#feeling silly might delete l8r
cloudstongue · 3 months
oh yeah…its been a year or so since i transitioned…yayyyy…
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pamesjatterson · 1 year
due to the surgery I'm not supposed to eat anything that isn't soft (only soup, eggs, jello and applesauce) but I've been talking all day about how badly I want mcdonalds TELL ME WHY my parents just came home with mcdonalds for themselves and my siblings. why are they doing this to me
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a-real-bird · 1 year
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Caw chirp chirp, tweet caw chirp! ❤
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feeling silly may delete l8r
Hey! If anyone's curious, I've worked on developing my merman au more and I've decided to have age difference. So, what if dilf Law is surrounded by some younger, gorgeous twenty-something mermen? I've decided to put on my thinking cap and write some notes on how their individual relationships look like.
Luffy's the youngest bro like he is barely hitting his twenties. He's the one who shows Law cool fish and random things Law never knew existed. "Law! Look at this! Crab angry like you!" He's also the type who gives Law miscellaneous shiny things like pearls, shells and sand dollars as a weird courtship thing. I like to think that with Luffy, Law learns to appreciate the little things in the world. It's worth something to be excited over details you skipped out on before. It's a welcome change of pace—to be so easily excited—after being paranoid throughout his youth. Instead of looking for hidden bombs, Law is busy listening to Luffy telling him about rocks.
Ace's technically the oldest but he doesn't act like it (that's Sabo's job). Their relationship starts with a lot of bantering where Law calls him 'pretty boy' (he does not know Ace's name) and Ace calls him 'boss' (he thinks Law is respectable). Easily, they flirt the most and have chemistry. Things only change when Law tells him about his fear (or dislike if you prefer) of the ocean and dark. To comfort him, Ace shows him shooting stars in the sky and they hold hands the entire time. When Law looks at Ace, and I mean get a real good look, Law sees his reflection in Ace's dark greasy eyes. For the first time since losing Cora-san, Law thinks that night time might be more intimate than scary...
Sabo provides a similar comforting aura, if not even more so but only way later. It's a strange chase game where Sabo half-jokingly shits on Law but becomes full-on hostile when Law gets close with Ace and Luffy. It's out of jealousy and feeling left out but it goes on for so long that we're convinced Sabo /gen hates Law. Anyways, like in my illustration, Sabo's scars glow in the dark. They're the result of a horrible reef bombing that disfigured the left side of his face and left scars all over his tail. Sabo hates his scars, and refused to believe that Law actually liked them. Only when Sabo learned that Law essentially sees him as a glorified night light that Sabo not only learns to trust Law but to maybe see himself the same way Law does...
Wait what? Oh yeah, Law sees his angsty teenage self reflected in Sabo's character, which explains his soft spot. If Cora-san never gave up on loving and comforting him, he would do the same for Sabo too!
Yes, so they're surrogate therapy-figures. Now, what do ASL gain from associating themselves with a middle-aged man? Nothing, honestly but Law is quite the eye candy. His angst mellowed out a lot since his teenage years and he laughs 5% more as a middle-aged man with financial security and free time to pursue his hobbies. Quite the catch, eh?
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