Nothing wrong with keeping you properly clothed," he tells her before tying the strings off with a bow. "Now, for tonight I want you to be on your best behavior, and don't stray from my si-"
"From your side, I know," Soarynn huffs, walking back out into the hallway. Coriolanus is hot on her heels, she's not about to get an attitude with him. "I don't have time for any outbursts Soarynn," he reminds her, "people in the Capitol won't understand if you start behaving oddly." Soarynn makes it all the way to the living room before he latches onto her wrist and pulls her into him, she struggles but Coriolanus has always been much stronger than her, even if she has filled out a little more with her new Capitol diet.
"I don't wanna go Coriolanus," she whispers, trying to pry his arm off of her, "all those men do is look at me and act like I'm some shiny trophy." She is a trophy but she doesn't need to know that.
Coriolanus sighs, "Soarynn, I'm not asking you to come with me, I'm telling you that you're coming with me tonight, like it or not. Besides, lots of their wives will be there. You like them don't you?"
Since getting back to the Capitol, Coriolanus had been working extremely hard to reconnect with the higher elite. He was going to run for President in the next election and to do that and win, he needed connections. He befriended all sorts of wealthy men and politicians, knowing that it could only help his campaign.
Soarynn didn't really understand any of it, why he'd want to run for President. "You already have a nice fancy house," she'd said one night, the two of them sitting in their after-sex bliss. He had given her a squeeze and pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder, "Yes, but it's different. You'll see."
Soarynn looks down at the ground, her entire body somewhat deflates, "I don't like talkin' to them. They're so old and boring." Coriolanus has to withhold himself from wrapping a hand around her pretty little neck because the last thing he needs is for her to say something like that in front of the wrong person. "They're married to the most influential men in Panem," he reminds her, "and what did I say about properly enunciating your words?"
Getting that southern twang out of Soarynn's voice had been more than difficult. It wasn't even the accent that bothered him, but the vocabulary, the shortened words, the strange sayings. It all had to go and he'd been working hard with her to get it out of her system.
He didn't mind it as much when they were alone but in public was a different story. He had introduced her to an associate of his when they first arrived in the Capitol and Soarynn had horribly embarrassed him. She had attempted to compliment his associate's shoes and yet she found the most revolting words to do so.
After that, Coriolanus learned his lesson.
"You said to talk proper because the folks in the Capitol won't understand me," she mumbles. Coriolanus slips two fingers under her chin, tilting her head up to look at him, "Yes I did. And I need you to be on your best behavior for me tonight, understand?" Soarynn's eye twitches but she nods, "Alright, I'll be on my best behavior."
꧁ ꧂
The President's Mansion is everything he could have imagined.
Coriolanus can't help but imagine what it'll look like when he's living here. He'll repaint the walls for sure, add some more marble statues in the gardens, maybe a greenhouse. "It's so big," Soarynn says in awe as she looks around. Coriolanus nods, they've only been granted access to certain parts of the Mansion and he already feels as though he could get lost at any moment. He spots a few of his old Academy friends and tugs Soarynn along with him, "I want you to meet some of my old friends."
Soarynn has nothing to do but nod and put on the pretty smile he's taught her before they reach Festus Creed and Felix Ravenstill. "Coriolanus Snow, what a rare sight to see," Festus teases. Coriolanus rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around Soarynn a little tighter. Festus is known to have wandering eyes along with wandering hands.
"I thought I might make an appearance," Coriolanus says nonchalantly. He won't tell them how excited he was when Soarynn walked into his study with a shiny envelope addressed to him. He normally didn't appreciate Soarynn coming into his study without permission but she had walked right in, holding out the envelope, "It looked real important," she had said. Indeed it was.
The boys aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're ogling Soarynn and Coriolanus would be a fool not to play that to his advantage, "Have I introduced you to Soarynn?" Felix's jaw is slightly slacked and Coriolanus is willing to bet that it's from the amount of cleavage Soarynn is showing tonight. Charity auction be damned, Coriolanus was going to make sure that everyone envied him and the pretty girl on his arm.
"I don't believe you have," Festus says, "I'm Festus Creed and I'm extremely talented in bed." Coriolanus can't stop the scoff from leaving his mouth at his friend's vulgar language but Soarynn laughs and leans her head on his shoulder, "I'm sure you've got a real talent," she replies.
Coriolanus knows that any well-behaved Capitol lady would be repulsed by Festus and his crude comments. They'd flinch and gasp but Soarynn doesn't. Even though she hasn't slept with anyone but him since arriving at the Capitol she's still numb to the idea of sleeping around. And it disgusts him. To see her so casually replying to comments such as the one Festus made, to laugh and tease him back. She should know better.
Although Coriolanus feels that once you've whored yourself out enough, comments like this won't even phase you.
You can take the whore out of the Districts, but you can't take the Districts out of the whore.
He shoots both Soarynn and Festus a look, "Why don't we keep the conversations civil?" He suggests, quieting both of them down. Felix looks somewhat uncomfortable and Coriolanus plays into it, "So Felix, is your uncle prepared for the Presidential race?" Felix sighs and rolls his eyes, "He won't shut up about it."
Coriolanus is hoping to overtake Felix's uncle so any inside information is crucial. "Is he nervous?" Soarynn asks, somewhat intrigued at the premise of being related to the President of Panem. Soarynn wasn't very political or involved with politics. She only really cared about the Mayor back in Twelve but that was such a small scale compared to the Capitol.
Felix shrugs, "Not nervous, he just..." His voice dies off and he seems to be lost in thought for a moment before shaking his head, "Never mind. He'll do fine, it's just another election to him."
Coriolanus nods and gives Felix a polite smile but he can't help but wonder what Felix was going to say. He needs to find out, get the inside scoop so he can win. But there's really no way to get that close to a Ravenstill, at least not without being creepy. Coriolanus cringes at the thought of cozying up to Felix, trying to win him over. Absolutely not. It's only effective when girls do it.
When. Girls. Do. It.
He looks down at the very pretty girl at his side, who is still so young, turning eighteen in a month, so vulnerable without him, completely dependent on him. She belongs to him.
"Excuse us," Coriolanus says before dragging Soarynn away from his friends which earns him a curious look from her but he ignores it, "Where're we goin'?" Coriolanus could lose it right then and there at her improper grammar but he brushes it under the rug, he'll have to be forgiving for this plan to work, to make Soarynn compliant. He finds a dark and empty hallway and pushes Soarynn up against the wall, his lips are on hers in an instant.
Soarynn moans into the kiss, her hands come up to grab his shoulders while he grabs her small waist. Coriolanus isn't too keen on public displays of affection, not when his image matters so much. But Soarynn has always got off on it. She's always been a slut.
"You look so pretty tonight," he whispers against her lips. She really does. Her hair has been curled and perfectly frames her face and her makeup is light and subtle, perfectly enhancing her natural features. Soarynn's always been pretty, but the District life managed to dull that natural charm. In the Capitol her skin is brighter, bouncier, her hair is thicker, her lashes longer. Thank goodness he brought her here.
Soarynn whimpers when his hands slide down to her ass and he squeezes it, "Tha...thank you Coriolanus," she whispers back. She's also much more sensitive in the Capitol. More responsive to his touch now that he's the only man who gets to fuck her tight little cunt every night.
He shoves his knee in between her legs and Soarynn gasps, grinding against it. Coriolanus chuckles, "Always a little slut for me huh? Even in the President's Mansion." He presses kisses up and down her neck, sucking on her sweet spots. He's careful to leave nothing behind, no one needs to know what they're doing. "I need you to do something for me," he says while kissing her jaw. Soarynn sighs and leans into his touch, the touch she's been so desperate for the entire week. With work and his campaign, Coriolanus has been more than busy the past couple of weeks and hasn't been properly taking care of his little District whore. She's more than eager to be fucked, which begs the question if she's willing to be fucked by anyone.
"Anything," she says and she means it too. He knows Soarynn will do anything to be fucked, to be touched, and maybe just maybe feel some sort of genuine connection. Even though she won't come outright and say it, he knows that she wants something more than sex. She wants to be loved. Soarynn had asked him about it when they first arrived, what the dynamic of their relationship would be like. She didn't want it to be like it used to be, where he sold her off to the highest bidder. "You're my girl," he had told her, "don't you worry your pretty little head about it."
But Soarynn had worried. He could see how she clung to words of praise like they were a lifeline to her. Without him, she was nothing. And Soarynn couldn't afford to be nothing.
He brings his lips right next to her ear and whispers the next eight words, "I want you to sleep with Felix Ravenstill."
She stills once those words register in her brain and she pulls away from his touch immediately. Coriolanus lets her move his hands off of her and take a step back, he can see the hurt in her eyes, the betrayal. "You...you said I wouldn't have to do that anymore," she says. Her voice is so fragile, so quiet and shaky. Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose, he needs this to go smoothly. He can't afford any loose ends.
He reaches out for her but she flinches, "Soarynn, it's to help me win, don't you want to help me? To be good for me? Be my good girl?" Soarynn's lip quivers and he can see her fighting the urge to cry, "I wanna be more than your girl Coriolanus," she says, "you can throw away a girl at any time. A wife is different." She's smarter than he's given her credit for.
Coriolanus looks down at the tiled floor, at his shiny black shoes, and nods, "Okay." Soarynn sniffles, shifting on her feet, "Okay? Okay, what?" Coriolanus looks back up at her, starting from her high heels and making his way up her slim body, admiring how the dress hugs her just right. Felix is going to love ripping it off of her.
"Okay, I'll make you my wife. If I win then we'll get married. It'll be a grand wedding and we'll have children and start a family, a new life together," he promises.
Soarynn eats it right up.
"What...what do I have to do?" She asks, looking so small and naive. Coriolanus grins, "Exactly what I tell you to do."
꧁ ꧂
He's a nervous wreck while he paces in his living room, watching the television screen for any updates.
He also keeps glancing at the front doors, waiting for Soarynn to get back from her very important night out. "Come on," he whispers, "hurry it up." He can't be too upset, sleeping with the President of Panem takes some time, but he's an impatient man.
It's all played out perfectly for him.
Soarynn has slept his way to the top. First, she sunk her claws into Felix Ravenstill that night at the charity auction. They snuck away to one of the many bedrooms and Soarynn came stumbling out the back entrance of the house a few hours later covered in bruises and other bodily fluids. Apparently, Festus had wanted in on the action but the job was done either way.
