#federated sso
carolinejohnson · 1 year
As user expectations evolve, businesses need to keep up with the times and provide seamless login experiences. One effective solution gaining traction is social media log-in, which allows users to sign in with their social media profiles instead of going through traditional registration processes.
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jsqforknowledge · 2 years
(2022-12-19) Ransomware And The Impact On Your Hybrid Identity Environment
(2022-12-19) Ransomware And The Impact On Your Hybrid Identity Environment
For many years, organizations have been using Active Directory (AD) as their central on-premises identity directory service. Throughout those years many system and/or identity related configurations have been made to support different requirements. About just more than a decade ago Azure Active Directory (AAD) was officially released. For those organizations adopting AAD, something was needed to…
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invimatictechnologies · 10 months
Invimatic specializes in continuous integration testing solutions, streamlining software development processes for efficiency. Their platform automates code integration, ensuring seamless collaboration among developers while maintaining code integrity. With a focus on enhancing product quality, Invimatic's tools facilitate rapid feedback loops, detecting bugs early and enabling swift resolution. Through automated testing pipelines and comprehensive monitoring, they enable teams to deliver high-quality software consistently. Invimatic's commitment to continuous integration testing empowers organizations to accelerate development cycles and achieve reliable, top-notch software products.
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pusangkambing · 1 year
I just saw a clip of phil saying goodbye to tallulah incase when he comes back she wont be here anymore and im suddenly reminded that these eggs are always in mortal peril, the island hates them, the code wants them dead, the federation does not care and everyone is trying their damndest to keep them alive but they are oh so so fragile they break so easily. even if you equip them with the strongest armour the most deadly of swords, they are still up against an insurmountable foe that no one has a clear understanding of, with no known way of deafeating it. everywhere is danger and the likelihood of them dying at any given time is always always possible.
Ive gotten so used to them just hanging about and enjoying their lives and being kids and spending time with their parents and their tios and tias and family because the code hasnt come for a while so that clip really just brought me back to the reality that this is all so fragile and can break at any moment and that tallulah or chayanne or richas or any of the eggs can die the next day and theres nothing that can be done about it and its just so so ssos osejjeeujswkjeje
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wumblr · 2 years
if you recently got a credit card with the wrong information i'm sso ssry i ws trynf rlly hard but rhe machhines caught on ffucking fire i'm srey we're snending out tge apollogy letters -- nah i'm just kidding it legitimately wasn't me. well, one machine did catch fire. unrelated to the misprint. i've been sitting here minding my business and dusting my station so i don't become a posthumous badly rendered CGI figurine in a chemical safety board youtube video, like some kind of federal ritual ward against future chemical safety incidence. maybe i should figure out what chemicals we actually have vats of
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writingonjorvik · 2 years
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Sharing these here as well for anyone who might be interested. You can also get pngs of these on the ROJ Discord.
In order, we have the Free Witches, Hwynair's Court, Rymd Federation Ambassadors (original ROJ creations), Wild Wardens, Keepers of Aideen (canon SSO good guys, not canon symbols), GED (canon symbol), and Sixth Hammer (canon SSO bad guy, not canon symbol). You can read more about all of these on the ROJ Instagram as well and their lore relative to ROJ.
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Streamline Access with Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS)
Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) is a powerful tool that simplifies access to your organization’s applications by providing seamless single sign-on (SSO) capabilities. ADFS allows users to authenticate just once and gain access to multiple applications across different networks without needing to log in repeatedly. This enhances security while improving the user experience by eliminating the need to manage multiple passwords.
ADFS is particularly beneficial for organizations with cloud-based applications or those that work with external partners. By federating identities, ADFS enables secure collaboration between different organizations, ensuring that only authorized users have access to your resources. The system is also scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
Implementing Active Directory Federation Service enhances your security posture and reduces the risk of unauthorized access. It’s a reliable solution for managing identity and access in today’s increasingly interconnected digital environment.
