#fedora 39
steaked-bolt · 5 months
last fedora update I did, completely fucked up my internet connectivity (between kernels!) and power utils (shutdown, reboot, etc) :/
the update prolly just got corrupted, since it froze, telling me not to shut it off, and I had to hard kill it.
luckily I kept notes of all the tweaks I've done while running it! so I'll just reinstall and be back to where I was in like a day 😌
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nksistemas · 11 months
Llega Fedora Linux 39 y te contamos las novedades
Llega Fedora Linux 39 y te contamos las novedades
La espera ha terminado, y Fedora Linux 39 ya está disponible para su descarga. Esta nueva versión de la distribución GNU/Linux patrocinada por Red Hat llega cargada de las últimas tecnologías y aplicaciones de código abierto. En este artículo, te presentamos una lista de los cambios y características más destacadas que encontrarás en Fedora Linux 39. NOVEDADES DE FEDORA 39 1. Kernel Linux…
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petra-creat0r · 27 days
Deltarune: Fool's Fate - Feather Forest
Alright! Time for the second area, aka the Feather Forest! A forest of pink, feathery trees decorated with ribbons and streamers. Somewhere in the middle of this area, there are some Ssnekmer and Buttonmitt selling healing items. This area is mostly traversed with Broadway after the party split before right before entering. I think this area also holds a familiar easter egg too... Though that's for the NPC section, before we get to the enemies though, here's a riddle.
31. What crawls on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
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The enemies. The only unique enemies to this are are Snazzalotl and Buttonmitt, as Ssnekmer can be found in the Dusty Plains as well. Snazzalotl is a snazzy quetzal, and based on a feather boa. Buttonmitt are snowmen comprised of buttons. Also I mentioned earlier that some Ssnekmer and Buttonmitt can sell you healing in a section towards the middle of the forest, similar to the Bakesale in Chapter 1 of Deltarune proper. Ssnekmer sells you Gummy Snakes, which vary healing depending on party member. and Buttonmitt sells you Button Drops, which also vary healing depending on party member.
32. What does greed always make you want, no matter how much you have?
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Now the NPCs. DrumRboys are also found in a few puzzles (same with Pirolette) but can also be found just standing around. They're always seen next to Keysee. Chim-Chime are also multiple and found around, while Bulboid and Puzzle Jones are individual characters. Bulboid is found in one room where one of the trees has been decorated with ribbons, bells, and Christmas lights, and will comment on it. Puzzle Jones can be found near some of the puzzles and will either comment on how tricky the puzzle seems, or how impressed he is that you solved it.
33. You mistake want for me, yet it is not. If someone is me, you find them annoying though they require you. What am I?
DrumRboys and Keysees are little wind-up drumming toys and their wind-up keys, Chim-Chimes are little bells, Bulboid is a box of Christmas decorations, and Puzzle Jones is either a, an old puzzle of Papyrus's, or b, an old trenchcoat and fedora, also belonging to Papyrus. Thus why Puzzle Jones bears striking resemblance to Papyrus from what can be seen under his hat and coat. No one has seen the lower part of his face or the top of his head.
34. I'm not from the future and not from the past. Once the moment is gone, I no longer last. What am I?
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And finally the minibosses. SsnekKing is fought near the middle of the area, and is a supergraded Ssnekmer. It's based on ribbons, snakes, and a rat king. To spare it, you have to find the right music genre to charm all three heads with the help of Broadway.
35. Add a T and I am not, backwards I turn to on, E and N you have none and you’ll often find me paired with E, S, and Y. What am I?
FashiRat is fought at the end of the area, pretty much before you go into Choral Chapel. They are a ferret who's made out of old socks and stuff. A very dramatic individual, FashiRat fights you to try to prove to Magician that they should be let into the Upper Choir, and you spare them by calling for an encore of their attacks before applauding them. At the end it's revealed that Magician never had any intention of letting them into the Upper Choir, but still encourages their performances to inspire the rest of the attic world citizens.
36. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Alrighty! Next up is the Choral Chapel characters! I'll post again once I'm done coloring those but in the meantime, have more riddles, Creative Creators!
37. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
38. Played both in battle and out, I may be small yet I always protect someone bigger. What am I?
39. What can you do freely as a child, but are for judged for as an adult?
40. I’m done by the sheep near the end of the day, yet change only my vowel and I am what the sheep is to the wolf. What am I?
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electrohazard · 5 months
flash fedora 39 to a usb, only for 40 to release the next day. RIP
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the-arson-author-gamer · 11 months
How Likely Each Stardew Valley Villager Would Give Me Drugs If I Asked For It 
(and other related matters)
Ok, before I begin, this wasn't an original idea, I got inspired, and unlike some people (ssstalkerwolf) I like to give credit. So here it is!
Either way, after watching a video by the stardew youtuber, Nino Kito (go subscribe) and reading the article that he read (which is hilarious by the way), I essentially went 'could I do this in my own way?'
And I did.
I find it worth it to at least read the article before you read this because there are some references and I think one should go back to the original source if they can.
Also, this was for fun, and my own amusement watching my friends slowly lose their perception of who I am as a person.
As you can already tell, this is going to be long, so everything will be under the cut for the remaining sanity of you and myself after I post it.
#45: Jas
First, a literal child. Second, she knows what drugs are, and it would traumatize her for life if you asked because she absolutely knows what drugs do to Marnie after her 3-day work week and Shane after another depressing night at the saloon. That kid can’t witness another addiction come into place, her childlike whimsy is depleting at a rapid pace.
#44: Vincent
90% sure that this kid doesn’t even understand the concept of war, let alone what weed is and why mom keeps getting upset when dad doesn’t act paranoid for once in his very sad life. There’s no sense asking him if he doesn’t even know what it is, which is why he places above Jas, who knows what drugs are. If the kid ever learned how to read within the several years you’ve been in the valley, he might learn what it is, but that chance is highly unlikely considering Penny’s report cards, so you’re safe for now. Or at least until he asks Jodi.
#43: Leo
Leo’s third because that’s also a kid, but also because Vincent could figure out what drugs are, Leo will never. Considering all the research done on the few surviving feral children (because society keeps fucking it up) it is even a wonder that Leo can still speak, let alone read. That kid will just squawk at you like a fucking parrot. Another waste of your precious time, but at least you aren’t potentially traumatizing any more children than you have to for your drug quest.
#42: Jodi
Christian stay-at-home housewife to a man of war? Jodi gives me homophobe vibes, let alone you asking for a bit of the good stuff. That woman is calling you the spawn of Satan and then tries to hit you with her purse. You get away easily because beating up monsters in the mines does wonders, but you aren’t seeing the likes of Vincent ever again, considering we all know how those people are. You can still see Sam, but that’s because her closeted bisexual son knows how to evade her and how to get easy drugs (Sebastian).
#41: Demetrius
Yeah, Demetrius could cook up meth like Walter White but the dude’s a wet blanket. Not only will he say no, but the guy is going to follow you around like a lost puppy asking if you are okay or need addiction therapy. If you make the mistake of asking him, that’s on you for thinking that the man that embodies 90s romance movie father of the girl next door will ever give you drugs.
#40: Morris
Yeah, the man is totally an asshole. He would ban you from ever being hired at Joja, but he technically can’t block you from entering or buying any Joja product without causing the third Joja scandal of the month (It’s the 12th of Summer). If pollution’s mascot bans you from their stores, not only are they losing their precious small town pennies, but also getting another parody article from The Onion that blows up on Twitter. Still not getting back into Joja though after you fuck up so bad on the farm there’s no point of return, but that’s probably for the better.
#39: Governor
That feathered fedora says all, the man has drugs, but there will be no allusion to it due to the fact that he requires those important republican/conservative Christian mom votes. You can ask him, but there’s no way you will ever get any from him. The only thing you are getting from him is the place where he gets those hats and a governmental secret that you’re forced to take to the grave. Congrats, your knowledge of the valley increased by 0.17%!
#38: Penny
Similar to the governor, Penny has drugs, but she isn’t giving them to you, or even telling you that she has them. That shitty toddler teaching job is the only thing preventing her and Pam from going out on the streets. If she gets her online bought teaching licence revoked, she’s done for. It’s best not to ask her for both of your remaining pieces of sanity.
#37: Marnie
She also has drugs, but her already thin supply of ketamine is running thinner by the continued amount of days that Shane has been in the valley. If you ask her, she’ll just say sorry and try to sell you another cow for more drug money and an apology toy for Jas for putting up her remaining family’s bullshit.
