#felix gaeta x gaius baltar
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jeanie-beanie-98 · 1 year ago
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Something I did a while back :) Meme template by @mcapriglione-art
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searider--falcon · 6 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
15 - The Opera House as Olympus
The home of the eternal Greek gods who watch, discuss, argue over, and meddle in the lives and affairs of humans, such as Odysseus and his crew.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
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transpidergwen · 10 months ago
idk if Gaeta and Baltar have a ship name but I'm going to start tagging them as penpals
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blue-mint-winter · 6 years ago
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[3x13] Dee & Lee vs Gaeta & Baltar
These scenes are interlaced with each other and run in parallel. They even use the same body language.
Dee and Gaeta are close friends and they both have these reunions with someone they loved but who disappointed and hurt them. Lee asks Dee for a second chance, but Gaeta is the one giving Gaius second chance. Then both Dee and Gaeta look away, drawing the attention to people who stand in the way of the succesful fixing of their relationships - Kara and Sam at the bar/ Roslin and Adama who watch them through the camera. As a result, Lee is hit again by his feelings for Kara while Baltar realizes Gaeta is not on his side this time and accuses him of treason.
Superficially, it’s only Gaeta and Baltar scene that ends badly, their relationship unfixable and in shambles because of Gaeta’s murder attempt. But this is quite a bad omen for Dee and Lee. Lee’s feelings for Kara didn’t disappear and so he’s doomed to repeat the same mistakes with Dee.
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philosopherking1887 · 5 years ago
Rules: list your ten favorite characters from 10 different things and tag ten people
Tagged by @plush-anon. Thanks! It’s not just gonna be 10 characters, though. I can’t follow instructions.
1. MCU -- Loki, obviously (see: my icon, blog heading). Second favorite: Tony Stark.
2. Avatar: The Last Airbender -- Zuko, also obviously if you’ve seen my blog at all lately. Second favorite: Toph. Legend of Korra favorite: Chief Lin Beifong.
3. Good Omens -- Crowley, predictably. Less obvious: the underappreciated Newton Pulsifer.
4. The Witcher -- Jaskier (show only; he’s terrible in the books). Less popular choice: Istredd (the only Ravenclaw on the Continent, per earlier discussion).
5. Buffyverse -- non-obvious faves for this one: Anya (BtVS) and Lorne (Angel). Honorable mention to the far too short-lived Doyle (Z’‘L).
6. Battlestar Galactica -- Felix Gaeta, Gaius Baltar, and their weird, weird relationship. I ship it so hard.
7. Black Sails -- aside from Flint and Silver, who are wonderful and sexy (especially together), my heart belongs to Jack Rackham. Dishonorable mention to Eleanor Guthrie, who’s a horrible person but I love her anyway.
8. Firefly -- Simon Tam. Soft nerd with a steel spine. (Do I want him or want to be him?)
9. Game of Thrones (seasons 1-6ish) / A Song of Ice and Fire -- obvious choice: Arya. Less obvious: Ygritte. Contrarian choice: Theon Greyjoy, whom I have never hated. Robb x Theon 4eva.
10. Lord of the Rings -- Eowyn (this is definitely a “want” situation, because I don’t really want to be her). Silmarillion: damn right I have the hots for Fëanor.
Tagging: @anais-ninja-bitch, @blancoluna, @closeonmarksnosedive, @iscariotsss, @jaystrifes (welcome to my weird), @pennie-dreadful, @piccolaromana, @sabishiinaq, @wickedjaime, @wnnbdarklord
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drinkupthesunrise · 6 years ago
Posted a thread to twitter today and you know what for posterity, I’m gonna post it here too.
I've been thinking since the last #SwRepMatters chat & this is not explicitly about queer characters in Star Wars, it's about queer characters in another sci-fi franchise that was widely considered progressive re: representation: the 2003 Battlestar Galactica reboot.
