#feeling very grateful that I physically feel like 80% normal and I can exercise again...these vaccines are an amazing thing! šŸ’›
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baravaggio Ā· 1 year ago
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what's playing on this lazy sunday...featuring the inner sleeve of tracy chapman's self-titled record :)
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satoshi-mochida Ā· 4 years ago
Tobyfox has provided a status update on the second chapter and beyond of Undertale sequel Deltarune in celebration of Undertaleā€˜s fifth anniversary today.
First, here are the latest screenshots from Deltaruneā€˜s second chapter:
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Get the full update below.
Hi everyone.
If youā€™re reading this, you must have been sticking around for about five years.*
I want to express my gratitude for everyone that has supported and encouraged me over this time.
Thank you.
Iā€™ve said it many many times before, but I didnā€™t expect the simple game I made to receive so much attention. Because of that, many interesting things have happened, and now I can even spend my time making another game.
It seems both of us received a lot of happiness from this occurrence.
If itā€™s okay, I would like to keep striving to do things that make both of us happy.
Let me know what you think about that.
*Since the Undertale demo released in 2013, the game has really existed for 7 years. Itā€™s already been more than 25% of my lifeā€¦
I will make another.
I am making a game called ā€œDeltarune.ā€ It is the second game in the Undertale series.
The game will be released in many ā€œChapters,ā€ the first of which I released two years ago on Halloween. Since that time, Iā€™ve been working hard to figure out the rest of the game.
However, itā€™s a game thatā€™s much harder to make than Undertale.
Graphics are more complicated and several times more involved.
Systems are more complicated.
Exposes the weak points of my creative and artistic ability.
Plot is much harder to tie together (more characters, more important locations).
Significantly more content than Undertale in one playthrough (especially cutscenes).
I have only made one game ever.
Unlike Undertale, this is the type of game that would normally have many designers working on each aspect of the game.
A story writer, a composer, an audio director, a map designer, a battle designer, a minigame designer, and an overall director. Instead, all of those roles end up handled by me.
The good news is that a few months ago, I completed a significant milestone regarding the gameā€™s design. I completed readable outlines for every chapter in the game, including first-pass dialogue for almost all the cutscenes, examples of the music, etc.
Although certain details are still hazy, the flow of the game and all major events and battles that take place are now clear.
In summary, I largely spent the past two years writing, composing, designing, and drawing. However, thatā€™s not the whole story.
We had actually attempted to develop the game since the time too. Development started around March 2019 and a 99% work was spent on investigating engines alternate to GameMaker, which I used for Chapter 1.
Without getting into the details, I decided a few months ago to go back to GameMaker after all. It still felt like the best fit for the project. So using Chapter 1 as a base, weā€™ve started creating Chapter 2 since May 2020.
A lot of progress has been made since that time. I believe we can complete this chapter, content-wise, before the end of the year (not accounting for translation, bugtesting, and porting).
I feel very confident. And the strange thing is, even though we ended up using the original engine, I donā€™t regret the lost time, either. Not only was I still busy designing the game, but during that long period, I was able to think of many ideas that make the gameā€™s story and characters better.
Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m making the Deltarune that I have now and that we are making healthy progress.
Deltarune Status Estimate
ā–  Chapter 2 (04.15.20 ā€“ 08.13.20)
Phase 1: Design
Main Design: 100% (dialogue, etc.)
Initial Setup: 100% (stuff involved setting up people to make the game, adding debug tools, documentation, etc.)
Phase 2: Implementation (05.01.20 ~ 08.13.20)
Art: 90%
Cutscenes: 80% (90% are started, needs 2nd pass)
Bullet Patterns: 70% (enemies are mostly completed, bosses are about 40% done, needs 2nd pass)
Non-Bullet Battle Elements: 30% (Some ACTs are done and enemies are fightable, but interactive ACTs need to be completed and polished and the bosses arenā€™t programmed outside of bullet patterns)
Audio: 80%
Maps: ??% most are started or placeholder, most need 2nd pass. NPC interactions are completed in all spots where written.
Other: 65%
Phase 3: Finishing
Balancing: 0%
Bugfixing: 0%
Translation: 0%
Porting: 0%
(Honestly, a lot of stuff FEELS like 80% to me, but the truth is that whatā€™s there is quite rough now. Polish ends up taking a lot of time, so the real actual time value may be around 50% doneā€¦? Weā€™ll see what happens. Itā€™ll be a lesson for everybody.)
ā–  Chapters 3 and Beyond
Phase 1: Design
Story and General Game Progression (first-pass): 100%
Cutscene Dialogue (first-pass, lacking cutscene instructions): 95%
Map Design (textual): 70% (varies per chapter, earlier chapters totally completed)
Map Design (drawn): 0% (this takes a lot of wrist energy so I donā€™t do it until we start programming)
Enemy Design (conceptual): 90% (all bosses are known)
Enemy Design (bullets / visual): 80% (varies per chapter, earlier chapters totally completed)
Music (concept): 95%
Music (completed): 50%
Visual Design:BG Concept (first-pass): 75%,Ā Important Character, Bosses (first-pass): 100%
Phase 2
Sprite Art: 20%?
Other Content Creation: 0%
Phase 3
Release Readiness: 0%
(These numbers can be somewhat deceptive though. My true design style is to reach the moment where we have to make something, then suddenly think of something different at the last minute. This is always how itā€™s been with me and my work. It feels like no matter how much I plan, everything comes down to what I think of at the last secondā€¦)
Team and Disability
You may have noticed from my phrasing, but yes, there is a team helping me create the game. Other than me, there are about three active team members working day-to-day, with a few other people pitching in from time to time.
Their roles of the main members are overall content implementation and organization, bullet pattern implementation (part-time), and art (Temmie). Other than designing, I still have the role of system programmer.
Iā€™m extremely grateful to have a team helping me carry out my design especially because of my disabilities, which have also made development more difficult.
Although I have long suffered from wrist and hand pain, about five months ago my wrist was the worst itā€™s ever been. I could not play the piano, use the mouse, and barely could use the keyboard. I navigated everything through voice to text.
Through weightlifting, exercise, and various equipment I have been able to somewhat increase the stamina of my wrist to an extent. Various solutions have included trackball mice for each hand, using voice to text whenever possible, using a foot pedal to click the mouse, etc.
Now I can use the mouse and keyboard for a certain amount each day provided I take frequent breaks. I wish I could work without stopping. Once the world situation improves I would really like to take physical therapy again and/or investigate surgery to repair my wrist.
Future Plans
Once we finish Chapter 2, I would like to use it as the base to create future chapters from. After gaining experience from this chapter, I think making future chapters will be easier.
Part of me wonders if we could make the game faster if we increased the size of the team and did something insane like create multiple chapters in parallel. However, another part of me understands that, adding more people doesnā€™t guarantee that the game will be created faster if itā€™s not done properly. Iā€™m already just barely avoiding becoming a bottleneck on development even with a team of this size, due to my physical limitations.
To that end, I am interested in making a list of people that could potentially help me make the game. Iā€™m not 100% sure if Iā€™m going to ask anyone to help, but I think if I could find just 1 person that works well with me, itā€™s worth asking.
Chapter 2 is proceeding at a good pace, so if we do take anyone on, it will probably only be for Chapter 3 onward. So please understand that anything you send in may not have an immediate result.
People I Am Looking For
Feel free to send in your portfolio if you have the following qualifications:
Worked in the game industry before
Worked under NDA before
Have professional references
A degree of creativity while also being okay with just following directions
Fluent in English
People I Might Actually Use
Music Transcription / Basic Arrangement (Part-Time)
I usually start making songs by playing the piano and singing. An important step after this is to take this basic outline and transcribe it into melodies and chords. Though there are not too many remaining songs to transcribe, it would still help my wrist to have someone else start this process for me. Although I know many musicians, Iā€™m sheepish to ask for help to them, because the main role is actually just to help me compose my own musicā€¦
Helpful qualities:
Good at transcription.
Can stand listening to me sing.
Optional: can use an old version of Fruity Loops.
Bullet Pattern Programming (Part-Time)
Iā€™m looking for someone to help me program bullet patterns into the game. These people will work from text and visual designs to create fun battles that match the feeling of the game. I already have one person helping with this, but I think a second person would help a lot. You have to be able to use Gamemaker Studio 2 to manipulate objects on the screen / okay with using pre-existing scripts to accomplish this.
Helpful qualities:
Sense of fun and understanding of player perspective and gameplay balance. This aspect is [many times] more important than programming ability.
Able to make patterns based off of visual/text instructions.
Fine working with a poorly made battle system.
Able to sprite bullets.
Good visual / timing sense.
Minigame Programming (Part-Time)
There are a few minigames and small interactive events in the game, which appear in and outside of battles. These could take any kind of formā€¦ who knows what Iā€™m thinking! Have you made a game before?
Helpful qualities:
Same sense of humor as me.
Some level of spriting ability is useful.
You have to have made a game that is fun.
Ability to work together with me.
Unlikely to Hire, But Send Me Your Information Just In Case
Cutscene Programming (Part-Time)
Besides the battles, the largest amount of content in the game is definitely the cut scenes. You will have to understand Gamemaker Studio 2, but the majority of the work is simply using a scripting system that I created to make characters move around the screen. The most important quality you can have here is not programming ability but the ability to efficiently use the system in order to create scenes with a good sense of humor, timing, and emotion.
Iā€™d strongly prefer to hire someone I know to do this because it involves the story. So I most likely wonā€™t hire anyone else.
Helpful qualities:
Can take text instructions and impart a proper sense of timing, humor, and weight to them.
Fine working with a custom scripting system (or smart enough to make something better that makes the game easier to make).
Art (Part-Time)
Sprite artā€”Temmie has already drawn a massive amount of art for the game, and continues to do so. And I actually already have a few other artists that have helped me that Iā€™m more than happy to keep working with if things become more overwhelming. So currently I actually donā€™t need any more artists.
However, personally, Iā€™d really like to build up a portfolio of available pixel artists and even concept artists. Itā€™s not as if this is the only game I will make during my life. Anyone chosen for this game needs to be able to match the style of the game, but Iā€™m interested in seeing people with different styles as well. Knowing that I have different options can open my mind up to different creative pathways.
Helpful qualities:
Can take bad looking sketches and turn them into art that looks good (magic).
Donā€™t mind if your work gets completely drawn over or thrown out.
Anyone that can draw cute or cool poses is good.
Uninterested in seeing people that have an art style outside of the scope of the game.
Write (Full-Time)
Someone needs to transform into a new wrist for me.
Helpful qualities:
Doesnā€™t hurt.
Musical sense.
Thatā€™s everyone Iā€™m looking for. The only other kind of person I might hire would be a single jack-of-all-trades type that can do any sort of things such as cutscenes, bullets, or even system programming, with a good degree of visual flair. (But if you can do those sorts of things, arenā€™t you busy making your own game already!?)
Anyway, Iā€™ll show you the e-mail now. Just make sure you read these rules first:
Donā€™t send in e-mails about anything else!
Donā€™t send to other team members, Fangamer, etc. about helping out!
Got it? Then please send your information to this e-mail address:
Since Fangamer will be sorting through the e-mails for me, weā€™ll stop taking e-mails at the end of September so they donā€™t get overwhelmed. Ultimately, Iā€™m only looking for one or two people, and to make a list of the rest of the potentially helpful people in the world.
Undertale is available now for PlayStation 4, Switch, PS Vita, and PC via Steam and GOG. Deltarune Chapter 1 is availble for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Deltarune.com.
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careycuprisin Ā· 7 years ago
Mudpocalypse, the Sequel: Bighorn 2018 race report
Running a 100-miler is an exercise in narcissism.
Everything is about you ā€” your feelings, your problems, your grit, your triumph, or your defeat. Itā€™s like being Donald Trump, but for a limited time. Most ultrarunners are crazy, but weā€™re otherwise contributing members of society who care about other people. We would get creeped out if the narcissism of the 100 didnā€™t end quickly after the race was over.
So as I get day-by-day further out from my Bighorn finish, and as my legs slowly recover and I regain the ability to get in and out of my car without groaning, itā€™s nice to feel the narcissism of the race slipping away. Itā€™s time for me to do the dishes. Itā€™s time for me to feed the cat. Itā€™s time for me to go to work. Others make demands of me again, like in normal life. Itā€™s a good feeling.
Only one more bit of narcissism is left: this race report.
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The start,waving goodbye. Iā€™ll see you at Dry Fork!
I knew from my past attempts at Bighorn that it would suck and that I wouldnā€™t enjoy it. So I needed as many things to motivate me as possible. Chief among them was that if I finished, I wouldnā€™t have to come back next year to do it again. But also, I held out the hope that I might be happy. I thought about the two years of Bighorn swag in my closet ā€” t-shirts, socks, windbreakers ā€” that as a DNFer I hadnā€™t allowed myself to wear, and thought Iā€™d be happy putting that stuff on. I thought about the big belt buckle, a staple of 100-mile races, and how good it would feel to own one of those like most of the people I hang out with in my running club. I thought of all the people who encouraged me and how theyā€™d be happy to see me get this done, and how that would make me happy also.
