#feel kinda bad for dany she has terrible stans
rosalinesurvived · 3 years
Dear all hard-core Dany Stans:
Nobody in Westeros would like Dany if she burned House Stark. People remember Aerys well enough, and the Loot Train Attack. Your "fave" would not be considered a heroine by killing the family that everyone respects, and the North are trying to get back in power
Sincerely, April
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aegon · 5 years
White women journalists for two years: Dany is EVIL. It’s great storytelling to have a rape & abuse survivor go mad and then be violently murdered by her lover and family... so subversive! These same white wonen: Kylo Ren is BABY! He’s never done anything wrong and shouldn’t be judged for his actions because he was being manipulated. The fact he doesn’t get to live happily ever after with the whole universe up his ass about him being a hero is the greatest injustice ever! Make it make sense.
because when it comes down to it, the morals of most of these basic white fangirls are thrown out the window when they feel threatened by another woman or an attractive man is involved.
for all that tumblr jokes about man-hating and supporting women, the reality is so fucking far from the truth. they’d happily excuse, sometimes even support, abuse and rape, provided it served their agenda, everything else be damned. it’s sickening.
daenerys was a threat to their favourite female character. I’ve never met a woman who’s an anti-dany stan who isn’t a sansa or an arya stan. and I don’t mean “oh they kinda like sansa or arya,” I mean they project themselves hard on these two characters because they inherently lack a personality of their own.
dany was a threat because she was popular, powerful and a love interest to an attractive man. and for that, she deserved to be damned. take every 2000s teen film there is - the hot and popular cheerleader is a total bitch that for some reason everyone can see but pretends not to, and who ultimately gets her due because she’s....what? strong? attractive? confident? those are all great traits to have, but they were still painted as goddamn demons.
it’s fucking messed up that such girls were demonized for our entire childhoods and it hasn’t changed. oh, and only when this cheerleader is “put in her place” can the boring protagonist finally blossom and find true love and happiness. ew.
anyway, that bullshit narrative is strong amongst show!sansa stans who felt dany was leeching off of sansa’s spotlight, so they were openly celebrating when she was abused and betrayed and murdered because it felt like she was given her “due.” The hot blonde cheerleader reveals her ugly colours and is knocked off her pedestal and the real prom queen can reign, yay!
there’s no limits to what kind of punishment they’d happily endorse on someone they see as a threat because to them, it’s simply karma.
the only other time they’ll throw their morals out the window is for an attractive man.
kylo ren is attractive to so many women because he represents the idealised fantasy love interest that every trashy romance novel has peddled: mysterious, has a dark side, difficult relationship with his family, dangerous - but most importantly, possesses a hardened heart that can only be softened by the love of the right woman. he’s not really evil, he’s a victim, he needs sympathy and love. every horrible act he’s done isn’t really his fault, it’s because he was made to.
it’s completely erasing accountability for one’s heinous actions and places the responsibility of everything - even their own moral conscience - on the shoulders of another. and oh, that’s romantic. it is, we’ve been taught as much.
come on, we’ve all fallen for the trope in one way or another. for me, it was dramione - draco was the tortured, angsty soul and hermione was the fierce and determined girl who wanted to break down his barriers no matter what, no matter how much shit he threw at her (he’s afraid!! he’s being defensive!! don’t give up on him!!) and no matter how hurt she was (don’t be selfish!! he’s hurting too!! this isn’t about you, it’s about him and his tragic, complex past!!) swoon-worthy.
and that’s it really - films, books, media, we’ve always been taught that behind every hard man is someone who just needs a little love. that he’ll be your soulmate, your protector, your darcy if you just work hard enough to find his heart, no matter what. he doesn’t actually mean to degrade you, he actually loves you, but he doesn’t know how to express it. every abuse he throws at you is actually a cry for help. don’t run away, don’t leave him alone, he needs you, he needs your love, he needs you to save him from himself.
fifty shades of grey found millions of readers off this trope and an entire film trilogy.
and enter the basic white girl, the one who fantasizes having a badass dangerous boyfriend who’d murder anyone who touches her, who’s hard with everyone else but soft only for her, his special angel.
like the boring protagonist, basic white girls long for the spotlight and to feel special. they’ve knocked down the hot cheerleader, they want the hunk and they want him to be a little bad, a little kinky, a little soft, a little sweet.
