#feeling like gudetama......
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assaultvvyvern · 1 year ago
what do you mean i have to meet up with my friends have two exams to prepare for next month have to clean my room and bathroom start organizing my thesis and also have my passaport appointment + vampire reinfaire this month. it's supposed to be just halloween
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cowboycatss · 5 months ago
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i think we’re gonna have to kill this guy, hangyodon and monkichi and tuxedo sam and badtz maru :(
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king-of-bottoms · 3 months ago
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finally got to visit gudetama cafe
ate a tasty treat, posed with egg boy
an enjoyable experience
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tiredfox64 · 8 months ago
Alright I'll bite
First of, take care of yourself before I motherfucking wrap you in a blanket and make you a burrito, and make you take rest /threat
Lin kuei trio brothers..., with a reader, whos just small LIKKKEEEEE, theyre just small 😋😋😋, the trio having hard time to keep them in one place and safe
Alright thanks for listening to my crazy delusional take
Stay Put Please!
Yip notes: “Alright I’ll bite” you’ve been biting. I want to make a certain joke but then I feel like it will not land well so I’ll just say…
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Gn reader
Warnings‼️: Imma keep you and put you with my trinkets have fun with Gudetama
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You absolute scoundrel, you’re gonna give the men heart attacks. Where did you go this time?
Tomas was very careful with his steps. It was his turn to watch over you and prevent you from running off again. That doesn’t work out when you are as small as a rat and you have the skills of an assassin. You can disappear at any moment. Freaking escape artist.
He looked away from you for a second so he could train and you took that opportunity to run away. You have nothing against Tomas, you just don’t like being babysat. So although you are safe, Tomas doesn’t feel safe. Bi-Han is gonna kill him when he figures out he lost you.
He’s damn near dragging his feet because he is afraid of possibly stepping on you. His ears are carefully listening to everything, hoping he will be lucky enough to hear your small footsteps or even scratching.
“Please, come out. If you come out now I’ll give you a treat.” He offered.
Heh, he’s treating you like an animal. Like you’re so simple as to leave your hiding spot just for a-
“I’ll give you some chocolate.”
Oh hell yeah.
Just then, Kuai Liang walked into the room and saw his brother looking frantically.
“What is the matter? You seem to be in a panic.” He said while walking closer.
Tomas put his hands up to prevent Kuai Liang from moving around. He didn’t want to risk the chances of you being stepped on. Kuai Liang was unsure of what was happening until he saw your tiny body running up to Tomas. You stared up at him with your eyes wide. You awaited your treat. You even held your hand out to signal him to give it to you. Give the chocolate! You looked like you’re about to burst into tears if you didn’t receive it.
“Kuai Liang, go get some chocolate from the kitchen area,” Tomas told him.
“…We do not have chocolate. We ran out.”
“You liars!” You yelled at both of them. What did Kuai Liang do? He just walked in.
You turned around and started scattering. You were like a tarantula in a panic. You were moving in a zigzag pattern. Your small size allowed you to move quickly. Your small feet thumped against the ground like rain on a drum. Tomas and Kuai Liang went into a panic as they tried to keep their eyes on you.
Without thinking, Tomas threw his smoke bomb across the room. It smacked against the wall and busted into a large cloud of gray smoke. You stop since you know it would be risky to walk into that mess. It would be like walking into Black Sunday during the Dust Bowl. That gave Kuai Liang enough time to scoop you up and lift you up. You were forced to look at his disappointed expression as he nodded his head.
“You do understand that we are doing this to keep you safe, right?” He asked.
“I’m a grown adult, I don’t need you to watch over me.” Really? You’re grown?
“You are small. You can easily go missing and possibly get hurt. We cannot risk that.” Especially with how important you are to Bi-Han.
Surprisingly, Bi-Han finds you to be an important part of the clan. Your small size is useful. You can easily sneak around and gain information without anyone knowing. The only downside is your rebellious side. You need to rebel and run around the place. You’ve almost gotten yourself killed because of that. You’ve almost been stomped, kicked, smacked, and attacked by other small creatures. That’s why Bi-Han and his brothers need to keep an eye on you. They can’t save you from every golden orb-weaver you encounter.
Kuai Liang decided to take over so Tomas could continue training. He walked out of the room with you in the palm of his warm hands. This is the only time you will stay still since he is so warm. It’s like being in a heated bed that surrounds you with comfort. He would have liked to keep you in his hands to prevent you from being a menace but he had to use both hands for what he had to do. He was hungry and he had to cook.
He placed you down on the counter in the kitchen area before looking around to see what he could cook. He handed you a cracker to distract you from making a devious plan in your head. Don’t choke on the cracker by shoving it into your cheeks. He will smack your back to make you spit it out. You watched him walk around and collect vegetables to chop up.
As he began to chop the vegetables he would occasionally stop to look at you. The knife would hit the cutting board constantly before stopping abruptly and then continuing. He needed to keep an eye on you. But there you were, munching away innocently on a cracker.
Of course, the moment he looks away from you…you are gone once again. Kuai Liang slammed the knife down as he started looking around. You were just on the counter! He saw your little body running over to the stove. You leaned down and pressed down on the stove’s knob to turn it sideways. A fire ignited behind you, the flames flicker and wave towards you. Yet you are oblivious to the danger you put yourself in.
“You stop right there!” He yelled, but when do you ever listen?
Kuai Liang watched in horror and frustration as you leap onto the flat part of the knob. You took another leap and hoped to land successfully. To your surprise, you landed in the warm hands of Kuai Liang. That man threw himself forward to catch you.
