#feels like i got into a time machine 2 make this but it was bouncing around my head since seeing certain reactions to striking lol
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rich people still struggling to comprehend this in 2023
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em-dash-press · 1 year
Ways to Skip Time In Your Stories
Finding ways to skip time in stories can feel challenging. Writers often worry it’ll make their work feel too amateur or negatively affect their pacing. 
The truth is that every author includes ways they skip time to maintain their pacing and plot. Check out a few ways to do it with confidence. 
1. Start a New Chapter
Yes, it’s really that simple. Go back to your favorite books and note how each chapter ends. You’ll likely find a few of these tricks that transition the story in ways that match the story’s flow.
Ideas to End a Chapter
The protagonist goes to sleep (likely overused, but practical)
The characters end a conversation
One character informs another of a plot twist
Unexpected action occurs, like a car crash
2. Emphasize the Season
You don’t need to tell the reader exact dates or hours to pass the time. You could mention the season instead.
If a scene or chapter ends in the summer and you need your plot to start in winter, make your protagonist mention something about the leaves changing color and giving way to snow before your action picks up again. It will only take a sentence or two, so it’s also an effective method for short stories.
3. Visualize a Movie Montage
Imagine watching a movie about a character who goes on a summer adventure. They backpack through Europe, but they have to take a flight to get there. 
You likely wouldn’t see them standing in airport security lines, napping in a terminal or watching a full movie on their flight to their destination. Instead, you’d get a montage of them driving to the airport with a shot of their plane cruising over the open ocean.
Writers can do the same thing, minus the soundtrack in the background. Describe how your character got to their destination when a new chapter or scene starts. Your readers will get the general idea and appreciate getting straight to the plot that made them pick up your story in the first place.
Here are a few ideas to do this in just a few sentences:
One delayed flight and a bad airplane dinner later, I was walking out of the Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport with an aching back and excited heart.
My trip began with the perfect flight. I got an entire row of seats to myself, which made napping through the trip much easier. A flight attendant roused me awake when it was time to land. I couldn’t believe how fast I’d arrived in Athens that quickly.
My flight was just long enough to catch up on the movies I’d been missing over the last year. The landing gear bounced along the runway in Rome just as the Barbie credits started flashing across my iPad.
4. Showcase Some Confusion
Sometimes we aren’t aware of what time it is. We only know time has passed. That might be the best way to make time pass in your story if your protagonist gets confused, caught by surprise, or otherwise discombobulated.
These are some examples:
I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth. The sun was already peaking in the clear blue sky. How long had it been since my explosive video call with my ex the night before?
The time machine landed with a thud that knocked me to the ground. The control panel exploded in shimmering sparks. What year was it?
Working a double shift always left my brain spinning. I left work, walking across the parking lot with only the stars watching my back. I could feel the hours aching in my feet, but didn’t care what time it really was. I just needed to sleep.
5. Employ a Phrase
There are many quick phrases you can use to make your time jumps immediately clear. Consider using a few of these when you feel creatively stuck:
Later that morning
A few weeks later
After months of trying
Six hours later
The following week
As the store closed for the night
There are many other ways to make time pass in a story. Starting with these could help you figure out the best way to move your story forward without disrupting its pacing. 
Remember, you’re in control of your story at all times. There’s always a way through creative challenges if you take a deep breath and try something new.
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allfryam · 1 year
freshman 50 (freshman 15 part 2)
Jake was delusional. He had gained over 15 pounds in the few months he had been at college and he didn’t even know it. He still saw himself as the perfect image of a man. His smooth abs we’re completely gone and he had a bit of a belly covered in a small layer of peach fuzz. Even Ben had noticed jakes weight gain. And he liked it. Ben had a crush on Jake since the moment they became roommates. The perfect brown hair, the ocean blue eyes, and Jake only became hotter as his stomach grew.
Ben realized that Jake was completely oblivious to the fact that he was getting fat. Ben wanted to keep it that way. Whenever Jake would say something about feeling big or eating too much, Ben would shut that idea down by telling Jake how great he looked. He even convinced Jake that the washing machine on campus would shrink his clothes. “Ohhh. That explains why my pants won’t button” Jake would say. Ben would often take jake out for pizza or burgers. Jake would end up eating an entire pizza all by himself because Ben would claim he wasn’t hungry and jake hated wasting food.
by Christmas time, jake had a proper dad bod. His expanding stomach was beginning to hang over his belt and push tight against his biggest shirts. His belly wasn’t the only thing growing either. His ass had gotten significantly larger than before. It would even bounce when he walked. Ben loved it. His thighs had also become thicker. Even his perfect jawline was beginning to fade. When all of his classes stopped for winter break, jake wasn’t getting nearly as much exercise as usual. He would play video games in his underwear and have fast food delivered to his dorm.
jake never told anyone he was gay. He was way too embarrassed to let anyone know. He was even more embarrassed to tell anyone he had a crush on Ben. Ben was so nice to him and he had the perfect body. The dad bod kind of grew on him. One night, jake mustered up the courage to ask Ben out. Ben said yes of course. They would go on dates all the time. Ben would take him to dinner; and jake would devour everything in his sight.
one night, jake decided to step on the scale to make sure he still had his perfect body. 200 pounds. At first, jake was shocked. But he realized the scale must be broken. There was no way he had almost gained 50 pounds in the span of a single semester. He decided to ask ben. “ do I look fat?” “What? No way! You’ve got the perfect body dude”. “But the scale said I was 200 pounds”. “Yikes” ben thought to himself. He knew Jake was getting fat but not THAT fat. “The scale is probably just broken” ben said. “Yeah. You’re right”
holiday treats had a big impact on jakes body. He would go the the store and see fresh treats at the bakery and he couldn’t resist. He would come home with 10 different types of cookies, eggnog, sweet breads, and candies. All of it would be gone by the end of the week. One day he was really hungry and he finished a batch each of gingerbread cookies, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies, brownies, a gallon and a half of eggnog, a loaf of sweet bread, a slice of cake, and a bag full of peppermint m&ms. Not to mention the McDonald’s he had for lunch. Ben didn’t think it was possible to eat that much and survive but here was Jake. Doing it with ease.
when new years came, Jake only had one resolution. Get bigger clothes. None of his clothes fit anymore. Even his baggy sweatpants were skin tight. Bens New Year’s resolution was to make Jake hit 250 pounds without him noticing. This would prove to be a lot easier than Ben thought because little did he know, in December alone, Jake had gained another 35 pounds. Jake was huge. His average dad bod was now a round ball of a stomach. Ben measured it in his sleep one time. 50 inches. Jake had let the peach fuzz on his stomach grow to a nice hairy gut. His ass was also getting to be huge. It would stretch out his pants like crazy and bounced like a wild balloon. His perfect jawline was now replaced by a proper double chin. Jake didn’t even have to look down for it to show. It was always there. Growing. Jakes perfect pecs we’re now large moobs that sat nicely on his large gut. Even Jakes hands were starting to get chubby. They were turning into little greedy sausages. Jakes entire body would move when he walked. He would get out of breath just walking to class. But Ben wasn’t done fattening him up. He had big plans.
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starlit-crossing · 5 months
Lost in Foster (Working Title) Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - A Feeling of Dread
Welcome and enjoy! All characters are of course owned by their original intellectual properties and this story is in no way canon.
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Danny wasn't sure what to think when his parents said they would be collaborating with the Guys in White for a contract. He knew nothing good would come from it. Jazz had even voiced her concerns, citing the times the GIW had tried to steal their work. His parents just brushed off their worries, stating the project was research-focused rather than weaponry. It relieved some of Danny's worries, but he couldn't shake this nagging feeling.
"If its focused-on research how much harm could it cause?" Sam reassured as the collection of herself, Danny and Tucker settled in for movie night in Sam's home theater. The theater was in the basement, red curtains hanging by the large movie screen.  A few chairs and piles of pillows were strewn about for the group to chill on. There was even a popcorn and soda machine in the back of the room next to a few classic arcade games.
"Yeah, Danny, what if they finally find evidence to support your side? Y'know the fact ghosts are the same as people and there is good and bad." Tucker piped in as he plopped into the cushiony seat with a bounce, extra-large popcorn and soda in hand.
"I don't know, Tuck. They've found stuff like that before, and they always find a way to twist it to fit their view on ghosts." Danny rambled, running his hand through his hair. "I just hope they'll be careful around the GIW and maybe let some research spill at home so I can eavesdrop."
"You could always follow them." Sam suggested. She watched confused as the boys just stared at her.
"You think Danny should follow his parents into the base of a bunch of ghost hunters hired by the government to research and destroy anything undead?" Tucker asked. "Are you insane?"
"Sorry Sam I'm with Tucker on this one, I don't think I could get close without catching someone's attention, human or ghost." Danny sighed, "Let's just get the movie started, what's on the menu?"
"Femalien 2: Predator vs Prey, Terminatra 7: Back to the Present Again, or Nightmerica: Dreams of Terror." Sam listed off just as Danny felt a cold wisp of air leave his lips.
"FEAR ME! I AM THE BOX GHOST!" screamed the Box Ghost, the cry making its way in from outside.
"Raincheck you guys, boxy shouldn't take me too long." As a flash filled the room and Danny flew through the walls disappearing.
"Ten bucks says Skulker shows up before he can come back." Tucker bribed.
"You're on, we took out his suit last week. Meanwhile, Kitty and Johnny 13 have been fighting again." Sam accepted, starting up a movie knowing it would be done before he got back.
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The following weeks were surprisingly uneventful, a sign Danny took to heart. His parents had been extra careful not to leave out any notes or research in the house, not even in the lab. Refusing to give any hints as to what they were working on. Ghosts had been scarce, nothing except ectopuses and blob ghosts. The GIW agents had been the complete opposite, they were at an all-time high. You couldn't go more than ten minutes without spotting a white van. He was glad he didn't need to save anyone from those agents, but he had a really bad feeling that something was going to happen. School was his only time away from the ghost hunters it felt like.
"Calm down, Danny. So, you have had a few good weeks, you've caught up on homework and Lancer isn't on your back nearly as much." Sam soothed as they took a seat outside in the courtyard for lunch. The hustle and bustle of students drowning out any chance of being overheard.
"Yea, dude even Dash has been picking on you less. Though that could be due to the championship coming up." Tucker added his mouth full of sloppy joe. The bully in question was across the court passing a football with his teammates, Paulina and her socialites sitting on the table watching them. Dash caught Danny's gaze and gave him a smirk dragging his finger across his neck.
"Don't remind me, I still remember last year when we lost. Dash was bully all nerds on sight that week." Danny grimaced as he ate. "But my parents have been really excited this week. Apparently, something big is coming." As if speaking it into the universe the Fenton GAV made its way barreling down the street, some white vans in tow.
"Spoke too soon, dude." Tucker whispered as they watched the GAV dodge and swerve to miss any pedestrians. The vehicle finally came to a stop on the grass with Drs. Fenton and the GIW rushing out to follow a gadget in Jack's hands.
"He's here somewhere, I just know it! Come out ghost scum!" Jack exclaimed barreling straight to Danny. The whole group of hunters stared at the young boy and his friends. "Aww. It didn't work, Maddie. It’s still stuck on Danny-boy." Now that they were closer Danny was able to see the Fenton Finder in his father's hands. It looked like it had been upgraded, it was bigger with handles on the sides and no voice stating where the ghost was. The screen showed simple faces on the screen next to the GPS. The current emoji was a shocked face as the map was pointing and beeping at him.
"That can't be possible, we tested it on other simple ghosts. The upgrade to the Fenton Finder was supposed to show and locate the emotions the ghosts project in order to fool and feed on the humans around them. Even that simple ghost with the boxes was able to show signs of disappointment as he failed to scare his victims." Maddie explained, grabbing the device. With it in hand she fiddled with the settings of the device, swapping it between ghosts till it landed back on the name Phantom. "We had tested this last week; Phantom's emotions reflected his actions time and time again in a hostile environment."
"Well, there's no ghost here, probably still has a few bugs, right?" Sam offered, trying to distract them and keep the focus off Danny. Danny's mind raced with the implications of what was happening. Of course, his parents would find out that ghosts tend to be more emotional than humans and would twist the fact to fit their biased theory that all ghosts were evil. It’s not like ghosts were moody on purpose, when your entire being is based on your mental state emotions tend to play an important part. Not only with obsessions but when interacting with each other, being able to read the emotions of the ghosts you interreacted with was as important as social cues and body language with humans. Sure, you could go without them and function as fine as anyone else, but they were still a great help with communicating if you were good at understanding them. With this they'd be able to tune into any ghost no matter the distance and translate it into coordinates. Not even the ghost zone would be completely safe as they could probably filter through the other emotions using the ectosignature of a previously known ghost. Danny's breath started to pick up, he could feel himself spiraling as he started to think about what that would mean for him in the hands of the GIW. They would never stop looking for him, they would be able to find him anywhere in the country.
