#feather edge panels
oakviewfencinguk · 6 months
Oakview Fencing services offer feather edge fencing panels, designed to enhance the security and appearance of your property in Northampton, UK. Invest in premium fencing solutions for lasting protection. Discover our selection of high-quality fencing products today.
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midnite-enjoyer · 2 years
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People were asking on my Kirby fanfic for art of the cursed monster forms so here's the main hero trio! I will probably do the other characters later on if I have time but as it is I have a lot to draw so we will see. Anyway, here's Werewoofy Magolor, Taranza, and Susie!
and also the fic for anyone who hasn't seen already:
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bokettochild · 2 months
I cannot BELIEVE no one told me we had an update!!!!!
Anyways, here's my favorite bits as always, because I need to SCREAM about this one!
The rupee acquisition!
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I love how JoJo included that traditional *item acquired* pose that all the Links do, and gave it a reason in the comic (Wind insisting he hold it up is just so fun)
Sky's comment though, "don't spend it all in one place". Isn't that a line you get in Skord when you acquire rupees? The cute little easter eggs here are so fun!
I also really love how Legend is taking an instructional role here, both with Wars and the champion!
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While also letting his veteran show
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and I love that the rest recognize that! Wild calling Legend "an expert" and actually listening to what he has to say, even if he doesn't agree with it.
I also super like the panels of Twilight's interaction with Legend here
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Very eldest and middle sibling discussing the youngest child, and I love it. It reminds us that, even for all the cuteness we got between them in the last arc, Twilight still sees Legend as too rough around the edges, enough that it borders on bullying when it comes to some of the rest, and he's trying to curb that. And Legend is LISTENING, because (as I've said a thousand times) Legend respects Twilight and values his opinion. Twilight is his big brother too now and Legend, while still being himself, genuinely seems to care about his opinion.
Twilight's just tense in general, although why, I think is mostly because of Time's sharp scolding in the last update. Even though he's snapping back at the younger ones, he's not very happy to be snapped at right now, and he's eager to get out from under Time's watchful eye.
Time and Warriors
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Because while he feels e has grounds to correct Legend for telling Wild what to do, Warriors straight up subtly scolding his protege is different. And the difference is that Legend and Wild and Twi had camaraderie (see Dawn p.3), they're brothers, but Wars is approaching this as a commander, a captain, and Twi doesn't appreciate that. Warriors isn't their leader though, but he's taking that role anyways. (Old habits die hard, I'm sure)
I mean, we all knew Wars was going to confront Wild sooner or later, but I'm glad he was so calm about it. Twilight's ruffled feathers (fur) is more from Time being overbearing, I believe, so it aggravates any slight annoyance Warriors might present.
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Even despite some of our suspicions earlier, I like this bit here. Wild was a soldier once, and the captain is very much the image of what he would have worked with before. JoJo mentioned wanting to play with that dynamic, with them bothering having military background, and I think this is that training (hundred years ago though it was) kicking in and making the champion defer to the man who outranks him (as far as they know). Granted, they all call Wars "Captain" but this felt pointed.
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I do love Four acting as the word of wisdom here, advising Time, just like he does Twilight, as to the best way to handle a team. it's a reminder that he's done this before, and he knows how teamwork can be, but also that sometimes you need space and working together means working in different areas.
Anyways, here's a couple bonus things that make me happy!
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Bunny stance!
(shh, I know he's making a point by stepping on Wild's toes, let me have this)
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Wars being so freaking pretty! Dear Hylia help me! (Is it wrong I understand Cia a bit now?)
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Wind being the youngest sibling who is Done With Your Chatter
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A competent boy being competent (and not as experienced as Ledge, but pretty darn close (if you've played both their games you know))
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Showing off items! (I can hear the little ✨da nana na✨)
And of course, I love Time being a tired, overprotective parent (he looks like my mom here, good grief!)
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fanaticsnail · 1 year
You Kissed the Clown? Part 1
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(S1:E2 OPLA timeline)
Upon waking, you found yourself in an unfamiliar environment. Stuffed into a small crate with your three travelling companions, your dark haired friend referred to as a “crew”, your senses were still groggy from the crimson powder exploded above your small rigging.
After your “Captain”, Luffy, disclosed to the group he had consumed the map to the grand line to “keep it in a safe place”, the crate opened to reveal a darkened space. Applause rang throughout the area and your eyes were drawn to a spotlight being placed on a man dressed as a white lion. Several circus-type performers littered the room and directed the large crowd to respond with prompts written on large white panels held by several members. You noticed the features of the crowd were bearing terrified expressions, crying streaks littering their cheeks and some crusted over wounds adorning their faces and bodies.
Through the small opening of the red and white tent, a displeased figure appeared out of the shadows. You were immediately mesmerised by the figure, brightly coloured facial paint adorning his cartoonish features, a large brim hat with blue tassels hung over the folded edge and a collection of mismatched stripes, spots, fur and feather upon his physique. He had a dangerous air around him, full of malice, ill-temperament and a small amount of desperation amongst his features.
The blue haired man immediately berated his companions, yelling at them for the wrong timing, the queue being off, the lighting contrasting over a lion-like man instead of his own features. You looked to your green-haired swordsman companion, making brief eye contact with him and quirking up your brow in question. He shook his head at you and nodded back to bring your attention to the scene playing before you.
You had no idea how you were among this ragtag trio of misfits, especially as piracy was never an occupation you fancied for yourself. You and those within your family line were skilled jewellers; antiquity restoration, appraisal and fine gold and silver smithery was your trade. You and your father were requested to appear before Captain Morgan and add a new gem encrusted embellishment to his recently acquired new head for his Axe-Hand.
You witnessed the fight that was brought out with Helmeppo and several other marines at the skilled hands of Roronoa Zoro. At that point, your father decided he was no longer going to be working with Captain Morgan; no payment was enough to continue working for a man that allowed his child to bully those lesser than him. You were given a choice then to find your own way in the world and bring attention to your own skilled crafts or to sail home with your father to return to work in the shop as a finery smith. Opting for the former of the two, you bid farewell to your father and found yourself upon the small rigging with three companions of whom you had grown fond of.
Bringing you away from your thoughts and tuning back into the conversation, your gaze fell to your orange-haired friend, Nami, as she attempted to bribe the blue-haired clown with a new crew member with untold abilities. Before you could stop her, she threw Luffy’s straw hat into the air and bolted for the opening of the large tent. Two members of the circus crew managed to drag her back to the group which she then berated the jester before you for destroying the town the tent was situated in. The conviction she held in her voice sounded quite intimidating, but the clown just laughed in response. He used a small knife to cut a piece of apple and place it into his mouth, while nonchalantly saying he didn’t destroy everything in the town – he allowed the townspeople to keep their hands to applaud his act.
You inhaled through your nose deeply and widened your eyes at his comment, breathing out slowly through your mouth while fixating your gaze onto his relaxed form. He continued to look over the four of you with a twinkling smile as he consumed his crisp apple before his gaze fell over you.
“You,” he began, pointing at you with the small knife in his hand, “you have been awfully quiet.” He gestured to the rest of the crew with the same knife, “that one threatened me,” he said pointing at Zoro, “that one attempted to bribe me,” he pointed the knife at Nami while sauntering over to the spot you were situated, next to Luffi and Zoro.
“Your Captain lays claim to what’s rightfully mine,” he continued while stalking your form. Your eyes leave his form to look to your companions.
“Don’t you look away from me!” he yelled suddenly at you, causing you to flinch in response. Your body began to tremble slightly at his demands, not used to threats of great violence being thrown at you at a whim. He almost danced over to your place on the ground, bringing his body within an uncomfortable proximity to your own. He made no effort to hide his gaze raking over your body from the hair on your head to the shoes adorning your feet.
Although he had a large nose that immediately drew your attention to it, you couldn’t help but to notice the hue of his irises hidden amongst white, red and blue paint. The intensity of his gaze was drawing you in like a moth to a flame. The hue was akin to several fine gemstones you worked with in your family’s smithery. Jade, sapphire, tourmaline and emerald being the first stones that sprung to your mind while gazing at the angry and menacing clown before you.
“And what would you do, hm?” he condescendingly smirked at you, “you’re no fighter, by the looks of you.”
You held his gaze, staring deeply into his mischievous teal eyes while searching your mind for a response to his pointed question. He placed the small knife into his breast-pocket within his long fur coat and stalked slowly over to you like an animal prowling over to their meal. You trailed your eyes over his form slowly, raking and sizing him up with a small amount of unbridled suggestion held behind your eyelids.