#36: Clint
This man is the biggest pussy in the town, you really think he can handle anything more than a single pint of beer, then you’re wrong. He would panic and then cry in the seclusion of the machinery of the blacksmith’s opening your 28 magma geodes if you ever asked him for drugs. I also think he would up the coal prices again if you asked, and nobody wants to dust sprite farm more than they have to. Or pay thousands into Clint’s Emily shrine in the closet for a few morsels of coal.
#35: Harvey
Another pussy, but instead of saying no, he just quakes in his dress shoes at the counter while he hands over you some of the hardest drugs ever prescribed to man. But you will never consider him as an option considering his status as the town’s top scaredy-cat and the only ones who will ever know this is Maru his only employee and Pam who was just bold enough to ask.
#34: Robin
Robin grew up in construction and carpentry, the concept of drugs does not scare Robin, therefore she isn’t going to freak out like everybody so far on the list. But she has none for you, because she is apparently some kind of good samaritan. It must be all those rants from Demetrius and the science behind hearing enough of a concept makes you believe it.
#33: Goblin Henchmen
The only drugs the henchman will give you is the delicacy of void mayo (if you can even gain any friendship with the fellow). So unless if the mayonnaise from magic void chickens does something interesting, it may not be worthwhile to you. The only reason he ranks higher is that I don’t know the hallucinogenic properties of void mayo (yet).
#32: Marlon
Yeah, the guy has drugs, but he won’t give them to you, considering that he knows you would absolutely take it into the mines and snort some cocaine while completing the wizard’s prismatic jelly quest (I don’t blame you, that quest is hell). He’s already lost too many members to drug use in the mines, it’s kind of embarrassing at this point. Though, if you have drugs on you and are out of the mines, he’ll totally join you as the first member (and only sane member) of the Nightmare Blunt Rotation Circle™. 
#31: Pierre
Remember the secret stash cutscene? Pierre has drugs, but he isn’t letting go of those narcotics at all. Good luck trying to get out of there with your perception of that family intact. You will have no drugs, only another couple of secrets that you have to take to the grave. At least now you know why Abigail’s hair has remained purple after never dyeing it.
#30: Maru
While Maru does not have drugs, she is chill about them and will even occasionally join Sebastian once in a while. She will probably just direct you towards Sebastian, if anything. But considering the kind of game Stardew is, this is essentially a long side quest, but instead of getting a tool or another ridiculous single use item it’s just drugs… Wait.
#29: Gus
Despite the fact that Sebastian is dealing right under his nose (what do you really think he’s doing every Friday night? It obviously isn’t beating Sam at pool, he’s done that hundreds of times already, there’s no thrill to it anymore) Gus believes that his saloon is free of drugs. Which is a stupid assumption considering that he deals with both Pam and Shane on a regular basis for their alcohol. He’ll just say no and then watch you avidly for the next few times you visit on Friday to hand out an assortment of iridium rabbit feet as if it’s completely normal.
#28: George
Poor man is in possession of nothing more than some expired Tylenol in the back of the medicine shelf that he can’t reach. George should probably be on some serious opioids but considering that state of that wheelchair (which I’m pretty sure is growing mold) he probably has nothing for you. But if you offered him anything, you would gain more friendship than giving him an iridium leek on his 87th birthday.
#27: Grandpa
When Grandpa was alive, he had complete access to drugs (Working with Qi will do that to you). But it’s not like he’s alive enough to give them to you, unless if there’s some kind of astral plane/purgatory narcotic that he can hand out (which would be sick as fuck).  But besides Grandpa’s lack of drugs, he totally hanged around Willy and Linus in ye olden days, creating the first edition of the Nightmare Blunt Rotation Circle™. You’ll get some great stories through the dream realm but no drugs.
#26: Gunther
I think Gunther would get bored at the museum, waiting around for your once-a-month visit with a bunch of ores or artifacts. Of course, he gets excited to have those, but he goes through inspecting them so quick that he’s done only a couple of days after your visit. So a bored archaeologist has to do something… drugs. He does drugs. It’s not like the poor lonely man has anything to offer you, but if you offered him something, he would be quite excited. The only way, the man has access to some magic mushrooms is following you to the mines and going down to floor 80 to pick up some stuff. At least he’s responsible enough not to go alone or do the magic mushrooms while in the caves, unlike the entirety of the now dead Adventurers Guild.
#25: Haley
Yeah, article’s right, Haley would not have drugs but would absolutely be able to lead you to them. This girl knows everybody, and the next party she’s going to? That you were only half paying attention to because she kept insulting your taste in fashion? Yeah, she knows a guy, who knows a guy, who’s friend’s sister’s step-brother is going to be there and has got a great stash that he’s willing to share. 
#24: Sandy
Sandy’s shop lives right off of Qi, her business essentially relies on that man, 110% that she would return the favour to Qi by directing you to him. Sandy is a solid contact if you really need some good drugs.
#23: Bouncer
Akin to Sandy, the bouncer works for Qi, of course he has access to drugs, not like he’s going to hand them out willingly, though he will direct you to Qi for more business. He and Sandy got a solid deal with Qi if that they promote the drug business in the desert (to the trader) than they get more money in their pockets and some free stuff to themselves, are they going to deny a great deal? I think not.
#22: Dwarf
As we know, the Dwarf doesn’t have a basic concept of personal property, so any of the drugs he has are stolen from Linus’s stashes around the valley. So yes he will give you drugs, but you just don’t know who it’s from. If you are fine with risking getting caught with somebody else’s drugs that have been second-hand stolen, then go right ahead! Dwarf’s got you!
#21: Pam
I feel as this is self-explanatory, Pam has drugs, she gets them from Harvey, but she much rather join you for drinks than for drugs. She has them, but I think what’s left of Pam’s moral standing wouldn’t exactly feel 100% okay giving a 20-something year old hard drugs (not that she knows what Penny does when she isn’t around). You’d still have a great night, it just wouldn’t be drugs.
#20: Professor Snail
Article’s right again, that Snail man totally survived off of magic mushrooms inside that caves. If you ask him for drugs, he would just shakily point a finger towards the mushroom caves.
#19: Willy
I think Willy would be a complicated man, I don’t think he would do drugs, but I think he wouldn’t care if you did them, maybe he would oversee the Nightmare Blunt Rotation Circle™. At most would do a bong with you while night fishing, but he wouldn’t go apeshit like anybody else, so that’s a plus. 
#18: Kent
“He was in the war!” Bitch so? If you offered that guy some relief from the constant trauma, he would pay off your mortgage. He doesn’t have any drugs on his person because Jodi’s like a personified drug dog but also a bitch. But he does have some stashes around the valley, not very good spots though, considering that Linus took all of them. I think it’s worth noting that when high, Kent will reveal every piece of traumatic information he has from the war, which makes him an integral member of the Nightmare Blunt Rotation Circle™. Because no circle can go without a traumatized adult man!
#17: Granny Evelyn
Granny was the coolest kid in town back in ye olden days, she had anything and everything. Too bad she gave up on it after she married George and took in Alex. Despite all of that, she does have some likely-dead contacts for you if you are interested in whatever the hell Granny was into back in the days.
#16: Sam
Sam is besties with both Sebastian and Abigail, both of which have access to drugs through their respective sources. Despite being down the line a decent bit, Sam has got some shit that even his bloodhound of a mother can’t find, that guy grew up lying to his mom. Anyway, Sam is pretty chill to hang around, he’ll probably talk about music and video games the entire time, but a lot of people are into that stuff, so he’s a pretty good guy to chill with. However, the time it takes between him getting drugs from Sebastian or Abigail then using up a week’s supply is very short, so you must act fast if you want a chance to be with Sam.
#15: Lewis
You’re telling me that the mayor of a town consisting of 24 other people gives enough tax money in order to build a SOLID GOLD STATUE of himself? This statue is solid gold! Not laminated! That either took years to establish, or the guy has a secret drug empire. And I think it’s the latter. Lewis totally buys the drugs from Qi, then sells it at an astronomical price to the Governor. Yeah, the Governor. Why do you think Lewis smooches him up every year at the Luau! Lewis has drugs and is willing to sell it to you, so he can build another solid gold statue of himself, but it’s so pricey that it’s not worth it. Another governmental secret to take to the grave… Yippee. 