it doesn’t matter how bad, it doesn’t matter how dangerous - anything can be fixed with their love. it’s not really his fault, after all.
burn. it. down. it’s romanticising abuse like this that has left so many girls in terrible relationships because they’re under the delusion that this is reality.
so the excuses go round in circles. it’s easier to swallow the fact your morals are shot to shit if you imagine someone like kylo ren is really a soft-hearted baby. he’s not a nazi, he’s just misunderstood. it’s easier to justify why you’re endorsing abuse against women when the woman in question is evil and a tyrant and deserves to die.
excuses excuses, all part of an agenda because becky has a fantasy that helps her through her dull, dull day where she isn’t the hot cheerleader because most cheerleaders actually have nice personalities and the dangerous hunk would never pay attention to her because he’s in prison.
granted, you have many dany stans who are kylo stans too, because they’re not mutually exclusive, just pure hypocrites.
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If you truly are the master of unpopular opinions, then I challenge you to name ten of them. Across any fandom you like.
Oh snap. Well, I certainly wouldn’t say I’m the master. A lot of my ships are pretty popular ones, for example. I think it’s mostly that a number the fandoms I follow feel like their stories have gotten bad recently, but I mostly disagree. I’ll try to tag each discussed fandom and character! 
1: Star Wars: The Last Jedi is amazing. It’s the best movie in the new trilogy. I love Luke’s character arc, even the flashback moment that everyone hates. I really liked Rey being nobody (R.I.P.) and Rose was a great addition to the story. People unironically say she’s worse than Jar Jar Binks and I just don’t get it. How are they in any way comparable? Oh, and while we’re on the subject of Star Wars - I’m a Reylo shipper who also loves Finn and Stormpilot. Yes, we do exist. I’ve also made my peace with Rise of Skywalker. It’s a terrible movie...when you watch it as a sequel to existing Star Wars. But watch it as a standalone film? It’s pretty damn good. 
2: Pokemon: Looker is one of the worst characters in the entire franchise. I feel such visceral, most likely irrational hatred for him. First of all, I don’t like it when the police are utilized in pokemon whatsoever, because they don’t really fit in this world, but Looker...when he’s not being creepy as hell, he’s just absurdly annoying, and forces himself into your life. I just want him to go away. Black and White are two of my favorite titles, but I still remember yelling “Get out of my house!” when he turned up in the post-game. As much as Sword and Shield have problems, I was overjoyed when I finished the game and realized that he hadn’t appeared.
3: Avatar: There is a certain moment in Legend of Korra, Season 2. I’m not going to spoil it, but it was a moment that broke everyone’s hearts and changed the game forever. Yeah...if you know, you know. People hated this twist. They felt like it ruined the series. Suffice it to say, I disagree entirely. Sure, that moment completely broke me as well, but I don’t think it was bad writing. I think it was incredibly bold and powerful. I appreciate that moment and how the characters had to move forward with that having happened. I felt like it was drama done very well.
4: Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling is...not the worst person to ever exist? Not even close? I’m not nearly the staunch defender of her that I used to be, as it has recently come to light that she’s kind of transphobic. Which breaks my heart, and I hope she learns better. However, literally...all the other complaints against her don’t make any sense? I feel like I’m going to get messages about this one, but I’m happy to respectfully counter-argue the reasons people have for hating her. As much as she can be problematic...she still gave us this universe. And as much as I love the Potter fandom...we can also be a bit entitled. EDIT: She has gotten far worse since this was posted and any desire to give her a second chance has since shriveled away.
5: Timeless. Garcia Flynn has always been my favorite character, and the fan-made Seasons 3 and 4 have made something of a Lucy x Flynn shipper out of me. However, I also don’t hate Wyatt. I actually love and enjoy his character....yes, we do exist. I’m gonna say it over and over again: Wyatt deserved better. Sure, he didn’t treat Lucy very well in Season 2. Considering how his worlds were colliding in ways no one could have predicted, I think we can acknowledge that he was wrong, and move on from it. If nothing else, he shouldn’t still be on the hook for it by Season 4. But...no. I guess he is. (Sigh)
6: Undertale: Asgore is not a terrible person. This is one of the weirdest takes I’ve seen, but people hate Asgore. More than just acknowledging that he’s flawed, they despise him. To the point where they write in head-canons that he groomed Undyne into being a child soldier, or that Toriel was forced into an arranged marriage and didn’t love him....the canon clearly defies both of these ideas. And I get it, he’s killed children before. His cowardice meant he couldn’t fully commit to saving his people. Fair enough. But he’s not evil. No one in Undertale is, that’s kinda the point. Also, you might think I’m an Asgoriel shipper, but no. Definitely not. I’m an Asgore fan, and I prefer Soriel. Yes, we do exist.