"Look Mads, the ghost kid has to be near the emotion changed again." Jack exclaimed, jumping with excitement.
"I see that Jack and it would make sense with the transition of shock to confusion to panic. Though he's nowhere to be seen, Agent O do you have confirmation that Phantom isn't in the area?" Maddie turned, addressing the agents that had been standing by waiting for orders.
"Affirmative, there are no spectral entities in the viscidity on any energy spectrum. Could it be possible that the spectral entity is hiding among the student body? You said yourself that your device is focused on your son and that it’s a common occurrence. Could the ghost have caught wind of your contract with our organization and tried to find out more by hiding amongst your family?" Agent O suggested, eyeing Danny closely, the color draining from his face.
"That's preposterous, our family has ways of protecting ourselves!" Jack boasted, his voice carrying across the schoolyard. "Besides Danny knows not to trust any stinking ghost scum."
"Jack, honey..." Maddie called, eyes glued to the screen. "The emotion just turned to scared." Danny felt like all eyes were on him, going straight through him to his core. It felt like no one was looking at Fenton anymore, no matter where he looked, they all stared at him like they saw a ghost; like they only saw Phantom. Danny even had to look at himself to make sure he was still human. No gloved hands and red sneakers, he was definitely human still. Danny looked at Tucker and Sam, his best friends, looked at him with matching expressions. They both looked as shocked as he felt; they all knew they couldn't do anything, not with the GIW and student body all around them. With everyone's attention on him, he could only think of his sister who wasn't even at school. She was shadowing a therapist and had a college interview later that day. She probably wouldn't hear anything till late that night. It's not like they weren't prepared for it, for Danny to have to disappear without a trace or a goodbye. So long as they were unable to control the narrative, Danny would have to disappear. Danny knew they always thought it would be into the ghost zone, he had allies in there. People he knew would keep him hidden if anyone came looking; that Sam and Tucker would be able to sneak in if need be. They could still see him, bring him homework and food. This, however, meant goodbye and he didn't know for how long.
"Danny," his mom smiled at him with worry filled eyes. He searched them for something, anything that showed she wasn't about to drag him home and put the specter deflector on him just to make sure no ghost was using him as a meat puppet. Her arms reached out to him, as the GIW surrounded their table ready for action. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetie. We're just going to head home."
"Yea, Danny. We'll help ya out, run a few tests and make sure you don't have any evil spook haunting you." His dad tagged on, wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulder. Of course they'd want to fix this, to fix the ghost within him. One test would reveal the truth, and everyone would know his secret. Then it would be more tests, biopsies, trying to cure him of his powers. That was if they still loved him after learning the truth. The thoughts surrounding the lab became darker in his mind, nightmares he dared not to tell anyone becoming fresh in his mind.
"I'm sorry, mom. Dad. Goodbye." Danny disappearing from everyone's sight as he turned invisible and flew off towards his house. His parents’ cries fading into the distance, a mix of worry and anger as the ghost boy stole their son. Tears stung his eyes as he flew across the sky, Sam and Tucker would know what to do. They would stall for him, as long as they could. The road raced past him, he went through cars and buildings not bothering to fly high in the sky. The less time he wasted the better. As he floated into his room, he had to take a moment. The reality of it all crashing into him, he felt another wave of stress come over him. Choking on sobs he fell to his bed, clinging to the sheets. He had to calm down, he didn't have time to cry or pity himself, his parents were probably still tracking him. Which meant the GIW were still following behind, his parents he could one day convince, could one day explain how it all happened. The GIW wouldn't stop though, so long as they were getting paid and had the government's support he would have to run. He ran to his closet wiping away snot as he phased his emergency supplies from the wall. Extra clothes, a burner phone, and couple hundred dollars thanks to Sam's allowance all stowed away in a backpack. An extra belt with a Fenton thermos, ghost rays, and a pair of Fenton phones for any specters along the way. Finally, five letters addressed to Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Valerie, and his parents.
Sam and Tucker didn't know about these, he didn't know if he would ever need them but knowing his friends would drop everything to follow him, he needed to make sure Amity would be safe. Sam and Tucker's letters were a warning to not follow him, to stay and protect Amity at all costs, even revealing him to Valerie to gain her help in necessary. He couldn't trust his parents or the GIW to not torture any ghost that came into their hands. For Jazz, it was a letter to not look for him and to keep an eye on his parents. If anything changed with his parents, she would be the first to know. He needed her to be the fly on the wall, to make sure he still had parents at the end of it all. If there was ever an end to the running, he thought another wave of sorrow hitting him. He swallowed the hurt and pushed himself to keep grabbing what he needed. Valerie and his parents were the only letters not mentioning his secret. Valerie's was from Phantom explaining he would be gone, and he didn't know for how long. She would probably be thrilled at the thought of Phantom going away, but if she saw anything that had happened today, she might try and follow him too.  He knows she cares about Fenton and would probably want him safe but if anyone could protect Amity while he was gone it was her. If she needed any help handling the ghosts she could call the number provided. It went straight to Sam and Tucker's burner phone. Only one for the two of them in case either of them had to hide it for the other. For his parents, it simply stated that he was sorry and that could explain everything if they ever became open to the truth about ghosts. He did not explain what the truth was or how he would know that they were ready. That was for Jazz to tell him with a single message, she held the final burner phone the group of them had. They would be confused, not sure why phantom would kidnap their kid. Their hatred would grow much to his displeasure, but maybe one day they would give up on hate. They would find him and just ask why, and he could finally let them know the whole truth about him.
As Danny left the letter for his parents on the kitchen table he heard the stomping of feet, the whine of ecto-guns and slamming of doors as his father led the charge into the house. He was gone before they even reached his room. Leaving with what letters he had left to deliver and flying away as quickly as he could. He stopped at Tucker's house first, then Sam's, Valerie's and then flew as high as he could into the sky. He looked down at Amity Park, his home, his entire life, and afterlife. It always looked so peaceful from up above the clouds, he watched the GAV ram its way through the city. It was good to know there was a slight delay on the GPS, the emotions were able to update in real time but could only follow his trail not his exact location. They had moved on from Tucker's neighborhood and onto Sam's. He took one final breath and tried to steel his nerves. If they were searching for him with emotion, then he would just have to have no emotion. He wouldn't be able to think of home, his friends, his family, or he would start to miss them, an emotion. He couldn't think about how close the GIW were to him, or he'd become anxious, scared or even angry that they had forced him to flee. He had to stay calm and focused on running, to where he had no clue. If he headed west there was a chance of running into Vlad and he didn't need all the emotional baggage that would come with that. So that just left heading to the East coast and hopefully out of the country. He'd have to stop using his powers at some point to make sure he was untraceable.
"Goodbye, Amity. Hello worst road trip ever." he spoke softly flying off into the night.
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Hello! Author here, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! It’s intended to be sort of a prologue and set up the rest of the story. This is a crossover, but I wanted to get some establishing chapters in focusing on Danny and why he is running. I am still very rusty when it comes to writing so feel free to recommend any fixes and critiques. Let me know if I miss any typos!
The goal is to try and update weekly on Fridays or Sundays, so if I don’t post on Friday that probably means it will go up the following Sunday. Thank you to those coming over from Tumblr, loved the hype for another Dannymay fanfic! I’ll be trying to get more stuff posted there!
Let me know what you think through the comments, even if it’s just a simple one-word so I can know you’re enjoying the story! See you next week, byee!
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Sir Pentious x Inventor!Reader
i know i keep writing for sir pentious but hes my (scrambles with a pile of notes) MY DAWG hope we see more of him in season 2 im gonna be so sad if we just. dont see him again i wish we got more of him in season 1
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the moment he finds out youre an inventor as well is interesting.... it greatly depends on how far into his road to redemption is
if this is pre hotel he might get a little... defensive, i mean hes trying to fight and probe hes hot shit but the idea that theres another person roaming around with the same skills as him makes him feel antsy, like youre encroaching on his turf that he's yet to conquer
but if its post hotel? he might be excited to have someone with the same intelligence around, being far more open to talking to you and getting to know you on a personal level
it does not take long for him to catch feelings for you
he tries to find excuses to hang out with you, like asking you to check out his blue prints or trying to get a second opinion from you for one of his machines...
you two probably spend a lot of time bouncing ideas off of one another to try to come up with the next best invention...
though if youre not into building machines and weapons, i think he would still have some level of interest in what you make!
sometimes just watches you work
usually he hates when people stare down at him when hes working on his most recent piece, but he cant just stop himself...
probably makes you a mechanical heart that beats and stuff as a sign of his love
if youre new to the whole... machine making thing... he might give you some pointers! this is kind of guaranteed if he has a crush on you, by the way!
though... please know that he might be a little distracted when trying to teach you... which might lead to some.. complications
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naavispider · 9 months
Merciless, part 3
Part 1, Part 2, AO3 link (incomplete)
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Fireworks fizzed and soared inside Mercer’s chest as he put the phone down. He had not expected that, especially so soon after Ardmore’s reassurances that Quaritch would need to be pacified. He tried to calm his thumping heartbeat, but it was no mean feat. The boy…. The boy, all to himself! Finally, a chance to prove himself after the catastrophic embarrassment that was TAP’s ending. 
No more mindless overseeing of drilling operations. He’d be heading back to the base in the Western Frontier in two days, taking the kid with him. Thoughts about preparing the base and the medical team swirled around him as he anxiously bounced his pen against the file he was reading. It would be more difficult this time, having only one subject and without his second in command. He pushed away the thoughts of Alma Cortez before he could start to dwell on them. 
“Do you think he wants to know you like, at all?” Fike asked, ever sensitive. 
“Hell if I know Fike.”
“As if he was with Sully’s kids,” interjected Zdinarsk, who was leaning casually against a wooden pillar. The squad was supposed to be enjoying their downtime, but instead felt it necessary to congregate around the Colonel and air all their questions that unfortunately Quaritch couldn’t answer. “What are the goddamn chances of that?”
“D’you think Sully like… adopted him?”
“Shut up Fike!” Brown grunted. 
“They definitely got their claws in deep,” Z-dog mused, shaking her head. 
“Yeah, well,” Quaritch felt his voice darken. “We’ll see if there ain’t anything we can do about that.”
“What are you gonna do with him?” asked Ja. 
“It’s not up to me. We can probably help each other out, but Ardmore’s calling the shots.”
“Do you think he’ll open up to you?” questioned Lyle, who was resting his elbows on his knees, a look of great concentration on his face. 
Quaritch let out a long sigh. “Maybe. Given time.”
They both knew that time wasn’t something they had endless amounts of. 
“I better go check on him,” Quaritch said suddenly. Ardmore had had him in that machine again today. The kid obviously hadn’t revealed anything new because there was no way the squad would be sitting around on their asses if he had. Something deep down was starting to worry Quaritch though. If yesterday’s efforts were anything to go by, the boy - Spider - wasn’t giving up soon. Quaritch had to hand it to Spider, he admired the shit out of him for that. But he knew they were entering dangerous territory with Ardmore. There was only so much crap she’d take before cutting her losses with the kid, and now that Mercer was snooping around, an uncomfortable feeling was starting to settle in his bones. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” Lyle offered.
Quaritch waved him off, heaving himself to his feet and making the journey across the city’s vast compound. 
Fifteen minutes later, his heavy boots were thudding down the familiar row of cells, approaching the one his boy was in. His heart was starting to thunder in his chest; he didn’t know why the kid had such an effect on him, and he didn’t like it one bit. As he got to the right cell, the first thing that struck him was that Spider’s name was missing from the electronic display. Quaritch frowned, stepping forward to see inside. 
What he saw made his heart stop for a second. 
It was empty. 
The cell was empty; vacant and unoccupied. 
Something was wrong, he knew it. If Spider was still being interrogated then his name would still be on the door. In fact, there was nothing left of Spider’s presence here at all. The fucking cleaners had been in and all. 
Where was Spider?
Without wasting a second, he barged into the adjacent observation room, only to find it empty as well. His heart in his mouth, he sprinted back down the long corridor and made it to the command centre in record time. 
“Colonel-“ one of the clerks stuttered upon seeing him. 
He was quickly silenced by Quaritch’s glare of fury and no one else dared say a thing as he found the door to Ardmore’s office and flung it open without so much as a knock. 
“Where is he?” he demanded, upon seeing the General sat calmly at her desk, glasses on and reading a file. 
