#featherington spin-off
polin15 · 2 months
They said Polin made Portia believe in love and that is just beautiful ❤️
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natecruz · 2 months
spin off Featherington
I honestly haven't stopped thinking, since the release of s3, about a Featheringtons spin-off imagine watching episodes that range between Portia's past, her debut and wedding, and current scenes of her living in the Featherington house with Pen, Colin and the new Lord Featherington oh, I would die for this
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maefansblog · 3 months
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mandaplease10 · 3 months
Violet Bridgerton Prequel Spin Off Idea
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I know both Julia Quinn & Shonda have said they would love to explore Violet's story in a spinoff. I don't know if they would do her and Edmund's story or give her a present day spinoff with her relationship with Lord Anderson.
Either way, I have an idea that I think would do well based on a similar format we got with Queen Charlotte.
Past timeline:
We could see Violet & Edmund's love story. How they met, became friends, fell in love, got married, and started the Bridgerton Family.
Alongside this, we could also include Portia Featherington's back story. We know that she did not have a happy marriage and that she married for security, but I do wonder if she did ever love another but wasn't allowed to married them because of status. I'm also very interested in learning about how she got to where she did with Lord Featherington.
Present Timeline:
We could see a look into Violet's relationship with Lady Danbury's brother and maybe see her struggling with it because she does have feelings, but she is also worried about moving on from Edmund.
Portia Featherington's daughters have all found loving marriages and she finds herself happy, but also wishing for a chance at love. Now, that her and Violet are family, the two begin having teas togethers and sharing moments with Baby Polin, maybe getting ready for a special ball/party to celebrate the new Lord Featherington's birth, etc. And it's during their many chats that Violet sets her sights out to help Portia find a love match.
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winnie-the-monster · 6 months
It occurred to Penelope that of all the Bridgertons, Hyacinth and Colin were the most alike. It was probably a good think Colin was so often out of the country. If he and Hyacinth even joined forces in earnest, they could probably take over the world.
-Penelope Featherington
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childofsquidward · 3 months
"little Philomena will one day become a great writer without any need of a husband" Phillipa you're gonna be such a good mom
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
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its-magical-here · 3 months
We should have a Featherington spin-off! With Colin in it and have other Bridgertons make appearance. Now that they all get along, imagine the wholesomeness and humor 😄
And we would get more Albion Finch and Harry Dankworth! They are sooo sweet and adorable!
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midnightscramble · 2 months
Hiya, could you do a Portia Featherington x female baker reader. Of course you have all creative freedom. Thank you, love. ;P
Sugar, Sugar Part 1 (Portia Featherington x fem!Reader)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The Masterlist
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Author’s Note: Thanks for the request! Love this idea and am so joyed to write for it. If it’s not to your liking feel free to make another request (don’t be shy!). Happy readings to you.
Summary: The stress of running a doomed household is getting to Portia. In an effort to get her daughter and Mister Finch to produce an heir, she employees local baker Y/n to fill the house with goodies.
Warnings: Portia has anxiety, slight derogatory references to religion, memories of a neglectful marriage, period typical misinformation about pregnancy and fertility, No Beta read
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“Mama, I swear, Albion and I have been trying. It is simply in God’s hands. A baby shall appear within my belly when he deems it so.” Philippa shrugged and looked towards the vaulted ceiling as if it was the heavens. Portia pinched the bridge of her nose at her daughter’s idiocy. She walked towards the window and looked out upon the street, shaking her head while cursing her daughter’s religious education. Of all the books Penelope had convinced the late Lord Featherington to supply her with, it had to be the Bible that Philippa happened upon. The very same girl who could not remember her Hail Marys.
Spinning on her heel, exasperated, Portia looked towards her daughter, “It is absolutely in your hands. God gave mankind free will. Free will which you will use to become pregnant. Are you sure that Mister Finch is doing his part, is he doing all a man can to enhance his virility?”
"There is only so much Alby can do, Mama. He has many allergies, it is near impossible for him to eat the foods that are meant to increase his bravado." Philippa yawned resignedly.
"Well, have you noticed any particular type of food that effects his, uhh," Portia raised her eyebrows and whispered conspiratorially, "appetite for you?" Philippa gasped despite her mother's careful phrasing, causing Portia to roll her eyes.
Offended, Philippa tsked, "Mama, that is very improper of you to ask. But if you must know, he rather enjoys sweets before the act."
Of course, Portia thought, when does the man not want sweets. "Then I shall have the staff fill your room with treats and you are not to leave until you are sure you are with child."