#14: Alex
Alex is probably willing to do anything to go pro, including taking steroids. Those books that he never reads but are never dusty? Yeah, there’s a big ass stash behind there. He’s willing to share if you’re a dude and give the ‘right’ reason why you want them (sports rather than anything else logical for a farmer). But if you’re a girl good luck, the misogyny runs strong within him until you kind of send him on a character arc.
#13: Shane
He’s stealing from Marnie, that much is obvious, dude’s so broke from spending his money on alcohol that he has none left for drugs. It’s not like Marnie is going to tell him to stop, so he has free rein of Marnie’s stash. If you get him drunk enough first, then he’s surprisingly willing to join you. Just note that he will drop all his traumas and life story on you, Shane will become an integral member of the Nightmare Blunt Rotation Circle™. 
#12: Elliot
Consider the daily struggle of writers and consider how Elliot can actually write a good book that fast… Drugs, obviously. You see, very few people could have the patience to speak like Shakespeare on a daily basis and somehow still make it understandable to the average Joe, AND still hold the best hair in the Valley (fight me). In fact, I’m bold enough to say that nobody has the patience to do all of that, the obvious answer is a constant influx of magic mushrooms provided by Leah. The main difference between the two is that Leah is more likely to show you all the good spots for forage, Elliot will straight up hand it to you as some poetic declaration of love. 
#11: Gil
After living a long time and serving the Adventurer’s Guild for so long, I think Gil would have to do something to pass the long hours of sitting around. So, despite Marlon’s protests, he snorts skeleton bone crack. Is Gil isn’t out of his mind of skeleton crack then he’s totally get you some, you just have to catch him at the right time (before 2pm, good luck).
#10: Abigail
Abigail has full access to Caroline’s ‘tea’ garden, unlike Pierre, and she has access to whatever the hell Sebastian has on him at any time. So she’s got plenty of people to send you to and plenty of drugs to share. Overall, Abigail is a solid choice to go to, and she’d be cool to hang with as well. Maybe just don’t go to the mines with her to snort crack because nobody needs another grave hanging around the cemetery that Abigail can no longer visit.
#9: Linus
While we are collectively unsure of the reason Linus decided to live out in the wild and cosplay a caveman, I can obviously determine that the man has so much planted around the valley. Weed? Oh yeah, that’s at the train tracks behind the bath house, nobody bothers to go up beyond that point! Cocaine? He talks to the travelling trader a lot. You name it, he has it. He’s also friends with the wizard, which should be enough proof in the first place. The only reason he’s ranked here is that everybody else is practically on par with him. 
#8:  Emily
As long as you are fine with spiritual shit and dancing, then Emily is the person you should go to. I mean, at least Emily isn’t like some of those weird spiritual people that you can sometimes meet, she’s just cool and into crystals and their meanings. Anyway, Emily is cool, would hit you up with whatever she’s got, and you would probably learn about crystals more than you should? 8/10 experience, would go again.
#7: Caroline
That tea cutscene? That greenhouse? Married to Pierre? Yeah, Caroline is not just growing tea in that greenhouse of hers. She is absolutely willing to share because her only friend is Jodi, and we already covered her drug dog tendencies. Also, being married to Pierre is already hell on earth, so she will take anything that she can get (this includes a friend). Should I mention that she totally had a fling with the wizard? Who would totally hand out drugs at any given moment for a solar essence? Yeah, Caroline is cool, and she is a great candidate to ask for drugs and hang with.
#6: Leah
Let’s face it, there is no way in hell that Leah wasn’t high while making that statue, yeah, that one. Also, she just forages around for her food on a daily basis, I wouldn’t be surprised if she came across one of Linus’s stashes. Also, she would hand around Linus and do magic mushrooms, fall in the valley is the best season for them after all. She will show you all the best spots, her favourite is the cliff wall behind the Wizard’s tower where all sorts of weird shit grows. It’s best not to ask the origins of it, only how high it will make you.
#5: Krobus
C’mon, you just know that he has drugs down in that sewer, he probably provides come cool stuff to the Wizard to experiment with every now and again. Also, if you are roommates with him, you will also get the experience with hanging around with the coolest creature around. 10/10, always go to Krobus.
#4: Birdie
The fairy dust is not the only thing that is magical about Birdie, her island based drugs are astronomical. She has access to things that very few can even bother to search for, go to Birdie to have a riveting conversation about the sea while being high as fuck.
#3: Sebastian
Sebastian buys primarily from Qi, in fact, he’s Qi’s best buyer, so it’s obvious that he has stuff on hand, and he’s willing to hand stuff out as well. The thing that makes Sebastian so high on the list in comparison to others is the fact that, like Linus, he has everything. Go to Sebastian, any angsty rants about his stepdad and wanting to leave the Valley will be worth anything that Sebastian has got from Qi. 
#2: Wizard
In your very first cutscene with this guy, you get handed some forestry concoction that could totally be considered a drug. The shit this guy has is phenomenal, and he is willing to give it out as long as you have a couple void essence to spare as repayment. Any failed potions or concoctions are being chucked out the window into the concerning lack of wildlife in the valley, all for Leah to watch crazy ass mushrooms to grow then snort them. 
#1: Mr Qi
Where do you think Sebastian’s getting the drugs? Qi runs an empire much larger than Lewis’s statues, Pierre’s money hounding, and Joja’s corporation desires would ever think of having. Qi is the sole reason why Stardew is still holding a half decent economy before you started mass-producing starfruit wine. If you want any kind of drug, you go to Qi, he’s got you covered. 
Bonus: Hat Mouse
Hat Mouse is cool, go to hat mouse. Hat mouse has drugs.
And that's a wrap! I hoped you found as much fun in this as I did for the past 2 months when I found time, and I guess the real questions are:
Who would you go to for drugs in the Valley?
Should I post this to my ao3 for shits and giggles?
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To The Victor Chapter Three - Can't Be Claimed
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Summary: Although Omegas had won the legal battle for equal rights, society was slow to catch up. Thought to be the weakest of the genders, they struggled to find opportunities that Alphas and Betas took for granted. Known as the Guillotine, Emmaline Beaumont was woman with a secret. Head of her family’s company; she was smart, shrewd, and tough as nails. At sixteen she presented as Omega and she’s hidden it ever since. Suppressants and hormone reassignment therapy allowed her to live her life as the Alpha her family needed her to be. The perfect solution, so long as she never allowed herself to be claimed. As the President of Winchester Inc. Dean’s professional life was golden. As an unmated Alpha nearing forty, he was restless. Charming and devastatingly handsome, Dean was rarely without female company, but he wanted more. He wanted what his parents had. Someone made especially for him. His match, his true mate. Finding her on a trip to New York had been an unexpected dream come true, but no one ever said the road to love was easy.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!OFC, Dean x OFC, Dean Winchester x OFC
Characters: Dean Winchester, OFC, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, John Winchester, Jody Mills
Warnings: ABO dynamics, Heat/Rut cycles, Smut (Unprotected sex, knotting, oral sex, claiming bites), hurt/comfort, sickfic, hospitals and medical talk, fluff and angst, age difference (Dean is 39, OFC is 27), True mates, self hate (OFC struggles with gender)
Chapter Three: Can't Be Claimed
Word Count: 3348
To The Victor Masterlist
The twenty minutes it took for help to arrive were nothing short of agony for Dean. He kept Emma cradled close. Whispering sweet words of encouragement in her ear, telling her to hold on, that help was on the way. She never responded, but he had to believe that she could hear him or at least knew he was there. That he wasn’t leaving her. That he was going to take care of her.
God, she’s so cold!
Dean tugged the blankets closer around the two of them and rubbed her arms roughly, desperate to infuse every ounce of his own heat to her chilled flesh. Give her his strength. Surround her with his scent. In his mind, he kept going over the conversation with Emma’s sister.
Emma can’t be claimed. Family doctor treating her since childhood.
Just what the hell did that mean? If it hadn’t been for the insistent tone in Jess’ voice, Dean would have called 911 instead. As it was, he was doubting his decision.
He pressed a kiss to Emma’s temple, “Keep fighting sweetheart, I’m right here.”
The door to the suite opened without so much as a knock of warning and a short, slight man entered. He wore a slim black suit and tie with a matching fedora pulled down over dark hair. His unsmiling face was sharply featured with beady eyes and a crooked, hawk-like nose. Everything about him was severe and unpleasant. The expression he wore was a mix of displeasure and annoyance. Going by the classic leather satchel in his hand, this man must be the family doctor.
Dean shifted Emma’s unconscious body off his chest and stood, “You the doctor?”