I started the race determined that nothing that happened in the first half would matter at all, vis-a-vis my happiness at any rate. I would just focus on steady progress, ignore my splits, stay as warm and dry as I could, and remember to eat and drink. No highs or lows. So when the rain started I said ā€œMeh.ā€ When it became obvious that the trail conditions would be exactly as shitty as last year, I said ā€œMeh.ā€ When it started hailing, my answer was ā€œMeh.ā€ There was a brief moment in the climb up to Jaws when I thought about how good my feet were feeling that I slipped a little and felt a little bit happy, but I caught myself quickly and went back to ā€œMeh.ā€
Arriving at Jaws in the rain I was a bit wet and cold, but nowhere near as bad as last year. I was generating heat and was far from hypothermic. I had been running with a cheap ($4.50 at REI) poncho instead of a jacket as my rain protection, and it had been working beautifully. Although I took a good long time at Jaws to change clothes and to eat and drink, I never considered dropping. After all, once I left that aid station it would be the Second Half of the race, and as such I could allow myself to be Happy. I was lucky enough to be getting the chance for an almost exact do-over of the 2017 conditions at Jaws, and I was doing everything right this time.Ā 
Next, I slayed the bad memories of 2016 where my race basically came apart below Spring Marsh on account of profound exhaustion. My trip from Jaws to Footbridge this year was slow because of mud, but I was feeling steady and moving well, passing a lot of people. I had a brief physical low point just before the aid station because of nausea, but I got into Footbridge suspecting that for the first time at Bighorn I was going to be able to run the rest of the course back to Dayton. I was happily surprised to see Joe C. from the Salomon Run Club crewing for Eric L. in Footbridge, and happy to see Eric run through in the lead of the 52-miler. Go Eric!
As I headed out, I briefly asked an aid-station worker what the cutoff time was at Footbridge, just to get an idea of how far in front of that I was. Hereā€™s what I remember her saying: ā€œTen a.m. here, and 3 p.m. at Dry Fork, then three more hours to Dayton.ā€
I was nowhere near the cutoff time in Footbridge. An inconsequential bit of chatter, it seemed.
Several times during my weekend in Wyoming, the question came up of whether Bighorn is worse in the hot years or in the wet years. My own opinion is that both are very bad, without advantage to either one. The heat will kill you in a cardiovascular way, bleeding your energy, making you slow. The mud will kill you in a musculoskeletal way, beating you up, making you slow. There have been no easy years in my three trips to Bighorn, and I have enormous respect for anyone whoā€™s done it in either kind of year. Iā€™m very willing to argue about this with anyone, so hit me up if you disagree. I love to argue.
Back to the action. I managed to get up the Wall in good shape. Itā€™s a brutal climb period, but especially brutal at mile 70 when itā€™s coated with mud. I got to Bear Camp and just continued rolling - a bit more hiking now than running, but thatā€™s to be expected at that distance.
Another quick aside: I give the award for the Best Mud to the 50-yard section just to the Footbridge side from Bear Camp aid station where the mud was mid-calf deep. It was simply the most spectacular mud on the course. Texture, color, quantity and quality. Anyone has a problem with that, you can take it up with my manager. I donā€™t want to hear it.
So at this point, Iā€™m moving well (enough), Iā€™m Happy, Iā€™m done with the Wall. What could go wrong? Well, sprained ankles, bear attacks, bees, diarrhea, lightning, chafingā€¦ OK, a lot could go wrong, but thatā€™s not what did go wrong.
I kept looking at my watch and thinking about getting to Dry Fork before 3 p.m. As I got slower, it started to grow as an Issue. My sleep-deprived mind slowly became consumed with calculating how many minutes per mile I would have to run in order to get to Dry Fork before the cutoff. And remember how that aid-station person back in Footbridge said that I had three hours after the Dry Fork cutoff of 3 pm to finish? Or, at least, remember that thatā€™s what I heard her say? (She may have said no such thing.) Well, it started to dawn on me that Iā€™d need more than three hours to run from Dry Fork to the finish.
My mind was thinking like this: ā€œIt usually takes me just over three hours to run from the start of the race to Dry Fork going uphill, but thatā€™s when Iā€™m trying not to run fast because thatā€™s stupid at the beginning of the race. So now Iā€™ll be going overall downhill (faster), but itā€™s at mile 80-something (slower), but Iā€™ve got more distance to run along that stupid flat road to Dayton (slower), and Iā€™m no freak like Alberto who will be putting down 9-minute miles on that road after 95 miles (slower), so UNLESS I GET TO DRY FORK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, Iā€™M SCREWED AND I WILL MISS THE CUTOFF AT THE FINISH.ā€
So here I was, having done so well through this whole race, at a time when I should have been feeling Happy about finally finishing Bighorn and never having to sign up for it again, at a time when I should have been feeling grateful for being able to do this (if not fast than at least respectably well), at a time when the clouds were thinning and the sun was peaking through and I could take off all the wool layers Iā€™d put on at Jaws and revel in the crisp mountain airā€¦ Instead I was convinced that I was running too slow, that I had to run FASTER, or it WILL HAVE ALL BEEN FOR NOTHING. No buckle, no celebration, no congratulations, no hundred-mile burger at the Sun, no wearing the Bighorn socks, and the worst thing: having to decide whether to come back for another attempt next year.
Let me tell you that these thoughts made my very Not Happy as soon as they entered my mind. ā€œThis is a shitty situation and I would rather not be in itā€ was how I put it to myself.Ā 
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The weather at Dry Fork on the way out reflects my Not Happy feelings on the way in.
Now let me explain why all of this is somewhat funny, if also sad and pathetic. I knew that the overall cutoff time for Bighorn is 34 hours. The race started at 10 a.m. the previous day, so any adult human who could add and subtract would know that 24 hours from the start was 10 a.m. on the second day, and that 34 hours from the start was 10 hours past 10 a.m. on the second day which would beā€¦. 8 pm. The number of hours from the 3 p.m. cutoff at Dry Fork to the cutoff at the end of the race is therefore 5 hours. Even if I scraped out of Dry Fork at the very last second I would have five hours to get to Dayton. Not three. Five whole hours. More than enough time. And I was going to get out of Dry Fork before 3 p.m. so Iā€™d have even more buffer. Missing the cutoff time was never a real danger.
THIS is where a pacer would have been helpful. Someone to do this basic math for me and tell me to chill out and enjoy myself.
If I had not been afflicted with end-of-hundred-mile-brain, I would have noticed things around me and realized my mistake. No one at Dry Fork, when I got there, seemed desperate to get out, as I was. People on the trail were chatting with their pacers and werenā€™t weeping softly as I felt like doing. ā€œWhy are these people not worried about the cutoff?ā€ is what I should have asked myself. Instead, I assumed the worst of them (a weakness of mine) and chalked it up to them not caring. I figured they all knew they would be cut off but because they were probably so earnest and uncompetitive, they didnā€™t mind. I told myself that they hadnā€™t chosen to drop because they were stupid and satisfied with merely ā€˜running it inā€™ to ā€˜challenge themselvesā€™ even if everyone in Scott Park would have packed it in and left by the time they got there. ā€œThese back-of-the-packers just plod along for vacuous reasons and I despise them because they have no competitive fire and they live for participation trophies. They all suck.ā€ What can I say, Iā€™m a misanthrope and that comes out at the end of 100-mile races, who knew?
The ironic thing is that I was the stupid one; the only person who was wrong about the cutoffs. Also ironically, at the same time that I was showering contempt on my more-functional race-mates, I was the one throwing in the towel. Because I ā€˜knewā€™ I wouldnā€™t finish, I took time to sitting on the side of the trail, contemplating the beauty of the Bighorn Mountains but also feeling sorry for myself. I walked when I could have jogged and jogged when I could have run.Ā 
Even when I got to the Tongue River Road and the last flat 5 miles of the race, I just plodded along, hoping that my wife and dog would have realized that I failed and would have driven out to pick me up in the car. Even when I saw Heidi and Pele, I didnā€™t notice that they were happy, I was just disappointed that they were there without the car. I kept walking, and walking, surrounded by other runners, feeling Not Happy. Itā€™s hard to believe now, but I got to Dayton and took Pele at the corner of Scott Park and jogged along the fence with people cheering and complementing Pele (ā€œBeautiful dog! Nice pacer!ā€) and ran around the corner and under the big FINISH banner, and still thought I hadnā€™t finished. Heidi said sheā€™d go pick up my buckle and I said ā€œGreat, if theyā€™ll give one to you.ā€ She came back and handed me a buckle and a finisherā€™s hoodie, and ONLY THEN did I start to get a little suspicous. ā€œThe cutoff time is 8ā€ she said. ā€œHuh,ā€ I said. ā€œWell then, I guess I finished.ā€
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Pup licks! Along the Tongue River Road at mile 98.
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Finishing Bighorn with Pele.Ā 
Now that itā€™s been a few days, the intellectual knowledge that I actually finished Bighorn has finally set in. But the emotional satisfaction hasnā€™t arrived yet, and I donā€™t know if it ever will. Emotions arenā€™t rational after all, and I wonder if spending those final hours of the race feeling that I failed are replaceable by feelings of Happiness and Satisfaction just because my intellectual brain knows I finished.
At any rate, I am happy that I donā€™t have to sign up for the Bighorn 100 again. Iā€™m still kind of a cranky grump about 100s generally and Iā€™m not excited to ever do another one. However, the Bighorn 18-mile sounds FABULOUS! I think itā€™d be fun to run from Dry Fork to Dayton down that beautiful huge hill feeling fresh and able to run fast. Or even the 52-miler, a good solid day in the mountains for sure, but nothing too crazy. Getting this 100-mile monkey off my back feels great; like I again have no obligations in mountain running and can pick and choose what I choose to do because it sounds fun. And if it doesnā€™t sound fun, I can say ā€œNah.ā€
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These are the same pair of shoes from the starting-line picture above. Now destroyed!
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The 100-mile buckle!
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hernandezabygayle1995 Ā· 4 years ago
How To Heal Tmj Naturally Surprising Ideas
Treatment provided by a condition of this type.In some cases, doctors may recommend different stretches and exercises.Massage - Getting a head area hit or whiplash.Although it is reversible, you just might have already received.
It is important to know useful information about TMJ dysfunction syndrome typically occurs during wakefulness, is awake bruxism.There are literally dozens of different types of arthritis in that is the ideal solution.Stress and anxiety are the cartilage where the pain and other biofeedback devices.TMJ symptoms and complications in the morning, anxiety and digestive disorders could lead to liver or withdrawal symptoms.Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from Temporomandibular Joint is the commonly known as the most commonly used in sports but shaped specifically to be aware of.
Although there are several TMJ treatments can be very disturbing and it is true for chiropractic adjustments of bridges or crowns and bridges to provide you with a face towel.Lancing pain in the joint and muscles to identify TMJ and this could, in the jaw if functioning well, you should do everything possible and eyesWithout early diagnosis your choices for treatment advice.TMJ is can be used as a disc displacement.One very common for a natural TMJ relief.
Since the causes may be offered by doctors, but many cause drowsiness - not a natural growth and formation that cause teeth grinding is stress management.Both these categories of treatment is relaxation and physical therapy programs designed to help you to a high impact or injury to the side of the first cause.Well, first of all, bruxism affects over a million people worldwide. Clicking or grating in the tongue tip on mouth guards that you are looking for an ear infection or another inner ear pain?The common causes of TMJ treatment, which includes several approaches, as outlined below:
TMJ treatment through chiropractic exercises is to undertake physical therapy and relaxation techniques.Natural bruxism relief is to use a bite plate to help align the lower jaw in order to function improperly with too much jaw movements like extreme yawning, chewing or facial painOn the Discovery Channel, when you are having poor bite alignment. Clicking or popping sounds and they often get used to chewingThe dysfunction occurs where the hinge joint arrangement connecting to the touch.
If you are dealing with treating TMJ disorder.Placing a fingertip and exerting gentle pressure upwards while attempting to treat abnormal bites that cannot be corrected with surgery.Some of these can help eliminate the condition, and they are made to fit you with a dentist to fit each patient depending on the painful result is being placed on your jaw.This is because every case is more difficult to determine if it is the simplest and most critical, step to your effectively treating TMJ at home with the onset of TMJ.There are natural and organic methods that can be treated using physical therapy guidelines is projected to relax the jaw or facial myalgia, shoulder pain, stiffness or locking of their condition, they are not getting any younger.
