#feel free to dm me if you're interested!!
energylessartist · 2 days
SO! If anyone remembers Pin, there's been an occurrence
There is now an opening in the lore stuff, behind-the-scenes, and a related character and rp blog to be made
The person who was involved no longer is. Do not ask, it is not my place to share.
Feel free to DM me for more details, and know most related stuff will be done via DMs! If you're uncomfortable with that or feel it's unsafe (cuz I am a legal adult), that's ok! Just means this isn't for you!
It does mean you'll get more of the lore around Pin tho if you are interested! Which is fun!
We are looking for a third person to be involved in the evolution of this story! I can help design the character and offer advice on how to set up the blog if need be! I am not throwing you to the sharks if you decide you're interested!
The people currently involved are myself and @the-solver-reformatted
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killianart · 3 days
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Hello all! My commissions are currently open! 🌼🌿💖
If you're interested, please check out more info here on my website, or feel free to shoot me a DM! 🤗
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acekindaneat · 10 months
hi hello
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im finally taking c0mmissions to save up for college stuff
more details below the cut !!! reblogs are appreciated :]
some samples :]
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more info about it:
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if you have questions, feel free to reach out to any of my socials, (discord, insta, or in my dms here!)
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bigshoeswamp · 3 months
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Sem Coração (Heartless), dir. Nara Normande, Tião, 2023
Summer 1996, north-east coast of Brazil. Tamara is enjoying her last weeks at the fishing village she lives in before departing to Brasilia for her studies. One day, she hears about a teenager nicknamed Heartless after a scar she has on her chest. Over the course of the summer, Tamara feels a growing attraction for this mysterious girl.
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kojoty · 10 months
heya i will make a bigger post this weekend probably with some pictures and more info, but if anyone is wanting any jewelry commissions for the holidays, noooowwwwish would be about the time that we'd want to start planning for that + it would help me out financially for the upcoming holidays :)
I've still got a large cache of labradorites, strawberry quartz, etc, and can do a special of $35 per piece atm.
some examples (some of which are currently available for immediate purchase!!!! Just ask!) are:
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pohjalainen · 8 months
We can't have a constructive discussion on the Kalevala and its relationship with cultural appropriation without first seeing it for what it truly is - a multicultural hybrid that pulls from many sources.
And claiming otherwise is proof of how little people know about this topic, the contents found within the book, the origin and history of the project, and the cultures and tradition the book borrows from.
There are misconceptions (and a bad game of telephone) at play when it comes to this topic: first one being that Kalevala "belongs" to finns, and the second one being that it "belongs" to karelians. Neither of these ideas are correct nor are they based in reality. This false narrative is solely driven by emotions rather than fact on both sides of this argument, and it leaves out everyone else whose tradition and beliefs are used in the mythos of this story book, including ingrians and ostrobothnians, such as myself. My home is the starting point of the entire project, including runes and concepts which were collected and documented before the birth of karelianism. Without ostrobothnia there would be no Kalevala. The start of the project is never discussed in a truthful manner and I just can't imagine why. I hope it stems from ignorance and lack of research, because honestly I've mostly seen people parrot the same exact unsourced claims without anyone fact-checking what they're actually saying. Finns have historically not been a monolith and to this day some still aren't, for example many ostrobothnians would proudly declare that they weren't finns up to the 1900s. It's also wrong to simply divide Finland into west and east, as this is a bit too simplistic and it creates a binary that doesn't exactly exists. The truth of the matter is that there isn't just one culture, ethnicity, country or peoples who can claim the Kalevala for itself. Nor many the "characters" included, such as Väinämöinen, who is a prominent figure in the runes and beliefs of multiple cultures, such as mine. He doesn't belong to anyone nor can anyone claim him, especially when you consider the fact that his role and nature differs depending on who you ask. Trying to hog a widespread concept to one peoples/culture is ignorant at best and erasure at worst. It's downright depressing to see the "Lönnrot came up with (ostrobothnian deity)" and "finns didn't think their own culture was exotic enough" lies spread around every website. Lönnrot was first familiarised with concepts and ideas Väinämöinen, Ilmarinen, Louhi, Pimentola/Pohjola (to name a few) from published ostrobothnian runes and lexicons, namely Mythologia Fennica. He was familiar with these concepts long before he ventured to Kainuu and Viena, he knew what he was looking for thanks to all the published works he was able to get his hands on. In fact the main reason he went eastward was because he thought he wouldn’t be able to find new material from the documented places in Ostrobothnia, and thus decided he might be able to find more material for his “longer narrative” elsewhere (1). After learning that merchants from Vuokkiniemi had recently visited Zacharias Topelius in Uusikaarlepyy/Nykarleby, he decided to head there next. Even Viena, where most runes were collected, has a unique culture due to being settled by karelians in the 1500s, and ostrobothnians in the 1600s (many of them rune singers). No doubt that pieces of the indigenous sámi (most of whom were pushed northward by the arrival of karelians) also persist in the culture of the region (possibly along with savonian and tavastian settler influence) (2). Just because these populations assimilated into karelians doesn't mean they shouldn't be mentioned when discussing the culture of Viena, and of course Kalevala. While I understand the frustration around this subject, and I do think much of it is justified, it's extremely disheartening to see just how easily attempts at conversation are shot down by both finns and karelians, and how quick people are to completely disregard and shun other cultures and peoples involved... and for what? I understand the anger, but it won't take us anywhere. It’s detrimental to push down others when attempting to uplift one’s own culture.
