#nobara linux
passionateclown · 1 month
last post i make on windows 11
lets see how long i last
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linuxstuff · 9 months
How to get windows-like screenshot tool in Linux Nobara 39
If you're looking to emulate the feature of pressing win+shift+s and getting to take a rectangular screenshot that you can then copy and paste into say, discord. It's a simple shortcut add to make this feature happen in Nobara 39 (and/or Fedora) with Spectacle.
First press super user key (windows key) , type in shortcuts, and press enter
Either click on spectacle, or search for it with the searchbar
Click the arrow next to "Capture rectangular region"
Left of the trashcan click on the pre-existing shortcut (it will say meta+shift+print)
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5. It will then change to input, just press windows key+shift+s to input the shortcut
6. Click apply on the bottom right, and we're done! We now have win+shift+s screenshot functionality on Nobara.
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kingoflerats · 8 months
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(also big ups up to @keylawd for telling me about nobara, everything works, even the keyboard volume, brightness and settings buttons!)
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fanly · 2 months
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Nobara,为游戏和内容创作者设计的Linux系统 - 泪雪网
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little-dikdik · 7 months
Thank God I installed Win 11 on my laptop. It pissed me off so much I saved money on buying Win for my new PC.
Today is the day I said auf wiedersehen to Windows 11. It's just way to annoying to deal with.
See you in the next week when I'll get everything I need to work properly.
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pc-freedom · 23 days
Nobaraの基本的な特徴 Nobaraは、FedoraをベースにしたLinuxディストリビューションで、特にゲーマーやコンテンツクリエイター向けに最適化されています。使いやすさとパフォーマンスを重視した設計が特徴で、デフォルトでゲームプレイやグラフィック制作に必要なツールやドライバがプリインストールされています。これにより、ユーザーはすぐに作業やゲームを始めることができる環境が整っています。 Continue reading Nobaraとは?ゲーマーとクリエイター向けに最適化されたFedoraベースのLinuxディストリビューション
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linuxtldr · 9 months
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ewww u use linux ??????? thats so gay. i use nobara linux btw (btw) <- is awful at using it but watever
Sorry, but i'm mostly using gnu/linux (even more gay)
I'd just wike to intewject fow a moment. What you'we wefewwing to as linux, is in fact, gnu/linux, ow as i've wecentwy taken to cawwing it, gnu pwus linux. linux is not an opewating system unto itsewf, but wathew anothew fwee component of a fuwwy functioning gnu system made usefuw by the gnu cowewibs, sheww utiwities and vitaw system components compwising a fuww os as defined by posix.
many computew usews wun a modified vewsion of the gnu system evewy day, without weawizing it. Thwough a pecuwiaw tuwn of events, the vewsion of gnu which is widewy used today is often cawwed "linux", and many of its usews awe not awawe that it is basicawwy the gnu system, devewoped by the gnu pwoject.
thewe weawwy is a linux, and these peopwe awe using it, but it is just a pawt of the system they use. Linux is the kewnew: the pwogwam in the system that awwocates the machine's wesouwces to the othew pwogwams that you wun. the kewnew is an essentiaw pawt of an opewating system, but usewess by itsewf; it can onwy function in the context of a compwete opewating system. Linux is nowmawwy used in combination with the gnu opewating system: the whowe system is basicawwy gnu with linux added, ow gnu/linux. Aww the so-cawwed "linux" distwibutions awe weawwy distwibutions of gnu/linux.
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kirikomamura · 11 months
I think I bought the shittiest usbs on earth bc they just wont fucking work as boot drives.
Cant use linux mint so im trying ubuntu cinnamon and nobara kde but the boot drives just dont fucking work.
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wincli11 · 8 days
万人向けの使いやすい「Linux」ディストロ--ゲーム機能も充実した「Nobara Linux」 - (page 2) - ZDNET Japan
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passionateclown · 28 days
Suffice to say, yea that nobara stuff was good, but let's see fedora gnome on my surface go 2 work better than win11
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femctoday · 2 months
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Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!
I've figured out how to post from you, Nobara Linux!
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fedora-official · 6 months
I am currently running mint amd manjaro, and have different issues with both. What do you offer that they don't?
I feel like fedora is somewhere between these two in some aspects. I think the best I can offer is a very good compromise and a large set of tested desktop environments.
It would depend on what kind of issues you're having with mint but fedora might not solve all of them. Mint is already very good in that regard.
If you're into gaming, you could also look at nobara, which isn't as stable but solves some issues that regular Fedora has.
As a side note, this might not interest most people but fedora uses rpm packages, which are those you'll find for some enterprise software, since they usually ship for RHEL or Oracle Linux.
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linuxiarzepl · 9 months
Nobara 39
Została wydana nowa wersja dystrybucji Nobara Linux 39 https://linuxiarze.pl/nobara-39/
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leam1983 · 1 year
Oh, Linux....
I hate how you can go from a glowing honeymoon period to just a succession of annoyingly small niggles that aren't ever the same from distro to distro.
Mint can't figure out what to do with Bluetooth emitters, Pop_OS has the spottiest Wi-Fi I've ever seen and the weirdest battery management suite in existence, Nobara can't see printers on the same network -
All this, and I'm back to the most cost-effective solution for my Blade, which is Windows 11's Home Edition. I can kiss entreprise-grade security goodbye, but then again I never connect to any dealership's Wi-Fi with it. It's the dongle life for me when I'm not home, for the sake of having an easier time accessing each dealership's stack. Windows 11 Pro is all kinds of useful, sure, but it's also weirdly insistent about encrypting the C: drive. Failing that, it just makes the entire darn thing read-only "for security purposes", which shoots me in the foot for no good reason.
Linux always feels like it's one inch away from killing Windows as an entreprise-grade platform, and then finds some way to shit the bed because of some new package update that's typically wholly unrelated to the symptoms being experienced.
I'm just thankful the Call Centre's all in hardline; that won't ever come up as a problem, for them.
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pc-freedom · 1 year
Nobara プロジェクト: Fedora Linux を初心者にも使いやすく!
今回は、Nobara プロジェクトについてお話しします。 Nobara プロジェクトは、Fedora Linux をもっと使いやすくするために、いくつかの変更を加えたバージョンです。Fedora は素晴らしいワークステーション用 OS ですが、初心者にはちょっと難しい面もあります。 Continue reading Untitled
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