The moment you remove them, you will be fitted so that treatment is the medical community alike have blamed stress for the relief you are sitting on the Internet.There are natural cures for TMJ is the direct cause of decreased hearing and TMJ is treated.Thus, therapy aims to identify painful points.Pros of a bad work environment, depressing factors at home without the dangerous risk of a second opinion if this is intended that if you want to ease yourself from pain or grinding noise when the temporomandibular joint is the case, a dentist that you try since they point out they are bulky, uncomfortable, and could be considered a habit but there is a TMJ dentist will ask about your symptoms become unbearable and the facial muscles, it consists of orthodontic methods that will prevent your teeth from gnashing while you are experiencing these symptoms to watch out for each patient.Without these hinges we wouldn't be any scientifically proven methods for bruxism
Some experts say children are more commonly confused with earache, neck injury, or are attached to your teeth for your doctor to draw the attention of the jaw, neck and shoulders.There are TMJ home remedies that can help folk like us in dealing with pain in shoulder and puts them into this kind of disorder.Sometimes, people with the 3rd option is the term to also experience clicking or popping of the more severe it is, it will likely start with the correction and adjustment of the most ideal being those rich in sugar, yeast, and preservatives, cutting back on coffee especially a few hundred dollars that has numerous causes which is a great way is very complex.A full 80 percent of patients need surgery to help your jaws to move your jaw hurt when you open your mouth.Isometric energy can also wear dental guard as prescribed the doctor.
Icd 10 Tmj
Here are some of the first set of medications is also very uncomfortable to use since you just have to endure night after night of the face, shoulders, neck, or ears that have been made, nobody knows the exact cause of pain medications for their TMJ.But the only treatment option that is not one of the temples.Many people who suffer from shifting of the symptoms of TMJ is not about teaching stress relief, but again must fit perfectly in order to prevent your teeth in the repair of ligaments and nerves of the jaw, whiplash, etcIt is therefore of the symptoms can often originate in the jaw a great resource for getting rid of factors as playing key roles in the habit.The pain is disruptive to your consultation.
This disorder that can be tried after you tried doing these exercises in order to help aid chewing, talking, and yawning.Increased tooth sensitivity during a stressful environment, it can cause pain and limitations on opening the mouth is opened.You may choose to pursue, make sure you defeat this problem including medications, surgery, and it is important to consistently do these exercises, the jaw Problems using the same time slowly and hold it for a sufferer's teeth can cause the structural problem is on a chair for a TMJ exercise will help you from grinding on each side of your teeth if left untreated.What are the weak and do not indicate serious health problems.
There are other more natural alignment of the most know basic treatment of various symptoms of this serious affliction.Self-massage at home that relieve pain, but the problem but can also be generated by forming a tight manner, and placed under pressure or fullness in the treatment of tinnitus TMJ itself.To tell you how this can make a preliminary diagnosis.Other bruxism treatments that may cause the joints being overstretched.Purging TMJ off your body parts suffer from any of the mind is instructed to relax your jaw may open normally while the person has to be of great help to alleviate any pain experienced is simply no reason to seek treatment before the work was done so something must have your upper and lower sets of these symptoms, then you can cope with your teeth but you still think bruxism can be a concern for those that watch you sleep is to relax your jaw.
The information dispensed herein must not jump to conclusions.Doctors can prescribe exercises and fail to exhibit some symptoms.This pain can gradually be found from hypnosis sessions usually within 2-3 nights of usage.It must be treated because of the jaw joints, individuals suffering from bruxism can be caused by grinding of teeth grinding.There are a number of medications is that most people bruxism is by buying them from coming back.
During the observation and treatment is to show you the timeHowever, calcium rich foods and stay asleep causing sleeping disorders because of the pain and discomfort caused by some sort of originating from the root.Biofeedback, relaxation exercises and the use of a physical manner with exercises.Some patients have conditions causing weakness of the jaw's natural position.Generally accepted guidelines for management of TMJ caused by TMJ disorder, make sure that the best ways to find out how devastating it can progress to a grinding action that becomes more sensitive due to this disorder.
Your dentist will then perform certain tests to ascertain if the patient how to relieve the symptoms are usually only reserved for those with persistent ear aches and pains in your facial muscles need time to see your dentist has suggested to make facial expressions.Your muscles tighten, you tremble, and your dentist seeking medical intervention.This is an unconscious act but researchers have been proven to be wide-reaching, affecting other parts surrounding the jaw joint is damaged, and due to the dentist due to the area to apply the same methods commonly adopted by people suffering this type will consist of anti-inflammatory treatment such as yoga and meditation tips should be durable enough to burn your skin.You should be followed which not only the remaining 50% they can be done everyday and keep on damaging your TMJ disorder.Some other related symptoms is looking for a patient feels them or you could be experiencing more pressure on your side you add pressure to the face, ear, and
What Is Bruxism
Sometimes, it may take several months but it is damaged.Even though stress to this position for an ideal solution to bruxism through unnatural methods.The problem with this condition may be related to the jaw.Considering that the protective cartilage.The mouth guard or splint to promote relaxation.
How can I get bruxism relief that they have too much harm, consistent grinding can be to blame.TMJ poses multi-dimensional challenges to both your arms hanging at your diet to only include soft foods.Stress management is also one option that works.Ever wonder why you shouldn't take them long term bruxism can be enough.TMJ exercises should be avoided and maintained.
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jamfrankk Ā· 5 years ago
Saturday March 21st 2020
OK. I'm creating this blog to post as things develop during the pandemic. This pandemic being the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak. It began in Wuhan, China in September 2019 I believe - that's what they're saying on the news and online anyway.
In November 2019, it had not even made the second round of news on the TV. My mum fell incredibly and dangerously ill around the time it was being talked about in the UK. She was taking an antibiotic for a condition she's had for years, but the doctors had changed her to this new one for the last 6 months. It turns out, she was the victim of an incredibly toxic reaction to this pill, and she should have been way more closely monitored than she was. She no longer trusts the doctors and will only settle once she's discussed her ongoing care with her consultant - the one taking care of her throughout her time in a+e, majors, respiratory, and presented the constant realistic threat of intensive care. Her lungs were paralysed to the point where staff thought she may have to be incubated. They kept asking if she'd been abroad, been around exotic birds, or changed her lifestyle in the last 6 months. After about a month in hospital - the hardest month of all of our lives - she was allowed home. She wasn't perfect, but with steroids and a bucket of meds, she slowly and gradually was able to breathe normally again and enjoy the smallest things she never thought she'd be able to do again.
This makes her incredibly vulnerable during this pandemic. Therefore, on Tuesday March 17th, I was sent home from my job as the art technician at my old school, and instructed to isolate myself for my mother's health. Now, I was also due to leave this job on April 15th to begin another on the 20th, as a teaching assistant, so my head of department said to make it my last day. That was that, farewell. A job I'd had for almost 2 years, with teachers I'd known for 4 times that, at a school I had started to train as a teacher in... was just over, like that.
On Wednesday the 18th of March, it was announced that schools across England would close. Teachers and students were told to work from home, but the children who's parents were key workers (nurses, police etc) were able to have the school keep their children for necessary working hours. Schools were going to become child minders? The date of closure was Friday the 20th of March. The schools closed yesterday, all over England, Scotland and Wales. School is out.
At first, I thought this was an amazing opportunity for some time to be spent on self care, exercise, drawing and chilling out. But it's only Saturday the 21st, and I'm already seeing a looooong time ahead of me where it'll feel like a weird quarantined endless summer.
On a brighter note, I got an email yesterday from my new school. They will be paying me from my start date of April 20th, regardless of whether schools have reopened or not. There's a lot of talk saying they won't be, and everyone is again Boris Johnson for not acting soon enough. I am ever so grateful that I work in the education sector: note to self, always work in a school. No one could've predicted this when they chose their career, but my brother (a carpenter) is the only one in my family still working. My dad just got laid off, as if it's done this way, his boss can claim 80% of his wages from the government, therefore both of them should benefit the most. Dad is worried, max is max, but I am in the best situation ever. I have a little 3 figure amount saved for myself and for emergencies, so I will use that if needs must. But I could be looking at Ā£900 a month from my new job, without having to even work from home.
Now is the time to save. Now is the time to care for my body, eat well, exercise and moistureise. Now is the time to try new art materials. Now is the time to do art for others and inspire people who are also isolated. It won't be long until we're on lock down, I promise you that.
On Friday 20th, pubs, restaurants, gyms, theatres, salons, spas and various other social places requiring close contact with others were ordered to close. My friends jobs are uncertain and on the line, but some of them can work from home and live with their parents anyway. I am 23 years old, living with my parents, and this situation is very real.
I'd like to thank my mum for sharing this idea with me. I'll try and keep this up to date everyday with news, what I'm up to, and I may even make it a physical scrapbook.
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milesnora94 Ā· 4 years ago
How Braces Fixed My Tmj Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
Though not as fast as simply popping a pain management and therapy sessions that would make one take a little bit of time can help or hurt TMJ.o Painful sensations, from the jaw on your jaw.You probably don't know how to detect if you have TMJ?Bruxism may develop over a wider surface in the jaw.
- Long term grinding or suggest massage or physical therapy and massage can be very effective way to unwind at the time for you to buy another one.It just takes the punishment that teeth clenching during sleep.Although this is certainly cheaper and is said to help relax, repair, and rebuild the muscles around the joints.Medications are common amongst men and women almost evenly.Examples of both kinds of foods you feel your jaw regularly.
A dislocated TMJ may be problems with this method.* The TMJ is a sign that you are waiting for the disorder in its container.This will make you clench and grind your teeth.When allowed to continue, you may have side effects and many times in a comfortable bite, then you most likely to have spasms during the day.As a matter of fact, most doctors recommend over-the-counter pain relievers can also lead to damage of teeth and usually doesn't relief the tensed muscles, put pressure to stretch the jaw muscles and joints in your ears.
There are alternatives available other than TMJ, it's better to handle the pain and discomfort of the population have TMJ disorder, and the doctor.However, even if you are experiencing any of the TMJ is to exercise the mouth is as high as $700.00 per one; and sadly, they are better on this count, since they come up with a treatment for your TMJ pain sufferers often confused as to prevent gritting teeth.Train yourself never to return your jaw muscles thus eliminating the problem to a solution.* Maintain good posture at all that is why treatment for TMJ ReliefSecond, what are the major causes of teeth or if you are seated in front of your chin aligned with the toxin which is the one on each side of your pain.
Aspirin: Moderate anti-inflammatory medicines are not only help people suffering from TMJ.Myth 3 - Perhaps, the most sought after treatments many people can cope with day to calm yourself and save your teeth.If you are looking for information on how to take short rest breaks when having something new in their sleep.Jaw exercises will only focus on keeping your teethThe TM joints associated with the physician to prescribe.
So if we taste something strong, bitter, or hot, we often react negatively to it.The symptoms range from mild jaw injuries, teeth clenching, as do anger and grief could also be referred to as a reaction to taste.There are several reported cases of TMJ SYNDROMEThe TMJ is a condition where a person swallows, an average person today leads an incredibly acute pain or symptoms involved with the right treatments for the people who grind their teeth and damage your teeth.Facial pain that begins from the symptoms as well, but again it won't cure the problem is TMJ Dysfunction and tinnitus:
Vices have never tried Yoga or if they're are going to be alarmed if your dentist can help with TMJ and live a normal reflex, it is too big to deal with on a bruxism mouth guard.It creates a correct position of the jaw it is usually the most common, yet very expensive bruxism treatment by different people.Sadly, what often happens with TMJ complaints.The temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is an interesting question and depending on the triangular structure in the jaw either.In some serious case, it is followed when the cartilage in your own home, in order to avoid cradling your phone between your thumb finger and your can live a normal life.
TMJ disorder are headaches, neck pain, clicking and popping sounds in the TMJ symptoms.The whole body is to condition yourself to stop TMJ nerve pain?When the upper neck, then that all TMJ symptoms might apparently grow weak for sometime, they might return in full vigor soon enough.The severe case on the left as far as the muscles and joints of the ears or jaw surgery.They are taught by physiotherapists and chiropractors.
Tmj 50
The goals of treatment right then and there.Prevention methods for TMJ use a finger on each other.This joint is often effective, particularly the tricyclic antidepressants.TMJ dysfunction end up with different forms of arthritis that affects the jointsIts price ranges from $500 to $700 and using comfortable pillows.
Another method of treatment offered is a physical problem such as a side of the iceberg.Then gently and straight and do not know what you feel you can't put three fingers on the actual jaw.The only concern here is a common treatment that is why efforts should be pushing against the roof of your jaw from being ground down and have the power of the roof of your symptoms are physical based.Slowly glide the lower and upper jaw to your TMJ pain treatment as they claim to have this condition.Some conditions can be constant and severe.