“Colonel,” she said, looking completely unsurprised to see him. 
“Don’t play with me Ardmore. Where’s Spider?” 
Lesser men that Ardmore would have cowered under the glare Quaritch cast at her. 
“He was becoming… a distraction. He’s been removed from Bridgehead while you focus on your mission.”
Quaritch was ready to pick her up by the front of her uniform and slam her so hard down on the desk that she’d be forced to answer. His fingers twitched. His lip curled up into the beginning of an animalistic snarl. 
“Once your mission is completed, the boy will be returned to base. Your mission last week cost us dearly. Four recombinants dead in less than twenty minutes. Billions of dollars down the drain.” She rose to her feet, and although she didn’t nearly compare to Quaritch in height, he could feel her power. She stepped around the desk, silently letting him know that she wasn’t afraid of him. “You want that boy? Bring me Jake Sully.”
Quaritch’s mind was racing at a hundred miles an hour. He could attack her right now. He could kill her, even. Force her to give the kid back. But what would that do? Get him court-martialed and risk the RDA taking it out on Spider. He dominated her physically - he was so ready to use his strength - but logistically, she had him by the balls. If he attacked her now, he’d probably never see Spider again. 
She was asking him to catch Jake Sully. He could do that. He was capable. This is what he wanted. His chest heaved with the effort of not reacting. 
The seconds ticked by, and eventually he levelled his voice enough to reply. “Where. Is. The boy?”
Ardmore raised her chin, eyes narrowing slightly. Still, she showed no signs of fear. 
“He’s being taken to a separate base. One of our facilities close to the Western Frontier.”
The next word felt like poison on his lips. “Mercer?”
She nodded, sending Quaritch’s heart plummeting a hundred miles into the floor. 
He had to reason with her. “The kid knows where Sully is. How can I find him without the boy?”
“The boy won’t talk. You and I have both seen it. You’ll have to think of other means. I have two samsons with pilots at your disposal, ready and waiting. I suggest you get out to Sully's last known location, and track him back from there. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”
Fury and fear were coursing through Quaritch’s veins in equal measure. He was frozen, trying to work out what to do. What was the best thing for Spider? What was the best thing for himself and his squad? 
Ardmore smiled up at him, before sighing and moving back around the desk to take her seat. “I’m sorry it’s come to this, Colonel. But rest assured that as soon as Jake Sully is off the playing field we can talk about the boy.”
“You know what Mercer will do to him?”
She registered the tone of his voice, and levelled him with a flat look. “That is no longer your concern.”
Spider hissed as he was shoved into a new, whiter cell. “How long you gonna leave me in this one for then?” he jeered as the two soldiers who’d marched him in retreated. He was putting on a show, but inside he was scared. He thought he’d had the worst of the RDA’s treatment when they strapped him into that demon machine for the third time. Now, he’d been flown leagues across Pandora with no explanation of where they were going or why. They had touched down in the forest, which explained why Spider was now nursing a sprained wrist from attempting to run, but he’d been wrestled inside a much stranger, more clinical appearing base than anywhere he’d seen at Bridgehead. He supposed he should be thankful they hadn’t taken him out here to shoot him. Everyone they passed inside wore labcoats and carried holotablets around their necks, pressing themselves back against the walls in alarm when Spider and his entourage passed. In some of the rooms there looked like machines Spider had just been strapped to. In others, tanks and botanicals. He recognised the deadly Txumtsä’wll plant growing in a sealed terrarium and wondered what the hell the RDA was doing with a plant so toxic it could take out any Na’vi with just a single drop of poison. 
“Don’t touch me, asshole!” he hissed at the soldier who pushed him on. 
The whole place felt different to Bridgehead in a very non-reassuring way. He leaned his head back against the confines of his latest prison, closing his eyes and trying to lock out the harshness of the overhead lights.
Even the brightest optimist could tell this little outing wasn’t for a release party. And where was Quaritch in all this? Spider hadn’t seen him since he’d thrown Mercer out of the holding cells. For whatever reason, his father’s clone had been furious and refused to explain why. Spider thought back over his conversation with the strange Mercer figure. He hadn’t thought anything of it at the time - plenty of sky people had oggled him since he arrived - but now he wondered if that conversation didn’t have anything to do with his current predicament. 
If you’re not going to talk, then you’re useless to him and them. They won’t keep you around for long.
The crisp-shirted RDA schmuck had also been keen to impress upon Spider that unless he gave them what they wanted, Quaritch would have no choice but to ‘terminate’ him. Was he here under Quaritch’s orders?
After a short while of waiting anxiously, the sound of footsteps outside the glass door alerted Spider to another’s presence. He jumped to his feet immediately. There, just as he had suspected, was the well dressed, oily haired RDA leader who’d visited him yesterday. 
“Hello Miles.”
“Why are we here? Where is this?” He took a step closer to the glass, his body pumping with adrenaline. 
John Mercer smiled in that ugly way of his. In all of Spider's life, he had never seen a smile as chilling as Mercer’s. 
“We are in a facility to the West of Bridgehead. Fifty clicks away from the city.”
Spider blanched - he couldn’t help himself. Fifty clicks? That was over a week away on foot. 
“I’m waiting for the why,” Spider stressed. 
“Welcome to Kinglor Base, Miles. This is a specialist facility built purely for scientific research. You may have seen some of our tech on the way in.”
“Research on what?” Spider hissed. A sinking feeling was making its way through his stomach, clenching his intestines in a tight, cold fist. 
Mercer looked at him like he couldn’t wait to answer. Like he was feeding off Spider’s fear. “On you.”
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guzhufuren · 1 year
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Favourite VegasPete Fics pt.3  (in alphabetical order) full rec list
1. baby got bounce by @lu-sn https://archiveofourown.org/series/3540850
As a present for Vegas, Pete learns how to twerk. & Pete's adventures as an amateur pole dancer.
2. clouded with dirt by @sapphicblight https://archiveofourown.org/works/46274284
Prompt: "No, I'm not dating your brother." As they wait for Vegas to wake from his coma, Macau tries to figure out what Pete means to Vegas. Pete would like to know, as well.
3. discothéque rouge by @lu-sn https://archiveofourown.org/works/44019583
Vegas is here at this night club on a job, and he really, really doesn't want to be. Then everything goes sideways — in a good way.
4. Five-Star Southpaw https://archiveofourown.org/works/46009846
When Vegas is handed the keys to a failing major family hotel and told to bring it back to life, he knows it’s not a gift, or a test, or even an opportunity to prove himself. It’s a taunt. It’s a way to set him up for failure so everyone can rub his nose in the shitshow he’s left with, defeated and inferior to his cousins like always. It’s the death sentence of his pride in a gilded cage. But misery loves company and all that, and he finds a surprisingly fitting cellmate in an unassuming looking employee named Pete. Now if only he could get Pete to stop playing hard to get, this cage could become a lot more comfortable.
5. he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain by @hawkshadowwrites https://archiveofourown.org/works/45435295
Vegas pulls the cloth off his head and Pete’s suspicions are confirmed when the look on Vegas’s face is pure alarm and confusion, not pride and satisfaction. “What—” Vegas says as the same time Pete all but moans. “Fuck me,” Pete whines, high and desperately needy. His hips buck up against Vegas’s thigh and he whines again. “Khun Vegas.” — Or; an ep 4 auction au where Pete drinks the drugged water meant for Porsche and gets grabbed by Vegas instead.
6. it’s so sweet (knowing you love me) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46458253
“You’re smaller than me,” Pete suddenly announces- simpering like a fox in the henhouse right in Vegas’ face. aka the 5 times Pete makes Vegas feel tiny + the 1 time he feels tinier
7. Mansions and Mafiosi by @blackwatervial https://archiveofourown.org/works/46604890
Vegas overhears that someone called Pete is looking for a Dungeon Master. Vegas is convinced that he’s the man for the job – he both has a dungeon and is a master. But when he turns up at Pete’s place expecting hot stuff (sex), he instead gets hot stuff (8d6 fire damage). OR The Vegaspete DnD AU no one knew they needed
8. no rest for the wicked by @itsbinghebitch https://archiveofourown.org/works/45520291
Pete has long left Thailand. He is now living the American dream, working long hours to make his rich clients richer and himself more miserable than ever. But when his best friend Porsche invites him to his destination wedding to the mysterious Kinn, Pete finds himself suddenly thrown into the world of the Theerapanyakul family, the silent machinations underpinning their wealth, and Kinn’s cousin Vegas—who, for reasons unknown, has made it his mission to tear down every assumption Pete holds about his life. — resort romance AU where Kinn & co are still mafia (except Pete doesn't know)
9. sub(stitute) by @blackwatervial https://archiveofourown.org/works/46102267
Pete needs a fake-boyfriend for a casino party. Vegas needs to secure a deal with a casino owner. Everyone knows where this is going.
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mellomak22-blog · 1 year
Can you do a pre-wednesday Tyler, like right after he comes back from boot camp, and the reader goes to the coffee shop and he's working there, and the reader doesn't realize he's back and she's always had a bit of a crush on him but is still weary of him because of the incident that happened with Xavier.
The show Wednesday! Okay, I can do that. Here's a cute and awkward first interaction with Tyler Galpin ever since he returned from boot camp. Here goes :)
Desc: awkward fluff, feminine presenting reader. Use of she/her
Warnings: none
Ding ding! The tiny little bell on the counter rang through Tyler’s ears. Normally, the Weathervane never got busy. They got a few of their regulars each day, and during autumn, it got a little crowded. But it was never this busy.
“Tyler, get that!” His father shouted from the break room, sitting in a chair with a newspaper in hand. Tyler was in the back, making practice of his latte art. The clover he just tried to do getting messed up, adding to his frustration. A long sigh draws from his lips. Sheriff Galpin was a hardass. He was especially hard on his son when he didn’t live up to the expectations Donovan wanted him to meet. Acting like a total dick in school was just the icing on the cake. His dad sent him to boot camp, with the hopes of his son returning “a better man” who’d get himself a job (Apparently being a barista boy would do that).
It was only Tyler’s second day working at the Weathervane cafe, and he wasn’t thrilled having to work on such a busy day when normally all he could do was make a cup of coffee from a Keurig machine.
Y/N sighs. When am I going to get a coffee? She slams her palm on the bell, ringing it rapidly. Dingdingdingdingdingdi-
“Coming!” Queue Tyler Galpin. He flashes a polite smile and pushes his annoyance down into his throat. “Sorry about the wait! What can I get you?” He leans in, folding his arms on the counter and looking joyfully at his customer. Y/N gulps, and it feels like all the eyes are on her. Tyler wasn’t supposed to be here, she was supposed to ring the bell and her best friend was supposed to drag herself out and her mood would change and they’d bounce up and down together and-
“Hello? Miss?” He chuckles nervously when y/n breaks free from her thoughts and meets his gaze of green eyes. “Oh, sorry. I was just- I was trying to remember everything I needed to order!” She skillfully lied. “But um… is Lilli here?” Her gaze scans the area, trying to find something else to focus on to take away from this god awful experience. “Nope, she’s taking a day off today. It’s just me.” He forces a smile. “Oh, okay. My bad. Can I get an iced mocha latte with 2 pumps of chocolate syrup in it?”
Tyler blinks and there’s a beat of silence as he grabs something. He lifts up a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup. “...This?” Not something he had seen often, but it could be done. Y/N looks like she wants to curl into a ball. “Oh! Haha geez I meant vanilla syrup. Like the flavoring!” She scrambles the last of her words out, wanting to smack herself upside the head. “Oh. Alrighty. And what size…did you want that?” Doing his best, he smiles again, softer this time, in hopes of alleviating the pain this was. She gave a helpless looking grin back. Could it get any worse? “Large is fine. That’s it.”
He turns around, getting to work on her drink. Oh god. Are you fucking kidding me? What was that shit? Y/N went to school with Tyler and they had shared a few classes. He sat behind her in math class, where she daydreamed about him just reaching forward and playing with her hair, and he sat next to her in history. They had english together too, but he was across the room. Seeing him here after having disappeared for a while caught her off guard and it threw her out of her rhythm at the Weathervane. 
His agitation gradually went away as he got to work on the drink, and soon enough it was done. “Hereee ya go.” He presses a few buttons on the screen at the register. “It’s $7.01.” Tyler offers a plain smile. Y/N fights off making a face. Geez. Lilli must’ve usually given me a discount every time. Damn. She braves a brief grin and pays for the drink. With a quick thanks, she scurries off and out the door. The bells on the door jingling again as she leaves. 
