#felix hartin hcs
zenryverse · 1 year
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This was originally going to be a blog for extra content for Danger on Deck and maybe updates, but as pretty much all of you are aware at this point, I have about a zillion ideas for other Zenry AUs as well as future kid OCs, so this just kinda became a dumping ground for all of that.
I try to tag the non-Danger on Deck related stuff as #nonDoD 
Danger on Deck masterlist | ao3 link | ff.net link
Bonus content (tag)
Zenry HCs (tag)
Previews for (potential) future fics
Also, I played this game on my main (@zackmartin) a while back where I had people send me AUs and I'd write out how I'd have it play out, so here's the tag for that!
For people that might find have found this blog through Ao3 or ff.net, Izzy, Felix (and soon to be, Zoey, but they're still in development) Hartin are basically two future kid OCs I came up with for Zack & Henry. I kinda consider my future-verse as it's own separate universe, mostly because Danger on Deck is always evolving, as is my future-verse (i mean, I added a whole third sibling two years after the fact lol) so I feel like eventually I'm gonna mess up the timeline somewhere and they might not exactly "match". (And I can't guarantee that the ending of DoD will align with my stuff that's set in the future). Even so, other people have been considering my future stuff as just being set like, after the events of Danger on Deck so it's really your call if you'd like to do that too.
Here's a little intro to Izzy!
And an intro to Felix!
(intro to Zoey to be posted later)
Izzy's HC tag
Felix's HC tag
Anyway, if you wanna submit comments, questions, mystica theories, Zenry HCs (either sending me your own or asking for them, I'll be excited by either), please feel free! I'll be ecstatic!
Anyway, I think that's it. Hope you enjoy your stay in this niche little crossover universe(s) of mine 💙
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zackmartin · 4 years
Fun fact + Izzy and Felix? 😊❤
Heather 🥺💗 you always support me, I love you too much 💕💕
Izzy has a whole 8-track collection. She doesn't even really care much about the actual tapes or the bands on the tapes, but when she was young and she was staying with grandpa (Zack's dad) she found his collection so he played some for her and he'd sing along to her and he gave her some so now she has a whole collection that's like, her connection to grandpa.
Felix had his first kiss when he was 13 and he was immediately like "hm. This is gross". It only happened one other time when he was 16 because a lot of his friends were dating and all that stuff so he was like "okay maybe I was just really young and this time it'll be different" but when it happens again is when he decides "no, it's gross and isn't for me" and that's really the end of it. (But, also, he doesn't say it's gross around the two people he kissed because that'd be mean and he's the sweetest kid in the world, he's just thinking it when it's all said and done).
Send me Fun Fact + OC for a fact about that OC!
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zenryverse · 3 years
Whaddup, it’s your girl here with more Hartin Family HCs thought up by me at like 3 am (I also decided to type it up at 3 am so i apologize for mistakes and if feels incoherent/rambly). This post is definitely for Jesse (@angrypunchguy) and Jesse only cause he inspired me but literally. I can’t believe I’ve never given any member of the Hartin family a cat until now cause it’s SO them but anyway 
- it’s one of those really fluffy long-haired cats, all black 
- as a side note, I always wanted to give Char the exact same cat in this universe so she and Izzy definitely bond over the fact that their cats are twinsies
- It’s the pet Izzy gets after Steve is gone 
- Izzy kinda wants to name them Felix just to screw with her brother cause Felix the Cat; even though it’s technically Izzy’s cat, Felix wants to name her Salem because he has a whole collection of comic books that feature Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Izzy’s still mad about the Salem Witch Trials so she won’t allow it 
- They both finally settle on the name Eclipse 
- Eclipse definitely bonds with Henry first because he was the only one that didn’t really want her at first (not that he’s against cats specifically; actually he would’ve preferred a cat over any of the other animals they acquired over the years, but he didn’t really want any other pets because he’s the one that ends up having to take care of them)
- (Felix is better about sharing the responsibility than Izzy, but during those times when he’s nowhere to be found and it’s time to walk Daisy (felix’s golden retriever), Zack always conveniently has something else he totally forgot to do that needs to be done right away so the responsibility falls to Henry)(and Henry wouldn’t even ask Zack to help with anything involving Steve considering Zack can barely be in the same room) 
- (although, when their kids are old enough where they can be left alone for a few minutes, Zack will take Daisy for a walk but only if it becomes a couple’s activity and Henry goes with him)  
- (actually, Zack didn’t want another pet either but that’s entirely because he didn’t think he could handle another arachnid in the house, or anything that could be classified as a bug aldsjkf But, Izzy knows he can’t handle tears so she definitely used that to her advantage and once he learned she wanted a cat he was totally on board anyway and he helped convince Hen) (but this HC list is getting away from me alkdsjf)
- anyway, she bonds with Hen at first and she definitely talks to him. As long as he looks at her when he speaks, she’ll respond no matter what he says. She’ll talk to the others too, but only sometimes; Henry, all the time. 
