#feel like im in a fucking drama show actually. why am i being all gross in my tags
eevyerndracaneon · 1 year
Actually I'm not done whining in the tags of my posts
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stillsilly3 · 2 years
Shoku x tsuruzo cuz their adorable ☺️ (also might be a little 12+🙂)
A little kaga x geiju cuz yes
Tsuruzo: hello sweetie..I’m hungry~
Shoku: Oh well..eat something! I made food^^
Tsuruzo: I’m not talking about food ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Shoku: eh? Then what?
Tsuruzo: god you’re too innocent
Shoku: Hiii tsu! I brought food for yo- huh?
Tsuruzo: Shoku!! Tell HER that im better at acting and im gonna be a future star!
Kizana: OH PLEASE~ I’m the better star here since I am the drama club’s leader~
Shoku: uh…you can both be good actors since you have skills..
Kizana: you’re just too nice darling~
Tsuruzo: ugh whatever..anyways hello Shoku~ may I have one?
Shoku: uh..s-sure? Heh..
Tsuruzo: thank you! Taste amazing as always~ *kisses Shoku’s cheek*
Shoku: h a p p y
Geiju: uh..Shoku..I have a question
Shoku: what’s up geiju?
Geiju: so..you know how I was sleeping over at kaga’s house?
Shoku: Mhm
Geiju: well..when I got back you weren’t there so umm..I was wondering
Geiju: why the actual fuck is there a used condom on the ground when I woke up?!
Tsuruzo: *gives a rose to shoku* here you go darling~ for giving me such an amazing show yesterday~
Shoku: tsuruzo..WE’RE IN PUBLIC!!!
Kaga: geiju is better 😍
Tsuruzo: nonsense! Shoku is 10x better since he can make delicious treats!
Kaga: hmph~ but can he make you pose naked for reference~?
Tsuruzo: e-eh???
Shoku: ew wtf geiju you make kaga strip and make him pose?
Geiju: yes. And I get a reward after. My legs hurt..🥲
Shoku: OH!too much Info
Amai: hey shoku. Why didn’t you come to club activities yesterday?
Shoku: u-uh…
Seiyo: he was getting his a- mmmfhh!!
Shoku: nothing nothing!!! I Just uh..overslept since I was taking a nap!! I’m sorry.
Aija: Mhm..sure Shoku sure..
Drama club
Kokona: Oh hello tsuruzo! Uh why didn’t you come to club activities yesterday?
Tsuruzo: mmm..I was too busy for all that~
Kizana: what could POSSIBLY be more important then coming to club activities?!
Shozo: I know why he didn’t come
Kizana: why?!
Shozo: a good friend never tells his secrets *winks at tsuruzo*
Tsuruzo: *winks back*
Shoku: why..
Tsuruzo: tf you mean why?
Tsuruzo: cuz I felt like it ☺️
Shoku: you’re carrying me to school tomorrow
Tsuruzo: okay fair
Tsuruzo: give me a kiss
Shoku: no..
Tsuruzo: whyyy🥺
Shoku: because..you..you were being mean..
Tsuruzo: 🥺🥺 pwease for meeee
Shoku: no..hmph..
Riku: kokon- AAA
Saki: *with pepper spray* BEGONE THOT SHE’S MINE
Saki: oh..oops..
Kokona: riku..😭
Itachi: so..may I ask why the locker room was locked..and I heard mumbling that sounded like moans?
Gema: Bro..there was someone in there doing the dirty..
Shin:..uh..I have a feeling..it could have been..um..kaga and geiju?
Kaga: I mean we totally would BUT it wasn’t us
Geiju: do me a favor and kill yourself with your chemicals
Kaga: anything for you my life 🥺🥺
Geiju: wait no-
Uekiya: shoku tsuruzo? You two are being too quiet? Was it you guys..?
Shoku: n-no..heh..I was uh..um..*sweats*
Tsuruzo: lol yeah it was
Itachi: that’s gross..why didn’t you clean up after yourselves..there was white stuff all over the place 😭😭
Tsuruzo: we were late so I didn’t have time to clean up. Sorry not sorry
Shoku: I sometimes ask myself why I’m dating a sex addict 🙁
Tsuruzo: because you wuv me :3
Shoku: here you go tsu!
Tsuruzo: ..feed me..
Shoku: eh?! Um okay..?
Tsuruzo: feed me your c-
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
I need to know what you think about the whole Joe thing because at this point I'm genuinely so confused as to what's going on
i hesitate to even answer this at all, anon, because I'm honestly in the same boat as you.
all i can honestly say is something about this situation doesn't feel right to me. i don't really wanna say too much because i dont want to fan the joe is a beard bullshit but the whole "differences in personality" thing... almost that exact same wording was used during the coverage of the harris x swift break-up. im not gunna look it up but if you research the people article for it, you can see what im talking about.
we also know that as soon as midnights, her most accurate album to date, she wrote sweet nothing about her relationship with Joe. Its a really hard pill for me to swallow that after seven years of music about how supportive and how understanding he is of her career, the thing that broke them apart was "differences in personality."
but then there is haim, gigi, blake and ryan, austin unfollowing him off instagram. why? why would they do that right now, in the middle of her tour being made about this fucking break up, when they absolutely KNOW that people will be reading into those actions. however, there is also the possibility that none of those people were actually following on insta to begin with because he doesnt actually post on there. i have no way of verifying that they actually recently unfollowed him but the words of the same fans who believed he deleted the cat photo of his insta when it was just a story in the first place.
all i can say for certain is the pap pictures are planned easter eggs about a work related project. she knows we expect speak now so it would be the perfect time to throw another curveball at us. i can also see taylor deciding to have some fun with the media coverage of her tour, especially if she is announcing a film soon in which she tackles fame and the media specifically in it, when she told us in lavender haze the way she protects her relationship is by ignoring the media. like, she could be showing us how much of a mastermind she actually is. like, im getting so much deja vu from 1989 era and the fact that she used the same wording as calvin harris break up, that makes me so suspicious. i still think she's planning on coming out this summer so im not sure if this could somehow be related to that?
i keep going back to the coverage of this relationship, the media narrative she crafted of this man who supports her superstardom and just wants to be in her presence and nothing else, and how it's a complete 180 from everything she has let us know up to this point. like, the fact that in the span of 2 weeks, we have had swifties take the narrative from "they broke up" to "he cheated on her" also just makes me feel like super gross about the situation.
like i am just not a fan of all the drama about taylor's personal life all of a fucking sudden now that we think she's single as a fandom. like, wow, and like she spent so much of their relationship shading the people who called it fake or disgenuine, that i just... i dont know. nothing about how this is playing out makes any sense to me.
taylor hid the relationship for almost a year, you don't think she would have waited until the tour was over to release this news??? and then we got the pic of joe, which like, thats the first pap pic ive ever seen of him alone i think and that also makes me question why we're seeing him right after taylor. like, she was so happy right up until tour, it kind of makes me think something dramatic did happen because why did they all unfollow him?
i just don't really know what the fuck is going on. I dont really believe any of what they say is the reason they broke up, i guess. if they did break up, it sure as shit isnt even close to what the media is running with imho.
and then im like idk this whole thing just doesnt make sense and that's really all i have to say about it.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
hi im asking u this bc u seem to be bee duo enthusiast so
ive been calling c! beeduos relationship platonic because i thought that was what their cc’s said, and i thought they had said that they were uncomfortable with ppl shipping the characters. But ive seen a lot of posts that say their relationship is canonically romantic? and i absolutely do not want to come across as homophobic by watering down a mlm relationship to just friends because that happens so much in media so.
what is the canon state of their relationship / ur opinions on the platonic thibg
dont worry abt answering if u dont want to!! i see a lot of differing opinions and i trust yours :)
aw it’s totally fine, im flattered you asked me about this!
let me put it simply: it’s a whole mess, lol.
first im going to talk about what’s happened fandom-wide that caused differing opinions, and then i’ll explain my own opinion/interpretation. :]
(this got really fucking long im so sorry)
ranboo and tubbo initially proclaimed the relationship was romantic, specifically in argument with the wiki editors who had set it as platonic by default. (you can see this in the vod where they decide they’re canonically married— it’s very funny. chat tells them the marriage is already on the wiki, they check, tubbo is jokingly offended that it says platonic and asks if he needs to up the romance).
tubbo also makes jokes about adultry, which sort of implies the relationship is not necessarily a platonic one.
(theres definetly more in that stream alone but it’s been a long time since i watched it so i don’t remember a lot of it.)
the wiki, because of this, suffers from going back and forth on platonic and romantic, seemingly unsure where the joke ends and the canon begins, or if its canonically a joke! a mess, as you can already tell.
this gets more complicated as the marriage bit goes on: outsiders, such as phil and scott, both at one point say “platonic marriage”, which then ranboo and tubbo agree with. however, when chat asks them if they’re platonic, they say the opposite. so there is a lot of confusion there.
there’s also the difficulty of being able to tell streamers and characters apart. ranboo and tubbo both don’t like being shipped irl, and that’s their boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. (they’re also minors, but tbh when they’re 18 in a year i will still be following their boundaries regardless of their legal age).
due to people not wanting to be accused of minor shipping, they started adding the platonic tone indicator to most of their drawings— basically a way of saying “no homo”. meanwhile, tubbo frequently on stream flirts with ranboo and makes quite a bit of nsfw comments towards him that are frankly hilarious.
this goes on for a while with nobody really sure what’s canon, but a lot of people assuming it’s probably platonic, until: the drama of the mods night. a few mods dmed all the wiki editors telling them ranboo wanted his canon character relationship officially set to platonic.
unfortunately for those mods; the very same day, a few hours later, ranboo on stream makes fun of puffy delivering him and tubbo “friendship flowers”. because, and i quote, “bruh. we’re literally married. this must be how the ancient greeks felt.”
in case you don’t know, the internet often jokes about how historians will call ancient greeks ‘very good friends’ when they are quite obviously gay. so in this context, ranboo is joking that people will call him and c!tubbo, who are married, “close friends”, when he doesn’t think they are.
basically, ranboo canonized romantic bee duo, the very same day the mods told everyone he’d wanted a platonic one.
chaos and drama immediately erupted everywhere. on tumblr, we were talking about how weird it was of his mods to do something like that without asking him first. we ALSO talked about how weird it was of them to assume that ranboo can’t make his own decisions, or assume teenagers cannot be in relationships without it being sexual. twitter did the same thing but in the opposite direction: called ranboo mods homophobic, or said they were mad ranboo felt pressured into making a romantic relationship canon ‘just so people could have mlm rep.’
i dont want to go into detail about the drama that happened that night because apparently official people follow me and i dont want to stir it up or have them come “clarify” things. im just saying what we talked about.
ranboo in typical ranboo fashion apologized quickly and seriously. he was deeply sorry for possibly offending anyone with how he’d portrayed his rp relationship with tubbo, and he also assured everyone the mod thing was just a miscommunication.
he said he would talk to tubbo and they’d decide once and for all whether it was platonic or romantic, and then announce so everyone would know.
it’s now been a few months and we've had no word from them on that development. we still have no clue.
now, here’s my opinion:
i want to take ranboos word for it that it was a miscommunication with his mods, but... we had it on good authority from people on the wiki team and people in the discord with the mods that (while it was happening) they were really going after the wiki admins, and also made some weird comments about it. that combined with the way ranboo seemingly had no clue (considering he canonized their romance that very same day).... it’s very. sus of the mods.
then there’s the canon we’ve got since then. although occasionally adults in the room have called it a “platonic marriage” and tubbo once (back when it first started) called it a “plankton tectonic” marriage, in roleplay it’s been... kind of not that. tubbo and ranboo make nsfw jokes about each other in character, and their characters also share a master bedroom and bed in the mansion. there's also the way c!tommy really thinks it’s a romance between them as well, and they agree with and play off that— for instance confirming that they “fell in love” when he asked, or ranboo confirming that they “make out on occasion”.
people will still put platonic on their art and posts, imo, because they’re worried about breaking ranboo and tubbo’s irl boundaries by looking like they ship them. or even just being accused of shipping real life minors. and that’s a valid fear to have.
the thing is though: c!bee duo are not cc!bee duo. they’re roleplay characters. cc!bee duo are not okay with being shipped, but they made their characters get canonically married, and call each other “husbands”. so it’s okay to write the word “husband” in your comic without adding “platonic” to it, i promise.
telling the ccs that their characters have to be platonic is... weird. it comes off as not only babying them, but also as saying teens can’t date without it being gross. which isn’t true.
(this is why seeing people overuse “platonic husband” so much bothers me. like, they ARE husbands. you can just say it. what are you trying to hide...?)
do i think they’re canonically romantic? ehh, its likely. it’s still okay to interpret them as platonic, because again, it’s hard to tell where jokes end and roleplay begins. like, maybe it’s jokes in the rp too, and c!bee duo are just friends. friends can and should be allowed to make jokes like that with each other! aro & ace marriages exist!
or, maybe it’s actually part of the rp, and they’re very much romantic. we don’t know!
some people say they could be a qpr (queerplatonic romance), which i could see. (a qpr is a relationship that fluctuates between, or can’t quite be sorted into, “romantic” and “platonic”. people in a qpr can do romantic things while having platonic feelings for each other). in my opinion this is a very valid interpretation as well!