Then, she made her move on the President's security detail. Coriolanus knew those men wouldn't let her get too close without some convincing that she was a harmless little field mouse. Soarynn had been terrified at the prospect of sleeping with men who had guns on them at all times but Coriolanus was swift to remind her of her time spent on the Peacekeeper bases. "Those men would've fucked you with their guns and you would've liked it," he had hissed, grabbing her jaw and slamming her into the wall, "now stop being a whiny brat and do as I say."
There had been tears and new promises made, but in the end, she made it to Ravenstill.
From what Soarynn told him, Ravenstill was an old, boring man who partook in the most basic sex she's ever had. And Coriolanus was more than willing to take her word on it. Ravenstill did however get off on seeing other men have a turn on Soarynn, something Coriolanus didn't predict. She had come home in tears, a bruise on her cheek and blood between her legs. He had comforted her and washed her gently in the bath before swaddling her in the comfiest pajamas. "Only one more time," he whispered as she finally drifted off to sleep, "you'll only sleep with the President one more time." And he meant it. Soarynn would never sleep with the President of Panem again.
His attention is drawn to the doors when he hears them open and a disheveled-looking Soarynn appears. Her eyes immediately find him and he raises his eyebrows. Has she done it? She nods. Coriolanus breaks into a giant smile, and strides across the room and the foyer and scoops Soarynn up in his arms, listening to her squeal in delight, "Oh you're perfect," he tells her, "this is it Soarynn. You've done everything and now it's all done."
Soarynn is grinning like a wildcat and she giggles, "It was real scary watchin' him cough up all that blood. I had to act so surprised." Coriolanus chuckles as he sets her down on her feet, "I'm sure you were the perfect little actress. He's dead then?" Soarynn nods and bats her eyelashes up at him, "Dead as a doornail."
They celebrate big that night. Coriolanus makes love to Soarynn for the first time while the Capitol news plays in the background, informing them that President Ravenstill has succumbed to a sudden deadly illness and has passed away. The country will be in shambles but with Coriolanus tied neck and neck with Ravenstill in the election, it's no question who will take over.
"I love you," he grunts, fucking into her slow and steady. She looks beautiful under him, absolutely beautiful. "You'll be my perfect First Lady. Can't wait to fuck my children into you, watch you walk around all swollen with my heir, carrying the Snow name."
He can picture it now, their prosperous future. Their wedding, their children, and then, Soarynn's unfortunate death. Unforeseen of course but at the perfect time when the children are old enough to be looked after by a nanny and he can remarry without causing too much suspicion.
Soarynn smiles up at him before pressing her lips against his, "Snow lands on top," she whispers.
Snow certainly does land on top.
꧁ ꧂
"Coriolanus, what are your plans for Panem once you're sworn in as President?"
Coriolanus wishes he could tell all these reporters to fuck off with their stupid, basic questions but he just smiles through the pain. It's customary for the future President to have one press briefing before being sworn in. Today has been a long day of festivities leading up to his inauguration. He's less than an hour away from being President of Panem and he can taste it, taste the power.
He looks powerful. With his hair perfectly styled, the red rose pinned to his lapel. He glances to his right where his fiancé is standing, prim and proper. Once Ravenstill was out of the picture, Soarynn snapped into being the perfect Capitol lady for Coriolanus. If he knew this was what it took to get her in line, he would've killed the man ages ago. Coriolanus sleeps well knowing that he's managed to get Soarynn to do all his dirty work and has secured himself the perfect wife.
He can't afford any loose ends and eventually, Soarynn will have to go, but until then, Coriolanus plans on enjoying his perfect little wife and her tight little cunt until they're both of no use to him.
"I plan to get this nation into shape," he responds, "and to tighten the security on the Peacekeeper bases. I myself was a Peacekeeper and I was a witness to vermin slipping through the cracks one too many times." He can see Soarynn slightly flinch at the word 'vermin' but it's not his fault that she chose whoring as her profession. It was fine back then but now things need to change. He can't have any District rats swaying the opinions of his Peacekeepers.
The report nods and jots down his response and Coriolanus withholds a sigh of relief. He's finally done. Now, all he has to do is be sworn in. He's been waiting for this moment his whole life and it's finally happening.
Snow lands on top.
"Mr. Snow? Just one more question. I'm Sejanus Plinth from the Capitol Gazette."
Coriolanus who was about to step down from the podium, zeroes in on the outspoken voice, the same outspoken voice that caused him nothing but annoyance and being heavily inconvenienced.
Sejanus Plinth.
As District as they come, and nothing but a speck of dirt on his shiny leather shoes. It's no surprise that he chose journalism as his profession. He probably thinks he's going to "change the world" with his shabby little articles.
Coriolanus remembers ending him more than anything. Sejanus had everything he wanted. A family, money, and a higher status than the one Coriolanus used to possess. Now the tables have turned and he finally gets to look down on poor Sejanus Plinth who's so desperate to ask him single question. His response will probably earn Sejanus a small amount of money that he'll then use to try and help the less fortunate.
Coriolanus feels the cruel grin spreading across his lips as he nods at Sejanus, "Go ahead. I'm always willing to speak to the less fortunate." A wave of laughter passes through the crowd of reporters and Sejanus manages a somewhat professional smile.
"Is it true that you've been selling your fiancé out to influential men?"
Coriolanus feels his smile slightly waver but his face never falters, "Pardon? I...I don't quite understand what you're asking," he says with a light-hearted chuckle. There's a tension in the room and he can't quite get rid of it.
Sejanus tilts his head, "Is it true, that you have been selling your fiancé's body for the past years to move up in the world?" It's a simple question, Mr. Snow. According to my sources, you started sleeping with her when she was seventeen while you were serving as a Peacekeeper in District Twelve."
Coriolanus can't stop himself from turning to look at Soarynn who's staring right back at him, an expectant look on her face. She should look distraught, if his reputation's on the line, her's is too.
"I don't recall ever having any sexual relations with my fiancé when she was underage," he says, his voice firm. Sejanus gives him a teasing smile and Coriolanus can feel a pit beginning to form in his stomach.
"You sent her to partake in sexual interactions with Commanding Officer Hoff so you could bring her with you to District Two when you were reassigned as an Officer," Sejanus says, reading directly from the notes he's brought with him, "then in District Two you allowed Commanding Officer Potts to take advantage of her after he caught wind of you selling her out to higher ranking officers in hopes of you moving up in the ranks. Then you proceeded to sell her out to various Capitol men such as Felix Ravenstill, Festus Creed, and President Ravenstill who unfortunately passed away due to an "unknown illness" and my sources tell me that she often frequented the President's Mansion before he passed away."
There's an uneasiness in the room and people are beginning to whisper to one another and Coriolanus can feel it all slipping away. He glances to the door where he can see Felix and Festus attempting to leave but they're being held by security.
"Sexual slavery concerning a minor is a serious crime Mr. Snow, and so is murder, and I have evidence leading me to believe that you forced Miss Nightingale into poisoning the President so that you could win the election."
People are talking now, throwing around accusations and whispers. This is bad. Very, very bad. Every fucking news outlet in the country is in here getting this story. He watches as five Peacekeepers push their way through the crowd and he can only hope that they're coming to his rescue.
"Coriolanus Snow, you are under arrest under the premise of murder, participating in underage prostitution, and sexual coercion."
A camera flash goes off and everything is in slow motion. All the sounds around him are muffled as he's handcuffed and shoved towards the side of the stage. People are crying out for justice or for mercy. He can see Felix and Festus also being handcuffed shouting for him to do something.
But he can't. He's in shock.
Someone has to help him, someone has to tell the truth, well, not the truth, but enough of the truth so that he can get out of this. He looks to the one person who can help him, the one person who also happens to be responsible for all of this. Who waited for his big shining moment to take him down.
She wears her most innocent smile, the same one she gives to all the men she's about to take advantage of. Sure, she'd sleep with anyone, but she'd also steal their watches, slip a few bills from their wallets, get them to help her out of a sticky situation.
He just always chose to ignore that.
Soarynn holds up her hands to the Peacekeepers and they surprisingly stop. Soarynn slowly walks over to Coriolanus until she's right in front of him. She's wearing red lipstick and has a rose tucked into her hair. Clear property of Coriolanus Snow. Soarynn reaches for the rose and pulls it from her hair, she brings it up to her nose and sniffs it, humming to herself as she closes her eyes.
"You hear that Coriolanus?"
All Coriolanus can hear are the shouts of everyone in the room. Of his life falling apart.
She opens her eyes before she crushes the rose in her hand, crumpled petals fall to the floor.
"It's the sound of Snow falling."
| Part 3. | Final Part |
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
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venusbyline · 6 months
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Hey guys, I'm Vênus (she/her). This is my new ff blog and requests are already open!
I really like writing dark, smut and/or angst contents for s/o x female readers.
Almost all the characters and artists I'll write for are tagged. Feel free to send me your writing requests on my ask. (ps¹: practically i'll write for all Jacob Elordi and Ryan Gosling's characters, there just wasn't enough space in the tags).
So don't be shy... I'm a member of the "toxic characters stan" too <3
ps²: some characters besides the other characters of Ryan Gosling and Jacob Elordi that I didn't put in the tags but that I can also write for:
Scream: Ethan Landry, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher.
Euphoria: Rue Bennet, Jules Vaughn, Ethan Lewis, Lexi Howard, Chris McKay, Fezco.
Hunger Games: Lucy Gray Baird, Katniss Everdeen, Sejanus Plinth, Johanna Mason, Treech, Clemensia Dovecote, Tigris Snow, Haymitch Abernathy.
MCU: Tom Holland!Peter Parker & Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff.
Daisy Jones & The Six: Eddie Roundtree, Daisy Jones, Camila Dunne.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Silas, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce.
Margot Robbie: Barbie, Harley Quinn.
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, Carter Baizen, Blair Waldorf.
YOU: Love Quinn, Joe Goldberg.
Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black.
Grey's Anatomy: Jackson Avery, Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Alex Karev.
Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank.
Anyway, more characters can be added here over time!
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catindabag · 10 months
I introduce to you ✨THE 24 OG MENTORS✨ in my TBOSAS Crack!Alternate Universe (also known as the world where Dean Highbottom made dumpster diving illegal because of Festus Creed and Coryo Snow’s involvement. Moreover, the 10th Hunger Games never happened because of a certain someone’s ✨nepotism✨). [Read this for context]
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Class Pres. Felix Ravinstill took this class photo after the Academy Mentors barely passed their final calculus exam. As always, Urban Canville got the highest score.