- There’s definitely been more than one occasion when Zack’s walked in on them and just been like “are you having conversations with the cat again?” “........no.” 
- “sometimes I think you talk to that cat more then you talk to me” Henry, deadpan but entirely joking: “she’s a better conversationalist than you”
- and even though Henry didn’t really want her at first, she still gets toys at Christmas every year, they end up with one of those big cat trees in their living room, and he gets her one of those beds you can stick in the window 
- This is definitely Jesse’s idea, but Felix and Izzy get her a pink, sparkly collar with a little bell on it 
- Ofc she’s afraid of Daisy at first, but she warms up to her after a short while and it gets to the point where she uses Daisy as a bed on occasion 
- After a little begging from Izzy, Zack agrees to make Eclipse a bed that’s an exact replica of Izzy’s
- It becomes a part of Eclipse’s routine to curl up in it when Izzy retires for the night (but she’ll divide her time between her bed and sleeping with Izzy on Izzy’s bed)
- Izzy and Fe get her one those harnesses to try to train her to take walks 
- it does not end well
 - it becomes a family group project (taking place over several months because they can only afford so many supplies at a time alkdjf) to build her a little sanctuary/playpen type thing in the backyard; Izzy and Felix tell Henry what they want it to have, he turns it into something that’s actually conceivable asdaslkdf and gives it to Zack, where Zack does most of the actual building 
- It does turn into an opportunity for him to teach Izzy and Fe a thing or two though
- and Zack has to keep Henry from giving her the whole backyard instead of just half 
- also, this is sort of Jesse’s idea too, but she always lays on Izzy’s and Felix’s desks when they’re doing homework or Fe is playing a game. She’s messed up more than one of his games by laying directly on the controller or keyboard 
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zenryverse · 3 years
There’s no rhyme or reason to this list, I just couldn’t sleep last night so my mind came up with some random Zenry HCs at like 4 am so I felt like sharing
- Zenry is definitely that couple that could have full times jobs and a house and bills and kids that are now teenagers but Zack comes home in the middle of the day to find the table flipped on its side with Henry crouching behind it aiming a marshmallow shooter at him and telling him he has ten seconds to run before he starts shooting and ofc Zack has a bunch stashed in random places in the house for this exact purpose
- on a related note, it’s a common occurrence for Izzy or Felix to come home and one asks the other where their parents are and the answer is “in the backyard throwing water balloons at each other” 
- the kids love it when they’re younger because they get to come home from school and make a huge mess and shoot stuff at their parents but when they become preteens/teenagers Izzy is always like “do you guys have to be so embarrassing all the time? 🙄" even though she still secretly loves it and always gets into it and Felix tries to hide how much he loves it because he doesn’t want his Cool Big Sister to think he’s lame 
- on another sort of related note, they definitely team up to embarrass the ever living shit of Izzy when she’s a teenager and when she complains and asks why they do this to her, they’re always like “it’s our job and we take it very seriously” 
- Zack randomly texts Henry after he gets home from work and is just like “come outside but be chill about it, don’t let the kids know” and Henry’s just like ???? but does it anyway and Zack gestures for him to get into the passenger seat and Zack’s clearly trying to be stealth so then Hen tries to be stealth, and once he’s in and the doors are locked, zack just pulls out a Styrofoam to-go container and two plastic forks and he hands one to Henry and when he opens the container there’s chocolate cake inside and he’s just like “there was a birthday at work, this was the last piece” and he doesn’t need to say anymore because henry knows he texted him to come out there so they could have a rare selfish moment and share it between each other because they both know if he had taken it inside, their kids would’ve sniffed it out and taken it before he was fully in the door
- (this is basically just a zack HC) but he definitely goes through a midlife crisis phase where he buys another motorcycle and wears leather jackets and ripped jeans and he starts a band that sometimes plays in his bar and his band is like semi-known in Swellview so Izzy and Fe’s friends kinda highkey think he’s really cool but Izzy and Felix are always just like 