CONCLUSION (sorry this got so long omfg):
are c!bee duo romantic?
its likely, but you can still interpret them however you like!
should i put /p on bee duo content?
ehhh? i find it annoying when it’s overused (as do others), but if you’re worried you can. its up to preference. putting it too much is weird though
should i put /p on things cc! bee duo do?
no. you’re not the one saying it so you can’t decide the tone tags for that. imagine you said something to your friend and a random stranger came up and was like “haha but that was /p right...?”
can i ship c!bee duo?
mmm. i’m not sure on this one. they are canonically married and very flirtatious, but the ccs don’t like being shipped and they’re close enough to being the ccs that actively shipping might be against boundaries.
can i treat c!bee duo as romantic?
yes. literally just don’t be weird about it. it’s not that hard! you can understand that two characters are husbands without making it weird
here’s the most important thing: boundaries. cc bee duo still haven’t told us what their preferences and canon is about this whole thing.
right now, i am assuming based on what they already show us they’re comfortable with, but! the second they give us any more info! all these opinions will change!
i am only going off what they do. i would never want to cross boundaries at all. i just wish they would make theirs a little more clear.
..... i hope that helped anon, i went way off the rails... i need to go to sleep.
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animentality · 2 years
im gonna self identify as bisexual and nonbinary before i start this post, and get stupid people mad at me, alright? proceed with that knowledge before you get your straight woman-burning torches out
i hate how every time a lesbian show comes out, people immediately rush to say, “all y’all mlm lovers had better show up for this show too or else you’re homophobic and fetishizing!”
how about you not decide what other people should be interested in??? 
what gives you the right to say what other people should like?
no one has to like anything. 
so straight girls aren’t as into lesbian shows as lesbians. 
why does this shock you?? if they’re straight, they’re into guys making out. 
they have different romantic and sexual interests than you!! does it shock you that gay men prefer gay shows over lesbian shows? 
are straight men allowed to like first kill, or is it a lesbian only event?
Why do we equate activism with our entertainment tastes??? 
Liking First Kill doesn’t make you a queer activist, the fuck?
Like listen. 
I haven’t watched the show. I don’t really like vampire stories. In fact, I kind of hate them. So I probably won’t watch it, not because I’m homophobic or whatever, but literally because I didn’t like Twilight either. 
But why does this count as some kind of crime? 
Why are we playing this game of, “you’re required to watch this if you’re queer or support queers?” 
no, the fuck, you are not. 
why do you require all queer people, and straight people, to love every single gay show you like, or else they’re bad, nasty people who probably harass lesbians and burn pride flags?
what is this bullshit rhetoric too, where you’re like:
“Oh you’ll watch heartstopper but you won’t watch first kill???”
the two are not alike other than being gay. 
maybe people are into teen high school dramas (I don’t fucking get it, I actually am not interested in heartstopper either). 
maybe they’re not into teen vampire stories.
maybe first kill sucks.
i don’t know, i haven’t seen it.
my point is just this, ok. 
stop. insisting. everyone. love the same shit you do.
just because it’s a lesbian show.
im sorry that you feel people don’t support wlw shows as much as mlm.
im sorry that there are straight women who are gross and fetishizing and problematic and creepy. 
i know there are. 
im not defending all of them here. 
I just resent this implication, every time that a wlw show comes out, that it’s because ohhh straight women are the issue!
there are plenty of lesbian shows that were really fucking popular. with like, everyone. 
orange is the new black, killing eve, the l word. lesbians are also more likely to show up in cartoons like steven universe, she-ra, owl house. 
these are popular fucking shows. but for a multitude of reasons. 
and people tell us about the lore, the world building, the characters.  
it’s not just people saying oh watch it bc its gay. 
i say this as a bisexual, that’s actually not good enough, for me anyway, to watch something. i resent being told that i NEED to watch a vampire show im not interested in, or a teen romance show im not interested in, just bc a pack of social media activists say that i should be. 
consider that your tastes are not universal. 
and you can promote first kill without trying to gay guilt people into watching it by insisting they aren’t allowed to like heartstopper if they don’t like first kill. 
im sick of it. 
can you say the show is good for this or that reason, or are you just gonna lean on everyone, straight woman or man, by saying HOW DARE YOU NOT WATCH A SHOW THAT I LIKE?
Get off your gay high horse. I’m bringing you down with my bisexual lasso to tell you to chill out and stop tearing down gay shows to prop up others. 
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST IDEA. But may I also propose: Magnus cursed from a young age (probably bc of Asmodeus) that anyone who touches him is hurt by a blast of magic he can't control. (This may result in his mother's death). He locks himself away of his own will. Alec teaches then that it's fear that makes him lash out. Featuring: touch starved Magnus.
this idea is GENIUS actually and i love it. tbh me and my friend have a similar idea that we talk to each other about (lol) but it isn't a B&B thing, its more of an adventure AU. anyway, lets go!
so in this universe i guess magnus banished asmodeus like in the original sh verse but asmodeus cursed him with the "everyone you touch will be in indescribable pain" thing. maybe just as revenge, maybe to try and use it as bargaining chip because okay magnus, is it freedom that u want? u want to be able to have ur own friends and ur own life? fine. get me back, and ill leave u alone, and ull be free to have friends again. if not, ull be still isolated just like before. so is it gonna be win-win, or lose-lose?
but magnus doesn't budge because he knows that if he lets asmodeus free things will only get worse not only for him, but for the whole world. he is too dangerous to be out there. so, magnus resigns to his fate
and i guess in this version he wouldnt have a lot of close friends because he had been with asmodeus his whole life before he was cursed, so he was just. alone in his self-imposed isolation with no one to talk to. maybe he enchants the furniture so they gain sentience but they can't really feel pain, so at least he has someone to talk to. god im so fucking sad already
so is the furniture his friends in canon? im not entirely sure how i feel about that but also the idea of ragnor as that clock from the original movie is great. thats my most important thought on the subject ngl
btw its 4 degrees Celsius in here so im typing with gloves on so ull have to excuse my typos i am a mere brazilian and i want death
anyway okay so i guess his friends are like pieces of furniture that he spelled into sentience and they aren't his servants or anything cuz that's gross but they just like, hang out. wow im actually managing to type pretty well all things considered
so at least magnus has people to talk to but he's still touch starved because you know... a clock can't hug you and that'd just be weird. maybe them becoming sentient was an accident? lmao like magnus just wanted to automate some functions like having the clock talk to tell him the time or something and it turned out that they became sentient. possibly his magic is a little fucky because of the curse so that's why that happened? or maybe he just is way more powerful than he realizes and we all know he invented the spells he used to try and automate the things anyway. but if he gets people to talk to, well, he's not complaining
im focusing too much on this. anyway. id also like to note that im making rapha the cook/stove thing because i mean, come on. it's right there
and ok i guess alec comes into this because he uhhhhhh no u know i might go with that izzy thing. so izzy ran away from home because of maryse's bullshit and alec was sent to bring her back. so he was going after her but in the middle of the path there was the whole wolf attack thing that scared off his horse and LUCKILY magnus' house/tower/whatever was right next!!! so of course they take alec and his horse in but also WHOOPS there's a huge snowstorm that lasts for days (par the course for where magnus lives, actually. he DID want somewhere people would avoid. but also i think maybe his magic being fucky has something to do with it) so i guess alec is stuck at magnus' for the foreseeable future
which is HELL for magnus because he is terrified out of his mind that they will accidentally touch and alec will be hurt. and like.... his Constant Crave For Touch is already bad on a regular day, but having someone who could actually hug him in theory just makes it worse, you know? he hasn't interacted with other human beings in so long, just having one there is enough to make his need for touch almost unbearable and just... completely constant. it's hell
so magnus is scared, which means that he keeps to himself. so he tells alec not to go into his room, he tries not to eat at the same time, and other stuff like that, bUT his friends keep sabotaging his plans because they want him to have another friend, jesus christ!! (rapha being like "come on now magnus, you don't want my soup to get cold, do you? i'll be deeply offended. i guess you have no choice but to eat with alec". so magnus goes but the first thing he does is magic his regular table into a gigantic rectangular table with 41908410 seats and seat on on the side opposite to alec. alec just sighs
so like he's constantly coming across as rude because he is trying to avoid alec, alec just doesn't know why
but alec is also a stubborn bitch who goes stir crazy and refuses to just sit around isolated doing nothing while they wait for the stupid storm to finally be over so he can go get his sister. and magnus saved his life, so it's the least he can do to repay him in some way. besides, this is what, the first time that he's been completely away from his mom? for such a long time too? and he's finding that he feels... weirdly free and just relieved and he doesn't want to waste that opportunity with standing idly around alone all day. he had enough of that at home, thank you very much
besides yeah magnus is being rude but alec is used to straight up assholes and abusers (jace. i'm talking about jace. also maryse ofc but mostly jace) and magnus is not that. in fact he makes very polite conversation and is actually pretty fun during dinner, all things considered. he's just.... super private, i guess
AND magnus' friends are all being a nightmare with the making them interact so you know. they end up interacting. and alec makes it a point to help him take care of his house because it is a certified Depression Lair™. magnus can take care of it magically but it's like... so dark and almost suffocating at times and there is stuff like bad painting and piping problems that he never bothered to fix because it isn't affecting the functionality too much but it DOES makes life harder and alec "everything must be at 100% always" lightwood is not here for it so for a few days they are working on fixing the house and... magnus actually feels a lot better when the place has actual sunlight and looks inviting and like a home, he has to admit. when he says that to alec it might be the first time he's given him a real smile and man, is alec smitten
sidenote i guess this means that magnus doesn't exactly... dress well in this au lmaoo i mean it makes sense too because canonically magnus uses dressing up as a way to convey an image of power and untouchability and he doesn't really need that in this AU since he is completely isolated. so i guess he is a bit more like twi magnus - bare-faced and wearing comfortable clothes and the like. this isn't a twi au i'm just saying that it makes more sense for him to dress like that in that context
anyway. after the whole house fixing thing, they officially become friends. it turns out that alec also knows a bit about what it's like to feel isolated and touch-starved (altho he's always had izzy to help in that department, but still) and also what crappy parents are like. magnus shows alec his little mirror that he's enchanted to be able to show him anything he wants and how he uses it to be able to see all the places in the world he'd like to visit - he loves people, he loves culture, and sometimes it's all he can do to watch what's going on in Mumbai and it makes him feel a little better, so, he does that. he also admits that sometimes he catches on some drama happening and uses the mirror to see the people involved and make sure they are okay. kinda like a soap opera of his own but he has the means to interfere and help because of magic, so he will have someone who's struggling with money suddenly find hidden cash or have an "unknown dead relative" give them a lot of money in their will, or something like that. and if he also watches some of their personal drama that unfolds, well. he is lonely and it's not hurting anyone
but magnus doesn't tell him about the curse, and he still makes sure to keep his distance. it stings a little to alec, but it hurts magnus the most because fuck, maybe he just desperately needs someone who will give him the time of day, but he likes this guy and that only makes it harder to keep his distance. he makes it a point to always be at at least two arms length from alec, which alec thankfully respects and doesn't try to get him to breach, but. shit. it's still so hard to not want to just rest his head on his shoulder or get a hug or even fucking touch pinkies like stupid children and he can't. alec even once jokingly suggests that they have a ball since magnus doesn't know how to dance and magnus is actually excited for a second before he remembers that he can't, it would have to mean that alec touches him, and he can't
someone - maybe ragnor - even suggests that maybe he could try gloves and heavy clothing so alec isn't really touching him but magnus refuses to try because he doesn't want to risk it not working and alec getting hurt, because he'd never forgive himself. besides, getting a taste would only make it hurt more. he can't. he can't
but it's alright because at least he has some human company - he loves his friends, he does, fiercely, but it's different when they kind of have no choice but to be with him and also are enchanted creatures. he doesn't even know if they aren't nice to him just because he enchanted them into life, even tho to be fair if he had a choice ragnor wouldn't be that grouchy - and alec makes him laugh and gets him and helped make his place feel more like home, a little bit. and he can pretend that he feels the warmth from alec's body when they are sitting by the fire and feed these crumbs to his desperate need for touch and company
and then the snowstorm ends and it's time for alec to go
honestly, alec himself is kind of heartbroken, but- he loves his sister, and he can't just leave her alone in god knows where, even if he dreads the thought of coming back home now that he's been away from his family for so long. but magnus doesn't want to keep him, and doesn't want alec to feel pity for him, so he's all but pushing alec out of the door (not literally, of course. he can't do that, it would mean touching him) all "go, go, you never know when another storm might start. go see your sister. take my mirror, you can find her more easy". and alec's all "but it's been the only thing-" and magnus waves him off, of course, all "i can always make myself another one. besides, you'll have something to remember me by. now go"
so.... alec goes
and hooo boy magnus is heartbroken and a mess because even tho he knew how much having someone else there helped he had almost forgotten what it was like to be the only human in the house. he just feels extra lonely and even kind of bad about it because hey, his friends are there - not that they begrudge him for it, of course. it's not like they don't also hope for the chance to get out of the house and do other things, but well. they can't. so they understand him. and they know how awful he's feeling right then, but what can they do?
meanwhile alec finds izzy pretty quickly - she's living with this one insufferable villager named clary that alec absolutely can't stand, but- she's happy. and she doesn't want to come back, which alec expected, but he finds that he can't actually insist for her to come back. how could he, when he himself doesn't want to go?