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Lysistrata Lizzie Vickers and Domitia Dairy Queen Whimsiwick (aka: The founders of the famous ✨SnowPlinth Fan Club✨) accidentally blocking Festus Creed and Sejanus Plinth in the picture. Coryo Snow and Io Jasper joined in for fun, while Urban Canville is smiling like an idiot at the back after seeing Florus Friend trip.
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Apollo Ring with Androcles Andie Anderson and Urban Canville trying not to look suspicious after successfully stealing Dr. Gaul’s pitbull rabbit after class.
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Festus Creed trying and failing to annoy Lucky Flickerman for the hundredth time. Jubilee was not pleased.
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Vipsania Sickle and Apollo Ring ✨slaying✨ for that best dressed award.
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Coriolanus Coryo Snow waiting for his sugar daddy ✨boyfriend✨, Sejanus Plinth to pick him up from school. They’ll go shoe shopping afterwards.
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Class President Felix Ravinstill taking a selfie after ruining his family’s last Hunger Games watch party.
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Coryo Snow trying and acting dramatic at the train station while waiting for the Tributes’ train to arrive. Also, this picture was taken by Sejanus Plinth. #supportive #rich #boyfriend
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ervotica · 9 months
𝗯𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗶'𝘀 𝟮𝗸 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁 !
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thank you angels for 2k! i appreciate every single one of you more than you'll ever know <3 to celebrate, i present to you the kink wheel! simply spin the wheel and you will be assigned a kink. pick a character (or a couple) and feel free to add any context/anything else you would like to see, pop it in my inbox and i'll write a drabble!
characters included; rafe cameron, poly!rafebarry x reader, jj maybank, topper thornton, poly!rafetopper x reader, cato hadley, felix catton, oliver quick, loki laufeyson, coriolanus snow
keeping the character list short for this one to try and prevent myself from burning out! (like i did on my 1k celly) but have fun with it, and if you have any questions feel free to ask :)
tagging a few mutuals (please rb for reach!); @rafetopia @rafescokenostril @rafesmuse @rafeysbafey @rafesthroatbaby @rvfecamerons @wife-of-all-dilfs @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @chrrymunson @cinnamoncunt @targaryenvampireslayer @oncasette @oceandriveab @pxgeturner @ajokeformur-ray @anglbby444 @sociorafe @shellxrls @drudyslut @drewstarkeyslut @venuslore @sadfury @gplol @kissitbttr @lyndys @lovetrt @vampieteeth @blondbrat @morwap @moremaybank @murdrdocs @mysticmunson
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As If Destiny (part seven) 🌹
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Part Six🌹
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
The vast hallways of the academy seemed longer today, while time seemed to speed up. With each step taken, more students seemed to file out of the halls. A quick look at the gold watch on their wrist, and their legs seemed to carry them out from under. In full force, the pristine doors of the academy classroom burst open, revealing a panting Sejanus.
His classmates seemed surprised by the sudden entrance, but more surprised by the fact that he was on time—or he thought he was. The boy took a step inside right as the bell rang, and with nothing more than a sigh, Dean Highbottom notified that "on time" meant being in your seat. Sejanus, still attempting to gain even a breath of air in his lungs, accepted defeat.
As he trudged to his seat, his eyes locked with the blonde boy one desk away. Your absence was all-consuming and isolating. Coriolanus noticed that the dark circles underneath Sejanus's eyes had still not left. They had been there the two weeks you've been gone and they don't seem to be going away anytime soon.
Most would assume that his lack of sleep is connected to the lack of your presence, but Coriolanus knew better.
Tomorrow is Reaping Day.
Sejanus has rarely shown his face most years, and if he has, you have always been by his side. But this year, there is a great understanding if he skipped out. However, you were conflicted whether or not to go. You felt the obligation to Sejanus due to the dark day for him, and you knew he had to be there for the Plinth Prize announcement.
And the announcement was your other felt obligation. You wanted to be there for Coriolanus when he won.
How Snow knew all this was in part due to Sejanus. The two have grown unexpectedly close these past two weeks. They bonded over your absence initially, and it eventually grew into a natural friendship.
Sejanus had always considered Snow a friend; truthfully, the only other person in the Capital besides you. But Coriolanus had been wary of the Plinth boy. He knew his distaste for the Capital, which is obviously not good company to associate with. He couldn't risk his reputation, no matter how sweet he was and the rarity of his character.
But something changed. He cared less and began spending more time with Sejanus. He knew he could trust him, and that was probably the quality he appreciated the most.
No wonder you were connected at the hip with the sweet boy.
He told you so after you ranted about the obligations you felt regarding Reaping Day last night.
You both ranted on and on nearly every single night. While you might not be at school, that doesn't mean you don't go out.
If going out means running in the dark streets of the Capital, only to reach the Snow door breathless and red, painting your features that were broken with a blinding and giddy smile.
A smile, that no matter what was discussed or how many tears were shed just prior at the Plinth house, always appeared. Every day, you did school work dropped off by Rhayen until mid-evening. You then spent a few hours calming and listening to Sejanus ranting on the Hunger Games and inhumanity. You agreed with him that they were cruel and brutal. But you kept the parts you disagreed with to yourself.
The parts that told you that they deserved it. That they needed a punishment just as bad as the one you suffered. They may be innocent but weren't you and the rest of the Capital children in the Dark Days?
These haunting thoughts lingered in your mind until you showed up at the cracking yet comforting ancestral Snow home.
Coryo, even as he studied and completed his assignments, always listened to you. He was the one who reassured you that you were not a cruel monster as you began to believe yourself to be but rather an unfortunate victim of war horror.
He was the one you confessed to about your fears of becoming bitter and cold after your mother's death.
You were in his room as he was working on the paper you long finished. The room, even with the constant dust and mold coating the walls and ceilings, had a fresh aroma due to the open window. Coryo knew you liked the smell of the flowers outside that only seemed to be grown on his side of the city. The breeze lightly moved through his curls, golden-kissed from the sun. It continued on through the portion of hair hanging off his bed where you rested.
The confession wasn't meant to be dramatic or any warning sign. In fact, you didn't even realize what you said until the smooth sound of Coryo's pen ceased to be. Your head lifted from the sunken yet rose-scented pillow. The sight before you was a stiffened Coriolanus with an analyzing expression covering his face as he was turned towards you in his chair. His mind seemed as if it was racing hundreds of miles a minute while you stood still in confusion.
You knew he was far too lost in thought to come out by himself. His eyes snapped back to reality as you sat up from your laying position to face him. You tilted your head in question to his actions and his pondering.
"That's not going to happen. Don't even spend time on that thought because it's not happening." His eyes were hardened by determination. You softened at his concern but you couldn't stop the argument slipping from your mouth.
"You can't say that, Coryo. This world doesn't really have the factors for the kind-hearted to survive. It either hardens or stops beating."
That only seemed to agitate Coriolanus into convincing you further. His legs pushed his chair and himself forward in your direction. He was now situated right in front of you, leaning inward slightly into your space which made it hard to look away. What made it impossible was the evening sun pouring through the window and reflected perfectly onto his mesmerizing eyes.
"You are not going to become cold. I promise you, I will take every hit and scar before you have to harden yourself to the world."
His oath was met with nothing but with searching eyes. They search for lies or hesitation but there was not a single speck of doubt in his golden-filtered blue orbs.
Your body leaned forward in response, with gratitude and tears dancing in your eyes as they also began to be lit up by the sunlight flowing through the window.
Your eyes were locked while emotions and unspoken words flowed between the gaze. It became too intense and you turned your head the split second before Coryo began leaning in. You seemed oblivious of his action as you stared out of his window. A favorite past time of yours it seemed when in his room.
His cheeks were flushed with slight embarrassment and the sight before his very eyes. The sun began to lower and while it still lit up the room and your features. It's rays were intensified on the shimmering diamonds of the silver ring around your neck.
He noticed it the very first night you showed up to his door after the night of your father's wrath. You came to apologize for his actions and plead for forgiveness but there was nothing to forgive, something both Coryo and Tigris assured you.
But as you paced back and forth that night, the dim light of the kitchen caught the small, brilliant blue stones. He saw the other two rings after your mother's funeral but that ring was new.
As you came around more, he swore it looked like snowflakes and felt a little smug but was never sure and never pressed you about it.
However, something overtook the teenager as he took the ring that has puzzled him for weeks. The movement caused you to look back at him. The proximity causing you to nearly smash your head into his.
You angled your head to take in his expression as his fingers grazed over the snowflake-shaped diamonds. You were so glad you did as you got to witness the smile spread across his face. If you had to choose what was more valuable to you: the moment or the ring, you would be tearing yourself in half for a decision.
He peaked up at you beneath his blonde curls with his pearly whites.
Oh never have you made a decision between two things so fast.
The blush that spread across your cheeks was impossible to hide as you avoided his gaze. But it's not like you had anything to hide. The reason you wore the necklace was that it was your mother's.
The reason you wore the necklace was that it was your mother's.
The reason you wore the necklace was that it was your mother's?
"Rhayen told me it was gifted to my mom when she was our age. So-uhm, here it is!"
You never wanted to smack yourself more. Your voice cracked an impossible amount of time for such a few amount of words. You stuttered and acted as if you stole the necklace yourself from Coriolanus's family.
But he didn't see it that way in the slightest. He found it quite endearing and it was an obvious ego boost.
Sure, the reason for you wearing it may have nothing to do with him, but doesn't erase the fact that you are wearing his house ring.
You found his silence nerve-wracking and couldn't help but shrink under the pressure.
"Do you want it back? It's clearly the Snows so it's totally in your right!"
You began to move to take it off and managed to unclasp it before Coryo could stop you. But when you started slipping out the other rings to give him the one in the middle, he put his hands out over yours in a motion to stop.
Once again, the space between you two was quite thin.
"It was a gift to your mother, right? If so, then that means it's yours. And besides, it looks better on you than it would anywhere else."
He attempted to reassure you but you weren't convinced.
"Even so, you know this is worth a lot of money, Coryo. A lot of money that can help you and your family."
He knew this but refused to let it sink in. He was not going to take the one thing he could give you.
"Not ours to sell. It's yours."
The "as it should be" ran through his mind but never past his lips.
Your hands were still being held by the tall boy when he offered to place the necklace back around your neck.