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whenever their friends start talking about how cool they think he is because this is the same man that laughs so hard at his own unfunny dad jokes that he’s in tears and he also cried at the pet store the other day because there were one of those teacup puppies and she was “too damn small for her own good” and who says some of the cheesiest shit to Henry that it makes them physically nauseous (even though they both kinda think it’s sweet too; felix more than izzy) and they also witnessed him almost total his motorcycle and severely injure himself because he tried to pop a wheelie and failed miserably 
- Izzy, whenever they start acting all lovey-dovey: that’s disgusting. You’re not supposed to do that, you’re parents! Felix: I think it’s sweet they’re still in love even though they’re all old now :)
- also unfortunately I don’t think homophobia is going to completely disappear within the next 10-15 years so there’s that one mom in the PTA that comes up with BS reasons why her kids can’t hang around Izzy or Felix but it basically boils down to her being shitty but Hen and Zack are so used to being around their friends where Cody is the only token straight (and even then, that’s iffy) so they’re just,,,,completely oblivious at first and they’re trying to come up with reasons she might not like them: “is it because Zack drives a motorcycle?” “Is it because Zack works in a bar?” “Is it because he still wears that ridiculous leather jacket even though he’s in his mid 40s?” Zack: “why are these all aimed at me????” Henry: “I own a flower shop. i drive an electric car. my entire wardrobe is jeans and flannels buttoned all the way. no one outside this house has seen my bare arms or knees in over a decade”     - but finally Izzy just tells them that it’s basically because they’re married to each other and Zack’s just like “damn. out of the list of reasons why other people might find me a bad influence around their kids, being married to my soulmate is pretty far down there.” Henry: “no, it’s not even on that list. actually, you’re a great dad and a great husband, if anything, it should be a reason why you’re a good influence” and even though Zack’s super pissed (not even because it’s against them, but purely because she’s holding it against his kids) he still lives for compliments from Henry so he’s sitting there feeling 😡🥰 simultaneously
- once Hen and Zack find out which mom it is, they definitely gossip about her like two white suburban soccer moms. Zack: “Of course it’s that bitch Lauren. She always had some backhanded comment to give about my lemon squares at the PTA meetings. My lemon squares are delicious! well, actually they’re Cody’s, but you know!!!!” 
- when they’re both at the meetings, Zack has to keep Hen from starting an actual fight with her when she makes some snide comment aimed at Zack Zack: “baby, you can’t start a brawl at a PTA meeting” Henry: “but you heard what she said!!!!” Henry, to himself, under his breath while shooting daggers at Lauren: “you’re lucky my husband’s here.” 
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zenryverse · 3 years
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zenryverse · 4 years
This definitely isn’t based on me stealing my dad’s flannels whenever I’d have to fly back home and be away from him for months at a time again, no siree
Whenever Felix is feeling overwhelmed or like he’s losing control and Hen isn’t around to calm him down again, Fe will go steal one of the flannels from his closet (although, he can’t really be sure if it’s Henry’s or Zack’s, but they both share, so guaranteed whichever one he grabs, Hen’s worn it at least once) and he’ll put it on, and it’s oversized and doesn’t fit and he has to bunch up the sleeves a bajillion times just to get his hands through, but that’s enough of a “connection” to calm him down until Hen comes back home again 
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zenryverse · 4 years
Okay, since I'm getting literal fanfics now(???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺), I feel like an HC you all should know is that Izzy and Felix call Henry Padre or Papa and they just call Zack Dad.
They'll use daddy for either of them, but only under special circumstances, usually when they want something (money, a ride somewhere, to have a sleepover ect) or if something major happens (like the first time Izzy gets her heartbroken, she uses it)
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zenryverse · 4 years
trans felix!!!!!!
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zenryverse · 3 years
What are some things they don’t agree on?
Who is the big/little spoon?
Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
for zenry <3
lksjd thank you, Lizzie, I love you with my whole heart 🥺💖 Also, I,,,,sincerely apologize, I typed my answer out in a google doc first and it's legit just shy of 1300 words 🤦🏻‍♀️You kinda sent this at the worst time, cause I finally started my birthday prompts and I’m making progress for once, and I started DoD again and I think I might actually be making progress on that too, so I’ve been thinking about them again and my brain saw this ask and went “infodump!” and I’m trying to be chill but :/ I sincerely apologize for being this annoying. :/
OTP Questions
Okay, so What are some things they don’t agree on? and Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target? kinda tie into each other so I’m gonna answer those first.
Who’s more likely to accidentally spend $300 in Target? Zack, hands down. Like, not that I think Henry’s really stingy or is someone with like, a meticulously planned out budget, but his impulsive spending might be going into to Target to buy one thing and coming out with a few more things he thought of that they needed and maybe one impulsive buy, the impulsive buy being like, $20 extra (which, don’t get me wrong, can still be a lot (like, that’s literally a make or break number for me tbh) but it’s not quite on the same level as Zack).
Henry knows better than to send Zack into someplace like Target by himself because he’ll tell him to just buy one (1) thing (“cereal. We just need this one brand of cereal. That’s it.” “Got it.” “Do you? Say it back to me.” “Just one thing: cheese puffs.” “Zack!” “I’m kidding, Swellview. I know you said cereal. Would you relax? I’m a grown man, I think I know how to buy something at a grocery store”) and then next thing Henry knows, Zack’s coming home with a giant TV that’s bigger than their living room and costs about as much as Zack’s last three paychecks.
And Henry thinks the TV’s really awesome at first so he’s not really thinking of consequences either, but then when the adrenaline wears off he finally remembers that they needed those paychecks for things like, idk. Rent?
So, to segue into What are some things they don’t agree on? I’d say money is like, the one “big” thing. (Although, I suppose it’s less of a disagreement, because Zack knows that they do, in fact, need to pay rent, but it’s more like. Something that’s likely to cause a fight.)
Like, especially when they first move in together, they're both going straight from their parents house to a shared apartment, so Zack's just not thinking about the responsibilities that come along with that, it's more like. "I'm making my own money and I live in my own place so Mom can't tell me I can't buy a TV that's as a big as my bedroom wall" and it's not really that Henry's saying no either, cause he's not about to tell Zack what he can and can't do with his own money, he just kinda points out that if Zack doesn't have anything leftover and they can't make rent, it's gonna get to a point where he has to move back in with Mom.
So, like, money can definitely be a make or break issue in a relationship, but they both have a solid relationship otherwise and they’re willing to do the work to make it work, so they eventually reach a happy middle, for the most part. The only time it really becomes an issue again is much later down the road, when Zack becomes successful in his new job (talent agent) and starts getting those commission checks laskdjf and Henry has to gently remind him that they have 3* kids and two pets to take care of so "buy the fancy watch, but maybe hold off on the private island shopping for now?"
(*probably 3. I have a name and a possible age and story for the third sibling, but I’m still just fleshing them out so I’m hesitant to officially introduce them just yet alsdjf)
I think besides that, most of the stuff is just petty things. Henry thinking one of Zack’s favorite movies is stupid and he doesn’t see the point of it, and Zack finding out Henry doesn’t like *insert food item here, i’m too lazy to think of one alsdkjf* and Zack just (jokingly, ofc) being like “I don’t know who you are anymore”
(to an outside perspective, their "disagreement" on things like Zack's favorite movie might sound like a legitimate fight, but they just have a very banter-y, playful relationship, so to someone that isn't familiar, it might seem like they're genuinely arguing/angry but to them it's just. normal. (like when Henry goes "it's stupid" and Zack goes "You're stupid!", Henry just smiles and rolls his eyes cause he knows Zack wasn't like. serious ladskjf) and they can literally go from that to being sickeningly lovey-dovey in two seconds flat)
Who is the big/little spoon?
It varies, really. I’ve seen it both ways in my head. I really think it depends on what mood they’re in.
Not to make it sound like they only spoon when one’s in a bad mood, but just to give an example like. In his bartending days, I can see Zack coming home from a long shift of dealing with shitty customers and getting lousy tips and given the job is demanding anyway, just feeling kinda :/, so he comes in the door and plops down on the couch next to Henry and just,,, buries himself in his side.