And like! They made some pretty good choices in casting and rebooting the characters. Making Starbuck a woman? Inspired. Know what they fell down on? Queer characters.
There are four canonically queer characters who are portrayed in relationships throughout Battlestar Galactica: Admiral Cain, Gina Inviere, Felix Gaeta & Louis Hoshi. Not that you would know that if you stuck to the main series episodes, as they're all in supplementary material
Admiral Cain & Gina Inviere - who initially appeared together in 'Pegasus' - were confirmed to be having a relationship in the made for tv movie 'Razor.' Producer Ronald D Moore was concerned about having BSG's first queer character be ... well, a bad guy.
On the commentary for Razor, he and writer Michael Taylor, had the following to say:
Moore: If anything, it's unfortunate that it's the first time it's happened on the show, that we had never.
Taylor: As far as we know.
Moore: As far as we know! That we had never, actually done anything with a gay or bisexual character before this, and unfortunately this had to be the first time.
Despite being aware of their failings - perhaps - in failing to include queer characters in the series up until this point, season four, the last season of the show, also failed to include any queer relationships.
Whilst also finding PLENTY of time for heterosexual romance. Oh boy. There is absolutely no shortage of people in relationships. Romance? Pretty integral to the whole plot of season four.
A little while after Season Four finishes, they decide to make a bonus webisode series to air in the mid-season break: The Face of the Enemy. A key plot point in Face of The Enemy is that Gaeta is seduced by one of the Cylons. A female Cylon.
There's one tiny problem with this: pretty much all of the fandom thinks that Gaeta is gay. Gaeta's actor, Alessandro Juliani, has consciously been playing him that way since day one. Gaeta has a crush on Gaius Baltar. It's basically fact.
And so, to avoid making Gaeta "straight", they decide to give Gaeta a boyfriend in the same webseries. Originally, it was intended to be Narcho, one of the pilots, but his actor wasn't available. Instead, it was Lieutenant Hoshi.
Hoshi and Gaeta had, at least, interacted on the main show before. They even share a hug in 'Revelations'. They both seem private people. The reveal works. ... until three episodes later where Gaeta stages a mutiny and Hoshi is led out the CIC and never once talks about it.
Ronald D Moore talks about it on the commentary of the episode. And while yes, there's no contradiction - something helped by the fact that Hoshi is barely in the episode - that ... doesn't mean that the lack of impact of this decision is okay.
There is a missing element in the show now… the relationship between Gaeta and Hoshi. In the webisodes we establish that Gaeta is having - has a relationship with Hoshi, a romantic and probably sexual relationship with Hoshi, and if we had known that at the time we were doing this there clearly would’ve been a stronger Hoshi element in these episodes. There would’ve been more fallout. There would’ve been a question of whose side Hoshi was gonna be on. But that just came later… I like the idea of that relationship in Gaeta’s life, and I liked what it did in the webisodes and as we thought back of how it affected these episodes. There’s nothing in here that contradicts that relationship. There’s nothing that says, “Oh, well they couldn’t have been in a relationship because of X, Y, and Z.” And I think it’s - for people listening to the podcasts and people who are presumably fans of the show, I don’t think it takes a tremendous effort to find a rationalization that essentially we’re just not seeing those scenes. We’re just not seeing the moment of decision between Hoshi and Gaeta, and that they did occur off-camera, and that we the audience just didn’t get a chance to see them.
Characters who are incidentally gay? Great. It doesn't need to impact the plot. But lets also recognise where a character's queerness or their queer relationship should be acknowledged by the plot, and that failing to do so is a cop out.
To circle back to Star Wars: I think Poe will be queer. I really really do. I think there's such momentum behind him being queer that Disney aren't going to make him "straight". But it will be in supplementary material. It won't impact on the main course of the story.
Queer characters should not be a 'bonus', a reward for engaging with the extended tie-in materials. It should not be left to fans to write those relationships into the margins of the material - especially when het romance is integral to the fabric of your show.