7: She-Ra: I’ve talked about this before, but even though I agree that Catra and Glimmer are interesting foils of each other....I don’t understand the idea that Catra opening the Portal and Glimmer activating the Heart of Etheria are somehow supposed to be comparable, or draw parallels between the two of them. Glimmer genuinely thought she was doing the right thing, that she would defeat the Horde and save everyone. She was misguided, but her motivations were selfless. Catra...was furious at Adora and just wanted to stick it to her. When Entrapta tries to warn Catra of the danger, she sends Entrapta to her presumable death. Catra’s motivation wasn’t noble. It was spite. Then, at the end of it all...she blamed Adora. Glimmer took responsibility for her mistake. To be clear, I’m not Anti-Catra at all. I’m just a very dedicated Glimmer stan. 
8: Game of Thrones. I thought Season 8 was okay. The very ending, with the Grand Council? Absolute garbage. Do not talk to me about King “Bran” or the pointless exile of Jon. But everything before that? Even the destruction of King’s Landing? I was fine with it. Mostly because I kinda saw the warnings signs long before Dany got to Westeros. Was Season 8 amazing? No, Season 7 was better, but I still liked 8. Side note, because I just have to keep this recurring line alive - I’m a Sansa stan who will defend everything she ever does, including her betrayal of Jon, but I’m also a Jonerys shipper. Yeah...we do exist.
9: Doctor Who: I love the twist introduced in “The Timeless Children.” It blew my mind and it changes everything. I don’t think it ruins the canon at all, I think it reinvents it into something mysterious and intriguing. The rest of the episode? Eh...I love the Master, but other than that...Most people tend to think that this episode was at least better than “Hell Bent” barring the twist. I...feel the opposite. At least in Hell Bent, the timelords acknowledged that the Doctor was behaving out of character. At least that was the point. In this episode, using the death particle on Gallifrey with no moral debate about it...Doctor, you had a seven season character arc about why doing that was wrong. (Side note, Day of the Doctor is my favorite episode, so I am not happy the Gallifrey is gone again.) Even so, it has to be said - The Jodie era has been amazing. I will never understand why people don’t like it.
10: Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse: Oh boy, it’s an unpopular opinion to even like this game, and I love it. Most people agree that the story is weak and cliche compared to the original. I disagree. It’s more like a different style. Yes, this game is very “anime” whereas the original felt more like a bible story. But this game has that rag-tag team of misfits who form a found family, and I just live for that trope. Speaking of the characters, my favorite is Asahi. I know people hate her, but I found her to be incredibly endearing, and she had an amazing character arc. Right up there with Hallelujah and Gaston. Nozomi, on the other hand....(deep inhale) let me know if you want to hear my rant about her...
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ladyculebras · 5 years
8x06 spoilers
1. Dany truly deserved better. I am and have always been on board for villian protag Dany (and I mean, I called that shit in ACOK), and ngl, villain Dany is the only way I can even like her--if they played her straight as a hero, she's a gross white savior of a trope and I can't DEAL with that, I didn't engage with Dany as a character for years because of that. 
But she was barely even in this ep and I feel like we lost her pov and instead we were looking at her from everyone's else perspective...I love villian Dany and I can see Dany deciding to conquer other places as well, like, that's all she's rly good at at the end of the day but I just...didn't really like this. I wish we got like at least a whole season to let full dark, no stars Dany really breathe. 
i wanted them to linger more on the tragedy of Dany, finally getting her goal but over a thousand corpses and at the cost of her own morals. This is the goal she's fought for since the start of the series. I think we deserved more than what we got. Dany's story is a tragedy but it needs to be tragic from her perspective too. Maybe this is just what I want and not what's necessary the best narrative choice but I really wanted a moment of Dany legit either sadness or remorse before deciding this is what she's going to do and this is what she's going to be from now on. Some mourning for the person she thought she wanted to be. 