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spacenutspod · 1 month
Earth Observer Earth Home Earth Observer Home Editor’s Corner Feature Articles Meeting Summaries News Science in the News Calendars In Memoriam More Archives 9 min read Looking Back on Looking Up: The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Credit: NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC) Introduction First as a bite, then a half Moon, until crescent-shaped shadows dance through the leaves and the temperature begins to drop – a total solar eclipse can be felt growing in the atmosphere. As the sky darkens in the few minutes before totality, the sounds of animals begin to dissipate along with the vibrancy of red and orange hues, and we enter the mesopic zone, or twilight vision. All is quiet in these cold, silvery-blue moments, until the Moon lines up perfectly with the Sun from our viewpoint on Earth – an odd quirk of the Moon–Earth system, and an occurrence that does not exist elsewhere in the solar system. Millions of people gazed up at the sky on April 8, 2024, as a total solar eclipse darkened the skies across a thin ribbon of North America – spanning Mexico’s Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada – see Figure 1. Figure 1. A total solar eclipse was visible along a narrow track stretching from Texas to Maine on April 8, 2024. A partial eclipse was visible throughout all 48 contiguous U.S. states. Figure credit: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio A pearly, iridescent halo lined the perimeter of the Moon as it crossed in front of the Sun, revealing the Sun’s corona – see Photo 1. Solar prominences – bright features made of plasma flowing outwards through tangled structures of magnetic fields along the Sun’s surface – were observable as reddish-pink dots rising from the edges of the eclipsed Sun – see Photo 2. Photo 1. The moment of totality in Cleveland, OH. Photo credit: NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC) Photo 2. Solar prominence [lower right of the solar disc] seen during totality in Cleveland, OH. Photo credit: GRC Snapshots of NASA Science Outreach Along the Path of Totality Over 400 NASA staff took up positions along the path of totality, hosting various events to engage the public in outreach activities spanning the scope of NASA Science. NASA staff hosted 14 “SunSpot” locations across 7 states (Texas, Arkansas, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, and Maine), including 224 NASA engagement and Science Activation events. As an example, Zoe Jenkins [NASA Headquarters/Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) Federal—Graphic Designer] was stationed in Maine to view the eclipse –see Photos 3–4. More information about events at these SunSpots is available at the eclipse website. The Science Activation Program furthered NASA’s message, reaching all 50 states through public events by sharing information and providing professional development programming for educators. (To learn more about NASA’s Science Activation Program, see NASA Earth Science and Education Update: Introducing the Science Activation Program, The Earth Observer, 35:6, 6–12.) Photo 3. NASA Eclipse celebration at the SunSpot in Houlton, ME. Photo credit: Zoe Jenkins/NASA Headquarters (HQ)/Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) Federal Photo 4. View of the black hole of the Moon’s shadow over the Sun during totality in Houlton, ME. Photo credit: Zoe Jenkins Among the SunSpot locations across the path of totality, NASA’s Science Support Office (SSO) staffed events at two of them: in Cleveland, OH and Kerrville, TX. The Great Lakes Science Center and its two partners – NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC) and the Cleveland Orchestra – presented “Total Eclipse Fest 2024,” a three-day celestial celebration at North Coast Harbor in downtown Cleveland beginning April 6 and culminating on the day of the eclipse. The event included free concerts, performances, speakers, and hands-on science activities. At the heart of the festival was the “NASA Village,” an immersive experience featuring the agency’s major missions and projects aimed at advancing space exploration and revolutionizing air travel. Figure 2 shows the location of each outreach tent in the village, while Figure 3 provides descriptions of each activity. More than 36,000 attendees visited the NASA village over the three-day event. Exhibits focused on innovations in aeronautics, space, solar, and lunar science, and best practices for ensuring a safe solar eclipse viewing experience. Through virtual and augmented simulations, attendees had the opportunity to take a supersonic flight, walk on Mars, and visit the International Space Station. Attendees of all ages participated in hands-on activities and talked to NASA scientists and engineers about their work and how to join the NASA team. Attendees could also walk through Journey to Tomorrow, a traveling exhibit complete with interactive English and Spanish-language content, and see an Apollo-era Moon rock. Visitors also explored large-scale, inflatable displays of the X-59 plane designed to quiet supersonic air travel, the Space Launch System rocket slated to take the first woman and person of color to the Moon, and a Mars habitat concept. Throughout the NASA Village, attendees could take advantage of several photo opportunities, including iconic NASA cutouts and displays. NASA also hosted astronaut autograph signing sessions, as well as special guest “meet and greets.” Figure 2. Map of the “NASA Village” at the Eclipse festival in Cleveland, OH, hosted by GRC. See Figure 3 for activity descriptions. Figure credit: GRC Figure 3. Descriptions of each outreach activity stationed at individual tents within the NASA Village over the three-day festival. See Figure 2 for map. Figure credit: GRC A View of the Eclipse from Cleveland In Cleveland, the eclipse began at 1:59 PM EDT, with totality spanning 3:13–3:17 PM. The eclipse concluded at 4:28 PM. SSO staff supported total eclipse outreach from April 5–9, specifically engaging attendees at the Solar Science tent within the NASA Village and providing information about eclipse safety and heliophysics, and handing out items such as the NASA Science calendar, NASA tote bags, and other outreach materials. SSO also supported a NASA photo booth with eclipse-themed props and took hundreds of souvenir photos for visitors to remember their time at the festival – see Photos 5–9. Photo 5. SSO staff member Dalia Kirshenblat [NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)/Global Science and Technology Inc.