You agreed and turned, moving your hair out the way and stared at the setting sun and brilliant hues decorating the sky. You could feel the cold metal slide back in place and as you felt the metal secure, Coryo moved your hair back in place.
Everything was back in its proper place. Your necklace, hair, and location. You and Coriolanus alone together watching the Capital in all its beauty. As if it all moved to your will.
Reluctantly, you turned your head to once again be met with the intense stare of enamored Coriolanus Snow. And once again, your faces were just mere inches apart.
But the ever-continuing staring contest was broken by the quick knock of Tigris.
"Y/N, Coryo, time for dinner!"
Her voice was slightly muffled by the door but you could hear the exhaustion in her tone. You took a huff of air as you gave a look back to Coriolanus as you got up.
The door opened up to a clearly tired Tigris. But her face no longer sinks in on tireless nights such as these.
And no matter how little she sleeps, there is still a smile gracing her features.
Much of it is due to the constant food and drink you bring whenever you come (nearly every day), lighting the load on her shoulders.
Said food was neatly prepared and smelled delicious. Because of your constant supply of material, Tigris has been able to try out some new recipes and enjoy meals instead of simply eating whatever is necessary for survival. You were even able to smooth-talk your way into Ma Plinth's secret recipes for her.
But it was all food you could not take from. This meal is a crucial part of their survival and you were fortunate enough to be able to have one the same size at home.
That is why you began excusing yourself as they began to settle in. Your excuses of needing to go home and rest did not convince Coriolanus in the slightest.
"Y/N, it's okay to eat. It's the food you brought over anyways!"
He had moved from his position by the table in order to come and take your hand. He saw the slightest hesitation in your eyes and took his chance and began lightly dragging you to the table.
You would have fought back but the delicate figure of his grandmother stopped any sort of action. You didn't wish to be seen as rude and when she noticed you and your hands intertwined with her grandson, you couldn't argue with her sweet smile.
And that is how you ended up at the dinner table with the last remnants of the House of Snow.
Tigris was explaining the new method of clothing construction that is going to overtake Capital fashion when the sound of her ancient grandma'am perked up.
Grandma'am was often silent in meals with a faraway look glossing her aged eyes. She never even seemed to take notice of the conversation nor who went or came. And especially not what anyone wore. But today seemed a day of surprises.
"My, how is the way I find out!"
The three of you all turned to figure out what the cause of her shriek was. Tigris asked what the matter was and the older woman disregarded her question and moved to situate herself right next to you.
You felt small as you sat in the chipped chair while she loomed over you. You shared a look with Tigris, who motioned to wait on any actions. You both needed to let it play out to inform what to do next.
A wrong move and the sweet woman in front of you would be transformed into the vile monster of fables. You've experienced it firsthand.
"What have you found out Grandma'am?" The term came naturally to you as it would have felt too odd to call her "Mrs. Snow" as she is only spoken as Grandma'am now-a-days.
She quickly clicked her tongue and feverishly shook her head. Her wrinkled hands took the silver ring as she analyzed it.
"I thought you were going to go with the one with the big diamond. And dear, it is far more suitable to wear it on your hand. How else will anyone know you are set to marry?"
The silence was strangling. Everything felt so unnatural. Grandma'am's oddly intense smile, a confused and seemingly horrified Coriolanus, and of course, you.
Mistaken to marry.
Marry Coriolanus Snow.
The only one who seemed composed was Tigris. You quickly gave her a look and mouthed to her "news?'
She gave you a quick nod across the table. The small and minute interaction was not lost on Coriolanus, even though he himself was lost. You followed orders and brought up the new renovations of the Capital park.
"The pond is stunning! The ducks are coming back naturally. And the flower garden is such a magnificent sight! You must go, Grandma'am. I could take you there if you wish?"
You finished off with an awkward smile. The panic surging through your veins made you accidentally offer to take her out for a day. Something you knew Coriolanus wished not to happen.
He fears what damage it would cause to his reputation if his grandmother was seen out and about in clothes that dated before the war. Tirgis could likely make something more modern out of those old dresses, but she knew her grandma'am would refuse wholeheartedly.
However, grandma'am quickly took the bait, and the previous topic was long forgotten. She seemed eager to see the flower garden, and your little adventure out. You hoped this would be forgotten just as quickly. By both her and the analyzing Coriolanus.
But if there is one thing about Coriolanus, it is that he never forgets.
So as you both cleared the table later that evening, his stare kept on locking into your moving figure; assuredly, in question and suspicion. He wasn't going to engage first, however.
His mind was making a thousand reasons and explanations instead of simply asking. You didn't wish to leave it to Coriolanus Snow to make assumptions.
"I would recommend having your eyes on the knife when cleaning it, Coryo."
His attention once again had drifted to your side profile as you were drying the dishes he was cleaning. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, he turned off the water and turned his whole body to you. You put the plate in your hands away and mimicked his position.
He didn't say a word and just took you in. His silence and constant picking apart began irritating you.
"Just ask me your questions. I don't like being watched and judged. Who are you, Arachne?"
You had moved around him and began doing the dishes he had neglected. His stare never once left you as he finally shared what was on his mind.
"Would you be ashamed of marrying me?"
You were grateful that you were washing a fork and not a plate because you were sure it would have been dropped in shock. Instead, you let the water run absentmindedly and held the fork so harsh that your knuckles turned white.
Coriolanus didn't know what to make of your reaction. How absent you've become. He feared he just confirmed your answer.
He moved to shut the water off after a few seconds. After all, every drop of water counts.
Is that why you wouldn't want to be with him? Was it his lack of money? That he could (hopefully would soon) change. Or was it him? Was it his family? Was it your family? Would you listen to your father?
Coriolanus also seemed to shift into his universe of panic, eventually mimicking your hold on the fork, but his was the faucet handle. It must have been quite a sight for poor Tigris to walk into.
"Are you both alright?"
She questioned the two teenagers holding onto the objects for dear life and burning holes into the nearest walls with their eyes.
The sudden intrusive voice caused you both to jump, then the realization of the other caused another jump.
Tirgis laughed at your reactions and shook her head. You two were surely the oddest people she knew, and that's saying something.
Or maybe it's what one of you does to the other?
She moved to grab the dusty cabinet handle and clutched a chipped cup. Her every move being watched by you and Coriolanus.
She turned around to the sight of you both wide-eyed and watching her. She felt quite uneasy and now was sure she interrupted something, no matter how strange it seemed to be.
The young adult moves to the sink to fill up her cup, and you both quickly part to give her room. The sound of the water filling up the cup also filled up the stifling silence. Once filled, she took a sip and glanced to her left at you and right at Coryo.
Did both of you lose the ability to blink?
She knew whatever she walked into was most likely Coriolanus's fault, but if she told him as much, she knew you would hear.
And probably the entirety of Panem judging by the quietness of the moment.
She cleared her throat and bid you both good night as she quickly walked and turned the corner. But not with one last look at the two teens doing anything but look at each other.
After she had left, you had gone back to washing the dishes, and Coriolanus drying the dishes. Roles essentially switched as you were now the one staring at him. Trying to find some sort of answer. He didn't know what you would find so he tried to give one of his own.
"I only asked because when grandma'am started talking about the ring and marrying, you looked to Tirgis. You both looked like you were expecting it. I didn't know what to think of it."
You've seen a lot of Coryo these past weeks but seldom has there been a time when he has looked vulnerable. Coriolanus Snow usually knows all and can read people so easily. But being left out of the loop by the closest people he has horrified him. Enough to make himself look like a fool, he thought.
You knew he didn't like feeling these emotions, much less express them. So you paired your explanation with an understanding smile.
"Sometimes when you have to finish up projects or had to run out, grandma'am comes and joins me and Tirgis. I don't mind it really and she usually just sits for the company, not the discussion. But sometimes, she uhm- she thinks I'm someone else. Like today. And me and Tirgis have a little list of topics to bring up when she starts going down that path. Just distract, not refuse."
Coriolanus let it sink in for a moment. He knows his grandmother's dementia overtakes her most of the time. He also knows that while she is mostly non-aggressive, her fury can come to the forefront. Well, she can be happy when lost in her mind; her fury can make an appearance as well.
It saddens him, however, that not only didn't you come to him about it, but Tirgis didn't either.
You noticed his facial expression and tried to assure him that there was nothing more he could have done. He nodded reluctantly and unsure.
"You don't have to take her, you know. To the park, I mean. She forgets everything but whenever you mention flowers, her memory is as sharp as can be."
He mumbled his words; the way his grandma'ams memory worked never ceased to surprise him. With the events and people it forgets and remembers. Especially when it came to you.
You promised it was not an issue for you if it wasn't for him. It might even be nice spending time with her out. The thought of being so close to Coryo's family that you would be taking the most secluded member out made you blush.
By the time you both finished, it had become quite late, and you needed to get home for enough rest. Tomorrow would be the first day you would officially come back to society after the funeral.
If that wasn't exhausting enough, Reaping Day comes with its own load.
Coriolanus, as always, offered to walk you home, but you persuaded him to stay and get as much sleep as possible. Which wouldn't be much due to his nerves and thoughts racing through his system.
You finished putting on your last shoe as you looked up at him. "Meet you here then walk together, right?"
You both talked about the heightened anxiety tomorrow, and if each has the other, the load would feel a little lighter. He nodded in assurance, and you opened the door ready to leave.
But something made you stop, so you couldn't move in the door frame. You turned your head to his face, lit up by the warm and dim lights of the apartment.
"Hey, Coryo?"
His eyes slightly squinted in confusion but waited for you to elaborate.
"I wouldn't be ashamed. Not in the slightest."
You had to duck your head to hide your teeth-bearing smile. You were scared of his reaction, so you quickly shut the door behind you and made your way back home.
In the apartment you left behind, a shocked Coriolanus stood. The shock quickly morphed into a smirk and pride.
When he turned around, donning the brightest smile, a smirking Tigris awaited him. Leaning on the corner wall in dusty pink nightwear, she had observed your little goodbye.
"Seems like you already won the prize, Croyo."
And with that, she leaves the head-over-heels boy in her wake.
He wasn't sure if your confession would give him the best sleep of his life or keep him up all night in thought.
Whatever the outcome may be, the reality of your presence tomorrow would be greater than any dream.
The girl staring back in the mirror felt foreign, a stranger really.
You haven't changed much these past few weeks physically. A little bit of lost weight and slightly paler, but nothing unless you look for it.
But something behind your eyes was a calling sign of a shift. The last wish of your mother's came rushing back.