"You cannot trap us in our room!"
"I very well can! All of our futures are dependent on your and Mister Finch's coupling. I cannot count on Prudence to put her pride aside and measure up to the task. Penelope has not a suitor insight while she chases Mister Bridgerton's coattail. Please Philippa, if you do not do this we will lose everything." Her ears ran hot as she tried to reason with her. Was it possible that she was the only one who understood the enormity of the situation?
Slouching, Philippa huffed "Fine, although my only request is that the sweets not be from the kitchens. I'd rather it be from Y/l/n Pastries and Delights. The shop has gained quite the following with-"
"Yes, yes. I will take care of it, now off you go! I expect you to be glued to his side by the time I return with the order."
The carriage ride into town was bumpy and unpleasant. Perhaps Portia was overly sensitive due to her soured mood. She despised having to haggle, especially with someone as well connected as the Ton's premier baker. Since the death of Lord Featherington, Portia had been careful to reduce the size of the staff and have the kitchens purchase day old produce from the markets. While she preferred to be frugal in such times, this expense would prove to be important. Never did she think her family's future would rely on a man's appetite.
Coming to a halt, she peered out the carriage window. Her destination was at the edge of the Ton, surprising her considering the supposed popularity of the bakery. Gingerly stepping out of the carriage, she tried to settle herself. She knew exactly how to get what she wanted. Men, older men in particular, were simple creatures. With a delicate balance of sexual innuendo and pseudo helplessness, she was sure to emerge victorious.
The shop bell jingled, causing Y/n to look up from her place behind the counter. "Welcome in! what can I do for you, Lady Featherington?" She smiled brightly at the auburn haired woman. The aroma of the shop washed over Portia gently, reminding her briefly of the display of sweets she had at her own wedding.
Portia smiled tightly and approached the counter. To be known about the Ton was both a blessing and a curse. There was pride in being instantly recognized by strangers, yet it made discrete deals such as the one she was trying to procure all the more difficult.
"Hello, Dear. I was wondering if I may speak to the head chef?"
"I am the head chef." Portia released a guffaw, "Pardon me, I'm afraid you misunderstand, I am looking for the shop owner."
Y/n smiled kindly, Portia was not the first to make this mistake, "That would be me, Lady Featherington."
Portia's smile dropped momentarily. A woman shop owner was hard to come by. Sure, there were lady bakers in the Ton, but none owned the shops they worked in. "How modern," she complemented, "I was hoping it would not be too late in the day to place an order for tonight?" She was in fact hoping that it was too late, and thus the remaining goods would have a reduced price given how long they had been siting.
"As a matter of fact, I make night batches to supply to the local families. It seems everyone is partial to dessert before bed," Y/n jested slightly. Although her heart rate picked up a notch, Portia released a laugh to show good nature. Reevaluating the situation, she looked around the shop, "Well I'm not sure what I should order..."
Reading the hesitancy in her eyes, Y/n offered "Why don't I give you an assortment. That way you can come back tomorrow with a list of what was enjoyed, hmm?" She was used to having to sell herself to the people of the Ton, none were quick to trust a female shop owner.
Portia's smile relaxed at the prospect, "That would be lovely, thank you." Y/n started packing up one of each dessert. Absentmindedly, she made conversation, "My condolences on the late Lord Featherington. When my own husband died, it nearly sent me to ruin."
Eyes widening, Portia scrambled for an appropriate response to such an abrupt topic change, "Thank you..." She drifted off, not sure what to say. She studied the young woman, wondering what she was getting at. Their eyes met briefly and Portia looked away, feeling caught.
Filling the silence she continued, "My condolences as well, was it your husband who started this fine establishment?" Internally she grimaced. She knew it was none of her business, yet the oddity of the situation drove her to seek some sort of explanation.
"We started it together. I had to petition to the province to assume control of the estate. They wanted to give this shop to my eleven year old cousin, can you believe that?"
She sucked in a breath, "Yes, yes I can." Portia was becoming all too familiar with inheritance laws.
Y/n placed three full boxes on the counter and grabbed a paper. "Now, I am going to write which box contains which sweet," she beckoned Portia closer to watch as she wrote.