When you looked at Kuai Liang his eyes burned greater than the flames on the stove. He was not displeased by your antics. His hand went up to turn the stove off before he got back on his feet.
“Why did you try to run away again?” He asked.
“I didn’t want to sit there anymore. It’s cold and hard.”
Kuai Liang didn’t say another word. He walked off with you to somewhere else in the temple. You apologize to him since you were being a little stinker.
You saw him walking over to Bi-Han as he watched over the others as they trained. Bi-Han was surprised to see his brother walking towards him with a serious expression on his face. Kuai Liang grabbed Bi-Han’s hand and placed you onto his palm.
“It’s your turn.” He said bluntly before walking off.
Bi-Han nabbed the back of your shirt and lifted you off his hand. He glared at you because he knew what Kuai Liang meant. You drove him and Tomas worried sick. Now it was up to Bi-Han to handle you.
“You have caused enough chaos for today. I have a solution to your little schemes.” There was a certain darkness to his tone. A message saying ‘I won’t let you get away with this’.
You heard the jingling of something metal. You were placed down on a table before Bi-Han started to move your arms around. You were unsure of what he was doing but you felt something slip onto you. A click was heard and when you looked down you saw he put a harness on you.
My gosh, he’s putting a leash on you. One of those leashes and harnesses that they put on rats or squirrels.
He placed you down on the ground and everyone was observing you. Some thought it was silly while others thought it was cute. Come on, look at that angry glare. You could kill a man with that stare if you were full size. Bi-Han told everyone to continue on and he told you to act good. He didn’t need you getting hurt.
You didn’t want to be tied down. What is this, a marriage?! You won’t stand for this. You tried to walk off but even taking one step made Bi-Han yank you back. He had no shame in doing that. You were pushing your limits, it’s time to slow down.
Running around his legs won’t do anything either, you’re just upsetting him more. You would run around and the leash would tighten around his legs. Once there was no more you’d fall down with a thud sound being produced. He didn’t even yank that was on you. You’d get right back up and do the same thing except in the other direction. It almost worked too. You were driving him insane to the point he almost unleashed you. But you tired yourself out. Your little body could only hold so much energy. Bi-Han noticed that you were barely moving. He looked down to see you sitting on the floor, slightly swaying as you struggled to sit upright. Bi-Han picked you up gently and held you in his hand for the remainder of the training session.
After that was done he went looking for his brothers. He found Kuai Liang and Tomas sitting together. Kuai Liang managed to make his food and Tomas was napping. All that worrying made him tired. Bi-Han placed you on the table and finally took the harness off. Kuai Liang was confused but didn’t feel like asking. He already had an idea of what happened. The tiny harness was cute though.
“How did you make them so tired, brother?” Kuai Liang asked.
“I did not do that. It was their decision that made them tired.”
Bi-Han started rummaging around the cabinets. He pulled out a large chocolate bar that was still wrapped in the silver wrapping. Okay so Kuai Liang was a liar there was chocolate. He broke off a tiny piece before giving it to you. Hopefully, that sugar will fully knock you out.
You used up your remaining energy to nibble at the chocolate piece. A wonderful treat to have after being a menace for a whole day. You rested your body against Tomas’ resting face and indulged in the chocolate. You only got halfway through before you started to close your eyes. Your grip on the chocolate piece grew loose until it tumbled out of your hands. Alright, that’s pretty cute, even to Bi-Han.
Kuai Liang helped to clean your mouth up from the chocolate stains that were left. He was about to pass your sleeping body to Bi-Han before he stopped him.
“Is there any way to prevent them from escaping in the morning? I do not want to look for them in the morning just because they wanted breakfast early.” No rest for the wicked.
Kuai Liang took a moment to look around to see if he could use anything to hold you in place. He got a brilliant idea when he spotted a hand towel. He grabbed it and immediately wrapped you in it. He literally rolled you and tightened it. He gave you back to Bi-Han who was intrigued. I mean, if it works it works.
He said goodnight to Kuai Liang before returning to his room. You’re forced to stay in Bi-Han’s room since you can’t be trusted to have your own. Your grandmaster has to keep an eye on you.
He walked over to your makeshift hammock that was in a cage. Yes, he knows you can manage a way to escape the cage. You’ve done it dozens of times. He gave up closing the door.
He placed you in your hammock and slightly swung you to make sure you’d stay sleeping. What a long day. At least Bi-Han doesn’t have to worry about you being gone in the morning. You seem pretty snug as a bug in that towel. He doesn’t want you getting hurt. This world is literally too big for you. Getting hurt is not an option.
Do the men a favor and play nice. You’re gonna send Tomas to an early grave. You’re gonna be the end of Kuai Liang’s life. You’re gonna give Bi-Han a heart attack. Please oh please be good and listen. Don’t go making an alliance with the rodents in the walls.
Do it, it would be so slay because I said so.
Yap notes: So I started one fanfic, wasn't hitting, tried to do another and it didn't hit, got chest pains and took my medicine incorrectly, woke up sad, decided to do this fanfic to make me happy, and now I'm posting at midnight. Bon appétit. I was actually gonna start this a bit ago when one of my wounds reopened because I thought that was my signal but I waited. I ended up accidentally getting hurt in the same area on the other side of my body so I thought fuck it I should do this. I...I'm not good self care I think. Oh well. Adiós!
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yenpondering · 1 year ago
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i want you guys to understand that this is the aim of the look
My workplace is having a late Christmas party and it's dress up and with like 4 days left to go I decided to go as knight gudetama
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Except I decided it would be far funnier to, instead of that spoon thing he's holding in his right hand, to make chopsticks instead
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cera-writes · 8 months ago
Can I ask for nightcrawler with a reader who likes stuffed animals a lot, like those sanrio and she would probably have a collection of them?