Unsure if what came over you was bravery, stupidity or something else entirely, you reached your right hand forward and swiftly grasped the mustard coloured cravat hanging tightly from his neck and pulled him into you with all of your strength and successfully closed the distance between your bodies.
He was right of course, you were no fighter. Your skills lay in appraising fine metals, gemstones and hand whittled crafts. You read books filled with fairytales, poetry and refrains whispered between lovers. With your occupation, an aura of charisma would often aid in sales; whether you were doing the buying or the selling. You were known far and wide in your homeland as someone with a small amount of flirtatious charm, which was why you were asked to aid your father in his journey to the “tight-pocket” Captain Morgan. You were to charm him as you did many others, swindling them out of their apprehensions and bringing more berry to the till of your family’s business.
A shocked whimper left the lips of the Genius Jester as you tenderly placed your own lips against his, bringing your left hand to his side and using it to bring his body flush against your own, cradling him into a tender embrace. Your eyes were closed as you deepened the kiss shared between you. You began using your lips to open his and caressing them slightly with your tongue.
You slowly felt him relax into your embrace as he placed one hand to the back of your head and the other hand wove itself around you, placing it to the small of your back. He almost gently laced his gloved hand into your hair and held you tightly against him. He released a stifled gasp into your mouth as the hand on your lower back squeezed slightly, pressing your bodies closer together. You released your right hand and moved it tenderly from his cravat to his jaw, feeling the slightly prickled skin beneath his painted face.
Not a word was uttered, silence engulfing the space. In this instance, nothing existed to either of you apart from the moment you were sharing with one another. The map? Gone from both of your minds as you held each other tenderly. You arched your back, pressing your chest further into him as you began lacing your fingers into the hair peaking out from the bottom of his broad hat. You snaked your left hand around his waist, beneath his fur coat and raked your fingertips over his skin, causing him to moan into your mouth and cradle you further into him.
You utilized your head to nudge his own head upward for you to deepen the kiss further. Trailing your hand from the hair under his hat down towards his neck and exploring his pectorals, you massaged down his body while holding him tightly and skillfully in this heated embrace. Your fingers began to explore the flesh of his back, lifting the material slightly to expose his flesh to your administrations.
He did not withhold any sounds from escaping his lips, as small groans released from his lips between kisses alerted you to how much he was truly enjoying your touch. You even allowed some gasps to escape your own lips as you continued to caress, massage and cradle him to yourself as he held you.
You were not foreign to the romantic touch of others by any means, but this kiss felt unlike anything you had experienced prior. You could almost feel his desire for affection as he hungrily held your body against him. Waves of loneliness escaped from his form and onto you as he began to be filled instead with your freely given affection, unlike the painted women he would pay berry for their time.
He groaned slightly and furrowed his brows together at the thought, releasing your lips from his own and holding you to him. His eyes bore into your own as your lips parted from one another, almost gazing into your very soul with the intensity he held.
Without warning, he pushed you from his body and swatted your hands from their position on his back. He turned to face away from you and brought his gaze to your captain before monologuing.
“Ok, here end the theatrics,” he began as the spot lights filter onto the four of you.
“I know one of you have my map, and I’m gonna get it back,” he said with malicious intent.
“What was it you said, rubber boy? That it was ‘in a safe place’?” he mocked with a small glint in his eye. Luffy looked to you in confusion.
“Oh, don’t look so surprised. I have eyes and ears everywhere,” he laughed. You trailed your eyes over his features, noticing the paint over his lips appeared more smudged than it had been moments prior. You then began to imagine how your face may appear after you shared the kiss with him moments prior.
“So,” he clapped his hands together and looked to his gang of circus members, “please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room.”
You felt hands clasp your wrists. You looked around to see a large man in a leotard grasping your form before you looked back to the clown. Your eyes met briefly once more, an unfamiliar emotion that could almost be described as a combination apprehension, longing and desire located in his eyes as your body was dragged to another location, this time without your captain amongst you.
You held little resistance as your body was escorted away. You looked to Luffy once more and attempted to reassure him with a nod as you walked briskly to be caged with your friends.
Nami was placed in a small cage suspended above the ground, whereas Zoro was bound to a large spinning wheel. As they were placed into these positions, their movements protesting and making it difficult for your captors to place them in these restricting positions; you held no such apprehension.
An aura of calm was coming from your form, confusing the large leotard-clad man. You placed your wrists together and held them out in front of you with a shrug and almost taunted him with how easy you were making this for him. His brows knit together in a puzzled fashion as he began to bind your hands in rope and tie you to a post away from your companions.
Once successfully restrained, the circus people left you with your thoughts as cries of laughter were echoing to the chamber that sounded like it was being pulled from the mouth of your captain.
“You kissed the clown?” uttered your green-haired, tri-sword wielding companion in a low accusatory tone, “why did you kiss the clown?”
You laughed slightly at the question, looking down at your bonds as you wiggled your hands against the tightly clasped rope, testing it for any sort of weakness amongst the restraint.
“I honestly can say I have no idea,” you smiled while pressing your knee against the post you were bound to with a small shove to assess its strength.
“It was incredibly stupid,” Nami commented from her enclosure, “if you were that touch-starved, I’m sure Zoro or Luffy wouldn’t have minded if you wanted to give them a little smooch.”
You turned your gaze over to Nami momentarily before rolling your eyes.
“Oh please,” you replied, “Zoro, I’m sure you are a wonderful kisser but unfortunately you don’t quite have what I’m looking for.”
He scoffed slightly at the comment while you moved your hands down to the hilt of your belt and began searching the folds of your skirts with your wrists.
“And if you don’t mind me asking, what does the dangerous clown-man have that Zoro doesn’t?” Nami asked with a teasing tone. Your wrists find the object within your belt and you smiled broadly, gripping it and bringing it to the light.
“Right now?” you said with a small twinkle in your eyes as you held the small object up to your new friends, "a knife."
For the first time in a while, the three of you shared a laugh before you all began to attempt an escape from the bonds of the green room.
Part 2
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drunkenmantis · 1 year
minimalistic Good Omens art - Breakdown
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A little design breakdown and why i did what i did on my minimalistic Good Omens art
Gold: the gold is the connection both Aziraphale and Crowley have to there angel side (crowley being a former angel) --> Aziraphale still being an Angel has his Halo still in one piece while Crowley being a fallen Angel has his broken and in pieces.
black: chosen from Crowleys main appearance with his clothing choice, also stands for him being a fallen angel
"aggressive" red: stands for Hell and references Crowleys hair
beige/almost white: pulled from Aziraphales main appearance with his clothing choice and him being an angel. I also went against a complete white to show that Aziraphale is not a typical "pure" angel
grey/blue: stands for heaven and is a reference to Aziraphales eye color.
Everything on Crowleys side is supposed to scream energy and a sense of "brokenness", that's why i depict him with sharper edges, pointy ears and nails, a broken Halo more animalistic snake eyes and the feather are thinner and pointier.
On Aziraphales side I wanted to bring out a more soft, angelic and friendly welcoming tone to equal out Crowley. I tried to give him a more "round" and soft feel, like a teddy you wanna pick up and cuddle. His wings are also rounder and "fluffier". His eyes are a bit smaller than Crowleys and of cause human like.
I always insert a details in the color of there counterpart to break up the overall composition and not make it overwhelmingly "one sided", also to symbolise how deeply they are connected to each other.
Another thing i reference with the composition is a dyptich. "As an art term a diptych is an artwork consisting of two pieces or panels, that together create a singular art piece these can be attached together or presented adjoining each other. In medieval times, panels were often hinged so that they could be closed and the artworks protected." -Wikipedia
Aziraphale is always depicted on the left because he is an Angel "and sits on Crowley right shoulder" Crowley is always depicted on the right because he is a Demon "and sits on Aziraphales left shoulder"
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hoonigiris · 14 days
— bye bye my blue
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y. jungwon x f!reader
wc: 2.3k genre: hurt/comfort, angst content: reader is older than jungwon (reader is called noona), insecurities, relationship growing pains and they're both horrible at communication. but they're growing!! and they're growing together :') misc. notes: title inspired by bye bye my blue by baek yerin :)part one of my jungwon noona anthology series, birds of a feather.