(GST)] handed out NASA Science calendars, eclipse glasses, posters, and other NASA outreach materials. The materials informed attendees about eclipse viewing safety and shared NASA science, engaging in topics that explained how eclipses occur. Photo credit: GRC Photo 6. Jack Kaye [NASA HQ—Associate Director for Research, Earth Science Division (ESD)] hands out eclipse posters and other outreach materials to attendees at Eclipse Fest 2024. Photo credit: GRC Photo 7. Steve Graham [GSFC/GST], Dalia Kirshenblat, and Danielle Kirshenblat [Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)] pose with NASA SSO photo booth props at Eclipse Fest 2024. SSO staff took hundreds of pictures of visitors with the photo booth props as keepsakes. Photo credit: NASA Photo 8. Dalia Kirshenblat and Danielle Kirshenblat watching the eclipse begin in Cleveland, OH, at approximately 2:00 PM EDT. Photo credit: NASA Photo 9. Steve Graham, Dalia Kirshenblat, Danielle Kirshenblat, and other Eclipse Fest attendees gaze at the celestial show unfolding above them as totality begins in Cleveland, OH, at approximately 3:13 PM EDT. Photo credit: Danielle Kirshenblat Eclipse Engagement in Texas In addition to the Cleveland eclipse festival, SSO staff members supported total eclipse engagement in Kerrville, TX, from April 5–9, including several small events at Cailloux Theatre, Doyle Community Center, Trailhead Garden, and Kerrville-Schreiner Park leading up to the eclipse. (While a bit more remote than Cleveland, Kerville was chosen as a SunSpot location during the total eclipse because it was also in the path of the October 2023 annular eclipse, NASA had outreach activities in Kerville for that eclipse as well). The events culminated on April 8 at Louise Hays Park. NASA’s impact on the community was wide-reaching, engaging approximately 4000 individual interactions with community members and visitors. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and appreciative. On April 8, SSO provided astronaut handler support for NASA Astronaut Reid Wiseman – who will command the Artemis II Moon mission – during a “photos with an astronaut” session. SSO staff also escorted Wiseman to and from a main stage speaking engagement and the NASA broadcast engagement – see Photos 10–13. Photo 10. Ellen Gray [GSFC/KBR—Senior Outreach Specialist] engaging attendees in Kerrville, TX with various NASA Science outreach materials. Photo credit: NASA Photo 11. NASA Astronaut Reid Wiseman poses with a potential future astronaut and attendee at the Eclipse event in Kerrville, TX. Photo credit: NASA Photo 12. Astronaut Reid Wiseman speaks at a NASA broadcast in Kerrville, TX. Photo credit: NASA Photo 13. [left to right] Nicola Fox [NASA HQ—Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate (SMD)], Alex Lockwood [NASA HQ—Strategic Engagement Lead], and Astronaut Reid Wiseman. Photo credit: NASA NASA Science Engagement Across the Agency As millions gazed at totality from the ground, NASA was conducting science from the skies. Atmospheric Perturbations around the Eclipse Path (APEP), a NASA sounding rocket mission, launched three rockets from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia to study how the sudden dip in sunlight that occurs during an eclipse affects the upper atmosphere. Each rocket deployed four scientific instruments that measured changes in electric and magnetic fields, density, and temperature – see Photo 14. Photo 14. The Atmospheric Perturbations launched around the Eclipse Period (APEP) sounding rocket during the total eclipse on April. This photo shows the third APEP sounding rocket – launched during the October 2023 annular eclipse – leaving the launchpad. Photo credit: WSMR Army Photo As part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project, student teams constructed hundreds of balloons and launched them during the eclipse, encouraging students to consider careers in the STEM workforce. Also, two WB-57 aircraft carried instruments to further extend scientific observations made during the eclipse. By taking images above Earth’s atmosphere, scientists were able to see new details of structures in the middle and lower corona. The observations – taken with a camera that images in infrared and visible light at high resolution and high speed – could improve our understanding of the dust ring around the Sun and help search for asteroids that may orbit near the Sun. The WB-57 flights also carried instruments to learn more about the temperature and chemical composition of the corona and coronal mass ejections – or large bursts of solar material. By flying these instruments on a WB-57, the scientists extended their time in the Moon’s shadow by over two minutes from what could be achieved using ground-based observations. A third experiment used an ionosonde to study the ionosphere – the charged layer of Earth’s upper atmosphere. The device functions like a simple radar, sending out high frequency radio signals and listening for their echo rebounding off the ionosphere. The echoes allow researchers to measure how the ionosphere’s charge changed during the eclipse – see Photo 15. Photo 15. Pilots prepare for the 2024 total solar eclipse experiments on the NASA WB-57 aircraft on April 8, 2024 at Ellington Field in Houston, TX. Photo credit: NASA/James Blair The eclipse also provided an opportunity for the public to contribute to the NASA Citizen Science program – a project called Eclipse Soundscapes reached over 900 people during their training programs to prepare for the eclipse. Over 36,000 individual citizen scientists contributed more than 60,000 data submissions across the eclipse path, recording the reactions of wildlife before, during, and after this celestial event. As part of NASA’s Heliophysics Big Year to celebrate the Sun, NASA played a key role in enabling safe participation as well as working with new-to-NASA audiences. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate ordered and distributed 2.05 million eclipse glasses across the country, with distribution locations including K–12 schools, libraries, minority-serving institutions, community events, museums, partner organizations, underserved communities, science centers, and NASA personnel. As of April 8, Science Activation reached over 2000 educators across the country through programming designed to prepare educators for the eclipse and provide them with educational resources to train students in STEM. NASA broadcasted a livestream of engagement events on NASA+, the NASA App, NASA.gov, and NASA social media channels. By 4:30 PM EDT, NASA’s websites spiked (e.g., nasa.gov, science.nasa.gov, plus.nasa.gov, and ciencia.nasa.gov) with nearly 28.9 million views and 15.6 million unique visitors. At its peak, 1,458,212 people watched the eclipse broadcast live, experiencing the eclipse together through the eyes of NASA. Total viewership as of 4:30 PM EDT was 13,511,924. NASA’s Office of Communications Engagement Division organized at least 17 in-person and digital partner interactions, including several Major League Baseball games, Google eclipse safety Doodle and search effect, coverage of NASA on NASDAQ’s screen in Times Square, a solar songs request weekend on Third Rock Radio, and a Snoopy visit to the Cleveland sunspot. Several partners also interacted on social media, including Barbie, Cookie Monster, Elmo, Snoopy, LEGO, and other partner accounts. Conclusion The 2024 total eclipse brought joy and awe to millions, inspiring so many to look up, be curious about the natural world around them, and explore the sky. The next total solar eclipse will occur in 2026 and will be visible in Spain, a small area of Portugal, as well as Iceland, Greenland, and Russia. We won’t see another total eclipse in the U.S. until 2044. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Movie. Timelapse of the eclipse’s totality in Cleveland, OH. Video credit: Danielle Kirshenblat Dalia Kirshenblat NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Global Science and Technology, [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Aug 22, 2024 Related Terms Earth Science
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demiurgeua · 1 month
Воїни ССО ЗСУ знищують рашистських загарбників та їхню техніку в Курській області так званої рф
Warriors of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are destroying the russian-nazis invaders and their military equipment in the Kursk region of the so-called russian federation. Курська область – бійці ССО показали як знищують ворога, відео | РБК-Україна https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/biytsi-sso-pokazali-k-znishchuyut-protivnika-1724047188.html Російсько-українська війна (з…
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otiskeene · 2 months
Top 5 Customer Identity And Access Management Software Of 2024
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You see, CIAM or Customer Identity & Access Management, functions much like the Sorting Hat. It examines an individual's identity against their unique credentials stored in a database, ensuring the person is who they claim to be (no Polyjuice Potion here!) and keeping impostors out of the system.
CIAM Software also categorizes users into their appropriate "house" (access level) based on their roles, preferences, and previous interactions. However, unlike the Sorting Hat, CIAM Software continually monitors user journeys, adjusting permissions as needed to ensure the right people access the right resources at the right times, while keeping out impostors.
So, read on for the top 5 Customer Identity And Access Management Software of 2024!
Customer Identity And Access Management (CIAM) is a security strategy that allows organizations to securely manage their customers’ identities to control their access to applications, portals, and services. CIAM solutions offer a digital security layer in customer interactions, empowering users to secure their identities and data while managing their security preferences.
Customer Identity And Access Management (CIAM) Software simplifies this approach by streamlining the sign-up and log-in process for online applications and services. This helps in protecting data privacy, defending against identity theft and other types of fraud, as well as managing account profiles and security settings. Moreover, the solution helps businesses improve the customer experience while complying with data privacy mandates such as the GDPR.
Last year, we covered the top CIAM solutions of 2023. To find out about this year's top options, read on and explore the top 5 Customer Identity And Access Management Software of 2024!
Top 5 Customer Identity And Access Management (CIAM) Software Of 2024
CIAM Software provides businesses with features such as customer registration, self-service account management, consent and preference management, single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), access management, data access governance, identity proofing, identity orchestration, fraud mitigation, and more, to deliver seamless and secure customer experiences. Pretty cool, right?