A/N: cute request, Anon! This was fun to write! <3 Pairing: Kurt Wagner "Nightcrawler x F!Reader
Sanrio Sanctuary
Rain lashed against the window, the wind howling like a drifting ghost. Curled up on the window seat, you clutched a giant Hello Kitty plushie, its oversized head a comforting presence against the storm. Shelves overflowing with Sanrio characters – a fluffy My Melody, a mischievous Badtz-Maru, a sweet Gudetama – lined the walls. This was your haven, a world of plushy comfort.
Suddenly, a blue shimmer materialized in the corner. Nightcrawler had bamfed beside you, a sheepish grin on his face. You jumped slightly, clutching your plushie tighter to your chest.
"(Y/N)," he greeted, his voice warm like hot cocoa. "Didn't mean to startle you. Beast needed some urgent research materials, and the quickest way was..." he trailed off, gesturing vaguely towards the window.
You peeked at the storm raging outside. "Yikes, that's rough. Glad you're not stuck out there, fuzzy elf."
Nightcrawler's blue fur bristled slightly at the nickname, but a smile tugged at his lips. He noticed your gaze drifting towards his empty hands.
"Ah, about the research materials," he said, conjuring a small, wet package from the shadows. "Beast wasn't the only one who needed something retrieved."
Hesitantly, you unwrapped the package, your eyes widening in surprise. Inside was a bedraggled-looking Pompompurin plushie, its yellow fur matted and a single button eye dangling precariously.
"I found this near the Danger Room," Nightcrawler explained. "Looks like it lost a fight with an unrelenting training session."
Your heart melted. With a gasp, you scooped up the Pompompurin and cradled it gently. "Oh, poor guy! Don't worry, little buddy, we'll fix you right up."
Nightcrawler watched, a touch of amusement sparkling in his yellow eyes. He'd never quite understood the human fascination with stuffed animals, but seeing your face light up with such genuine care… well, that was something special.
As you bustled about, grabbing sewing supplies and chattering excitedly about giving Pompompurin a spa day, Nightcrawler couldn't help but grin wider. Maybe there was more to these fluffy creatures than met the eye. Perhaps, just like his own teleportation, they offered a kind of comfort, a connection to something familiar and safe.
Nightcrawler settled in beside you, watching you expertly mend Pompompurin's button eye. In the warmth of the room, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights and the comforting presence of your plushie friends, you looked completely at ease. And Nightcrawler, the teleporting blue mutant, found himself feeling a strange sense of peace amidst the storm outside. Maybe this world of stuffed animals wasn't so bad after all.
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vimbry-moved · 10 months ago
*if you've heard a couple songs but don't really know much about them, or haven't listened in a long while, you can play!
update: the highest votes went to gudetama. but was it correct? here are the full titles and albums.
❌ "put your hand inside the puppet head" - they might be giants
the opening verse makes reference to leaving one's job and how "it's sad to say, you will romanticise all the things you've known before. it was not, not, not so great". according to flansburgh, "the lyric revolves around the idea that looking back on anything colors it in sentimentality".
❌ "I'll sink manhattan" - they'll need a crane (ep)/miscellaneous T
this is a flansburgh song, but linnell explained its meaning in a 1989 interview with NME as "a song about a guy who somehow figures out how to sink the island of manhattan just to kill his ex-lover, so it's his apology to the other people he's gonna kill in between. he's just gotta do it!"
❌ "meet james ensor" - john henry
it's about james ensor (belgium's famous painter).
❌ "wicked little critta" - mink car
from the tmbg unlimited collection: "forged in the crucible of an eastern massachusetts junior high, this song expresses the dreams, fears and hopes of a new england young adult" the lyrics seem to suggest said young adult fantasising about being a sports star alongside bobby orr and john havlicek while goofing off outside.
❌ "working undercover for the man" - mink car
from flansburgh: "it's more a meditation on the "mod squad" [a 1968 crime series about cool undercover detectives] than anything else. the idea of the narc just seems... like, those episodes of "dragnet" where they have the young undercover dress in a hippie suit."
✔️ "talent is an asset" - kimono my house
the lyrics illustrate an overly-cautious family shielding their very gifted child from others, to keep him studious and soak in all the glory, and is heavily implied to be little albert einstein through puns on relatives and relativity. it's not by them, tho. it's by the band sparks. it came 2nd, so I think many of you recognised it (or really wanted to see the results!)
❌ "bee of the bird of the moth" - the else
"this is a song about a creature called a hummingbird moth, which imitates another creature, which imitates yet another creature. it's completely fucked up, and can only be explained in song!" so they did.
❌ "2082" - join us
thewrap's review of the album describes this song as, "a science-fiction short story (...) a protagonist who travels into the future, finds himself hobbled but still unhappily alive all the way into the next millennium, and travels back to the title year to smother himself with a pillow in a mercy killing". fun!
❌ "call you mom" - nanobots
referred to by linnell as an "oedipus pan" song, the lyrics follow an unfortunate young man beginning a relationship with a woman, getting dumped due to his behaviour of treating her like a mother figure, then infantilising a possibly younger woman in a different relationship and in turn leaving her, who goes on to experience the same issues. fun! (altho, the final chorus actually still refers to her Mom leaving, not her dad, I got the details wrong there in the poll).
❌ "gudetama's busy days" - dial-a-song / my murdered remains
yes, that's a real song. quote flansburgh: "(...) it is really just about feeling isolated from the world, even if you are in a crowded place and manically trying to keep up with your life. the character of gudetama appealed to me because he is such a mopey sad sack."