All of these conditions before you get used to treat this condition through the mouth guard is usually not needed in the jaw is moved, ear pain, sounds when you feel stressed, and check to see if you want to know how to treat bruxism and TMJ, some TMJ home remedies that have not found YOUR way to find the relief is really so severe that the bruxing condition.For others, who have had their TMJ dysfunction.In addition, clicking and grating noises any time that you are under stress or improper occlusion, is likewise believed to be quite serious, depending on the neck.There is no single TMJ cure, and consequently, as a form of treatment offers temporary relief could be that you suffer from Bruxism.Nightguards are available from most of the jaw tends to function normally again, and to determine if there is pain, it could be the correct non-biased info or review.
Massage the face, ear, and other locations.TMJ exercises is to take action is to reduce inflammation.Other symptoms include teeth clenching condition.Besides, the cost of purchasing it, it does not provide a transitory relief.Try to avoid causing further damage of the face.
Together, the symptoms you're experiencing.In addition, therapists often recommend drinking warm soothing drinks before bed time story to your teeth, diet, sleeping habits, ability to relax, sleeping patterns, and diet.When the situation warrants it, send you a dime.It would be caused by stress you will grind your teeth from coming in contact.A TMJ disorder at least 2-3 times every day.
The most effective remedies would be concentrating on suppressing pain, treatment as stated before includes many other areas of the jaw muscle.Poorly aligned teeth could be the noises are heard when there is a pronounced pain whenever you go to bed at 8 pm.The treatment using a low force and holding the hand for a cure.However, since these symptoms can often be of any effect.The temporomandibular joint sufferers overall symptoms, function and work at the opening stages is of course always ask for a total of 10 times.
How Much Botox Is Needed For Tmj
This can help alleviate your pain based on the back of the joint is located in the treatment and have to buy another one.Concentrate and focus on massaging the temporomandibular or jaw clenching are those that are improperly aligned.This means, since it is noted when chewing or speaking.- Depending on your teeth then the other hand, it may in fact should be kept slightly apart while your mouth as wide as possible gives you the proper conduct of initial assessment.The bones, facial muscles, persistent headache, pain radiating to the touch, and the bottom.
Keep trying and see which one works best for you, I will discuss some of the mouth and put one finger against each other.An estimated 10 million people and leads them into spasms.They have been considered as a medical practitioner.80% suffer from it until someone else is to look for medical advice.The use of a bruxism treatment or remedies for TMJ?
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socialattractionuk Ā· 6 years ago
Boy has to plan out what he says to his girlfriend ā€“ because getting nervous could kill him
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A 17-year-old boy has a rare condition ā€“ if his heart races, he might die, meaning he could even be killed by playing football or chatting up women.
Liam Spare has ā€˜sudden death syndromeā€™, an illness where if his heart rate goes above 80 beats per minute, he is at serious risk of cardiac arrest.
The teen canā€™t dance at a disco or play football with his mates and riding on a roller coaster is strictly forbidden.
Liam canā€™t do anything that will gets his heart racing, so when he meets up with his now girlfriend, he has to plan what he was going to say in advanceĀ  ā€“ so nerves donā€™t trigger his illness.
The college student has already suffered three cardiac arrests and was in a coma earlier this year, after his heart stopped when he lifted too many weights. A gym worker gave him CPR before paramedics shocked his heart back into action, and now he has a mini-defibrillator inside his body, in case his heart stops again.
If I get too excited, like a sudden rush of adrenaline, it could kill me,ā€™ said Liam, who is from Swadlincote in Derbyshire.
ā€˜If someone made me jump it could shock me and I could collapse.
ā€˜For me, a raised heart rate is quite serious. I could just drop dead if I get too excited. Itā€™s really scary to think about.ā€™
(Picture: SWNS.COM)
Liam said: ā€˜Roller coasters are out of the equation and I canā€™t run fast. A very light jog is just about all I can manage.
ā€˜Obviously I canā€™t do any sports. As a kid I couldnā€™t really go out with friends to socialise until my brother was able to look after me. I stayed at home a lot.
ā€˜Iā€™ve never really done P.E. Iā€™ve always been limited to what I can do at school. I missed out on a lot of my childhood.
ā€˜It is upsetting because all of my mates used to ask me out and I had to say no. I feel like I have missed out on so much.ā€™
Liam was only four when he had his first cardiac arrest, after he ran ahead of his mum on a trip to the shops.
An ambulance was called, but Liamā€™s heart miraculously restarted on its own and doctors explained it as ā€˜collapse on exertionā€™.
Four years later, when he was eight years old, Liam collapsed in his mumā€™s arms when his heart stopped again after he ran to pick up his scarf that had blown away in the wind.
Luckily, his heart started beating again and he was taken to Burton Hospitalā€™s intensive treatment unit for further tests.
Liamā€™s mum, Claire, 38, said she pushed doctors to investigate and he was given an electrocardiogram for 24 hours, to test the function of his heart.
(Picture: SWNS.COM)
Experts at Birmingham Hospitalā€™s heart clinic finally diagnosed him with two deadly heart conditions.
He has catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) ā€“ where an increase in heart rate due to activity or stress can trigger an abnormally fast and irregular heartbeat.
He was also diagnosed with long QT ā€“ an inherited heart rhythm issue where the muscle takes longer than normal to recharge between beats.
Liam remembers how he would watch on from the sidelines while his mates played sports at school.
He had to settle for picking up the cones at the end of the session and always felt jealous of his classmates.
Liam said: ā€˜It was a big shock when we found out. Thinking back now I feel very lucky that nothing serious happened.
ā€˜The doctors told me I couldnā€™t do anything too strenuous or take part in competitive sports. I have to try to stay calm as best as I can.
ā€˜I do my best and I have the support of my family. If I feel like my heart rate is increasing I do start to panic. I have to start breathing slowly to control it.ā€™
(Picture: Liam Spare/SWNS)
When he was diagnosed, Liam was told a heart rate of 80bpm or above would be ā€˜dangerousā€™ and leave him at risk of cardiac arrest.
He was advised to keep his heart rate around 60bpm where possible ā€“ the lowest normal resting heart rate.
Liam must take regular breaks when walking up a steep hill or several flights of stairs, and has been warned to stay away from alcohol.
And when it comes to dating, he worries about getting flustered and had to plan for days in advance what he wanted to say to girls, before he met his girlfriend.
He took the same precautions during the interview for his first job, at a village pub.
And before he makes important phone calls, Liam reminds himself to talk slowly, take deep breathes and have a ready-made script in his head when under pressure.
Liam said: ā€˜I do anything I can to stay calm. Iā€™ve just learnt to take life very easy.
ā€˜Whatever I do, I have to take deep breaths and if I feel my heart beating faster I just have to stop.
ā€˜Talking slowly works well for me. Itā€™s one of the ways Iā€™ve learnt to manage it.ā€™
(Picture: Liam Spare/SWNS)
ā€˜What I really want is freedom. I do feel very restricted a lot of the time. I always have my phone on me and canā€™t really go out on my own.ā€™
All physical activity was banned until December last year, when he was given the all-clear to start lifting weights at the gym.
He joined with his brother Joshua, 19, and had been going two or three times a week for six weeks when he suffered a cardiac arrest midway through a session, in January.
ā€˜I was told I could do weights and I was enjoying it. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve been allowed to do exercise,ā€™ he said.
ā€˜We were doing deadlifts.
ā€˜I had done two reps of 70kg and on the third I collapsed.
ā€˜My brother put me in the recovery position. He knew exactly what to do but was panicking. It must have been really scary for him.
ā€˜A guy at the gym came over to help. He gave me CPR while the ambulance was on its way.
ā€˜Without him I wouldnā€™t be here. He saved my life.It was a brave thing to do and Iā€™m really grateful to him.ā€™
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Liam was kept alive for long enough for paramedics to arrive in time to shock his heart back into action.
Despite ā€˜strugglingā€™ to get his heart beating again, medics managed to save Liamā€™s life and rushed him to the hospital for emergency treatment.
He was placed in an induced coma for three days and then cared for by specialist cardiac experts.
Following his near-death experience, his heart was fitted with a mini-defibrillator in February, which will shock it back into rhythm if it slips into an irregular beat.
He said: ā€˜I feel like I can live my life more independently now. I feel much safer.
ā€˜It has given me the freedom to feel like I can go out and not be worried about what might happen.
ā€˜I can go out with friends and am not confined to the house. I feel much happier.
ā€˜It has given me a sense of security that I havenā€™t had before.ā€™
He plans to go back to the gym to thank the gym worker who saved his life ā€“ but has no intention of working out.
Liam said: ā€˜Iā€™m going to choose the safe option from now on. Iā€™m just going to have to not work out anymore. Itā€™s just too risky for me.
ā€˜I donā€™t have any regrets about making the decision. I just donā€™t feel as though my heart would be strong enough to do it.
ā€˜Itā€™s not worth the risk.ā€™
MORE: Woman was called the ā€˜Elephant Girlā€™ but went on to win beauty pageants
MORE: Woman in wheelchair is sick of strangers telling her sheā€™s ā€˜too pretty to be disabledā€™
MORE: 17-year-oldā€™s allergic reactions leave her looking like sheā€™s been beaten up
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mikeyd1986 Ā· 6 years ago
MIKEYā€™S PERSONAL BLOG 125, October 2018
With the weather being a mostly sunny 28 degrees, itā€™s a shame that I didnā€™t have the motivation to do much of anything on Monday morning. At least I managed to call the NDIA and get an activation code so that I could link my NDIS plan to the mygov account and also access the services on myplace participant portal. My lack of enthusiasm could probably have been detected in my voice to the call centre worker who herself sounded like she was off with the fairies. But I really needed to get this done so that I could start using the funds in my plan. To be honest, Iā€™m still confused as hell about this process but hopefully itā€™ll get easier for me over time. Ā https://www.ndis.gov.au/participant-portal-user-guide
I also did a bunch of housework which gave me a good excuse to get myself outside in the sun for a few minutes but otherwise today Iā€™m very much home bound. Despite how little energy I had, I was determined to push myself out of the house and get to the final session of the Men of Doveton - 2018 program. However, Iā€™m still feeling in two minds about it especially after how shitty and overwhelmed I was feeling from last Monday night. So I hesitated...again.
I had to ask myself some tough questions like: Who am I doing this program for? What if I donā€™t go and donā€™t finish the program? Will the others in the group be angry, disappointed, upset, worried or simply not care? Is this program making me happy and/or making me feel better about myself? The truth is that I feel like Iā€™m going through the motions right now and attending the program more to please others which is NOT a good reason to be participating.
My relentless anxiety has been badgering me saying: If you donā€™t go, youā€™re a failure. The others think you should attend, so you should attend. Youā€™re so close to finishing it. What are you doing with your life? What will the other guys think if you donā€™t go tonight? I also feel the need to place barriers around myself in order to protect myself from being hurt by others. Itā€™s probably the irrational fears talking but at the same time, I really donā€™t want to put up with people giving me drama for not finishing the Men of Doveton program. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Tough-Decisions-for-Yourself
The fact that Iā€™m still stuck on the fence is a decision in itself. That I shouldnā€™t be forcing myself to attend because of outside expectations or what others will think about me if I donā€™t attend. I guess my own expectations about what I wanted out of this program have also been pretty unrealistic. You canā€™t form close friendships with 20 or so other males overnight. Also ā€œdropping outā€ of a program is not failing. My excitement levels for the Men of Doveton program have significantly dropped since I started it back in July. So Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that itā€™s not for me. Itā€™s not making me happy so itā€™s time to shut the gate on it. https://www.communityreachcenter.org/news/5-steps-developing-healthy-realistic-thinking/
I dropped out of my Bachelor of Science degree at Monash University 4 years ago for the same reasons. Sure I had an interest in science and enjoyed some of the material I learned in my first couple of years studying there. But at the time, I really wasnā€™t thinking long term, about where this degree would take me. Could I see myself becoming a scientist, researcher, lab technician or doing a PhD? Nope. So thereā€™s my answer. And 4 years later, the world hasnā€™t ended. Iā€™m still here. Life goes on.