So, here are the top 5 Customer Identity And Access Management Software of 2024 – in no particular order!
Tool 1: WSO2 Identity Server
Founded in August 2005 and headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States, WSO2 began as an open-source middleware company and now offers suites for application development, SaaS, and IAM solutions. With over 900 employees, serving major clients such as Nutanix, Jaguar, Vodafone, Honda, and Cisco, WSO2 has secured over 1 billion identities. The company has also won several awards, including being named a Customers’ Choice in the Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer report in 2023. Pretty cool, WSO2!
WSO2 Identity Server, new to our list, excels in customer identity and access management with its open-source platform that helps secure applications for individuals, enterprise customers, citizens, and more. It offers robust features such as single sign-on (SSO), multifactor authentication (MFA), and identity federation to ensure seamless, secure, and streamlined user experiences. The platform also offers scalable features for passwordless logins, data privacy compliance, enterprise SSO, role-based access management, and contextual authentication.
Moreover, WSO2 Identity Server provides a wide range of APIs and SDKs to help businesses develop custom deployments that easily integrate with existing systems. This solution is compatible with cloud-based IDaaS, on-premises, or private cloud and comes in three variants – B2B, B2C, and G2C – enabling secure identity and access management for diverse customer sets. WSO2 can easily help organizations optimize customer data security, leading to more engaging experiences!
Tool 2: IBM Security Verify
Who hasn’t heard of IBM? Founded in 1911 and headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States, IBM employs roughly 300,000 people globally, serving major clients such as Apple, NASA, Ford, and Cisco. IBM has received numerous industry accolades, including winning 16 awards from Comparably in 2023, ranging from Best Company for Diversity to Happiest Employees. Impressive, IBM!
IBM Security Verify, making its debut on our list, is notable for its advanced security and AI-driven features for customer identity and access management. The CIAM solution offers adaptive authentication, identity analytics, and risk-based access control to ensure customer data is always protected. Moreover, IBM Security Verify creates a consistent, frictionless authentication experience across all business applications, ensuring customers have a smooth experience at every touchpoint.
With robust integration capabilities that support diverse environments, spanning cloud, on-premises, and hybrid infrastructures, IBM Security Verify helps build an enterprise-wide identity fabric that eliminates identity silos. Further, AI-driven analytics provide real-time threat detection based on users’ behaviors and biometrics to help protect from identity-based attacks such as Account Takeover (ATO). IBM Security Verify also enhances the overall security posture, offers a user-friendly interface, and comprehensive reporting tools to efficiently manage and monitor access policies.
Tool 3: Frontegg
Frontegg, an end-to-end user management solutions provider, was founded in 2019. With a modest team of fewer than 100 employees and headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, Frontegg serves clients such as Talon, Siemens, Cider, and Vial. It has received several recognitions, including winning the Best Software Award for Security Products category by G2 in 2023. Always at the front, Frontegg!
Frontegg, making its second consecutive appearance on our list, distinguishes itself in the CIAM space with a developer-centric platform featuring comprehensive user management capabilities. Besides seamless integration and rapid deployment, Frontegg offers extensive features such as social login, SSO, MFA, APIs, and open-source SDKs, providing businesses with everything they need to ensure a secure and frictionless user experience.
Frontegg’s user-friendly interface enables developers to quickly customize and integrate identity and access management features into their applications. Its modular architecture allows businesses to tailor, modify, and scale their CIAM capabilities as needed. With real-time monitoring and analytics, Frontegg provides actionable insights for authentication, authorization, security management, and observability, leading to comprehensive IAM coverage. No wonder Frontegg is a popular choice for organizations looking to enhance their customer data management!
Tool 4: Salesforce Platform
Salesforce, a leading cloud software company, was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States. Employing roughly 80,000 people globally, Salesforce serves major brands such as Amazon, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Walmart Inc., and more. The company has won several accolades, being ranked as the #1 CRM provider by IDC in the 2024 Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker for the 11th consecutive time. How cool is that!
Salesforce Platform, new to our list, boasts CIAM capabilities integrated into its popular CRM ecosystem, offering a seamless and secure user experience. Key CIAM features include single sign-on, MFA, identity federation, and user lifecycle management, ensuring comprehensive management of user identity and access. Its integration with Salesforce CRM provides a unified view of customer data, access levels, roles, and more, enhancing context-based security capabilities.
The scalable architecture supports large-scale deployments, securing identities for employees, partners, and customers from a unified solution. Its intuitive user interface simplifies managing access policies and integrating third-party applications. Additionally, Salesforce’s advanced analytics and reporting tools provide deep insights into user behavior across the ecosystem, helping organizations optimize their identity management and security strategies.