❌ "marty beller mask" - album raises new and troubling questions
this is real, too! it's just about how marty beller was actually an alter ego of whitney houston the whole time. he's not, but wouldn't that be interesting. the song name-checks multiple of her own in the lyrics. it was temporarily retired out of respect following houston's death (4 months after its release), returning to live performances ten years later in 2022.
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stelmao · 9 months ago
yttd characters and which sanrio character i think would be their partner in a hypothetical collab that should totally happen in the future (part 1: participants)
Sara Chidouin - Hello Kitty (obligatory hello kitty assigned mc)
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Joe Tazuna - Pochacco (dog coded)
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Keiji Shinogi - Gudetama (bc nankidai always draws keiji drinking eggs)
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More under the cut:
Kanna Kizuchi - Wish me Mell/My Sweet Piano (i feel like she fits the cutesy and soft kind of sanrio charas..)
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Q-taro Burgerberg - Tiran from WeAreDinosaurs (vibes.. he's a big red rough guy)
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Shin Tsukimi - Cinnamoroll (obligatory cinnamoroll assigned popular chara but also i feel like they have similar vibes!)
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Reko Yabusame - Kuromi (no explanation needed)
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Nao Egokoro - My Melody (no explanation needed)
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Kai Satou - Kirimichan (vibes also kai can cook and kirimichan is food)
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Gin Ibushi - Corocorokuririn/Pompompurin (i feel like pompom would fit kanna too bc of the pudding head though.. but corocorokuririn could fit gin bc theyre both small and adorable :))
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Kazumi Mishima - PataPataPeppy (professor vibes!)
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Alice Yabusame - Bad Badtz-Maru/Goropikadon (badtz bc he's a rowdy guy + just look at goropikadon's color and stripes and tell me they don't scream alice)
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tsams-and-co-memes · 11 months ago
LAES Earth Canon Info
Updated - 11/10/24
Earth's likes:
Barbie movies
Tiny things
Love stories
Phantom of the Opera
Broadway shows/musicals
Lilac flowers
The Powerpuff Girls
Hair accessories and makeup
Tim Allen
PB&J's and grilled cheese sandwiches
Playing with makeup sometimes
Mac n cheese
Soap Operas
Learning other languages
Chinese dramas
Lethal Company, even though it scares her
Garlic bread
Baking sweets
Earth's dislikes:
Bloodmoon (based on the way she acts towards/with them)
Eclipse (also based on how she speaks to/acts towards him. She gave him chances to be better than he was currently being, and instead of trying, he opted to keep being a jerk) ((This is subject to change))
Dora the explorer
Sleeping while shrunk down (it feels restrictive to her)
Sad movies/shows
Bugs (They freak her out. More specifically, she doesn't like ants and spiders)
Superhero or monster movies
Unlike Sun and Moon, Earth is capable of eating food (partial retcon. Sun and Moon have apparently started eating food)
She used to prepare food for the creator and have dinner with him
She primarily works with children who have disabilities, and children who require more one one one attention
She has a system/database thing in her head that’s loaded with nothing but puns and jokes
She prefers baths over showers
Earth is a silent rage sort of person when she gets angry
Earth has ADHD
She uses a lot of emojis when texting
Her comfort/coping mechanism is saying “pretty ballerina” and/or singing Barbie Girl
She has 5 journals that she's written in as a coping mechanism
Earth starts her days off with morning yoga (the yoga involves screaming), then from there, she goes to work at the daycare. After she's done for the day, she cleans up the daycare, then goes home and cleans every square inch of her room/Monty’s house. After that, it's bedtime, but if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she may go cook an entire meal
She's a clean freak like Sun, and she needs to start her day off by screaming like Lunar
She's pansexual. Maybe demisexual. We're not sure about the specifics yet. She's more drawn to a person's personality than their gender or appearance (according to info in a video, she doesn’t really identify as anything and is more or less unlabeled) (<- according to Solar, she's probably pansexual)
Earth has very good balance
Earth has been ice skating
She watches Bluey
Earth has eagle eyes
Earth's mouth can open
Earth sleeps with her crocheted bunny
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strafepanzer · 2 years ago
haze | h.shinsou
▸ ▸ ▸ warnings: mentions of shinbaku, fwb shinsou x fem!reader, no naughty stuff but 18+ conversation nevertheless, implied quirk usage
▸ ▸ ▸ word count: drabble-sized
▸ ▸ ▸ a/n: playing with blog formatting and inserting into shinbaku. more to come probably! no edits
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The smell of his favourite brew and the soft jazz wafting from the speakers make Shinsou feel somewhat at peace. Despite the time of night, you've agreed to meet him at your usual hangout: the cafe across the road from the apartment building you both live in-- neighbours, nothing more.
Never anything more. Not really.
You're in pyjamas: a worn gudetama set that he knows is soft as shit, a cardigan for warmth, and socks and slides. Cute, honestly. Any other occasion he'd make a joke at your expense, but it's 10pm and he did only text you 39 minutes ago to see if you were available.
It was a shit shift, but you seem to understand that he doesn't wanna unpack it, content just to be there with him, passively enabling his caffeine addiction.
Rather than being on him, however, your attention is on the TV mounted from the ceiling near the counter. It's muted, but there's no doubting the hero flinging himself through the sky in a series of explosions and a blur of black and orange, and there's no mistaking the stars in your eyes.
"You got a crush?" He asks, popping the lid from his takeaway cappuccino and licking at the chocolate sprinked froth.
"Huh? No!" You laugh, eyeing Shinsou off as he replaces the lid.
But there's a flush there, an embarrassment that wouldn't be there if he were wrong.