"This box has", rather than listen, Portia found herself distracted in watching Y/n's hands move as she emphatically described how each pastry could be identified. Her fingers twisted as she mimicked the pipped icing atop a miniature cake. The subtle flexing of her hand when she grasped the quill left Portia wondering what strength those hands possessed. Y/n seemed to have a good work ethic, leaving no doubt in her mind that she would be behind the scenes with her staff, kneading dough, working till sweat dripped down the column of her throat- Portia's mouth suddenly felt very dry and she cleared her throat, causing Y/n to pause. Embarrassed she rushed, "Thank you, I shall return tomorrow. You can hand these off to my footmen." She spun around on her heal and in three long strides she exited.
Y/n called after her, "Have a nice night, Lady Featherington!"
Feeling rather worn, Portia told Philippa's maid to have the sweets brought directly to her daughter's room. She retired early, settling in the king sized bed with the latest issue of Lady Whistledown. Seldom did she wish to know the true identity of the infamous writer. However, it was nights like these that she wanted to meet the woman face to face. She was curious, how had she made it so far? Was there a man behind the publishing? If it was truly a Lady behind the gossip expose, she may be the most independent woman of their time.
Oh, to be so free, she thought.
Turning, she blew out her bed side candle and tossed the pamphlet to the floor. Even with her husband dead, she was still chained to his decisions, his name, the failures he had made and hid from her. It would have scorned her if not for the fact that she had no emotion left to give the man.
She had never truly been dependent on him, at least not in the traditional sense. There were women like Violet Bridgerton, who mourned her husband years after his passing, pious and properly. For Violet had loved him, and in turn was dependent on his love and company. Portia, on the other hand, had tried to love her husband. She gave Lord Featherington her youthful devotion, drawn to his coy smiles and cold disregard for her. There was a certain safety in giving her heart and hand in marriage to a man who was distant. Who showed his affection in gifts rather than touch or word.
Their relationship, transactional at best, had entirely ceased upon the birth of Penelope. Lord Featherington had given up on the prospect of a male heir and moved to the opposing wing. From then on, the bulk of their interactions consisted of sitting across from each other at breakfast and linking arms at social events. Both were too content to break the newly developed pattern. It was almost pleasant, to look upon each other and feel no obligation to pretend.
Tonight was like any other night in her marriage, spent alone. She was normally untroubled by the empty side of her bed, cold and firm from being unoccupied. Closing her eyes she resigned herself to ignore the sudden deficiency. She told herself that it was of most importance to fall asleep quickly. Tomorrow she would have to be sharp to negotiate with Y/n.
Reminded briefly of the baker, thoughts of little cakes with pipped icing, quills, and the smell of bread paraded through her mind as she succumbed to sleep.
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pensbridge · 3 months
What do you mean Colin "my wife" Bridgerton doesn't make an appearance in season 3: he goes No oNe wILl BlAcKmAiL mY WiFe when he is mad at her (fails like the loser malewife he is), looks proud as she gives a speech owning and owning up to the ton, calls her brave, clever & witty, glares at anyone daring to speak ill of her or exclude her from the conversation, misses her the second after their engagement announcement, immediately seeks her out in rooms she enters, shows her off to even her worst enemy, plays with her hair, spins her like a princess, calls her a Bridgerton every chance he gets before they are wedded, and praises PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON, who should not forget that!
If this is him now, imagine how season 4 will be on 100000000000000%
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pinktacotragedy · 3 months
a young portia featherington spin off would be the campest cuntiest thing ever and i must witness it in my lifetime
i can feel it in my bones that her backstory is wild
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saintdollyparton · 2 months
Creloise 44. Out of lust
Having Eloise Bridgerton in her drawing room was already enough to have Cressida's pulse racing. Partly because she feared her father's wrath, but mostly because Eloise was a particularly tactile friend and it was driving Cressida to the brink of madness.
It didn't seem to be purposeful, at least not at first. Cressida had witnessed the way Eloise and Penelope Featherington had always been arm-in-arm, after all. She tried not to let the reminder of their former closeness sour her mood.
Lately, however, Eloise's touches tended to linger, as did her gazes. So much so that, after a recent conversation on the couch came to a natural halt, their eyes held contact for much longer in a way that bordered on inappropriate. It wasn't until Eloise cleared her throat and managed to pull herself up into a standing position that Cressida realized they had been slowly leaning in towards each other.
"These books look rather dusty," Eloise mused, walking up to the bookshelf across the room. "Does anyone actually read them?"
"I believe Father has, but Mother and I are forbidden. Especially from the ones further up. He says it's not proper for a lady to fill her mind with too many ideas," Cressida explained.
Eloise predictably rolled her eyes and made a noise of disgust, which caused Cressida to smile.