“Are you kidding me?! You took a personal day?!” Y/N scolds her friend. A muffled response comes from Lilli over the phone as y/n sips her latte. She fires back. “Well, no. Oh but you DID kinda forget to mention that Tyler was back in town and that you  w o r k  with him! When were you gonna tell me that?” Y/N stomps away, heading to her next designation. Tyler is back to practicing his latte art.
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etsuven · 2 years
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etsuven's first kinktober: day 2/8
rating: smut cw: none includes: inventor reader, kazuha has a fucking machine used on him, etsuven doesn't know what the machine looks like and she's too scared to look it up, you hide toys under your bed because why not, i love myself a good 'oh. oh', kazuha gets flustered and its cute, he also tries to tease and gets teased back, summary: kazuha helps you test out a few new inventions...
hi hiii! welcome to the second kinktober fic! did you like the last one? personally it wasn't really my favorite as i feel that i didn't really follow the corruption kink theme that well, but it's already been written. hopefully you guys enjoyed it enough ^^.
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"so, what did you need me for?" the sound of your lovers' soft voice brought you out of your definitely (not so) innocent thoughts, making you leave autopilot mode and stop your search for the thing you were looking for.
you glanced over at him, watching as he shed his clothes on his walk to your shared bed. around this time, kazuha usually had around three hours of free time to himself, but you had called him over as you had a new invention you really wanted him to see. you did this often, and although you did feel bad for taking time out of his day for something that probably wouldn't even please your bosses, he always claimed that he didn't mind it- and that getting to spend time with you and watching you get excited over things was better than any break he would ever have.
"i made something new!" you exclaimed. searching through the closet once more, you pulled the object out of it's hiding spot, excitedly skipping over to the bed and sitting down.
in your hands was a strange device. to kazuha and any other person, it looked like a strange black box with a short pole sticking out of it. but you knew it was much more than that.
your boyfriend looked at you with an eyebrow raised, his way of silently asking you to explain a bit more. you let out a little giggle, your excitement making you bounce around like a little kid after eating halloween candy. "just wait, okay?"
placing the device on the bed, you got to the floor, looking under the bed and grabbing a box that was hidden under it. sitting down once more, you opened the box, pulling out one of the dildos that you tended to use on kazuha.
"wait, what do you need that for?" he spoke, his voice a bit shaky as he watched you fiddle around with the toy and machine for a bit. you connected the base of the toy to the pole of the machine, checking it over quickly for any problems before looking at him.
"alright kazu, press this button for me?" you pointed to the button, tapping lightly at it with your nail. kazuha looked at you with skepticism before pressing it, watching it whirr to life. the pole began to move along with the dildo, a slow and steady back and forth that was reminiscent of- oh?
kazuha felt his face flush, his widened eyes staring into yours with confusion and even a bit of lust as he tried to process the purpose of the machine. how did you make this? why did you make this? who-
"i can hear the thoughts running around your head." you spoke, a teasing lilt in your voice. kazuha forced himself out of his thoughts, breathing in deeply to try and control his rapidly beating heart and flushed cheeks.
"sorry, i- uh," he stammered, his attention falling back onto the machine. he pressed the button again, half expecting for it to cut off, but instead it went a bit faster. "i- who told you to make this?"
you smiled mischievously, pressing the button twice more before it finally cut off. "my bosses! we're studying sexual pleasure along with the akademiya in sumeru, and they asked me and a few others to make things that could aid in the research."
grabbing at kazuha's hand and rubbing at the back of his hand with your thumb, you looked to the side, suddenly feeling a tad bit embarrassed by what you were about to ask him.
"while i have tested it out on myself, i feel like my experience alone isn't enough." you glanced back at him, eyes furrowed slightly and lips pouted in a way you knew would always get him to agree to what you wanted. as seasoned of an explorer and fighter he was, he always seemed to be extra weak to your puppy dog eyes.
"would you mind testing it out for me?" you watched in amusement as kazuha's eyes went from your face to the machine in your lap, almost as if he was really, really debating whether or not to do it. he opened and closed his mouth for a few seconds, struggling to speak before he finally gained the courage to utter out a small 'i'll do it.'
minutes later, kazuha (with his hair down and clad only in the undershirt he wore under his usual outfit) was laying on the bed, watching you lube up the dildo in anticipation of what was to come (aka him). you pressed the button a few times, waiting until it got to the highest setting on the furthest out position before cutting it off.
"are you ready?" you spoke gently, pressing the tip of the dildo against his hole. he had already prepped himself before, so he wasn't too worried about the stretch, but the transition from two or three fingers to a full dildo was always tough for him- regardless of how many times you've fucked him.
"i'm ready." he spoke, a small smile on his face before he took a deep breath. you began pushing the toy in, watching kazuha as he grasped at the sheets for leverage. you reached for his hand, grazing his fingers with yours and watching as he quickly took your hand in his, squeezing lightly.
the toy was slightly cold from the lube, causing him to flinch at the sudden temperature change. though the sensation of slowly being filled up distracted him. it took a minute or two of adjusting, but eventually the toy was all the way inside him.
hovering your finger over the button, you glanced at your lover. "i'm going to press it, okay?" you waited until he nodded before pressing the button, causing it to turn on once more. kazuha felt the toy slowly pull out of him before going back in, and he groaned as it went back in.
as much as he wanted it to go faster, he knew he had to wait and get used to the sensation as it had been a while since the two of you had gotten physical. "how does it feel?" your voice was quiet, barely audible beneath the whirring of the machine and the steadily forming fog in his head.
"it's- it's good..." kazuha didn't think it was pleasurable just yet, but if it were you doing the thrusting instead of a machine you convinced him to try out, he would have thought it was quite intimate. he heard you hum, and that was the only warning he had before the dildo thrusting into him began to speed up once and then twice.
now this was much better.
a choked moan left his mouth, and his hand squeezed harder at yours. forcing himself to look down between his legs, he noticed how much he had leaked without realizing it. precum was leaking down his cock, and his thighs had begun to tense up. his gaze wandered over to you, and he noticed how your gaze seemed to be fixated on where the dildo entered him.
a strange sense of pride filled his chest. "wish it were- ngh- y-you?" he watched you glance at him, your pretty eyes a shade darker. you shrugged, grasping at one of his thighs once you noticed that they had started to close at the slowly overwhelming feeling. "ah, it'll be me later."
kazuha didn't even get the chance to be shocked as you had pressed down on the machine, angling it in a way where you knew it would directly hit his prostate. he cursed at the sudden pleasure, his back arching. perhaps this was your way of punishing him? or maybe this was just you being you.
a pressure began to build in his stomach, which worried him slightly as you had only just started. perhaps the days of not being touched by you and being too tired to touch himself were catching up to him? usually kazuha wasn't the type to moan, but it seemed this time that he had a harder time holding himself back.
"(y-y/n), i'm gonna-" his head flew back against the pillow under him, pretty white hair flowing out in a halo underneath him. his hand grasped at yours, moans increasing by the second as the toy abused his prostate.
before kazuha even realized it, he was cumming. the thick substance leaked out of his cock, dripping onto his stomach and down the bed as he arched into the air. the machine continued to fuck him through his orgasm, and once the feeling of overstimulation began to hit him, you pressed the button twice to cut it off.
he couldn't think straight. his mind was filled with a constant fog, and he could only think about the drag of the dildo as you gently pulled it out of him and the soft kiss you laid on the back of his hand.
you gave him a few minutes to calm down, and you took the time to clean him up with a wet hand towel. sitting next to him, you put his head in your lap, waiting until he became coherent enough to process what you were saying.
"so... how was it?" you saw him blink slowly, his eyes looking to the side as if he were thinking. a small smile graced his lips, and you leaned down to give them a quick kiss before he could speak again. "it was... nice." he spoke softly, voice slightly hoarse. "but you can do it better."
how shameless. with a quick, yet playful roll of your eyes, you placed yourself between his legs, dragging a finger up his slowly hardening cock. "really? perhaps i should use this as an opportunity to make my invention better, hmm?"
after a few more days of testing, you turned in a new, finalized version of your product while you kept the prototype. your bosses loved it.
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@yourlocal-bunny @boba-is-a-soup
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headingalaxys-spicy · 26 days
hello 👋 i really love your writing 😖 i was wondering if you could write yandere alphas nordic's x darling omega who has a very high libido? 😏 thank you ❤😄
Well this is one way to start the week enjoy anon :)
Warning! This is a spicy post, so turn away now if this isn't for you!
Denmark 🇩🇰 
Finally, there is someone who can keep up with him in the bedroom. Also, destroy him. 
In order to slow you down, he does have you take a shot of Akvavit (snaps) every hour or half hour (more depending on how rough you are riding him or sucking his soul out). This, however, does backfire often because you’ll be all fired up again & you’ll want to peg him, but considering he’s bossy, he will ‘guide’ you on how to do it properly. 
Denmark even approached Japan with: “Hey! I need help making a machine that can slow Y/N in bed?” 
The dude has even tried to design a piece of furniture that can hold you in place so he doesn’t have to be bottom all the time, but he also hopes your libido would give out due to you having to contort your body so much. 
He hates admitting that he needs a break from you. The fastest he’s ever recovered was 23 hours. The longest was 4 m
When he’s not as patient, he has cuffs on the wall, tables, or bathroom counters where he’ll keep you there so he can rail you without getting injured by you thrusting back or squeezing him for all he’s got. He loves that you can beat him in bed; just intimidated is all. 
Finland 🇫🇮 
He needs some time to adjust to your abundance of energy. As you pound into him ruthlessly, Tino just grins, bears it, and moans. 
What the heck else can he do? He praises you a lot as well. 
“Y/N you’re doing great ah! But maybe can you slow down?!” He’s silently praying to god you’re going to get tired. 
Tino will want to do a lot of foreplay to start to satisfy some tension & just maybe make you not as rough and needy. (He does have a lot of costumes + props) 
On occasion, he does like to tell bad jokes that will kill the mood if you’ve milked him for all he’s got seed-wise. Or if he’s feeling up to the challenge, he’ll take meds that will help him last longer so he can attempt to keep up with you. 
Tends to like doing it in or near a sauna since it reduces your libido a little & relaxes you. Tino is able to keep his sweaty palm on your waist so that you won’t ride him like he’s a dead horse. (Also just makes getting to the aftercare a smoother transition) 
Iceland 🇮🇸 
Uhhhh like isn’t he a teenager still (he’s an adult I think????) ? Also don’t come for me but I also don’t know his human name I haven’t been able to find one on the hetalia Wikis so like yeah . 
Mans just throws a pillow at you and fucking dips. 
I'm not comfortable writing spicy stuff for him. 
Norway 🇳🇴 
Lukas can take your energy like a stoic in the eye of a storm. He can also appreciate the fact that, being a person with the gift of magical abilities, he has his own unique ways of subduing you. He utilizes his ties with his far friends to assist him in taking away some of your sexual energy and giving it to him so he can keep up. 
Lukas has toyed with different potions to slow your libido down. Some had no effect. Others made his nights with you longer and ran him absolutely rugged. He’d be out of commission for a few weeks at times. The fastest he’s able to recover is 2-3 days at the fastest but nothing sooner than that. 
Lukas thinks it a fun challenge to rail you & he likes to mysteriously whisper in your ear: 
“You’re quite the challenge, Y/N, I like that.” 
He tends to prefer you bouncing up and down on him so he can gauge how much longer he has to last while you're riding him, as your latest wave of thrusting can be particularly harsh. He may not say much else to you but grunt in pleasure and moan. He also likes to bite down on his lips and keep it to a minimum when he’s failing to keep up with you and edging towards passing out. 
From no words at all to talking all night long like he was at a never-ending ball, you are a type of blessing he didn’t know he needed. 
The fact that you’ll slam him to the floor, the table, cabinets, bookcases, telephone booths, you name it; this tall 5’11 (182 cm) tall man is at your mercy and enjoys it. 
Berwald practically sings your praises as if he trained himself all his life to be a tenor for the Royal Swedish Opera. “Oh yes! Y/N! Y/N! Please don’t stop!” Will be among his symphony for the night. He does communicate with you when you’re hurting his junk, being too rough, or thrusting too quickly.
The two of you do argue or pull sticks over who's going to be at the bottom for that session. 
Like Denmark, he does like to have specialized furniture that he can use to wear you out & your high-ass libido. 
He can recover the quickest from having sex with you give him 12 hours and a cup of coffee, and he’s all good to go again. Only once did you manage to keep him out of commission for 4 months. 
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scoops-aboy86 · 8 months
Window pt 1
Steve doesn’t realize quite how much he’s put on recently (or how enamored to a certain metalhead he’s become) and gets stuck in a window. 