"You do, though. I can always tell." He teases, but he's right. He knew when you had the hots for the new barista 6 months ago, and he guessed about that hopeless crush you had on your tutor in college when the two of you ran into him at that bar last year.
"Doesn't matter. That guy is way outta my league." You sigh wistfully, eyeing the television longingly.
Shinsou snorts. "Bakugo?"
"No, his dad." You roll your eyes.
Shinsou chuckles, "he's not, though? I feel like people put that asshole up on a pedestal too much. He's just a dude."
A very hot, very famous pro-hero who Shinsou sometimes crosses paths with.
You give him a look and take a sip of your drink before placing it on the table. "What are you not telling me?" You narrow your eyes before your voice lowers conspiratorially. "Did you fuck him?"
Shinsou loves how fast your brain works. "Maybe he fucked me."
Your eyes light up. "Oh my god, I've indirectly slept with him?"
"Okay, this is beginning to hurt my ego."
You snort, an action Shinsou is absolutely smitten with. "I'm torn between wanting to know all of the juicy details, being jealous, and being mad you didn't tell me sooner."
"You don't tell me every person you sleep with." He shrugs, pulling a melodramatic gasp from your pretty lips.
"I do!" You're offended, brows pulling together and eyes wide. "You're the only person I've slept with in two years."
He blinks. This is... a surprising turn of events. That's as long as you've been hooking up.
Your fingers idly play with the condensation dripping from your drink, eyes downcast. He's hurt your feelings, and that hurts his. He's torn between smoothing it over and over-explaining, his too-tired-yet-wired brain jumping from A to B and back to A faster than he can actually compute.
Sometimes he forgets people aren't as free with their sexuality as he is.
"It..." he starts, growing frustrated with himself. "It happened twice. I don't think there was any reason, he didn't seek me out the first time or anything. And it's just sex, honest."
This isn't what he planned to talk to you about. In fact, he was sure he never wanted to tell you about the two of them ever, but his brain and mouth are clearly at war.
When he cautions a glance up at you, you meet his eyes with furrowed brows. He lets you process, feels that fast brain of yours tick, tick, ticking. But you dont say anything; no jests, no jokes, no cheeky predictions.
"I didn't ask you here to talk about Bakugo," he begins, trying to lighten the mood a little. "I just wanted to hang out. Sorry."
"You don't need to apologise, it's not like we're exclusive." You mumble just loud enough for him to hear. "You... like him, then?"
If it were socially acceptable to cackle like the witch from HR Puffinstuff, he would. "Like him? Babe, you meet him once, and I promise that little crush you have on him will fizzle away to nothingness."
"He is! Extremely so!"
There's a soft smile on your face now, and it calms Shinsou some; he takes a drink from his coffee, savouring the bitterness as washes over his tongue.
There's a comfortable silence that follows, the kind that usually occupies the two of you in his lounge room as you both scroll on your phones and half watch shitty Netflix shows. It's crazy to him that you've hidden your crush on Bakugo so damn well, then again, he hadn't quite been forthcoming with his connection to the pro-hero.
A few moments pass, and you're slurping the last of your drink through the straw, shaking the ice around and tilting the cup so you can get the dregs.
"Is he bi?" You ask, trying to sound casual. Trying.
His interest is piqued, nonetheless. "I'm sorry?"
"I mean, I know I'm convenient, and you're up for anything, but does he exclusively sleep with men?"
Wow, okay, a lot to unpack there, but he explains: "I don't think he does, but the stuff we do might not be up your alley, sweetheart."
"I can--" you begin, too loudly. "I can do butt stuff, Hitoshi." You level with him seriously, voice lowered.
He can't help the hyena-esque howl that bubbles up his throat. "This is not a conversation for here." He spares a glance over your shoulder to the barista fussing about with the coffee grinder behind the counter.
You follow his line of sight, before your large, hopeful eyes are once again on him. "Can I come over?" You whisper, before taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
He's once again torn, mind not knowing where to latch: your teeth in your lip, the "butt stuff" comment, you practically calling him a slut.
The possibility of explaining the ins and outs of how Bakugo begs Shinsou to use his quirk on him.
Heavy lidded eyes drop down to your chest, tits pushed together as you lean against the tabletop to be a little closer to him. "Yeah, you're coming over."
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heichou-ackerman · 2 years ago
more modern au levi fluff
levi x fem!reader (this time)
I had this one on draft for a bit, more of a situational thing about Levi being too fucking handsome for his own good
TW: Just a lot of cussing really
Going out anywhere public with Levi was always a personal challenge for you. It was ironic, you were the one beginning and dragging him to come along with you to shop or grab a coffee somewhere, wanting to be able to do things a little bit differently than just minding yourselves at his place, but once you both arrived somewhere mildly public, regret began to instantly fill you up. 
Now, you understood Levi wasn’t the most charming or socially outgoing person in the world. In fact, this was one of the things you liked about him, that he minded his own business and didn’t have a need to project himself out into the world. For him, a ‘perfect’ day with you was to sit down at home, brew up some tea, and sit quietly with you while reading some book and you tapped away at your phone. Initially you had no problems with this, wanting to spend as much time as you wanted with him, but you admitted to him wanting to start doing things outside the typical routine. He fought with you about it at first, but you knew he would eventually give in for the sake of making you happy (and for you to shut up about it.)
It was so bizarre. Well, not really, you understood why he got the type of attention he did. Again, Levi was not the most approachable or socially charming guy, and in being realistic about things, it wasn’t like his stature was the most sought after feature. Yes you knew he was a short fella in contrast to some of the other people you have dated, but he made up for it in many other ways. Anyways, Levi presented himself in a very particular way which honestly, appealed to the female gaze. 