ASOIAF is supposed to be about morally gray people making morally gray decisions, people who aren't really bad, making terrible decisions and being at a cross purpose. I think ideally I wanted was for Dany to try ruling for a bit before realizing this isn't actually what she really wants, and/or then try to execute Sansa for treason and that's why Jon kills her. I rather have Jon torn between his sister-cousin and his aunt-lover for legit reasons rather than just trying to rush Dany through her villian arc. 
I don't think the writers hate Dany though....I think they did rly poorly by her and by Emilia Clarke but this was a product of them speeding through to the end of the show. I think D&D just rly rly wanted to make their star wars movie and rushed everything here even though they were offered more episodes and money and seasons, so they can just be done with this ten year project. Everyone's characterizations really suffered this season, though I would argue the writing has been bad for YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS and people just noticed when they were not getting the ending they wanted, but whatever whatever
2. man I rly hate how half this ep is just ~~~~reasonable men talking about what to do with Dany. Even if Dany does deserve to die for what she's done, just.the optics. ugh. 
Jon killing Dany is so...thanks, I hate it! I mean any time a dude has to kill a lady and the focus is on how sad he is for having to kill her I just. I'm tired. I don't care!
3. that said, I've loved Jon for a long time and I can't help but be glad he's North of the wall once again. Tbh this is my ideal ending for Jon, because I never wanted him to be part of Southern politics, he never wanted that and lbr he's not built for that, and him with all the widlings at the end legit made me weepy. 
4. Also, wow I really really relate to Jon's conflict avoidance 
5. Man, Jon fully expected Drogon to kill him and was gonna let him do it, he was rly willing to die there next to Dany for what he did and I don't...understand why Dorgon didn't kill him. HE KILLED YOUR MOM! MURDER HIM! Is Drogon smart enough to realize the iron throne killed Dany and is the cause all these problems, not Jon. WHAT. I don't understand!
6. I am fully on board with king bran tbh, LONG MAY HE TROLL. There's gonna be several future meetings where Bran just wargs in the middle of it because he's bored.
7. I can't believe Tyrion survived this whole mess.
8. I can't believe BRONN survive, AND NOW HE'S LORD OF HIGHGARDEN, the cockroach of Westeros, truly. Olenna is spinning in her grave.
9. I am truly fucking happy that at least one person of color survived this whole mess. what a low fucking bar. Go to naath and retire, grey worm, you've earned it.
10. SANSA IS QUEEN OF THE NORTH.  God when I was in this fandom years ago, everyone kept saying it over and over and it was just a thing we said, I never actually THOUGHT I'D LIVE TO SEE IT. LONG MAY SHE REIGN. I have endured so much shit being a Sansa stan and HERE WE ARE WINNING. I'm so so so happy.
11. Is the Red Keep ALREADY rebuilt? Where is the council meeting at the end?
12. Man, we are really never going to see Meera again, are we?
idk.half this ep felt like a JOKE. I can't actually take anything seriously enough to be mad about it. I haven't taken this show seriously in years. I do like the ending and how open ended it is--like its kinda perf for all kinds of fanfic. Arya can always go home again! Sansa can visit Jon and visa versa. The shenanigans at King's Landing continue. You can even argue Dany isn't even dead, Drogon flew her away and dropped her in the Lazarus pit. It's just kinda nice for me, as a fanfic reader and writer, because there's so much room for more now after the fact, instead of any kind of finality of ending. 
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occupyvenus · 7 years
i REALLY don't understand the kind of audience who don't realize jon is a hostage right now. they took his boat and his weapons, but d/ny said he wasn't a prisoner so i guess he could just swim to shore and walk unarmed back to the north if he wanted to no big! and then there's the folks who think kneeling is the same thing as making an alliance like literally i don't understand how the big speech about perpetuity could have gone so far over their head like the stakes are high dudes
This will kinda cover a huge portion of my up-coming “Targ!Bowl vs Targ!Cest” - post, but who cares since you asked and I wanna talk about.
Though I absolutely understand you and your frustration I kinda do understand why some parts of the audience don’t realize all that, or at least not the severity of it. 
I’m not even talking exclusively about the shippers who, to like anything from 50 -99%, don’t care what happens as long as their ships becomes canon, or the stans who will find a way to sugarcoat and excuse absolutely anything, anything I tell you, before admitting their fav has done some seriously terrible things or, dear god, “problematic” traits and storylines. 