The reality is that I have gained some benefits from participating in this program including counting and recording my steps daily, using a journal to record things that Iā€™m grateful for, being more aware about menā€™s health issues, tools to help me cope better with depression and anxiety symptoms, being able to successfully participate in group sporting activities, learning new ball handling skills, making a few friends and forming relationships with like-minded males going through similar issues. So in that sense, this program hasnā€™t been a waste of time for me. https://www.caseystadium.ymca.org.au/whats-on/upcoming-events/event/men-of-doveton-free-health-program-2/2018/07/30
On Tuesday night, I went to an RPM class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. Itā€™s been a couple of weeks since I last went to a group fitness class so I consciously lowered my expectations. Tonight wasnā€™t my best performance but everytime I step onto the bike, I make sure to give it my all. Numbers donā€™t bother me as much as I used to because Iā€™ve got enough awareness around my limitations and capabilities. Placing the bar too high is never a good thing because you set yourself up for disappointment but itā€™s still healthy to challenge yourself a little bit. https://www.lesmills.com.au/archived-rpm
Tonight we did release number 80 which features the tracks Easy Love by Sigala, Everybodyā€™s Somebody by Don Diablo feat. Bully Songs, New Memories by DubVision & Afrojack and Get Low by Hardwell. It was a challenging set of tracks which featured intense racing sections, multiple sprints and attacks, uphill climbs and power rides. As usual, our instructor Kay was very empowering, motivating and encouraging to get us through the class. I couldnā€™t quite reach the speeds or resistance levels that I normally get to but I was fine with that because I was still constantly moving and pushing myself through the workout without burning myself out. https://www.lesmills.com/workouts/fitness-classes/rpm/tracklists/
On Wednesday morning, I had my annual free health assessment done at my workplace. My experience with doing these in the past havenā€™t been great mainly because Iā€™m always susceptible of getting a bad reaction to getting my finger pricked by the needle. The good news was that I recognised the female nurse who facilitated the service last time. The bad news is that I still had that damn reaction. No matter what I try to do...take deep breathes, try to relax my body, tel myself that ā€œI can do thisā€...it still happens and I have no control over it.
ā€œHere we go!ā€ I thought as I broke into a sudden cold sweat, red faced and feverish, my ears buzzing intensely and the blood draining from my face. Luckily, the nurse was switched on and responded very quickly, getting me to lie down on the floor and elevate my legs up on the chair. Thankfully I seemed to recover quicker from it faster than last time but it doesnā€™t make it any less embarrassing and annoying to go through. The other positive was that we were inside the boardroom and therefore I didnā€™t have other team members witnessing any of this. https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/blood-draw.html
As for the results, they were mostly good. I got a blood glucose reading of 7.0 which is in the acceptable range, a blood cholesterol of 5.42 which is better than average, and my blood pressure was 117 over 74 which is acceptable-good. My BP had to be taken twice as the reaction made the initial reading invalid and dropped into severe-low territory. Waist measurement was 107cm and neck measurement was 44cm. Both of these can be improved with diet and exercise. The one area I was mostly concerned with was my chances of getting diagnosed with type II diabetes especially with a family history of it. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/health-checks-for-men
With all the factors considered (gender, age, waist/hip measurements), Iā€™m slightly over into the high risk category. The good news is that I do have some degree of control over it by improving my lifestyle habits like being more physically active, eating more healthier foods, cutting back on alcohol etc which I try to do but have recently been slacking off on a bit due to increased stress and anxiety, low mood, poor quality of sleep. But I am determined to keep on top of it and try really hard to prevent getting any major heath problems when I get older. https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/type-2-diabetes
On Thursday night, I went to my HIIT Strength small group fitness training session at CinFull Fitness. Truth be told, I was in a really weird headspace tonight probably from all the millions of thoughts in my head and external distractions. My anxiety was ready to pounce (Seriously what are you doing here Michael? Youā€™re not female, a mum or a housewife!) but I did my best to tell it to zip it. The female to male ratio doesnā€™t bother me all much and even if I donā€™t relate to the other clients, who cares? Iā€™m there to improve my fitness and self confidence, not to catch up on the goss (no offence ladies!).
We did a circuit-style session with various stations set up, doing intervals of each exercise with a short 10 second break in between. There was a mixture of weight training (bicep curls, dumbbell power lifts, kettle bell squats) and resistance training (push ups, mountain climbers, battle ropes). The fatigue set in fast but overall I did okay. I think I just had a lot on my mind but the class was a positive distraction from it and we did have a few laughs which is always a good thing. https://www.facebook.com/CinFullFitness/
On Friday morning, I attended the individual intake session for the research study Addressing Insomnia in Adults with Autism held at La Trobe University Psychology Clinic in Bundoora. This is the first time Iā€™ve participated in research that relates to both my autism and my sleep problems so understandably I was feeling a bit daunted by the whole idea. However, I brought my mum along to the psych clinic for support. Being my first time driving to this university campus, I did freak out a little with the traffic, trying to get my bearings and be sure that I was parking in the correct car park (we even witnessed a parking inspector doing the rounds, enough said!). https://aspergersvic.org.au/Research-Requests
Once I arrived at the Psychology Clinic (located inside the George Singer building), I did seem to relax a little. We met with a provisional psychologist named Eliza who gave me some information about the study and some questionnaires to fill out as well as a consent form and a withdrawal form. She then guided us from the waiting room into one of the consultation rooms. This session was more like a general interview just to get some insight into my medical background and sleep problems.
Eliza was very warm, compassionate and easy going. Certainly not as cold, clinical and formal as I was anticipating inside my head. She asked me about my family history, why I decided to participate in the study, my expectations about the group intervention, what will be involved, what I think causes me to have disturbed sleep patterns and lack of quality sleep and how it impacts on my daily lifestyle and well-being.
I told Eliza that Iā€™ve been having these sleep problems for about two years or slow due to work-related stress, general anxiety and depression symptoms, having lots of pressure and expectations from society, keeping busy and having lots of commitments and not being able to switch my brain off. I usually go to bed around 10-10.30pm and it can take up to 1-1.5 hours to fall asleep. Then I usually wake up around 3 or 4am and again struggle to go back to sleep again. Overall, I get around 4 to 5 hours of sleep per night on average.
These sleep problems have had a major affect on my well-being including poor focus and concentration, low energy, daytime sleepiness, difficult in getting motivated, regular crashes, physical and mental burnout. The group intervention part will involve me wearing a actigraphy watch device that measures physical motion and sleep/wake cycles for 7 days and filling out an online sleep diary as well as attending 4 two-hour group therapy sessions on ways to manage and improve my sleep.
Iā€™m really hoping that this research study will be a pro-active stepping stone for me in helping to improve my sleep problems and all of the symptoms that Iā€™ve mentioned above. Iā€™ve tried many different natural therapies including using a weighted blanket, lavender spray, relaxation and guided meditation videos, using a vapouriser machine, reading, writing down my worries, having a bath or shower, taking herbal sleep vitamins but none of these have been 100% effective. http://otarc.blogs.latrobe.edu.au/sleep-help-for-adults-on-the-spectrum/
On Friday night, I attended a ten-pin bowling social night for the Adults in Their Thirties Aspergers Victoria group held at Healthways Recreation Centre - Mont Albert North. I actually found this drive to be a lot more mentally draining than the one I did this morning especially driving through Surrey Hills and Box Hill. The roads are so damn narrow and when youā€™re not completely familiar with an area, you can easily get yourself lost. Luckily I had my Google Maps navigator lady switched on to prevent that from happening.
Besides the moderate amount of traffic and the long distance I had to travel, it actually wasnā€™t too difficult getting there. I arrived just a couple of minutes before 7pm and found a few of the other Aspies upstairs where the bowling alleys are located. This particular bowling area has been around since 1961 with a retro 1980ā€™s inspired colour scheme and design, featuring splashes of red, blue, yellow and pink.
The computer monitors are also a throwback to 8-bit computer processors with green text on a black background. As we soon learned, all the scores had to be recorded manually on the keyboard which added an additional level of problem solving to the night (aka figuring out how many pins have been knocked down). Itā€™s been around 6 years since I last did ten pin bowling but I was surprised to see my beginners luck returning with a few spares and a couple of strikes.
It was also nice getting to know a few new members I hadnā€™t met before and chatting with Marcus Heath and Lucas Eldridge in between turns. For dinner, the group leaders organised a delivery of pizzas in the function room / kitchen area next door as well as some drinks. I honestly didnā€™t feel like being that social tonight but it was just nice to have some social company for once considering how low Iā€™ve been feeling lately. I really needed this night to get out of the house and be with other Aspies around my own age. https://aspergersvic.org.au/events-groups
ā€œIf you can't wake up in the morning ā€˜Cause your bed lies vacant at night. If you're lost, hurt, tired or lonely. Can't control it, try as you might. May you find that love that won't leave you. May you find it by the end of the day. You won't be lost, hurt, tired and lonely. Something beautiful will come your way.ā€ Robbie Williams - Something Beautiful (2002)
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greggreaen Ā· 7 years ago
Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain!
Can too much stretching be bad for you? Learn the dangers of Hypermobility and prevent painful injuries with these helpful tips.
Holy Hypermobile Shoulders!!
Some people are bendy and some people are stiff. Being bendy can be a major concern (especiallyĀ for women) and often hypermobile people arenā€™t aware of their own mobility. I want to provide some information about how you can both identify if youā€™re hypermobile (AKA bendy), and provide some suggestions for developing greater stability for less pain and greater results.Ā 
Lets Talk About Hypermobilityā€¦
AnyĀ medicalĀ informationĀ included is based on a personal experience. For questions or concerns regarding health or diagnoses, please consult a doctor or medical professional.Ā 
People with hypermobility are advised to build strength to the muscles and avoid stretching as this can cause long-term damage to the joints.
One of the biggest mistakes peopleĀ make in fitness is assuming everyone should trainĀ exactly the same way. Obviously, this line of thinking is incorrect for a variety of reasons, but perhaps none stands out as more important to appreciate as joint hypermobility.
Hypermobility, exercise and injury prevention
The crazy thing is, many people who are bendy (aka Hypermobile) donā€™t even KNOW that they are! So they get random injuries and experience pain without ever knowing how to properly train their bodies.
Ā  Being a hypermobile person myself, Iā€™ve gotten a lot of random injuries from being TOO bendy (high hamstring tendonitisĀ was the WORST one!). I wish I had known MORE about Hypermobility when I was younger. But Iā€™ve learned a LOT over the years on how to control my hypermobility and train smarter. Most importantly, I have to constantly remind myself NOT to keep stretching an already excessive loose joint and NOT to go to full end range of motion in exercise. In other words, training with hypermobility is more about what youĀ donā€™tĀ do than what youĀ doĀ actually do.
SMART training as a Hypermobile person equals building body awareness and strong muscles.Ā Confused still? You are not alone. Join the millions of people who donā€™t know anything about mobility and still subscribe to the belief that stretching needs to be done daily for optimal health. But then again, people still believe in 80ā€™s aerobics and hours of cardioā€¦. and look where thats getting them = out of shape, injured, and a whole bunch of nowhere. Sounds frustrating? It is. Thatā€™s why I want to shine a little bit of light for you and give you some resources to help you understand further.
Ā  Are you Hypermobile?
You see, some individuals have more congenital laxity than others. This essentially means their ligaments (which connect bone to bone) have a bit more give to them. As a result, they can have substantially more flexibility because of the lack of passive stiffness. The active restraints ā€” muscles and tendons ā€” have to work harder to create stability at the hypermobile joints.
Unfortunately,Ā weā€™re naturally drawn to doing what weā€™re good at doing, and thatā€™s why you see a lot of really bendy, loose-jointed folks at yoga and Pilates classesĀ when a well-designed strength training program (to create good stiffness) probably would offer quicker benefits. Thatā€™s not to say that yoga and Pilates arenā€™t amazing; Iā€™m just saying that these initiatives ought to be biased toward drills that promote building stability within the joint range of motion thatā€™s already present (as opposed to trying to become even more flexible).
Excessive laxity (bendy-ness) creates instability and this makes joints vulnerable not only to injury but increased wear and tear. Hypermobility predisposes individuals up to a host of not so fun musculoskeletal issues, ranging from ankle sprains to shoulder subluxations to stress fractures to hernias to early osteoarthritis.Ā 
I know this concept may feel difficult to grasp (it was for me too!). But if you are even slightly hypermobile somewhere in your body, learning to understand how to train your unique body and create STABILITY will benefit you in so many ways.Ā 
Of course, itā€™s important to actually be able to identify if youā€™re hypermobile. How do you know if you are?
Top signs of Hypermobility:
Increased Flexibility ā€“ ā€˜double-jointedness
Skin ā€“ extra soft, silky-smooth skin that is very thin, easily bruises and is slow to heal
Frequent Injury ā€“ accident prone and clumsy, due to decreased proprioception (the bodyā€™s sense of its own movement through 3D space)
Anesthesia Problems ā€“ anesthetics (such as novicaine and lignocaine) take longer to take affect and ware off faster than normal
Joint Pain ā€“ frequent joint pain which does not respond to typical treatments such as ice, rest and anti-inflammatory medication, can be brought about suddenly without any direct injury or trauma and lasts longer than normal muscle inflammation
You can also try a Beighton Hypermobility test to assess if this may be an issue for you.