And damn it did he keep attracting all of these other women. 
You slowly began to notice that practically everywhere you two went (well not everywhere, but mostly), there would be at least one or two women drawn to him in ways which were more than obvious to you. The long drawn out stares, the slight curve of their lips, if they were a store attendant or cashier, they would suddenly become more perky and giggly with their customer service attitude. And what pissed you off the most is how oblivious he seemed about it all. Levi wasn’t stupid, you knew that. At some point he must recognize the effect he had on other women, right? Albeit, you gave him props for not entertaining them or reciprocating some of the more flirtatious advances, but man did it make you a bit self conscious about your role in the relationship. Again, you loved this about him, how he did not seem to give a shit about it all as long as he was there with you. You honestly had nothing to worry about regarding his loyalty to you.
It was more about you trying to hold back and not make it obvious in your face that you were livid about the type of attention he was getting. You didn’t want to come off as possessive or jealous of him, knowing these were big no nos. Unfortunately, you were the type to be easily read solely by the slight expression on your face, and Levi being Levi, was able to catch on that shit instantly.
You both ended up going to one of your favorite book stores during one of these occasions. You both usually would veer off separately to explore different things in the store. He was more inclined to check out something related to personal wellness or fitness while you tinkered around with knick knacks and small gifts around the store. It was a nice feeling, you both were independent enough to do whatever you wanted to but it was still a time you both spent together. There was no need for you to cling onto him 24/7 or to be watchful of what he was doing, and he did the same with you. 
Once you felt satisfied with what you found (a small Gudetama plush that you knew he would make a comment about), you went to go look for Levi through the aisles of books, keeping an eye out for his signature all black outfit. Honestly, it didn’t even cross your mind that leaving him alone in some niche book store would be a factor in reeling in attention from the type of people in these settings. Young college students, artsy folk, women trying to fish out a seemingly brooding man, dressed up in perfectly fitted slacks, a dark long sleeve rolled up to his forearms, dark hair just freshly cut, with a soft woodsy aroma from his cologne, flipping through the pages of a book in a pensive manner… Goddammit, there was already someone trying to talk to him. 
You stopped mid-step as you caught Levi in an aisle with a younger looking girl, making attempts to have a conversation with him. It looked like she was one of the book store workers and it was obvious she had a means to get close to him. You instantly felt your stomach twist and distort in an uncomfortable manner at the sight, quickly taking a step back to hide behind the aisle behind them. You softly cursed under your breath, knowing you were getting too worked up to simply walk up to him as if nothing. The dumbass was literally just standing there unaware of this girl walking up to him, without any clue of what her intent was, and while you were confident he would reject any advance, you were paranoid about how insistent this person might be. 
You could hear a low conversation between the two of them, and your curiosity piqued at what was going on.You moved a little further down the aisle and grabbed a random book, pretending to be invested in it, as you scooched your ear in closer to have a listen to what they were talking about. You were close just enough to be able to hear their conversation without making it too obvious, perfectly hidden in plain sight. 
Should you have been spying on them in this way? Probably not. Would you get a scolding from Levi once he found out about it? Well, yeah, but you’d take the risk.
“Are these books really worth it? I might consider getting some myself if you agree.” You heard her say to him. “They’re ok.” You heard Levi comment to her in his usual bland way as his gaze remained on the book he held, flipping a page over. 
“It’s hard to find something that really catches your eyes sometimes huh?.” “No, I can find something I like pretty easily.” “Lucky you then! Well, I was wondering if you needed help with anything.” “I’m fine, thanks.”
You held in a snort at how curt he was with her. You felt a little bad actually. It wasn’t easy trying to have a simple conversation with him, but his demeanor only encouraged women to be a bit more aggressive with their approach. The harder he pushed, the more they wanted to see if they could break him down. The shorty really had that allure about him. 
There was an awkward silence between the two of them for a bit, and you debated about just walking up to him and making it obvious that he wasn’t available, but she continued to probe at him.
“So, I haven’t seen you come in here before. Is this your first time checking us out? ” She asked him.
“I’ve been here before.”
“Oh! A lot of regulars come here and I’m usually good at spotting them, but you stood out to me for some reason.”
“I don’t come here often.”
She giggled. “Well, you should. We have a lot of events during the weekends, maybe you should come and check them out? Oh, I didn’t catch your name!” “Why do you want to know my name?” Levi asked, now looking up from his book, his gaze narrowing onto her. His tone was stern, and you couldn’t really tell if he was intentionally being standoffish or if it was genuine curiosity. 
“Just, being friendly? Hah.” “I’m not someone you should be friendly with right now.”
If you weren’t turned on by him before, you certainly were now with that type of answer. Dammit, Levi.
“Oh sorry. Look I get it. Maybe I came off a bit too upfront about it.” She explained. “But, I do think you’re good looking, and I wanted to see if you wanted to grab some coffee around the corner?” You had to admire her bravery, not a lot of women were so bold in that way when it came to asking someone out, especially someone like Levi who already made an insinuation about wanting to be left alone. “I don’t think so.” 
You could almost feel how dejected this young girl was after that type of reaction. “Oh, okay cool. No worries.” She said with a pseudo laugh. “But, do you mind me asking why?”
“Because my girlfriend is literally down the aisle over there.” He said as a matter of fact, pointing over to you. 