The man removed his hat and placed it on the table along with his bag, “I am Doctor Lancaster, and you are the Alpha who caused all the trouble.” He never spared Dean a glance as he rifled through his bag. His tone suggested an absolute disgust with the situation.
Dean crossed his arms over his chest. He didn’t appreciate being judged by a gargoyle in cheap mortician’s suit. Especially not when his mate’s life was hanging by a thread. “Yup, that’s me. So, are you able to help her?”
Lancaster moved over his patient with efficiency. After he took a few vitals, he drew out a vial and syringe from his bag of tricks. “I believe so, it was a good thing you called when you did. Another hour and she’d be dead.” He swiped an alcohol swab over the crook of Emma’s elbow and administered a hefty dose of the drug.
“What are you giving her?”
The Alpha didn’t appreciate the sarcasm. He let out a low, menacing growl and clenched his jaw so that the muscle there twitched.
The doctor was equally unimpressed with the show of aggression. “It’s a combination of adrenaline, beta blockers and hormone booster.”
Dean frowned as he realized the implication, “She was on suppressants?”
“Ah! An Alpha with a brain! Nice to know at least one of you rutting beasts can think with something other than your nether regions.” Lancaster checked Emma’s pulse one last time. With a satisfied nod, he shut his bag and stood.
“Your Omega is going to be fine. Her temperature is already rising, and her heat cycle will now continue as normal.” The doctor gave Dean an appraising once over. “Judging by your own state, I’d say you are already aware of that.”
Dean was loathed to admit this quack was right about anything. The cavalier way he was treating a medical emergency should have him barred from practicing medicine anywhere in the civilized world. The fact that the emergency was his mate, made Dean want to rip the man’s throat out on principle alone. Yet, the little troll had done something right, because he could now pick up Emma’s scent. It was intoxicating, and stronger than it had ever been. Apple orchards and magnolia blossoms, it made his mouth water. His rut, that had been threatening since meeting Emma was now in full swing. His thoughts were quickly giving way to is Alpha instincts; protect, care for, and knot his mate.
Lancaster already had his hand on the door, knowing his presence wouldn’t be tolerated by a rutting Alpha for much longer. “She’ll wake in a couple of hours. When she does, the best treatment for her, is you.”
It was the faint, high pitched whine that finally pulled Emma from her dreamless sleep. She felt warm and secure. That lovely scent of sun-warmed cedar forest tickled her nose and she sighed in contentment, snuggling towards it.
The worry edged fear in that deep voice had her frowning before she even opened her eyes. When she did, Dean’s face was mere inches from hers, his handsome features tight with stress. The anxiety that rolled off him in waves made her heart clench. He was terrified.
She brought her hand out from under the nest of blankets and threaded it through Dean’s hair, “Alpha.”
Dean crushed her to his chest, his whole body trembled, weak with relief. After that wretched doctor left, Dean had ridded them both of their clothes and bundled them up under a mountain of blankets. He kept their bodies pressed as closely together as possible, his instincts telling him skin to skin contact was crucial to his Omega’s recovery. A warm, safe nest for just the two of them where he could protect her and look after her properly.
He scented her deeply, desperate to drown himself in the sweet fragrance. “Thank God,” he murmured over and over again.
“Shh, it’s alright. I’m alright,” she soothed, brushing kisses against his forehead. She held him tight as he shook in her arms. A virile, strong Alpha like him wouldn’t be scared by much, and that told her all she needed to know about how critical things had gotten.
He had taken care of her, gotten her help and no doubt saved her life. Now it was her turn to take care of him, “I’ve got you; I’m right here.”
He kissed her roughly, stealing her words along with her breath. Desperation and urgency in every heated pass of his mouth over hers. His hands groped her aggressively, pawing at any bit of softness he could find. It took him several minutes to regain his control. He abruptly pulled away, panting for composure he would not easily grasp.
“I’m sorry… sorry.” He let his forehead fall against hers as his chest heaved. His voice was low and hoarse. “You need rest.”
Emma studied Dean’s pinched features. The tension coiled uncomfortably, barely contained, under the surface, sweat dotted his skin and his rock-hard length twitched between them. His eyes were nearly black, overtaken by the hormones and lust ravaging his system. This whole mess had triggered his rut, God knows how long he had been suffering with it while she was unconscious. The added worry that his mate was dying had made it nearly unbearable.
Her heart broke for him then and with it came guilt. This whole thing was her fault. She knew the consequences of doing anything with an Alpha while she was still taking the treatments. It was reckless and irresponsible and unforgivably selfish.
She cupped the side of his face, gently brushing her thumb over the ridge of his cheekbone. He closed his eyes and leaned into her soothing touch. “I don’t need rest. I only need you.”
“No,” he muttered, trying to ignore the urges running through him. “I’m rough. Too rough. Don’t wanna hurt you.”
She continued to stroke his face, calming and soothing. “You won’t hurt me, I’m your Omega. And your Omega is a strong Omega.”
Dean mustered up a final ounce of control and looked into her deep, blue eyes. The comfort and consent he saw there eased the tightness in his chest. “’Mega mine.”
“Yours.” Emma confirmed softly and brushed her lips feather-light over his, “Mate now. Rest later.”
It lasted five days in total. Each of them seamlessly providing what the other needed most. Alpha and Omega. Balanced. Each a perfect counterpoint to the other. They relished in the joy of being together. Every experience was exciting and new, every touch satisfied in ways that surprised. Very few words were spoken, their connection was so strong that it over-rode the need to talk. That knowing, that deep down in the soul kind of certainty was staggering. The intimacy of their bond was deeper and more complex than either of them had ever known.
Now that their respective heat and rut cycles had ended, they were left with the rather mundane task of how to weave their lives together. These were the boring, yet very necessary details of the real world. The world outside of cozy one they’d created within the confines of the hotel suite. Neither of them were particularly excited at the prospect.
“So, going by this hotel room we’ve been honeymooning in, I’m guessing you’re not a New Yorker.”
Dean caught her gaze in the mirror as he deftly buttoned up the crisp, white dress shirt and smiled. Even her reflection caused his stomach to flip over. “Nope, Chicago. Born and bred. You?”
“You ever been to the windy city?”
“A couple of times,” she shrugged, tucking her legs up demurely under her backside. “It’s not bad for fly-over country.”
“Fly-over country?” Dean scoffed, “Chicago is in the heartland, the Midwest. Everything a big city has to offer with access to wide open spaces. Way better than this uptight sand bar.”
“Is that so? Then what’s a guy like you doing slumming it around the boroughs? Cruising for a mate?”
“Nah, I just got lucky.” Dean plopped down to sit beside her on the bed and kissed her loudly. “I travel a lot for work. I’m in New York once a month or so.”
“Will you come back more now?” She asked hopefully, the thought of only seeing him once a month had her heart twisting.
“Well, I thought that you’d come back with me. You know, live with me in Chicago.” Seeing her face fall, he rushed to reassure her, hoping that he wasn’t bungling things too much. “I’m sure you will need some time to get things tied up here, but I want you with me ‘Mega. And we can come back as often as you like.”
“Why don’t you move here with me?”
Dean nearly scoffed, but the earnest look in her eyes suggested a softer approach might be better. “Sweetheart, my business is in Chicago. I make a good living, an excellent living actually. I have an apartment there along with some property in the country. I’ll take good care of you; you won’t have to worry about anything ever again.”
She raised her chin to look Dean square in the eye, “My business is in New York. I make an excellent living and I own a beautiful Brownstone on the upper east side. I don’t have a country cottage, but I’m willing to work that into our negotiations.”
“Negotiations?!” He sat back with a laugh, “You are something else, you know that? Omegas don’t negotiate living arrangements with their Alphas.”
She leveled her gaze, “Yours does.”
His mate wasn’t one to give in easily, and he loved that about her. Her spirit. Her fight. She challenged him, made him earn her submission. Made him prove he was worthy of her. He was happy to oblige her.
He leaned in close, his mouth centimeters from hers but not touching. He ghosted over, getting tantalizingly close but never making contact. Catching on, she let him edge her backwards on the bed. It was one of those games teenagers play, like there’s an invisible barrier around their bodies that allow them to get close but never touch. They moved in tandem, he filled up space she had occupied only moments before. She retreated as he advanced.
Dean’s movements were sleek and slow, like a panther. He never stopped his progression, never broke contact with her gaze. He watched with hooded eyes as the glint of rebellion gave over to something softer.