 I truly wish people did more research on this subject and started to actually respect and acknowledge the cultures involved - and I mean all of them. The ignorance and staggering lack of research concerning this topic is unbelieveable.. and of course extremely saddening. 
 He explained this in the foreword of old Kalevala. (X)
Karjalan sivistysseura - website’s History section on the settlement of Viena. (X)
I find these two sources the most important to the conversation; however everything I’ve just said is quite easy to research, especially if you speak finnish and swedish. These are not the only sources either, and everyone familiar with this topic knows how skewed this conversation is online, especially on tumblr and twitter.
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whomuses · 1 year
open rp || ??? Thunder rumbled, trembling the sky and ground below the storm. The rain fell in heavy sheets, crashing down, a wall of water, cold and powerful. Distantly, lightning split through the clouds, casting them into horror-movie dark shadows. The thunderstorm had been building all day. And now, it did it's very best to sweep the entire world away, it seemed. When the lightning flashed, through the silhouettes of deep bruised clouds, a shape was moving. Serpentine and twisting, whirling through the maelstrom until - a different crack rang out. Someone on a rooftop had taken aim and - The clouds parted to allow it to drop, down, down, to the ground below. A glimmering gold pile that fell, heavy-bodied, into the rising river. In minutes, it seemed, the storm began to finally abate, a long, slender head lifted itself sluggishly from the water, the great form realising with a shock they had been sent groundward and their shelter would rapidly be fading...
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junotter · 1 year
I've deleted tiktok off my phone and now mainly use Instagram reels. I get a bunch of content related to Japan (makes sense I'm moving there) but omfg the comments are like the trenches. Some are purely racist to Japanese citizens and others are such Japan dick riders that it's insane.
Anyway recently got a post about a white guy complaining that TOKYO has gotten too "foreign" and that he doesn't want Japan to "lose" their culture. I've got a lot of thoughts on this but nowhere to put them so here they are:
I'm literally losing my mind at how many people think Japan is this orientalist non-westernized country when Japan has westernized itself since the 1890s. Losing my mind at foreigners in Japan complaining that there are more foreigners in Japan and acting like they've been in Japan since before it when they moved there in like 2010.
Saw someone comparing Japan to Hawai'i in how it's losing its culture (truly mindboggling considering what Japan has done to Okinawa) and another guy who's name was literally Noah saying "Americans should keep their bs out of japan no one wants your stupid westernization" like dude ur name is Noah.
Also, no part of America has "westernized" Japan since the early 20th century, and Japan's "westernization" is entirely Japan's own doing for wanting to be in proximity to whiteness. No other culture country or people gets to decide where Japan's culture gets to go, that is solely up to the Japanese people (mind you not the government but the PEOPLE)
Most people obsessed with Japanese culture have never read an actual book on Japan that goes beyond "Japan has shrines that worship the kami or spirits of the world" and "being polite is important as a tourist in Japan". If they did, then they'd know that during the pre-war era and throughout the wartime era, the Japanese government purposefully put out cultural propaganda in order to boost nationalism. They wanted Japan to seem entirely unique and therefore more special than all other Asian countries. This is not to say Japan does not have beautiful cultural traditions that extend centuries, but largely those have been transformed and marketed to Japanese and foreign tourists alike.
Shrines and shrine groups donate and mass support alt-right-wing groups in Japan. The over-politeness culture is part of the awful workplace conditions and suicide rates. Actual Japanese people have spoken to these facts but that does not mean they do not like their home culture. Globalization/modernization will not westernize Japan. Women's rights, LGBT rights, labor rights, and immigrants' rights, will not westernize Japan. They will save Japan.
These Japan-obsessed right-wingers will ignore the hundreds of years of protests and civil rights groups to create an orientalist idea of Japan. None and I mean NONE of those people care about Japan, Japanese culture, or Japanese people, they only care about living out their orientalist fantasies while actual Japanese people living their daily lives are simply background props.
We need to stop pretending Japanese people are not their own people with history, culture, and movements.
Here are just SOME links on Japanese politics not known by most people (please message me if you're interested in these topics or would like more resources):
Nippon Kaigi- Alt Right Religious Group
Japanese Work Culture
Ainu - Indigenous Group of the Lands in the Okhotsk Sea
Ryukuans (Okinawans) - Indigenous Group of the Ryukyu Islands
Scream from the Shadows- A Book on the 60s Feminist Movement in Japan
Chizuko Ueno "Forty Years of Japanese Feminism" - Prominent Japanese Feminist
Burakumin - Lowest "Caste" Group in Japan
Zainichi Koreans - Resident Koreans Who's Families Entered Japan During and After the War
LGBT Rights - LBGT+ Rights Group in Japan
Organizing the Spontaneous - 60s ANPO Movement
Sadly I cannot find the twitter page that often posts modern-day Japanese news that normally is not posted by other news organizations. But if any of you remember it please send me the page so I can add it as I believe it is an important resource. Or just reblog with it!