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on a tuesday afternoon, jungwon finds you on the bathroom floor.
somehow, he knows something is wrong before he sees it, a weird feeling twisting in his gut the moment he opens the door to your apartment. the shades are still drawn, there’s a half-eaten bowl of food still sitting on the counter, and, most importantly, you’re not there. you’re not anywhere—not on the couch, not in your room, not in the kitchen. the door shuts behind him, a disturbance in the air.
it’s too quiet.
jungwon stops at the doorway, slipping off one shoe at a time. and then, carefully, he opens his mouth. “noona?”
it sits in the open air for a moment, waiting, and then he tries again, the feeling in his gut creeping up his throat. “noona, are you here?”
he steps further into your apartment, about to call your name one more time, until something rustles in the bathroom. jungwon stops, ears straining. a beat of silence. he steps forward, avoiding the single creaky wooden panel three feet from the door, socked feet practically sliding across the floor to avoid any unnecessary noise, until he hears it again.
a small sniffle, the ghost of a shaky breath echoing in the bathroom and trickling out from underneath the door. jungwon’s bag immediately drops from his shoulders. 
you’re hurt, his head starts blaring.
his right foot moves first. and then his left. and before he knows it, he’s stumbling through the hallway towards the bathroom on instinct alone. jungwon’s hip rams into the edge of the corner table placed at the beginning of the hallway, a loud bang as it slams in the wall behind it. he registers it distantly, the noise, the burst of pain that shoots into the bone, but it doesn’t matter. none of it does, not when you’re holed up in the bathroom, all alone.
his hand flies to the doorknob, heart in the pit of his stomach—and he stops.
the voice in his head is still screaming at him to hurry, you’rehurtyou’rehurtyou’rehurt—but the metal lies cool against the heat of his palm, and jungwon takes a deep, shaky breath. he forces his panic to dilute into something more palpable, more manageable, to where he can swallow it down from the back of his throat to his chest and think.
he can’t force his way in, not if you didn’t want him to. whatever hurt he feels at that thought, jungwon shoves aside in favor of leaning his forehead against the wood, one hand clutched at the doorknob, the other raising slowly in a closed fist.
jungwon knocks once, then twice. he calls your name tentatively again, fragile as his lips form around the word. he hopes it’s enough to pass through the door, the walls you’ve yet to let down, the ones you still haven’t let him walk through.
he can’t tell if the silence that follows after is contemplation or guilt or embarrassment, but even so, he knocks again anyway. “noona, are you there?” please. “can i come in?” please, just let me in.
and again, nothing. jungwon tries to discern the silence, pressing his ear flush to the door trying to pick up any sign that you were okay, but it’s hard to tell when all he can hear is the thumping in his own chest, the blood pounding in his ears.
there’s a sort of shame that ripples in jungwon, stifling in his chest.
the gap between you and him is something he rarely forgets, with the way you shower him in adoration and praise him until his cheeks flush cherub-like. stubbornly, he wants to be more, but all jungwon has done is wait. he makes himself patient and he waits for the moment where you will finally let him see anything deeper than the smile you give him every day, where you stop seeing him as the younger boyfriend and someone to take care of and instead see him as someone you can rely on instead, where you tell him your thoughts and worries and peel back your layers and trust that jungwon will handle your rawest form with care.
he’d thought that maybe if he proved that he was good enough, capable enough, then you’d eventually let him in. but jungwon had convinced himself of that months ago, and now it’s come to this. you, locked in your bathroom and crying alone, and him, outside and still waiting.
(maybe the problem really is him. maybe even after all this time, he still isn’t the man you need him to be. perhaps you don’t really need him at all.)
“noona,” jungwon tries again, quietly, slumped against the wood. “please.” even if you didn’t need him, he needs you, still. “just let me know if you’re okay.”
something shifts, at that. the rustling of clothes on the other side of the door, a shaky exhale. jungwon would have been satisfied with that, really, his hand slipping from the doorknob and the offer to just go back home ready to leave from his lips along with his heart placed bleeding at the doorway. but instead:
“you can come in.” it’s so quiet it’s almost a whisper, the echo of the bathroom muffled through the door, but it’s the clearest thing jungwon has heard all day.
a few seconds pass, and the door creaks open, light spilling out into the hallway. a lump immediately forms in jungwon’s throat.
sat in the middle of the bathroom floor, a crumpled white button-up shirt between your hands, you look like a mess. red-rimmed and puffy-eyed, you stare up at him with a distinct quiver in your lip, like the mere sight of him sent your hastily reconstructed sand castle walls crumbling again. but you gather yourself again quickly, patting down any loose pieces of sand into form and pulling your lips into a sheepish smile.
“hi, wonie,” you greet, embarrassment peeking through. your cheeks are still wet, shining in the light when you tilt your head up at him. “you’re back early.”
jungwon used to think the worst thing he’d have to overcome was never being able to see any version of you but the perfectly curated mask you try to show him, but he thinks this is worse. to finally see you like this, and to have you look back at him as if you’d been caught, like being vulnerable was akin to some wrongdoing, like you’d been spotted with your hand in the cookie jar and he was the uninvited witness.
“ahh…” you breathe out, laughing. “i guess there’s no point in hiding it now.” there’s a certain look of guilt in your smile when you look at him that makes jungwon’s gut twist. “sorry you had to see me like this.”
“that’s not—” jungwon tries, but whatever that was supposed to come out next lodges in his throat, somewhere between breath and speech. “don’t—don’t apologize.”
your smile falters a little, hands falling into your lap. another ‘sorry’ gets lost between the two of you, mute at his admonition.
it feels a bit like a scolding, with how you avert your eyes from him and stare at the ground, and jungwon feels even more at a loss. he looks at you and then the shirt and then back at you again, running over anything he could possibly say to soothe over the awkward silence. and then, finally, “what happened?”
jungwon barely hears himself say it, the whisper so faint he’s not sure he even voiced it at all. you blink, eyes wet. your lip catches between your teeth deliberating, before you exhale.
“it’s okay,” you shake your head. you smile at him again, half-hearted and consoling. “it was stupid, don’t worry about it.”
your smile falls the second you see the look in his eyes, the hurt he can’t control that displays clear on his face. jungwon reels it in quickly, but you try to mend the wound before it can fester further.
“i spilled my coffee on my shirt,” you confess, holding up the stain. “i, um… i couldn’t get it out.” you look down at it again, and then back up at him, sheepish. “see, i told you it was stupid.”
there’s more to it, jungwon knows there is. a stain on some shirt of yours wouldn’t warrant breaking down into tears and sobbing in the bathroom; there was something you weren’t telling him, something you were deliberately hiding from him.
the last thing he ever wants to do is pressure you into divulging what you’re not ready to reveal, but how could he let it go now? how could he see you like this with his own eyes and turn away like he saw nothing at all?
“what happened?” he repeats, gently.
the question presses into you further, and you shake your head softly. “i told you—”
“do you trust me?” he interrupts, still quiet. do you trust me enough to lay yourself bare? do you trust me enough to know that you could let yourself crumble and i would still be there to catch you? do you trust me enough to take care of you?
your eyes dart to him immediately, panic splayed on your face. it’s like you can sense something falling apart, you or him or both, together, but you immediately try to patch it together again. maybe it was just in your nature. “what? of course i—i love you. i love you so much, you know that.”
your bottom lip stiffens as soon as the confession sounds, the sudden, unfiltered vulnerability resulting in you hiding the way your lip wobbles as you avert your gaze away, blinking away glassy eyes. you’re holding back your tears, again. 
jungwon swallows hard.
(distantly, he wonders if this is all he is to you, someone you have to hold back for.
love and trust aren’t the same thing, and equating the two isn’t much of an assurance when something ugly and resentful has been curling in his chest ever since he stepped foot into your apartment; not at you, but at himself.
must you carry the weight of him along with everything else? is this all he is good for? to only see you in your good moments and be kept in the dark as you handle everything all by yourself in the bad?)
but you sniffle, an instinctive jerk of the body you can’t hide, and he pushes the ugly, resentful thing in his chest aside. jungwon steps forward, bit by bit. he can wallow in his failings another time—all that matters right now is you. 