"Well, that simply won't do," Eloise said with conviction as she took hold of the rails of the bookcase ladder and began climbing for the topmost shelves.
"Don't, Eloise!" Cressida hissed as she rushed over to the ladder. "He will know someone disturbed the books because of the dust!"
"Just tell him it was me. He already hates me for some unknown reason," Eloise said.
Cressida felt her face heat watching Eloise stretch upwards to grab one of the books, the fabric of her dress clinging to the soft curves of her hips and backside. She barely managed to avert her gaze as Eloise half-spun around triumphantly with her prize in hand.
That movement proved to be too much for Eloise's equilibrium. Her foot slipped off the ladder and she fell forward with the momentum of her spin right down onto Cressida, who had just enough wherewithal to brace one foot behind her and open her arms to accommodate the sudden pressure of Eloise falling against her.
Cressida grunted indelicately and stumbled back a few feet, but refused to drop Eloise, who was now clinging to Cressida's shoulders like a lifeline despite her toes easily brushing the ground.
"I... uh, I'm sorry," Eloise breathed. "I didn't mean to..."
Eloise may have finished that sentence, but Cressida couldn't be sure because all she could focus on was how perfectly Eloise fit in her arms. How delightful Eloise's body felt pressed into hers. How long her eyelashes were as they fluttered, and how dark her pretty blue eyes seemed in that moment. Then there were her lips... surely, they hadn't always been so full and pink...
"Cressida..." Eloise's voice shook her from her reverie. "You look..."
"I look what?" Cressida rasped, not even recognizing the sound of her own voice.
Eloise shuddered and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. Cressida's eyes followed that movement like a moth to a flame.
"I don't know..." she said in a breathy way that had Cressida's fingers digging in to Eloise's hip. "But it makes me want... something."
Cressida couldn't take it anymore. She buried a hand in Eloise's hair and pulled her in until their foreheads and noses were touching, their breaths mingling. She tilted her head and faintly let her lips ghost across Eloise's.
"Something like this?" she whispered.
The burning look Eloise shot her hit Cressida straight between her legs.
"So much more," Eloise husked.
And in the next second, Cressida's lips were devouring hers. The sounds Eloise made as their tongues tangled together were driving Cressida insane. Her hands dipped down instinctively to squeeze Eloise's ass, pulling their bodies flush with each other.
Eloise's hands seemed intent on ruining the elaborate hairstyle Cressida's maid had prepared for her that morning, and Cressida found she wanted her to. She wanted Eloise to ruin her completely. And, as they stumbled backwards to continue their activities more comfortably on the couch, Cressida realized she already had.
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ccmybabysworld · 3 months
people are being too mean to colin & i don’t like that. pen is my girl don’t get me wrong but in my opinion he wasn’t mad enough for finding out ab whistledown. he FOUND OUT, wasn’t even told, that the love of his life is a notorious gossip writer that has written negatively about him, his whole family & his friends. i personally think he’s just the sweetest baby ever. i also feel like the bad boy persona portrayed in part 1 just overshadowed his sweetness as shown in seasons 1 & 2 and also in part 2. it took away from who he really is that’s why people are so unforgiving towards him. but my man can do no wrong SORRY. and i’m not gonna ridicule him bc he didn’t have sex with pen while he was actively very angry with her. and for those who are talking about a wedding night, the queen had just called them out for one of them being whistledown, obviously that’s gonna pull him out of his bliss. i need a polin spin off so bad i need a deep dive into both these characters & the featheringtons by themselves! i don’t think i can go back to seeing them as side characters
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quotergirl19 · 1 year
Not gonna lie (and I’m sure it’s the plot of plenty of AUs and fics), but I’d kind of love for Colin to ask Benedict to find out why Penelope is avoiding him and Eloise. Only Benedict is still plagued with self doubt about his artistic abilities and Penelope noticing his confidence is low, instinctively encourages him towards pursuing his passion no matter what anyone says, to do it for himself because it makes him happy and something about what she says to him really helps and he starts to realize Penelope is more than just his sister’s friend, she’s more of a friend to their whole family and he isn’t thinking of her romantically but the more he gets to know her, the more he likes her and begins to think she would make a wonderful wife for Colin. So Benedict starts to drops comments about how great Penelope is, how she’d make some lucky man very happy, and Colin is clearly unsettled by his brother’s sudden interest in Penelope as a wife.
