dublinmetrodental · 7 years
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6 more weeks of Winter OR an early Spring? What do you think it’ll be this Groundhog Day?? "Like" and comment your guess below! If your guess is correct, YOU will be entered into a chance to WIN a giftcard!!! WINNER announced after the groundhog makes his appearance :) #groundhogday #februarysecond #2018 #winner #contest #spring #winter (at New Albany, Ohio)
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apromisednightcap · 8 years
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I mean how much cuter could it get?? #happyanniversarymomanddad #happyanniversary #32years 👰🏼🤵🏼🥂#stillgoingstrong #tbt #throwback #throwbackthursday #143 ❤️❤️❤️#februarysecond 2/2/85
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brucegogogo · 8 years
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신상 가져와서 집에가는길에 열일중 #멋져 #날씨짱 #통영 #집까지7시간예정 #februarysecond #feb02 #커밍순 #페브러리세컨드 @feb_o2 @2tion
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Everything in this world is fleeting. Not everyone gets to “really” live in the moment with the special person they had a chance to be with. And by “living in the moment” I mean is being able to perceive every single detail that could be remembered at that exact, most precious, moment. Our senses are deceptive and if in any way something deceives us, we wouldn’t want to trust that thing completely. Some experiences are merely illusions and yet I’m thankful mine weren’t during the times when I was with you. 
I couldn’t comprehend if what we really had was love. Yes we we had doubts. We were young. We came across each other because we said we followed our hearts. But hearts? They’re deceitful.
Jeremiah 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?   
We crossed the borders. We opened up our hearts to each other thinking we’d end up living happily ever after. We failed to lock our hearts inside their rib cages.
Proverbs 4:23  Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. 
The whole enchilada? Like in those we see in the movies, we thought it was going to be smooth and perfect. But no, it was rough! We focused on each other too much that we forgot about the rest of the world, almost neglected our identity in Christ, and worse, we thought we’ve ran too far. Too far from the God we are serving to the point we failed to glorify Him in any and every way. 
Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
And so came the conflicts. The little conflicts that soon turned to deep arguments. Til eventually, I asked the Lord if this was His will for us. I was disheartened. It was as if the weight of the mountains were on my shoulders. From academic stress, to family conflict, to identity crisis, to relationships. Slowly accepting that things wouldn’t turn out the way you wanted them to be was a great challenge. One thing kept me going, the glimmer of hope that is - I will run and not grow weary with the strength of the Lord.
Isaiah 40:31 Yet those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Everything happened so fast that in just a split of a second, we let go. We let each other go to be free - free to wander and explore what this life has in store for us and free to commit ourselves --- to the Ultimate Cause of all things. Infinite. Eternal. All-Powerful God who is mightily loving us and forgiving us even with our unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Pain has slowly been taken away because there is no wound too deep that God cannot heal. It was nice having you in my life. You’re a year older but for us who love you for who you are, you’re still young and fragile.
1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
Happy Birthday! I pray that you will continue to walk the path that leads to our Lord. Yes it may be narrow and bumpy, your companions may be few, by the grace of the God, when you, me and all His children see Him face to face, we’ll hear Him say “Great job! Well done good and faithful servant!”
So to answer the question, was it really love? Or not love? We say... does it even matter? We’re young, we’re still yet to reconnoiter this great big world. One thing’s for sure will remain, the indubitable truth. That you will, at all times, have me on your back, pushing you to what lies ahead.
P.S. This entry sure’s a lengthy one. Sorry you may find it uhm I don’t know what you’ll think. Yep, this one’s for you friend. :)
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brucegogogo · 8 years
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샘플나온거 츄카츄카 고생했어용 #봄신상 #februarysecond #feb02 #0202 #수제화 #주문제작 #와이프브랜드 #시작 @2tion @feb_o2
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