“what can i do?” he asks, finally, open-eyed and pleading.
a part of him wonders if he can even do anything, if you even want him to do anything for you, or if he’ll be thrown back into his regular pattern of waiting. waiting for you to come to him, waiting to be let in again as you cast him out yet again to deal with everything on your own. 
he can’t demand anything of you, but right now, he wishes you would just lean on him, if only a little; he wishes you would ask him for something, anything. he wishes you would want to.
jungwon can’t do anything you don’t ask him too. it haunts him, this constant fear of being a burden to you, to be helpless even when he’s trying. his attempts are nothing but clumsy and stumbling, and it wouldn’t be anything but more trouble on your plate if he extends his hand and you don’t need it, you don’t want it. you'd both be left with something lingering in empty space with no one to claim it.
but perhaps his desperation to not be helpless gets to you too, because you take a shaky breath, clutching the shirt tighter between your fingers. and then, quietly: “can you just hold me? please?”
jungwon moves forward without a sound, kneeling down to the floor and taking you in his arms. the shirt falls down into your lap as you wrap your arms around him and hold yourself tight to his chest. neither of you say anything—perhaps you don’t know how to say it. or maybe, there’s nothing else that needs to be said, not at this moment.
you grab onto him like a lifeline, gasping out the beginning of sobs that threaten to rip out from your chest again, and jungwon sits there, letting you. he doesn’t need an apology, he doesn’t need an explanation. some would call it selfish, maybe, to have you taking what you please when you find it suitable, but the selfish you is what jungwon has been searching for this whole time.
jungwon wants you to be selfish of him. he wants you to want him for yourself, even if it’s just to be there with you. he'll let you take as much as you need from him, because it isn’t taking if he’s giving it to you.
later, after the tears have all dried, you will tell him the truth. at least, the parts of it you can properly articulate. how the coffee stain was the last straw of a shitty day in a shittier week, how you didn’t want to trouble him by complaining about something you hoped would soon pass, how you never dropped any mention of having a hard time to him because when you were together, everything else didn’t really matter that much anymore.
it wasn’t a matter of trust. just love.
but for now, on a tuesday afternoon on the bathroom floor, you hold him tight as you cry, and you let him hold you back.
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witchofthesouls · 1 month
Can you explain how preening works on bots? For someone who new to the idea of it.
Preening is a real-life bird grooming behavior that extends the life of their feathers as well as waterproof them using an oil secretion from a gland and a bonding activity, too. Transformers fandom likens the Seekers to birds, so I'm doing my duty and expanding on it lol
For Seekerkin, preening is a grooming behavior that satisfies multiple functions: a social activity for the trine and flock, a necessary and vital part of maintenance to check out the responsiveness and state of their flight systems, and trains the very young or very new on how to handle environmental influx, both passive and active. It's typically guided by the more experienced hand: mentor to student, parent/guardian to child or newbuild, elder to newcomer, trainer to trainee. A pair of hands skims and go over the expanse and edges before using their talons to pick out the slag in the fine seams as they test out various sites and sensor response.
It's an activity that actively builds social cohesion as it takes a lot of trust to allow someone else around appendages packed with a variety of sensors. It feels good as well. Not a sexual pleasure. It's more akin to good massage or very nice body scrub. A great source of stress relief under an at-home health check. Of course, that also fosters relationships between kin, trines, cohorts, and flocks.
Arcee and Bumblebee have their own sensory panels to care for, and it's a job for a second pair of hands. Ratchet has similarities with his own servos.
Miko is too much of a young menace to realize others don't have her own War-Forged physiology, so she's allowed to go ham on the heavier armored Autobots because she's mimicking the care she's receiving.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 month
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L'Art et la mode, no. 34, vol. 11, 23 août 1890, Paris. Robe de dîner en crêpe de Chine gris perle. Dessin de M. de Solar. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Robe de dîner en crêpe de Chine gris perle; au bas de la jupe bord déplumés grises se détachant sur une bande de velours noir; au dessus, riche broderie d’acier; de côté deux pans détachés en crêpe de Chine avec broderie remontant. Au corsage, broderie formant corselet dont la pointe vient jusqu’au haut, se terminant dans un bord de plumes; de chaque côté draperie de crêpe de Chine. L’entournure des manches garnie d’un très gros rang de plumes faisant épaulettes.
Dinner dress in pearl gray crepe de Chine; at the bottom of the skirt, gray featherless edges standing out against a band of black velvet; above, rich steel embroidery; on the side, two detached panels in crepe de Chine with embroidery going up. On the bodice, embroidery forming a bodice whose point comes to the top, ending in a feather edge; on each side, drapery of crepe de Chine. The armholes of the sleeves decorated with a very large row of feathers forming epaulettes.
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rollup2theparty · 8 months
—⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ scarlet heart! sung hanbin
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❦ when you find yourself in the heart of your favorite graphic novel, you didn't expect to fall for the crown prince knowing the slim chance of a happily ever after. (scarlet heart & extraordinary you inspired)
౨ৎ ONE SHOT (fem!reader x s.hanbin)
⟡ soulmates / star crossed lovers / historical
⚠︎ character death / minor angst / mentions of blood
notes!! im not the most confident in fantasy so this one is rlly short but i hope uu enjoy!! lmk if u have any feedback (not proofread)
all you ever wanted was to escape, escape the horrid reality of your austere 9-5, escape the mundane plethora of emails and meetings, escape the job you drag yourself to daily. its true that your greatest desire would be to flee the repetitive soul-assassination that is this routine life of yours but you sure didn't expect it to turn out like this.
you try to count your fingers, all five. this confirms it, it can't a lucid dream. so how could it be that the scene set in front of you looks identical to the opening panel of the final chapter to your favorite graphic novel? in a blink, you transport to a wooden palanquin dressed in your finest ensemble, hand carried by a parade of men.
your distress translates to shivers, you have no idea where you found yourself yet you know exactly where you are going, the crown prince's quarters for a royal wedding... your royal wedding.
the palace looks identical to the illustrations you were used to seeing, the mass from behind the dignified gates cheer as you proceed with the extravagance of a royal procession. while the stage before your eyes bears close resemblance to the masterful drawings of a human author, they gave the imperial heir to the crown no justice. no artist, painter or mastermind could possibly illustrate the way his eyes gleamed with a sentimental yearning, the way his nose fell perfectly between his cheekbones, the way his cupids bow rested delicately above the perfect balance between a plump smile and a knife-sharp jaw. he was angelic to the extent that it was almost bewitching.
familiar memories of moonlit evenings by the lake where the fish swam side by side with the star-filled sky accompanied by the soft embrace of his touch ran through your head like a prologue slideshow. the jittery feeling as he placed a refined jade pin adorned with golden feathers and a blush-pink rose in your palm materialized in your mind like the experience was truly yours. you watch the glimmer of the illusory night reflected on the water beneath your feet. your heart beat escalates, tickled by the warm paced breath on your neck. his hands gradually moved to your cheek, gracefully pushing back the strands of hair that fell on your face. whisker smile appearing on cue, his left hand right snaked pass the silk fabric of your robe and around your waist, he leaned in and your heart stopped.
"i'll love you in every life." he whispered-
and you snap back to the present as you make your bows, exchange wine and partake in a feast made for kings (literally). your groom excuses himself to change out of his ceremonial robe and you rise up to do the same, knowing that the two of you will reunite, veiled behind the tapestry. the retinue scramble to clear out the remnants of your dinner as the two of you step into the vicinity where you are man and wife. he tugs on your robe and pulls you in as he gently envelopes his fingers around yours, the awe that left your brain fogged failed to remind of you of a rather special ending, one with an agonizing pierce of a double edged sword.
the pain was so intense, so nauseating, it was nothing but all-consuming. the friction of cold metal through your skin and bones left you quivering as you fell to your knees in acute agony. you sink into the arms of your lover as you slowly succumb to the fatal pain, taking slower breaths, gradually reaching the end.
star crossed, ill-fated, and damned, the nature of your relationship was meant to be doomed. teardrops grazed your cheeks as his screams and yells turn into nothing but the sound of your defeated heartbeat and you are tugged back to the real world.
your eyes open to the harsh light of the office bullpen and you doubt the reality you experienced was anything more than a fever dream, until you spot the emerald emblem lodged in the corner of your desk. as you begin the question the line between fantasy and existence, your speculation is forced to a halt as your supervisor clears his throat to introduce a new member to the team. a dashing man in a white button up and tie with the same eyes, cheek dimples and fleshy lips. like you are bound to each other with an invisible thread, the two of you are destined to meet in every life, dimension and universe.
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loopyarts · 7 months
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Here’s a sketchy drawing and a two panel comic that I did back in late January this year of an Au idea concept inspired by @crate-of-edges fic idea concept of them being turned into little kids with no memory of themselves as adults post and this is my Au idea and take on the concept idea of what if somehow Sanji brothers got cursed/de-age 10 years back to being 11-12 year old boys and now Sanji and Strawhats have to deal with them while also trying to find a way to reverse the curse/de-age effect inflicted upon them.