and izzy insists that he stays with her - there's no reason for him to come back. they can stay in the village, and work, and build a life for themselves. alec is the only thing she's been missing ever since she left, and in here the both of them can actually be happy. and do it together, like they're meant to
and when he first gets into the village is the first time since izzy ran away that he was hugged and fuck, it's hard to say no to her
but also... he misses magnus already
and he doesn't know if he can just stay and leave him behind
and of course izzy is like "who is magnus?" so alec tells her the story, how he was attacked by wolves and rescued by this house that miraculously was in the middle of the single most inhospitable placealec had ever seen in his life. and the kind but wary stranger who always keeps his distance but seems so eager for connection, who made alec feel welcome and laugh and feel like he built a life for himself there
and clary tells him that she's heard of the story, but she never knew it was more than a legend - no one really remembers what happened. some say that magnus made a sacrifice to rid the village of a demon, and it turned him into a beast, forever locked in his castle. some say that he himself is the demon, and it's the tower that's containing him and keeping the village safe. some even say that he died battling the demon, and it's his ghost that keeps watch on the tower
she wants alec to explain which one is true, but it's all alec can say that none of these are right and he knows nothing because magnus never told him. all alec knows is that he doesn't want to leave magnus behind
and clary is like... well, if he's not a demon or a ghost, maybe we could bring him to the village too. he has magic, right? he could bring the tower closer. and maybe the other villagers could, you know, visit him and hang out. and he wouldn't be as lonely, and then alec and izzy could both stay
driven by this failproof plan, they decide to go back to magnus and tell him their great idea
except they are IDIOTS and forget about. you know. the damn wolves
and like holy shit is this pack big or what? like no seriously why are there infinite wolves in that one singular pack in beauty and the beast. like holy shit dude there's more wolves near the beast's house than in the whole yellowstone park
anyway there are Many Wolves and while alec is a good archer, izzy is a fantastic fighter, and clary is Fucking Crazy if you give her something stabby, there's only so many wolves they can take on at the same time
good thing magnus is a pining idiot who did in fact make himself another magic mirror and was watching alec with it. so he knows that the dumbass is in trouble and for the first time in years, he uses the portal (his own invention, and he had never gotten to use it before!) to get to them and fight off the wolves
so magnus saves all their lives, at the cost of getting severely injured and passing the fuck out. izzy, who's the one closest, runs to get to him and help put him on one of their horses... and is immediately hit by a blast of magic that almost makes HER pass tf out too
which is when they finally learn that, oh. that is the curse
izzy is fine, of course - the pain ended as soon as she was away from magnus
but it does pose the problem of How The Fuck Are They Getting Him Back To Safety, because they can't exactly wait for magnus to wake up (it's freezing, for starters) but with this amount of pain it won't be physically possible for them to hoist him up and get him on the horse. shit, will the curse work on the horse?
they bring alec's horse (by far the strongest of them because alec is huge buff mcgee) and try to get him to touch magnus and the spell does NOT work on the horse because in order to be dramatic asmodeus was like "you shall never feel human touch again" when he cast the spell, which accidentally gave a LOOPHOLE for non-human animals. so magnus could have had cats the whole time, which he had always dreamed of, but he didnt want to risk testing. besides, his house would be a poor environment for a cat and [self torture noises]
anyway thats one less problem to deal with, 99 to go, so they use some ropes to hoist magnus on top of the horse and bring him back to the tower (it's closer than the village) so they can tend to his wounds. thankfully, as the assigned Big Brother of a very irresponsible izzy, alec has experience with first aid, altho he never really dealt with anything quite this bad. and magnus' friends help, too, as much as they can. inevitably this means that alec ends up touching him even if by accident sometimes, but he knows what to expect so he Powers Through It because he won't let magnus die, damn. and as horrible as that is alec has experience with powering through pain, so. he's gonna bandage him up god damn it
izzy can't stand to see him dealing with that himself tho, so she helps, and clary ends up helping as well because they figure sharing the pain makes it easier and alec doesn't have to be too hurt. minimal touching accidents for alec! good
*narrator voice* And Then Magnus Wakes Up And Alec Hugs Him
full on launches on top of him and brings him into his arms and Magnus screams like NONONO OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALEC NO GET OFF ME YOU'LL BE HURT and his shock and distress at the whole thing sends another whole blast of magic that explodes that whole mf before it can touch alec and alec feels no pain and magnus is like.............. did i just COUNTER the spell? and everyone's like well! it looks like u did!
which earns him ANOTHER hug (oh my god alec stop he's so stressed out by this) (who knew alec was so touchy?) and this time he's paying attention to that gut reaction and because magnus is a Certified Magic Genius he realizes what it is that he's doing to counter the spell and immediately starts working on a way to turn this into unhexxing himself for good
which he DOES after some time idk how long but alec stays with him meanwhile and maybe izzy and clary do too, because magnus needs all the company he can get and besides, izzy has always wanted adventure and clary has never left the village before, so this is interesting to them at least. and magnus gets to meet new ppl which is nice
eventually the Begone Spell spell is performed and it works and turns out that when it does that it also unfucks magnus' magic and perfects his sentience spell turning all of his friends into humans WOW WHOD HAVE THOUGHT. so all of them are free to leave the tower as ppl at the same time and GROUP HUG!! and magnus cries like a baby in the group hug because holy shit hes been needing something like this so bad for so long and he never expected to have that with his friends but here he is :)
and then yeah they all move to the village to live a simple but fulfilling life and Magnus and Alec start living together in a little cottage and become husbands the end <3 this is so long too rip me
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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peanut-in-the-goal · 4 years
could u write something like remus is out running errands or something and he gets recognized by an nhl fan who’s homophobic and shitty and he goes home and sirius comforts him and it’s cute and fluffy
@candy--floss--kid you asked to be tagged when i finished so here ya go
@lumosinlove thank you for this fandom that is sweater weather
also here’s the last thing I wrote because I'm proud of it please I thrive on validation
Remus was walking down one of the aisles in the store, looking for a baking mix. He figured that he’d finally take up the challenge of teaching Sirius how to bake. 
He found a simple recipe. Yellow cupcake mix, how could he mess it up? Remus thought to himself. He placed it in the cart before he felt someone forcefully slam into his shoulder. 
He stumbled, his hand immediately going to his scar from Grayback. He looked up slowly, dreading who he might see. 
His eyes locked with the dark green ones in front of him. The tall man’s eyes matched the Slytherin Jersey he wore. Riddle was in bold letters on the back. Which was bad, but not the worst thing that could have happened.
He allowed himself to breathe, it’s not Fenrir, he let the relief of it wash over him. 
“Sorry,” Remus said. He knew it wasn’t his fault but didn’t want to start any drama or conflict when there was no need for it. Especially with a Snakes fan,
He tried to just walk away. He had everything he needed for just a lazy day at home, but the man stepped in front of him. 
Remus looked up confused. Leo has told him about Karen’s doing this sort of stuff. Something that Gen Z came up with or whatever, but he wasn’t sure if he entirely grasped the concept. Suddenly the man started laughing. A deep menacing, laugh that had no humor behind it. 
His eyes were hard as he stared at Remus. 
“It’s not right you know.” He said. His voice was deep and loud, everyone else in the aisle turning to look. “You’re just a bunch of sinners.”
Remus realized what he was referring to in a heartbeat. He was taken aback at first, he knew people felt this way but he had yet to have anyone come and say it to his face so plainly.
He took a step back moving the cart to go around the man, “Excuse me,” he gritted out. He started pushing the cart before a hand reached out and grabbed it.
Remus raked a hand through his hair, sighing he looked up at the man. The green-eyed man was smirking at him, holding onto the front of the cart. The letters stood out in the harsh lighting of the store, glimmering every time he moved.
The words were printed underneath the symbol, the green snake. It made him sick, he felt bad for all the people who were drafted to that team, stuck without a chance of escaping on their own.
The queasiness in his stomach turned into anger. He used that.
“Was there something you wanted?” Remus asked, generally annoyed now. 
“I want you to know that it’s not fucking right.” The man stepped closer, Remus stayed where he was. 
“Noted, now if you don’t mind I think I’m going to go home to my boyfriend.”
One of the people next to him snorted and tried to hide their laughter at the affronted look on the green-eyed man's face. 
“How can you even look at yourself in the mirror?” The man sniped. 
“Easily, knowing that a homophobic git who can’t keep their nose in their own business isn’t looking back.”
More people laughed, Remus smirked. The man seemed to be getting angrier and angrier, which was just fine. 
“You’re broken.” The man pursed his lips.
“How original.”
Remus pushes the cart again, managing to make the man dislodge his fingers. He started towards the checkout, wanting to get out of there as soon as he could. 
It wasn’t his first time he heard these things. That was all he heard when he was in the media and the pictures had just come out. But Sirius had suffered through most of the face to face stuff, while Remus saw all of it online.
It didn’t make the impact of the words any easier.
It disgusted him that people still thought this way, that they didn’t like that he was able to find love with someone that wasn’t accepted. So what, oh no, they have the same genitals, obviously, it isn’t right. Fuck them for thinking that, honestly. 
It’s sad that they’re so limited to that type of mindset. Where only one thing is right and everything else is wrong in their eyes.
He huffed, walking down the aisle with his head held high. 
Stand your ground, don’t let him win. You got this.
The man followed him, yelling slurs from where he was trailing behind him. 
Don’t let him see, it’s okay. Just a little longer than you can go home to Sirius and everything will be alright.
He finally makes it to the front of the store, but of course, there’s a line. He stands waiting for self check out, it’s the shortest.
“It’s disgusting.”
“You’re disgusting.” Remus didn’t even raise his head to look at the idiot.
Just ignore it, don’t give him the time of day. Keep your head up.
“How am I disgusting?”
“You’re limiting people to only live by your standards and your viewpoints on what’s normal rather than letting them be happy and live how they want. It’s gross really, that you’re so closed-minded about these things for fucks sake.“
“I’m saying what’s right!” The man spluttered.
“How is it right? How is any of that right?” Remus snapped his head up to look at him, his eyes were hard. “You’re telling me that I’m not allowed to live my life or be happy because it doesn’t see fit to you?” He shook his head in outrage.
The man opened his mouth to speak but Reus didn’t let him.
“Ever hear of John Locke. Our three natural rights that we’re all born with? One of them being the Pursuit of Happiness. I’m not hurting you am I? Me happening to like other men does not affect you, it affects me. It makes me happy and you’re really going to come out here and fucking tell me that I’m not allowed to be happy?”
“Well, what?”
The man was at a loss for words, scrambling to grab onto anything to say but he couldn’t.
“It’s still not right.” He said gruffly.
“Yeah, you said that already.”
The man glared at him before huffing and walking away. Remus sighed in relief. 
He walked up to the check out that had just opened, swiping his items before getting a bag and rushing out of the store. 
Some people smiled at him in encouragement, but he was so drained and just wanted to be home at the moment.
He threw the bag in the passenger seat, climbing into the car to drive. He sat there for a minute.
In for four, hold for six, out for eight. Repeat. It’s okay.
He shuffled his playlist, smiling softly and humming along to the tune of Free Fallin by Tom Petty. He was definitely free falling when he fell in love with Sirius.
The drive home was short, luckily they lived close by.
He pulled up into the driveway and quickly scrambled out of the car. His chest felt tight and there was a lump forming in his throat. He jiggled the key in the lock, difficult because of how shaky his hands were.
Finally, he heard a soft click and stepped inside.
“Baby?” Remus called through the house, his voice cracked slightly. He could hear the dull noise of the TV in the other room, then some shuffling, before Sirius’ goofy grin popped around the corner. Slowly, it morphed to one of concern.
“Re?” Sirius took in his red face, and trembling lips, before pulling him into a hug. Remus sagged against him, letting Sirius support his weight and dropping his head against his shoulder.
“Vas tu bien, mon Loup?” Remus nodded his head slowly against Sirius’ neck because though he might not actually be okay, he felt safe in Sirius’ arms. He held on tighter when Sirius went to let go.
“Mon loup? What’s wrong?” Sirius asked. He pulled back just enough to be able to look at his face. 
Remus stuttered for a moment.”There uh…” Sirius rubbed his side soothingly. “There was this idiot at the store, h-he said it wasn’t right?” His voice came out as a question. He bit his lip hard against the tears welling up.
God, why did he feel like crying? It’s not like he hasn’t heard all of this before because he has. But having someone saying it to his face like that in the middle of a store where he’d never had problems before was like a punch in the gut. Was this how it was going to be from now on?
Was he going to get stopped on the streets or in the stores and restaurants just because he was gay? Because he chose love over being what everyone else wanted him to be?
As long as he got Sirius it would be worth it in the end. It had to be.
“Wasn’t right?” Sirius furrowed his brow. “Oh.” The realization dawned on his face.
“No, no, Remus, non.  He’s wrong, He—”
“I know.” Remus looked at him. “I know. Just… Is this how it’s going to be from now on? Are people always going to look at us like we’re different j-just because we love each other?”
Sirius made a sad almost whine like noise. “I’m sorry Re…”
Remus sighed, dropping his forehead to rest against Sirius’s shoulder again. “At least I have you.” His words were muffled but Sirius still understood.
He smiled softly at his boyfriend. “I could say the same thing. Come on.”
Sirius led Remus back to their living room, the TV playing some cooking show that started when Sirius’ had ended. Sirius sat on the couch, pulling Remus to lay down with him.
“Has it always been this bad for you?” Remus murmured, his eyes were already shut. He cuddled further into Sirius.
“I guess. I don’t know, I stopped listening to that stuff, they’re all wrong anyway.” He grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the couch and draped it over them both.
“I’m sorry, I love you.” Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of Remus’ hairs.
“I love you too,” but Remus was already softly snoring away.
Remus’s eyes fluttered open sometime later. He was curled on the couch with Sirius. It was dark outside, the stars shining through the leaves of the tree that stood outside their window.
He shifted to rub at his eyes, yawning.
“You’re cute.” 
Remus snorted. “I just woke up.”
“You’re still cute.” Sirius laughed softly, brushing some stray strands of hair from Remus’ face.