Inspired by this. Part 2 from Eddie's POV is here.
rated: T | words: 2765 | cw: none | tags: chubby steve, pre-relationship, weight gain, steve’s bisexual awakening in progress
And, uh. Don’t have a couple beers and drive. But, like, it was the 80s, so. 🤷‍♀️ 
Maybe also don’t try to climb through a window when it’s the 80s and most people don’t lock their front doors anyway. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 
(Would Eddie and Wayne lock the trailer, when it’s just as easy to pry a window open? I mean yeah Eddie has drugs in there but he clearly hides them well enough that even he can’t find them sometimes, so idk.)
Eddie isn’t home, but that’s okay; it’s an impulsive visit, as most of them are, so Steve knows what to do. He goes into it all confident and cocky because he’s pretty sure it’ll be easier than the other times he’s done it because the porch is right there, no drainpipe climbing required or nosey younger sibling to catch him at it with a look of annoyed disgust that will echo down through the years. 
Mike still looks at him like that, no matter how many free rides or free movies he and his friends manage to wring out of Steve, which is, in Steve’s opinion, really dumb of the kid. He doesn’t even like Nancy like that anymore, for fuck’s sake, get over it Mike. (And it’s easier to go off on a tangent in his head about Mike than really examine the comparison between climbing into Nancy’s room and climbing into Eddie’s, so Steve is just rolling with it.)
Anyway, the point is, he’s got this. He pulls the BMW up a respectful distance away so that Eddie and Wayne will still have room to park later in case he’s here that long, and all but bounces out of the driver’s seat into the warm night air. 
Maybe he should have thought about it a little more, because, as it turns out… he does not got this. 
“Do mine eyes deceive me? Is it the King Steve, what through yonder window breaks?”
“Hi Eddie,” Steve says flatly, unsurprised. He’d heard the van rumble up, and the distinctive squeak of the driver's side door. For the last hour or so he’s resigned himself to standing by on the old easy chair on the porch, chin in his hands where his elbows rest on the dresser just inside the window. At least it’s late enough (and Lucas managed to talk Max into summer camp this year) that no one else is likely to see him.
He can hear the grin in Eddie’s reply. “Hiya, Stevie. Mind explaining what I’m coming home to here?”
Steve doesn’t want to dignify that with a response, because fuck, isn’t it obvious? But he also doesn’t want to antagonize his friend and risk being stuck in this window all night—not that he thinks Eddie would leave him here, but Steve doesn’t want to deserve to be left. With a heavy breath out through his nose, he says, “I’m a little stuck here, man. Help me out?”
Almost immediately he feels Eddie step in close, hand on his right hip where it’s caught in the window frame, and maybe just a hint of warm thumb brushing over where the skin is pink and pinched. Steve has to hold himself very still to avoid reacting to that, not completely sure he didn’t imagine it anyway. 
“Out?” Eddie asks, sounding like he’s trying to calculate something in his head. “Or in?”
“Uh… whichever gets me unstuck faster, I guess?”
Eddie chuckles. “In it is, then. You must’ve been pretty determined to get in there and wait for me, you made some good progress here. I’m guessing you got to a point where you couldn’t get the angle right, huh sweetheart?”
“Jesus, Eddie…” Why did he have to put it like that? And why is it giving Steve goosebumps? “Look, I think if you just lift me by the legs a bit I can, like… walk forward on my hands, kinda, and—” He tries to demonstrate, but bumps the neck of the guitar with THIS MACHINE SLAYS DRAGONS scrawled across its front and makes a failed attempt at lunging to catch it, wincing when it thumps down against the floor.
“What was that?”
“… What was what?”
“Okay okay, it was your acoustic, I’m sorry dude, I just… I’m pretty sure it’s fine.”
“She’d better be, Harrington. Lucky for you my sweetheart is still safe in the van, far from your clumsy fumblings, or I might have to call in the cavalry.”
Again Steve twists, trying to look at him, and something else falls off the dresser—he thinks it’s just some sort of magazine. “Liar. I know you wouldn’t call the cops on me, Munson.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” Eddie shoots back. “I’d call Robin.”
Steve grimaces again. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“And Wheeler, too. Jon’s still in town, maybe he could be persuaded to bring his camera to document this posterior for posterity.”
Suddenly Eddie’s hands are on his ass, and Steve is torn between a vivid memory of trying to shove Dustin into a vent at Starcourt and a zing of nerves that should not be linked to his pseudo-little-brother in any way, and it’s all Eddie’s fault—
The first real shove catches Steve and his flatlining brain by surprise, jostling him enough that his elbows slip and he nearly cracks his chin on the cluttered dresser surface. “Hey,” he calls sharply over one shoulder. 
“Sorry sweetheart, did you need a ‘one two three go’?” Eddie pats at his ass with both hands, tapping out a little rhythm, and Steve has to restrain the urge to donkey kick him. 
“This isn’t funny, Munson,” he insists. “And some sort of warning would’ve been nice, yeah.” His tone is sarcastic, but his face is burning red, and once the words are out he has to bite his lip to keep from saying anything else. Not that Steve even knows what, there’s just… something, precarious, on the tip of his brain that might spill out his mouth if he’s not careful, and he doesn’t want to find out what it is like that. 
Eddie snickers. “It’s a little bit funny, but point taken. I’m going to give you another push here. Ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” What a fucking day. All Steve had wanted was to smoke up a little and hang out, like they usually do. And okay, maybe he’s a little grumpy that Eddie wasn’t even home when he got here— “Where were you, anyway?” he asks, grunting and trying to wriggle forward with every shove. Might as well talk, get his mind off the vice grip the window frame has on his hips. “You’re usually—oof—here when I finish a closing shift.”
“Practice ran long,” Eddie grunts back. After the first few rounds of ready steady go he started to get more serious and really put his weight into it. “That, and Gareth’s been having some… shall we say, romantic troubles lately, and needed consolation and advice.”
Steve feels a vague prickle of jealousy, even as he manages to grip the dresser edge hard enough to hold onto a fraction of an inch of progress. “What kinda consolation? Been smoking without me, Munson?”
“No,” comes the amused reply. “Just a couple beers. I do have other friends besides you and the monster hunters club, you know.”
Which really makes Steve’s face flame, because he… doesn’t. Not anymore. Not even a girlfriend; it’s like his heart’s not fully in it anymore and they can smell that on him. He tries to replace his embarrassment (Eddie didn’t mean it like that, Steve knows he didn’t) with determination, wrenching himself forward without regard for the way the window frame’s hard metal edges scrape against his skin. He doesn’t feel the full bite of it in some places, thanks to the knots of scar tissue the Upside Down had left him with on his sides, it’s fine. 
But almost immediately there’s a strong grip on the outsides of his thighs. “Woah there Stevie,” Eddie cautions, and he actually sounds concerned. “Don’t hurt yourself, man. We’ll get you out of here and get you caught up if you want, I have beer here too, alright? Just…”
“Just what?” Steve grumbles. He doesn’t know why he feels so stung, feels like Eddie ditched him—they didn’t even have plans for fuck’s sake. At most, they’ve had a string of casual hangouts roughly every other night at around the same time for a months now, but they’ve never really talked about it, never solidified anything. 
He tells himself that he wouldn’t even care if he hadn’t gotten stuck in the window like an idiot, but if that’s the case then why does this show of concern feel like a cooling balm over his temper?
Eddie sighs, but not like he’s annoyed. More like… he’s choosing his words carefully. “Just, uh… try to suck in a bit?”
Blinking, Steve tries to look over his shoulder. He can’t quite see Eddie, just out of the corner of his eye, but it looks like he’s chewing on his lip. Then he pushes himself up on the dresser and looks down along the front of his body to where he’s stuck, trying to make sense of…
Oh. His face goes hot again. 
The window doesn’t open very far, is the thing, and for the first time Steve fully registers that it’s not just his hips that are caught. Reddened skin peeks out from the bottom of his shirt, and some of that is because it’s ridden up during his struggles, but he also… makes contact with the top of the dresser, which comes up to about an inch or so below the frame. Now that he’s paying attention, he registers part of himself pressing against the metal of the trailer exterior, too.
He used to be pretty trim, but that had been back in high school and while running from monsters and dark wizards in an alternate dimension. 
When did he get a belly?
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, and does as he’s told. 
Eddie doesn’t belabor the point, just gets his hands on Steve’s ass again with a “One, two, three, push.”
And it’s still a hard drag against his front, but it works this time. Steve jolts forward, too caught by surprise and still flustered, catching himself hands-first on Eddie’s messy bedroom floor and gracelessly flopping the rest of the way in. The carpet (or really, the layer of dirty laundry on top of it) doesn’t smell great, but he stays slumped there for a moment, recovering. 
At least he avoided landing on the acoustic guitar, though. 
“You okay there, dude?”
Steve groans. “I’m fine. That fucking window looked bigger from the outside, that’s all.”
Eddie lets out a disbelieving snort, then follows him in, shimmying over the narrow sill with an ease and silence that comes from years of practice. When he’s done, he leans his scrawny ass back against the dresser and spreads his hand in a tada motion. 
And Steve’s not dumb, he knows that he’s put on weight since the Upside Down. Since finally coming down from constant recurring nightmare panic mode. Yeah he didn’t realize it was so obvious, but he can admit (at least in the privacy of his own head) that that’s why he got stuck. 
He opens his mouth to say something along the lines of you don’t have to rub it in, but snaps it shut again when Eddie steps forward and offers him a hand up. The grip is calloused from guitar playing, strong and sure from slinging amps around—and he feels that zing again, phantom handprints on his ass. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks once they’re on the same level again. “You were really wedged in there, looked kinda painful.”
“I,” Steve starts, but stops when Eddie’s other hand lands on his hip. Which is not completely unusual… Eddie is a touchy guy, very hands-on with all his friends. He’s poked at Steve’s sides before, comparing their bite marks, and Steve hasn’t really thought about it much before now. 
Because that’s what trauma-bonded people do, right? The last party that had rounded up all the young adults, Nancy smoked with them and she and Jonathan had spent most of the rest of the evening cuddled up together, lining up the scars on their palms. 
Eddie’s thumb brushes the skin above his waistband, ghosting warmly over where it’s red and a little raw. 
“I’m fine,” Steve manages to say, but he’s not. His brain is going haywire—from the touch, from Eddie’s Bambi-eyed stare, from all the thoughts that have been pining around his head tonight and everything he’s pointedly not thought about too. (About climbing in a boy’s window. About being jealous. About hands on his ass and how it hadn’t been a bad surprise, and the thumb grazing deliberately over the swell of softness at his middle with concern bordering on reverence.)
Something in Steve aches, and it’s a familiar pang. It reminds him of how he used to feel whenever he looked at Nancy, before he had let go of the last scraps of that dream. Eddie seems more real, more touchable… He always is, when they hang out, and especially when they’re by themselves. Eddie is a touchy guy. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says slowly, distracted. He keeps running his thumb along Steve’s softness, drifting up a little further under his shirt until his pointer finger meets skin too like a dazed afterthought. His tongue darts out to lick his lips—Steve can’t help the way his eyes are drawn to the motion. “Yeah, you are… pretty fine…”
Not once, not for months, has Steve felt electricity like this in the air, under his skin, sparking at a simple touch. It’s why he stopped flirting with the girls who came into Family Video, even the ones who eyed him in a way he knew meant they were a sure thing. The way Eddie is looking at him right now, even though he’s…
Well. He’s let himself go, hasn’t he? And he knows it, kind of knew it for a while and just not thought about it because he didn’t think he had too, but it’s getting obvious now. Steve has never felt more self-conscious about his body in his entire life and, right while he’s in the middle of reconciling wanting to pout because his best guy friend was off having fun without him, Eddie just had to go and compliment it. 
Steve swallows hard. “You, uh. You think so?” He’s not fishing for complements, he’s not, he just wants to know what Eddie means. 
Still slowly, Eddie looks up at him through his eyelashes. It’s almost shy, which is so unlike the Eddie that Steve has come to expect, but his eyes are big and brown and a little wild in an achingly familiar way and Steve has to resist the urge to sway forward—
“Of course, Stevie,” Eddie says quietly. Is he afraid that they might be overheard in the empty trailer? Afraid to break the moment by speaking too loud? His hand is still just under Steve’s shirt, light little touches that Steve can’t help but find soothing, almost hypnotic. “Always.”
Steve wants to lean in, because he knows he’s not reading the signs wrong. 
But then, at the last second, he remembers what Eddie had said about having a few beers with Gareth. Probably just enough to be a little tipsy. But if Eddie is gay—and, like, Steve wouldn’t be surprised, he’s learned some of the clues from Robin and there have always been rumors—he’s not out. Not to Steve, anyway, and Steve… is whatever he is, apparently, which definitely warrants a phone call and possibly a bathroom floor confession to his platonic other half as soon as he gets a chance, holy shit… Suddenly everything feels delicate, like there is something there but one wrong move and it could shatter, and Steve doesn’t know if he could take anymore shards to his heart. Not these days, not if it’s Eddie. 