He hovered over her body only a hair’s breadth away, his grin was predatory, “Lucky for you, I’m an expert negotiator.”
Emma struggled to keep her thoughts orderly. It was growing increasingly difficult as her mate hovered above her. His scent surrounded her, his arms and legs caging her in. He was everywhere and she could feel herself start to float on that heady, seductive cloud. She couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her lips. Nowhere in the whole world felt as good, as right, as being with him.
It wasn’t until he saw her eyes flutter shut that he broke that invisible barrier between them. His nose brushed the claiming mark and inhaled deeply before moving on to the spot just behind her ear. It was one of her favorites and he had discovered just how sensitive it was over the past few days.
When he nuzzled her then nipped, she moaned and brought her fingers up to comb through his hair still damp from the shower. “Mmm… you make a valid point.”
He chuckled as he continued his assault. Moving down the graceful column of her neck, he sampled silky skin.
“I have an idea,” she said as Dean made his way to the zipper of her hoodie and started to ease it down. When he didn’t reply but moved his fingers moved to her waistband, she gave a sharp tug on the short hairs at the base of his skull.
“Agh!” He grunted as she wiggled out from under him. With a pained sigh and a semi hard erection, he propped himself up on one elbow. “Better watch it, Sweetheart. You know I like it rough.”
Emma sat up, regal as a queen. Determined to get back to business. “I think we should date.”
“Date,” he repeated. “We’re mated. We’ve spent the last five days claiming each other in every way possible. Don’t you think we’re a little past the dating phase?”
A worried frown creased her brow, “You don’t want to date me?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I know it’s a little… backwards, but so what? Why should we do things the way other people do?” She gave a shy smile as she appealed to him. “I want to get to know you.”
He sat himself up completely and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “We are going to spend the rest of our lives getting to know each other.”
He instead of reassuring her, he felt her pull away. He felt like kicking himself, somehow, he’d managed to say something wrong. He crooked a finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. There was disappointment there, “It means that much to you?”
“Well, I thought it would be fun and I… I’ve never dated before. Not really, anyway.” She replied, struggling to keep embarrassment from coloring her voice.
Dean couldn’t help being surprised. Shocked. She was a beautiful woman, stunning actually. He had no doubt that his pretty little Omega had turned heads from an early age. She was so smart and fun and sexy, it seemed impossible that no one had ever tried to date her. Although the very thought had his possessive Alpha jealousy flaring.
“Never? No boyfriend ever?”
She shook her head and bit her lip. One of her more noticeable nervous tells. “No, not really. I mean, I’ve gone on a few dates but there was never anyone special.”
“Does this have to do with those black-market suppressants you were taking?”
“They weren’t black-market,” she countered, “I wasn’t getting shot up in back alleys, I was under a doctor’s care.”
“Oh, you mean that gargoyle that showed up? That guy was a dick, he had the bedside manner of a cab driver!”
“What he lacks in congeniality he makes up for in discretion.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest defensively. She wasn’t accustomed to defending her actions to anyone, especially regarding her presentation treatments. It was a well-guarded family secret, discussing it with anyone else made her very uneasy. Even if that person was her Alpha, the one person meant to protect her.
“Being an Omega is nothing but a liability, it’s a weakness. This city is full of Alphas who think they can drag me back to their cave by my ponytail. Or boss me around because the world order says they should be in charge of everything!”
Frustrated, she blinked back the stinging in her eyes. Tears that threatened to fall only seemed to undermine her point. Usually, she had a tight rein on her emotions but ever since being claimed, they refused to stay where she put them. They were like a storm she was constantly trying to keep from breaking through.
“I just wanted to live my life without having to worry that my presentation would get me overlooked for a promotion or kidnapped by a rut-crazed Alpha.”
Dean hated the fear and stress he felt from her. Her eyes bright with unshed tears. He knew the world wasn’t an easy place for Omegas. Emma certainly wasn’t alone in her feelings on the matter and many others had taken the same route. Suppressants and scent blockers were a common and safe method for most people who wanted a bit of anonymity.
“You’re right,” he said with a sigh, taking both of her hands in his. Reveling in how delicate they seemed compared to his. How easily they could be bruised or broken. “There’s nothing wrong with Omegas using suppressants. Hell, if I were in your shoes, I’d probably do the same thing. It’s just that reaction you had, you were so cold. I thought I was going to lose you. I’ve never been that scared. And then that creepy doctor… acting like he didn’t care if you lived or died. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.”
Emma leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. “I know. I’m sorry Dean, it’s my fault. I knew better, I just got caught up. And then when my heat started, I couldn’t think straight.”
“It’s understandable. I did kind of sweep you off your feet.”
“You did,” she smiled softly. “That’s why I had only been with Betas before.”
Dean pulled back and looked at her with curiosity, “So you’ve never been with an Alpha before me?”
His grin was instant and cocky as his chest puffed out. “Good.”
She rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”
He laughed and pulled her onto his lap, tucking her head under his chin. She fit there so perfectly; Dean knew he would never grow tired of holding her. Leaving New York without her, would likely be one of the hardest things he would ever do. He took a deep inhale of her sweet scent and groaned. “Okay Sweetheart, you win. Let’s date.”
Emma drew back and looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes, “Really?”
“Hell, why not!”
She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with such enthusiasm that he nearly toppled backwards. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Just you wait,” he muttered through their joined lips, “I’ve got all kinds of romantic cards up my sleeve.”
When her face lit up Dean felt his heart swell. Yeah, being separated for any amount of time would be torture, but worth it if it made her so happy.
She eyed him with suspicion. “You aren’t just giving me my way because I cried, are you?”
“I hate seeing you cry, but no. You made a valid point. It’ll take us time to get everything figured out, why not have some fun while we’re at it?”
The dimple in her left cheek appeared and her eyes sparkled with the smile that bloomed. She was practically glowing with excitement and hope. Shining like the sun, the new center of his universe. His whole future held in his arms.
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kreetzel · 3 months
i COUULLDD boot it up but it if its fucked ill have to reinstall fedora and then upgrade it to 40 (because theres only 39 on my usb)
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afterthegreatunknown · 2 months
7 for the great unknown survivors?
sorry for the late reply anon.
i was writing a response to you when my laptop thought it funny to turn off due to low battery (usually it gives warning to charge except this one time), tumblr decided to NOT save the rough draft of it (when in the past this happened before, they save it. maybe it's an ask thing.)
i got so mad i had to log off for the rest of the day and watch cooking shows on the tv to cool off and to rewrite my response to you.
anyway, to your questions! all of this is bookverse (unless stated). i didn't really think about weight, so this is just ages and heights.
quagmires: 13. i headcanon them as turning 13 pre-taa by taa proper they been 13 for a while.
fiona: 16. i headcanon her as turning 16 during tmm; near the end in fact. in some aus, fiona is 15 though (but she's still older than violet given it's implied fiona is the oldest of the unfortunate gen).
fernald: his age was haunting me ever since reading tgg. i actually had to headcanon his age via math so my personal timeline makes sense. fernald is ~30, for he was ~14 when fiona was born.
(netflix!fernald is ~33; i bumped him up on account of the changes netflix asoue did for lots of stuff they did with the timeline.)
hector: given that the one clue we have for hector is that he's one year younger than lemony, i gave him a rough age of ~35, for i heacanon lemony as ~36.
widdershins: another age that haunts me since reading tgg. he's clearly on the older side, but i'm on the boat that has mrs. widdershins as the older of the couple because of the implication of fernald's age. so with some more math, i headcanon his age at ~39; same age as the snicket twins, denouements, and gustav, for fun extra details.
(netflix!widdershins is ~65; again on account of the changes of netflix asoue did regarding the timeline, i personally headcanon netflix!widdershins as an original member of vfd when it was first founded, alongside other characters, and his age need to reflect it.)
quagmires: 5'1 (154cm). i imagine them at a taller height when adults.
fiona: 5'3 (160cm). and i headcanon her as the shortest of the unfortunate gen too; that means the quagmires as adults are taller than 5'3.
fernald: 5'11 (180cm). he's tall, but i think his whole attitude + wardrobe (trench coat, fedora hat), gives the illusion he's taller (heck maybe he wears boots too. i think he's the boot sort of guy).
hector: 5'7 or 5'8 (170cm or 172.7cm). he's tall, but tall in from a short person perspective (re: baudelaires). i have a flux headcanon hector lies about his height to appear taller (5'9 aka 175cm), but this rarely appears in fics of mine.
widdershins: 6'2 (188cm). while the tallest of the group of survivors, widdershins is shorter than the taller members of the sbg (denouements, jacques, olaf). he got lucky with his genes + new upbringing in vfd (he should have been shorter).
thank you so much the ask, anon! again, i do apologize for the late response, and that it's to your liking.