Remus yawned again. “What time is it?”
Sirius grabbed his attention phone from where it was laying next to him. “7:30, you’ve been asleep for a while.”
Remus huffed, sitting up all the way. 
“I was going to teach you how to bake a cake,” he pouted. 
“I know how to bake a cake!” Sirius exasperated, “I also stand by my statement of you’re cute.”
Remus huffed out a laugh.  He stood up, “I’m sure you do.”
“I do! Celeste taught me.”
“She taught you or she tried to teach you, there’s a difference.” Remus raised his eyebrow,
“Fine, she tried.” 
“Then I will conquer the impossible.” He said it boldly, standing up at the same time, making them both laugh. 
“I’m not impossible.” 
“Teaching you is,” Remus smirked, tugging Sirius’ hand to make him get off the couch.
He felt so much lighter now. Being around Sirius tended to have that effect on him. He made him forget what he was worried about, and made him feel safe and loved. The man from the store was still in the back of his mind nagging at him but at this moment that didn’t matter. Nothing matters except the two of them. And wasn’t that wonderful?
“I am not impossible to teach,” Sirius whined. Remus laughed, walking into the kitchen.
“Yes, you are baby,” Remus shook his head fondly, looking for the bag from the shop. He didn’t see it. “I think I left the stuff in the car, I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll get it!” Sirius grabbed the keys before Remus could, a dopey grin on his face.
“Must everything be a competition?” There was no bite behind his words, watching Sirius fling the door open. The cold air from outside drifted into the heated house, Remus shivered.
The door shut and Sirius was back in front of him, bag in hand.
“Ready to show you that I can learn!”
“Did you lock the door?” Sirius hesitated for a moment. Remus had to bite back a laugh, “I’ll go lock it,” he pressed a kiss to Sirius’ cheek.
“Now we’re ready,” He pressed a kiss to Sirius’ cold nose this time.
He took out what he bought, vanilla extract, a boxes of cake mix, sugar, and sprinkles.
“Okay so…” He held one of the boxes, reading the recipe on the back. “Can you preheat the oven to 350 degrees, baby?” He asked. Sirius looked at him before walking over to the oven. “Or, do you want me to do it?” 
“I can do it.” Remus laughed.
“Sorry.” Sirius batted Remus’s hands away. “Okay, what’s next?”
“Uh, we have to make the batter. Can you get the eggs out please?”
“Mhm,” he got the eggs from the refrigerator, placing them gently on the island. 
“Alright wait, we need 3 eggs, ½ a cup of oil, a cup of water, and this.” He held up the mix for emphasis. 
“That’s it?”
“Yep,” he smiled at Sirius. He owed one heck of a lot to that idiot. His idiot.
“Easy,” Sirius dragged out his words and laughed.
“See you say that now, but something has to go wrong I swear.”
Sirius grumbled as he went to crack the eggs into the bowl for the electric mixer. Remus laughed again, going back to reading the instructions, making sure that they were doing it right.
“Oops.” Remus snapped his head up.
“Oops? What do you mean oops?” He leaned over to look at the bowl. Half an eggshell laid on its side in a bowl, on top of the already broken up egg.
“Told you something would go wrong,” Remus laughed, carefully picking it out to throw away.
They worked on making the batter, Remus telling Sirius what to do. Finally, everything was in the bowl and they just had to mix it.
“Okay, you can turn on the — hey wait!” 
Sirius pulled the little switch on the side of the mixer. All the way.
 “No! Sius don’t.” But it was too late, the powder from the cake mix flew everywhere. Finally Remus was able to hit the switch back, turning it off.
They looked around, but the mix had covered the counter tops and ground in a sheet of what looked like dust. 
A startled laugh came from him, Sirius following right after. Their shoulders shook with mirth.
“Well that was a bust.”
“And we still haven’t even started on the frosting yet.”
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deniigi · 4 years
bro, work made me depressed that I literally left my seat to regain any resemblance of joy or something equivalent before breaking down again. Do you think you can provide a ficlet I involving Peter and Sam to cheer me up?
Title: Calibrating
Summary: Sam and Peter talk themselves towards a meaningful discussion.
Peter did this thing—this infuriating thing where he texted shit like ‘come over’ and then Sam had to bend over backwards to be flirty and coy.
It was imperative that he came across as flirty and coy.
Im-fucking-perative, regardless of what Leilani said or Matt’s annoyance at what he called the ‘jungle of depravity’ that overtook the group chat pretty much daily.
Sam didn’t care.
If Peter texted the group or sent any message that might be construed upside-down as something romantic or sexual, Sam not only had to catch it, but he had to volley it back.
This, he told Leilani, sealed their No-Homo contract.
She stared at him.
He decided to demonstrate.
“See, here, look, I’ll show you,” he said, dragging out his phone. “Exhibit A. There he is, see? Asking about the strength of PVC pipe in pounds per meter like a fuckin’ tease. Now I can’t just let him think that I saw that and didn’t think of it as a metaphor, alright? So I say—”
“Sam, why does he need to know the strength of PVC pipe?” Leilani interrupted.
It didn’t matter. That wasn’t the point of this discussion.
“I’m sending a winky-face,” Sam informed her as he did that very thing.
Leilani stared harder than before.
But look, skepticism was unrewarded. Peter texted a kiss right back and said ‘oh boo, you always know just want to say.’
How could she not see the No-Homo? Sam could do this all day. He could and there would be absolutely no problems and he wouldn’t want to suffocate himself in his pillow at the end of it all.
It was fine.
“Samuel,” Leilani said, “I’m going to tell you something and I want you to hear it with an open heart. Will you open your heart for me?”
Sam spun around in his chair and arranged his arms and legs so that they were as open as they could feasibly be without being obscene.
“I am more open than a boiled clam,” he informed her.
Leilani blinked slowly, then shook her head and checked over her shoulders. She waved him in closer. Then closer. And then close enough that he could smell her perfume on her neck.
“You’re the tease,” she said.
Then she left the backroom. And Sam could only stare after her, frozen in horror as his wide-open heart wrinkled in on itself, picking up mass and gravity until it was naught but a black hole.
“I’m the tease?” he whispered to himself in shock.
Oh no.
Matt dropped his collection of folders and swore, clutching at his chest.
“We have discussed volume, Sam,” he said, bending down to collect his paper children.
Sam took the opportunity to throw both arms around his neck from behind as a threat.
“Don’t lie,” he warned. “Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, amen.”
Matt stood up and Sam felt his toes leave the floor. He hadn’t planned this far ahead.
“Or what?” Matt asked, 110% unfazed.
Sam wished that his feet weren’t kicking around in air here. It really put a dent in his intimidation factor.
“Am I a tease?” he asked.
Matt faced front with heavy eyebrows. Sam couldn’t see his face from this angle, but he knew that aura of irritation.
“If you have to ask the question, then you already know the answer,” Matt said. “Does that help?”
“No, I hate you now, actually,” Sam told him.
Matt dropped him right on his ass.
 There had to be a way to attain proof. To determine once and for all that it was Sam who was in the wrong here, misinterpreting things like the genius that he was.
Thankfully, Sam’s experience of growing up as a non-only child for the last two decades had prepared him exactly for this type of conversation.
HC: yes
HC: next question
HC: my dear brother, the only options if something is not no-homo is for it to be no-no or homo-homo.
SC: Murder me
HC: gladly
SC: I’m in possible homo-homo with spiderman
HC: are you sure it’s not no-no?
HC: okay but like if it’s no-no then this is not a problem, right?
SC: If it’s no-no then I’ve read every sign wrong and I deserve to become a partially eaten tadpole awash in an indifferent boiling sea
HC: okay so we’re leaning INTO the drama today I gotcha. Alright but like, just for the sake of arguing, what if it was homo-homo?
SC: then I need you to bury my body somewhere no one will ever find it because my heart can’t stand requited love you know this about me.
HC: give me your login
SC: thank you I love you you’re the only person who matters
 BT: Spiderman.
SM: Blindspot. DMing? You okay?
BT: this is Hannah.
SM: hi Hannah are you okay? Did you need something?
BT: My brother never got tested for reading comprehension but would have failed anyways. Can you arbitrate an arbitrary argument for us?
SM: I’m positive that there is a link between those two ideas that I am missing, but sure?
BT: okay are you ready?
SM: my loins have been girded.
BT: gross. you two are made for each other. Okay: what are your opinions on 24yo Chinese dudes with bad vision who are 5’7” tall, with terrible hair and brains as big and gaseous as Jupiter?
SM: positive
BT: you’re so romantic spidey.
SM: I know
BT: I’m going to tell him now
BT: byeeeeeee
 Sam was going to have a heart attack. He couldn’t look at his phone. He was just going to lay here until he wasted away into a fossil.
Mm, yes, what a wonderful way to escape any and all feelings. That was—
His phone chirped and he nearly fell out of his chair in a hurry to answer it.
 HC: [image] [image]
HC: you owe me your bones
SC: AFASDFADFAS:FJaf’asdfjahsdlfihasdl’fas
HC: if you fuck spiderman you have to get pregnant and demand alimony for your beautiful mixed babies Samuel
SC: Darling sister, we’ve talked about this. it isn’t going to happen I still have yet to steal a womb
HC: try harder
HC: ttyl
 Okay, this was fine.
Everything was fine.
Spidey liked Sam back, it was no big deal. Spidey liked everyone back. Even the teases.
Fuck, Sam had to move.
 Foggy caught him biting his nails to pieces over the copy machine and asked him if he was okay. He was not. Foggy could read this off him. He didn’t ask again, but he did say that if Sam was feeling particularly anxious about something he was welcome to go have his breakdown upstairs in Kirsten’s kitchen instead of downstairs among the files.
Sam appreciated his offer. He hiked up the stairs, and halfway up, his phone chirped.
His heart stopped.
It chirped again, and then again. By the time he got to the top of the stairs, it was chirping every couple of seconds with messages being typed and sent at mach speed.
He kicked off his shoes and went to go stand over Kirsten’s sink to open the first one.
  PP: Sam it’s peter hey listen your sister messaged me
PP: and was asking some pretty invasive questions and I replied to her. I don’t know if you saw them but I just wanted to say that if that makes you uncomfortable in any way know that I absolutely don’t mind and I’ll stop
PP: you can tell me to fuck off if that crossed your boundaries. I shouldn’t have even messaged her back without asking you
PP: and obviously in future I won’t talk to her until I’ve cleared it with you I just wasn’t thinking I’m never thinking it’s a little hard to think sometimes
PP: especially when you message me back and I get caught up in the games and the emojis and stuff and like I’m sure that sometimes I overstep but I don’t mean to and you can tell me at any point if you want me to stop
PP: I guess I just really like to talk to you sometimes and it’s fun to have someone to banter with who actually banters back like not in a mean way but in a really nice and funny way. you’re an easy guy to talk to is what I’m saying
PP: which I’m sure you get a lot. I don’t mean that I want to like tell you all my problems I swear it’s not that it’s just more of a AHHHHH I don’t even know what I’m saying I think it’s sorry???
PP: I’m sorry??? I don’t mean to imply anything that isn’t there and I don’t want to make you feel like you have to either. Ar e you mad? Please don’t be mad okay wait no I’ve sent like seven fucking messages I’m being a creep oh my god IM SORRY ILL SHUT UP NOW OKAY SORRY BYE
  Oh nooooo.
The panic-induced infodump was not only familiar but horrendously endearing.
Sam had to explode now.
Man. Bummer.
  SC: it’s okay Peter
PP: is it tho??? Are you sure?
SC: I have positive feelings towards people like you too
  Sam’s heart pounded. He almost locked his phone and threw it in the sink, but another text came in just as that thought finished crossing his mind.
  PP: you do?
SC: yes of course I do
PP: oh nice
SC: yeah
  Annnnnnnd cue mutual nerd awkwardness. Great. Well done, Sam, you’ve done it again.
He sighed and turned away from the sink and sunk down onto the floor with his back against it.
Such a loser, Chung. So painfully awkward. Would it kill you to, just for once, slow down and chill for a minute?
  PP: hey sam?
  No, Sam just wanted to sit on this floor and wallow.
  PP: hello? Are you still there?
Sam let his head fall back against the sink. He closed his eyes.
His phone rang in his hand and he nearly had a heart attack. His fingers scrabbled over its face and the caller ID read ‘Peter Parker.’
Oh god.
Oh no.
Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.
“Hello?” he answered to the scratchy phone silence on the other side of the line.
He frowned.
“Hello?” he tried again, a smidge less desperate.
There he was.
“Hey,” Sam said. “Sorry, just got awkward.”
Peter laughed through the line.
“Me too,” he said. “That was awkward.”
A long pause.
“I’m doing it again,” Sam moaned into his hand.
“No, no. Hey, you’re good,” Peter said. “I was just uh. Calling because.” He trailed off.
Sam waited.
“Sam? You still there?”
He startled and cleared his throat.
“Yeah, I’m here,” he said. “Sorry, zoning out a little bit. You know, busy day.”
“Yeah,” Peter said.  “Yeah, I know.”
Sam breathed as quietly as he could. He could almost hear Peter doing the same on his end.
“Sorry, I’ve gotta g—” Sam started.
“Hey, do you like me?”
“No?” Sam answered and then punched himself in the leg. “Sorry. Uh. I didn’t—I mean, uh. Yes. Of course I like you. You’re a really good person. I admire you a lot.”
Hannah, oh Hannah, where is thine shovel? Sam needed it to dig this grave deeper, please.
“Oh. Okay, I just—I guess I uh, have a hard time reading the tone of your texts sometimes,” Peter said.