In this state, Sanji brothers are weaker because one they’re kids again and two their bodies can’t handle they own powers right now and they also seems to have a bit of memory loss at the moment but will regain them as time goes on. Yup, Sanji is basically having to babysit his brothers and play big brother to them, the only one that feels natural to him is Yonji because Yonji is his actual baby brother.
While with Ichiji, Sanji strangely finds that he starts to look after now as well and despite his age he acts like he’s 15-16 rather than a 11-12 year old boy although he does have his bratty and prideful moments and Sanji slowly starts to lose his mind whenever Ichiji decide to wonder off on his own or weirdly enough go fish diving.
Sanji feels like he has no idea what is going on in his older brother head and it doesn’t help that he also rarely talks which is fun but as time goes Ichiji began to open up more and more to Sanji to where he’s finds out that this Sanji is actually his little failure of a brother Sanji.
Niji is well Sanji living hell, an absolute brat of all brats. But as times go on Niji starts to respect Sanji and they both bond through kick combo training together and Sanji share some of his techniques to Niji to which the little gremlin absorbed like a sponge.
Also Niji a nightmare when it comes to food to point he refuses to eat what Sanji gives him, since he didn’t trust him yet. When Sanji does get Niji to try his dishes, he eats them up like no tomorrow and surprisingly asks for seconds. Niji also grows the closest to Sanji to where he wants to protect him and look after him just as much, that need to protect Sanji.
Which grew even more when he found out, this Sanji is his little brother Sanji.
Yonji is at first is very spoiled and entailed little chestnut, who acts like snot nosed brat to Sanji and constantly calls him stinky fish man. But Yonji bonded with Sanji the quickest and he loved that Sanji acknowledges his book-smarts and especially loves talking to Sanji friend Robin about the books and world, although he does get annoyed how Sanji treats like a little kid all the time.
When Yonji finds out, he not all that surprised by it but he surprised by how strong his big brother has gotten and is confused why they all tiny while he’s not.
After a while they found a cure for curse and let just say the brothers have had an experience while they still part ways. They surprised felt connected and didn’t let go of that experience they had together despite how odd it was for Sanji brothers to go through.
The comic kinda explains partly on how the boys got de aged. But to give a further more in depth rundown basically it takes place after Wano and they somehow encounter each other on another island before Egghead. The reasons the Sanji’s brothers are there is because they have a mission they carrying out which involves the person who cursed them to be 10 years younger. Who has been causing an uproar in town on the island due to their mending with age.
Basically they find her she kinda like a witch with feathered hat leak stick and has giant bag where she keeps her bottles and has the power to take memories and age take away or give age to a person and seal in a bottle.
Blah blah Sanji and his brothers start fighting and arguing giving her loads of time to quickly curse Sanji brothers and take away 10 years of age and memories away making them 11-12 year old kids again. Sanji was too shock to realise she escaped and went into hiding on another part of the island. Now Sanji is stuck looking after his de-age brothers along with strawhat crew and they now begin the journey of finding the age witch and reversing the curse done on his brothers.
Ichiji, Niji and Yonji basically got magic poofed into being kids again like an old fariytale. Also the time Witch thought it be funny because how childish they were all being and with how awful they being to Sanji, she decided to punish them and she hoping Sanji will give them a taste of they own medicine.
Also, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji will slowly regain parts of their memories as adults as they slowly put the pieces that this stranger is actually their twin brother Sanji. That’s all I got in my head for plot I basically was making it up as I draw the comics amd drawings for fun. OvO’
There a scene with Ichiji putting blanket on Sanji happens way later in the story in my head and it he also confirming to reader that he now knows that adult Sanji is his little brother and yes Ichiji will be first to figure it out because he a sharp cookie. Niji will figure it out last because he’s stubborn and take a bit longer to put two and two together. (Hint, hint I have a full oneshot comic based this idea that be posted soon hopefully. OvO’)
Oh I almost forgot to mention in my mind and headcanons Ichiji powers can hurt him outside of the raid suit. So if he uses his sparks as a child he will hurt himself despite not being as powerful he can still inflict damage onto himself. Also my version of Niji has low vision and cannot see very well without his goggles.
Anyway, that’s all my rambling on this idea. I will probably won’t do much more with this Au idea after I have finished doing that oneshot comic.
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missamyrisa2 · 9 months
Wakey wakey~
You find yourself struggling on the curiously shaped padded white exam table which slopes downward from your head ~ the thick straps keep your arms forward your waist is similarly held snug, your legs are gently spread with enough wiggle room to kick nervously ~ particularly as the hum of machinery starts and viewing panels open from all sides high above. Shadowy figures seen glaring down at your plight are joined by the glowering red lights of observation equipment winking to life all around ~ your protests and squeaks echo around the sanitized room, the humming becomes a buzz as you sense the presence of something heavy and imposing approaching your legs~
You can kick all you like, the machinery can't be deterred as it deploys padded probes to the backs of your legs and begins stimulating with tickly tingly vibrations. Activity rises in the observation deck and the equipment feeds on your reactions, every noise and twitch and struggle is captured and analyzed ~ you can almost see the line of data pulsing through the equipment as every big reaction causes the machine to recalibrate and further massage on your most sensitive spots behind your knees and up the backs of your thighs ~ annnd up to your tush, humming and stimulating your booty to its satisfaction~
Your squeaks turn to giggles and gasps, the relentless machinery cataloging your body and coaxing it of all the sensitive secrets. You feel spent and worked over, probed and defeated ~ and yettt ~ the treatment is only starting. The machinery surges in energy, the probes attach to the backs of your thighs and tush cheeks in strategic locations. With a gentle push they hold you taut, hold your cheeks gently apart ~ as the machine spools up its routine and the sound of spinning orbital buffers fills the room. Their progress is temporarily delayed by a swarm of mechanical hands, clicking as they flex their fingers and work hurriedly to spray your rear quarters with a cleansing solution. Others follow behind with soft wipes, working away the imperfections. This attention, mechanical or not, puts you into a fury of blush and gasps ~ and it does not go unnoticed.
You glance back and see them approach. Your protests and pleads fall on nonexistent sound receptors. The machine cannot be bargained with. The observers above certainly hear your begs as the soft whirling surfaces are approaching your twitchy sensitive spots, and note each one. Soft motorized fluff invades the curves of your back legs, buffing in lines to maximize your stimulation. Two more join them, deployed at the curves under your buttcheeks. From your vantage point they are a blur of green but you absolutely feel every soft fiber as it is whipped over your skin, barely touching yet drawing out so much sensation ~ and giggles.
With a whine, another piece of equipment deploys. You shriek uselessly seeing the wheel approaching with a buzz. Each spoke sprouts a feather of soft stiffness, and the circle begins turning slowly as it is brought closer and closer between your legs. At first it's the tiniest breeze, teasing at your honey spot and royal area and edges of your tush cheeks. You think you can handle it, maybe even find it a good distraction from the buffers as they polish around your legs and behind your knees now. But then it grows closer. The breeze becomes a slowly growing itch, a little ember of want. Every feather slides down and caresses between your cheeks, over your hole and downward. That slow path quickly becomes worn in with gigglish sensation~
You get the slightest respite between feathers, but their time tickling at your line of ticklishness grows. The wheel is now slowing slightly each time a feather makes contact, then picks up speed after it passes your royal area. The adjustments are slight but they draw out your ticklish agony so much. The activity above rises. Eyes are stuck to glass, notes are taken rapidly. The equipment is burning hotly trying to consume all your data.
And then the wheel reverses~
You scream out in desperate wanting needing laughs. The feathers caress one after another after another, touching your royal area with the slightest slap before passing you to the next. The kiss at your honeyspot becomes an explosion of tickles. The wheel never stops turning. The buffers taunt and work to engage with skipping motions between each feather touch so that you are constantly passed back and forth from sensations. You want it so badly, you want that release. More buffers add to your desperation, their fluff invading under your toes and along your soles. Your muscles ache, your royal areas throb. Your whimpers only seem to encourage the operators, as you can start to recognize the motions above precipitating another surge of machine activity.
When your mewling overtakes your giggles, the wheel pulls back to give the taunting breeze so the buffers can work around your cheeks and small of your back and even sneak at your hips to make you buck and laugh. When your laughs become high pitched and silly, the orbital discs slow and the wheel engages at full contact to make you moan and giggle and yelp for more.