It also seems plausible to me that some parts of the more general, non-obsessive, “I don’t read the books” or “have a blog about it”��kind of audience, have trouble to really grasp these issues. You wanna know why? D&D are half-assing it. Right now they are half-assing two narratives, instead of whole-assing one.
I propose the following theory: 
Right now D&D are setting the stage for dark!Dany, while simultaneously selling her as Jon’s love-interest this season. Those two narratives are pretty much forced to hold the other one back, because Jon can’t fall for “ the villain”, while Dany can’t break bad out of the blue.  
Leaving us with this incoherent mess, slightly ooc characters and actions that don’t influence the story in a “logical” way or even contradict each other.
Dany’s “transformation”, if you will, has to be properly foreshadowed, it has to be sufficiently hinted at from the moment she touches westerosi soil. The audience has to be able to look back and think “Oohh… I guess what she said there wasn’t alright. Should have seen that”. But she also has to appear loveable enough to warrant any kind of affection Jon displays towards her. The audience’s reaction once dany does break bad should be “But why did Jon!? Well, I guess I didn’t think she was that bad back then neither.”
There you have it. That’s why her behaviour seems so appaling to some people, while others are still strong advocates for good!Dany and everyone in between doesn’t know what the fuck to think. That’s why you can make a strong case for both, or more precisely for neither.
This is apparent when you look at the fact that every “negative” characteristic she portrays is counter-attacked with one of two things: 
Someone else making a comment, implying the exact opposite.
The narrative conveniently jumping to a new plot point, reducing the immediate emotional impact of what we just saw.
Here are some examples:
Varys interrupting their dispute at it’s climax | Their first meeting didn’t go particularly smooth. They did not see eye to eye, they were not moving towards an understanding. Quite on the contrary, their interaction become more antagonist with every line of dialogue. It’s starts with both of them playing nice (in their own way), moves to Dany saying that Jon is breaking faith, Jon telling her that he doesn’t give a fuck about her birthright and ends with Dany outright accusing Jon of being in open rebellion (!!!). Where do you think that conversation was heading at? An intimate conversation about dead brothers? Dany has made her stance on Northern Independence clear, she see’s it as treason, I swear to all the gods, if Varys hadn’t walked in right then and there she would have explained what exactly the punishment for treason and oath breaking is. Try making a romance out of that. But conveniently enough Varys did come in at the perfect moment, dissolving all the tension into nothing, ending the scene on a half-baked Jon is her prisoner-but-not-really note.
Tyrion telling Jon about Slaver’s Bay | I don’t know if you had noticed, but Dany left her undeniably good accomplishment of abolishing slavery out of her little speech. She exclusively focused on awful things that have happened to her and the two big achievements that make her so god-darn special: Bringing dragons back into this world and making the Dothraki cross the Narrow Sea. All her statements were about her, not about the good she has or could do in this world. I strongly believe this is to imply that her conquest is deep down rooted in selfish desires. Contrasting Jon, who embraces his role as king to protect and save his people. So of course, we need another character to swoop in and remind us of the good things she has done. Too make it more clear: Dany says that “faith in herself kept her going”, Tyrion reminds Jon that “she protects people from monsters”. 
Jon is a prisoner, but hey, he gets dragonglass | Jon was a “prisoner” prisoner for exactly five seconds, when he - rightfully - complained about it to Tyrion. It is establish that Jon wants to leave, but simply can’t, because Dany took his ship, thus making him her prisoner. If D&D had some balls they could have pursued this narrative, but instead wooossshhhhh we are jumping ahead to Jon being allowed to mine dragonglass. Now it doesn’t matter whether Jon is staying on dragonstone by his own free will or not. He needs that dragonglass, so of course he will stay to mine it. The audience was forced to contemplate Danys decision to lock him up for like a minute, before rendering the conflict obsolete. Begging the question why it was necessary to begin with, if not to show Dany doing some un-nice things to one of our protagonists.