He just wants to be a little more sure first. Do this right, if it’s really happening. So, for now, he only says, “So, uh. Wanna smoke?”
Eddie smiles, dimples popping and eyes lighting up, and his hand gives Steve’s hip a little inadvertent squeeze as he bounces past him. “Yeah, we can do that. I’ve got a few joints already rolled, I’ve got snacks—” He’s already hauling his black metal lunchbox from under the bed and riffling through it, his bright enthusiasm making Steve feel warm all the way through. “Prop my baby back up, will you? Treat her right, Stevie, or I’ll be forced to rescind my offer of pretzels and bagel bite pizzas.”
“Wouldn’t want that,” Steve agrees with a chuckle, and does as he’s told. It doesn’t escape his notice that Eddie just mentioned some of his favorites for when the munchies set in. 
He’s going to figure this out, but for now they can just hang out like normal and have a good night.
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twilightangel83 · 1 year
October Prompts
There are all sorts of fun prompt lists bouncing around October this year. So I'm gonna, just, pick and choose from all of them. This post is just a combined list for my brain. Feel free to use it if you want. (Alternate Prompts will be listed at the bottom) W-Whumptober AW-AI-Less Whumptober F-Flufftober L-Linktober LS-Linktober Shadow LQ-Linktober Quest
Day: Prompt(List); Prompt(List); etc.
1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” | Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”(W); Drugging/Sick/Poisoned(AW); "I've Got You"(F); Merchant(L); Gibdo(LS); Master of Ceremony Zelda(LQ);
2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.” | Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”(W); Overworked | Insomnia | Exhaustion(AW); Family, Friends, Loved Ones(F); Temple(L); Dodongos(LS); Festival Location(LQ);
3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.” | Journal | Solitary Confinement | “Make it stop.”(W); Sensory Deprivation | Overstimulation | Isolation(AW); "Wait you love me?" "I always have"(F); Friend/Helper/Companion(L); Twilight(LS); Monster Motif(LQ);
4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes. | Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”(W); Hiding an Injury | Betrayal | Lying(AW); Cinderella Moment(F); Sage(L); Lost(LS); Cultural Host(LQ);
5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around. | Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”(W); Hostage | Kidnapping | Held at Gunpoint(AW); X+1(F); Species/Race(L); Master Khoga(LS); Uncommon Participant/s(LQ);
6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.” | Recording | Made to Watch | “It should have been me.”(W); Conditioning | Mind Control | Forced to Hurt Somone Else(AW); Corn Maze(F); Mask(L); Shadow Beast(LS); Cultural Tool(LQ);
7: “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.” | Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”(W); Flatline | Restrained | CPR(AW); Porch Swing(F); Sky/Sky Islands(L); Gloom Hands(LS); Cultural Finale(LQ);
8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.” | Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | “It’s all for nothing.”(W); Panic Attack | Disassociation | Seizure(AW); Rainy Day(F); Constructs(L); Majora(LS); A Problem to be Solved(LQ);
9: “Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days.” | Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | “You're a liar.”(W); Scar Reveal | Interrogation | Presumed Dead(AW); (...) at First Sight(F); Deity(L); Wall/Floor Master(LS); Scientific Host(LQ);
10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?” | Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.”(W); Branding | Scarring | Collar(AW); Love of My Life(F); Zelda(L); Puppet Zelda(LS); Massive Machine(LQ);
11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” | Animal trap | Captivity | “No one will find you.”(W); Fainting | Paralyzed | Adrenaline(AW); Sweet Tooth(F); Monsters/Beasts(L); Deadhand(LS); Cheapest Solution(LQ);
12: “I haven't slept in days but who's counting?” | Red | Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.”(W); Self-Harm | Sacrifice | Character Death(AW); Fire and Ice(F); Princess(L); Keese(LS); Cucco Solution(LQ);
13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.” | Cold Compress | Infection | “I don’t feel so good.”(W); Earthquake | Flood | Crushed(AW); Wrong (...)(F); Ghost/Spirit/Phantom(L); Poe/Spirit(LS); Science Judge(LQ);
14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.” | Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”(W); Bleeding Through the Bandage | Feild Medicine | No Anestesthia(AW); "I hate it." "No you don't."(F); Ganon/Ganondorf(L); Wolfos(LS); Best Disaster(LQ);
15: “I don't need you to help me I can handle things myself.” | Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”(W); Experimentation | Muzzle | Transformation(AW); Emergency, Confession, Adventure(F); Favorite Character(L); Lynel(LS); Food Cart(LQ);
16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?” | Gurney | Flatline | “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”(W); Amputation | Cronic Pain | Hospital(AW); Singing One Another to Sleep(F); Dragons(L); Dragon(LS); Chef Host(LQ);
17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.” | Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”(W); Hypothermia | Heat Stroke | "You look a little pale."(AW); Encouraging S.O. to Achieve a Goal(F); Prophecy(L); Redead(LS); Strange Food(LQ);
18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.” | Blindfold | Tortured For Information | “Hit them harder.”(W); Fever | Vomiting | Warm Soup(AW); "Didn't you plan for this to happen?"(F); Boss(L); Final Boss(LS); Hot/Cold(LQ);
19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.” | Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”(W); Taken For Granted | Left Behind | "Why wasn't I enough?"(AW); Keeping Someone Safe(F); Zonai(L); Gohma(LS); Potion Vendor(LQ);
20: “People don’t change people, time does.” | Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”(W); Dehumanization | Stolkhome Syndrome | Master and Servant(AW); Pumpkin(F); Fire/Lava/Heat(L); Gleeok(LS); Main Course(LQ);
21: “See the chains around my feet.” | Vows | Restraints | “Don't move.”(W); Blood Loss | Shock | Near Death Experience(AW); Swoon(F); Link(L); Shadow/Dark Link(LS); Food Fight(LQ);
22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.” | Glass Shard | Vehicular Accident | “Watch out!”(W); Whipping | Punishment | Stress Position(AW); Picking(F); NPC(L); Yiga Clan(LS); Arena/Field(LQ);
23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.” | Shadows | Stalking | “Who’s there?”(W); Begging | "Take me instead." | Forced to Watch(AW); Trinket(F); Child/Children(L); Wizzrobes(LS); Processional(LQ);
24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.” | Goodbye Note | Neglect | “I thought they were with you.”(W); Failed Escape | Hunted Down | Too Tired to Keep Running(AW); (Melting Face Emoji)(F); Korok/Kikwi/Kokiri(L); Lizalfos(LS); Link Joins In(LQ);
25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.” | Storm | Buried Alive | “They’re not breathing!”(W); Nightmares | Flashback | "Why didn't you save me?"(AW); Nook(F); Fairy(L); Girahim(LS); Mini-Game(LQ);
26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.” | Seeing Double | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”(W); Magical Exhaustion or Injury | Curse | Came Back Wrong(AW); Overgrown(L); Fireplace(F); Skull Kid(LS); Unlikely Character(LQ);
27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.” | Matches | Scars | “Let me see”(W); Forgotten | Locked Away | Immortal(AW); Plants/Forest(L); Outdoor Event(F); Large Enemy(LS); Rival(LQ);
28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.” | Bloody Knife | Sacrifice | “You'll have to go through me.”(W); Whumpee Hair Pulling | Oxygen Deprivation | Sweating(AW); Soothing Touch(F); Light/Sparkle/Bright(L); Gloom/Malice(LS); Clash(LQ);
29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.” | Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”(W); "The easy way or the hard way." | Bargaining | Forced to Choose(AW); "Hey wake up!"(F); Aquatic/Water(L); Nightmare(LS); Trophy(LQ);
30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.” | Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer...”(W); Possession | Mind Game | Coma(AW); Self-Worth/Self-Love(F); Favorite Game(L); Volvagia(LS); Cleanup Crew(LQ);
31: “I thought that I was getting better.” | Emptiness | Setbacks | “Take it easy.”(W); PTSD | Headaches | Crying(AW); Dreams do Come True(F); Free for All(L); Free for All(LS); Commemorative Dessert(LQ);
Alternate Prompts:
Betrayal(W) Aftermath of Failure(W) Brass Knuckles(W) Decoy(W) Body Modification(W) Playing Cards(W) Examination(W) Hunting(W) Drugging(W) Shaking(W) Panic(W) Broken(W) Miscommunication(W) Lab Rat(W) Reluctant Whumper(W)
Bloody Knuckles(AW) Gunshot Wound(AW) Separated from Loved Ones(AW) Drowning(AW) Blackmail(AW) Crying to Sleep(AW) Disowned by Family(AW) Electrocution(AW) Forced Feeding(AW) Bullied(AW) Suffocation(AW) Abandoned(AW) Grief(AW) Human Shield(AW) Self-Defense(AW) Lab Rat(AW) Memory Loss(AW) Misunderstanding(AW) Hypnosis(AW) Mutilation(AW) Mouth Stitched Shut(AW) Nerve Damage(AW) Nervous Breakdown(AW) Words Carved Into Skin(AW) Stalked(AW) Non-Consensual Touching(AW) Paranoia(AW) Peer Pressure(AW)  Prison(AW) Silent Treatment(AW) Truth Serum(AW)
Hot Chocolate(F) “You told your parents?”(F) Wearing Each Other's Clothes(F) Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights(F) “Oh no, you’re a morning person!”(F) Reverse all the Roles(F) Fairytale Retelling(F) Give your Character a new Occupation(F) Crossover of Two or More Fandoms(F) Have your Characters Share the Last Table at a Cafe(F)
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crispys-records · 2 months
he knows what will happen
Notes: i'm just spitballing here, but i want juno to sort of have some kind of unrequited love towards laurence. this doesn't mean juno will end up with laurence (on the contrary, i actually dont want juno to be shipped with laurence), but just the idea of juno having some kind of unrequited love is something i like. also this is like a fanfiction but also not at all. usually i dont write my fanfics in all lowercase.
TW: unrequited love that will NOT bear fruit. this is basically juno suffering on his own until he falls out of love or confesses (which wouldnt really help his feelings, lets be real) also like minor garrence headcanons bc i love gay ppl
Pairing: garrence, and also like one sided juno/laurence
Synopsis: an overview of juno's unrequited love towards laurence.
Juno meets Laurence in sophomore year, after Laurence left the Shadow Knights. They're deskmates, later project partners, and Laurence, willing and ready to make a fresh start after leaving the shadow knights, decides to start by making friends with the person sitting next to him. Juno is quiet, not really keen on making friends (not after a freshman year of all-nighters and skipped classes, only to be forced to take class more seriously by his aunt, whom he lived with at the time), and overall unfriendly, but is endeared by Laurence's charm and friendliness. They end up good acquaintances, the kind of person you'd say hi to when you passed them in the hall.
Juno usually sits alone at lunch, hiding away in some part of the school with a vending machine lunch or some other snack. But Laurence, being ever so generous, invites him to eat with his friends. That's how Juno meets the others. Still, Laurence seems to stand out amongst them, and they build a rapport from their similar attitudes.
Juno starts to grow interested in Laurence, and suddenly he's seeing him in the halls everywhere. When he walks to chemistry, he gets a bounce in his step, as if hes excited to see Laurence waiting at the desk. When he hears someone call out to him by the lockers, he perks up, knowing it's probably Laurence, or at least someone calling out to him with Laurence in tow. He finds himself staring at Laurence during lunch when he talks, only to frantically look away when he makes eye contact with Garroth, who is doing the exact same thing.
Laurence starts to talk to Juno about things that he, according to Laurence, can't talk about with Garroth. about his crush on Aphmau and his regret over hiding it from Garroth. About his obvious feelings for Garroth that Laurence brushes off as friendship. About his discomfort with his fanclub. About his girlfriend, whom he got only to ward off the fanclub. Juno's trying to be a good friend, even though there's an undescribable pain in his chest and a sink in his gut when Laurence speaks. He's glad Laurence trusts him enough to tell him about these things, even if it hurts. He gives advice. Garroth probably already knows. Garroth's friendship is important to him and should take priority. If he doesn't like his fan club, scare it off.
"I'm glad you and your girlfriend are doing so well."
That line hurts especially. Still, Juno pushes on. Laurence goes to June for advice. Juno hangs out with Laurence and his friends, securing trustful relationships with the likes of Nana, Aphmau, and Garroth. Katelyn still seems skeptical, but that may be because Juno's not the only meifwa to get close to Aphmau. (He's seen Kai's interactions with her.) Juno starts to hang out with Laurence one on one, showing him his pictures or letting him sit in on practice with the band. It's never excessive, because Laurence will always choose hanging out with Garroth and Aphmau over him. But Juno still asks, just in case.