“It’s okay, I get that a lot,” Sam said. “I’ll try harder to be more direct.”
“No,” Peter said. “No, no, you don’t have to change anything.”
“Oh? Okay, well. Maybe I still will, though,” Sam said.
If Peter wouldn’t have heard him, he would have started to try to fit his whole fist in his mouth.
Five minutes of conversation and they were still saying nothing.
He swallowed.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Next time you’re in the city, would you, uh, maybe want to go out somewhere? With me?”
Out? What like, to a movie or something?
“Yeah, just like that,” Peter said. “’Cause I uh. Would like to. Do that, I mean. With you.”
“With me?” Sam asked. “Oh right, and your other friends, uh, names—sorry, I’m bad with names. N-ned?”
“No,” Peter said oddly abruptly. “Well, I mean—I don’t mean it like that. I just—just with you. For now. That’s what I mean.”
“Oh. Uh. Kinda like a date?” Sam asked through the forcefield of self-hatred that felt like it spanned the entire continental US.
There was a pause. Sam held his breath.
“Yeah,” Peter said. “Exactly like a date. If you don’t mind—you know, doing that with me.”
“Are you trying to lure me to a secondary location, Mr. Parker?” Sam asked seriously.
The laugh that met him made all the muscles in his shoulders relax.
“Maybe if the bit at the first location goes well,” Peter said. Then added hurriedly, “If you’re down for that.”
Sam was down for it right now.
Actually, maybe not in Kirsten’s kitchen. But like, right now in a different location.
“If it’s a movie date, we can do it through Netflix Party,” he pointed out faux-lightly. “It wouldn’t be the same, but we could do it this weekend, even. Saturday—I’m off Saturday.”
Peter said nothing for a long time.
“Okay. Saturday,” he finally agreed, “I can do Saturday. Kinda hard to hold your hand through a screen, but I can give it my best shot?”
“Oh, I bet you will,” Sam nearly choked.
“You’re really cute, Sam.”
“I wanted to kiss you last time you were here, but I was too, uh. Shy. Embarrassed. One of them.”
Sam was going to puke, but in like, the happiest kind of way.
“I like you a lot too, Peter,” he whispered.
“Are you crying?”
“What? No.”
“Shut up, I’m not. I—the old man’s downstairs, his ears aren’t as good through ceilings, but I just want to make sure—”
“Uh-huh,” Peter said. “I’m sure that’s what it is. So I’ll see you Saturday? Maybe Facetime or something?”
“Yeah, Saturday,” Sam said. “I’ll send you a time when I know. I’ve gotta go. Meltdown-alloted-breaktime is over.”
Peter laughed.
“Alright, man, I’ll talk to you later. Bye now.”
“Bye,” Sam said lamely.
He hung up the phone. He did not scream. But he did fist pump and then fall onto his side.
Here’s to hoping things get easier for you anon!!
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misterbitches · 4 years
wbl has mitigating circumstances that make sense wITHIN the story. non consensuality isn’t ok but there’s a foundation we see which, yes, is majorly failed in other tv shows. there are other ways to show whattever it is they feel like it (i watched the end of ep 2, im just too fuckin depressed rn to even think) but it’s intersting the cruelty exists not in A vacuum but the world with WBL creates where we can see that stark difference. something many BLs and shows in gen like kdramas or teen or new adult (essentially every youthfoul show cos exploitation and creator not caring) understand. TT is  a prime example of how it just doesn’t make sense these types of relationships unless there’s a solid enough foundation and at least a mild understanding of the inappropriateness.
right now, the toxicity is born out of like actual conflict. wer i  in in this situation, would i do any of that? no. in fact i’d beat anyone’s ass for ever manhandling me that way. i  want to itereate here emphasis none of this behavior is ok. since it is a tv show, they have more control and could ostensibly  have not written that. however, it’s okay for a show to flub that message, make us uncomfortable, or even truly fuck up the way we think it’s fucked up. i do NOT advise this to be a plan. HOWEVER: PEOPLE DO MAKE MISTAKES. the reddest flag of all is: ARE THEY WILLING TO CHANGE? if they are not, they do NOT deserve to be together.
which mbrings me here. theyre giving us a reason why.
the program gives itself the space and the foreground for it to be a story that isnt fuocused on how much they fuck and fight. ergo these behaviours cannot be repeated bc theyre in this instance. so many viewers of everything say people expect media to be perfect. no. we dont. it’s impossible and we live in a trash disgusting racist capitaist garbage hellfire. what you mean is you want to see people make mistakes but ultimately transgress them and sometimes people just do shit we wouldn’t forgive, or is  messed up, or the writers need to make DAMN FUCKING SURE is clear. 
but unlike most shows esp targeted for young teens both het and BL, thte consequences of love or what love means to young people is so skewed and poorly done because it’s by people who AREN’T that age, don’t know howhumans work, shit like that. i mean u can just tell by the acting even as sam is really goof and most experienced but has a real whole life outside of this persona, a girlfriend, goals of acting probably; showing what it’s like to be human in a way but not a projection of human fantasy through rape culture.
we like to see dysfunction for two reasons: as a way to get out of it or as a redemption arc
but for people who are making cheap shows for kids who don’t need to think about it it’s like: shitty execution, gross love, and no context for why they should even CONTINUE to stay together on top of the harm 
wbl is far from perfect like any other show  but it’s wil what happens when intentions are clear when you show them and so it’s easier for all of us to process. not to mention they built this story through blocks, the way one is supposed to, the relationship of the two of them when they hadn’t been intimate is very different from now 
GSD has to tell the truth, SY has to grow up, rich ppl suck. but it’s a good ride
as an aside is sam lin’s gf cute i hope so but like in a fun way idc abt model bitches it’s so obvious when men do that lmaoooooo but omg! i hope hes happy and also he and mr yu stay friends fro a long time!
oh and i wanna add that GSD’s life revolving around his love for shi yu is actually untrue. it’s a projectiona nd i think the illusion of that projection is brokena nd that’s a good thing. the show sets up an ensemble cast we vibe with, want to see, appreciate, and that means GSD has friends and loves. his life revolves aruond him and the way he sees the romance but he would have never let his mom go to the US by himself and i really hope the show explores why it is IMPERATIVE for him to find his own personhood and not just take care of others. 
his mom would want him to love every bit of his life. all consuming love is so beautiful but it’s only beautiful when you realize you have to survive to love someone so well. and when you survive and understand yourself, your loved ones feel it. they’re very reliable as a group friends and a people and shi de is and will always be a human outside of yu. he has to understand that. it was nice to see his anger at being played too cos it’s like yea that’s fucking disgusting and it hurts and kills you
i’m going to continue to assess the volatility within the story and its progression as much as i can if i can handle being online. this show really exceeds a lot of expectations and mostly i think i forget....it’s actually fun. i was so happy to see the way the dad came into the room in the morning bc i think that was so sweet and hopefully is an indicator of why he said to do what he did. unfortunately homophobic or not: he fucked up. majorly. as a parent, a confideant, a loved one. you do not do that. i am sorry. but they can bounce back. but that’s a lot of pain, ok? 
also i hate rich ppl did i mention that
oh one more thing idk if they had sex but dramas love to do the whole drunk ppl fucking thing and it’s fucking disgusting and will always be :)
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radiorenjun · 5 years
Lavender Antics
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Warnings: Explicit Language. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Chapters: 4, 5, 6
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As Jeongin continued to play with Jisung's switch, Jisung stared at the ceiling with his hands behind his head as he layed down on the bed next to his best friend. Jeongin noticed how disturbingly quiet Jisung had gotten since he called him out at the bus stop.
Jeongin tried his best to get a reaction out of Jisung without him being too obvious to see if he was just spacing out because of a horror scene he probably came across on YouTube or if something had really upset his friend to get him sighing exasperatedly every 13 seconds.
Jeongin gave out loud reactions as he played his game, chewing his snacks as loudly as possible and fidgeting around the king-sized bed next to the spaced out boy, but nothing exept an exasperated sigh was released from the squirrel-looking boy.
Jeongin gave out a dramatic exhausted sigh, putting down the switch on the table and sitting up on the bed with a snack on his lap. "Alright, hyung. What's wrong? This is literally killing me." Jeongin asked, with a perplexed expression.
"What? Seeing me all sad boy?" Jisung mumbled, not tearing his gaze away from the ceiling. "No, you're literally killing me in this game because of your loud ass earthshaking sighs." Jeongin stated simply, laying his chin against his palm cheekily.
Jisung's brows furrowed as he turned his head to look at his friend smiling innocently. He rolled his eyes and continued to stare at the ceiling, getting lost in his thoughts once again. "Alright, all jokes aside. What's actually wrong, hyung? You haven't been this quiet since Minho and Felix got eliminated in the survival show." Jeongin asked.
"Promise not to be a childish dick about what I'm bout to spill?" Jisung muttered, avoiding his friend's eyes. "Unless you did a really hilarious stunt that caused you to slip and fall, no promises." Jeongin joked, earning a small hit from his friend.
"I'm serious, dude!" Jisung exclaimed, sitting up on his bed. "Okay, okay! What's up?" Jeongin raised his hands up defensively with a shocked expression. "I.. I made y/n upset." Jisung spoke hesitantly.
Jeongin's brows furrowed as his lips formed into a small frown. "And your point is?" he asked, confused at what's the problem. "What do you mean 'my point is'?! I made her upset!" Jisung exclaimed, giving Jeongin a nudge.
"Come on, hyung. I know you're a dumbass but surely your ass isn't dumb enough to not realize that you make her upset basically on a daily basis." Jeongin shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which, it was at that exact moment.
"No, you prick. I made her cry!" Jisung exclaimed, falling back into his pillows and burying his face into the soft fabric. Now, this got Jeongin's full attention.
"What? How? Did you make her smell your feet or something?" he asked, earning an annoyed look from Jisung. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry. But what happened?" he exclaimed, taking a pillow as a shield as he saw Jisung ready to go out on him.
"Well," Jisung sat up again, pulling his hood on and pulling on the strings as he plays with them in between his fingers. "She was being rather quiet and I got bored, I tried to get a reaction out of her like always but she kept quiet. So I pestered her the whole day until she finally snapped."
"And when she snapped, I just kept on going and going but then she screamed at me in the middle of the streets and she was crying. Then she just stomped away to walk to the hotel herself." Jisung shrugged sadly, guilt filling his stomach as he recalled your teary eyes.
"Dude. That's fucked up. Didn't you know the poor girl's grandma passed away?" Jeongin tsked in disappointment, folding his arms and shaking his head. His actions reminded Jisung of Bang Chan in this sort of situation. Man, he misses that guy.
"What? Her fucking grandma died?!" Jisung exclaimed in shocked, guilt filling him up even more. "Dude, no one told me!" Jisung ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Didn't you hear Yeoreum telling us, more specifically you, to leave her along to grief this morning at the makeup room?" Jeongin scolded.
"I couldn't hear shit! I had airpods on!" Jisung groaned. "So that's why she was so damn sad the whole day! Fuck, I should've just left her alone before she snapped." Jisung whined, collapsing to his pillows once again. He felt like shit. He was the type to joke around but he didn't mean to make people cry when doing so.
"You fucked up bad, buddy." Jeongin patted his hyung's back, grabbing the switch as he leaned against the headboard to leave his friend wallow in the pit of guilt of his own actions. Jeongin's eyes darted from his switch to his friend who was dramatically sulking into his pillows.
"I fucking said, 'you're acting as if somebody fucking died'. I'm a jackass, fuck." Jisung's voice was muffled by the thick fabric but audible enough for his maknae to hear him. Jeongin let out a groan, "my fucking God."
He scratched his head, "if your dramatic ass really feel that guilty, you could just be a normal person, which I doubt you are, and you know. Apologize." Jeongin suggested in a tone that stated the obvious.
Jisung's head shot up in excitement, his eyes wide. "Right! Apologizing existed! Dude, you're a genius!" Jisung grabbed Jeongin's shoulders and shook him vigorously. Jeongin gave him a double chin disgusted frown, pushing his friend's hands off of him.
"It's called thinking. You should try it sometime." he replied shortly. "Wait, but how am I suppose to do that?" Jisung asked with a pout. "I don't know man. That's your problem. Seriously, I came here to hang out and use your switch as if it were my own. Not act like Channie-hyung and become a dad, ew gross." Jeongin shivered in disgust at the thought.
"Don't you have your own switch, though?" Jisung's brows furrowed in confusion. "Well yeah, but you have more games." Jeongin shrugged with a grin. "Bruh, if you want my games so much just borrow some." Jisung shoved Jeongin who gave a small laugh.
"Really? Okay, then. Adios, my dude." Jeongin grabbed Jisung's switch and quickly exited his room before his friend could chase after him. "I didn't mean you could take my switch! JEONGIN. HEY-" Jisung shouted before he heard the door click shut.
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Jisung bit his lip as he stood in front of your hotel room door with a bag of your favourite drink in hand and some onigiri and mochis in the other bag. Without wasting another second, he knocked on your door and patiently waited for you to open the door.
His foot tapping against the carpet floor as he heard small footsteps from the other side of the door. The door clicked open, revealing you in your pajamas looking all sleepy. You looked at him with a blank unamused expression, gazing at him from his small smile to the sole of his sneakers tapping impatiently on the carpet floor.
You closed the door as if he was just a person walking by, but he stuck his foot in to hault the door from closing. "Y/N-" Jisung started before he let out a small noise as he felt you push harder against the door. "Fuck off." you mumbled in a hoarse exhausted voice.