And, on top of that, Zack is kind of a baby (affectionate) so he sometimes will have a fine day (not good or bad, just neutral) but he still puts on his Whiny Baby VoiceTM when he walks in the door and is just like “my job sucks, and customers are horrible, and working is hard :(“ cause he knows that means extra attention and snuggles from Henry. Of course, Henry catches on after a while, and he can pretty much tell the difference between when Zack legit feels bad and when he’s just putting on a show, but Hen doesn’t really mind indulging him in either case.
(It’s only when Zack tries to milk it for longer than it's worth that Henry finally puts his foot down. Like, when Zack tries to claim that he still has a cold three weeks later even though his nose is all clear and Henry can tell he’s faking that sore throat, but Zack’s still trying to be like “take care of me :(“ (which translates to: “do everything for me') is when Henry is finally just like “no💖”)
I can see it from the other side, too. Henry having a rough day and just wanting snuggles.
Otherwise, I think it just depends on what mood they’re in, and who wants to be the Big Spoon that night. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
I think they both have a tendency to be night-owls. Not to bring everything back to Henry’s KD days, but I’d say his sleep schedule is pretty fucked from the occasions of being awake all hours due to late night missions, and when Zack's a bartender, he typically works the graveyard shift, so he’s not getting home until the early hours of the morning anyway.
I’d say when they’re older, and they have kids, and they work more traditional 9 to 5 jobs, it’s less them staying awake too long, but more, them falling asleep on the couch asldkjf and then little twelve year old Felix is the one dragging them to bed cause “if you don’t go to bed now, you’ll be cranky in the morning”
(Also, I just need you to picture Zack, still with his eyes closed, mumbling “carry me” intending to say that to Henry, but Felix thinks he’s talking to him, so Felix, who’s smaller than most boys his age, being like “okay” and wholly willing to try to carry his fully grown father to bed alskdjflkjsd)
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zenryverse · 3 years
ALSO, I watched the Haunted Hathaways last week and Felix and Miles are so alike, they’d literally be besties
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zenryverse · 3 years
Anyway, continuing my cat HCs, there’s definitely a few stray cats over the course of Henry’s time at his flower shop that show up that become like his “work” cats that he kinda adopts. Like, they aren’t allowed in the actual shop solely because some species of flowers are poisonous to cats, but he keeps his back office pretty much sealed off so they have a place to roam, and in the summer he leaves the backdoor open so they can come in and he lets them sleep in there in the wintertime so they’re out of the cold and he brings them food everyday and sometimes they’ll sit in front of the shop and greet the customers and half of Swellview is familiar/friends with Henry’s cat(s) and in keeping up with the theme, he names them after flowers, but he lets Felix pick the names 
Also, sometimes after school or whatever, Izzy and Felix will stop by and play with them for a little while or bring them extra treats or a new toy or something 
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zenryverse · 4 years
I almost made that announcement by saying “felix transed his gender” but I stopped myself asldkfj
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zackmartin · 4 years
okay like. I know Lizzie said it cause she thought she was projecting, but Izzy being super into amphibians, reptiles, and anything of the sort feels like a very Izzy trait 
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zackmartin · 2 years
Do you have any new headcanons for Izzy and Felix?
I don’t really have any new HC’s for Izzy and Fe specifically, but I’d love to introduce the two newest members of this little universe? If that’s cool? :)
Thank you so much for sending this, I love you with my whole heart 💕
So, first Izzy’s bestie-turned-girlfriend, then we’ll talk about the third sibling.