Tool 5: Okta Customer Identity
Founded in 2009 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States, Okta employs over 5,800 people, serving clients such as Apple, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, MGM Resorts International, and Albertsons. Okta has won several awards and recognitions, most recently being named the Google Cloud Technology Partner of the Year for Productivity and Collaboration in 2024. That’s pretty sweet, Okta!
Okta Customer Identity, making its first appearance on our list, offers extensive cloud-based CIAM features such as SSO, MFA, adaptive authentication, and user security management. Its cloud-native architecture ensures high availability and scalability, supporting millions of customer interactions seamlessly. Okta Customer Identity’s advanced security features, such as threat detection and response, Okta AI, progressive profiling, adaptive MFA, and more, provide robust protection against identity-related threats.
The platform’s intuitive interface and comprehensive APIs simplify third-party integrations and the management of identity services across various applications and ecosystems. Okta Customer Identity also enhances compliance with regulatory requirements and personal data protection laws to ensure customer information remains secure. With its powerful features, Okta Customer Identity can help organizations enhance customer security and user experiences!
There you have it, folks!
Choosing an ideal Customer Identity and Access Management Software is crucial for safeguarding customer data, complying with data security regulations, and enhancing the end-user experience. With the best Customer Identity And Access Software, you can streamline identity management, eliminate identity theft, secure user actions, boost customer loyalty, and foster higher trust in your brand.
However, remember that every business has unique customer management requirements. Make sure you choose a tool that addresses your unique needs. Happy CIAM-ing!
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carolinejohnson · 1 year
Implementing rate limiting or throttling mechanisms in contact forms can help prevent spambots from submitting multiple entries within a short time period, reducing the risk of data abuse.
For more information on how to secure your contact form from bot attacks, learn here: https://bit.ly/3oj0qX8
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intellion · 2 months
Next - Gen cyber security
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Welcome and Orientation
Overview of the Next-Gen Cyber Security Skills course in Bangalore
Introduction to instructors and fellow participants
Setting goals and expectations for the course
Module 1: Foundations of Cyber Security
Understanding Cyber Security
Definition and importance of cyber security in today’s world
Current landscape and emerging threats
Cyber Security Terminology
Key terms and concepts crucial for the Bangalore cyber security course
Overview of common attack vectors and defenses
Cyber Security Frameworks and Standards
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
ISO/IEC 27001
CIS Controls and their relevance to Bangalore’s cyber security environment
Module 2: Network Security
Network Security Fundamentals
Basic networking concepts vital for Bangalore cyber security professionals
Understanding firewalls, VPNs, and IDS/IPS
Securing Network Infrastructure
Techniques for network segmentation and isolation
Secure network design and architecture
Wireless Network Security
Wireless security protocols (WPA3, WPA2)
Securing wireless access points in a Bangalore context
Module 3: Application Security
Introduction to Application Security
Common vulnerabilities (OWASP Top Ten)
Secure coding practices essential for Bangalore developers
Web Application Security
Addressing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection
Integrating secure development lifecycle (SDLC) practices
Mobile Application Security
Addressing mobile-specific threats and vulnerabilities
Best practices for securing mobile apps in the Bangalore market
Module 4: Endpoint Security
Endpoint Protection
Anti-virus and anti-malware solutions
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools
Securing Operating Systems
Hardening Windows and Linux systems
Effective patch management and software updates
BYOD and IoT Security
Managing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies in Bangalore
Securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices
Module 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Fundamentals of IAM
Authentication vs. Authorization
Identity lifecycle management and its application in Bangalore businesses
Access Control Mechanisms
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Identity Management Solutions
Single Sign-On (SSO) and Federation
Identity as a Service (IDaaS) platforms and their relevance
Module 6: Cloud Security
Cloud Security Basics
Understanding cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
Shared responsibility model for cloud security
Securing Cloud Environments
Best practices for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud in Bangalore
Cloud security posture management
Cloud Compliance and Governance
Regulatory requirements and compliance standards applicable in Bangalore
Data protection and privacy in the cloud
Module 7: Threat Intelligence and Incident Response
Cyber Threat Intelligence
Gathering and analyzing threat data
Using threat intelligence platforms effectively
Incident Response Planning
Developing an incident response plan
Incident detection and analysis
Handling Security Incidents
Containment, eradication, and recovery strategies
Post-incident activities and lessons learned
Module 8: Security Operations and Monitoring
Security Operations Center (SOC)
Roles and responsibilities of SOC teams
Setting up and managing a SOC in Bangalore
Monitoring and Logging
Importance of logging and monitoring
Using SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools
Threat Hunting
Proactive threat hunting techniques
Leveraging advanced analytics and AI for threat detection
Module 9: Compliance and Legal Aspects
Understanding Cyber Security Regulations
Key regulations (GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, etc.)