Don't change.
The reflection showed your straight posture while you donned a black midi dress with elegant blouse sleeves and sleek angular trimming on the neckline. Your hair was styled neatly with dainty pearl earrings and, of course, the necklace of rings.
Have you changed?
The ever-present little voice says that's not even a question anymore. The relevant one is how much?
You checked the small clock on your desk and noticed you needed to leave, or you are gonna end up running to Coriolanus's home. You check your reflection one last time, debating whether or not to display the rings.
Well, that ring. You would have enough eyes already; you didn't need any other unnecessary gossip.
You picked out obsidian black shoes to match with your dress. You were finishing up the last strap when the front door opened hastily.
The sight of your disheveled father saddened you on this already difficult morning. You haven't seen him since his outburst on the day of your mother's funeral. He has spent the last two weeks in near confinement at his office in the defense bureau.
Wonder where you got the trait of throwing yourself into work from.
If he isn't there, he is most often at his sister's house, your aunt Aeris. He came back to the apartment that seems to haunt him with memories as pale as a ghost. He wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. The only reason he came was that he had forgotten a few important papers. His haste was so intense he nearly missed your presence.
It wasn't until the sound of your hard shoes hitting the marble floor that he was alerted. You both acknowledged each other, but the air was stuffed thick with uncomfort.
Of all the days to reconter each other.
You coughed awkwardly, trying to figure out something to say. Your father seemed to do the same. The silence simply became too much, and you broke.
"You look well."
He didn't. You both knew he didn't. But instead of calling you out, he did a slow nod of acknowledgment. You huffed out a breath and grabbed your small purse as you got ready to walk out.
"Tell Aunt Aeris I hope she is well! Take care, father."
The word felt foreign. Sure, you would always describe him as your father around others, but that was normal in the Capital. You always called him dad. You assumed that you two had a relationship better than most father and daughters in the city but once your mother got sick, he shrunk into himself. The memories and love seeming to dissolve with him.
You opened the door and already had one foot out when he called for you. "Happy Reaping Day."
You paused and turned around, an emotionless expression on your face. You hate that he said that. You hated it because your mother hated today and all the Games stood for. But a significant part of you hated it because of the reminder that the bitterness her death has caused you.
Caused you to start warming to the Games. That's what you hated the most.
"Really, take care of yourself."
You didn't mean it in a harsh way as your tone was soft, but you said it with meaning. He couldn't take care of you, and there would be no reason for him to try to at this point.
You closed the door and left the already broken man to crumble like his life.
The timing of your arrival at the Snow penthouse matched perfectly with Snow's descent outside.
He looked as if an angel had descended from the heights of the universe, in a beautifully designed and crisp dress shirt, no doubt masterfully crafted by Tigris. His golden curls were lightened by the warm morning light. His eyes shined with determination that somehow made him even more handsome.
It took a second for Coriolanus to turn your way and realize your being, and it took a couple more seconds for him to recompose himself while he took in your appearance. You couldn't help but giggle a little and walk over to him. You adjusted the red rose on his vest that had been moved due to the strap of his bag.
"You look even more handsome than I thought possible for one man to be." Coriolanus is used to girls trying to flirt with him and his good looks, but all those compliments can come across shallow, a means to an end.
But yours was completely authentic. The grin that spread across his face was unable to be stopped. He offered his arm, which you gladly took, and began on your way.
He bent over to whisper into your ear as you passed a group of older women who smiled at the pair of you, a sign to them that happiness is an opportunity for the youth now, that even Dark Days haven't stolen that.
"I've stopped being surprised by your beauty. I am just thankful that I'm graced with it."
Oh, the charm of this boy.
The closer you both got to where the festivities would be held in Heavensbee Hall within the academy, the stiffer Coriolanus's arm got. You stole a glance at his face, hardened in worry.
"You do know you are going to win, right?" He seemed to snap out of his thoughts at your words.
"We both know it isn't certain. Maybe if we had a dean who didn't despise me, then maybe I could rest easy. But Highbottom is going to do anything to make sure we don't see a cent of the prize."
He hung his head low, and his shoulders showed a feeling of defeat. This look wasn't normal for Coriolanus Snow and unimaginable to nearly all others. But lately, as you've shown him your vulnerability, he has reciprocated.
You squeeze his arm a little, causing his concern-filled eyes to flutter to your own.
"Nothing is going to stop you from getting the prize, okay? If I need to break into the house of whoever Highbottom wrongly awards it to and steal, I will do it with a smile on my face. You deserve it, Coryo. You've earned it."
He smiled softly at your words and wondered how far you really would go for him.
If only he knew.
"And how are you going to do that? Climb tens of stories and smash through the window?"
He teased you on your ability for malice. You were known for being an unusually sweet person. The image of you trying to rob someone made him chuckle.
As he was laughing in your face, you rolled your eyes.
"I can be very threatening, you know!"
He laughed even harder. Even bending over in laughter. You had enough and immediately stopped, causing the blonde to slightly jerk forward due to the sudden pause.
You grabbed his arms roughly and forced him to look at you. His laughter died in an instant when he saw the seriousness within your eyes.
"Coriolanus Snow, you are going to win the Plinth Prize, and I swear if I hear one more doubt about it, I will be feeding you rat poison myself."
There have been very few times Coriolanus Snow has been wrong, but with the look in your eyes, it was clear that you would be able to carry out your threats.
Once you were sure he got the message and your ability, you let go and started up your walk. He grabbed your arm, pulling it through his and regaining your prior position.
"You know if I don't win, I deserve an apology for the threat." You turned to him with a deep glare and scoff.
"Didn't I literally just say I don't want to hear doubt!"
You were met with a series of heartfelt chuckles. His voice got an octave deeper as he got close to your ear once more.
"I'm not very good at listening to instructions, darling."
The academy was filled with lively chatter and elegance on every possible surface. Only a few steps in when a certain dark-haired girl stopped in front of both you and Coriolanus.
"Y/N! I didn't know you were going to be able to come!"
Clemensia excitedly said as she moved in for a hug, which you returned. You smiled at your dear friend.
"Ah, well, I couldn't miss the victory gloat of this one."
You slightly turned back to Coriolanus, who softly scoffed at your words. It helped inflate his ego but also your argument about the size of it.
"Well, when you he does, remember I was the humble class partner."
He gave her one of his notorious charming smiles, but internally he was rolling his eyes as dramatically as possible.
The only work Clemensia did was write her name and look pretty.
Coriolanus wondered how things would be if you were his class partner instead of her. If he just said no and rather asked you.
Then again, you had instantly chosen Sejanus as yours. You always stood by him ever since that first conversation. And today was no different when you spotted him on the other side of the hall with his ma.
You bid your goodbyes to Clemmie and Coryo, assuring the latter you would meet up later before the announcement. Even as he locked his arms with Clemmie, who led the way and conversation, he watched you.
He didn't like that you were walking away; the feeling of someone else's arm in his felt like a crime.
But you were completely oblivious to the enamored boy's feelings as you smiled to the Plinths. You were quickly barged with a hug and motherly affection by Mrs. Plinth. As she enveloped you in the squeezing hug, she complimented you endlessly in ways that made your heart warm due to her affection.
Once finally freed, you turned to her sharp-looking son. You gave him a quick hug and assured him of his appearance, which he thanked.
"However, I would rather be wearing rags and be covered in filth than be surrounded by these pig-" the rest of the insults were cut off by your sharp jab done with your elbow into his side.
A group of powerful politicians and businessmen were right in front of you and began engaging in conversation with his mother. You two were unfortunately forced to stand there and be the example of future prosperity they talked so estimably about.
Across the hall stood the ever-judging gaze of Arachne, Festus, and Felix. The group, who stood in the middle, were soon joined by Coriolanus.
"Finally, some viable competition," Arachne admitted as she took in the newest addition to her clique. "Hmm, snazzy shirt. Is that tessare?"
He smiled that irresistible smile. "Huh, so that's why it reminded me of the maid's bathroom."
The red-headed girl looked him up and down in analysis as the other two chimed in.
"Have you tried this lamb? It’s scandalous," a munching Felix added over his plate.
"Ugh. Only the vulgar eat with their fingers, Felix," Crane rolled her eyes at the disgusting display.
"What, Daddy not teach you table manners?" Festus added.
"Maybe he would have if he wasn’t so busy running the country."
Moments like these make Coriolanus question why he was even worried he wouldn't win when he is surrounded by blabbering idiots.
But They had the option to be idiots. He didn't.
His attention was snapped back by a venomous scoff by Arachne.
"She's been back for what? Five minutes? And we don't even get a greeting while she contaminates herself with the likes of them."
Her poisonous gaze was trained on you, who seemed to be charming a group of older patrons and leaders of the financial sector of Panem. Coriolanus didn't like her tone directed to you nor her implication.
"She already said hi to Clemmie. Besides, she came here with me."
That last line caused the group of complicated adolescents to pause. Each turned, with a wrinkle in their eyebrows, to stare at the smirking blonde. His eyes were on your smiling face but didn't waste the moment to turn that smirk on them as assurance.
And just as suddenly as the situation occurred, it was ended with your entrance into the group; which, of course, was right by Coryo's side.
"I hope I didn't enter at too bad of a moment."
You said smoothly and in your tone that no one could ever seem to refuse. There was no hint of inner conflict nor unease in your body language nor voice.
You sure were giving Coriolanus a run for his money in the art of acting.
Felix, Festus, and Arachne shared a collective look of conspiracy. But for some reason, whether it be a feeling of celebration of Reaping Day or to be pocketed for later, they let it drop for now.
"Hey, they called us here for the Plinth Prize, right? Because I heard Dr. Gaul’s in the building."
You looked around and noticed all the key figures who aid and conduct the Hunger Games. It confused you on why they would celebrate the Games here, in the middle of the Capital academy. But the subject changed just as fast as the Capital's attention span.
They all turned their heads to snort in his direction, and you refused to follow their gaze of displeasure.
"I mean, look at his spawn."
"Who would have thought that you could buy your way into the Capitol?"
"Well, you can’t buy class."
You've given them enough time to snub him when you perked up.
"Clearly, you all are experts in the lack of class, are you not?"
Instead of the usual nasty retorts and efforts to convince of his lack of worth, Arachne laughed as if you were a misunderstanding child.
"Oh, Y/N, you need to learn to let him understand his place in this world. Besides, you are clearly moving on to bigger and better things."