(Forgive me, I don’t have a last name for her yet, I haven’t had any spoons lately, so I haven’t been able to devote time to fleshing her out.) - Anyway, her name is Zaria - her FC is Swayam Bhatia - She is/was Izzy’s neighbor (up until she was a teenager when her parents moved to a new house, but they stayed in Swellview so it wasn’t like they were separated or anything.) - They have one those relationships where she’ll literally just like, walk into the Hartin house without knocking and she definitely sees Zack and Hen as like. Extra parents. But, because of that, she also respects them as such, so even though they always tell her that she doesn’t have to be formal with them, she can use their first names, she still calls both of them “Mr. H” until she’s in her early 20s because it just feels odd/weird to her when she’s a kid to call them by anything else since they’re like. Authority figures to her. - She definitely had a crush on Iz when they were in high school, but they had been friends almost since birth so she was too worried about ruining what they had to say anything. (but, they have a happy ending!) - Izzy is definitely the bad influence on her 😅 - Like Zaria’s very naturally gifted so she doesn’t have to work herself to death to get good grades, but she still prides herself on them, and Izzy is the devil on her shoulder going “well, but you don’t really need to study for that math test. You know the material! We could go to the skate park instead...” - But they balance each other out in that way - Also, I am stealing a little bit from Swayam’s role in Game Changers, but Zari’s a figure skater
Okay, anyway. On to the third sibling. I might be obsessed with Z-names.
- Their name is Zoey (I don’t have an FC yet, I’m still deciding) but they’re a year younger than Felix and they’re genderfluid. - They literally sometimes use different pronouns on a day-by-day basis (but they/them is always acceptable). Like, they can literally just stroll in the kitchen that morning and be like “it’s a boy day” and then everyone knows to use he/him that day (I know pronouns don’t have to be gendered, but that’s just how they conceptualize it.) But, their name stays the same, so they’re Zoey no matter what day it is. - They’ve kinda been bounced around to different homes a lot so they’re kinda hesitant to believe Zack and Hen at first when they say that can be their forever home if they want it to be, because they’ve been burned before. - (they actually started as a foster for London & Maddie, and the two of them wanted to try to adopt them because they knew what they really needed was stability and just. a place that was permanent, but London and Maddie already had a few teens in the house, and they didn’t want to end up stretching themselves so thin that their kids end up not getting the attention they need because the two of them took on too much)(and they weren’t really even asking Henry and Zack to take them, they just told of them of the situation, and Zack and Hen, being the big-hearted fools that they are, had a very serious discussion about it and were just kinda like “well, we have the room, we’re financially stable enough, we could provide the stability they really need” and like. Felix had highkey been begging them for years to give him a little sibling, so when they brought Izzy and Felix into the decision making process, Felix was THRILLED, and Izzy thought it would fun to have another sibling, so it was just kinda like. As long Zoey liked being there and wanted to stay) - It takes a few years, but they do very slowly allow themselves to believe that like, this could be their permanent home, but in the meantime, they just kinda have the attitude of like. The house is really cool, they like Izzy and Fe, they LOVE being in a house with pets, Zack and Hen are nice and they take care of them, and Zack makes relatively good money and he’ll let them buy fun stuff sometimes (and Izzy has definitely taught them how to “work the system” aka her dads using tears to get what they want) so they’re just kinda like, “I’ll just enjoy my time while I’m here until they send me somewhere else” - Zack definitely cried the first time they called him dad. Like, he didn’t cry in front of them, cause he didn’t want to stress them out, but he definitely cried to Henry afterwards aldkjf and Hen was lowkey a little jealous (but, it happens soon after for him too)
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zenryverse · 4 years
Meet Felix!
Full name: Felix Hartin
Nickname: Sometimes it’s shortened to Fe by his family/close friends. 
Birthday: June 22nd
Gender: ftm
Face Claim is tbd (if you have ideas, please let me know!) 
He has superpowers as well! Unfortunately he isn’t as fleshed out as Izzy quite yet (can you tell 😬) but I do know that they are explosive and destructive, which is basically the opposite of who he is as a person. I gave a messy rundown of his adoption story here (be warned that it is slightly morbid) but Henry & Zack actually ended up with him because of the superpowers, Henry being familiar with powers himself and being around superpowered people, he had an advantage other potential parents just didn’t, and he’s pretty much the only person that’s ever able to calm Felix down when he goes nuclear. 
Felix is kind of the opposite of Izzy and Zack, meaning he’s more introverted and reserved. If I could describe him in a just a few words I’d probably say soft flower boy. 
He has a golden retriever named Daisy that he wore Henry & Zack down into finally letting him get when she was a puppy. 
Much like Izzy, he’s meant to be a bit of a combination of Cody Martin on the Suite Life side and Henry on the Henry Danger side with a bit of his own unique traits mixed in. 
You can find his tag here! There’s a bunch of other HCs for him as well which can give you much more insight into his character besides what I provided in this post. 
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