"Y/N, hear me out." Jisung tried to reason as he pushed the door back with his foot as hard as he can as you both fought against the door. "No, you and your donkey personality can just fuck off!" you exclaimed, putting your back into closing that damn door.
"I brought you your favorite drink, mochis and onigiris! What more do you want in order for you to hear me out for just two seconds?" Jisung exclaimed, feeling you hault your movements at the mention of your favorite foods.
"You what?" your head poked out of the doorway as you eyed him suspiciously, realizing that he was carrying a bag of your favourite foods in his hands. "Why?" you asked with a raise of your brow.
Jisung opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth when he realised that he doesn't know what to say now that he finally grew some balls to apologize after sulking for thirty minutes in his room. 'Fuck,' he thought, 'I didn't fully think this through.'
"Well?" you raised your brow, gesturing him to continue with his words. "I... I heard bout your grandma and I just wanna say I'm sorry for being an inconsiderate asshole and I want to say my deepest condolences to you. Please accept these foods as a token of my apology so we can go back to being friends again." Jisung blabbered, avoiding eye contact as he shyly spoke, his ears turning red involuntarily.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as he stretched out his hand to give you the bags. "You're here for that? And you consider me as your friend!?" you exclaimed, dumbfounded at the boy's actions infront of you.
Jisung's brows furrowed as he looked up at you with an offended look, "of course I consider you as a friend! You don't consider me as one?" he pouted, his hands going down as his expression saddened.
"Well, with your fucking attitude towards me I thought you had some sort of grudge against me as if my ancestor killed yours or something." you shrugged. "The ancestors thing might be a possibility. But you're funny when you get riled up. I never hated you, y/n. I felt like shit when I saw you cr-" he whined.
"Don't even say that word, I was being sentimental and emotional." you cut him off and cringed the embarrassing memory of crying dramatically in public. "Okay, sheesh. What Im saying is, I'm sorry for going too far with my antics and I want you to have this." he handed you the bags with a small smile.
You bit your lip as you accepted the bags in your hand and gave him a smile. "You're alright, Jisung." you nodded. "Does that mean you forgive me?" Jisung grinned, stepping closer to you as he practically towered over you.
"Dude, I forgave you three seconds ago. Go to sleep its like 11 PM, we have to shoot scenes first thing in the morning tomorrow." you chuckled, putting down the bags on the floor and gently pushed him, eliciting a laugh from him.
"Alright. Alright. Good night," Jisung giggled as he walked towards his door. "Goodnight to you too, Han. Thanks for the food by the way." you smiled, leaning so you could see him standing infront of his doorway, giving him a small wave before getting inside and closing your door.
You picked up the bags and lay them on your nightstand, checking to see what that ridiculous boy had bought you. Something inside caught your eye as you reached a hand down the bag and pulled out the object in sight.
You bit your lip, smiling as you saw a bouquet of lavender wrapped together with a small silk, some small carnations adding some colour to the bouquet. That boy really is something.
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Jisung leaned back to see you pick up the bag he brought you before closing your hotel door. He sighed to himself, biting back a smile as he thought bout your reaction to his small gift inside.
He noticed how you kept looking in awe at the lavenders nearby, longing to pick one of them so he went down to the nearest bouquet shop and bought the most eye-catching lavender bouquet they had.
He chuckled to himself, wishing he could see your reaction when you see his gift as he fidget his hands around his pockets to pull out his key card to his room. He soon frowned when he doesn't feel his card anywhere in his pockets.
He pulled out his wallet to check if his card was there. Unfortunately, it wasn't there. He locked himself out. 'Fuck my life.' he thought before jogging down the hall to Jeongin's room where he knocked nervously.
Jeongin opened the door with his bed hair looking like an untamed mane as he squinted sleepily at his friend. "Hey Jeongin-" Jisung greeted nervously before Jeongin shut the door to his face.
"Asshole!" Jisung exclaimed in a soft voice but loud enough for the younger boy to hear him from the other side of the door. Jisung clicked his tongue as he pulled out his phone and dialed the only person he knew who could help him.
"Manager-nim! My favorite hyung! How are you?" he laughed as he walked towards his manager's room nervously. "You're gonna be laughing your eyes out when you hear me out. So. I got a little problem..."
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I was so motivated to write with all the comments that wanted me to make more of Lavender Antics like Bruh I didnt think this would be so popular💞💞😳😭
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gayregis · 4 years
what are your opinions on the rats? especially mistle and ciri.
incredibly good question thank you anon
i feel that the arc should be taken for what it is: an impressionable teenager who has lost everybody. i feel that it was a great way to take ciri’s character in. when we meet her, we have this prissy princess who has a strong personality but little to back it up because she’s just a child. then then experiences a horrible trauma, one that scars her for life. she could have perished, but she survives, and under the training from both of her parents, she matures and learns self-discipline. but then she loses everything, again. and this time, in constrast, she does not have anyone to rely upon and guide her. so, she buckles and becomes the opposite of what her parents guided her to be. lost and alone, she turns to the company of cruel banditry and adopts their ways of dealing with things. she uses the skills she learned to defend herself in attack against others. then, when she is confronted with evil, she turns from this self and tries to chase what she had learned in the beginning from her parents, and it’s left ambiguous as to if she ever achieved it again. 
it’s a fantastic concept of a character arc and i feel it goes under the radar because she is just a child in the beginning of it, so people mistake her as not being the focus of the series. but slowly, she gains agency in time of contempt, and then you realize that she really is the point of the series.
so, it’s a great concept. but how about how it was executed? i feel like it was done about 90% well, but there were parts that made me cringe. 
to begin with, let’s consider ciri’s character and how it is treated a little more:
ciri already exhibits many of the traits that came out in her during her time with the rats. when she meets geralt, she threatens to chop of his head. then in time of contempt, she has that vision in the korath desert about sending all of her loved ones to the gallows. i think there was good buildup to her being as horrible as we see her in the rats arc. 
not only her pieces in the story, but others speaking ABOUT her; triss in blood of elves having the vision where ciri is dubbed the elder blood, dandelion’s chapter prelude in time of contempt which is an excerpt from half a century of poetry where he says that she just looked like a regular girl, but no one could have ever predicted what she would bring upon them. 
and geralt and ciri having that argument in blood of elves when they disagree about the purpose of a sword. geralt sees it as a burden, because it was placed upon him without a choice as a child. it is something he carried out of obligation. ciri sees it as freedom because it is something she learned to make her feel strong and confident and to heal from her trauma at cintra. she sees it as the solution to her problems, revenge will solve everything. though we see her deviate from this mindset in time of contempt when she refuses to kill cahir in cold blood, it comes back to her in the form of plain all-out violence. 
it’s not revenge against just the black knight who has wronged her and haunted her nightmares, because he never existed. without someone to direct her anger to now, she is taking revenge out on THE WHOLE WORLD for hurting her. she explains so in tower of the swallow when she speaks with vysogota, that not only her parents who she had found and had a chance to love, but all of her ideals and values had abandoned her. it’s the perfect setup. she has clear character motivations. 
i used to be upset because i simplified this in my mind to being just sapkowski saying that revenge is bad and trauma makes you a bad person, but it’s really not that at all. instead, i feel like he is arguing that BLIND revenge on a person is a bad thing. cahir didn’t deserve death at thanedd, so ciri spared him in mercy which was good. she thought before she killed. but once she started taking her pain out on the world, the innocent, the scared just as she was, that was wrong. trauma didn’t make her into a bad person, she just fell into bad ways because she was experiencing such a harsh life and was surrounded by bad influences. in the end, you get to decide if she ever became a better person after this and healed/redeemed herself. 
so the fact that the rats existed is good. it helps ciri develop as a character.
something that makes me cringe is how ciri/mistle was treated. i read in an interview that was translated on reddit that sapkowski wanted to invert the trope of the princess/Really Important Superpower Girl always falling in love with a knight/a bunch of male love interests, so he said, surprise, she’s a lesbian. this i think is a really good idea, as a lesbian i support this and think it is a good inversion of the stale trope. what i do not appreciate is almost everything about how it was handled.
for starters, let’s think about mistle’s character. she used to be a noble, but then became a bandit so she could continue to live a life of luxury. what? that is a very poor representation of why crime happens. the rats pretty much all follow this idea of robbing so they can have a little luxury, which is... just a little illogical. i much more appreciate what he did with angouleme’s character, where she and her fellow orphans became bandits out of necessity because they were escaping from evil and needed to survive, and then faced many hardships. i think it was meant to be this way though, because the rats are pretty much meant to be really dislikable and have few redeeming qualities.
i don’t think the way ciri joins the rats is horrible, i think it was one of her lowest points, and it makes sense for her to be at her lowest, most desperate point when she, a former princess, joins banditry. but ok. im gonna talk about the thing that no one ever wants to talk about
why did there have to be a r*pe scene, sapkowski??? why????? this was so unnecessary and stupid and out of place! ciri is like 15 here too! it’s just like ughhhh... i get that it was intended to be more trauma for ciri (because she totally doesn’t have enough of that already /sarcasm) but it was really... just gross to read... even as a 17 yo reading it, i felt gross and skipped a lot. i feel like sapkowski wanted to create very unredeemable characters, and he succeeded with this, but it was just a little much. but more importantly, this sets ciri and mistle’s relationship up to be horrifically unhealthy. 
and when i think about that interview i read where he said he wanted to invert the tropes and make ciri a lesbian, this is what hurts, because he could have actually had her have a healthy lesbian relationship, but instead the lesbian relationship was predatory and gross, and even more, the only time we see her in love with a woman is during this arc. this arc, when she is not only misguided and impressionable, but cruel, vicious, and being a horrible person. then it’s suggested she begins to like the knights that sapkowski was supposedly trying to not make her fall in love with (this is why the interview confuses me) in lady of the lake when she admires cahir’s eyes and has that awkward run-in with galahad (and in something ends, something begins when she fights alongside galahad and sits next to him at the wedding feast, etc). in the end, it doesn’t come off as bisexuality, instead it just comes off as “when you’re evil and killing people, you are a nasty lesbian,” and “when you are smart and have redeemed yourself to fight for the forces of good, you fall in love with men.” it’s weird how the only time she is in love with a woman is when she is in her “rebellious teenager phase,” it sounds like when some women say, “i was a lesbian in high school/college.” it doesn’t help that practically the only other lesbian in the series is philippa eilhart, who devoted her time to trying to abduct ciri away from her parents so she could use her as a political pawn. so yeah, it’s horrible representation. the OTHER thing i hate is that the gender non-conforming lesbian, mistle, is like the evil one who kills and r*pes. like, seriously? what could have been done to make this better would be to have other highly-coded lesbian characters (cough, cough... milva barring... cough) be butch lesbians, to show representation that isn’t wholly violent. it’s also because mistle is the one that initiates the relationship with ciri, that mistle is the homophobic ‘predatory lesbian’ trope who ‘turned ciri lesbian’ lol. it’s pretty fucked up.
what could have been done to make it better would be to just make ciri have a consentful relationship with mistle (and lower their age gap, i think mistle is around 19???) and for ciri to have feelings for other women or admire women’s looks outside of this time of her life. i think it was a nice/funny touch when she was stunned by margarita laux-antille’s body in time of contempt, but i am wary of this too because i don’t know if sapkowski’s intention here was to just say that margarita was sexy or that ciri was a gay child lol.
i feel like mistle sexually assaulting ciri was a later addition to the story, because they interact pretty healthily otherwise? it doesn’t seem like mistle is overly manipulating ciri in like, any other scene. in something ends, something begins, ciri speaks of her in tones of respect and like, wanting revenge because she loved her, and in the saga she wants revenge for all the rats but specifically for mistle. it’s just super weird to have what started their relationship be sexual assault, because it just makes the whole thing rotten. 
i feel the rats overall got very little development and time as characters, which is probably for the best because they really can be summarized with ease as bad influences to ciri, there’s not much else needed to elaborate upon. i don’t feel mad about not getting a lot of time with the rats. baptism of fire largely follows geralt and the company he is accruing, who actually have like, backstories and drama and things. 
as for the rats’ deaths, this is a parallel between ciri and geralt. when the rats died *, i knew that the hansa was fated to die, as well. geralt and ciri both lose their companies that influenced them heavily in contrasting manners (geralt became a better person and let people into his life and took responsibility, ciri absorbed cruelty and violent ways of venting her aggression and feelings of being wronged). sapkowski went total gore-filled anime scene when depicting their deaths, and really set up bonhart as the absolute vilest antagonist. of course it was horrific, this is an adult’s fantasy series after all, and even though it was nauseating to read, i don’t think they could have died in any other way. they did not have noble deaths, for they were not noble people. and sapkowski depicted violent death in a very realistic way, that is what slaughter is like.
i think ciri mourning the rats even though they were bad people is appropriate. just because they were bad people and influenced her in bad ways does not necessarily mean that she realizes this and views them poorly. if you read her statement to vysogota in time of contempt about when all her values failed her but she found support in the most surprising of places, it makes sense that she would care for them even if they were horrible.
* even though it was already insinuated to me that the hansa would die because i just began blood & wine when i started to read the witcher books (i mean, milva and cahir are not mentioned by geralt & regis within the beginning scenes of blood & wine (i had yet to meet angouleme in tos) so it is suggested that they died). 
TLDR: remove the r*pe scene and it’s fine...?
an afterthought and footnote: that scene with hotspurn was NOT necessary. or more specifically, the idea that a 15/16 yo girl could catch feelings for some 30-yo man and have those feelings deeply and explicitly elaborated upon is really stupid, but more importantly, out of place in the narrative, it was completely useless. it’s creepy and gross. 