And more you get ~ as with a flurry of motion in the observation deck followed by what appeared to be a minor debate, the room trembles and through a complex set of mechanical squirms and shrieks, you find yourself flipped over, facing skyward under brightening observation lights. Strapped down tightly, legs gently spread, the wheel soon approaches once more surrounded on all sides by snaking orbital buffers ~ and a burst of newcomers, their intense blue-white lights igniting as they buzz furiously like a swarm of bees. Tiny spotlights illuminate under your arms, around your tummy, in your navel, along your neck, over your chest buttons, on your hip dips, and between your toes. The vibrating tools begin their humming inquisition as if questioning your hot spots with their tips right as the buffers make strides across your longer tickle zones - sides, ribs, arms, legs, and thighs. And that wheel, that wicked wicked wheel, extends its feathers once more and begins the endless caress over your royal area.
You want the ticklecum so bad~
and can only hope it's on the menu today~
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the7zees · 2 months
Rose Tinted Wings
Gn! Reader x Sanguinius . Warnings: none
First time posting stories here. This will be a series I think. Here we go! *claps hands once*
The lights on your navigational panel flickers its blue light apon your face. It's been a while since you've heard a thing from the battalion sent out what now feels like an hour now. As Captain of this vessel ,you see too it that all make it back to this ship in an orderly manner, blood, viscera ,unknown splatters and all. It isn't new to you by now. The waiting. The listening. The nagging thought that something has gone ary down there and you will need to scout them yourself or else-.
The voice breaks you from your worry as you stumble back to your station. "Yes, I am here. Moving to extraction location now". You know what you're doing. This isn't new to you by now.
You were tasked to the retrieval of of a handful of The Emperor's angels . Blood angels that is, a task you had done many of times before however only now it was different in a way you never expected it to be. That you never would have ever even thought about. 
Skillfully you maneuver the ship to its landing point, it lands with a hard thud as it kicks up dust and debris from the recently ravaged battlegrounds.  Just as you make your way down to the deck you spot a figure in the dust as it clears. "Welcome back, Lieutenant! I-"
Ah, wait. The figure is much bigger than the usual marine and ... growling?
Oh...great. The large lizard like xenos beast raises its head through the dust revealing it's large grotesque mouth full of awful teeth and let's out a roar that shakes the ground itself.  Quickly you grab your pistol and shoot away from the beast ,hoping to distract its attention to the fired bolts. There's no way your little pistol can damage a thing like this. But It only shifts its eyes for a moment before focusing straight on you, huffing a growl and scrathing at the ground below it.  You sink back into the doorway of the deck as you prepare for it to charge you only to hear something else entirely. I loud swooshing sound and a pained roar from what could only be that horrible beast. You peek out the deck hatch as it falls ,it's neck spewing black blood, landing with a hard thump. You eyes follow down below it suprised by the sight of a large pair of white wings.
You stand there. In awe at the sight as the wings fold back to the figure that owns them. Clad in shining gold that reflects the very sunlight above making the figure glow in a way that feels almost ethereal.
"Captain, Are you alright?"
You stand there still, dumbfounded.
You startle back to your bareings apon the sound of another voice. The blood angels you came here for , marching up behind the now fallen beast.
"I- you- uh" you stumble your words unable to look away from the man standing in front of you . Hair as gold as the sun with armor to match , eyes a vibrant shade of blue with a hint of red, and most noticeably a pair of beautiful wings, almost stark white if not for the light grey dusting at the edges of the lowest feathers. "Forgive us capitan, it seems this beast found you before we did" the man looks back to the men that now stand in rows behind him. "The xenos nesting site has been destroyed and without a single loss " the man spoke and a triumphant tone. But you were still in awe. "Y-yes! M'Lord! Of course!" You studder as the battalion march into the loading bay. Standing next to you was the very man you thought you would never see with your own eyes. Only hearing about his feats of bravery and strength, only seeing quick images from time to time. Sanguinius himself.
This was definitely new to you.
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ambroziadelphine · 4 days
Emo Boy(Choso Kamo x Reader) Chapter 7
It's been a few days. I was once again closing shop tonight, though it was with Ruby. She was going to be turning the radio station 24/7, and she wanted to be the first one to take the night with it, Emma the techy girl was going to be with her when I left after closing the store just to make sure things run smoothly. We needed some kind of tech guaranteed to be awake if something went wrong.
I was just organizing the sections for the records before I locked the doors from any late night customers when I felt arms snake around my waist, lips finding my neck as the unusually stressed aura of Choso filtered through my body. I hummed and leaned back, my head resting on his shoulder as I held his arms around me, closing my eyes as he laid feather light kisses along my shoulder and collar.
"I was starting to get worried. You hadn't texted since yesterday." I mumbled, turning to plant a kiss on his cheek as I turned in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck loosely. He buried his nose in the crook of my neck, holding me tight as he took a deep breath; his aura was calmer, though it still held the staticky edge to it, clearly he had something on his mind, but I wasn't about to push him to tell me yet. "Are you okay, baby?" I asked softly, feeling him shake his head, hiding his face more as I sighed, Emma coming in at that time as she gave me a questioning look. I waved her off, mouthing 'personal stuff' to her as she nodded, giving a two finger salute before running up the stairs, my attention turning back to my poor boyfriend needing my comfort.
"Come on baby, you go into the studio, I'll lock the front door." I said, kissing his neck softly as I felt him shiver, looking at me slightly, my heart melting a little at the tired look in his eyes. "Don't worry baby, we can go home soon, I just wanna make sure you're okay first." I told him causing him to sigh, nodding as he reluctantly let me go, walking over to the studio as I quickly locked the front door, flipping the open sign to the closed panel before shutting the front lights off and heading over to Choso.
"Alright, now what do you need from me? Just listen, distract you, just cuddle? What would help you right now?" I asked him, seeing him look at me surprised as I smiled lightly, taking his hands in mine. "Sweetheart, I can tell something is wrong. You don't need to tell me what it is if you don't want to, but I want to help make you feel better, so how can I help?" I reiterated, a little slower to not overwhelm him as he looked at me for a while.
"C-can we just.. cuddle? A-and I want to kiss you, please.." He said, squeezing his hands as if anxious to touch me already. I smiled gently, moving to straddle him and put my hands on his cheeks.
"Want to cuddle a little here then go home and watch a movie? Or we could just sleep and relax when we get there." I offered, he gave a weak smile, his hands gently resting on my hips before he pulled me closer
"I just wanna hold you tonight.." He mumbled making me sigh softly, smiling as I leaned forward to lay a peck on his lips.
"I'd be letting you do that no matter what." I told him, getting a small smile from him before he pulled my lips down to his again, his aura changing to a peaceful calm the longer our slow kiss lasted. My hand held the back of his head, the other on his chest now as I softly pulled away from him, kissing his forehead before holding his head to my chest, petting his head as I hummed a soft tune, feeling as he all but melted into my grip.
"He's asking more questions about you now.. after I came home with my neck marked." He mumbled, burying his face in my chest as I sighed.
"Just ask him what he wants with me." I said, figuring if it's something I can give him to leave us the hell alone, I would do it. Choso's grip tightened around me, shaking his head as I felt his distress returning.
"It's gonna be bad. It has to be." He said, looking up at me with pleading eyes. "I can't- I can't ask.. I'm too afraid." He muttered, looking down as if ashamed. I took his face in my hands, making him look at me, kissing him softly to ease him.
"I promise, whatever it is, we can get through it." I told him, feeling confident in my words. Choso is strong. I'm not sure how strong I am, but I'll try anything to stay with him. "I love you, and nothing will change that."
"I love you too."
That night, after dinner, and after Livi went to bed, Choso and I laid on the couch, limbs tangled as I laid my head on his chest. He held me tight, kissing my head, running his hand through my pale blue hair. He smelled like mulberry and oak, with a slight metallic hint: I wish I had a perfume that smelt like him, so I could always smell him even when he's not here. I buried my face in his chest, taking a deep breath before letting it out in a content sigh, smiling before laying a kiss on the fabric of his t-shirt.
"I love you." He mumbled, pressing his lips to my hair as I grinned, leaning up to nuzzle into his neck, kissing it softly.
"I love you too." I muttered, leaning up to look at him with a smile. "You make me so happy." I said, his lips turning into a smile as well at my words.