Juno has it figured out by now that he might have feelings for Laurence, but thats the least of his worries. It's his freshman year, and after 2 years of wordlessly procrastinating on his feelings, Laurence asks him what he's thinking of doing for college.
He says he doesn't know, and Laurence seems relieved, before he starts talking about his plans and how hes torn between following Garroth or going to a different school and starting fresh again. and Juno is shocked. Laurence, for once, is considering not going to be alongside Garroth? Where else would he go? Did he have a scholarship? Juno stares blankly at Laurence as he airs out his worries, and when he passes the mic to Juno, Juno weakly asks where else he would go. And Laurence tells him that he got offered a scholarship at the same school Juno was going to attend.
Juno had planned to run away from Laurence after high school. To put some distance between him and his feelings, in hopes that it would somehow dissipate. But Laurence hits him with the choice that he could tell Laurence to go to that same school as him, giving him the chance to confront his feelings, or he could let Laurence be happier with the friends he's known longer at a college he'd be happier at. He tells Laurence he doesn't know, but that he should follow his intuition.
Unbeknownst to them, Garroth was listening in and finds out that Laurence has been going to Juno for advice, and he's hurt. They're best friends! How come Laurence is more comfortable asking a guy he's not as close with about college decisions? Not to mention, from what he heard, Laurence is thinking of applying to another school? Garroth confronts Laurence, who assures him that he wasn't going to go to another college. Juno was right; he should follow his intuition, and his intuition told him that he should stick with his best friend. Garroth asks him why he went to Juno for advice, and Laurence said he was nervous about bringing up his worries about going to a different college, knowing that Garroth would just try to convince him to go to Falcon Claw with him, and he just wasn't sure if Garroth's decision about that would sway him enough. But Juno telling him to basically make his own decision had. That assuages Garroths worries.
Juno is sitting outside the high school, taking aimless pictures of the road with his flimsy smartphone camera. Its not his go-to camera. Garroth appears, no Laurence in tow, and asks Juno a question. Did he know Laurence was going to choose Falcon Claw? Juno looks down at his feet and tells him he knew, because there's no downside to attending Falcon Claw. There wasn't anything holding him back except his own worries. Garroth, pleased with that answer, tells Juno he'll see him at university, and Juno makes eye contact with Garroth for the first time that day.
"No. I won't be going to Falcon Claw University."
That startles Garroth, who asks him where he will be going. When Juno answers, Garroth's face seems to morph into an undescribable expression of pity and shame. Garroth isn't going to ask why, and he isn't going to tell Juno to make Laurence change his mind. They part ways without saying goodbye, and they never see each other again.
At least, not until after college.
Juno moves out of his aunt's house because he feels bad. He wants to take care of himself so she can take care of herself. And when he moves, he sees a familiar face... and avoids him.
Laurence is shocked, almost hurt that Juno would pretend like he doesn't know him after all they've been through in high school. Perhaps he was too much? No, the ever so blunt Juno would have said something.
It's just laurence too. Laurence will see Nana or Katelyn talk to him casually, but Laurence has to learn from other people that he's still into photography and that he studied journalism. Juno will be invited to parties and get-togethers and blatantly ignore Laurence. It's rude, and now it really hurts. So now Laurence and Garroth, who find Juno's behavior to be just as much of an outrage as Laurence does, will deliberately try to run into him on the street or talk to him at a party in hopes of getting something out of him.
Eventually, Laurence gets drunk at Aphmaus one night and can't sober up fast enough to safely walk himself back home. But then he wakes up at 8 am in bed, and Garroth, who went home much later, tells Laurence that Juno had borrowed their house key and brought Laurence home himself. Garroth tells Laurence that Juno clearly still cares; he just won't talk to Laurence for one reason or another. And Laurence starts to piece together times that this has happened before, where Juno drops medicinal remedies at their doorstep when Laurence is sick, when he never fails to leave a present for Laurence during Christmas even if the gift exchange dictates he wasn't supposed to be gifting Laurence. Laurence decides he really needs to talk to Juno, once and for all.
He finally catches him outside of the grocery store, and Juno can't run for fear of making a scene. All a part of Laurence's plan. He asks Juno why he's being avoided, to which Juno dodges the question. Laurence prys, and Juno finally tells him that he didn't expect to see Laurence again, and it's been so long that both people are different now. Juno didn't know how to approach him any more. Not mentioning any lingering feelings, because Irene knows Juno has plenty to spare. Laurence tells him it's okay that they should just talk and understand each other.
And Juno cant. He knows it's not okay. Because he knows Laurence is in love with Garroth. He knows he'll just be stuck in a cycle of hurt when he sees Laurence stare at Garroth like how he used to stare at Aphmau, knowing that Juno is staring at Laurence the same way. He just can't be friends with someone like that. But he desperately craves the connection to Laurence again. The need to be close to him, to be a confidant and a friend.
And Juno doesn't know how to respond.
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Fever Dream 1/2
Summary : How a worst first impression lasted years and the odd turn of events that changed things
Warnings : Alcohol, tons of angst,
Word Count : 3k
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Jayce Talis had to be one of the best friends you had ever had in your life. After meeting him back when you were a child, the man had always been about helping you, protecting you - pushing you to be better. 
He knew so much about you that you yourself sometimes refused to admit. He would nag you about drinking more water, while he himself barely kept up with eating and sleeping. Jayce would deter any over confident or self intiled ass-hole from getting too close to you. Everyone always teased that it was like he saw you like a younger sister. 
You trust him just like he trusted you. He wasn’t the best when it came to seeing when he was being screwed over, which was where you would step in to argue with people when they tried to short change him or trick him into a horrible deal. 
The poor guy just didn’t haggle. 
But he had seen where your comfort level dropped. When you needed to defend someone you would take whatever the outcome - but yourself? You were always silent and nervous. Even to this day, he hasn't been able to make any progress on getting you to stand up for yourself. 
So, when he suddenly came to you, excited, insistent, nearly demanding you come to his new lab - you couldn’t say no. He had never been this energized about showing something this secretive before. 
He had been nearly bouncing with excitement as he led you through the halls of the academy, not giving away anything on what you were in store to seeing that warranted this type of build up. 
As you entered the room, it was empty. 
Well, not empty, there were machine and gadget parts everywhere but as Jayce’s face fell you could see that whatever it was that he had wanted you to see wasn’t there. 
“Just…just wait a few minutes…” Putting on a smile as he glanced down the hallway, he ushered you inside before disappearing. 
And so, you were left in the room by yourself. 
At first, you just sort of stood there, not sure what you were meant to do. But as the time ticked on, you got curious. 
You slowly meandered around the room, not touching anything but carefully taking in every machine that was there. You weren’t a scientist, not even close, but from the way Jayce talked about it, you couldn’t help the excitement for him that you felt. This all looked new, like he was actually being funded for once instead of doing his secret research in his apartment. He deserved to finally have someone higher up believe in him. 
“What are you doing in here?” 
The accidented voice was harsh and cold, the suddenness of it causing you to jump before turning to face the unknown man standing in the doorway. He was holding a box of more parts, with a cane held in the other. 
But above all that he was breathtaking. 
You had seen beautiful men in Piltover your whole life. Cookiecutter images, perfectly symmetrical due to surgery, makeup covered skin. But this man? He was naturally beautiful. The harsh jaw line, the two moles placed so perfectly on his face….
The face that was glaring at you with such distrusts and, you felt your breath stop, was that rage? 
“...I…” This had to be the worst first impression you’ve ever made in your life. Voice trapped in your throat as he only seemed to grow more and more untrusting of you. 
“I don’t know how you managed to get into the building without the proper credentials but I will have the enforcers escort you out” 
You watched as he set the box down on the nearby table, all the while muttering under his breath. His words only seem to freeze you more, making you feel so small. 
“Honestly, acting like you own the place. Makes you a little self-entitled, don’t you think?” 
It was only once he was heading for the door, clearly on a mission to try to get you arrested for…something, that Jayce finally arrived. 
He was out of breath, but the moment he saw the man who was making your day a living nightmare Jayce’s face lit up into a beaming smile. 
“Here you are! I was looking all over for you” He grinned, his arm moving to wrap around the man’s shoulders to direct him to face you. 
“And you clearly were fine allowing a break in to take place under your watch” The man hissed back, motioning towards you which earned a laugh from Jayce but you could feel yourself visibly shrink from the accusation. 
“Break in? No no no, I brought them here. I wanted them to meet you” Jayce grinned, guiding the man closer with the excitement from earlier coming back into full swing. 
“This is Viktor, my new partner. He is the very reason Hextech is going to be a reality” He started, the harshness on this ‘Viktor’s’ face softened at that which made you believe that this had to be a new development, the thing he wanted to tell you. You had been about to be glad that Jayce had someone who was going to work with him- about to thank him for giving your precious best friend a chance…before the next words that came out of that man’s mouth. 
After he introduced you, giving Viktor your name, he seemed to want to immediately make it so you could never come back to this lab again. 
“They always tend to worry me because of their lack of, well, interest in dating.-” 
“And with you being single, perfectly their type.”
You felt your heart stop, watched as Viktor's eyes roamed up and down your form with clear disinterest and distaste.  God it hurt, you just wanted to sink into the floor and never be seen or heard from again. 
“I thought, you know, I introduce you, I get to be the best man later on down the line” 
“Seeing as this is as far as it will go, an unlikely hope.” Viktor cut off, pulling free of Jayce’s hold to head to the box he had been carrying earlier. 
It was clear from the confusion on Jayce’s face that he didn’t know what was going on between the two of you. The harshness not being what he normally dealt with when it came to Viktor. The taller of the two had been about to say something before Viktor spoke to you once more. 
“What is it you study?” 
“S-study?” You whispered, earning a harsh scoff from the man that already had Jayce looking ready to be defensive. 
“Degree, field of study, your major?” He continued, it only made you feel smaller as you took in where exactly you were and the answer you were going to be giving. 
“...I don’t go to the academy…” 
“Ah, so your presence will be of no benefit to us. Noted. Jayce, please send them home, we have work we need to get started on.” 
“No need, I-I’ll show myself out…” You quickly whispered, already out the door before you heard a word of how Jayce got on Viktor for being harsh towards you. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For years afterwards, you purposefully avoided any interaction that could happen between Viktor and you. It didn’t help that every time you saw him and Jayce together, the smile on Viktor’s face lit up the room..and Jayce? He seemed so happy to have someone he could bounce ideas with, to feel like he had a true equal. 
At that thought you cringed, seeing now just how much you had never been a benefit to his life. You were a hindrance, one that Viktor had seen in a matter of seconds - with it taking you nearly your whole life to see as well. 
You had never been able to keep up with his ideas, with Jayce having always said that he was just glad you wanted to listen. Now that Viktor was around, he didn’t come to you with ideas anymore. The late night info dumps weren’t a thing anymore…and you knew why. As the two spent more and more time together you knew why. Jayce had found someone closer to what he had always needed, he had moved on from his friendship with you to something better. 
As the two progressed in their work, the friendship bordered on being more multiple times. Which you were fine with, yes you were jealous of literally both of them, but you watched him spend more and more time in the lab, more time with Viktor, it was clear just how much time you were now alone. But every time you had gone to speak about it, Jayce would go into detail about how much they were progressing, how amazing it was to work with Viktor, how smart he was, how kind he was….and your loneliness would die in your throat. You saw the happiness in his eyes that you had always wanted to be there, to see him feel validated and cared about. You had tried to do that for him in the past, but you had never been able to cause that brightness to appear there. 
You weren’t smart like them, or talented. You had no right to demand he stop his progress for you. So you simply allowed yourself to disappear, to fade away into the background.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
But then the oddest factor came into play. 
The woman was a goddess. Beautiful, regal, intimidating. She was everything you weren’t. And what you had assumed would just be a trio, oddly became more of a due with Viktor being left in the dust, much like you had. 
And just as suddenly, another unforeseen change. 
“Ah, hi.” Viktor said softly, a nervous energy about him as he sat down beside you. It wasn’t uncommon for you to wait outside in the hall for Jayce when you had planned to meet, having taken Viktor’s words to heart all those years ago about not being any help being there. There had been countless times he had walked right past you, not even looking at you as you sat on the floor. So as he sat down next to you, you couldn’t help your confused expression. 
“Founders day is approaching, and…well” He trailed off, never looking at you as he spoke. “Would you like to go with me?” 