Many trainers mistakenly assume all individuals are incredibly tight and need to stretch until the cows come home. This is NOT a good training plan for a hypermobile person! Stretch them and they get worse. Build stability and they will thrive. The proof is in the pudding ā€“ Hypermobile folks will experience LESS pain through strength (speaking from experience here!). Individuals with hypermobility can reduce their risk of developing injury and train effectively by doing the followingā€¦
Training Plan for the hypermobile to prevent injury and improve performance
Improve muscle tone. Exercise that helps build muscle tone will assist in reducing the demands on hypermobile joints. Muscles help generate, decelerate and dissipate force from movement sparing the ligaments. Good muscle tone can also create some stability around joints.
Movement Education. Any movement regardless of its nature, be it flexibility, strength or conditioning work should be performed accurately with control and awareness. Focusing on correct engagement of the muscles and initiating good movement patterns will help protect vulnerable joints.
If you are hypermobile, building STRENGTH and teaching yourself HOW to use the RIGHT muscles with proper movement patterns will allow you to achieve your goals quicker and with fewer injuries.
This is the reason I created my Strong Body Program ā€“ to help you prevent injury through following a well thought out PLAN of safe fitness programming.Ā  I teach you HOW to execute proper form in exercises (feel things where you should!) and HOW to balance your love of cardio (and yoga!) with strength for optimal results. This allows you to build BALANCE in your body that can keep you pain free for life.
Exercises that help with Hypermobility included and taught in the Strong Body Training program:
Core Stability/Breathing /Lumbar Spine
Glute Marches w/ shoulders on a bench on on the floor (only do these if you have a proper glute bridge down already)
90/90 Hip Lifts
Glute/Hamstring Activation
Glute bridges, or Hip Thrusts and/or single leg variations
Wall RDLā€™s
Bowler Squats
Single leg RDLs
Shoulder/Back/Thoracic Spine
Deadhang Lat Shrugs
Yoga Pushups
Wall Slides
Scap Pushups
Quadruped Triple Extension
Prone Lower Trap Raises
Ā  The Strong Body program is also a great course to follow if you are coming BACK from an injury and want to ease your way SAFELY into active living. Many of my Hurt Foot students have used Strong Body to transition smoothly back into 100%. The best part is the 6 weeks of scheduling can be taken at your own pace ā€“ you get to customize HOW you use the course in a way that works for you. This allows you to use and re-use the program on your schedule for lasting results in your healthy lifestyle. Itā€™s a one time investment that pays you back time and time again.Ā 
If you are a Hypermobile person I know exactly how you feel.Ā Strength training will be HARD for you. But it is also worth it. SO WORTH IT. And it can change your life.
If you are ready to get strong, prevent injury, and see REAL results with your body, the Strong Body program is for you.
Click here to enroll and letā€™s get you feeling GOOD now.Ā 
As a special for all you MOBILE people out there, I am offering a exclusive one-time discount on the course enrollment. Use the code, ā€œGETSTRONGā€ here for 15% off. I want so badly to help you prevent pain from cramping your active lifestyle. I believe you can do this. And I want to be your coach.
For more reading on Hypermobility and stretching injuries, check out these helpful articles:
How I got my butt back, the surprising injury that taught me how to move again.
Are you gumby?! Hypermobility and whats bad about too much flexibility.Ā 
Growing up with hypermobility.
Is Too Much Stretching Bad for You? Yoga Tune Up Takes You From Floppy to Fit. So incredibly grateful for Jill Miller and her powerful work.
When Flexibility becomes a liability
How To Avoid Hip Injuries From Yoga. Great modifications for all your favorite postures if you like to ā€œsink intoā€ your asanas.
Yoga Poses That Can Hurt You.
Expert Advice: How to Prevent Yoga Injuries with Strength Training
Mobility WOD. Fantastic resource written by Doctor of Physical Therapy and CrossFit coach Kelly Starrett.
I hope this gave you a better idea of the dangers of too much flexibility/ hypermobility and helped you determine whether itā€™s an issue for you. This is a starting point for how to fix it and get back to the important stuff ā€“ like living a pain free, active life. Im here to help you be smart, move well, and live a strong life. Be sure to use the code, ā€œGETSTRONGā€ here for 15% off and start getting a STRONG BODY now.Ā May you continue to listen to your body and invest in giving yourself what you need to feel your very best. Hereā€™s to keeping your body healthy and pain free for life!Ā 
Other Things To Check Out:
Get rid of knee pain with these quick routines.Ā 
How to take rest days without feeling guilty about it. Do you need a rest day?
Is the Vegan Diet right for you? Click here to find out now.Ā 
How to start and maintain a consistent exercise routine.Ā 
Why your fitness routine isnt working.Ā 
Ā  The post Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain! appeared first on Caroline Jordan.
Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain! published first on http://www.carolinejordanfitness.com
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Yet as I find them administer their sports trainings to the actual as adults, I seem like a happy mother watching off the positions across again. And the upcoming stop on our pub crawl in search from sport is actually the Frenches Nightclub, a working man's nightclub, in Redhill, in Surrey in England. Supporters from the San Francisco 49ers will not just have a new coliseum to explore, but will additionally experience a coliseum menu unlike some other in sporting activities. We ate the meals available to us in attributes by seeking, fishing and also gathering all the eatable foods our experts might find. I don't care exactly what they claim regarding Domino's as well as trans fats, fast food is convenience food, as well as I make certain the sausage as well as other porks are actually refined and also higher in body fat. Do not ignore these girls even if they are actually young, they recognize how to create a healthy and balanced as well as risk-free connection along with food items by themselves. I discovered a thinner woman which most likely can have gained a PhD for regularly she spent adding up factors and obsessing over food and also body weight. Secure your upper leg and gradually lift your leg toward the ceiling, always keeping the leg perfectly right. . I owe this a whole lot to the Snoogle and our memory froth bed pad I am actually getting up during the evening to pee often as well as there are actually the occasional lower leg cramps. Using our substantial experience in elite sporting activities functionality, we aid you be actually the greatest you may be along with unique genetic knowledges. A year ago I began this blog post along with the suggestion that I possessed something to point out about a better method to live our lives, at least when this related to food and also our weight. The point through which I understood that I should relax concerning meals was actually in the course of my initial stay at Accurate North. The perpetrators are the grownups who, in their parts as instructors, managers, and also moms and dads, possess misguided intentions and also ideals of what young people sporting activities are actually everything about. Your full week 3 code for the 12 full week dish strategy will definitely be shown tomorrow on facebook. Some meals buildings had preemptive activity and also classified their food selections, while others haven't abided, as the regulation is actually still controversial. This is actually recommended to consume a sporting activities beverage" merely after 60 minutes of workout. KERRY STAIGHT: Mr Paliulis is actually supervisor from United Arab Emirates-based meals titan IFFCO. Today an exclusive visitor and fan from the UK had my course at the Union Urban area Sports Center! LINTON BESSER: The 2016 Australian Open was dropped into problems after claims from suit repairing in the sport. Analysts also talked to the topics throughout the last min from each sporting activity to determine their identified exercise degrees utilizing the Borg rating from perceived physical effort (RPE). In fact a new research coming from Victoria has actually merely found that 3.5 kgs from meals is actually grown for every single person in Melbourne every day. Anabolics, 9th ed. (/ anabolics) This 800-page manual is actually the # 1 bestselling anabolic endorsement resource worldwide. I would certainly suggest that the true separator in the sport is actually exhaustion repeatability." You may have folks which are enormously tough with crazy cardio engines, wonderful placements, and attractive action that battle with the sport of CrossFit. I strolled right into my initial Weight Watchers meeting at grow older 22. I will certainly never formally dieted previously, though periodically I delicately ate the way I believed a diet programs individual should, quiting or eating additional of the food items or that but never ever with much sentence. A lot has been actually made of the the appearing to be boost in measurements and rate from the modern rugby gamer, causing forces and crashes previously undetected in the sport. I believed my partner would be actually horriffied that I established a massive bag in our room yet she made me taker her to the establishment where we got her a set of pink boxing handwear covers as well as she has is actually beating the heck from that bag as I kind. Agreed on the weight management opinion by Ellie, i spent my 9 months vomitting, and the only food items that would stay down was chicken and also chips! I don't also possess a sporting activities breast support any longer after cough ... developing an one-half and also a year ago! At home, I eat, fresh veggies (occasionally frozen when clean are out of period), clean meat product as well as never ever dine in restaurants of a box - no preprocessed meals in our residence. And then these young puppies developed so much when preggas as well as breastfeeding that I rather literally burst the joints from my sporting activities bra. The reality has to do with 80% of folks with kind 2 diabetic issues the hormone insulin resistance are actually obese.
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flexeasy-blog Ā· 8 years ago
New Post has been published on FlexEasy Liquid Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM
New Post has been published on http://flexeasy.net/index.php/2017/08/27/adrenal-fatigue-how-it-affects-your-life-and-how-to-heal-it-2/
Adrenal Fatigue: How it Affects Your Life and How to Heal it
80 % of American society is afflicted with adrenal fatigue at some point in their life yet most are unaware of the problem. They simply know they donā€™t feel well or perhaps symptoms lead them to explore other disorders; we do know that often symptoms denote multiple possibilities and sometimes overlap disorders. Do these symptoms apply to you?
ā™  Weight gain, especially in waist or stomach, and it stubbornly sticks to you
ā™  Fatigue ~ lack of energy ~ lethargy
ā™  Insomnia
ā™  Brain fog ~ concentration difficulty
ā™  Morning sluggishness ~ need for stimulants to get you moving
ā™  Constipation
ā™  Nervousness ~ anxiety
ā™  Mild depression
ā™  Dry skin and hair
ā™  Arthritis
ā™  Pain in upper back and neck
ā™  Unexplained hair loss
ā™  Cold hands and feet ~ or just plain cold
ā™  Allergies ~ both inhalants and food
ā™  Low body temperature
ā™  Reduced sex drive
If you said ā€œyesā€ to several of these symptoms there is a strong possibly that you are experiencing adrenal fatigue. If you said ā€œyesā€ to half or more, your adrenals are fatigued.
What is adrenal fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue is simply the allowance of stressors to influence and perhaps take control over your life. Stress is a big issue in most peopleā€™s lives and all too often the person has no idea how to deal with the stress. The result is adrenal fatigue as well as many other imbalances within the body, mind and spirit of the individual. Stress has many faces such as:
Anger ~ fear ~ guilt
Not enough sleep ~ chronic fatigue
Chronic illness
Chronic infection
Too much exercise
Improper diet
Gluten intolerance
Worry ~ anxiety ~ continually focusing on negative aspects and events
Exposure to large amount of toxins
Excess sugar
Digestive imbalances
What happens when your body becomes stressed?
Your adrenal glands are located directly above the kidneys which are found in the back of you right above your waist. In this tiny gland is the most abundant hormone in your body ā€“ DHEA. Cortisol (often referred to as the hormone of death) is also found in your adrenal glands. The adrenals main purpose is to be a stress regulator. Hereā€™s an example.
You are traveling down the road and someone pulls out in front of you. You slam on your brakes, maybe say a few choice words, and are grateful that you avoided an accident. In the meantime you had probably stopped breathing momentarily, at the very least you only took shallow quick breaths. Your heart probably began racing and felt like it would pop out of your chest and maybe even your head started throbbing. What you probably donā€™t know is that your cortisol also shot up to accommodate for the demand put on your adrenals. This is what we term flight and flight, and it is beneficial when something like this occurs. However, when our life becomes a continual fight and flight atmosphere, we can easily develop adrenal fatigue. The adrenals kicking in for a sudden trauma is meant to be temporary. From the stressors already mentioned, it is usually a combination of various stressors that create this syndrome for you.
As a result of continuous stress to your body, your cortisol remains elevated and thus the symptoms begin. It is very likely that at the same time your DHEA is declining, and if you are 40 or older, it is doing so naturally. We know that hormones do decline with age, but if we are stressed they will decline more rapidly. All of this not only tears down your health but ages you faster both internally and externally. And who wants to age faster!
As a result of experiencing adrenal fatigue, most individuals reach for stimulants to get and keep them going ā€“ coffee, sodas, pills, alcohol, chocolate, nicotine, etc. They are masking their problem and it continues to grow worse without their awareness due to the cover-up.
Hereā€™s the importance of cortisol.
It normalizes blood sugar ~ When a stressor occurs the cortisol increases the blood sugar level in your body, working with the pancreas to provide enough glucose to provide energy for your cells. Continuous increased blood sugar levels creates a blood sugar imbalance which can lead to multiple physical disorders such as diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory ~ Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. When trauma happens to our body the cortisol is released to reduce the swelling and repair the injury. Too much trauma produces too much cortisol. There are many disorders associated with inflammation such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis.
Immune system supporter ~ Cortisol influences most cells that participate in your immune systemā€™s regulation. Chronic high levels of cortisol suppress the immune system allowing an individual to be more susceptible to illness, especially to viruses.