Compliance requirements for organizations in Bangalore
Legal Considerations in Cyber Security
Data breach laws and notification requirements
Intellectual property and cyber crime laws
Auditing and Assessment
Conducting security audits and assessments
Preparing for compliance audits
Module 10: Capstone Project and Certification
Capstone Project
Real-world scenario-based project
Applying learned skills to solve complex problems
Exam Preparation
Review of key concepts and practice exams
Tips and strategies for passing the certification exam
Certification and Next Steps
Receiving course completion certificate
Exploring advanced certifications and career paths
Conclusion and Course Wrap-Up
Final Q&A Session
Addressing any remaining questions
Sharing additional resources and tools
Networking and Alumni Community
Joining the course alumni network
Continued learning and professional development opportunities in Bangalore
This Next-Gen Cyber Security course in Bangalore will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the evolving field of cyber security
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invimatictechnologies · 11 months
Invimatic, a cutting-edge technology provider, specializes in Single Sign-On (SSO) and Federation solutions. Their expertise lies in streamlining access management, simplifying user authentication, and enhancing security for organizations. With a commitment to efficiency and security, Invimatic's services ensure seamless, password-free access across various platforms. Their innovative SSO and Federation solutions are designed to boost productivity and bolster data protection, making them a trusted choice for businesses seeking a secure and user-friendly approach to identity and access management.
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soffid · 3 months
The Evolution of Identity and Access Management: SCIM, SAML vs. OpenID Connect, and Integration Challenges
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, Identity and Access Management (IAM) has become crucial for organizations to ensure security, compliance, and efficiency. The increasing reliance on technology has necessitated the development of sophisticated IAM protocols and standards. This blog will explore a SCIM example, compare SAML vs. OpenID Connect, and discuss the challenges and solutions associated with IAM integration.
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Understanding SCIM: An Example
System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is a standard protocol designed to simplify the management of user identities in cloud-based applications and services. SCIM automates the exchange of user identity information between identity providers and service providers, ensuring seamless integration and synchronization.
SCIM Example
Consider an organization using multiple cloud services, such as Office 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce. Managing user identities manually across these platforms can be cumbersome and error-prone. By implementing SCIM, the organization can automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of user accounts.
For instance, when a new employee joins the company, the IAM system can automatically create their user account in all relevant cloud services using SCIM. Similarly, when an employee leaves, their access can be revoked across all platforms in a streamlined manner. This automation enhances security, reduces administrative workload, and ensures consistent identity data across all systems.
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Comparing SAML vs. OpenID Connect
When it comes to authentication protocols, SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) and OpenID Connect are two of the most widely used standards. Both serve the purpose of providing secure authentication, but they do so in different ways and are suited to different use cases.
SAML is an XML-based framework primarily used for Single Sign-On (SSO) in enterprise environments. It allows users to authenticate once and gain access to multiple applications without re-entering credentials. SAML is commonly used in scenarios where secure, federated access to web applications is required, such as accessing corporate intranets or SaaS applications.
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect is a modern identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It uses JSON-based tokens and is designed for mobile and web applications. OpenID Connect provides a more flexible and user-friendly approach to authentication, making it ideal for consumer-facing applications where user experience is paramount.
SAML vs. OpenID Connect: Key Differences
Protocol Structure: SAML uses XML, whereas OpenID Connect uses JSON.
Use Cases: SAML is suited for enterprise SSO, while OpenID Connect is better for modern web and mobile applications.
Token Types: SAML uses assertions, whereas OpenID Connect uses ID tokens.
User Experience: OpenID Connect generally offers a more seamless and user-friendly experience compared to SAML.
The Challenges of IAM Integration
With the growing reliance on technology, integrating various IAM components and protocols has become increasingly complex. Effective IAM integration is essential for ensuring that different systems work together harmoniously, providing a seamless and secure user experience. However, several challenges can arise during the integration process.
Compatibility Issues
Organizations often use a mix of legacy systems and modern applications, leading to compatibility issues. Ensuring that different IAM solutions can communicate and share identity data effectively is a significant challenge.
Data Consistency
Maintaining consistent identity data across multiple platforms is crucial for security and compliance. Any discrepancies in user data can lead to unauthorized access or account lockouts.
As organizations grow, their IAM systems must be able to scale accordingly. Integrating IAM solutions that can handle an increasing number of users and applications without compromising performance is vital.