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complete-idiot-in-love · 10 months
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Watching episode 39 of Once Upon A Witchlight (Spoilers warning!)
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This podcast is so found family coded for me and I'm definitely gonna start writing down moments I liked to share here with y'all! I already got episode 40 done too so be on the lookout for that post after this one uwu
@cafekitsune made these awesome dividers, I'm gonna start using them for style!
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Bloodytoes flirting with Gricko because of their shared hatred of the lornlings gives me "really? In front of my salad?" Vibes but the salad is hootsie
Mikey not blinking for the entire opening was very scary and also worrying because how the hell can he do that??? And it just made me wonder if Gricko could do that also
When Torbek is eating the feathers and plucking the vultures, I can imagine my self insert just giving him MORE feathers to eat because "I can't tell if this is a bugbear thing or a Torbek thing but if it makes him happy :) "
Andy and Mikey talking joking about Frost having rizz and also being an incel with a fedora was so good. I can't believe my AroAce (Headcanon) brother has more rizz than me >:(
Derek jokingly telling Nikki her heartbeat sounds aren't good enough and he should do them which makes her kill frost with a sharp pot lid “my fucking rest of my body!" Was so damn funny
Sea cucumber robert rectangle trousers ice pops (Spongebob Squarepants) I love it when Gricko makes unofficial names for random things haha!!
“You feel frost filling your mouth" NOT THE FIRST TIME, PROBABLY WON'T BE THE LAST!!!
The group really wanting to leave Gricko for dead in the meat locker because his stupid ass really wanted the heart in the box
Hootsie biting off Gideon's nipple so hard that it gushes blood and B-Toes looking happy about it. Hootsie just was protecting her Papa!!
Mending is Frost's signature spell at this point I swear to the gods
“Male satyr dangling his, dangling his hooves” BAD PLACE TO STUTTER NIKKI!!
Gideon's rage code word being bitch is never NOT funny to me
Torbek FINALLY using one of his dimension doors from back when they fought the rabbits to save the satyr is so nice (like what if he did it cause he thought maybe the satyr was related to my self insert?) Also did they retcon him eating the second one or what cause apparently he has another but when Andy was absent, Nikki made Torbek eat it and fall unconscious
The satyrs name is Vancele (vawn-cell) and he is HUNG (and maybe related to my self insert but probably not) Also just in general I love it when the group runs into satyrs because it shows that there is a good possibility that my character COULD be canon! And it's just funny to imagine my amnesiac satyr seeing another one and being like "Are we related??"
Gideon comforting his upset husband about his missing hat is so damn cute, I love my dads so much
Gricko being terrible at lying is such a Gricko thing
Torbek being fancy with his new +1 luck rose! So glad he got something good, my bestie deserves it!!
Every time Gricko says “those FUCKERS" I die out laughing because of how unnaturally pissed off he is
Frost being the most accidentally horniest dude on the team AND the most badass with his meta magic is so cool “I will do them both, I'm very flexible" My brother got RIZZ!!
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blindrapture · 3 months
SATURDAY JUNE 11TH, 2011 ("Promise you'll never?")
12:01 AM Mistress? "I just happened to be in the neighbourhood, figured I'd drop by." Thank you for the consideration. "Are you going to invite me in for some hot coffee?" ..fuck. "That's the idea." giggles That's.. not what I meant. "It's what I meant." she's pushing her way in. donnie's coming downstairs. sees mistress. backing up, back up the stairs now. to the bathroom. now why can't I.
4:50 PM Donnie and I. Kitchen. “We’re gonna get out of here, right?” Yes. We are. We’ll get out of here, and we’ll go to.. uh.. “We’ll go to a church. And get married.” Are you okay? “Marriage is a perfectly normal thing to suggest!” ..she burst into tears. “I’m just so alone. I feel like you’re falling in love with that.. thing.” Oh god. No. No. “Do.. do you promise?” I do. “Promise you’ll never?” I promise. Donnie, you’ve been treated horribly, and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make it up to you; I promise that too. hug “You don’t need to. You haven’t done anything wrong.” I feel like I have. “You’re my best friend at the moment. You’ve treated me the best out of everyone so far.” ..then why do I hate myself? ._.
7:58 PM We went to the restaurant again. We made ourselves meals and talked about other future plans. We thought about running to some countryside town nearby, or perhaps all the way to France. But in the end, those aren’t very good plans. I’m starting to realize that Mistress chose the perfect place to lead us to. Blackpool is far from everything. Everything except the ocean, and we can’t run across that. What does she want with us?
9:12 PM I just want to sleep all night tonight. With Donnie. But we can’t. Mistress will visit tonight. There’s no telling what she’d do to us if she found us sleeping. So I guess we’ll listen to some music.
10:39 PM Music is fun. Legitimately fun. It’s making me feel alive.
11:00 PM ..door. Donnie’ll get it this time. She insists.
11:01 PM It’s not Mistress, I know that much. It’s a man. He’s handing Donnie a flyer. And now he’s leaving. I couldn’t see him very well from up here.
11:02 PM Donnie says he was a man in a similar outfit to what I normally wear. Black suit, black pants, sunglasses, (no scarf,) and.. well, she said he was in a fedora. She also says he had dark hair and a thin moustache. He didn’t speak. That sounds a little like.. Bones. But I mean what? I mean.. he was my best friend back when I used to live in America a year ago. So it can't be. Of course not. It's someone else. Oh right, the flyer. It actually wasn’t a flyer; it was a receipt. For a B-4000k Oven. Expensive, according to this thing. In the quintuple-digit range. The hell? Donnie says she’s going to hide the receipt somewhere. Just in case. I’m still trying to figure out what the point to that was.
11:11 PM I wish tonight will be at least a little bit gentler than normal.
11:39 PM Speak of the devil. That’ll be Mistress. I’ll get it.
11:41 PM Hi. "Tonight's session will have to be shorter than usual. I have news for you. But first, I want to have my way with the hottest man around." more giggles. Every time she compliments me, I feel worse about myself. Every time she giggles, I want her to just hurry up and kill me already.
(Attached: “He never complimented the Harlequin. He only asked her to pledge her love to him. He gave her new clothes and told her to go kill the prime minister. She looked at him, afraid but trusting, and asked if he was okay. He punched her and told her, if she didn’t do this, she would never feel again.”)
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linuxstuff · 9 months
How to get windows-like screenshot tool in Linux Nobara 39
If you're looking to emulate the feature of pressing win+shift+s and getting to take a rectangular screenshot that you can then copy and paste into say, discord. It's a simple shortcut add to make this feature happen in Nobara 39 (and/or Fedora) with Spectacle.
First press super user key (windows key) , type in shortcuts, and press enter
Either click on spectacle, or search for it with the searchbar
Click the arrow next to "Capture rectangular region"
Left of the trashcan click on the pre-existing shortcut (it will say meta+shift+print)
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5. It will then change to input, just press windows key+shift+s to input the shortcut
6. Click apply on the bottom right, and we're done! We now have win+shift+s screenshot functionality on Nobara.
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narashikari · 8 months
Aaaand now it's Renn Kiriyama's turn lmao
Happy birthday to our beloved halfboiled fedora tantei himself~
Also... I'm always amazed by how old he really is, he looks like he's in early 20s but nope, he's 39
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thelastlightningbug · 8 months
what i set out to do: back up my phone to my laptop to clear space, back up my laptop to an external hard drive, update my laptop, and run diagnostics after the update to see if there's any cause for the issues i've been having with it crashing often
what is happening: backup my phone to my laptop but it's out of space so i have to delete all the old backups (and for some reason iphotos is uploading duplicates of everything, but because my computer is a bunch of osx-s behind i don't yet have the delete duplicates tool in photos), the drive i was going to use to backup my laptop has 100gb of data on it and i can't use it unless i wipe and format the drive entirely, the drive can't be rewritten in any way other than completely wiping it because it's encoded in a way macbooks don't like and we need to keep those files apparently, i can't use the other 2tb drive we have because it is probably older than me and therefore the size of the book Eragon (i have to travel soon so i really don't have the space)
so now i'm using my old 2010 dell laptop—running fedora linux 30 (39 is current)—to write the 100gb of files from one drive to the other. and because my dad got involved instead of letting me do it myself it's being written through the command line & i have NO idea how long it'll take. could be all night. i feel like im doing a knee replacement on this file format system & im not as smart as i used to be
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1. What kind of book are you currently interested in?