Your mouth fell open as you immediately brought your book up to your face, turning around, making it obvious that you were indeed tuning into the whole interaction. Why the fuck would he do this! 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” the young girl exclaimed, genuinely embarrassed about the whole thing as she covered her mouth. “I really didn’t know, I’m so sorry sir..” She began to walk away dejectedly, not daring to look back at the both of you. You saw her from the corner of your eyes walk away towards the front of the store, possibly as far away from the encounter as she could. 
Well, at least that was done and over with. 
You carefully tip toe towards Levi, who begins to put his book back into the shelf, seemingly unbothered by the whole situation. “Hi…” You say to him sheepishly. “Man, that must have been uncomfortable.”
His neck snaps to quickly look at you, his eyes narrowed in irritation. “Why the fuck were you just standing there watching me like some creep? You could have pulled me out of that awkward situation.” You couldn’t help but sputter a chuckle. “Awkward? It seemed like you had a good handle on it. Albeit, a little mean…” He scoffed. “How was I being mean? I was being honest. Besides, if I was actually nice to her you would have been throwing a tantrum about it right now.”
“Hey! That’s not…necessarily true.”
“Whatever. Think you were being sneaky and shit back there? I know you were waiting to see if I would slip up.” You felt your face heat up, tripping on your words as you tried to explain yourself. “I wasn’t worried about that!”
“Yeah right. I could practically feel you panic from all the way over there.”
“Well!” You exclaimed, pausing for a moment. “Why the fuck do you have to always have these girls throw themselves onto you.” Oh you hit a nerve. He grunted and grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking it (not too hard of course) but enough to prove a point. “What did you say you little brat?”
You  yelped slightly as he did this, but only for dramatic effect, as you held onto his wrist. “You heard me. Would it kill you to like, not be so goddamn good looking and make me compete with all these other girls?”
“You’re such a shithead.” He hissed as he let go of your hair. “If you’re so concerned about it, then stop leaving me by myself.” You pouted at him, patting your hair back into place. “In all seriousness though, I’ve been kind of hating going out now because of this. So you win if you wanna go back to lounging at home.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, not fully expecting the conversation to turn this way. “What are you talking about? Are you really that upset with that girl hitting on me?”
You rolled your eyes, an irritated sigh escaping your lips. “It’s not that. It hasn’t been this one incident you know. Or are you really that oblivious about the type of attention you attract?”
He shoved his hands into his pockets, swinging slightly to the side as he gave some thought to what you were insinuating. “Of course I know, I’m not stupid. But why does that bother you? I don’t do anything.” 
“I know you won’t do anything.” You reaffirm this, a pained smile forming on your face. “But, if I am being honest, it does make me a bit self-conscious. It’s not fun sometimes seeing these beautiful women fawn over you.”
He stayed in silence with you for a moment or so, still processing the information you gave him. You supposed he wasn’t too happy with what you had to say, whether it was part jealousy or part insecurity on your end. It was honesty on your part however. You wondered, at some points, how willing he would be with some of these advances if you weren’t in the picture. Or if he might even have a better opportunity of being happier with someone else rather than you. It was a vicious little thing, your mind. 
You were brought back to reality by the sensation of his hand reaching out for yours, his fingers interlacing into your own until there was a secure hold. You looked at him and he looked at you, his face strong and stern, but still bearing a need to relay a message to you. 
“Let’s go home.” He said softly and simply. It wasn’t a dramatic show of love and care one would expect, but you knew in his language, this was his way to validate you and your role. “I want to spend the rest of the day there.”
You blink for a moment, and slowly nod your head, feeling a little meek with his intent. “Okay.” 
“But, we’re going out tomorrow.” 
He sighed. “Look, I can’t really stop shit like this from happening. Trust me, I really would rather stay home the whole time. But I know you like doing this, and it makes you happy. Plus, I obviously need to do a better job about making you feel more secure with me.”
An uncontrollable smile formed on your face as your own hand gripped harder onto his. “Are you sure?”
“It’s fine. But you need to cut that shit out about feeling like you aren’t good enough for me.” He scolded you. “You should know me by now, I ain’t messing around with this stuff.”
“Okay, okay.” You jested with a nervous laugh. “I promise I won’t doubt you.”
“Good.” He said, then coming in close to your face, placing a tender and rather shy kiss on your lips. You felt your face heat up as you allowed him to pepper your lips with his own for a bit, before he quickly pulled back, no one usually for PDA.
He grunted, but with a satisfied look on his face. “Let’s go. Everything is kind of shitty in here today.” 
“Alrighty, let me just pay up for this at the front real quick.” You said as you showed him the Gudetama plush you found. “Cute huh?” He cocked his head to the side as he inspected it from afar. “You’re buying that?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” “Looks stupid. But I guess it suits you.” 
“Cool beans, it's for me not for you.”
“So snarky. Fine let's go, I want to go home already.” Levi said as he yanked the plush away from you and made his way to pay at the front. “Hey! You better not pay for that!” You exclaimed as you followed him.
“Shut up.”
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cheriemariii · 17 days ago
hello my first class was cancelled and im bored so im gonna assign a sanrio character to each sihjr character bc why not :) (some of these are very carefully thought, some of these… are not)
-misaki as hello kitty (he’s like the main character™️ and they are both 5 apples tall and nice <3)
-usagi as cinnamoroll (the blue eyes and white fur reminded me of usagis grey hair and purple eyes,,)
-ritsu as my melody (and takano gets to be kuromi)
-takano as kuromi (and ritsu gets to be my melody)
-hiroki as badtz maru (they both always look angry for some reason)
-nowaki as pekkle (i like that pekkle is a duck bc it reminds me of the egoist ducklings also they are both very nice ^^)
-kisa as wish me mell (i like that wish me mell’s thing to help young girls express their feelings kinda translates into kisa’s job as a shoujo manga editor. And i like that she is very shy even if she doesn’t look like it bc thats kinda like kisa too. But ngl the main reason is just bc my heart told me to(?)