Her smirk was odd but so was her blatant glance at Coriolanus as she shared her thoughts no one asked for. You looked to the handsome teen who locked eyes with you.
The others continued their attack on the Plinths' entire existence, but you were too focused on the blue orbs that seemed to have stiffened. No words were spoken, but the message was clear.
Let them speak their minds.
It will only hurt to refuse. Hurt you and Coriolanus.
Sejanus has lived long enough with the whispers about him; he can deal with it.
But the wrong whisper about Coriolanus? It will ruin everything he was worked a decade for. And you wouldn't even risk the slightest crack.
"Did you see his mother’s outfit? Sorry, his 'Ma’s.'"
You had more than enough insults about the teasing boy's own appearance, but your tongue had to be bitten.
"Dress a turnip in a ball gown, and it’ll still beg to be mashed."
You had to gulp down your emotion and nausea as Coriolanus joined in the fray.
"Don’t do that. We all know that you like him."
Arachne countered him. You were grateful for it, even though you knew it did not come from a place of compassion.
"I don’t like him, Arachne. I tolerate him. He’s district."
But the sneering girl wasn't looking at him when he responded. Her interest lay on you and your mediocre attempt to hide your opposition.
Who would have thought the mighty Vaun heiress would have a weakness in the form of charming, young Snow?
It didn't surprise the teetering Casca Highbottom, who watched the two with a keen interest from the back of the room. He continued to watcg as the very boy Festus Creed discredited appeared by the snubbing boy's side.
"Sejanus, you made it to the Reaping for once."
Sejanus stood on your other side as he turned his wit towards the curly red-headed boy.
"And you made it to graduation, Festus. We’re both shocked."
You were glad Coriolanus joined in your laugh at his jab. If there was one thing to say about interactions where Sejanus has to interact with the snobbing clique, it was entertaining.
But Arachne was not in the mood for a show.
"Spill it. Who won the prize? Is Y/N the winner? Is that why of all the days to make her reappearance, it would be the day she gets her shiny prize?"
You do question why you are still friends with someone who is so quick to jump to conclusions sometimes.
But Sejanus was quick to step in and put his hand out in front of you as a sort of protective force.
"Oh, no, I’m not gonna ruin my father’s big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money. You know what that’s like, don’t you, Arachne?"
Oh, yes, so so entertaining.
Well, to everyone but the brunt of the joke.
The sound of magnificent music filled the hall, signaling the attendees to take their seats. You moved to a near seat by Coriolanus as the one by Sejanus was already taken. Sejanus seemed to be explaining something to Coriolanus, but you couldn't hear what. But seeing the color drained from his face assured you that it was nothing good.
All questions were cut off by the booming and crawling voice of Dr. Volumnia Gaul. As she addressed the crowd in her odd manners, you began to wonder what role she is playing in the Academy today. Maybe even the Plinth Prize?
She introduced Casca Highbottom, the constantly intoxicated Dean of the prestigious academy. And the creator the very inventor of the event this "holiday" was created to commemorate along with the Capital victory.
He draws on about the Hunger Games and the students' eagerness for the Plinth Prize winner, but he would never inform of the victor.
No, to your horror and Coriolanus's frustration, there would be one final task to determine the winner.
"But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games."
Best said by the creator of the bloodbath. You were meant to create children of your same age or younger into spectacles to win the prize. They didn't have to survive for you to succeed.
The realization that this will only amplify the widespread thought among your peers that districts were subhuman, hit you at once. Second class citizens.
They are to parade around in their last moments, all in mercy of their puppeteers: kids their same age. It sickened you.
But if it sickened you so much why does that voice still keep telling you that at least they have a chance to win? More of a chance then they had given you all.
The continuation of your moral conflict was paused as you tuned back into the words of your stumbling Dean.
"Your entire future rests on this last project. Oh, and I must tell you that anyone caught cheating to give their tributes an unfair advantage… will just have no future at all."
His words seemed a bit targeted and enjoyed too much. Nevertheless, the ceremonial music initiating the Reaping Ceremony began.
As each name from the districts was announced, so was the accompanying mentor. Anxiety began surging through your veins as it finally hit you that you will be an integral part of this year's games.
Blood will be on your hands.
You didn't know what to think when the district one tributes you were announced and your name was absent.
Should you be upset that the likelihood of a successful tribute is going to dwindle the further down the list goes?
When it was district two's turn, you hoped that neither you nor Sejanus are named. You knew he was going to suffer most regardless, but having to mentor someone from his own district was its own special punishment. All hope was crushed, however, when Highbottom opened his mouth.
"How apt. Boy goes to Sejanus Plinth."
The crowd applauded, but the sound of blood in your ears drowned it out. You instantly peered around Coriolanus to look at Sejanus. But his gaze was glued to the floor in front of him. Due to your now-close proximity, you could hear the talk between the two boys.
"You got the pick of the litter."
"You forget. I’m part of that litter."
The grave tone in Sejanus's voice wasn't one of surprise. But rather one of understanding. Understanding why him and why the tribute he landed with.
The tributes and districts kept on coming and coming. But not a singular mention of either you or Coriolanus.
It had gotten to District Ten and yet nothing. You turned to look at him and found him already staring.
That mask was fixed perfectly for all else. But the mask could never mask his eyes.
His now dull blue eyes filled with fear. And Coriolanus Snow showing fear was enough to ensue new waves of emotion in you.
You had the same mask plastered on, but you couldn't stop yourself from fishing your necklace out. You grazed your fingers across the cold metals of all three to calm yourself as District Eleven was finished up.
Your hand dropped to your side and was quickly grabbed and given a squeeze of reassurance by Coryo. Maybe even a transfer of bravery.
You both knew what was to come now. Who was to come.
However, you were too quick to judge.
"Twelve! Boy, Y/N Vaun!"
Maybe you were imagining things or letting your mind play tricks on you, but Highbottom's voice sounded as if it was laced with a slight enjoyment.
However, your attention was turned to the boy appearing on the screen. Jessup Diggs. He was tall and broader than you would have imagined. His face was stone cold and lifeless. A mirror of yours. How odd.
The moment to analyze was over as soon as it started when Highbottom began again.
"Oh. You’ll be happy about this, Ms. Crane. The “runt girl” from District 12, she belongs to Coriolanus Snow. Lucy Gray Baird."
The whole room seemed to freeze as a girl in a beautifully designed colorful dress walked solemnly to the front. A boy seemed to try to talk to her, but her eyes stayed forward with her hand clasped behind her back.
"What is that dress? Is she some sort of clown?" Arachne mocks, but you found it fascinating.
"I think it's beautiful."
Your genuine and soft admission brought back Coriolanus Snow's senses. But they were reinvigorated when a red-haired girl began shrieking in the crowd. It made him stand up in fear and shock. The mayor's daughter, apparently.
Others in the hall seemed horrified and disgusted. Especially with Lucy Gray's musical performance and ending line.
According to Arachne, she was mentally ill. But to you, she was fascinating.
While everyone began getting up, you leaned over to a still-shocked Coriolanus. "Even when all the odds were against your favor, you still seemed to bag a winner."
You really believed she had a shot at winning. She already had attention and clear potential. You could tell Coriolanus was thinking the same thing, but his hope was not fully shared with your amount in the girl. Lucy Gray is clearly outgoing and has, at least, the ability to charm. She is going to need a lot more than that, but fortunately, she has a clever mentor.
You stated as much in an empty hallway that you shared with Coriolanus. He was racked with stress and purpose as he paced back and forth the space.
"You know he purposely gave me the weakest tribute. He is doing all he can to stop me from moving forward!"
He took a strong bite of the crackers that he sneakily grabbed from the table of food earlier. You leaned on a pillar as you let him rant.
"Let him do all he can! Fate seems to have different plans. And was it that you always say? 'Snow lands on top!' "
He stopped his pacing to land in front of you. He had a few crumbs on his shirt that you instinctively brushed off without thought.
His glance back and forth between your features and hand on his chest.
"And besides, the future president of Panem is gonna deal with a lot of petty men like him. You are just getting early practice."
Your optimism showed through your pretty smile. You peeked up at him, and the intensity of his eyes had you bite your lip in nervousness. Maybe you stepped over the line? Maybe you got too comfortable? Maybe—
All thoughts seemed to dissipate the instant Coryo leaned in.
You didn't know what to do and were doing your best not to freak out. It's not like you didn't want to because that would be the biggest lie of your life.
But you've never kissed anyone before. And what if he was just wrecked with nerves?! What if it meant nothing?
What if it meant nothing.
But as Coriolanus was a millimeter from your lips, the clearing throat paused any further action. You quickly turned your head as the blonde opened his eyes and followed your gaze.
Oh, had he wished he didn't.
There stood the cursed Dean. A look you couldn't decipher expressed on his face.
"President? Well, my oh my. Ambitious, just like your father."
You glanced to your right as Snow now stood next to you, with a guarded yet confused look.
"Oh yes. He and I were best friends. Once."
Highbottom's targeted gaze fixed on you. "And your dear mother. I was so saddened to hear of her untimely passing."
His tone, however, felt anything but. He turned his attention back to the heir of House Snow.
"Enlighten me, Mr. Snow. What are your plans after these Games?"
"And if you fail to win the Plinth Prize, what then?"
"I hope to go on to the University, sir. Naturally." Coryo answered as if it was the most preposterous question in the world.
"We’d pay the tuition, of course."
Casca Highbottom's sunken eyes seemed to shine as if he had caught fresh prey.
"Look at you. Your makeshift shirt and your too-tight shoes. Trying desperately to fit in when I know the Snows don’t have a pot to piss in."
Both you and Coriolanus had bewildered looks gracing your features on his knowledge. The boy's breathing deepened as he tried to calm himself, but you could see the small sheet of sweat building on his face and neck.
Highbottom was already satisfied with his effect on Crassus Snow's poor offspring. But what more could a little fun hurt?
He took calculated steps towards you, and Coriolanus took a noticeable step forward, as if a shield from the hollow man's words. The dark-haired man's eyes seared into the ever-attention-getting silver ring. His smile made your skin crawl.
"And here I thought you would be smarter than your mother. But of course, the Snows are known to be entitled."
And with that, he turned his back, making his grand exit. He didn't even turn to give a look as he addressed Coriolanus.
"Good luck with that poor little songbird."
Once assured he was truly gone, you and Coriolanus shared a look. A look of horror, anger, and determination. Determination to make Highbottom wish he ate his words.