O: A book on world cultures. I have a deep understanding of our country as compared towhat I know of the world. So I thought that I should learn about the different ways of thinking of the rest of the world that I don’t know. That’s why I read it.
2. What kind of movies do you like?
O: I love horror films!
3. When you were in school, what is the subject you’re weak at?
O: Math…
4. When you were in school, what is the subject you’re best at?
O: Science!
5. If your girlfriend cooks for you, what dish would you like her to cook?
6. What is your ideal type in a girl?
O: A girl with a cute aura.
7. Which hairstyle do you prefer in a girl? Short, bob, semilong, or long?
O: Short hair.
8. What is your favorite number?
O: 2. I feel like it has a sense of stability.
9. If a girl could give you a message, what words would make you happy?
O: I would be happy if I were told, “Your voice is really beautiful.”
10. What Korean dish would you recommend to your Japanese fans?
O: Samgyetang
11. Please wink for us.
12. What SHINee song would you recommend to lift someone’s spirit when they’re feeling down?
O: 321
13. What if you invited a girl you like to a date, how will you approach her?
O: I think that instead of asking her out boldly, I will do it secretly and in private(LOL).
14. Recently, is there anything that made you feel happy or energetic?
O: I took awalk after a long time! The trees were so green, and when I saw them I can feel the nature. The wind also felt really nice.
15. What is your treasure?
O: My family, myself, my fans. And the people around me who support me.
16. What is your favorite (Japanese) word?
O: Smile.Because a smiling face is the best.
17. What is your recent favorite fashion item?
O: Fedora hats.
18. What is a food you dislike?
O: Cucumbers.
19. Please hold out your hand.
20. What is your favorite smell?
O: The smell of trees. They have a calming feeling.
21. What is your ideal age to get married?
O: I wonder how old would be good…about 35 years old? (LOL)
22. What is your latest hobby/game that interests you?
O: Bowling! I even bought My Ball! I’m thinking of seriously doing it (LOL).
23. What is your special skill?
O:Hmm..ttakbam (LOL)
24. What is your favorite food?
O: Chicken! I love chicken! I like any dish with chicken!
25. Please give us a flying kiss!
26. Please make a crying face.
27. What is a book you like?
A: Poetry. It is an accumulation of unsaid feelings and is easy to read.
28. How do you relieve stress?
O: I guess this is also by walking. Like, taking a walk through a place I’ve never ventured before. Since it’s a place I’m unfamiliar with, I become observant of the things around me and it’s exciting, discovering a lot of new things. With that, my mood becomes better. I recommend it to everyone!
29. What is your charm point?
O: My voice!
30. What is the most interesting dream you had?
O: Hmm..I forgot. LOL. I may have had dreams but I don’t really remember them?
31. What did you eat last night?
O: Ramen!
32. If you’re taking a walk with your girlfriend, what is better? holding hands or linking arms?
O: Holding hands would be better, I think~
33. What present would you give your girlfriend if you’re celebrating your first anniversary?
O: Hmm…what would be nice? …Will you give me suggestions? (LOL)
34. What is your weak point?
O: I get easily influenced by other people’s opinions.
35. What is something you want to do before you die?
O: Something that seems to feel really good–Skydiving!
36. What do you wear when you sleep?
O: T-shirt and shorts.
37. What is your dream when you were young?
O: To be a scientist or architect
38. When you go out, what item should definitely be in your bag?
O: My phone, wallet, and room keys
39. What is the first thing you do upon waking up?
O: Check the time.
40. What is something that you are secretly proud of?
O: No matter what I’m going to start doing or no matter where I am going, I always prepare for it.
41. Which do you prefer, roller coaster or haunted house?
O: If I can choose, then roller coaster.
42. Please make a gesture showing, “keep it a secret”!
43. What is your favorite sport?
O: Favorite sport, I don’t have one (LOL).
44. What do you buy in a convenience store?
O: I often buy sweets or drinks.
45. Are you the type of person who eats his favorite food first or last?
O: Either. It depends on what I feel during that time.
46. How do you spend time in your room?
O: If there is time, I sleep a lot.
47. What is your favorite animal?
O: Giraffe
48. What is your favorite color?
O: Blue!
49. What is your favorite season?
O: Although they pass by easily, spring and autumn.
50. (Q fromSWJ): Onew-san always has a smiling face, but if a problem comes up, what do you do to calm yourself down?
O: First, I sleep (LOL). But I don’t sleep to forget about it. I sleep mainly to /reset/ and regain my presence of mind. Then I think it over again,what I lacked/missed and what I need to do.
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animationnut · 2 years
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I posted 793 times in 2022
That's 80 more posts than 2021!
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764 posts reblogged (96%)
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I tagged 791 of my posts in 2022
#phineas and ferb - 149 posts
#encanto - 91 posts
#amphibia - 88 posts
#stranger things - 56 posts
#amphibia spoilers - 50 posts
#gif post - 43 posts
#tumblr things - 39 posts
#tribute post - 28 posts
#video post - 27 posts
#sing 2016 - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#think i might be the only non-preschool aged person to sit down of my own choice to watch the show
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just can’t believe they didn’t bring back even one of the original hero trio.
51 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Phineas and Ferb Platonic Soulmate AU
Big thanks to @pftones3482 who gave me Perry's soulmarks for his kids. I was suffering a creative block and I knew she'd be able to solve my problem ha ha
This AU takes place within the events of the series, so for this Phineas and Ferb are ten at the start of the most Epic Summer ever, Candace still turns fifteen during her birthday episode.
-Soulmarks appear on a person's body on their tenth birthday. Soulmarks are pictures that are of significance to their soulmate. Romantic soulmates have matching marks
-Perry and Pinky, as far as they know, are the only animals in history to have gained soulmarks. Perry receives his when he turns two.