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justdyingslowly · 5 years
1. Name justdyingslowly obviously come on
2. Nationality Australian
3. Age 22
4. Birthday nnnah dont feel like it
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) Libra/Scorpio cusp
6. Gender wamon
7. Sexuality very very hetero
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) androgenous
9. What do you/did you study? Psychology (focus on sexology) and art.
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I am disabled you think I can work ha sexologist would be awesome. When I was a kid I wanted to be a fireman but Australias always burning
11. Your birth order head first
12. How many siblings do you have? 1
13. Do you have good relations with your family? yeah dads finally out of his abusive relationship, nearing age 70 and his emotions and his sexuality are finally opening up for the first time and that makes me SO happy.
14. How many friends do you have? what kind of fucked up question is this.
15. Your relationship status relationshipped. Fiance? got the marriage papers in a drawer somewhere with the car rego but can’t be fucked filling them?
16. What do you look for in a SO? empathetic, mature, calm. Always open to discussion. Prefers to be blunt rather than secretive. Emotional age over 14 (incredibly fucking rare apparently). Puts an importance on context and understanding other views above all else.
17. Do you have a crush? Hellll yeah Crush on my partner and got a crush on a mutual friend of ours who don’t even know hes cute af hehe one day partners gonna accidentally spill the beans and embarrass me coz hes shit with secrets RIP me.
18. When did you have your first kiss? You think I can remember this bullshit? Its not that big a deal
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? One night stand sex almost exclusively sucks. Just. SUCKS. Because neither of you know what the other likes and it ends up being an awkward mix of trying to please yourself while trying to also be considerate.
20. What are your deal breakers? Plugging your ears to anything that feels gross, uncomfortable or disagrees with you. How can you grow as a person without introspection? How can you mold what you think and believe without taking in other arguments and comparing them to your beliefs to see how they stack up? Its pathetic.
21. How was your day? cute mutual friend had a fall this morning and were both worried about him. His back is bad and he’s getting a little older, he can’t be getting dizzy and having falls like that. other than that im anxious about seeing my gastro. He’s lovely but... specialists are specialists. Good at knowing what they know but not always great at listening.
22. Favourite food & drink you think im allowed to eat or drink? water and... foods a touchy subject.
23. What position do you sleep in? Usually on my side with a body pillow to grip so I don’t end up choking my partner in his sleep.
24. What was your last dream about? uuhhh...going to italy and being unable to get into this tiny basket boat properly.
25. Your fears does PTSD to medical shit count haha
26. Your dreams ... going to italy and being unable to get into a tiny basket boat thingy?
27. Your goals - get some sort of diagnosis eventually. Its been 3 years of trying and im tired. - get back to studying art part time for my bachelors. - pass JLPT N3. - go back to university for psychology. - do the dishes when I get home.
28. Any pets? two budgies. we also take care of any orphaned or injured birds.
29. What are your hobbies? feeling nauseous drawing writing a little bit im making a little gameboy game in C atm too
30. Any cool places in your area? i live next to a national park with waterfalls and koalas and emus and stuff
31. What was your last awkward situation? mutual friend made a comment on his chest i playfully smacked it (related to the comment) it was surprisingly hard “O-oh wow, thats... I didnt expect that” my partner laughed at me. it was awful.
32. What is your last regret? getting embarrassed at friends pecs stop making me think about it 33. Language/s you can speak english. N4 Japanese.
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) of course not what the fuck
35. Have any quirks? Quirkless. I do wiggle when im happy though apparently.
36. Your pet peeves open doors.
37. Ideal vacation spend a months chilling in an old japanese house in autumn hokkaido oooooof that sounds nice
38. Any scars? internal? yes
39. What does your last text message say? peepee poopoo ustinky
40. Last 5 things from your search history how do i find this
41. What’s your [device] background? Sam Porter Bridges walkin around Sam Porter Bridges cuddling BB-28 Louise while he sleeps my chicken
42. What do you daydream about? all might
43. Describe your dream home an old japanese house in autumn hokkaido oooooof that sounds nice
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion its a comforting thought having a parent-figure who cares about you and looks after all the big things you can’t manage yourself, but institutionalizing it runs a severe risk of becoming harmful cults. And it often does.
45. Your personality type me
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done i saw the lost bunny that was on all the posters in the neighbourhood looked thin and patchy so i grabbed him to take him home. im allergic. sent me to hospital and I almost died.
47. Are you happy with your current life? feeling sick sucks and partners having a depressive episode but things are pretty good
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life living
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? blacks, reds, whites and pinks
50. Favourite colour to wear? at the moment pink. Red is always comforting though.
51. How would you describe your style? mix between lazy alternative punk, teenager with band shirts and harajuku peach kawaii uwu
52. Are you happy with your current looks? kinda wish i was a bit shorter but what can you do
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? bit shorter
54. Any tattoos or piercings? lol no PTSD
55. Do you get complimented often? by who? partner constantly, family haha are you kidding im australian so a friend’s version of showing affection is calling you a cunt and slapping your ass in public
56. Favourite aesthetic? all might
57. A popular trend that you dislike blocking because you disagree or find them distasteful. Ignoring all context to opposing thoughts and arguments. taking a personal feeling of disgust to mean something is evil. Blocking your ears to anything that isn’t a circlejerk of what you already think - and trying to isolate anyone who even just listens to something other then the noise of your sloppy dicks to have a thought of their own.
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with? The Machine by Low Roar
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like. why wouldnt i admit i like a song
60. Favourite genre? probably enka haha
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? probably enka haha oh and tatsuro yamashita
62. Hated popular songs/artists? why the hell would I hate something like a song? I hate aspects of the music industry as a whole I guess?
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 which playlist they aren’t all together in one place
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? piano, saxophone... uh... partners good at making music and playing shakuhachi
65. Do you like karaoke? no.
66. Own any albums? yes? many?
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? no. but triple J, ABC Jazz and Classical. sometimes they even play final fantasy and JRPG music on classical which is pretty neat. -
68. Favourite movie/series? can i make this about games because then the answer is Metal Gear Solid
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc ...shounen?
70. Your fictional crush/es if they’re over 40yrs old, male and happy and bubbily or grumpy and sad then there’s a big ol fat chance I wanna bone. Solid Snake from MGS4, All Might and pretty much anyone drawn by Tarou Madoromi.
71. Which fictional character is you? uh
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so what does this even mean what language is this
73. Favourite greek god? idk hades seems chill
74. A legend from where you live that you like the story of Tjilbruke is funny and good. all Kaurna stories are good.
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist? im in a big egon schiele mood atm.
76. Can you share your other social media? no i am incapable
77. Favourite youtubers? many
78. Favourite platform? not too high up. actually i like being a little lower than ground level in corners.
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite? look i just want to say that MGS4 is the best one in the series and Death Stranding is phenomenally engaging.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) these are all so goddamn definitive how can I pick? Oh wait the answer is One Piece
82. Do you play board/card games? I play DnD atm and know 15 yr old rules to Yugioh
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? that shit dosn’t happen here
84. Favourite holiday golden week coz its a week also easter because thats when all the glucose based sweets come back
85. Are you into dramas? what kind
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? no. thats called being a murderer.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? chill people out a bit. when people feel unsafe they get really depenfive and territorial and block their ears to everything, making in-and-out groups for themsevles that end up putting them in more harm.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? im disabled with a disabled partner. we arent funny sure we can survive normal everyday life when society is angled so sharply against us.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? id like to be a mimi spirit
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? spooky time
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? toshinori yagi
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? anyone healthy
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo that cursed one with the intense eyes and the hand
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true im me im not me im pee
95. Cold or hot? cold.
96. Be a hero or be a villain? both are distasteful ideas in reality
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? i can’t do either partner speak sin bad puns and its hell, these both sound about equal
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting. controlling time is eithe rmanipulative or lonely. shapeshifing is every other superpower at once.
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death? both are deeply upsetting ideas
100. ….. or …..? jiji or ossan? generally Jiji, but ossans can be lovely too.
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blazingpheonixo · 4 years
okay, so were getting personal here,
This March will be coming up to my Dad's 3 year deathaversary. It wasnt expected, he was only 38. He drowned, and his death is acually still under investigation. That's probably the first close death i had. Anyway, it caused a lot of problems in my family. Including my mum moving her and my sister an hour and a half away from me. That and i dont hear from dads side of the family anymore. so thats super shit. When this happened i Also lost my best friend at the time Georgia. She went off at my boyfriend Kenedy because he didnt want to come to the funeral and caused some issues. anyways I forgot to mention when he died i was in rockhampton. which was even more shit. but anyway, when i came back. I didnt hear from my best friend at all, i went to the funeral. still hadnt heard from her. She full went off at my partner cause he didnt wanna come to the funeral but yeah a week had past since coming back and she knew i was back. Sent her a message and said hey whats going on, you went off at him made a big deal but i havent heard from you. and pretty much she responded with telling me that i was a shit friend and It was mean to message her like that and then she blocked me on everything. So yeah I lost my father and my best friend in the same week. I still dont know wtf happened which just comes up in my brain a lot.
And then theres my ex, Kenedy. I think i said already that we were together for nearly 6 years. We broke up over a stupid photo at the end of July so its been 4 months. For starters we were engaged and we were about to start trying for a kid. But it was such a toxic and unhealthy relationship dude. Like fuck.. We used to get into fights and ill just be straight up, it got physical. Id end up covered in bruised and cuts and it was pretty bad tbh. Holes in walls. Broken bits. I never ended up in hospital because of it but like it was still pretty bad. This probably only happened the last two years of the relationship. I grew up watching my mum be abused, i know that it isn't the norm and what ever but i guess i was kind of use to it in a way? so i think thats why i put up with it? idk. That or my mental issues lol. But yeah so, I'm still kind of getting past that bit, I have photos that come up in my memories which trigger me and sometimes I get panic attacks randomly. Its shit. It wasn's always physical.
Then we come to my ex best friend, Rhianne. I literally grew up with her, but we never used to be friends, we just went all through school together. She also used to be my bully in kinder and prep LOL.
Anyway, we started being friends when i first moved into this place so maybe a year and a half? shes toxic to haha. We had a good friendship at the start but the more i hung out with her the more i began to feel like shit about myself. I don't have friends. She was pretty much all i had. So i kind of let a lot of stuff slide and i never really stood up for myself. and i mean a lot of things i let slide. She got really obsessive towards me. I honestly think she is infatuated with me. She would rock up here pretty much daily and use me for my stuff and makeup and clothes and then wed go for drives and stuff. idk we used to do everything together. Not because i wanted to either. Pretty much what she said was the go. She would talk down to me as if i was a child. Im the kind of person as well that i like my alone time, i dont like going out all the time i like to sit in and enjoy my own company, I dont like hanging out EVERYDAY with someone. She use to talk shit about me behind my back as well. just cause so much drama and eh. But she was so fkn obsessive. Then when kenedy and i broke up, her friend was having there birthday at the clubhouse, so thats house i was introduced to the club. She took me a long and told me to take someone home to help myself feel better about the breakup. SO anyway, Shaun was there and we were getting to know each other.
She caused a big scene and didnt want me to take him home. I think it was jealousy. Got to the point were she had me in tears.
I then for some weird reason logged into my exes account, I found messages telling people how much he hates me and wants me to kill myself and wants to fuck Rhianne. Then i showed her all of this. She was grossed out and deleted him. We then had a small fight because i stood up for myself one night. Why we wernt talking she went out clubbing and Kenedy was out. So she party'd with my ex as well as invited him and had him come back to her dads place. Nothing happened to my knowledge but I mean, Im sure they fucked.
Anyway, (I have depression and anxiety. When kenedy and i broke up, i didnt handle it well, I started self harming and it was getting pretty bad) I took shaun home from the clubhouse that night and pretty much his been here ever since, so 3 months we've been together now. I’m not sure if I love him or not. I don’t know because my brain is scattered at the moment. Because of everything hoing on. His a lovely guy, but his not for me. But the way my brain works and how im coping with all these things, i just can't be alone dude. I literally get so depressed and its scary because i don't want to give myself the chance because when im alone like i am tonight. All of this just goes through my brain and i get so fucked up, i don't even know if you wanna hear about self harm and abuse. but it happens. TBH im probably going to end up hurting myself tonight. I wasnt joking to you when i said i wanted to drive my car into a truck. i literally feel like that.
So what actually made Rhianne and i stop being friends. Her, Shaun and myself were drinking at her friends. Shaun has epilepsy and actually had a seizure in front of me the previous day, Rhianne got into him and told him it was his fault and that i should never have had to of seen that. I didnt go off at her, HER friend kicked her out and told her sleep in her car. Since then she has tried to constantly break us up.
On top of that, im in a lot of debt. and it got to the point were i actually made a Onlyfans account and it actually helped. I feel gross about it but it was private no one i knew in real life had access. OR SO I THOUGHT. i used tumblr to get my subscribers, didnt realise my ex Kenedy had access. He sent screenshots to Rhianne and she sent them to pretty much everyone i know. Ive lost a few friends becuase of it. and well yeah it was degrading. She then apologised and i forgave her for like a whole 6 hours. Until i really thought about it. Just cause we were in a small argument i wouldnt do that to her you know or anyone. so i told her that. and shes been super nasty since.
She is also still talking with my ex.
So yeah, I also might have breast cancer 😣
These are most the reasons I want to die.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#9)
I really really loved 3x10! Like one of my favorite episodes so far, for sure. so here’s another post about just one episode, “The Giving Tree.”
@lockitin I saw your comment saying I’d like this episode like an hour after I watched! You were very right!