He may have thought he put you both in the worst positions possible. But there is a thing about two people put in a corner.
They can create quite a stir.
And there sure was a storm brewing.
Your anchor and lifesaver being the retreating blonde with a straightened back and a purpose never more solidified.
A/N: AND ITS FINALLY OUT! pls don't send me into the arena🙏 I know I said it would be out DAYS ago (maybe even a week ago im sorry!) But I didn't like my original draft as it seemed just too rushed. I don't wish to post bad writing just to be timely. I hope you guys enjoyed the newest chapter and please let me know what you guys think and if you enjoy the longer chapters! Pls lmk guys I have been awake nearly 24 hours. Much love❤️
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹@mindymeeksmartinsgf 🌹@dilucpegg3r 🌹
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i-understand-vangogh · 9 months
i blame my need to read for my lack of a relationship LMAO… these fanfic boys set the bar HIGH
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starsluver · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Umbrella Academy☆
Deadly class ☆
Harry Potter★
Scream ☆
Little women★
West Side Story☆
Baby ★
Bones and all☆
Pistol ★
Enola Holmes ☆
Hunger games☆
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Night on the Town
A Bellova x Coriolanus One-Shot
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova and the made-up places I included. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
SUMMARY: After drinking more than they initially planned during a night out with friends, Bellova and Coriolanus exchange secrets and promises.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, alcohol consumption, mentions of violence and assault, Festus being creepy, slight angst
A/n: This takes place the school year before TBOSAS occurs, so during the equivalent of their junior year of high school. Also, I HIGHLY recommend you catch up on my series, A Lady Made of Snow, before reading this.
“I am so glad that’s over with,” Festus Creed grumbled.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Lysistrata Vickers said as the group of students exited Professor Demigloss’s classroom and started down the staircase to the dining hall. 
Persephone Price nodded in agreement. “I found it to be a pretty straightforward exam, all things considered.”
Festus snorted. “Maybe for you, but for me, it felt like reading another language.”
“I thought it was easy. You’re just an idiot, Festus,” Arachne Crane said smugly. 
Festus opened his mouth to argue, but shut it when he noticed Bellova Reginelle had joined their group.
“Is Festus complaining about the exam?” she asked, giving the boy a teasing smirk. Lysistrata nodded. “I’m starting to believe you’ll flunk Demigloss’s class, Creed.”
He scowled. “I won’t, I’ll pass with flying colors, you just wait and see.”
Bellova laughed. “Keep telling yourself that and maybe it will come true.”
Bellova, like most of the students in her class, had been worried about Demigloss’s exam for the past few days. She and her study group had studied vigorously, but the stress kept mounting. The tension had put her on edge, and she’d lost her temper while bickering with a certain blonde boy. 
Thankfully, the test was not nearly as difficult as she had expected it to be. She found that she had time to spare at the end of the period, which she spent passing notes back-and-forth with Persephone. They both agreed that their friend group should spent some time together outside of school to celebrate the completion of Demigloss’s exam. However, they weren’t sure what to do. They could visit someone’s penthouse or go shopping, but they’d done that several times already. Doing something new and exciting would give them all a chance to let loose a bit.
The group, consisting of Festus, the Ring twins, Arachne, Lysistrata, Persephone, Felix, and Bellova, sat at their usual lunch table. They were soon joined by Sejanus Plinth, to the chagrin of several people. Bellova ignored their silent attempts to shoo him away, and allowed Sejanus to sit next to her.
After chatting lightheartedly about some mundane gossip for awhile, Bellova cleared her throat, silencing the group.
“Persephone and I,” she began. “Were thinking that we should all go out tonight. But we weren’t sure what we should do.”
The group exchanged glances, waiting for someone to suggest something.
Finally, Sejanus spoke up.
“My Ma told me that there’s some kind of show happening at the Odysseus Theatre. You know, the one on Aleona Street? We could get dinner beforehand and go to that.”
Miraculously, the group seemed to like Sejanus’s idea. Festus added that it was an illusionist show reserved for the Capitol’s elite, and that unlimited drinks would be provided during the performance. 
Lysistrata frowned. “Festus, some of us have never had alcohol before. What if someone gets sick?”
He shrugged. “Then that’s their problem.” 
Bellova gave Festus a look. “Anyways,” she continued. “Are we all in favor of that plan?”
“Excuse me, what plan are you all forming without me?”
Bellova rolled her eyes when she heard the voice or Coriolanus Snow behind her. 
He took a seat next to Sejanus, and gestured for Bellova to speak.
She sighed. “If you must know, we are thinking of going out tonight to destress and have some fun. Sejanus suggested going out to dinner and then going to a show. I was about to ask how everyone felt about it before you so rudely interrupted me.”
Coriolanus scoffed. “You’re so sensitive.”
“You’re one to talk about sensitivity, Mr. I throw a tantrum when I don’t get a perfect grade.”
“Guys,” Sejanus said, preventing them from continuing to bicker. 
Bellova gave Coriolanus one last scathing look before turning to the rest of the group. “All in favor of the plan raise your hand.”
Everyone raised their hand, including Coriolanus. She raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Bold of you to assume you’re invited.”
“Bellova, don’t be mean,” Persephone said, frowning. “Of course you can come, Coryo.” 
Coriolanus smiled charmingly. “Wonderful.”
Bellova glared at him, but didn’t object. “Fine. Let’s meet at The Ambience on Heirloom Avenue at five o’clock. And make sure to wear something nice, we are going to an exclusive event after all.”
Everyone nodded and went back to talking as normal, except for Bellova. She was watching Coriolanus carefully, observing the way his body had tensed when she mentioned dressing formally. 
‘How odd,’ she thought.
Little did she know that Coriolanus was internally panicking, wondering how the hell he was going to find something to wear that his classmates wouldn’t look down upon.
“There she is! Oh, you look so gorgeous!” Diana Ring gushed, waving Bellova over.
Bellova smiled as she stepped out of her limousine, walking towards her friends who were standing outside of the restaurant. Sejanus greeted her with a warm hug, which Bellova generously accepted. She gave Lysistrata and Diana a friendly kiss on the cheek, and nodded politely at the others.
“Nice dress,” Arachne said, not even trying to hide her jealousy. She wore a dark green velvet dress, which Bellova thought was pretty but overall unimpressive, especially compared to her own outfit. 
The sheer, glimmering material of her form-fitting silver dress made her look like a diamond personified. Her matching heels wrapped around her ankles, the straps resembling silver snakes. On top of her dress was a white fur shawl, which protected her from the chill of the evening air. 
“Thank you, Arachne,” Bellova responded. “That shade of green really brings out your eyes.” 
Arachne grinned proudly at the compliment. Festus, who was standing next to her, was obviously fixated on the bare skin revealed by the shortness of her dress.
“Festus,” Bellova snapped. “Stop ogling or I’ll rip your eyes out.” 
The boy smirked. “Fine, fine. But it’s hard not to stare when you’re so…exposed.” 
Lysistrata smacked him on the arm. “Stop it, Felix! You’re embarrassing yourself.” 
“Damn right you are,” Bellova agreed, rolling her eyes. “Alright, are we ready to go in now?”
“We’re still missing Coriolanus,” Sejanus spoke up. 
She huffed impatiently. “If he doesn’t show up in the next thirty seconds, we’re ditching him.”
“You’re out of luck then, Bellova.”
Bellova scowled as she saw the Snow heir approach the group. “I was hoping you’d get hit by a car on your way here so we could all enjoy our evening.”
“Guys please,” Apollo Ring said hastily. “Let’s not argue now. We should head inside, our table is waiting for us.”
The group of students filed into The Ambience restaurant, chatting amongst each other as usual. Bellova linked arms with Persephone, complimenting her outfit. She had chosen a less flashy dress than Bellova’s, which made sense given her more reserved personality, but still looked gorgeous. 
They all took their seats around a circular table, which had been reserved by Felix’s father for the occasion. Unfortunately, Bellova ended up sitting between Arachne and Coriolanus. 
So much for a relaxing evening. 
She hoped that some alcohol would mellow the two out, but knowing them, it was safe to assume that wasn’t likely. But she had never been around them while they were intoxicated, so perhaps they were entirely different people while they were drunk.
As expected, waiters soon came to place small glasses of sparkling wine in front of each of them. Festus eagerly took a sip and immediately shuddered, making the group laugh.
“I suppose we’ll see how well Creed over here handles his wine,” Apollo joked. 
“I bet he’ll be a mess by the third refill,” Arachne added, smirking.
“I disagree,” Bellova chimes in. “He’ll be a mess by the second.” 
She saw Coriolanus grin at that, which gave her a strange sense of pride. 
Felix raised his glass, indicating that he was about to make a toast. “To us, for surviving Demigloss’s exam.”
The rest of them raised their drinks. “To us.”
A chorus of clinking glass followed, as well as the sound of many of them coughing as the liquid burned their throats. Bellova, who had become familiar with the drink recently, had no trouble downing half of it in one go. 
Coriolanus nudged her, making her cringe in surprise. “Someone’s been indulging themselves with alcohol recently, hm?”
She scoffed. “None of your business, Snow.”
“Easy there, I’m not judging you.”
“You judge me every fucking day, so forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
Coriolanus smirked. “Fair enough. But I feel like actually having some fun tonight, so I’ll try not to agitate you, regardless of how amusing I find your angry expressions to be.”
Bellova rolled her eyes. “How kind of you.”
“I know, my generosity is quite admirable.”
Bellova couldn’t help but laugh, making Coriolanus smile. She could tell it was a genuine one. He rarely gave those out, especially to her. 
She secretly hoped she could elicit a few more before the night came to an end.
By the time the group left the restaurant, several of them were quite tipsy. Bellova, as well as Sejanus, Lysistrata, Persephone, and Coriolanus stayed unaffected, thanks to either their higher alcohol tolerance or their choice to only have a glass or two of wine. 
While waiting line to enter the Odysseus Theatre, Bellova listened to her friends chatter excitedly, speculating about who would be at the show. Apparently, there was some famous television star attending, but she wasn’t particularly interested in that. She decided to focus her attention towards Sejanus and Coriolanus, who were having a hushed conversation.
“What are you two conspiring about?” she asked, pulling a compact out of her purse to re-apply her lip gloss. 
“We’re just talking about Festus,” Sejanus murmured. 
Bellova looked over at the Creed heir, who was trying and failing to subtly steal glances at her.  She gave him a cold stare, making him turn away quickly. “What about him?”