Look, whether you like or dislike Japan, remember it's a country with people just like anywhere else. Do not dismiss the work activists have done in Japan. Do not say Japan "needs this political movement", instead talk about how Japanese progressive groups need international support and recognition (mind you don't say this about any country, especially largely nonwhite countries!!! you are completely ignoring and rejecting the work millions have put into social change!!! instead talk about those people!!! talk about those movements!!! don't let their efforts be forgotten!!! don't let any government tell you these movements are new!!! THEY AREN'T!!!!). One of the biggest ways we can create change and push away alt-right groups and people from any place is by ruining their image of those places.
Do NOT let the alt-right in Japan convince you Japan is purely homogenous and that Japan is the best country in the world. Do not let the Japanese government erase the Ainu, the Ryukyuan, Immigrants, Zainichi Koreans, LGBTQ+ citizens, women's rights, the Burakumin, the poor, and the communists/progressives of Japan. Do not let ANY country erase that history!
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meoowwxx · 1 year
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Comms do not use
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plantedde · 1 year
💌 Perfume Consultations 💌
I'm a perfume collector and art historian who does fragrance consultations for friends and clients, often for free. (I have occasionally accepted payment either when clients have insisted or when reimbursing me for a full package of samples). I adore scent culture and do Olfactive Art History research. I'm also lucky enough to live in a city where I can go to most brand launches and have many friends in the industry. On top of all that, I have a lot of time on my hands as I'm currently unemployed and would love to do more consultations, so I'm posting this here!
This may be fun & helpful for you if you often struggle to find a signature fragrance that feels like you or want a fragrance but find the scent world daunting. It's also great if want a representation of a very specific vibe, smell, or aesthetic, or are looking for a scent for a special event or occasion.
Please reblog this & fill out this form if you are interested in a consultation for personalized perfume recs: https://forms.gle/jn4gUzeTd5yFNREs7
The process is very straightforward: fill out the form, we may have further conversation over email/dm/call about your experiences with olfactive art & fragrance preferences, then i will send you a detailed and personalized spreadsheet & doc with about 10 - 30 recommendations (it can really depend on how broad/narrow the brief is!) with my detailed notes on why i chose each one. If desired, we can then go a step further and i can source samples of each fragrance for you if you're interested.
I understand that fragrance isn't for everyone, so it is perfectly ok if this is not your thing! But I'd love to hear from you if you're interested in a consultation or are also passionate about fragrance and want to talk perfume 💗
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thecryingprophet · 4 months
I wanna rp my ocs so bad aaaaaa
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Thoughts on Jadzia's sister? I think about her so muchhhh we learnt NOTHING (hope you feel better soon btw!!)
JADZIA'S SISTER!! You're so right, we know so little about her, not even her name! Then again we really don't know Jadzia's family name either. Or anything about her family at all, really, which I always found such an interesting trait for a character that's usually so open like Jadzia, and one of the main reasons why I think she has a lot of mixed feelings about her homeworld that she doesn't quite know how to articulate. But I digress!
My answer is perhaps boring but I really, really love Jadzia's story in “The Lives of Dax”, “Reflections”. It's without a doubt my favorite in that short story collection! And it features Jadzia's sister very prominently; in that story her name is Ziranne, and she's a kindergarten teacher. She and Jadzia were very close as children (even in looks, though as adults that's not the case anymore), but Jadzia has always been the risk-taker among the two of them, and the one most likely to not think twice in order to save her sister from a dangerous situations! Ziranne never wanted to be joined and didn't quite 'get' Jadzia's all-consuming drive, but during the plot of the story she finds a way to help a symbiont in need, and eventually understands Jadzia better as a result.
That story painted such a vivid picture of Jadzia's sister that I honestly find it hard to think of her in different terms, and I generally think of her as unjoined as well, someone that maybe Jadzia doesn't feel as close as they way she used to when they were younger but with whom she still shares some inside jokes (those ugly glasses that her sister sent her sound a lot like some kind of inside joke to me!) I also generally think of her as being Jadzia's opposite in a lot of things, like being a bit of a couch potato, and really not being into the idea of space travel at all; someone who is pretty content of living her life on the Trill homeworld, perhaps not having moved very far from her hometown either. That would be a pretty considerable difference that would have lead them to not feel very close to one another anymore, too.
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aces-sweetheart · 6 months
Do you take commissions?
i'd consider it!
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liebelesbe · 10 months
I have a funny anecdote to Jeremy Fragrance but once again I can't say anything or I'll doxx myself ✌️😔
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mystxmomo · 2 years
might open up commissions again soon, if yall will humor me
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auroradicit · 11 months
goals for today: do some replies new follower interaction call ???? profit
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