"You make me.. feel human." He said, my giggle floating through the air at that.
"You are part human. I'm just making that side come out more." I said teasingly, which he chuckled but nodded at.
"That is true, though I think you just bring out the best in me." He said, kissing my cheek as he squeezed me gently. "I wanna keep making you happy. Any way I can." He murmured, my gaze melting slightly before I leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips.
"You already make me happy." I said, leaning our foreheads against each others.
"I wanna keep making you happy forever." He muttered, my cheeks turning pink as I smiled, settling down with my face buried in his neck, giving him light kisses as a shiver went down his spine.
"Then you've just gotta stay with me." I sighed contently as I kissed his jaw before closing my eyes and laying my head back down. "I just want to be with you. Wherever that is." I said, his grip on me tightening slightly before he let out a shuttering breath.
"What if being with me puts you in danger?" He asked, his aura turning slightly staticky again, feeling prickly against my skin and I sighed, lifting my head to look at him.
"Kenjaku wants me one way or another." I said softly, my small smile sad. "I don't believe being with you puts me in any more danger then I'm already in." I mused, his eyes turning sad, tears slowly gathering in his eyes. He felt so guilty, his aura cold, the prickly feeling like light, sharp rain.
"It's my fault he even met you." He mumbled, his lip quivering as my hands moved to rest on his face, the tears in his eyes beginning to slowly fall while my gaze softened. This is why he felt guilty. "He only went in the store because he wanted a way to keep me entertained.. You never would have been dragged into all of this if I had just kept my mouth shut about being bored." He was getting more worked up with his words, his breathing starting to pick up as I lightly stroked his face, shushing him. I didn't want him to panic or have an anxiety attack.
"No, no baby, no." I cooed, hoping to calm him down. "It's not your fault. You didn't know any of this would happen.. Besides, I'm so happy to have met you, I can't dream of anyone else I'd rather be with right now, then you." I said, hoping I could ease his bleeding heart, leaning my forehead against his as I pecked his trembling lips softly.
"I'm not even fully human.. You'll die and I'll still live for so many years, alone without you." He whimpered, feeling my soul ache at his words. "I'm a monster, a horrible person. I don't deserve any of the love and kindness you've given me, but I don't think I can live without you anymore and I'm so scared to lose you." He cried, sniffling as I felt my own eyes tearing up at his words. He truly believed this about himself. I couldn't believe it.
"Baby, you are not a monster. You grew up with horrible people. You didn't get the love and care you needed, you didn't get to be a kid. That doesn't make you a horrible person." I said softly, giving his face gentle pecks. "I don't care if you deserve it or not, I'm giving you my love and kindness because I want to. I truly believe you deserve all the love and attention I can give you, and I want to make you so happy. I want to be your safe place." I expressed, his tears easing slightly as he stared at me with happy yet sad eyes. The guilt and sadness lessening slightly, his usual warm calm aura slowly returning.
"I don't know why you love me, but I am so glad you do. I will work for your love every single day to show I will fight for you." He declared softly, my face softening as I leaned in to kiss him again, his arms holding me tight.
"I accept your love, Choso. I accept any love you give me, just as I hope you'll do the same in return." I said as we parted, he eagerly nodded in agreement, eyes wide making me giggle. He radiated love, a feeling I've only felt from another a few times. It was a rare feeling, but a good one. "Words, baby." I cooed, his face flushing red as he looked up at me.
"I accept your love as well, Zoey. I promise, I will cherish ever single moment I can spend with you. I would do anything to stay by your side forever." He said, I smiled softly and gave him a light kiss.
"Will you ask Kenjaku what he wants with me?" I asked hesitantly. Choso paused, his anxiety rising again making me regret my decision before he slowly opened his mouth.
"What.." he started, taking a moment to collect his words. "What if he wants to do something that separates us?" He asked, I sighed at this and looked into his anxious eyes.
"That I guess we'll just have to separate him, from us, before he has the chance to do that." I said, his eyes widened as he processed what I was getting at.
"You would.. you would run away with me?" He asked and I chuckled, kissing his lips.
"We'd be bringing my sister, of course, but yes.." I said, a sly smile on my face. "I would love to run away with you." I told him, he finally gave a small sigh and nodded.
"Ill ask him." He said and I smiled softly.
"If its something I can give him, within reason of course, I will do it if it means he leaves us alone." I said, Choso adamantly shaking his head making me frown.
"You're not giving him anything. Ill kill him if I have to." He said firmly, my eyes softened and I hugged him tight.
"I just don't want you to get hurt." I said, he kissed my neck and sighed, pressing his lips to my skin for a few moments before he took a small deep breath.
"Nothing will hurt me more then loosing you."
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Any thoughts on Goku and Yamcha's dynamic
Pretty much the same as Goku and Krillin's but with much less dedicated screentime and opportunity for the two of them to bond.
Goku and Yamcha didn't exactly get off on the best foot. Remember that time Goku hit Yamcha so hard he bounced him off the edge of the panel?
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Good times.
Yamcha sometimes gets miscredited as having won this fight due to Goku being too hungry, but it's more accurate to call it an inconclusive result. Though Goku dominates the fight for its duration, he admits himself that he's too hungry to keep going on like this. However, they're interrupted before Yamcha has a chance to put that to the test.
Yamcha gives as good as he gets here, hitting Goku with his signature Rogafufuken or Wolf Fang Fist.
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But Bulma's arrival interrupts the fight before either of them can strike a decisive blow. To be honest, there are better feathers to put in Yamcha's cap than "Maybe could have won a fight with a starving Goku if the presence of femininity didn't make him shriek in terror and flee."
Like, remember that time he defeated the Oozaru?
Granted, that was as much Puar's win as Goku's, but still.
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Man, this moment is made way more impressive by the later context that this is a planet-killing abomination meant to exterminate all life on Earth and not just Goku reacting badly to lunar exposure.
Oolong may have saved the world from Pilaf but Yamcha and Puar saved the world from the fucking Saiyans.
Goku and Yamcha get along pretty well moving forward. Goku's a bit naive, but that also means he isn't the type to hold grudges.
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By the time of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai, he is positively stoked to see Yamcha again - Even if his presence comes at a bit of a bittersweet shock to Yamcha since it ruins his chances at the championship.
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Still, it's nice to have a chance to rekindle the friendship. In fact, this is the beginning of Goku and Yamcha earnestly being friends, since he was trying to manipulate them and steal the Dragon Balls in the back end of the last arc. An effort that ended in him effectively being abducted by Bulma in a similar fashion to how she would one day abduct Vegeta.
Bulma's nothing if not consistent about bringing home dangerous wild men and claiming ownership of them. She doesn't have a type so much as a methodology.
This settles Yamcha into his role of being the martial arts lore guy, who knows everything about everyone competing in the space. These were credentials he'd previously introduced in private while spying on Goku and Bulma.
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So having him become the Team Wikipedia for rival martial artists was a natural jump for his character. This was clearly something he was passionate about from the get-go.
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At least, whenever it was applicable. Yamcha's knowledge was limited by how many newcomers ended up in the space.
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And, unfortunately for Yamcha, this also marked the beginning of the. Um. Other trend for him in the Tenkaichi Budokai.
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In the ring, Yamcha's pretty much a punching bag to establish how formidable the other characters are. Backstage, however, is another story. There, Yamcha, Krillin, and Goku all support each other and cheer each other on.
They just don't get a lot of panel time to show it. Yamcha tends to be excused from the more serious arcs. He's uninvolved with Red Ribbon until the Uranai Baba Tournament, his broken leg keeps him out of the Piccolo-Daimao arc almost entirely, Bulma disinvites him from the Raditz altercation and he dies first in the Saiyan brawl which keeps him out of the Namek arc....
Yamcha gets written out a lot. Consequently, he has a hard time finding opportunities to interact with Goku on-panel. All he really has is backstage at the Tenkaichi Budokai, which is panel space that's more often than not taken up by the fights themselves.
Due to his frequent eliminations, he's never fought Goku again since their two bouts in the desert.
Nonetheless, it's clear that their bond is meant to be pretty tight. As practitioners of Kame-senryu, Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha are a band of brothers.
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Muten-Roshi: Yamcha, you're in. Goku: Oh, that's so cool! Now we can finally spend actual time together and bond as friends and-- Muten-Roshi: Goku, you're out. Goku: Dagnabbit.
The Uranai Baba Tournament offers Yamcha a chance to finally strut his stuff:
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Before falling back on shitstomping him to hype up Goku's rivals.