-The darker the soulmark, the more powerful the bond between soulmates. If a soulmark is in full, solid colour, the person gains a sense connection to their soulmate. This sensation is very rare
-Candace's soulmarks: a heart with C+J inside of it for Jeremy, a teal hair bow for Stacy, a teddy bear for Phineas (matching the one he brought home with him from the hospital when he was born) and a chocolate bar for Ferb (the food she shared with him the first time they met) and a fedora for Perry. Her soulmarks for Perry, Phineas and Ferb are in full colour
-Phineas' soulmarks: a pink bow for Isabella, a calculator for Baljeet, a boxing glove for Buford, a wrench for Ferb, Ducky Momo for Candace, a grappling hook for Perry. His soulmarks for Candace, Ferb and Perry are in full colour
Ferb's soulmarks: a rainbow for Isabella, an atom for Baljeet, a goldfish for Buford, a screwdriver for Phineas, a grilled cheese for Candace (lunch that he made for her by himself when she came down with a nasty case of the flu) and a jet pack for Perry. His soulmarks for Perry, Candace and Phineas are in full colour
Perry's soulmarks: a white electric guitar for Phineas, an acoustic guitar for Ferb, a microphone for Candace. All of them are in full colour
-Perry knew immediately that his soulmarks belong to his kids. There's no one else in the world he loves more than them. The night he gains his soulmarks, he sneaks into Candace's room to see her soulmark for him. He is both delighted and panicked by the brown fedora on the palm of her left hand. He keeps a close eye on her the next day, trying to determine what her sense connection to him is, and is relieved when it's a scent connection. Though he expects she will be confused by some of the scents she experiences through their connection, he doubts it will be enough for her to figure out he's a secret agent
-Perry's marks are hidden beneath his fur, and if Monogram and Carl ever find out he and his kids are soulmates, it will be purely by accident, and he will fight through the entirety of OWCA if they ever try to take him away from his family
-Candace is initially excited when she starts to smell things that aren't there. A sense connection is established when both soulmates have their soulmarks, so she assumes her soulmate just turned ten. But she freaks out when she smells smoke, terrified that her soulmate is in trouble. Her parents soothe her, and when the scent disappears as quickly as it appeared, they figure a member of her soulmate's family is a firefighter or something. Candace grows used to the sour scent, but Perry tries to cover his nose as he destroys Heinz's -inators to keep her from getting too overwhelmed
-Phineas' sense connection to Perry is hearing whatever Perry hears. He can't hear full words, just unintelligible sounds and background noise. He doesn't think much of the explosions, the muffled booming against his eardrums. Almost immediately after the bangs, he'll hear the whistling of wind, the roar of a rocket, the ding of an elevator. He's intrigued by the garbled chatter, which he hears a lot, and he can't pinpoint the accent
-Ferb's sense connection to Perry is through touch. He's the first to figure out Perry is their soulmate, and that there is more to him than meets the eye. When Perry fell into the sandpaper factory, Ferb's skin erupted with a horrible burning sensation. He puts the dots together when Perry comes home all scraped up, and understands that when Perry comes home everyday, he goes straight to Ferb to make sure he isn't harmed by the aches, pinches and throbbing he experiences while Perry is gone. Though concerned, Perry always comes home, and in pretty good health, and Ferb decides to keep his suspicions quiet for the time being
-Perry's sense connection to his kids is through vision, which he is absolutely thrilled by. He can see through their eyes whenever he focusses, able to check on them no matter how far away he is
83 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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See the full post
110 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
The Kids Know Perry's Secret Headcanons
-Whenever Candace sees Lawrence or Linda cleaning out the litter box, she'll remark, "Why don't you just get Perry to do it?" Phineas and Ferb crack up every time, but her parents, and Perry, get sick of the joke very quickly
-For the first few weeks, Phineas asks Perry for permission for almost everything; taking him for a walk, petting him, snuggling with him, if he prefers to give himself a bath, etc. Phineas worries about crossing Perry's boundaries and when he starts making a list of acceptable activities, Perry takes him aside and communicates that he loves just being with them, and that he'd never once felt demeaned being their pet, and he doesn't want that part of their relationship to completely disappear
-Ferb and Perry share fond, exasperated conversations over Phineas and Candace's abundance of energy
-When one of the kids are instructed to clean Perry's litter box, they immediately pass the task onto the platypus
-Candace realizes that all this time, Perry understood every mean comment she's directed at him. Overcome with guilt and shame, she apologizes tearfully, and though Perry appreciates it, it is unnecessary. He makes sure Candace knows that he doesn't care, that he's had many snappish thoughts about her, and that's just what they do. They bicker, they fight, they get on each other's nerves, and they still love each deeply through it all
-Phineas and Ferb build Perry a collar that has the ability to translate his chatters into speech. He doesn't use it very often, since all of the people he cares about most in the world understand him fine with his non-verbal communication, which he prefers, because it feels more intimate
-After every mission, Phineas and Ferb eagerly listen to Doof's scheme of the day. Candace has no interest, which Perry is extremely grateful for, because if she found out that Doof was responsible for most of the boys' inventions disappearing, he'd have to act as the man's bodyguard
-Candace asks Perry if she can borrow his spy gear to bust Phineas and Ferb. He gives a firm no, and that night she sneaks into his lair, only to find Perry waiting for her. They get into an argument, with Candace furiously stating that he's always liked her brothers much more than her before storming out. She tries to barricade herself in her room but Perry breaks in, and an emotional and heartfelt conversation ensues
170 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Phineas, Ferb and Candace finding out about Perry’s secret a few years down the road and Monogram just lets them be, because he’s getting tired of erasing this family’s memories.
Perry shows the kids his lair and leaves them for a minute while he finishes up some paperwork with Monogram regarding the whole situation.
Candace finds a CD with his theme song, which she thinks is incredibly dorky. Phineas and Ferb are delighted and they stick it in Perry’s computer. Candace hears the opening beats and her eyes go wide.
“Oh my gosh, that slaps.”
When Perry returns he can hear the music blaring from the other end of the corridor. He enters his lair to see the siblings singing his theme at the top of their lungs and dancing enthusiastically to the rhythm.
With a wide grin, and overwhelming love in his heart, Perry joins them.
977 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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astrolotte · 2 years
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#splatoon - 58 posts
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#artists on tumblr - 56 posts
#five nights at freddy's - 52 posts
#digital art - 45 posts
#artist - 39 posts
#charlie emily - 37 posts
#astrozei - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#anyway. i shifted the colors around to better fit the character i drew. and by shifted the colors i mean i essentially stuck a filter on it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi I have finally gotten around to reading all of the Alterna Logs after speedrunning my way through world 5 and 6 because I had enough eggs and didn't have to play any of them and. and.
Wow! They did a great job of continuing the Splatoon trend of giving us a funny concept with absolutely decimating lore behind it! I'm absolutely miserable now! /pos
more. under the cut. spoiler warning
ough what the FUCK /pos /pos /very much positive! Wow! All of humanity is dead but the new species exist because of US! That's absolutely miserable!
Honestly, I never really expected an actual reason to how the sea life evolved so quickly. I mean, it's only been 12,000 years since humanity died. There's no way that squids evolved into humanoids THAT FAST. But I didn't think much of it. Sure, Splatoon has a tendency to give proper and often detailed explanations towards little details (ex. the reason you can customize your character after the beginning is because squids can change color irl), but I just figured... eh. It's Splatoon. they can do what they want.
But NOPE! Turns out, there IS a reason for it!
I don't know if there's anyone still reading this who doesn't yet know the lore but doesn't care about spoilers, but here's a copy-pasted message from me talking to my friends about what the reason is:
"The few remaining humans on earth decided to build a dome underground, for their safety. Eventually, they developed these 'crystals' made from the bodily fluids of squids, that could essentially read minds and reflect the hopes of humanity. They filled the ceiling of the dome with these crystals, and they turned into the Earth's sky- the humans just wanted to be on the surface again, all we really wanted was to be back up there. All we wanted was to see the sky.
Eventually, this last group of humans had children, and the new generation was just as wistful as the last; they wanted to be on the surface too. Even though they had never seen it.
Against the wishes of their elders, they built a rocket ship to get back up there. But this... was a mistake. As soon as they attempted to turn it on, it started burning up the ceiling. The 'sky' fell, crystals included. It killed everyone. There were no more humans left on Earth.
But these crystals... they began to, essentially, merge with the sea life around their dome. And as the crystals reflected humanity's hopes and dreams, the sea life began to rapidly evolve into humanoids. They became humanoid because of us. Because of our desires and love and hope, the squids and octopi and every other creature we had found began to become us, or as close as they can get.
They are our last creation, our last little huzzah. The product of our last hope. They wanted to go to the surface just as we had, because that was what we wanted. They became land animals because of our dreams. They left the dome because that was all we wanted to do.
They saw our sky again for us. And yet, they had no clue that they were our result. They just... wanted to see the sky. Just as we had.
In typical Splatoon fashion, you have a funny premise (humanoid sea creatures have a society) followed by absolutely devastating lore."
Just... wow. Alright. Alright! That's some of the most horrifying lore we have yet! I mean, knowing that all the humans died because of World War 5 + global warming, including the few who survived in domes, was already miserable, but now.. now we get to know the history behind it. Now we get to know more about the domes they lives in, now we get to know more about their final years. Now we get to know that they hoped and dreamed too much.
They followed the story of Icarus: they flew too close to the sky. That's all they wanted to see, all they wanted was to be close to it again, they just wanted to see the blue sky and feel the breeze and watch the clouds. But they failed, and the sky they had, fake and artificial as it was, fell.
... Like Chicken Little.
375 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
take me to splatoon city where the grass is green and the girls are squiddy
379 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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hey Splatoon girlies how we feelin after the Splatfest? how we coping?
448 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
oh my god
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I thought they were just named after the weather! Big Man's still left out tho...
EDIT in here too: Y'all. I KNOW Big Man is a pun on Man-ta ray. I was talking about how Shiver and Frye are named after groups of their respective fish, meanwhile Big Man's left out because a group of mantas aren't exactly called a big manta.
921 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wait, I just realized.
In the final fight of Octo Expansion, against Commander Tartar and the NILS Statue, Tartar talks about how he was created to help the next sapient species not make the same mistakes as humanity.
He talks about how he was disgusted with the new species, and how he wanted to start anew.
Specifically, he details that he was horrified at the fact that they "obsess over trivial things like fashion", and "wage war over minor genetic deviations". All of these are things humanity did, too.
But now, with the new information from Splatoon 3, that... gets painted in a bit of a different light.
They obsess over fashion and fight over small differences, like us... because they're a product of us. They evolved the way they did because of our influence, as unintentional as it was.
Back then, I just thought that it was an unfortunate coincidence. But now it's... it's weird to look at.
Tartar hated them for the same things we did, not knowing that they were a product of our influence. God, that's just.. sad, huh?
1,009 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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