We're ten years on from BSG and it's half-hearted, we tried but not really, attempts at including queer characters into a big sci-fi franchise. 
We're twenty years on from DS9 looking at the romantic tension between two male characters and stubbornly ignoring it.
It's 2019, Star Wars: make Poe Dameron queer, and put it in the goddamn movie, not some book ten more years down the line.
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searider--falcon · 6 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
14 - The Rebel Basestar as Scheria, Land of the Phaeacians.
Upon being released from captivity on Ogygia, Odysseus is at sea for nine days before washing ashore on the island of Scheria, home of the Phaeacians. Discovered and aided by Princess Nausicaa, Odysseus begs Queen Arete and King Alcinous for help. The Phaeacians are known for their sailing prowess and their magical ships which move at incredible speeds, know all lands, and require no oars. After hosting Odysseus and hearing his stories, the Phaeacians agree to provide him with a convoy of ships back to Ithaca, regardless of any godly wrath such actions might incur.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com/
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searider--falcon · 9 months ago
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Batlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
12 - The Maelstrom as Charybdis
With all his men dead and his ships destroyed, Odysseus lashes together bits of mast and keel to form a raft. The stormy seas push him back toward the straits of Scylla and Charybdis. As the raft is sucked into the giant whirlpool, Odysseus catches hold of the lone fig tree which overhangs Charybdis. For almost a day, Odysseus clings to this tree, suspended above the monster. At last, Charybdis spews back up pieces of the raft. Odysseus plunges back into the water, grabs the wooden remains of the raft,and swims past Scylla, escaping death thanks only to the mercy of the gods.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com/
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searider--falcon · 10 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
8 - Earth as The Underworld
Odysseus confronts the hungry ghosts of the dead and seeks guidance from the ghost of Tiresias, the blind seer of Thebes.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com/
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searider--falcon · 10 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
10 - The Battle of the Colony as The Strait of Messina, Home of Scylla and Charybdis
Following the instructions of Tiresias and Circe, Odysseus and his men sail between Scylla, a man-eating creature who dwells in a cave in the cliffs, and Charybdis, a monstrous whirlpool which destroys anything that comes within its reach. Odysseus chooses to sail closer to Scylla, for although he is doomed to lose some men to her, getting too close to Charybdis would mean death for the entire crew.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com
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searider--falcon · 10 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
9 - The Ionian Nebula as The Island of the Sirens
On advice from Circe, Odysseus and his crew sail past the island of the sirens, who attempt to lure sailors to certain death with their song. The crew plug their ears and bind Odysseus to the mast so that he might hear the sirens' song, but not jump overboard.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com/
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searider--falcon · 10 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
11 - The Algae Planet as Thrinacia, Island of the Cattle of Helios
After passing between Scylla and Charybdis, Odysseus and his crew arrive at Thrinacia, where the sun god, Helios, keeps his cattle. Odysseus warns the crew not to kill and eat the cattle, lest they incur the wrath of the god. After a month stranded on the island, the crew give into temptation and slaughter some of the cattle. Helios begs Zeus for retribution. As the crew set sail once more, Zeus destroys the ship with lightning, killing the entire crew. Only Odysseus is left alive.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com/
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searider--falcon · 9 months ago
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Battlestar Galactica x The Odyssey
13 - The Hub as Ogygia, Island of Calypso
After narrowly escaping Charybdis, Odysseus drifts for nine days, clinging to wreckage from his ship. On the tenth day, he washes up on the shore of Ogygia, the island home of the nymph Calypso. For seven years, Calypso keeps Odysseus on Ogygia, even though Odysseus continues hope for a return home. Calypso even offers to make Odysseus immortal like herself, but he stills longs for his wife, Penelope.
Locations in Battlestar Galactica as stops in the Odyssey. Quotes are from the Robert Fagles or Emily Wilson translations, depending on what I thought fit best.
Screencaps are from https://frak-that.com/
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