Security Concerns
Integrating multiple IAM solutions can introduce security vulnerabilities if not done correctly. Ensuring that data is securely transmitted and that all systems adhere to robust security protocols is paramount.
Solutions for Effective IAM Integration
To overcome these challenges, organizations should adopt a strategic approach to IAM integration:
Adopting standard protocols such as SCIM, SAML, and OpenID Connect can simplify integration by ensuring compatibility and consistency across different systems.
Centralized Identity Management
Implementing a centralized IAM platform can help streamline identity management processes and ensure consistent data across all applications and services.
Regular Audits
Conducting regular audits of IAM systems and processes can help identify and address potential vulnerabilities and inconsistencies, ensuring that the integration remains secure and effective.
Vendor Support
Working with reputable IAM vendors who offer comprehensive support and integration services can significantly ease the integration process and ensure a successful deployment.
As organizations continue to increase their reliance on technology, the need for robust and effective IAM integration becomes more critical. By understanding the differences between SAML vs. OpenID Connect, leveraging standards like SCIM, and adopting strategic integration practices, organizations can enhance security, streamline operations, and provide a seamless user experience. The right IAM solutions not only protect against cyber threats but also empower businesses to thrive in the digital age.
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excelmike · 4 months
June 11, 2024
What kinds of tools are LSP's creating to protect client data in the age of AI?
Chaat GPT's Response:
Language Service Providers (LSPs) are creating a variety of tools to protect client data in the age of AI, including:
Encryption Tools: End-to-end encryption for data at rest and in transit, and encrypted communication channels.
Anonymization and Pseudonymization: Data masking, tokenization, and differential privacy techniques.
Access Control Mechanisms: Role-based access control (RBAC), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and single sign-on (SSO).
Secure Data Handling: Federated learning, homomorphic encryption, and secure multi-party computation (SMPC).
Compliance and Monitoring Tools: Audit trails, automated compliance monitoring, and privacy impact assessments (PIAs).
Secure Collaboration Platforms: Secure cloud services and collaborative tools with built-in security features.
Blockchain Technology: Using blockchain for immutable records of data transactions.
These tools help ensure data privacy, regulatory compliance, and client trust.
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kirnakumar155 · 5 months
Boomi Single Sign On
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Title: Streamline User Access and Security with Boomi Single Sign-On (SSO)
Managing multiple logins across different applications can be a hassle for users and a security headache for IT teams. Boomi Single Sign-On (SSO) provides a powerful solution, allowing users to authenticate once and access their Boomi account seamlessly without the need for separate credentials. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of Boomi SSO and a step-by-step guide for setting it up.
What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication system that enables users to use one set of credentials (username and password) to access multiple connected applications securely. With SSO implemented, users don’t have to remember different login details for each system they need to use.
Benefits of Boomi SSO
Enhanced User Experience: SSO eliminates the need to manage multiple passwords, making access more accessible and convenient. This leads to higher user satisfaction and productivity.
Improved Security: With fewer passwords, the risk of password-related security breaches (like weak passwords and reuse) significantly decreases. SSO also often couples with centralized user management, enabling better user lifecycle control and auditing for compliance.
Simplified Administration: IT administrators can centrally manage user accounts and access rights from a single location. This streamlines user provisioning and de-provisioning processes, saving time and effort.
Setting Up Boomi SSO
Boomi supports SAML 2.0, an industry-standard protocol for SSO, allowing integration with various Identity Providers (IdPs), including:
Popular cloud IDps like Azure Active Directory, Okta, OneLogin
On-premises solutions such as Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
Here’s a general outline of the setup process:
Choose an Identity Provider (IdP):  Select an IdP that aligns with your organization’s existing infrastructure and security requirements.
Configure the Identity Provider:  Set up your IDP to connect with Boomi. This includes generating a metadata file or certificate and defining user attributes that will be exchanged during the SSO process.
Configure Boomi:
Go to the Settings section in your Boomi account.
Navigate to SSO Options under the Security tab.
Enable SAML SSO.
Import the IDP metadata or certificate.
Define any necessary attribute mappings for Boomi to receive user information.
Test and Roll Out: Test the SSO implementation thoroughly with a few users before rolling it out to your entire organization.
Important Considerations
Federation ID: Ensure the federation ID attribute is correctly configured in your IdP and Boomi settings. The federation ID is a unique identifier that links users between the systems.
Attribute Mapping: Verify that the user attributes Boomi requires (like email) are appropriately mapped to the attributes provided by your IDP.
Boomi SSO delivers a seamless and secure user experience while reducing IT teams’ management overhead. With careful planning and the steps outlined above, you can successfully implement SSO and enhance the usability and security of your Boomi environment.
You can find more information about Dell Boomi in this  Dell Boomi Link
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