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But again, Goku and Yamcha are given little time to interact with one another because one of them is in the ring for 4/5 of the tournament.
Even the anime has a hard time expanding on their relationship due to Toriyama's tendency to write Goku into isolation during long stretches of time where filler episodes could be inserted. Goku and Yamcha can't exactly hang out while Goku's in heaven training with Popo, can they? By the time Goku started spending downtime with friends and family, Yamcha had long since fallen out of focus.
Nonetheless, it's clear that Goku cares about Yamcha. When Tenshinhan breaks his leg in the ring, Goku's the first person to run to his side.
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And while the time they spend together backstage isn't much, it's not nothing either.
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When they can find panel time for it, they're the kind of bros who change clothes and look at each other's butts together. :P Yamcha even got to be the one to explain what marriage is for Goku.
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It's when you live in the same house. Thanks, Yamcha-pedia! Goku can do that much, easy!
Note: Goku cannot do that much.
But between the legendarily non-social Goku vanishing for years at a time without a word to his friends and Yamcha being constantly out-of-focus in just about every major non-tournament arc, there simply aren't many opportunities for them to have a scene together - At least, outside of group events that don't offer much in the way of personal dynamics.
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"Hey, Goku! Me and the boys are here, doing some of that training you did!"
This is the first conversation they've had since the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai six years ago. And that is all they have to say to each other. Because Yamcha doesn't get to do things and Goku isn't social.
This is their entire conversation. The rest of the scene is just Yamcha listening in while Goku and Kaio chat about the plot.
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And that's the most involved he gets to be during the entire Namek arc. The most time Yamcha and Goku spend together after the Tenkaichi Budokai ends is this.
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Which Goku is barely even conscious for.
There just aren't many opportunities for them to interact directly. So Yamcha ends up having to settle for always being just. Like. One of the guys.
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writing-biting · 1 year
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after the initial anxiety, maybe they’ll get more into her element.
Here’s more propaganda for the @ultimatebabygirlsupremebattle  ! Yes, I know I already posted some today, but I finished that last week, and I drew this followup today.
(generally I put the image ID in the alt, but I’m putting it here because i’m on the computer and i can’t figure out how to do it properly on here)
[Image ID: Three comic pages, depicting feather!leo’s arrival to the transfemme leo competition, read from right to left.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Mikey, with xer arm swung around Leo’s shoulders, making them stoop. He has one arm splayed out, indicating a banner above them that says ‘ULTIMATE BABYGIRL SUPREME’ in capslock.
Leo is squinting and looks annoyed. Mikey is grinning, with his eyes closed.
Mikey has a speech bubble that reads: “It’s the TRANSFEMME LEO COMPETITION, of course!”
Panel 2: Mikey spinning a startled Leo in a chair, with an amused expression. Xe has two dialogue bubbles. The first one reads: ‘Now!’ and the second one reads: ‘We’re gonna get you dolled up!’
Panel 3: A close up of Leo’s eye, Mikey’s hand holding her in in place. Mikey’s other hand is applying pink eyeshadow to Leo’s stripe.
Leo has a speech bubble, which reads: ‘I don’t know about this Mikey-’
Page 2:
Panel 1: Mikey is clasping a cape of the trans flag around Leo’s shoulders. He’s leaning down and grinning at an annoyed and frustrated Leo.
Mikey has three dialogue bubbles. The first reads: ‘Relax!’, the second reads: ‘You’re gonna do great,’ and the third reads ‘just remember to smile, and absolutely do NOT be yourself!’
Panel 2: Leo is now standing. He’s lifting up her cape with one arm like a cartoon vampire, and peering down at it. They have two speech bubbles.
The first speech bubble reads: ‘I don’t know, Mikey.’ and the second reads: ‘This feels weird’
Panel 3: Mikey pushing a reluctant Leo forward, smiling. Mikey has three speech bubbles, and Leo has one.
The dialogue goes as such:
Mikey: ‘You’ll be wondtiforous!’
Mikey: ‘Just drop this whole emo she-bang,’
Mikey: ‘and do what you do best!’
Leo: What I do best-?’
Panel 4: Mikey kicking Leo in the shell, sending her flying.
Mikey has one speech bubble that reads: ‘Mask insecurity with overconfidence!’
And Leo has a jagged edged responding speech bubble that reads: ‘WHAT’
Page 3:
Panel 1: Leo sitting on his hands and knees, panting. The word ‘huff’ is written around her a couple of times, and there are short lines around her to indicate shaking.
Panel 2: A giant banner that reads ‘Ultimate Babygirl Showdown’ over a crowd of nine visible participants.
On the left, newtmntfan’s Leah is talking to teenagemutanttransgenderturtles’ Aoi. Behind them, bugbrainboy’s Leo is talking to chaoswithcausation’s Leo.
On the right, dykeraphael’s Leona is talking to graphitehybrid’s Leo. Behind them, boy-icky’s Leo is talking to yumeyumeappleo’s Leo.
In the very back, less-depresso-more-espresso’s egg is screaming ‘WTF’
Closest to the camera, we can see a sweatdrop forming on the back of feather!leo’s head. There’s dialogue beside her, reading: ‘I’m going to kill Mikey.’
The word kill is underlined twice.
End Image ID]
Direct followup to this: https://www.tumblr.com/writing-biting/719815731338936320/mikey-put-her-in-the-competition-without-telling?source=share
And, a taglist for all the turtles that appear here!
feather!leo is from the @feathers-and-petals separated AU
Leo’s pronouns: she/they/he
Mikey’s pronouns: he/him/xe/xer/xem
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darkandstormydolls · 8 months
I finished another new costume!
This one is of Edwin from the webcomic Crowmance (I think I may unintentionally be on a mission to sew costumes for progressively more and more obscure pieces of media)
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The skirt was a bit of a challenge to figure out. I ended up having to do a great deal of math (sixths! I had to divide things by sixths!) and sewing together blue panels that were half the width of the black panels and then carefully box pleating them in. I also had to go through every episode of Crowmance so far to decide where the blue flashes were (center front, side front, side back, center back). The capelet/sleeve pieces were originally going be be sewn in like sleeves, but I realized that they didn’t actually work out like that in the pictures, so I ended up draping them on the shoulders like cape pieces to figure out how I wanted them to sit and then just whipstitching them down. The bodice itself went together very easily; I had a pattern for a princess-seamed jacket and just adjusted it to have a solid back with a center seam and a singular center front piece. I went through and screenshotted just about every fully body or clear picture of Edwin to figure out the seams for this. I was debating about putting hooks and eyes down the back, since there’s clearly some sort of line there, but since the dress is loose enough to pull over my head I decided to just leave it with a center back seam. I also debated back princess seams, since they show up in some pictures but not others, but finally decided that they aren’t super clearly there.
Some of my reference pictures:
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The belt is made of two layers of heavily interfaced cotton (I know it’s a lighter color than the lining in pictures, but I didn’t want to bother getting another fabric and I think it looks good in the same light blue) with an interlining of also very heavily interfaced upholstery fabric. The pattern varies from picture to picture, so I just picked the most detailed one I could find (first of the two above pictures) and traced it on, then topstitched it, and went around the edges with a zigzag stitch for the edging. The center circle is a separate piece with hooks on both sides and the points of the belt have eyes, so they clasp together.
I already had the white shirt from my normal wardrobe, and I added the hair ribbon from my ribbon stash because a. I felt like it added a bit of extra pizzazz and b. there was no way my hair was staying in that half-ponytail with just pins and I did not want to risk a hair tie messing up the curls (my hair is actually straight, so I did not have high hopes for the foam rods I used, but I was pleasantly surprised with the volume I got. No bangs, but it’s pretty close).
I had made a bunch of hooded capes for some friends a while back, but never got around to making one of my own, so I figured this costume would be a great place to do so and made a little winter addition. I’m very happy with how the feather trim turned out. I wanted it to mirror the sleeves. I wish that the lining was a bit darker, but this was the felt that Joann’s had, and I had to work with what was available. I also added a sparky brooch I got at a flea market and just had in my costume bin for a little extra sparkle (it is a crow outfit, after all) and to hold it in place (maybe I should use a sparkly hair clip instead of the ribbon next time I wear this?)
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I’m partially considering making Edwin’s wedding dress(? Fantasy dress?) in addition to this, although it might be a while before I get around to it with all my other costume and sewing projects. And, of course, it depends on if I could find an appropriate trim.
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