“He’s being a creep,” Sejanus said. “Looking at you like that.”
“I know,” she agreed. “If he keeps it up, he’ll be dead by the time midnight rolls around.”
Sejanus sighed. “You should talk to him and get him to stop before it gets to that point.”
Bellova huffed. “Fine, but don’t make me do it alone. He gets angry when he doesn’t get his way. And I don’t want things to get physical.” 
Coriolanus laughed. “That’s a first.”
“Shut the fuck up, Snow.”
Sejanus ignored their exchange. “Coriolanus and I will be by your side to make sure Creed doesn’t try anything funny, okay?”
“Hey,” Coriolanus protested, pouting slightly. “Why am I getting dragged into this?”
Sejanus sighed. “I don’t want to see Bellova get harassed any more, and she wants some silent support while confronting him.”
The young Snow looked at Bellova, clearly annoyed. “Fine,” he relented after a moment.
“Thank you, boys,” Bellova said. “I appreciate it.
The group was allowed into the theatre without any trouble after showing a man their ID’s. Many of the Capitol’s richest were socializing loudly with one another, glasses of posca in hand. 
They made their way through the crowd, eventually finding their way to their reserved area. Felix’s father, being the president and all, had ensured they had the best view possible. 
“I want to sit next to Felix,” Arachne said obnoxiously, latching onto the arm of the president’s son. 
“Relax, Arachne, nobody is going to steal him from you,” Diana teased, sitting down next to her twin brother. Arachne gave her a look before taking a seat as well, still holding onto Felix’s arm.
Noticing Festus move to sit next to Bellova, Sejanus quickly took the seat before he could. Coriolanus followed suit, sitting on the other side of his rival. Scowling, Festus reluctantly chose the seat next to Sejanus, and began chatting with Apollo.
“Creed!” Bellova said sharply. He turned back around, his eyes going straight to her cleavage. She scowled, covering herself with her shawl. “If you keep eyeing me like I’m a piece of meat, I’ll ensure that you end up like one: cut into pieces and served on a pretty platter.”
Festus gulped. “U-Understood.” 
Bellova gave him a sickly sweet smile. “Lovely.”
She picked up the flute of posca set before her. After finishing the drink, she started to feel slightly warm, the effects of the alcohol beginning to set in. She folded her shawl on her lap, resting her hands on top of it.
Sejanus smiled at her. “You didn’t need our help after all.”
She shrugged. “It was nice to know that you two had my back. Or at least you did.”
Coriolanus frowned at her, setting down his empty glass. “Do you really think I’d let Creed assault someone and get away with it?”
She pursed her lips. “If it was me he was after, then maybe.”
He shook his head. “Bellova, I would never let harm come to one of my friends.”
“Hmm” was her only response. 
Loud music began to play over the speakers, causing the chatter around them to quiet down. The lights dimmed, and the stage was illuminated a moment later, revealing a group of performers with sequin-covered costumes. 
The illusionists were brilliant. They made white doves appear as if they vanished into thin air, and re-appear in a cloud of purple flame. The crowd was enthralled, gasping and applauding loudly. Avoxes walked through the room, keeping the guest’s glasses full of posca. 
After the third glass, Bellova was definitely intoxicated. She felt slightly dizzy, and was trying desperately not to say anything that would embarrass her later. 
While the performers were setting up their next elaborate trick, Bellova glanced at the two boys sitting next to her. Sejanus was in a dark blue suit that complimented his chocolate brown eyes. Coriolanus, on the other hand, wore a black long-sleeved dress shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows, paired with matching dress pants and black leather boots. There was a silver watch on his slender wrist that was engraved with the Snow family crest.
He looked like he was attending a funeral, but he looked as handsome as ever.
She giggled. “I’m in a Snow and Plinth sandwich.” Sejanus chuckled, making her eyes widen. “D-Did I say that out loud?”
“Yes, you did,” Coriolanus said, smirking. She sighed, rubbing her temples gently.
“I’ve got to stop drinking after this glass,” she murmured. “I’m going to keep saying stupid shit like that if I keep this up.” 
Two more refills later, Bellova and Coriolanus were completely, utterly drunk.
Bellova had no idea that Coriolanus was the slightly giggly, honest type of drunk. She expected him to be meaner while intoxicated, not more pleasant. He was more boyish and cheerful, and had an almost goofy smile on his face. 
Bellova looked at him, her eyes glassy and a bit unfocused. “What’s making you so happy?”
He shrugged. “Nothing. I just am.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it doesn’t!”
Coriolanus pouted, crossing his arms. “You’re so mean all the time. Why can’t you cut me some slack?”
Bellova smirked back. “I would if you weren’t such a cunt on a daily basis.”
“Watch your language, we’re in public.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that.”
“Stop giving me attitude,” Coriolanus said, glaring at her.
“You’re one to talk about attitude, Coryo,” Bellova muttered.
He suddenly placed a hand on hers, making her shudder slightly. His hands were cold, which was fitting, given his last name. 
“What’s this for?” she asked, confused.
“You would be so much nicer looking if you weren’t always glaring. You have a pretty face, you shouldn’t waste it by scowling at me all the time.” 
Bellova was too intoxicated to stop herself from blushing slightly. “You think I’m pretty?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s an objective fact that you’re gorgeous. Everyone with eyes thinks so. You should hear what the older boys at the Academy say about you.”
Bellova winced. “I don’t want to know. They’ve harassed me before, have I ever told you that?”
“No, you haven’t,” he said, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Okay, well I don’t want to talk about it,” she snapped, suddenly feeling tense. 
“Because,” she said, biting her lip. “It’ll…make me upset.”
“Coriolanus, I had to stab three boys in the arm to escape being forcibly stripped,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears that she hastily wiped away. “That was why I almost got expelled last year. I would’ve been if the boys hadn’t been threatened to confess by my father.”
Coriolanus stared at her in silence for a moment.
“That’s awful,” he said quietly. “I had no idea. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” she said. “It’s in the past now. Just…don’t mention it to anyone. I don’t want the drama to start up again.”
He nodded. “I won’t, I swear.” 
“Good,” she replied, giving him a small smile. She saw him yawn, covering his mouth with his hand. “Tired?”
Coriolanus nodded. “Exhausted. I was up late last night.”
“How come?”
“I couldn’t sleep. Nightmares.”
Bellova frowned. “What about?”
“My mother. And the night she died. You know I was supposed to have a little sister? She died minutes after being born.”
Bellova felt her heart tighten. Coriolanus’s baby blue eyes were watery, and he looked more vulnerable than she’d ever seen him. He was still holding onto her hand, his grasp tightening slightly. 
“I’m sure that your mother was a lovely woman,” she said softly. He nodded. 
“She was. I keep her old compact by my bedside when I need to calm my nerves. There’s still rose-scented powder in it, and it makes me feel as if she’s in the room with me.”
Bellova gave him a soft smile. “That’s sweet.”
“I suppose,” Coriolanus said, his eyelids beginning to droop slightly. To Bellova’s surprise, he let his head rest on her shoulder. His golden curls brushed against her bare skin, making a warm feeling bloom in her chest. 
Sejanus looked over at Bellova to see how she was doing, and his jaw fell open when he saw Coriolanus resting comfortably on his fiercest rival. 
‘What the hell is going on?’ Sejanus mouthed at her.
Bellova gave him a dazed smile. ‘No clue,’ she mouthed back.
She felt as if she’d fallen into an alternate reality. This felt so odd, having Coriolanus cuddled up at her side and holding her hand while half-asleep.
But she wasn’t complaining. Not in the slightest. 
With a good amount of difficulty, Sejanus managed to convince Coriolanus and Bellova to accept his offer to call a cab to take them home. 
Both were almost unconscious, and had forgotten to call their drivers to ask them to pick them up. Sejanus knew they both needed to be at home in bed soon, or they’d regret it in the morning.
In the back of the cab, the two academic rivals sat on opposite sides of the back seat. Bellova assumed Coriolanus had finally fallen asleep, as his head was resting against the window. 
Her head was still swimming, the posca affecting her thoughts greatly. She had urges she’d never have while sober, such as the urge to run her hands through Coriolanus’s curls. They looked so soft, almost like a kitten’s fur. 
She turned away to look out the window, staring at the pristine Capitol buildings in the distance. One day, she’d have one all to herself.
Coriolanus’s raspy voice startled her out of her fantasies, making her sit up. “Yes?”
“Maybe…” he said slowly. “Maybe we should stop being mean to each other.”
Bellova sighed. “Maybe. But it’s part of our relationship. It’s fucked up, but that’s how it’s been for years.”
“I don’t always enjoy fighting. It’s stressful and frustrating,” Coriolanus said. “And it gets tiring.”
“What exactly is your point, Coryo?”
“Let’s make a pact,” he said, his glazed eyes looking into hers. “An agreement to stop arguing for no reason. Maybe we’d be happier if we work together instead of against each other.” 
Bellova hummed. She supposed he was right, bickering with him could get exhausting. It would be hard to stop trying to get under his skin on purpose, as it had become a habit. But was worth a try.
She extended her hand. “Okay. Let’s do it. No more pointless fighting.” 
He grasped her hand, giving it a firm shake. “Promise?”
“I promise.” 
When the cab driver reached Bellova’s estate, Coriolanus gave her a parting kiss on the hand, making her giggle loudly. She blew a kiss back to him before one of her guards escorted her through the gates, putting an official end to her night out. 
The next morning, Bellova and Coriolanus both woke up in their own beds, their hangovers giving them splitting headaches. 
Coriolanus ended up vomiting in the bathroom, worrying Tigris immensely. He assured her he was fine, but she insisted on making him a cup of tea and coaxed him back into bed. 
Bellova was prepared for the hangover, and took some medicine she had in her bedside cabinet in order to quell the pounding in her head. It was the weekend, so she had no obligations. After her headache had lessened, she slipped back into sleep.
Neither of them realized they had blacked out the previous evening. They didn’t remember anything after having their fifth glasses of posca. 
Along with forgetting the deep conversation they had at the show, the promise they made to each other was forever lost in the recesses of their minds. They would continue to fight over the most mundane things, and do whatever they could to get a rise out of the other.
Until, of course, the conflict came to an end once and for all on that fateful October day.
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TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! I really loved writing this one-shot, and I may write more for these characters in the future in order to expand upon their backstory. If you have any one-shot ideas, pls leave a comment below or send something to my inbox!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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