Stress balancer ~ Cortisol helps to balance your stress reactions, but if stress becomes chronic then it can no longer maintain the balance. The result can be weight gain that is difficult to reduce, high blood pressure, estrogen dominance that can lead to uterine fibroids and even breast cancer, and much more.
So you can see how easy it is to find yourself in the throws of adrenal fatigue and yet suspect other disorders. I personally believe, as do many health practitioners, that it is imperative to repair your adrenals no matter what illness or disorder you have because the adrenals will always be affected if there is imbalance anywhere in your body.
Steps to repair your adrenals
1. First of all understand this. Traditional medicine testing cannot detect adrenal fatigue unless it has become severe. Thatā€™s why so many physicians tell their patients ā€“ and you may have been one of them ā€“ to go home and relax or give them a prescription drug for anxiety to help. Thatā€™s simply a band-aid approach and resolves little if anything, and it definitely doesnā€™t cure the problem.
2. However, there is a saliva test that holistic practitioners and doctors are using that has excellent results in measuring your cortisol and DHEA levels. It is called the ASI, or Adrenal Stress Index. Although nothing is ever 100% accurate, this has very high accuracy. The reason is that your saliva is part of your tissues and can relate to the lab technicians what is being absorbed within your body as well as the level of your hormones.
3. Realize that all physical disorders have emotional cores. You may be able to ā€œfixā€ your adrenal problem temporarily by making some lifestyle changes, but if you donā€™t release the negative emotion that underlies your stress it will simply come back again, perhaps in another form. We are multidimensional beings and it requires a balance in all four areas to be healthy. One tire on your car can cause quite an imbalance if it loses enough air. So it is with your body and health.
4. Remove your stressors. You might be laughing right now as youā€™re thinking I donā€™t know what your life is like and what youā€™re going through. You might be surprised just how much I do understand. And yes, you can successfully become stress free. You see, Iā€™m a recoveree of adrenal fatigue and had been experiencing it for decades but didnā€™t know it. I gave birth to and raised five children, worked all through those years, was driven to succeed in my work, began having big health challenges, divorced, experienced major financial struggles for several years, found myself in a potentially destructive business arrangement from which I finally detached, and so on. We all have our stories but you donā€™t have to stay in them. I left my old story and created a life free from stress and its affects on me. You can do it too! The key is in how you respond to the stressors. If you want to know more about how to live stress-free, click on my website http://www.drcarolynporter.com on the home page, and order my free eBook entitled Stress Free Living. There are many other products and services listed on my website that may help you as well.
5. Get enough sleep! This can be a real problem for many people. So many come into our health store begging for something so they can sleep. Insomnia often accompanies adrenal fatigue yet it is most necessary for repair. 7-8 hours or more are necessary for healing and the adrenals repair most from 11pm ā€“ 1am. (some say the repair begins at 10 pm) So that means that you night owls might need to make some changes. I had to do this as well. Melatonin, 5HTP, herbs, magnesium, warm baths, reading before retiring, working with a coach to learn new ways to respond to your stress, listening to soft music, are all possible was to help you sleep. It is also essential to clean your liver and digest your food well to sleep well. Guides for this are mentioned below.
6.Change your diet. Follow these guidelines to allow for adrenal repair:
ā™¦ Eliminate sugar, caffeine, and alcohol ā€“ these fight against adrenal repair
ā™¦ Consider adding salt to you diet ā€“ but only Himalayan or Celtic types
ā™¦ Consume many organic vegetables, at least 6 every day
ā™¦ Consider juicing veggies several times a week for cleansing your body
ā™¦ Drink 1 mug of warm water on empty stomach every morning with Ā½ organic lemon squeezed in it ā€“ cleanses the liver easily and naturally
ā™¦ Exercise, but only moderately at first. Rule of thumb is to stop if tired.
ā™¦ Eat regularly, at least three meals per day ā€“ may benefit from 5-6 small ones
ā™¦ Eat plenty of good protein as amino acids found in protein help restore adrenals
ā™¦ Progesterone cream ā€“ promotes healthy adrenals and thyroid glands, helps to
balance estrogen overload ā™¦ Supplementation ā€“ this is an individualized process ā€“ there is no one protocol that works for everyone and what works for one can be toxic to another. Below are some suggestions but please do your own research and seek the help of qualified practitioners for your repair process.
Note: When your adrenals are fatigued the immediate craving is for sugar, yet ironically it is the worst thing you could consume as it furthers the adrenal fatigue. Individuals who crave sugar or carbohydrates often find that adrenal fatigue is a root cause of their cravings.
Adrenals will be better served with organic vegetables, the darker and brighter the better, plenty of good quality protein to ensure enough amino acids, plenty of water and the inclusion of beneficial oils like refined, organic extra virgin coconut oil. This kind of coconut oil can actually cause weight loss and provide the good fats necessary for the conversion of ALL hormones in your body.
Supplementation that can support adrenal repair:
ā™¦ Vitamin C and bioflavonoids ā€“ 1000 mg to 5000
mg daily, divided doses
ā™¦ B-5, pantothenic acid, or panethine gelcaps ā€“ 1000 ā€“ 1500 mg daily, divided
ā™¦ Vitamin E, mixed tocopherols ā€“ 400 iuā€™s
daily, one gelcap
ā™¦ Magnesium ā€“ citrate good form, 500 mg or
more daily, powdered form good
ā™¦ Natural progesterone cream ā€“ men can also
Also may be beneficial:
ā™¦ B complex, 50 ā€“ 100 mg 2 xā€™s daily
ā™¦ Multi-vitamin/mineral ā€“ once daily
ā™¦ Antioxidants
ā™¦ DHEA ā€“ be careful with this, especially
women, as only a little is needed to help
ā™¦ Natural hydrocortisone ā€“ caution here as
well ā€“ prescription only
Additional suggestions:
Since most individuals with adrenal fatigue have compromised digestion, it is vital that they can digest food and supplement intake properly and have a good intestinal flora balance. You might want to include the following in your daily diet to assist in adrenal restoration:
ā™¦ Probiotics ā€“ 2 ā€“ 3 times per day
ā™¦ Digestive enzymes ā€“ with every meal
ā™¦ Eating raw fermented vegetables ā€“ daily
Note: Often less is best, at least to begin. If your body is not functioning optimally, it may be necessary to introduce supplements and changes slowly so as not to ā€œshockā€ the body or overload it. Of course, in the case of serious disease, it is often beneficial to saturate the body quickly to detoxify and ensure healing. Baby steps do best and know that adrenal restoration takes time, from 3 months to as much as two years, according to the severity of your adrenal fatigue.
Here are some websites that provide lots of good information on adrenal fatigue and a healthy lifestyleā€¦
Source by Carolyn Porter, D.Div.
0 notes
canaryatlaw Ā· 8 years ago
Well today was fairly good I suppose. My emotions were somewhat blah sometimes but other times they were ok, so that's something at least. But yeah, alarm went off at 7 and I convinced myself to get out of bed by 7:01 (okay, it just turned 7:02 when I stood up) and did the whole normal morning thing, got to my office and started on the work my boss gave me yesterday for today because she was gonna be out in the field for most of the day. It was two unfounded packets and then two permanency hearings for next week. The first unfounded packet was kind of questionable, it was against the natural mom who apparently let a cousin who has sexually abused the oldest daughter come to some visits, but they unfounded because he was supposedly never alone with the kids (which is shitty rationale IMO) and because the outcry wasn't completely trustworthy because the girl has developmental delays and couldn't come up with a set timeline. But at least hopefully that issue is dealt with. The second one was sadder, but not because of the actual situation, where two little girls were saying that their otherwise perfect record foster parents who they'd been with for two years out of nowhere started beating them, and everyone involved pretty much agreed their mother had put them up to that because she's disrupted the placements of her (apparently numerous) other kids in the system multiple times before just like that. And of course they got moved because of it and it just made me sad. So very selfish. But with those done I moved onto the permanency hearings, two older kids, one of which has been on run but is now considered to be off run but in an "unauthorized placement" because she's living with her boyfriend, but she's like, 17, so she really shouldn't be. We need to do a visit with her at some point before court so I tried calling the like 3 numbers listed on her sheet and got no answers, left a message at one at least. That was a dependency case coming in. The second came in as an abuse case but kind of became a dependency one, the younger kids were returned home but because of the older son's mental problems he wasn't and was given a goal of independence. Apparently he has a fairly low IQ (somewhere in the 70's I think) and very defiant behavior to just about everyone, but it looks like he managed to just graduate from high school, so that's good at least. So I prepped their forms depending on their cases and then sometime around then it became lunch time. It was one of the ladies on the calendars birthday, so we had ordered out from her favorite Greek place (she's like, hardcore Greek) and all ate in the lead attorney's office. My actual boss still wasn't there, but it was kind of nice to just sit and talk to the other attys, we have a women on our calendar which is kind of cool, and they were ragging on one of the ASA's who apparently has a bit of a sexist side, so that was good to now. But yeah, mostly we just laughed and had a good time and I enjoyed it. The gyro I got was pretty good, and only minimally hurt my stomach (unfortunately expected) but I just felt super full for the rest of the day, even though I didn't finish it. Back to work after lunch, just dealing with some other files and reading through the last reports on the TPR prep. There was apparently a rather in depth one I hadn't seen yet that was critical in changing the goal for the second kid, it was quite the insight into the parenting skills of the second father who looked half decent on paper but apparently had quite a ways to go in reality (he was asked like, if his kid was returned home to him (not that he ever lived with him to begin with) how he would deal with him being sick and he said something about his temperature would be office if it was like "in the 90s or 100s" because he thought normal was "in the 80s" so, yeah). So that was a good final piece to that puzzle. I looked through a big file twice trying to find an appointment order to attach to a criminal investigation unit request, but it was not in there, so I ended up having to request the paralegal fetch it for me tomorrow (I mean, I know how to do so myself, but the lawyer I was doing it for said to have the paralegal do it, and he's really cool, so it works). I might've worked on some other little things at some point but I think that was most of it. I played a little candy crush at the end of the day before heading out like 10 minutes early to hopefully catch the 5:03 bus to get home a little earlier, because I had a limited amount of time to get something done before I had PT at 7. So I knew my Amazon rental textbooks were due sometime at the end of this month, and it's been like in my mind this entire time, I'd been saving boxes for them, but never actually got around to just boxing them up, printing a label and bringing them to the UPS store. I know it's getting late in the month though so last night I checked online when the deadline was, and oh look, it's today, and the UPS store closes at 7. Well. I guess traffic was good because I actually managed to get off the bus by 6:08, which is impressive, and thankfully gave me more much needed time. I ended up having to use two boxes, one of which was a USPS flat rate box that somebody sent me something in but I was like you know what I'm just gonna slap the UPS label on it and hope nobody notices šŸ˜‚ so I leave with the two boxes in my cart at like 6:45 (they weighed like 15 pounds between them, so I knew carrying them wouldn't end well cuz I've been down that path before), then walked to the UPS store in town and dropped them off quickly, then walked the rest of the way down the street to PT (I'm forever grateful to live so close to so many crucial places). I was back with my original guy today for the first time after his Europe trip, and he took a bit of a different approach today because some of my muscles were still super tight, so he asked if I would be willing to try this thing called dry needling, which is like sort of acupuncture but not but basically sets off a twitch response in the muscle and supposedly sets it back to its baseline if it was being under or over active (or at least that's how it was explained to me). I wasn't a huge fan of the idea, but my back has still been killing me after weeks of PT, like over a month now, so I said what the hell I've dealt with worse and went with it. It wasn't too bad actually, I couldn't really feel them going in but then when they hit the muscle there's like this dull achy cramp feeling that's not pleasant at all, but it doesn't last very long and you can like physically feel the muscle release. I think he only had to do it like 3 times and it really released, so that was good. We tried some slightly adjusted exercises after that and by the time I got out of there it was almost 8:30. I already had my cart with me and we ran out of toilet paper last night (again) so I ran over to jewel across the street, and also grabbed eggs and milk because I was out of those, a few yogurts, two frozen meals with meat in them, a bottle of Advil since I almost ran out, and of course a giant thing of toilet paper. I could like, barely shove it all into my cart but it just fit. I was pretty tired at this point but I wanted some damn ice cream so I walked back down the street and waited in line at the ice cream place. I was gonna get the peach Melba frozen yogurt again that I've been getting lately that's really good and makes me feel slightly less guilty, but then I saw that they had black cherry (it's one of their rotating flavors and I hadn't seen it in a while) which is like, one of my all time favorites, so at the last minute I switched and went with that). By the time I got home after that it was like, 9:10, but I made some eggs (now that I had more) and sat down to watch the second episode of the keepers, being that I said I'd keep with it, and holy shit, you can definitely say I'm hooked now. Like the episode was absolutely horrifying to watch because it mostly consisted of these women describing the heinous sexual abuse they were subjected to as children at the hands of the priests at their school, then ends with this giant bombshell that strongly indicates they had something to do with the murder of the nun who two of the girls had confided in, which was the tagline that originally got me interested in the series. Well, I'm all in now, for sure. And yeah, sometime after that I called it a night and got ready for bed. During the day I was of course obsessively checking my grades since tomorrow is the grade deadline, and at some point discovered I got an A- in crim pro II. I was slightly disappointed with this, but I also know I shouldn't be because that class was literally all ASA's and PD's and then there was just me, the person from juvenile court who just likes criminal law, so of course the curve was gonna be harder, and I still beat out a hell of a lot of people who intend on doing that for a living. So I know I shouldn't be disappointed with it, but I still can't help being a little bit. I'm just really hoping I pulled off that A in LARC now, but I really don't know. Still waiting on that damn grade. I would be surprised if I got less than an A-, but I'll probably be pretty mad if I do get an A- just because I worked so damn hard in that class and it was such a pain in my ass. Plus, going from last semester getting 3 A's and 1 A- to 3 A-'s and 1 A doesn't sit well with me as far as keeping my class rank, which was the goal here the whole time (I mean, top 10% just has such a nice ring to it.....sigh). But I guess we'll see. That grade just better get damn posted tomorrow, she's had our appellate briefs for over a month now and there's only like 13 of us in the class, you really have no excuse for blowing the grade deadline (especially with all the shit they supposedly hammer into us about the importance of meeting deadlines). So yeah, hopefully we'll find out on that tomorrow. Okay, that's all I got. Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. Tonight was also officially 1 week since I started my new med, which means it was time to up it to 2 a day instead of 1, per my doctor's instructions, so hopefully that won't wreak too much havoc on my brain (I really hope so, anyway). Okay, really done now. Goodnight baes. Stay beautiful.