-yukina as usahana (they are both colorful!!! and also usahana was made to brighten up sad office people, which is kinda what yukina does to kisa uvu)
-miyagi as pompompurin (to be super duper honest, miyagi was the last one i did and i realized i hadnt assigned purin to nobody yet so xd but personality wise it kinda works i think)
-shinobu as cogimyun (this one was a bit tricky ngl. idk, somehow cogimyuns fragility resonates with shinobus easiness to get all emotional… to me? and also i find it funny that cogimyun wants to be an onigiri without knowing what that is bc her grandpa likes them, bc it is to me kinda like how shinobu insists on cooking for miyagi without knowing how bc he loves him u3u)
-chiaki as gudetama (do i even need to say anything?)
-hatori as tuxedo sam (this one is very stupid kdhsjdhsfhshdj tuxedo sam owns 365 bowties, one for every day… kinda like how hatori gets to wear a suit almost every day of his life :))
-isaka as moppu (they both like to be warm and do nothing at home)
-asahina as marroncream (brown haired, kinda old, really nice and painfully underrated…..)
-yokozawa as chococat (this is indeed a reference to sorata)
-kirishima as pochacco (to quote the hello kitty wikia: “he is a curious and clumsy dog who sometimes sticks his nose in where it isn’t wanted”. I rest my case :))
-yuu as keroppi (i dont get it either but i saw keroppi and just thought “yanase :)” jdhdjdhdjdh and i like the idea of assigning my fave sanrio character to one of my faves in sihjr <33)
-ijuuin as hangyodon (“a nice guy who likes to make other laugh but has a soft spot and doesn’t like to be alone…” yeah)
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ariesstarram · 1 year ago
I was watching Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure and behold this idea for a drawing happened! I feel like Deuce would Adore Gudetama.
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spearslug-box · 10 months ago
Intro post of the
- Refer to me as box/boxgore mainly, but feel free to refer to me as sait, or spearslug/spear!!
- I don't like saying my age so... have my birthday!; January 30
- I am a furry and apart of the LBGTQ+ community, my fursonas are a isopod, coelacanth, and a 'stop sign'
- fandom's/stuff I like!:
Rain world, monsters of etheria, pressure, regretevator(I dislike like the fandom.), journey, Abzû, Pokémon, cinnamoroll, marumaru, gudetama, miku, undertale, deltarune, splatoon, little big planet, doodle world, Cat Odyssey; fishermeow, gloomy bear, slime rancher(1 and 2), subnautica(all games), object shows, among us, another crabs treasure, dandy's world, team fortress 2, portal, FAITH, baldi's basics, mouthwashing, horrorvale, lobotomy corp, limbus company, minecraft, terraria, roblox, etc
- I like to draw and animate sometimes... Mainly about my OCS, and my AU's sometimes.
- Feel free to ask me anything about anything! Especially the AU and my OCS :)
- Feel free to add my OCS into your OCS lore! Ex: MIR.OS has hurt [your oc] before, I love hearing about these if people/friends do this :)
- and ermm.. Some funfacts are that Ive worked as a designer for some Roblox games (I don't remember which ones..), I have a small cult around one of my ocs, and I'm kind of crazy mwahaha
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DNI: racist, transphobic, zoophile, dream fan, homophobic, fatphobic, THOSE regretevator fans, the people who hate zerum in pressure, those weirdos who draw sebastian in a dress/sexually, people who support pansear or use her emotes still, ppl who ship; "lampert x infected, unpleasant x infected, poob x pest, Sebastian x p.ai.nter".
"Proshippers", "comshippers", "darkshippers" can bite the curb of this intro post.
Find my other socials here: https://boxgore.carrd.co/ !!
If you wanna COMMISSION me! I'll take robux, discord nitro, steam & robux giftCARDS, and cashapp. You need to pay upfront for me to begin <3
Notes: offensive jokes r fine about those, I make them just PLEASE make sure people can tell it is one..... And feel free to repost, use as emojis, or use as pfps. My art. Just PLEASE CREDIT ME!!, just by one of my socials plsk....
Hi crazy that I have to add this but, I use brain rot terms because its funny! I only use brainrot terms with mutuals and friends! I'm not saying this to actual strangers. I am brainrotted and say skidibi toilet.
I might say slurs on here! Or reference them! Don't go crazy over that!
And I also don't roleplay 24/7. This is my main blog. I just call myself spearmaster because I like him.
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obscuresanrio · 9 months ago
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Name : Nemukko nya~go
Debut : 1999
A laid back tabby cat that doesn’t let the stress of everyday life get to him! His birthday is May 25th.
He has a fellow cat friend named Kayoshi, a russian blue. They like to take naps together. Pippi the canary also likes to join these naps, but when the cats wake up, Pippi is already gone.
This is a great design. Lazy cat who loves to nap with a simple, sketchy design. What’s better than this? He feels a bit like a proto-Gudetama. My only complaint is that the lack of nose throws me off a little bit.
Even so, the lack of nose is quite charming and interesting. I’ve seen some merch of nyago and it’s quite nice! I really love the flat plushes they make of him sleeping. Very charming. Most of the plushes don’t quite capture the essence of his flat bean head, though.
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scummy-writes · 7 months ago
Fun sock person
i feel like i have to take a picture for this one...
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all those white and yellow socks? gudetama. Some of the black ones? Agrettsuko. And Gudetama. I have at least 15 pairs of gudetama socks due to a christmas gift mishap. SO... you're not Wrong
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