Varys and the whole “burn someone alive” issue | This isn’t limited to her interactions with Jon. I am going to talk about Dany threatening to burn Varys alive, very much, very soon. Right now, all I want to say is that it is not a good omen. It’s one of the clearest indication so far that Dany will embrace her “inner dragon” and cause some serious destruction when doing so. Dragons plant no trees. But all the not-so-great undertones of her interaction with Varys are forgotten in the next scene when she embraces Melisandre with open arms saying “we decided to pardon all those who served the wrong king.” Sucking all the dark implications of threatening someone to BURN HIM ALIVE right out of the audience’s mind. Emphasizing that part where she pardons former “traitors”. If that scene would have cut away from Dany right after “her promise”, without reminding ous of her “forgiving” side, that little comment would have left a way more bitter taste in your mouth than it did. 
I don’t wanna spoil anything from episode 4, (next paragraph contains very minor spoilers!)let’s just say that Dany demanding that Jon bends the knee, is met with another character stating that “Dany was chosen by her people”. Supposedly trying to establish a parallel that doesn’t hold any water in her current situation in westeros, anyway. But again, it is taking the sentiment expressed by Danys actions and words (a chosen king should kneel to her, whom his people didn’t choose) and twists it to paint Dany in a better light (she too was chosen by her people). It doesn’t make any sense when you think about it, but it fabricates enough emotional connections, for the audience to soften their view on Danys opinion on northern independence. 
Do you see what I mean? I have a couple other examples, but some of them are from episode 4 and I’m going to go into this in my upcoming post anyway. The unobservant and/or biased show watcher simply has no time to properly process all this in one go. I’ve watched each episodes several times, am pretty obsessed with this whole thing and even I took some time before noticing a pattern. 
Most people will just stick to that component of the narrative which is coherent with what they already know: that Dany is one of the good guys, a hero of this story. All her questionable actions are either dismissed or boiled down to “well, it turned out okay in the end”. As sloppy as the individual narratives seem to be (neither dark!Dany, nor, let’s call her hero!Dany are well developed, they overlap, contradict each other, etc.), they did a fantastic job at keeping the audience in the dark about it. Why? 
Because for one reason or another she has to fuck Jon. Why that is, can only really be judged once we seen the whole of season 7, probably season 8, but I do have a couple of ideas why:
It happens in the books and D&D shouldn’t have cut the episode count. Maybe Jon and Dany hook up and/or develop feelings for each other before she breaks bad in the books as well. But since we only have 10 episodes where that could happen and dark!Dany and targ!bowl also has to happen at one point, those two storylines overlap. It isn’t too far-fetched that something will happen in the books as well, since Jon unknowingly committing “incest”, while being tormented about falsely-assumed incest is just too … fucked up, not to have crossed grrm’s mind.
It’s a red herring to throw the audience of Targ!bowl and Jonsa. Yes, I do belong to the people who are pretty very much certain that Jonsa will be endgame. I also belong to the people who are pretty very much certain that targ!bowl will happen one way or another. Believe me or not, I believed that Jon and Dany would rather fight than fuck once she comes to westeros, way before I ever thought about Jon and Sansa being a thing. So it’s not because I’m a salty shipper. So what else do I have to say? It’s a red herring, they are throwing us off the rails, to make Jonsa and Targ!Bowl extra-super-duper-surprising in season 8. And probably a bit rushed as well. Great. Just what I wanted. At least Jonsa was properly set up in season 6 and they mention each other every episode. Coincidence?
They want to have a sex-scene with Kit and Emilia. D&D are trash. They have sexualized countless other encounters on the show, single-handedly coined the term “sexposition”, I do believe they could write in a Jon x Dany sex-story just because. You can call that fanservice if you like. I’m not going to stop you. 
Maybe they thought Jon and Dany having “a history” would make targ!bowl more engaging. Could be.
Either way, I personally feel a bit exhausted by this decision. Not because it “threatens” my ship, it doesn’t imo and not because I’m so opposed to the idea of Jon and Dany hooking up or even having a love-affair. It’s because the screenwriting is sloppy. It’s because they are messing up Danys characterization and maybe Jon’s as well. It’s because both Dany and Jon contradict themselves and the development of their relationship simply suffers by Dany being set on the path to the dark side, without any character on screen noticing it (at least yet. I have this feeling that Tyrion will seriously start to doubt all this very soon.) 
I know this got way too long again, but giving unwanted, unnecessarily long answers is my forte after all. 
I’m still holding my fingers crossed for Jonny playing Dany, all I can do is wait and pray. Let’s see how the rest of the season / series progresses, but for now I’m going to leave you with some wisdom from Ron Swanson, D&D should have taken to heart IMO:
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