-Aw I love Julie and Tyra’s friendship. Julie trying to help Tyra strategize on how to catch up in school after her ill-advised trip with the cowboy — that’s what we love to see!
-this flirtatious girl (later, we learn, MADISON) insisting on pouring milk into a wine glass for JD is up there as one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen happen in a teen drama party scene
“Do you need silence to watch naked women? Is that what you’re saying to me?” The things that come out of Buddy Garrity’s mouth are truly wild.
-oh boy and then Buddy got into a getting-arrested level fight! Wish I could say I was surprised, but...
ANYWAY MATT AND JULIE DO IT NOW yet they’re still so fucking cute it’s wild
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-I am truly HERE for Matt and Julie post coital and naked, just laying in his bed after school saying “I love you” while listening to the radio and HOLDING HANDS?? This is so beautiful.
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-so of course, here comes Coach Taylor to walk in on them. Honestly this scenario kind of like NEEDED to happen? Inevitably? I mean, “quarterback sleeping with the coach’s daughter,” as Riggins said. (And now it’s finally actually true.) The comedy of Eric just walking right back out the house, stone-faced. Oh I am living.
-Hahahaha Landry’s bandmates exchanging looks while Tyra comes to ask Landry for help with the SATs. This show does such a good job of actually conveying teens being teens in little moments like this.
-oh yes to the Lyla/Julie tooth brushing scene where she confides what happened with her dad walking in on her and Matt!! then transitioning right into Tami brushing her teeth while Eric sits on the side of the bed, pained and disturbed by his teenage daughter’s burgeoning sexuality. Cinematic.
-what I love about this episode is how well crafted the plot is — Eric only catchs Matt and Julie because he had to pick Julie up so Tami could tell Lyla about Buddy’s night in jail. and Eric clearly showed up earlier than Tami would have. After all, they thought they had time for one more song. It’s just...such good writing. Ugh! Yes.
-I love how this development actually left Tami speechless too, when usually she’d be running into Julie’s room with exactly the right words to say
-I really do love how this plot lines up so that Lyla is in the Taylor house to comfort Julie.
“Your punishment is you have to have a conversation with me about it.” Fair, Tami, fair. Bc there should not be a punishment at all for a teenage girl having consensual sex with a boy she loves!
-Did Buddy really just plead not guilty??? Sir you did all of the things they just charged you with!!!!
-Tyra’s mom immediately wanting Landry to change the pilot light when she sees him in the house helping Tyra is....too real. Also reminds me of Lorelai joking about how she liked how Dean would change the water bottle in Gilmore girls
-fuck you buddy!!!! Why would you gamble your daughters college money??? Related: I love how betty cooper had a similar plotline to Lyla garrity here but in the Riverdale version her mom gave the $$ to a cult
“Please tell me the lesson we’ve learned.” “Always lock the door.” “...when having sex with the coach’s daughter.” HAHAHAHA omg this show is so good, having Eric glance at Saracen in the locker room to see his eyes downcast. That’s that shit we like.
-I’m proud of Landry in this episode standing up for himself bc Tyra was totallyyy taking advantage of him. Like she expects him to ditch his bandmates bc she wants to take a break and lengthen their study session which he’s doing as a favor to her??
-oh yes and the Giving Tree metaphor! Amazing. Art.
“That’s exactly what I feel like, just a stump.” Damn. I felt that.
“What about birth control?” “I don’t want to talk about that!” “Hon, that IS the conversation.” Damn right it is! Tami is a good mom.
“Chasin skirts,” Mr. McCoy? You’re gross. Ew and now he’s literally trying to control his son’s love life. Disgusting.
-Julie’s long pause after Tyra asks if Landry is right about how she’s the little boy in the Giving Tree. I cackled.
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-I CACKLED at the fear in his eyes when Tami suggest he wait in the back with Coach Taylor
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-Lol at coach aggressively cleaning his grill while lecturing Saracen, who is literally one of the most mild mannered and sweet boys you could ever want your daughter to lose her virginity to tbh. Especially if it’s gonna be a football player.
-ugh Lyla I’m sorry your dad is so trash. Riggins is sweet and hot though. “What do you want me to do?” he says when Buddy bangs at the door. He respects her wishes. We stan.
“I was the idiot who stuck with you! Don’t call me spoiled. We’ve been saving that money since I was a baby. You said if I made the grades, it was mine.” GO OFF LYLA this is cathartic to watch. Also LOL I have mad student loans now bc my dad the cheater similarly lied about our financial situation for most of my life so that hit HARD for me. 😭😬🥺 I sent Lyla’s rant to my mom and she said lol did you write those words
-omg Tim at the door being like “you need to go” to Buddy?!?! Oops I’m aroused.
-oh god poor JD is actually listening to his dad and breaking things off with Madison?? Fuck man. That is so not cool. But wait there’s more! Riggins called him on it right away, we love him. “How do you expect all these boys to battle for you if you can’t make a decision like that on your own?” YES Riggins! Now that’s some good team captain mentoring shit! With the ear buds in one ear. Ugh yes.
-I’m surprised we haven’t gotten angry Coach Taylor chasing a ref sooner. “HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT”
-I love how Coach Taylor said “we’re gonna not lose our temper out there” about the refs to the players earlier in the week then ended up getting ejected from the game himself. Classic.
-omg and he’s calling the other coaches on the field on a flip phone, that’s. Mmhmm. Yep. Early 2000s gold.
-but oop now Wade Aikmen is gonna be getting all the attention. Oh boy. This show keeps ya on your toes!!
-JD’s mom wants her 15 year old son to date wayyyy too much and JD’s dad wants to control his love life wayyyy too much. Maybe they should both just chill???
-omg Katie McCoy totally would’ve kept JD’s date with Madison a secret if the dad hasn’t seen it. This is a *sings* deeply unhealthy family dynamic~
-Saracen is so cute being nervous that Landry’s gonna bomb. Friendshipppp
-okay Landry’s band got a decent turnout! Anyway I hope a girl throws her bra at Devin.
-wait really? Landry in a metal band now suddenly has Tyra feeling him? Again I DO NOT UNDERSTAND TYRA AND LANDRY.
-wow Buddy said Lyla was right AND apologized? I’m actually surprised. Can he call MY dad and teach him how to apologize? Kthxbye.
Yeah seriously I think that was my favorite episode so far!
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caskit2 · 6 years
Gorillaz Analysis
Caskit’s not ready to throw all their cards on the table but the time has come!!! 
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Okay then, I had to think long and hard about what I wanted to talk about here with Gorillaz cause DAMN!! 
I love gorillaz, 
I love the characters 
damon is a gift that we just dont deserve 
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But how did I end up in the fandom pool? 
Well for one, I have heard of gorillaz music back in middleschool but at the time I was busy with Invader Zim and Inuyasha as well as jumping into this band wagon as well  (Full metal Alchemist) 
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so by the time I turned to look at Gorillaz was when phase 3 was JUST wrapping up and making way for phase 4. which means I jumped into a fandom that had characters that I knew NOTHING ABOUT. Do you know what that means?
It means I also had no understanding or knowledge of why people shipped “this or that” in the fandom, but I gained some intel on the characters and the growing plot of the story, but other than that, I didnt understand why I was drawn to a particular “ship” in the fandom.  
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*actual expression made, im not joking*
Once upon a time, caskit discovered 2doc and was not surprised that this was a ship. I have seen similar stuff that has a common theme that i was drawn to at the time. I was more interested in why fans ship them so I dived in head first into the boiling lava and came to a conclusion.,.....
I dont see them as able (capable?) of ever ending up in the way that most 2doc shippers would pick. The two are chaotic on levels of different tiers of “weird and gross” and I dont really have a reason as to why i was drawn to the ship, but It made me want to analyse what exactly a stable relationship is!
I basically walked around in that area of the fandom and didnt really form any “attachment” to it. I never really experienced a “healthy relationship”, lived in childhood and teen years were I went through life avoiding relationships. So I didnt have a good start, but I knew eventually that I would have to explain myself. 
I feel bad that I wouldnt be able to give a solid answer to what makes me want to sit down and analyse any scenario that has “present abuse undertones” but I know that in the past and how I grew up with what I was exposed to...That I would come to realize how unhealthy it is just for me. 
This post isnt particularly about 2doc itself, but its more about discussing how I handled MY reaction to something that I have seen over and over. In a way, I could see those abusive tones that were present.
Basically Caskit never experienced good healthy relationships and decided that it was a good idea to use gorillaz as a processing strategy....not a good idea in the end cause...OOOHHHHHHH 
It confused me more than before!!! 
I got friends that tag their stuff, and I dont really get so bothered with peoples own opinions, cause I was more worried about how I would come to understand everything. 
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When I think about how fans are dividing and putting up a wall to keep “haters outa my yard”  it usually has to deal with shipping stuff, and character hating. And I guess I was confused about everyone’s perception of the characters.
Talking about the characters, I dont have a “least favorite to most” cause I have specific connections to them in different ways. 
I can find similarities to noodle for the expectations she had in a band at age 10 and growing up (plus we are both gays that dont like to publicly talk about relationships) 
I connect with Russel cause I lost a piece of myself  after a paranormal encounter and 3 near death experiences and suffer hallucinations. His protective demeanor to little noodle clicked with me. I see him as the Heart and soul, dedicated and warm friendly guy. ( you mean a decent human being right?)
I relate to 2d in a way that I share his enthusiasm, and mad bravery to live with the same guy who ran him over and caused 2 accidents that are permanent. 
I relate to murdoc in a weird way...  His childhood hits too close to home for me, as a CSA survivor of 2 incidents, pain addict and victim of abuse, draws similarities. But there were things that he has done that match things to my past like the abusive father, and dwelling on the darker aspect of a bittersweet reality. I was expressing physical violence to “show affection” and was never called out for it. I was not just a victim, I was also the abuser and since it was something that murdoc is faced with, is why I hated him. He is (for me) the thing I hate about myself. 
When I saw more and more fans hating on murdoc I wondered if people would ever think I was the same as him. Fans didnt like the way he treated 2d  and the rest of the band, And I agreed. Fans hated him for lying and causing drama and I agreed.  
His ignorance was a comedy slapstick (dressing in a nazi uniform cause he thought it “looked cool” despite russel telling him that its not a good idea) and was seen as the “crazy hooligan that has delusional dreams of fame”  and it bothered me that jamie used this to cover up allot of obvious issues that needed to be addressed. and the way that the fandom treated him made me think about how I would be accused of being like him. 
(thank goodness I didnt cause a car accident and have to sell my soul to satan for a shot at fame with a kickass band and didnt make uncomfortable sexual jokes or ignore others that tried to help me.) 
I can separate what justifies the hate on murdoc when it comes to abuse and causing shit to go down. becuase I did those things in the past, but it didnt take me more than a decade or more to realize that what I did was wrong! I didnt take forever to change for the better. so Im frustrated at him for taking so long to turn around and go “holly fuck im a bastard! I should probably fix that” 
Yeah NyOO ShiTT HunnayYY!! 
I dont hate him for being an idiot, I hate that he symbolizes all things wrong about me that never got closure! 
him admitting to being the cause of 2d’s social anxiety and eye damage as well as the abuse is easier said than done! but the fact that he is letting everything out of the “in-denial basket” is nice for me to see, cause right now Healing and progression in closure to issues of trauma is what is important to me. 
The endgame for my perspective on 2d and murdocs relationship is this: 
I dont want to ship them
I dont even see it as a thing regardless of character development and both guys working through their own shit themselves. 
I am not the best person to explain what a toxic or abusive relationship can be. 
Why? becuase I lived through it and I was both the victim and abuser to myself  and grew up without a good relationship (and I have a fear of positive affection) so I dont enjoy going through the same pattern as before where i shipped abuse in the past as a “dumb 13 year old weeboo” 
I dont view their relationship as romantic, or platonic, or healthy. 
I just want the boys to enjoy their own character growth individually. 
I would like to eventually see a friendship with them But I’ll be more excited if instead the whole band eventually gain a healthy relationship with everyone.  
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Year 2018 marks the year I jumped in head first into gorillaz as a blind fruit bat 
(I call it the year caskit played with fire) for cosplaying ‘murdoc fuckn wrinkles’ at a convention around the time the fandom was yelling at him and jamming to 2d’s album. 
Caskit jumped into the shipping lava all for Behavioral analyzing and hopped over fences to see other fans perspectives of characters they liked and hated just to make sure Caskit could understand the illuminati that is Gorillaz. 
I made friends all over the fandom, and thanks to a few people, I gained more confidence to push my art skills and create some kickass art of Gorillaz. 
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And yeah I yap yap about murdoc ( looks over @russelhusselhobbs im sorry you put up with my bullshit) but remember peeps. 
I like hearing about the others and have gotten more into 2d’s character as well as Jumping over the fence to go hang out with russel fans and listen to fangirling from friends and just trying to be a freakn fairy godmother and deliver some good representing art. 
And for those who aren’t aware, my past artwork is probably gonna float around so if its signed as Caskit or Caskit19 then its mine and if you see my old 2doc stuff.....,
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for the trigger. 
But YEAHHHHHH!!! I wanted to throw all this on the table. and I dont know how to feel about that...(I swear my friend jokes with “need some feel good inc for Caskit” ) Kinda contemplating my choice between sticking my head into a hornets nest or jumping into a dark water trench.... the hornets nest sounds less likely to give me a seizure induced panic attack so ill go for that. ( I have a tolerance for inflicted pain so no you cant hurt me by using violence cause I dont have any consideration for myself and my safety)  
But yeah now I can get back to drawing fun stuff. (hopefuly caskit wont have to bore you guys with stupid shit ever again! xD) 
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