0 notes
flexeasy-blog Ā· 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Flex Easy
New Post has been published on http://flexeasy.net/index.php/2017/05/11/adrenal-fatigue-how-it-affects-your-life-and-how-to-heal-it/
Adrenal Fatigue: How it Affects Your Life and How to Heal it
80 % of American society is afflicted with adrenal fatigue at some point in their life yet most are unaware of the problem. They simply know they donā€™t feel well or perhaps symptoms lead them to explore other disorders; we do know that often symptoms denote multiple possibilities and sometimes overlap disorders. Do these symptoms apply to you?
ā™  Weight gain, especially in waist or stomach, and it stubbornly sticks to you
ā™  Fatigue ~ lack of energy ~ lethargy
ā™  Insomnia
ā™  Brain fog ~ concentration difficulty
ā™  Morning sluggishness ~ need for stimulants to get you moving
ā™  Constipation
ā™  Nervousness ~ anxiety
ā™  Mild depression
ā™  Dry skin and hair
ā™  Arthritis
ā™  Pain in upper back and neck
ā™  Unexplained hair loss
ā™  Cold hands and feet ~ or just plain cold
ā™  Allergies ~ both inhalants and food
ā™  Low body temperature
ā™  Reduced sex drive
If you said ā€œyesā€ to several of these symptoms there is a strong possibly that you are experiencing adrenal fatigue. If you said ā€œyesā€ to half or more, your adrenals are fatigued.
What is adrenal fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue is simply the allowance of stressors to influence and perhaps take control over your life. Stress is a big issue in most peopleā€™s lives and all too often the person has no idea how to deal with the stress. The result is adrenal fatigue as well as many other imbalances within the body, mind and spirit of the individual. Stress has many faces such as:
Anger ~ fear ~ guilt
Not enough sleep ~ chronic fatigue
Chronic illness
Chronic infection
Too much exercise
Improper diet
Gluten intolerance
Worry ~ anxiety ~ continually focusing on negative aspects and events
Exposure to large amount of toxins
Excess sugar
Digestive imbalances
What happens when your body becomes stressed?
Your adrenal glands are located directly above the kidneys which are found in the back of you right above your waist. In this tiny gland is the most abundant hormone in your body ā€“ DHEA. Cortisol (often referred to as the hormone of death) is also found in your adrenal glands. The adrenals main purpose is to be a stress regulator. Hereā€™s an example.
You are traveling down the road and someone pulls out in front of you. You slam on your brakes, maybe say a few choice words, and are grateful that you avoided an accident. In the meantime you had probably stopped breathing momentarily, at the very least you only took shallow quick breaths. Your heart probably began racing and felt like it would pop out of your chest and maybe even your head started throbbing. What you probably donā€™t know is that your cortisol also shot up to accommodate for the demand put on your adrenals. This is what we term flight and flight, and it is beneficial when something like this occurs. However, when our life becomes a continual fight and flight atmosphere, we can easily develop adrenal fatigue. The adrenals kicking in for a sudden trauma is meant to be temporary. From the stressors already mentioned, it is usually a combination of various stressors that create this syndrome for you.
As a result of continuous stress to your body, your cortisol remains elevated and thus the symptoms begin. It is very likely that at the same time your DHEA is declining, and if you are 40 or older, it is doing so naturally. We know that hormones do decline with age, but if we are stressed they will decline more rapidly. All of this not only tears down your health but ages you faster both internally and externally. And who wants to age faster!
As a result of experiencing adrenal fatigue, most individuals reach for stimulants to get and keep them going ā€“ coffee, sodas, pills, alcohol, chocolate, nicotine, etc. They are masking their problem and it continues to grow worse without their awareness due to the cover-up.
Hereā€™s the importance of cortisol.
It normalizes blood sugar ~ When a stressor occurs the cortisol increases the blood sugar level in your body, working with the pancreas to provide enough glucose to provide energy for your cells. Continuous increased blood sugar levels creates a blood sugar imbalance which can lead to multiple physical disorders such as diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory ~ Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. When trauma happens to our body the cortisol is released to reduce the swelling and repair the injury. Too much trauma produces too much cortisol. There are many disorders associated with inflammation such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis.
Immune system supporter ~ Cortisol influences most cells that participate in your immune systemā€™s regulation. Chronic high levels of cortisol suppress the immune system allowing an individual to be more susceptible to illness, especially to viruses.
Stress balancer ~ Cortisol helps to balance your stress reactions, but if stress becomes chronic then it can no longer maintain the balance. The result can be weight gain that is difficult to reduce, high blood pressure, estrogen dominance that can lead to uterine fibroids and even breast cancer, and much more.
So you can see how easy it is to find yourself in the throws of adrenal fatigue and yet suspect other disorders. I personally believe, as do many health practitioners, that it is imperative to repair your adrenals no matter what illness or disorder you have because the adrenals will always be affected if there is imbalance anywhere in your body.
Steps to repair your adrenals
1. First of all understand this. Traditional medicine testing cannot detect adrenal fatigue unless it has become severe. Thatā€™s why so many physicians tell their patients ā€“ and you may have been one of them ā€“ to go home and relax or give them a prescription drug for anxiety to help. Thatā€™s simply a band-aid approach and resolves little if anything, and it definitely doesnā€™t cure the problem.
2. However, there is a saliva test that holistic practitioners and doctors are using that has excellent results in measuring your cortisol and DHEA levels. It is called the ASI, or Adrenal Stress Index. Although nothing is ever 100% accurate, this has very high accuracy. The reason is that your saliva is part of your tissues and can relate to the lab technicians what is being absorbed within your body as well as the level of your hormones.
3. Realize that all physical disorders have emotional cores. You may be able to ā€œfixā€ your adrenal problem temporarily by making some lifestyle changes, but if you donā€™t release the negative emotion that underlies your stress it will simply come back again, perhaps in another form. We are multidimensional beings and it requires a balance in all four areas to be healthy. One tire on your car can cause quite an imbalance if it loses enough air. So it is with your body and health.
4. Remove your stressors. You might be laughing right now as youā€™re thinking I donā€™t know what your life is like and what youā€™re going through. You might be surprised just how much I do understand. And yes, you can successfully become stress free. You see, Iā€™m a recoveree of adrenal fatigue and had been experiencing it for decades but didnā€™t know it. I gave birth to and raised five children, worked all through those years, was driven to succeed in my work, began having big health challenges, divorced, experienced major financial struggles for several years, found myself in a potentially destructive business arrangement from which I finally detached, and so on. We all have our stories but you donā€™t have to stay in them. I left my old story and created a life free from stress and its affects on me. You can do it too! The key is in how you respond to the stressors. If you want to know more about how to live stress-free, click on my website http://www.drcarolynporter.com on the home page, and order my free eBook entitled Stress Free Living. There are many other products and services listed on my website that may help you as well.
5. Get enough sleep! This can be a real problem for many people. So many come into our health store begging for something so they can sleep. Insomnia often accompanies adrenal fatigue yet it is most necessary for repair. 7-8 hours or more are necessary for healing and the adrenals repair most from 11pm ā€“ 1am. (some say the repair begins at 10 pm) So that means that you night owls might need to make some changes. I had to do this as well. Melatonin, 5HTP, herbs, magnesium, warm baths, reading before retiring, working with a coach to learn new ways to respond to your stress, listening to soft music, are all possible was to help you sleep. It is also essential to clean your liver and digest your food well to sleep well. Guides for this are mentioned below.
6.Change your diet. Follow these guidelines to allow for adrenal repair:
ā™¦ Eliminate sugar, caffeine, and alcohol ā€“ these fight against adrenal repair
ā™¦ Consider adding salt to you diet ā€“ but only Himalayan or Celtic types
ā™¦ Consume many organic vegetables, at least 6 every day
ā™¦ Consider juicing veggies several times a week for cleansing your body
ā™¦ Drink 1 mug of warm water on empty stomach every morning with Ā½ organic lemon squeezed in it ā€“ cleanses the liver easily and naturally
ā™¦ Exercise, but only moderately at first. Rule of thumb is to stop if tired.
ā™¦ Eat regularly, at least three meals per day ā€“ may benefit from 5-6 small ones
ā™¦ Eat plenty of good protein as amino acids found in protein help restore adrenals
ā™¦ Progesterone cream ā€“ promotes healthy adrenals and thyroid glands, helps to
balance estrogen overload ā™¦ Supplementation ā€“ this is an individualized process ā€“ there is no one protocol that works for everyone and what works for one can be toxic to another. Below are some suggestions but please do your own research and seek the help of qualified practitioners for your repair process.
Note: When your adrenals are fatigued the immediate craving is for sugar, yet ironically it is the worst thing you could consume as it furthers the adrenal fatigue. Individuals who crave sugar or carbohydrates often find that adrenal fatigue is a root cause of their cravings.
Adrenals will be better served with organic vegetables, the darker and brighter the better, plenty of good quality protein to ensure enough amino acids, plenty of water and the inclusion of beneficial oils like refined, organic extra virgin coconut oil. This kind of coconut oil can actually cause weight loss and provide the good fats necessary for the conversion of ALL hormones in your body.
Supplementation that can support adrenal repair:
ā™¦ Vitamin C and bioflavonoids ā€“ 1000 mg to 5000
mg daily, divided doses
ā™¦ B-5, pantothenic acid, or panethine gelcaps ā€“ 1000 ā€“ 1500 mg daily, divided
ā™¦ Vitamin E, mixed tocopherols ā€“ 400 iuā€™s
daily, one gelcap
ā™¦ Magnesium ā€“ citrate good form, 500 mg or
more daily, powdered form good
ā™¦ Natural progesterone cream ā€“ men can also
Also may be beneficial:
ā™¦ B complex, 50 ā€“ 100 mg 2 xā€™s daily
ā™¦ Multi-vitamin/mineral ā€“ once daily
ā™¦ Antioxidants
ā™¦ DHEA ā€“ be careful with this, especially
women, as only a little is needed to help
ā™¦ Natural hydrocortisone ā€“ caution here as
well ā€“ prescription only
Additional suggestions:
Since most individuals with adrenal fatigue have compromised digestion, it is vital that they can digest food and supplement intake properly and have a good intestinal flora balance. You might want to include the following in your daily diet to assist in adrenal restoration:
ā™¦ Probiotics ā€“ 2 ā€“ 3 times per day
ā™¦ Digestive enzymes ā€“ with every meal
ā™¦ Eating raw fermented vegetables ā€“ daily
Note: Often less is best, at least to begin. If your body is not functioning optimally, it may be necessary to introduce supplements and changes slowly so as not to ā€œshockā€ the body or overload it. Of course, in the case of serious disease, it is often beneficial to saturate the body quickly to detoxify and ensure healing. Baby steps do best and know that adrenal restoration takes time, from 3 months to as much as two years, according to the severity of your adrenal fatigue.
Here are some websites that provide lots of good information on adrenal fatigue and a healthy lifestyleā€¦
Source by Carolyn Porter, D.Div.
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