As you took in his words, you felt a hope rise in you that you had never felt before. Feeling both embarrassed and honored he was asking you - wondering what on earth had happened to make him reevaluate his thoughts on you. 
“You usually accompany Jayce, who is taking Mel this year” 
You felt your heart shatter at that. Jayce hadn’t even told you that yet…
“I could give you my plus one so you can at least still come, no?” 
Oh. So he was doing this out of pity. 
“...take someone you actually would enjoy spending time with and not someone you feel an obligation to take” You whispered, the first time you had ever truly been even close to snarky back to him. Without another word you got to your feet and were gone. Jayce could figure out where you had gone later. 
You went to the Founder’s Day gala, albeit, alone. You watched as Jayce gave his speech and then afterwards you watched as he was praised the way you always knew he would be. He was smart and funny and friendly, seeing from a distance him getting all the things you deserved was truly the best part of your night. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were one for red or white wine so I got both” 
That accent again. 
As you turned, for the first time you were on the other end of one of his nervous smiles, your eyes glancing behind you to see if he had meant to talk to someone else- which he clearly caught onto. 
“Ah, it’s for you. Well both are for you, I’ll take whichever you don’t prefer” 
With an equally nervous smile you reached for the white, the man’s eyes lighting up with something as he hummed in thought. 
“So you are a white wine fan. I read a rather amusing article that said those who prefer red wine are introverted while those who prefer white are extraverted. Explains why the two of us would prefer white while Jayce-” He motioned over, which as you looked he indeed had red wine. “The always friendly extravert, but such a dog person”
You were quiet at first, watching as Viktor sipped softly at the red wine he had but it was clear he wasn’t a real big fan of it. 
“...what else did the article say?” You asked softly, Viktor’s eyes snapping over at yours with an emotion you had never seen before on anyone other than your face. 
It was loneliness mixed with shock that anyone would be interested in hearing your thoughts. You knew that look, the look that you felt abandoned but were too happy for the other to voice it. But as you looked at this man, you saw exactly what you felt and clung to it. 
So, ever so softly, you reached out and rested your hand on top of the one that was on his cane. 
“I would like to hear more about this article, or really….anything, if you are willing” 
That seemed to stall the man at first, but not for the reason you were expecting. 
As you watched his confusion, you assumed that it was because he wasn’t sure if he wanted to deal with you. When he was trying to figure out how to hold both his cane, the glass in his hand and somehow hold your hand. Damn it, he needed three hands. 
“Apologies” He pulled away and he could see the resigned hurt, the sad smile as he knew you thought he was abandoning you too. 
“No no…I’m sorry for putting you on the spot. Pretend I didn’t ask, you probably have far more important people to talk with than me…” 
Setting the glass down for a moment, he turned his attention back to you before taking your hand and softly pulling it so that instead of holding his hand you were being escorted by the man with you on his arm before it looked like he intentionally ‘forgot’ the wine he couldn’t stomach. 
“The cane is rather….needed, but please, come sit with me. I would be delighted to discuss it with you. Besides, I’ll leave the schmoozing for money to Jayce, I am not the most friendly to people like that.” 
As you were led to a table in a back corner, you were nervous. Oh god were you nervous. Over the years Viktor was like the boogeyman, he scared you to death. He was confident, cool, smart and so much more. He always made you feel so small by him just existing…surely this random interest in you would prove disastrous…surely he would realize his error and leave. 
You sat in the chair he held out for you, shrinking into yourself as he sat not across from you but directly beside you. Even pulling the chair closer to where you were sitting. 
“So, the article, I don’t see much truth in it since it is all based on just surveys, but it was saying that those who preferred red wine tend to be early birds with white wine drinkers being night owls. Red wine drinkers preferred dogs to cats, jazz music to punk music, but the part that I found telling” He leaned in, a true smile being directed in your way for the first time. 
“It said that red wine drinkers tended to be adventurous, humble and organized while white wine drinkers were…how did they put it? Curious, sarcastic and perfectionists.”
You could see it, the way he was having fun in the conversation like he hadn’t had in a long time. It broke your heart that the two of you were such sad and lonely people….going to the only person left who might give them a smidge of attention. 
“Stop that” 
You blinked, seeing his smile die as he reached out to take hold of your chin to keep you from looking away or shrinking and looking at the floor. 
“I know that look. I have had it all my life. Self-pity, it will kill you if you let it. I…” You watched as you saw a part of him you never knew, a string of unknown words slipping free as he seemed to want to try out a few ‘phrases’ before saying it in the language you both spoke. 
“I horribly misjudged you that first day and have been too embarrassed to admit that I was in the wrong this whole time. You know where I am from, I am used to people looking down on me and I always had this assumption about myself that I was better than the people of Piltover because I would never look at someone and think of them below me…..which was exactly what I did to you” 
He reached out to take your wine that you hadn’t even taken a sip of yet, downing it in a few gulps before continuing. 
“I thought you hated me after that. It would be warranted. However, Jayce told me, today in fact, that he brought you to the lab because I was your type. That I am still your type? That you still find me…attractive?” 
Your eyes snapped over at the man who was brought up, the darkest of blushes taking over your face as you watched him wink towards the pair of you before focusing on his conversation once more. 
“Please, tell me if he is lying or if he misunderstood…after how I’ve treated you, if I have even a percentage of a chance with you, I want to try. From all the stories I’ve heard from Jayce you are nothing but kind and generous, but always so hard on yourself. And lonely….like I am lonely…maybe? Maybe we could be lonely, together?” 
You turn to look back at his golden eyes finally, finding him just as handsome as you had all those years ago. Fuck it, go big or go home. 
“...how about…the two of us down a couple more glasses of wine…maybe steal a bottle, and go to your place?” 
This time, as his eyes traveled down you, you watched as he practically undressed you right there, gulping as he nodded. 
“I’ll get the glasses and be back post haste”
If you feel willing to review, comment or share I would greatly appreciate it. In the next day or two I will get back to things running like normal as thankfully the only symptoms I am left with is a nasty cough, annoying fatigue and a small appetite. Which when looking at like Wednesday I was so delirious I THOUGHT I slept the whole day and wrote most of this...I couldn't even leave my bed for a whole day without nearly passing out from exhaustion. I will never know what exactly I had. I just know it couldn't be covid or the two types of the flu going around seeing as I did the nose test not once...not twice but THREE TIMES in one sitting to find them all negative. So let me tell you, I was dying by the end of that visit on Tuesday.
But, all that is secondary to I will get to my requests, I will respond to people (I also maybe have an idea of both continuations of previous pieces that I will work on soon) It is why the second part of this will be spicy, since apparently that was a request. They want more spice.
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justalilgiddybibs · 11 days
Making fake FOPANW episode concepts because I can part 2
This episode can be interpreted as pre- or post-finale, but it does take place after Patty Possum's Party Playground!
Okay, enjoy my rambling!
The Tunnel of Tickly Terror
Synopsis: When a prize challenge at Patty Possum's Party Playground goes haywire, it's up to Winn to free their friends from its grasp!
So this episode, as you probably gathered, is very Winn-focused. Back when Winn was younger, there was a tickle-related challenge that earned whoever completed it a prize: A singing Patty Possum figurine! Winn has wanted one since it was a thing- but it was later discontinued before they could complete the challenge. Their problem? Winn is HELLA TICKLISH. To the point where they'd accidentally brush their arm against one feathery things in the "Tunnel of Tickly Terror", as it was called, and immediately lose all control, bouncing around like a pinball before scrambling back to the entrance, giddy and tickledrunk from bumping against so many tickly things.
The tunnel is very heavily booby-trapped; it's meant to feel like you're trying to steal something from a secret base. You go in, avoid as many of the tickly traps as you can, grab one of the figurines and get out without tapping out, which you can do at any time by calling red. Simple in concept- but very difficult once you actually go in. It's got a lot of different traps that range from motion-sensing hands to softer circles that spin and vibrate, and even parts on the floor that activated a switch when pressed- sending the victim into fits of laughter as the floor temporarily turned to little hands that wiggled underneath whoever was in there. In short, it was hard.
Unfortunately, the challenge was discontinued years ago. So Hazel wishes for the Tunnel of Tickly Terror to exist again. Winn is obviously excited to be able to try it out again and immediately heads over there with Hazel, Jazz and a few others. Winn though needs a bit more time to analyze and find a plan so they don't end up tapping out before it even begins. But in the midst of their strategizing, the challenge starts picking up the people in the tunnel and essentially holding them hostage- not really doing much, but it didn't let them go either. Whenever they try to get out it just briefly tickles them. So what does Winn do? Immediately panic. What're they supposed to do? They're not ready yet!
So of course they just take a deep breath, set aside their strategy, and dive straight into the tunnel, trying their best to ignore the ticklish sensations surrounding them on almost every side. They do end up pinballing a few times and being sent back, but never give up. Their friends are counting on them!
Eventually they do grab one of the figurines, and although they accidentally activated one of the floor traps, they manage to get back to the entrance without tapping out! Hooray! They won! The machine powers down completely and everyone is released- and Winn is on the floor, very tickledrunk and dizzy from all the chaos. But hey! Now they have a singing Patty Possum figurine!
I absolutely love all these scrunkles. They're soo tickleable. I wanna throw them against a wall and tickle them to pieces. WINN AND DEV AND PERI ESPECIALLY!!!
Alright, I'll probably do a few more if I come up with something- but please request whatever things for this fandom I WANNA TALK ABOUT THEM PROMPTS ARE OPEN FOR A REASONNNN
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
Basic Instinct Chapter 9,5
A/N: Alright, the original Chapter 9 was apparantly so long, it needs to be split into 3 parts. I'm hereby posting part 2 of Chapter 9. Masterpost
As the two of you entered the arcade, you grinned. "I'm so happy I brought my wallet after all. I've got my membership card with me. You don't mind your points being added to my already existing ones, don't you?" You asked. Akashi quickly shook his head. "No, if anything, its even better." In his head, he had a clear picture in mind, of winning every game and scoring all the points for you on your card and name. That panda certainly wouldn't be the only plushy you'd be taking home tonight. And thus, he recharged your game balance to be worth about 200 games. 'I doubt we're going to be playing that many. I wonder if he actually wants me to have leftovers for a next time on purpose.' You smiled besotted at your boyfriend, as he led you alongside the neon-lit machines. "Do you have a favorite?" "Well, I really like air hockey. It's not worth a lot of points, but I always have fun! You're probably beating me the moment you get a hang of it though." You said, predicting your flawless boyfriend to be amazing at air hockey within no time. "Shall we see how well you hold out as an opponent then?" Akashi teased, and you giggled as you pointed towards the familiar tables. True to your prediction, he bested you alright, and you could have swore he allowed you to make your final goal. You groaned as you looked at the ominous red numers, 3 - 10. "How about you watch as I beat the next game." Akashi continued to poke fun at you, and he winked. You rolled your eyes. "Fine, let's see how hard your going to crush the basketball game. Perhaps seeing you wreck the machine might be fun after all." You were still slightly pouting from the defeat, you usually won from your friends whenever you went. He draped his arm around your shoulder with a grin, and the two of you practically melted against each other. "Let's see if I can break the machine." The flashy basketball game was in the back of the arcade. You were grateful you were going to watch it. You still remembered playing it yourself once and accidentally having the ball bounce back so hard against the machine it flew across the arcade, your face red as you hurried behind it. It had been epically humiliating. But not this time. The game was already being played by two boys you figured had recently graduated from highschool. They seemed a little too old to be highschool students and one vaguely smelt of beer, but their faces were too youthful and boyish to pass for young men. The guy you assumed was tipsy looked at the two of you approaching and chuckled. "Hey cutie, wanna see our moves?" He asked you, blatantly ignoring Akashi. "I'd like that," You answered, much to Akashi's surprise. He wanted to turn around, but before he could let out his heartbroken WTF, you smiled at him. "After all, I wouldn't be properly appreciative of how cool my boyfriend's moves are if I cannot compare them to an amateur first." He would have bursted out in laughter if it wouldn't have been provoking these boys even more. He did not want to get into a fistfight on his first date, but god, he was living for you roasting people on his behalf. It fed into his already gigantic ego, and made him feel like he wanted to puff his chest. So before one of the enraged boys could do or say something, he stepped forward. "Let's see who beats who. How about I play a one on one with each of you?" "Alright, but if one of us wins, cutie will stay with us." They both grinned sexually, but you weren't fazed at all, and whilst Akashi was annoyed, he wasn't terrified either. Both of you knew Akashi would win, even if it was his first time trying to play by the arcade's basketball system. If anything, you were excited to see their faces when Akashi would crush them. "Okay, but if I win, I get to pick a prize with your membership points for my girlfriend."
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