Where Colin had never seemed to care about Penelope speaking to other men, something about her growing friendship with Benedict worries him. He tells his brother to be careful not to toy with her affections when really, he’s more nervous that Benedict isn’t toying with her at all, but that he’s seriously considering marrying her. When Colin calls on Penelope one day and discovers Benedict is already at Featherington house giving Pen an art lesson, he’s utterly caught off guard and makes a spectacle of himself trying to pretend he’s unbothered by their fondness for each other and easy conversation.
Then I want Colin to overhear Portia Featherington telling Mrs. Varley or Prudence that perhaps they were wrong and Penelope was not hopelessly in love with Colin Bridgerton all this time, maybe she has set her cap for Benedict. Colin hearing Penelope’s own mother say that Pen loved him begins thinking back to their interactions since Penelope entered society. Looking at their friendship with new perspective has Colin’s head spinning and he returns that night seeking a private word with Penelope and before he can even think about what he’s doing, he’s kissed Penelope and she responded to his kiss in a way that makes Colin certain that she loves him and wants him but when he proposes, Penelope refuses him, saying he never wanted her and he’s probably just lonely and has sworn off women so long that he’s forgotten that he told her himself, she doesn’t count as a woman.
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Still living in my Polin era. Not leaving anytime soon. But since they announced Benedict will be the focus on season 4, which came as absolutely no surprise and didn’t really probably warrant an announcement at this point in time since we’ll be waiting forever for the next season, I decided to start making a list of potential spin offs that Shondaland and Netflix should take advantage of and make for us.
I hope they have something planned similar to Queen Charlotte but who knows. Queen Charlotte is definitely very different because it was more based off actual history and to me it still feels very separate other than bringing in Violet and Danbury that sticks more to the Bridgerton side of things.
Anyway here’s some ideas that could be added to the Bridgerton collection:
1. The Featherington story. I’d love to see Portia’s origin story. We got a big glimpse of it this season and I’d love to see her originally as maybe a very carefree debutante and realizing just what is expected of her and the choices she made. And maybe combining this with current timeline with a new heir. This would be more dramatic. I also wouldn’t mind seeing the Featheringtons in a comedy because they’re hilarious.
2. Edmund and Violets story. We know how this one ends and honestly I don’t know if this would ever be explored now because we have seen Edmunds death and we saw a young Violet so it just might not be an interest. Or it would’ve probably be a very long series. I think they could draw on the aunts and uncles of our Bridgerton siblings. We know Francesca stayed with her aunt in Bath and Julia Quinn does have her whole prelude to Bridgerton series so…I’m not opposed.
3. Bridgerton Christmas. I stole this idea from a few people I saw on TikTok. It wasn’t anything I had thought about before but it would be an easy way to keep production costs low. Would be more of a movie than a season with multiple episodes. Very similar to what shows like Downton Abbey have done that they have where they have a special I think this could be something fun to hold people over.
4. Lady Whistledown. Something. Season 3 had the opportunity to delve into the origin of LW and have some flashbacks and didn’t do it. They did explain why Penelope started the column but I think it would have been interesting to see more to see how in the world she created this empire. There was also mention of other gossip columns in the first episode of season 1 so the competitiveness of this. The danger Pen put herself in could lend itself to something. There probably isn’t enough here for this idea to become a spin off.
5. The servants. Anyone love Footman John? Yeah we all do. Want to know more about Varley or Wilson? Or season 3 MVP Rae?! Taking a note from shows like Downton Abbey this could be an interesting story to tell from the servant “downstairs” point of view. This would be unlikely. They haven’t delved much into this side of things so not many people probably do care about these side characters plus if they stick with Sophie being a ladies maid for season 4 that probably wouldn’t be likely at this point. Maybe after season 4 but they’d have to dig more into these side characters and bringing them into the more prominent storylines.
Kudos to you if you made it through that list. Mostly I just want more Polin so they could get their own spinoff, a film series, a travel series. Or just cast Luke and Nic in some rom coms for me so they can go on more press tours that’d be great.
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girllookingoutwindow · 2 months
Wouldn't Pen being out as Lady Whistledown and having permission from the Queen to continue to write made it seem like Pen would remain prominent in the show? I don't want to think that we'll just have Nicola voiceovers for gossip narration in the show. I hope they continue with Polin story, them living in the Featherington House with Portia would be entertaining. And seeing them have more babies would be fun to watch as well.
I want to see more of Polin and Portia for sure. They are my three faves, so I hope they would have their place in the show. I will love a spin off too, with all the Featheringtons. More Polin is always a good idea to me.
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